.ut reference XVlll . Wages shall be determined with . any general rules, by agreement between . t In concerns of c ntinuous activity the trans­fer of the concern into other hands shall not Corporative organs shall ensure observance xxv. THE PROTECTION .... v Professional associations f employers . are llective . the parties to the contractsc te by aJI possi the le means . ! . required to prom . n of accidents and . f the laws on the preventi . end to the labour contract, and the f production put . and improvement increase and .... x an the discipline of work on the part of indiv­ OF THE WORKER IN ITALY rkers employed shall have the same rights . Organs representing w sts. . the reduction of c Data furnished by public admi11istrations, iduals belonging to the affiliated associations . illnessSimilarly,y'er. . under the new empl those who exercize a liberal profession art . on r , by the Central Institute f Statistics and by . provided it drker, . the part of the f civil servants . ciations . and should pro t . . es nw ass - XXVI. associations \vith nal . Iegally recognized professi a certain peri d, shall n t put an end . . exceed BEFORE AND AFTER THE ENACTMENT OF THE Provident measures are mote the interests of art, scie11ce and Ietters , f . duction and . ns of pr . nditi . the c . respect t a further expression military . A call tntract. . ur c . the Iab with a view to the improvement of production to andney-market . f the m . the situationwork, of the principle of collaboration, and theservice or to service in the National Militia ral aims of . f the m . and to the achievement LABOUR CHARTER yer and wor.shall both bear a . f work-empl . ns in the standard of life . the variati the ker .r dismissal . shall not be grounds f the syndical system. shall, after having been collated and elab 'fhf'.f their cost . share proportional State, ers - .x . . .x . rated by the Ministry of Corpo1·ations, supply x rgans and . through the medium of corporative ,vision . rmance vocational associations shall makc pr . r the perf . f discipline . nizing the interests of Breaches . r harm . the standard f rking of as far as possible, for the co-ordination and . f the various classes of acts which prejudice the normal w . State intervention in economic production the various categories and rker shall . f the w . n the part . the concern rding the gravity of tl1e AND ITS ORCANIZATION . n. be punished, acc . ducti . f pr arises only when private initiative is lacking one vith the other, and with the higher int- unity of the systems and institutions, for THE CORPORATE STATE v. or insufficient r when the political interests . , .provident measures . t . erests f . me.ansurt is the organ by . in The Labour Cr, . rk . m w . n fr . of the State are involved. This interve11tion oflence, by fine, suspensi XIV. . . may take the f rm of control, a sistance or by discharge XXVll. which the State intervenes to settle Iabour us cases, immediate . very seri .. rm . uld be paid in the f . Remuneration sh direct management. disputes, whether arising from the observancewithout compensation . The Fa ist State aims at ; ~:. f . the requirements . which best answers t se The Italian Nation is an organism having f contracts r other existing rules, or from . yer can imp . The cases where the empl . . I) the in1provement of accident insurance; rkers . yers and w . empl x. . .ur conditions . and means superior in power and the formulation of new laba life, nds,. r immediate dis-2) the improvement and extension of mat-1 . rk . m w . n fr . fines, suspensi piece-raten is by . remunerati . When and Judicial action cann t be invoked in collect­ r groups of . duration to the single individuals missal without compensation shall be specified. ernity assistance; payments are made at intervals f in re than . . rgan . ive Iabour disputes unless the corporative a fortnight, adequate weekly r fortnightly . .has first attempted conciliation individuals composing it. It is a moral, polit- 3) insurance against occupational diseases xx. .. v nomic unit which finds its integral . und tuberculosis as a step towards insurance ical and ec n taking up a new job, shall . , unt are payable A worker . n acc . sums ncerning . ln the case of individual disputes c in the Fascist State Legally recognized pr fessional associations . .realization . against all forms of disease ; rcement of collective . n and enf . the interpretati rdinary undergo a probationary period, in the c urse of . n of . Night work, with the excepti . legal equality between employers and ensure 5) the adoption of special f rms of endow ­ . reguJar night shifts. shall be paid plus a per - which both parties have a right to cancel the ns may . ciati . nal ass . ntracts, professi . ur c . lab workers, control the discipline of productionment insurance for young workers. ... . . centage ver and ab ve the \\·age settled for contract, payment being due for the time when employ their good offices to atte1npt concil­ and labour, and promote the improvement of both. day work. the worker was actually in service. XXVlll. Work w :a.ll its forms -intellectual, tech­ .n. iati versies devolves . ver such contr . n. urisdicti} on the ordinary Courts, assisted by assessors appointed by the professi nal assC>ciati. n con­ . . cerned . COLLECTIVE LABOUR CONTRACTS XI. -nal associations are required to re . Professi f collective labour contracts . gulate by means relations between categories of empl ers and .. · .rkers represented by them . w Collective labour contracts are stipulated between first grade associations under the -rgan . direction and control of the central ization, but substitution by the higher grade ns is allowed in specified . associati cases in the la\v and statutes. shal\, llective Iabour contracts . c All u11der pain of nullity, contain definite rules on such matters as disciplinary relations, pc1·iod of -the amount and payment of remubation,. pr .rk . n and hours of w . nerati ... x f the Syndicate, the conciliatory . The action ln such cases where w rk is paid by picce­ . rate, the rate must be such that an industrious f a normal working capacity, shall . ,workman unt over and . earn a minimum am . be able t above the basic wage . xv. rker !1as the right a . The w to weekly day of rest, falling on a Sunday. Collective labour contracts shall apply this unt the existing laws . taking into accprinciple, and the technical requirements of the co11cern; and within the limits of these requirements, lidays . shall provide that civil and religious h rding to local custom. Working . bserved acc . be hours, however, shaJl be scrupulously and zeal­ously kept by the worker. XVI . f uninterrupted service; workers . After a year employed in concerns f c us activity . ntinu. . an annual of . have the right t period rest \Vith pay. XVll . In concerns of continuous activity the worker ur. of la.b f cessation . is entitled, in the event thr ugh distharge with ut fault . . relations on XXI. The privileges and discipJine attaching to . t . ntract extend als . the collective Iabour c home workers. Special rules shall be issued by l and . rder to ensure the contr . the State in .rk. \vme . f h . hygiene EMPLOYMENT BUREAUX XXll. ne can ascertain and control the . The State aJ yment and unemployment . f empl . menon. phen of workers, which gives an indication of the of p1·oducti n and Iabour. . general conditions XXlll. Labour employment bureaux are founded on a mutual basis, subject to the control of the c mpulsory for em­ . corporative organs. It is -engage workers through these bu . yers t . pl ed them'.\\ reaux, freedom of choice being all n the of . among those registered lists the are . \\'hwith precedence to thosebureau, f the Fascist Party and of Fascist . members their seniority of . rding t . accSyndicates, enrolment. .v . xx The associations of workers are required to safeguard the interests of those whom they represent in administrative and legal suits aris­ing out of accident and social insurance. The collective labour contracts shall create, whenever this is technically possible, mutual Sickness Funds, with contributions from em­ployers and workers, to be administered by representatives of both bodies, under the su­pervision, of the corporative organs. XXIX. the right and duty of v cational as­ . lt is se whom they . th . ciations to give assistance t . s ;n-members . represent, whether members or n These associations shall exercize the funetion of assistance directly through their own organs, and may not entrust them to other bodies f a general . r purposes . r institutes, except f . -f single ca . nature transcending the interests .ducers . tegories of pr xxx. The education and instructi n, especially . -se they re . f th . ,the vocational instruction present, both members, and non-men1bers, is . ne. f the principal duties of the vocational -rganizing or execut . and manual -bothnice:1 re and only . ive -is a social duty. On this sc on this score, is it protected by the State. From the national standpoint the mass of production represents a single unit; it has a single object, namely the well-being f indiv­ . iduals and the development of national power. 111. There is complete freedom of professional or syndica\ organization. But syndicales legally recognized and subject to State control alone have the right of legal representation of the whole category of employers and workers for which they are constituted; they have the right the protect their interests in their relations with the State r with professional associations ; . they stipulate collective labour contracts bind­ ;ry . ing on all those belonging to the categ they levy their dues and exercize with regard -them the functions of public interest de . t volving on them. IV. us factors . between the vari Solidarity of production is definitely expressed by the Col ns which . are organizati ns Iink . rati. Corp up all the forces of producttion, and integrally represent their interests. ,f this integral representation . In virtue -f production are the int . since the interests erests of the nation, the Corp rations are . .gnized by \aw as State organs . rec As representing the unitary interests f pro­ . the Corporations may enforce bindingn,. ducti regulations for the discipline of \abour relations as well as for the coordination of production, by . whenever they are empowered to do s the affiliated associations . VIJ. rporate State c nsiders that private . . The C enterprise in the sphere of production is the most eflective and useful instrument in the .f the nation . interests rganizatiou . In view of the fact that private ,f productions is a function of national concern . the organizer of the enterprise is responsible -product . n given t . to the State for the directi Collaboration between the f f pro­ . rces . ion. duction gives rise to reciprocal rights and rgans and the de . f the corporative . eflorts -- duties. The worker, whether technican, em­ . ciations are required t . ns of workers are re-associations. These ass . ciati . nal ass . rtionate to his Vocati . p . n pr . con1pensati . his part, t nciliates the . which cntract, . ur C . cisions of the Labour Courts guarantee that lective Lab rator . r labourer, is an active collab . ployee . ng w . f selection am . years of service. Similar compensation is also quired to exercize a process in the economic enterprise, the management other . izati .: ving their . due to his family or heirs in the event of the the workers, with the object of impr f production, and lavoro) orga n and educational subordinating them to the higher interests of . of life, to the possibilities - f which rests with the employer who is res . ponsible for it. NOVISSIMA -ROMA