BULLETIN OF THE TEXAS MEMORIAL MUSEUM number 2 September, 1961 PART I The Friesenhahn Cave Glen L. Evans PART n The Saber-toothed Cat, Dinobastis serus Grayson E. Meade TEXAS MEMORIAL MUSEUM the museum of the university of texas • 24TH& TRINITY AUSTIN 5, TEXAS PART I The Friesenhahn Cave GLEN L. EVANS Table of Contents PAGE INTRODUCTION 7 7 LOCATION AND SETTING DESCRIPTION OF THE CAVE 7 MANNER IN WHICH FOSSILS ACCUMULATED 9 HISTORY OF DISCOVERY AND EXCAVATION 10 15 DESCRIPTION OF DEPOSITS DISCUSSION 17 NOTES ON THE OCCURRENCE OF FOSSILS 18 AGE OF CAVE DEPOSITS 21 LITERATURE CITED 22 List of Illustrations PLATE 7. View of trench wall showing the channel fill of . . 1. Photograph of cave entrance as seen from the Zone 4 and its relation to Zones 2 and 3 .16 surface 8 8. Partially excavated skeleton of the saber­ 2. Photograph of cave entrance looking upward toothed cat, Dinobastis, from Zone 2 deposits .16 from floor of main chamber. This opening is a vertical shaft or sinkhole formed in modern 9. Partially excavated skeleton of the peccary, Mylohyus, from Zone 2 deposits 20 timesby solutionandslumpingaction alonga fracture inflat-bedded limestones 8 10. TurtleshellandmammalribinplaceinZone 3 . 20 3. Photograph showing deposits of dripstone on thecavewallnear theoldfilledentrance.Such depositsformedat differenttimesinthe cave’s history, and constitute the cementing material FIGURE in much of the coarser alluvial fill. Two barking 1. Frontispiece: Interior view of main chamberfrogs are seen resting on the well-developed lookingnortheast towardtheoldfilled opening. tivoli cups in the central area of the photo-Drawing shows the floor fill as it appeared graph. Barking frogs are the most conspicuous . before excavations were commenced in 1949 6 element of the cave’s modern fauna, which also includes leopard frogs, toads, salamanders, 2. Interior view of main chamber looking north-small snakes, cave crickets, daddy longlegs, east toward the present cave entrance 12 and a few bats 8 .... 3. Floor plan of Friesenhahn Cave. The heavy .... 4. View of excavations in cave deposits 8 outline shows the area of the unfilled upperportion of the main chamber. Excavations 5. Excavating in east end of Trench 3. Note alluvial deposits extending beneath over-indicatethatthefilledlowerpartofthecham­ber covers a considerably larger area 13 .... hanging limestone wall 10 6. View of the south wall of Trench 1. Contacts 4. Cross section along south wall of Trench 1 between stratigraphic units are indicated by showing stratigraphic relation of the several inked lines 11 units of fill 14 TheFriesenhahn Cave GLEN L. EVANS1 Introduction The Friesenhahn Cave in northern Bexar County is one of the most important sites for late Pleistocene vertebrate fossils yet discov­ered in Texas. Excavations in the cave’s floor depositsyieldedanunusuallylarge andvaried collection of fossils, including skeletons, par­tial skeletons, and more than 3,700 isolated teeth and bones. More than 30 genera of mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and birds are represented in the collection. This fossil col­lection is especially interesting because it rep­resents an ecologic assemblage from a local environmentaccumulated in arelativelyshort interval of geologic time, and because it in­cludes important new material from previ­ously little-known species. One of the more interesting fossils recovered was a nearly com­plete skeleton of the great saber-toothed cat, Dinobastis, known previously from only a few teeth and bones. This skeleton of an extinct member of the cat family is the subject of the studyby Grayson E. Meade which appears as Part II of this report. Location and Setting The Friesenhahn Cave is located on the Al­fred Friesenhahn Ranch 21 miles north of San 1 2204 Sinclair Ave., Midland, Texas. Antonio, Texas. It is situated in rocky, gently-sloping terrain on a broad divide between tributary drainages of Cibolo Creek. Physio­graphically, the area is located in the south­eastern part of the Edwards Plateau, a largetableland province covering most of south-central Texas. The Plateau is underlain by a thick series of limestone beds in which greatnumbers of solution caverns have been devel­oped. Different kinds of native animals fre­quent some of these caves, especially those which are relatively shallow and which have easily accessible entrances. Many of the Plateau caves undoubtedly were similarly used by the animals of Pleistocene time, but thecombination offavorableconditions neces­sary for concentrating and preserving largequantities of animal bones apparently existed in very few of them. The Friesenhahn Cave is the only richly fossiliferous one among the many that have been explored within the general region. Description of the Cave The entrance to the Friesenhahn Cave is a vertical, well-like opening 6 to 10 feet in di­ ameter and 30 feet deep. This opening passesthrough roof limestones into an undergroundchamber about 60 feet long and 30 feet wide. Thechamberroof isformedbyflat-lyinglime- FIGURE 1Interior view of main chamber looking northeast toward the old filled opening.Drawing shows the floor fill as it appeared before excavations were commencedin 1949. PLATE 1 PLATE 2 Photograph of cave entrance as seen from the surface. Photograph of cave entrance looking upward from floor of main chamber. This opening is a vertical shaft or sinkhole formed in modern limes by solution and slumping action along a fracture in flat- bedded limestones. PLATE 3 Photograph showing deposits of dripstone on the cave wall near the old filled entrance. Such deposits formed at different times in the cave’s history, and constitute the cementing material in much of the coarser alluvial fill. Two barking frogs are seen resting on the well-developed tivoli cups in the central area of the photograph. Barkingfrogs are the most conspicuous element of the cave’s modern fauna,which also includes leopard frogs, toads, salamanders, small snakes, cave crickets, daddy longlegs, and a few bats. stone beds on which small stalactites and other forms of dripstone have developedaround fractures and minor solution openings.The bedrock floor and lower walls of the chamber are buried beneath alluvial fill of un­determined thickness, and the surface of this fill extends to within 2 to 6 feet of the roof. Several large stalagmites, one of which is more than 8 feet in diameter, are partly or whollyburiedinthefill.Thesestalagmitesformed be­fore alluvial filling took place. They could have grown directly from the cave’s bedrock floor, or possibly from a base on fallen lime­stone blocks. From the northwest end of the main cham­ber a constricted opening, or grotto, extends upward at an inclination of 20 to 30 degrees.This grotto is the unfilled part of an ancient opening to the surface, the upper extension of which was completely filled and sealed off byaccumulated rock debris and dripstone. The alluvial fill was washed into the cave throughthis old entrance while it was open to the sur­face in late Pleistocene time. Coarser rock debris was deposited within and immediatelyin front of the entrance, while finer-grainedsilt and clay was deposited in the central and southeast parts of the chamber. There are several features in the floor de­posits which clearly indicate that the cave is a part of a connected cavern system. A sinkhole about 15feetindiameterhasdevelopedinthe floor deposits immediately beneath the pres­ent vertical entrance. The sunken mass of ma­terial must have been displaced into a deeper cavern. Surface water, which occasionallyflows through the entrance and falls into the sinkhole, drains freely through the debris into underground passages. An open fracture 8 to 10 feet deep, as well as minor faults and sagfeatures in the bedded clays, also shows that the fill has subsided since the time of deposi­ tion. A filled channel cut into older deposits crosses the cave and passes beneath the ex­posed part of the cave’s southeast wall. Clear­ly the ephemeral stream which cut and filled this channelflowedintoaconnectingchamber through an entrance now buried by the cave deposits. Manner in Which Fossils Accumulated During arelativelyshortperiodinlatePleis­tocene time the Friesenhahn Cave was al­most ideally designed for accumulating and preserving the bones of animals then living in its vicinity. The development of the large, in­clined opening to the surface made the cave’s main chamber easily accessible to many kinds of animals which habitually utilize such natu­ral shelters. A pond of fresh water stood in the lower part of the main chamber during much ofthe timethatthesurfaceentranceremained open. This convenient watering place un­doubtedly attracted many animals into the cave, especially during dry seasons when sur­face water was scarce or absent in the sur­rounding area. Occasionally animals died within the cave. Others were dragged inside as the prey of carnivores which at times used the cave as a den. During periods of heavy rainfall surface waters washed in soil and rock debris, thus burying and preserving the accumulated bones. This process was repeated many times, so that eventually the main chamber was al­most filled by a stratified succession of fossili­ferous deposits. If such deposition had been lacking the accumulated bones would have decomposed from long exposure to the atmos­phere. If, on the other hand, deposition had been very rapid, the main chamber would have been obliterated by filling before manyfossils could have accumulated. PLATE 5 Excavating In east end of Trench 3. Note alluvial deposits extending beneath overhanging limestone wall. The cave entrance gradually became choked by collapsed limestone blocks and coarser rock debris that washed in from the surface. Eventually the upper portion was filled completely. Seeping ground water then deposited dripstone in the voids between the rock fragments and cemented the debris into a solid resistant mass. Thus, the cave was com­pletely sealed, and the bones of Pleistocene animals buried in its floor sediments lay en­tombed and undisturbed for thousands of years. A final fortuitous event in the cave’s historytook place in modern times. A sinkhole was formed by collapse of surface rock layers into a solution-cavity that extended upward from the cave roof. This sinkhole entrance made possibletheexplorationofthecaveandthe re­covery of fossil bones contained within its sediments. If the sinkhole had not formed the cave could not have been discovered, as all surface indications of the older filled openinghad been completely obliterated by weather­ing. History of Discovery and Excavation It is not known who first discovered the Friesenhahn Cave and the fact that it con­tained vertebrate fossils. The first published reference appeared in The Geology and Min­eral Resource of Bexar County, by E. H. Sel­lards (Sellards, 1919; 73-74). In this brief ac­count Sellards reported that local residents had entered the cave and collected bones of elephants and other Pleistocene animals. These fossils were submitted to O. P. Hay fon identification. Hay (1920) subsequently pub­lished a list of 18 species which he had identi­fied from the “Bulverde Cave” and which he considered to be of middle Pleistocene age.Hay chose this name from the village of Bul­verde located on Cibolo Creek several miles north of the cave. There are, however, many caves in the vicinity of Bulverde, and none is known by this name to the local residents. For this reason it seems more appropriate to name the cave for the owner of the ranch on which it is located, and the name, Friesenhahn Cave, has been adopted. PLATE 6 View of the south wall of Trench 1. Contacts between stratigraphicunits are indicated by inked lines. The references published by Sellards and Hay indicated that the cave was probably an important fossil locality, but for many yearspermission to explore the cave could not be obtained. In the summer of 1949, Mr. Alfred Friesenhahn invited a party from the Texas Memorial Museum to excavate the cave de­posits and collect whatever fossils were found. Immediately thereafter a field camp was es­tablished at the site in preparation for the long-delayed exploration. Excavations were carried on during the summers of 1949 and 1951. The field party consisted of Glen L. Evans, Grayson E. Meade, Charles E. Mear, JohnWhite,Carl Moore,and KennethRochat. Dr. E. H. Sellards, then Director of the Texas Memorial Museum, was in general charge of the project. Preliminary examination of the cave re­vealed no evidence of previous excavations in FIGURE 2 Interior view of main chamber looking northeast toward the present cave entrance. the floor deposits. Apparently the fossils re­ported by Sellards in 1919 represented a ran­dom collection of specimens from the fill sur­face, principally in the partially lighted area near the entrance, for in the darker parts of the cave numerous bones of elephant and saber-toothed cat were found lying undis­turbed at the surface and covered by only a thin increment of dust. Exploratory tests demonstrated that all cave deposits were richly fossiliferous. Time and fa­cilities were not available, however, for com­plete excavation of the fossil-bearing sedi­ments. This would have been a major under­taking requiring, among other things, the in­stallation of hoisting equipment for removinglarge volumes of excavated earth from the cave. Although only a relatively small part of the total deposits could be excavated, it is be­lieved that the resulting fossil collection is a satisfactory representation of the cave fauna. Fossil bones are abundantly distributed through the large mass of coarse rock debris in and near the old entrance, but secondarycementation of these deposits made collect­ing the fossils a slow and tedious process. Con­sequently, excavations were confined for the most part to trenches dug in the unconsoli­dated deposits where the fossils could be col­lected withrelatively little difficulty. The sev­eral trenches are shown on the floor plan seen in Figure 3. One of these trenches reached a depth of more than 10feet without penetrat­ingthefullthicknessofthefossil-bearing sedi­ FIGURE 3 Floor plan of Friesenhahn Cave. The heavy outline shows the area of the un­filled upper portion of the main chamber. Excavations indicate that the filled lowerpartofthechambercoversa considerablylargerarea. FIGURE4 the of relation stratigraphic showing 1 Trench of wall south along section Cross fill. of units several ments. The deposits exposedby trenchingcon­sist of four distinct zones or units. The rela­tionship and general lithologic character of these zones are shown in the cross-section seen inFigure 4, Description of Deposits Following is a description of the four zones inorderfrom oldest toyoungest: 1. Zone 1 was encountered only in the deepest parts of the trenches and was penetrated to a maximum depth of 2 feet. It consists of a jumbled mixture of fallen limestone blocks, gravels heavily stained by iron oxides, and deep red clay partially cemented by calcar­eous dripstone. The unit is separated from the overlying clays by a highly irregular discon­formity. A layer of ocherous material one-eighth to one-half inch thick is usually present on this contact. The only vertebrate material recovered from Zone 1 consisted of a few bones of small mammals and some fragmentsof turtle shell. 2. Zone 2 is best developed in the more deeplyfilled parts of the chamber where it attains a thickness of at least 4 feet. It consists of slate gray, laminated, and banded clay which obvi­ously was deposited in ponded water. Carbo­naceous remains of soft vegetable matter are abundant in bedding planes between clay lay­ers. Numerous very thin partings of limestone grit are characteristic of this zone. The per­centage of grit decreases toward the southeast side. To the northwest the entire zone appears to grade into the mass of coarser rock debris. The zone is separated from the overlying unit by a wavy contact that appears to be a minor disconformity. Important vertebrate fossils, including articulated skeletons of an adult and an infant saber-toothed cat, Dinobastus serus and a skeleton of the peccary, Mylohyus nasu­ tus, were recovered from the upper part of this zone. 3. Zone 3 is well developed in the central and southeast parts of the chamber except where it has been cut out by a channel in which the overlying unit is resting. It has an averagethickness of about 3 feet. It consists of banded, conchoidally-fracturing, gritty clay with inter-bedded thin layers of small limestone and flint gravels. The color grades from bluish-gray in the central part of the cave to mottled reddish-brown near the walls. A characteristic of this zone is the presence of several dark bands rich in carbonaceous matter extendingthrough its entire thickness. The clay sedi­ments of this zone were also deposited in ponded water which covered most of the chamber floor. All of the larger vertebrate species found in the cave deposits occur in Zone 3, and are particularly abundant in its lower part. Although it is the most richly fos­siliferous of the several units, the bones gene­rally were not so well preserved and a smaller percentage were found articulated than in the underlying Zone. 4. Zone 4 deposits are from 3to 10feet thick, and are restricted to a distinct channel cut into the older cave deposits. The channel was formed by water flowing into the cave, probablythrough the fissure in which the present en­trance has developed. The channel deepensrapidly toward the southeast, and continues beneath the exposed part of the bedrock wall. Undoubtedly, the channel and its Zone 4 de­posits extend into a now buried connecting cavern. The channel fill consists of a hetero­geneous mixture of rock and clay, much of which was obviously derived from erosion of older cave deposits. Fragmentary and disar­ticulated fossil bones, many of which were also obviously derived from the older cave de­posits, are common in the fill. Bones of the smaller vertebrates, especially rodents, are ex­tremely abundant, and many of these appear to be in primary position. PLATE 7 View of trench wall showing the channel fill of Zone 4 and its relation to Zones2and 3. PLATE 8 Partially excavated skeleton of the saber-toothed cat, Dinobastis, from Zone 2 deposits. Discussion The cave deposits and fossils provide a basis for interpreting local conditions prevail­ing at different stages of the cave’s history,and suggest some relations of these conditions to more widespread phenomena. The cave was formed by solution in the limestone coun­try rock of the Edwards Plateau. Solution de­velopmentprobablybeganin theTertiary and continued intoPleistocene time. Stream valleydissection of the plateau in the Pleistocene lowered the water table and brought an end to solution action at the level where the cave had developed. After the water had drained out, the cave began to fill with dripstone for­mations and with blocks of limestone which fell from its roof and walls. How much of the original open space was filled by these depos­its could not be determined from the limited excavations. The large size attained by some ofthe stalagmitesindicates,however,thatthis stage of self-filling lasted for a relatively longtime. The next, and the most interesting, stagein the cave’s history began when a large open­ing developed to the surface in late Pleis­tocene time. Once this opening developed,filling was greatly accelerated as soil and rock debris was washed into the cave by intermit­tent flooding from surface run-off. The oldest surface materials recognized in the cave de­posits occur in Zone 1 where they are inter­mixed with fallen rocks and dripstone and rest directly on deposits of the older self-fillingstage. The fact that only small vertebrates were found in Zone 1 suggests that the surface materials were introduced during the earlydevelopment of the opening, before it had at­tained sufficient size to admit larger animals into the cave. The pronounced disconformity at the con­tact between Zone 1 and its overlying sedi­ ments is believed to represent a significant gap in the sequence of deposits. A large partof the original Zone 1 deposit obviously was stripped off by running water and redeposited in a lower, unfilled part of the cavern system.Such erosion could have taken place only at times when deeper, connecting parts of the cavern had been partly emptied of water, caused by a lowering of the water table. The lowered base level led inflowing surface water towashswiftlythroughthe caveand erodethe deposits previously accumulated on its floor. A subsequentrise ofthe watertablepreventedfurther drainage into deeper passages. This ended the erosion of Zone 1 and initiated a new stage of deposition. The fine-grained and thinly bedded sedi­ments which comprise most of Zones 2 and 3 are obviously pond deposits. Throughout the timerepresentedbythesetwo zonesthewater table stood at a high level, inundating the deeper connecting chambers and, at times, the lower part of the cave floor. Surface water flowing into the cave could not escape throughthe saturated openings and it accumulated in a pond where the fine-grained sediments were deposited. Numerous partings of limestone grit and very minor disconformities between the thin beds of silt and clay indicate that the pond dried up and reappeared many times during the deposition of the two zones. This intermittent ponding condition was probablycaused byminorfluctuations inthe watertable level and by seasonal variations in the inflow of surface water. The lithologic differences in Zones 2 and 3 apparently reflect somewhat different deposi­tional conditions within the cave. There is no indication, however, that these units were separated by any considerable hiatus. Rather,theyappeartorepresent acontinuingprocessof filling during a single climatic substage. Articulated and well-preserved skeletons found in Zone 2 and in the lower part of Zone 3 suggest a fairly rapid rate of deposition for at least a part of these sediments. Had the skeletons been exposed for a considerable time before burial they almost surely would have been scattered about by scavenger animals. The uppermost part of Zone 3 apparently ac­cumulated at a relatively slow rate. Many of the fossil bones from this zone show advanced decomposition and very slight mineralization, indicating that they were exposed to the at­mosphere for a long time before they were ul­timately buried in sediments. Indeed, some fossil teeth and the harder, less perishablebones that werenever completelyburied were found partly exposed at the surface of Zone 3 when excavations were commenced in 1949. Theretardedrate ofdepositioninupperZone 3 time is believed to have been caused by the gradual filling of the old surface openingwhich reduced, and eventually completelyshut out, inflow of sediment-bearing surface water. For some time thereafter there appears to have been no deposition within the cave. But eventually surface drainage again found its way into the cave through a new opening near the present surface entrance. The water was not impounded on the cave floor, as had been the case during the preceding stage of deposition. Instead, it flowed through the cave, eroding a pronounced channel into the older ponded deposits. The channel crosses the cave on a rapidly steepening gradient and passes beneath the exposed cave wall into a lower part of the cavern system. Evidentlysubsidence of the water table after depositionof Zone 3, had reopened the lower cavern enough to receive the inflow from the chan­nel. In time the opening into the deeper cav­ern was completely filled by Zone 4 channel deposits. At the present time surface water flows into the cave only in occasional periods of unusu­ally heavy rainfall. As no watercourse leads to the cave’s entrance, the inflow is derived ex­clusively from sheet wash across the gentlesurface slope. Modem deposits are accumu­lating at a very slow rate and are retained within the sinkhole in the cave floor which lies immediately beneath the present entrance. Surface drainage passes freely through the sinkhole debris into deeper openings, so the remaining area of the cave floor is no longersubject to erosion or deposition. This condi­tion has obtained since the sinkhole first de­veloped some time after the Zone 4 channel filling had been completed. NotesonOccurrenceoftheFossils 1 Among the larger herbivorous mammals represented in the fauna which would not have been expected to enter the cave of their own accord are elephant, mastodon, camel, horse, Bison, tapir, and deer. Quite probablycarnivores draggedmany oftheseanimals into the cave as prey, and were thus a major factor in the accumulation of the fauna. The carni­vores found in association with the herbivo­rous animals include saber-toothed cats, (Dinobastis and Smilodon sp., only a canine toothofthelatterbeingrecovered), bear, dire wolf, and coyote. Bones of Dinobastis and coy­ote are especially abundant, indicating that these animals occasionally or regularly used the cave as a den. One of the most interesting features of the fossil accumulation is the very large number of immature elephant bones found (Elephassp.) as compared to relatively few bones of 1See the Appendix of Lundelius (1960) for a list of the published studies of elements in the Friesen­hahn fauna, and for a preliminary check list of the cave’s fauna. adult elephants. A comparison of the teeth collected illustrates this disparity. Exclusive of those teeth still in place in jaws and maxil­laries, 441 isolated teeth of young individuals were collected, as compared to only 14 com­plete and fragmentary teeth of adult ele­phants. A similar ratio between young and adult specimens was also observed in other skeletal parts recovered in the excavations. Most of the immature bones, however, were sobadly decomposedthattheywerenotworth preserving. The fossils recovered, and those probably remaining in the unexcavated partsof Zones 2 and 3, represent possibly several hundredyoungelephants whoseremains were accumulated in the Friesenhahn Cave. Such an exceptional concentration of youngelephants cannot be explained as a random accumulation. The condition of the bones, and the fact that they were associated with nu­merous bones of Dinobastis, points clearly to a much more plausible explanation. All of the elephant bones were disarticulated and badlyscattered, and some of them contain pits or sheared surfaces which appear to have been made by the sharp teeth of a large carnivore. Among the carnivores represented in the fauna only the saber-toothed cats were largeenough to kill the young elephants and dragthem into the cave. It seems evident that young elephants were the preferred and prin­cipal diet of the great cat, Dinobastis. The American mastodon (Mammut ameri­canum) is also present in the cave deposits but is not nearlyso abundant as the elephant. Like the elephant, the mastodon is represented al­most entirely by young individuals. It is worth noting that all of the large herbivores in the fauna, except the elephant and mastodon, are represented principally by bones of adult in­dividuals. Although the cave fauna contains most of the familiar late Pleistocene mammals of the general region, the edentates (glyptodonts,ground sloths, and armadillos), commonly present in late Pleistocene deposits of the CoastalPlain andinriverdepositsthroughoutCentral Texas, are virtually absent from the collection. Only the fragmentary remains of a sloth were found. A possible explanation for this absence is that the edentates preferred to remain near the water courses and rarely in­vadedtherocky, uplandenvironment inwhich the cave is located. The Friesenhahn fauna contains a large number and variety of fossil rodents. At least nine genera have been identified, and part of these have been studied statistically (Kenner­ly, 1956). Rodent bones occur in all units of the fill but are especially abundant in Zones 3and 4.ThosefoundinZone4areinpartin­digenous to the unit, and in part reworked from the older deposits. Some of the rodents cave represented probably entered the in search of food or shelter. Others were prob­ablycarried inasthepreyofcarnivores. Manyskeletons of the smaller species found in place in Zone 4 were in very compact, rounded masses, suggesting that they were introduced into the cave as owl pellets. Turtle bones occur in all levels of the cave fillbut arebyfar the mostcommon inZone 3. Thecollectionmadein1949and 1951includes two genera of turtles represented by 354 com­plete and fragmentary shells (Milstead, 1956). About 90 per cent of these were found in Zone 3. Almost all the carapaces were sepa­ were rated from the plastrons. The shells heavily concentrated on the minor discon­formities which separate some of the beds of ponded clay. The turtles may have used the cave as a hibernation site, or possibly they were attracted by the intermittent pond in which the sediments were being deposited. PLATE 9 Partially excavated skeleton of the peccary, Mylohyus, from Zone 2 deposits. PLATE 10 Turtle shell and mammal rib in place in Zone 3. The concentration of shells on minor discon­formities suggests an increased mortality rate among the turtles at times when the ponddried up and remained dry for a considerable period, Because of the special interest which at­taches to the problem of Paleo-American man, it should be noted that several objects found in the excavations suggest the possibility that he either entered the cave occasionally or lived in the immediate vicinity of its entrance. A few pieces of flaked flint recovered from Zones 2 and 3 closely resemble the flint scrap­ ers which are known to have been fashioned by man. Flint nodules and fragments weath­ered from local limestone beds are common both in the cave fill and on the surface of the surrounding area. Many of these fragmentshave been flaked to some degree in the course of erosion and transport. It is not possible to determine with certainty whether the scraper-like objects found in the cave deposits were formed by such natural processes or whether they were madeby man. One valve of a large fresh-water clam shell wasfoundimbedded inthelowerpartofZone 4. The nearest stream where such clams could have been expected to live during the time of Zone 4 deposition is several miles from the cave. Consequently, there is no apparent ex­planation for the presence of this shell unless it was carried into the area by man. If either the shell or the scraper-like flints are related to human activity, they could have been car­ried into the cave by man or they could have washed in from a nearby surface camp site. Several pieces of polished bone rangingfrom about one inch to four inches in length,the ends and edges of which appear to have been cut by a sharp implement, were found in the cave deposits and are considered by some as possible bone artifacts. A more prob­ able explanation, however, is that these bones were cut by the shearing teeth of a large car­nivore, probably Dinobastis, while devouring itsprey, andwere polishedby passing throughthe animal’s digestive tract. Until more con­clusive evidence has been found, the presenceof Pleistocene man in the Friesenhahn Cave must be considered apossibility, not an estab­lished fact. Age of Cave Deposits The age of the fossiliferous cave deposits can be interpreted on the basis of faunal evi­dence and geological features indicating their relationship to climatic conditions of the times. There appears to be no sound basis for assigning any part of the fossil-bearing sedi­ments to the middle Pleistocene, as was sug­gested by Hay (1920). Zones 2 and 3 composethe main body of the cave deposits and are by far the most fossiliferous of any tested in the excavations. The occurrence of such typicallylate Pleistocene genera as Bison, Mammut, and Elephas clearly indicates that these zones originated in the Wisconsin stage of late Pleis­tocene time. The indicated high stand of the water table during the deposition of these ponded deposits could have existed only dur­ing a relatively humid climatic interval. The abundant fossil bones of large herbivorous mammals from these units also attest to a relatively humid climate, as sustained moist conditions would have been necessary to produce enough vegetal food to support such a fauna. Zone 1 contains fossils which are less defini­tive in age. This unit, however, is a part of the related sequence of cave deposits and prob­ably originated in an earlier moist substage of the Wisconsin. The disconformity separating itfromtheoverlyingZones 2and3apparentlyreflects an intervening dryer substage with attendantloweringofthe watertable. Zone 4 yielded fossils consisting in part of vertebrates reworked from the older cave de­posits, and in part of smaller forms found in primary position. The indigenous fauna un­fortunately does not include species which can be used for conclusive age determina­tions. The channel and its Zone 4 deposits must have originated during a somewhat dryer interval than the preceding period when the ponded sediments of Zones 2 and 3 were accumulated. On the other hand, the nature of the channel deposits indicates a consider­able volume of inflow which suggests some­what moister climatic conditions than obtain at the present time. There seems to be no re­liable means of telling at present whether Zone 4 was deposited during a late substageof the Wisconsin, or whether it is all or in partof post-Pleistocene age. LITERATURE CITED Hay, O. P., 1920. “Descriptions of Some Pleistocene Vertebrates Found in the United States.” No. 2328. U.S. Nat. Mus., Vol. 58; 83-146. Kennerly, T. E., Jr., 1956. “Comparisons Between Fossil and Recent Species of the Genus Peromyscus.” Tex. J. Sci., Vol. 8: 74-86. Lundelius, E. L., 1960. “Mylohyus nasutus, Long-nosed Peccary of the TexasPleistocene.”Bull. Tex.Mem. Mus.,No. 1,40pp. Milstead, W. W., 1956. “Fossil Turtles of the Friesenhahn Cave, Texas, with the Description of a New Species of Testudo.” Copeia, Vol. 3: 162-171. Sellards, E. H., 1919 (1920). “The Geology and Mineral Resources of Bexar County.” Univ. Tex. Bull., 1932. ? J PART II The Saber-toothed Cat Dinobastis serus GRAYSON E. MEADE Table of Contents PAGE INTRODUCTION AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 27 DESCRIPTION OF Dinobastis serus 27 THE PHYLOGENETIC RELATIONSHIPS OF Dinobastis serus COPE 47 LITERATURE CITED 50 . TABLE1.MEASUREMENTSOFDinobastisWITHCOMPARISONSTOSMILODON 51 List of Illustrations FIGURE 5. A. Dorsal view of Ist, 2nd, and 3rd lumbar vertebrae and sacrum; 4th 1. Lateral view of skull (TMM 933-3582) 26 through 7th are restorations. B. Lateral view of caudal vertebrae PLATE C. Lateral view of pelvis 38 1. A. Ventral view of skull (TMM 933­3582) 6. A. Ventral view of sternum B. Dorsal view of skull (TMM 933-B. Left scapula, lateral view3582) C. Outerviewofrighthumerus C. Lateral view of mandible (TMM933-1) 28 D. Posterior viewofright humerus . . 40 2. A. Lateral view of skull 7. A. Inner view of right ulna B. Lateral view of mandible B. Radial view of right ulna .... C. Dorsal view of mandible 30 C. Outer view of right radius 3. A. Dorsal view of atlas, axis, 3rd, 4th, D. Ulnar view of right radius sth cervical vertebrae; 6th and 7th E. Dorsal view of left manus 42 are restorations. ... B. Lateral view of atlas, axis, 3rd, 4th, 8. A. Posterior view of right femursth cervical vertebrae; 6th and 7th are restorations. B. Anterior view of right femur C. Lateral view of thoracic vertebrae; C. Anterior view of right tibia righttoleft,Istthrough10th;3rd D.Posteriorviewofrighttibia 44 and 4th are restorations 32 .... 4. A. Dorsal view of thoracic vertebrae; 9. A. Anterior view of right fibula right to left, Ist through 10th; 3rd B. Posterior view of right fibula and 4th are restorations. C. Tibial view of left astragalus B. Lateral view, right to left, of 11th, D. Anterior view of right patella 12th, and 13th thoracic vertebrae E. Posterior view of right patella C. Lateral view of lumbar vertebrae,right to left, Ist, 2nd, and 3rd 34 F. Dorsal view of right pes 46 ... .... The Saber-toothed Cat, Dinobastis serus BY GRAYSON E. MEADE 1 Introduction and Acknowledgments One of the most interesting and importantof the Pleistocene vertebrate fossils recovered from the Friesenhahn Cave was a nearly com­plete skeleton of a large, adult saber-toothed cat. This skeleton has been identified as be­longing to the genus and species Dinobastis serus Cope, previously known by only a few teeth, fragments of limb bones, and a partialcranium. In addition to the adult skeleton,the cave also yielded a remarkable collection of other Dinobastis material, including a par­tial skeleton of an immature individual, a nearly complete infant skeleton, a fine adult skull, and many isolated skeletal parts. These fossils, which are for the most part in a verygood state of preservation, have greatly in­creased our knowledge of one of the least known of the North American Pleistocene saber-toothed cats. In the preceding section of this report,Evans pointed out that a great number of im­mature elephants are represented in the Fries­enhahn Cave fauna, and he concluded that theywerekilled and draggedintothe cavebyDinobastis. This conclusion is not surprising,for the remarkable specialization of the Pleistocene saber-toothed cats appears tohave adaptedthemideallyforpreying onelephants.In Dinobastisthe specialized saber-teeth , were well adapted for biting and tearing the flesh and thick skin of the elephants, and the long and powerfully muscled forequartersprovided the great striking and grasping 1403Summit St., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. strength necessary to consummate the attack. The writer wishes to express his apprecia­tion to Dr. W. W. Newcomb, Jr., Director of the Texas Memorial Museum, for valuable as­sistance in the preparation of the manuscript; to Mr. Hal M. Story, Artist of the Texas Me­morial Museum, for the excellent drawingsand for most of the photographs used in illus­tratingthispaper; toMr. GlenL.Evansforhis many valuable suggestions and critical read­ing of the manuscript; and to Mr. Alfred Frie­senhahn for permission to excavate the cave and for the many courtesies he and his family extended those of us who participated in the excavation. The late Dr. E. H. Sellards, former Director of the Texas Memorial Museum,kindly shipped the Dinobastis materialto Cal­gary, Alberta, Canada, in order that I mightstudy it. Description of Dinobastis serus SKULL Two skulls of Dinobastis were found in the Friesenhahn Cave. One (TMM 933-3231) 2 is a partial skull of an adult individual found embedded in dripstone within a few inches of the cervical vertebrae of the articulated skele­ton of Dinobastis and almost surely belongs to the same individual. The other skull (TMM933-3582), also of an adult individual, is smaller (See Figure 1). The size differences 2Abbreviation used is: TMM—Texas Memorial Museum. PLATE 1 A. Ventral view of skull (TMM 933-3582) B. Dorsal view of skull (TMM 933-3582) C. Lateralviewofmandible(TMM933-1) between these two skulls, however, are no greater than the variations in skull size within the genus Smilodon 3 If a larger number of skulls of Dinobastis were available for com­parison one would expect to find that the skulls of Dinobastis and Smilodon would fall within asimilarrangeofsizevariation. The skull belonging to the skeleton is too poorly preserved and incomplete for detailed description. The smaller skull is essentiallycomplete, but imperfect preservation prevents accurate and detailed description of most of the individual elements of the skull as well as the foramina. The general configuration of the skull closely resembles that of Smilodon. The char­acterofmanyofthe individual elementsofthe skull is partially obscured by the condition of preservation, but so far as can be determined most elements are quite similar to the cor­responding parts of Smilodon. The profile of the superior outline of the skull is gently convex as in Smilodon, and the sagittal crest is strongly developed with the middle portion slightly elevated above the frontal region. The combined width of the anterior ends of the nasals approximates the width of the anterior nasal openings as in Smilodon. Posteriorly, the nasals are nearlythe same width as at the anterior extremityand presumably end with an abrupt trans­verse truncation. The nasal opening is nearly as wide at the base as at the greatest width, which is reached at about the middle heightof the opening, and in cross-section resembles the nasal opening of Smilodon. In Panthera atrox the nasal opening is heart-shaped in cross-section. The parietal elements are rec­tangularinform asarethoseofSmilodon.The 3All comparisons of Dinobastis serus to Smilodon californicus and Panthera atrox are made from Mer­riam and Stock (1932). lamboidal crest also resembles that of Smilo­don in being very prominent, but the crest projects posteriorly more than in either Smilo­don or P. atrox. The occiput as seen in posterior view is un­like either Smilodon or P. atrox. It is high, but it is not broadly rounded at the top as is the occiput of Smilodon. The occiput is much higher than in P. atrox, but resembles this genus in being triangular. The occiput is not so broad at the base, however, as is that of P. atrox. The occipital crest is prominent and deep depressions occur between the occipital crest and the great posterior extension of the lamboidal crest. There is a greater overhangof the occipital region in Dinobastis than in Smilodon. In the basioccipital region a well developed median ridge extends from a pointbetween the condylar foramina almost to the anterior end of the basioccipital as in Smilo­don. The auditory bullae probably varygreatly in size in different individuals as in Smilodon. In one specimen (TMM 933-3582),the auditory bullae are well developedand are larger than the mastoid process. The mastoid process extends downward as far as or farther than the postglenoid process. The premaxilla,in the region between the maxilla and nasals, is a heavier bone than that in either Smilodon or P. atrox. In the palatine region deep pits are present on the palate adjacent to and oppositethe superior carnassial. The length of the zy­gomatic arch is intermediate between that of Smilodon and P. atrox. The infraorbital fora­mina are the only foramina sufficiently pre­served for description. They are large, oval in outline, and situated above the superiorcarnassial. MANDIBLE The size and proportions of the lower jawsof Dinobastis are similar to those of Smilodon PLATE 2 A. Lateral view of skull. B. Lateral view of mandible. C. Dorsal view of mandible. with strongly developed symphyseal contact, low, rounded coronoid, and a deeply devel­oped masseteric fossa. The lateral flanges are well developed and project below the sym­physeal contact. The coronoid process is low and rounded, totally unlike that of P. atrox and perhaps even more rounded on its uppersurface than that of Smilodon. The masseteric fossa is much more prominently developedthan in either Smilodon or P. atrox. The angle, as in Smilodon, is nearer the condyle than in the true felines, and it is also situated nearer the external end of the condyle. The posterioredge of the coronoid may not extend quite as far posteriorly as in Smilodon; in P. atrox the coronoid overhangs the condyle. The articu­lating surface of the condyle is widest at the inner end and narrows toward the outer end of the condyle. Dentition. Dental Formula: 3/3, 1/1, 2/2,1/1. Superior Dentition. The second and third superior incisors are proportionately largerteeththaninSmilodonorP.atrox.12/is char­acterized by a prominent basal cusp on the posterolateral edge. A similar cusp is present on the left 13/, but is absent on the right.13/ is much larger than 12/ and is about equal in size tothe inferiorcanine.It is charac­terized by a serrated edge on the lower half of the anterior edge and by a finely serrated edgealongtheposterior edgeofthetooth. The superior canine is neither as long nor as large as that of Smilodon. When the jaw is closed in articulation with the skull, the su­perior canines extend approximately to the in­ferior side of the jaw. The anterior and pos­terior edges of the tooth are serrated. As in Smilodon the anterior serrated edge at the upper end is noticeably nearer the inner or mediansideofthetooth. Theposteriorcuttingedge maintains essentially a median position on the tooth. P 3/ is a much smaller tooth than in Smilo­don. It consists of a single backwardly direct­ed cusp with a small tubercle at the posteriorbasal portion of the tooth. P 4/ is a specialized cutting tooth with a nearly straight shearing edge along the inner side. The protocone is absent, and so is the antero-internal root, which is present inSmilo­don. P 4/ consists of the parastyle, paracone,and metacone. The parastyle is well-devel­oped, but does not have a prostyle as is com­monly found in Smilodon. The paracone and metacone are similar to those of Smilodon. The metacone is longer anteroposteriorly than that of Smilodon,althoughthe anteroposteriorlength of the tooth is not as great as that of Smilodon. M 1/isrepresentedby asmallalveolus sit­uated at the posterointernal corner of the su­perior carnassial. Inferior Dentition. The inferior canine is a slightly longer tooth than that of Smilodon. The anterior and posterior sides of the tooth are straighter and not so recurved as in either Smilodon or P. atrox. Along the posterior side is a narrow serrated ridge. A similar ridge ex­ists on the inner anterior margin of the tooth,which is weakly developed toward the apexof the tooth and becomes more prominent to­ward the base. No median lateral ridge is pres­ent as in Smilodon. 1/3 is similar to that of Smilodon, but the lateral ridges are less prominent and the basal cusp is lacking.P/4 is smaller but has a backward tilt, simi­ lar to the corresponding tooth in Smilodon. It consists of three cusps, of which the middle is the largest; the anterior and posterior cusps are about equal in size. The inferior carnassial, M/l, consists of the paraconid and protoconid blades, each about PLATE 3 A. Dorsal view of atlas, axis, 3rd, 4th, sth cervical vertebrae; 6th and 7th are restorations. B. Lateral view of atlas, axis, 3rd, 4th, sth cervical vertebrae; 6th and 7th are restorations. C. Lateral view of thoracic vertebrae; right to left, Ist through 10th; 3rd and 4th are restorations. equal in size. In Smilodon the protoconidblade is considerably longer anteroposteriorlythan the paraconid blade. Atlas. TheatlasofDinobastis is comparable in size and general shape to the atlas of the average Smilodon. As in Smilodon the trans­ verse processes are greatly extended poste­riorly soas toreachwellbehindthearticulat­ing surfaces for the axis and are pointed at their backward extremities. The processes dif­fer from Smilodon, however, in that they have a pronounced inward curve of the postero­exterior margin, and the posterior end is more pointed. The inner surface of the transverse process is perhaps even wider dorsoventrallythan in Smilodon, and also extends directlybackward and outward from the outer end of the articulation for the axis. The articulating surfaces for the axis, and the anterior articulation for the condyles, are not perfectly preserved, but appear to resem­ble those of Smilodon more closely than theydo P. atrox. The median tuberosity on the dorsal surface of the neural arch is more promi­nent that that of Smilodon, similar to P. atrox. The neural arch is proportionately long in an­teroposterior diameter, and the forward mar­gin is not indented. The groove between the posterointernal border of the transverse proc­ess and the ventral border of the facet for the axis, where it notches the posterointernal bor­der, is but faintly discernible as in Smilodon. The preservation of the atlas does not per­mit determination of the true size or shape of the neural canal. The posterior opening of the vertebrarterial canal is situated immediatelyadjacent to the outer edge of the facet for the axis as in Smilodon. The depression in front of the anterior opening of the canal is deep. Axis. Mostoftheneuralspineismissing,but it is presumably similar to that of Smilodon. The anterior articulating surface for the atlas is more like that of Smilodon than P. atrox. The odontoid process is similar to that of Smilodon, but may be a little more pointedanteriorly. The transverse processes are not present on the specimen. The vertebrarterial canal appears to be more posteriorly situated thanineitherSmilodonor P. atrox. Third Cervical Vertebra. The neural spineis so reduced in height that it exists only as a prominent, narrow ridge. On Smilodon two tubercles, the hyperapophyses, are frequentlypresent on the dorsal surface between the pos­terior zygapophyses and may project well be­yond the posterior border. These are not so well-developed in P. atrox and are but slightlydeveloped in Dinobastis. The bony connection between the zygapophyses and the trans­verse process, lying on the outer side of the vertebrarterial canal, is narrower anteropos­teriorly, and the anterior opening of the verte­brarterial canal is situated more posteriorly,than in either Smilodon or P. atrox. InP. atrox, at approximately the middle of the outer sur­ face of the lateral wall of the canal, there is frequently a deep depression of varying size. Lacking in Smilodon, this depression is pres­ent in Dinobastis and is located immediatelyanterior to the posterior zygapophyses. The transverse process is long and bifurcated at the extremity. Fourth Cervical Vertebra. A short neural spine is situated in the middle of the neural arch; it rises higher than that of P. atrox, but perhaps not so high as in Smilodon. The two tubercles, the hyperapophyses, situated pos­teriorly and between the posterior zygapophy­ses, are more distinct than in the third cervical vertebra, but not nearly so well-developed as in the fourth cervical vertebra of Smilodon. The anterior zygapophyses appear to be di­rected more toward the inner side and are more concave than in Smilodon. The posterior PLATE 4 A. Dorsal view of thoracic vertebrae; right to left, Ist through 10th; 3rd and 4th are restorations. B. Lateral view, right to left, of 11th, 12th, and 13th thoracic vertebrae. C. Lateral view of lumbar vertebrae, right to left, 1 st, 2nd, and 3rd. zygap°physes arelargeand gentlyconvexon the articulating surfaces. A large, deep depression is situated at the anterior end of the articulating surface of the posterior zygapophyses. In P. atrox a similar depression is situated more anteriorly, but in Smilodonitiseitherlesswell-developedor ab­sent. The vertebrarterial canal is large and ex­tends laterally farther than in Smilodon. The transverse process is long and the bifurcation of the outer end is more pronounced than in either Smilodon or P. atrox. The posterodorsalportion of the transverse process is greatly up­turned and rises to the level of the base of the neural canal at the posterior end of the verte­bra. The lower flange or lamella is deep as in P. atrox with even greater anterior and pos­terior projections. Fifth Cervical Vertebra. The centrum is broader and shallower than in Smilodon, but its proportions are much more like that of P. atrox. A median keel is present on the ventral surface of the centrum as in the third and fourth cervicals. Viewed from the anterior end,the principal axis of the vertebrarterial canal is inclined about 45 degrees from the vertical, resembling that of P. atrox, whereas in Smilo­don the axis of the canal is more vertical. The anterior zygapophyses are large, with concave articulating surfaces which are direct­ed inward more than in either Smilodon or P. atrox. In Smilodon the ends of the anterior zygapophyses are carried downward farther infrontthaninP.atrox andreach alevelwith the anterior upper border of the centrum. In Dinobastis the zygapophyses are only carried downward to the extent seen in P. atrox. The neural spine is much shorter than in Smilodon. A prominent depression is situated on the outer wall of the neural canal as in P. atrox, except that it is more posteriorly located and lies immediately adjacent to the posteroven­tral border of the posterior zygapophysis. The transverse process is long and projects out­ward and backward in a manner similar to that of Smilodon. Much of the inferior lamella is missing, but enough is preserved to show that it is similar to that of Smilodon in its pos­terior projection and that it also extends well below the ventral surface of the centrum. The sixth and seventh cervical vertebrae are missing from the skeleton. First Thoracic Vertebra. A median keel is situated on the ventral surface of the centrum, broaderand moredistinctthanineitherSmilo­donorP. atrox.A depressionextendsfromthis keel to the lateral edges of the centrum. The transverse processes are proportionately long as in Smilodon and are directed backward so thattheanteriorextremities donotextendbe­yond the plane of the anterior surface of the centrum. The tubercular facet is large and faces more laterally, as in P. atrox, than down­ward as in Smilodon. The major portion of the neural spine is missing. The neural canal is large and is more triangular than in either Smilodon or P. atrox. The anterior zygapophy­ses are well developed and are directed in­ward considerably more than in either Smilo­don or P. atrox. Second Thoracic Vertebra. The ventral sur­face of the centrum is gently concave antero­posteriorly in the median line, the concavityincreasing laterally. The median keel on the ventral surface, so conspicuous in the first tho­racic vertebra, is entirely absent in the second. In Smilodon a keel is present, but in P. atrox the median keel is also absent. The transverse processes are long as in Smilodon, and are not directed backward so noticeably as in the first thoracic vertebra. The tubercular facet is largeand faces more laterally than in Smilodon, and is similar to that of P. atrox. The anterior zyga­pophyses are directed upward, but consid­ erable variation undoubtedly exists as indi­cated in the variation of the two; the left is broadlv concave while the right is flat on the articulating surface. The anterior zygapophy­ses, however, extend far forward as do those of Smilodon. The anterior edge of the neural spine is thin, but thickens toward the posterior side. The terminal end of the spine widens but little transverselv. J The third and fourth thoracic vertebrae are missing from the skeleton. Fifth Thoracic Vertebra. The ventral sur­face of the centrum of the fifth thoracic verte­bra is shaped like that of the second, but the centrum is deeper and not quite so wide. The transverse processes are long, and the tuber­cular facets are directed but slightly down­ward. The anterior zygapophyses are small, and are directed upward and outward. The neural canal is almost circular in outline. The posterior zygapophyses are directed upwardandarenotsoclosetothecentrum asarethose of Smilodon. Pronounced lateral depressions are situated on each side of the neural spineand extend dorsally nearly half the length of the spine. Sixth Thoracic Vertebra. The transverse processes of the sixth thoracic vertebra may rise slightly higher than in the fifth, and the lateral depressions on each side of the neural spine are not as pronounced. The distal end of the neural spine is expanded transversely. Seventh, Eighth, and Ninth Thoracic Vertebrae. These vertebrae are similar to the fifth and sixth. Lateral depressions are not present on the neural spine, but a small tri­angular depression with the apex pointed out­ward is located at the base of the spine and just posterior to the anterior zygapophyses. Tenth Thoracic Vertebra. The posterior zyg­ apophyses of the tenth thoracic vertebra are wider and the transverse processes extend higherdorsallythan intheninth. Eleventh Thoracic Vertebrae. The eleventh thoracic vertebra is easily distinguished from the vertebrae preceding or following it. The anterior zygapophyses are slightly concave and are directed upward and forward. Their shape and position are similar to those of the preceding thoracic vertebrae, but the face is concave whereas in the preceding vertebrae the face is usually flat to gently convex. The posterior zygapophyses face outward like those of the remaining vertebrae and not downward as in the preceding vertebrae. The centrum is proportionately deeper and wider than that of Smilodon. On the ventral surface a median ridge is present in Smilodon, but such a ridge is absent in both Dinobastis and P. atrox. A rudimentary lower transverse process on the lateral side of the centrum, similar to that of P. atrox, is present in Dino­bastis, but absent in Smilodon. The anterior zygapophyses scarcely projectbeyond the anterior face of the centrum in Dinobastis. In Smilodon they project well be­yond the anterior face of the centrum, and in P. atrox they usually do not project beyondthe face of the centrum. The anapophysis and metapophysis are well developed. The metapophysis projects up­ward well above the anterior zygapophysis.The anapophysis projects backward beyondthe posterior face of the centrum. The meta­pophysis-anapophysis region is long in an an­teroposterior direction like that of P. atrox. It is not so long in Smilodon. The neural spineis well developed. Twelfth Thoracic Vertebra. The centrum of the twelfth thoracic vertebra is proportion­ately deeper and wider than that of Smilodon. A faint median keel is present on the ventral surface of the centrum. The anapophysis and metapophysis are well developed. The ana­pophysis is long and pointed posteriorly and projects far beyond the posterior face of the centrum. The anteroposterior diameter of the anterior zygapophysis-metapophysis regionviewed from the outer side is greater in Dino­bastisthanin P.atroxand ismorenearlycom­parable to the structure in Smilodon. In Smilo­don, however, there usually exists a ridgewhich clearly separates the outer wall of the front portion of the anterior zygapophysesfrom the lateral wall of the metapophysis and anapophysis. No such ridge exists in Dinobas­ tis or P. atrox. The lateral wall of the anterior zygapophysis, however, is broader than that of P. atrox, and extends forward beyond the anterior face of the centrum as in Smilodon. A well developed tubercle is situated im­mediately above and posterior to the capitularfacet. The anterior zygapophyses are well devel­oped. The ventral portion of the articulatingsurface is concave on one side and flat on the other. The neural spine is well developed. Thirteenth Thoracic Vertebra. The centrum of the thirteenth thoracic vertebra of both Dinobastis and Smilodon has a ventral ridgewhich does not occur in P. atrox. The lateral tuberosities of the centrum appear to be more prominently developed in Dinobastis than in either Smilodon or P. atrox. A neural spine is present. The spine is slender transversely, nar­rowatthefrontandwideningtowardthe back. The tip of the spine is slightly expanded trans­versely, and greatly expanded anteroposteri­orly, so that the anterior portion of the tip of the spine produces an overhang. The posteriorborder of the spine inclines forward like that of P. atrox. In Smilodon the spine is more erect, A prominent tubercle is situated posteriorlyand above the capitular facet. Such a tubercle is absent in both Smilodon and P. atrox. The lateral surface below the metapophysis is similar to that of Smilodon and it extends farther anteriorly than it does in P. atrox. The anterior and posterior zygapophyses are well developed. Lumbar Vertebrae. Only the first three lum­bar vertebrae are preserved in the skeleton of Dinobastis. Presumably the number of lumbar vertebrae is seven, the normal number for Smilodon and P. atrox. The centra of the first three lumbar verte­brae are large. Their width is greater than in Smilodon and is approximately equal to that of P. atrox. The depth of the centrum is about equal to that of Smilodon but is slightly less than that of P. atrox. The length of the cen­trum is but slightly less than that of Smilodon, considerably less than that of P. atrox. The centrahaveawelldevelopedmedianridge on the ventral surface, better developed in the second and third lumbars than in the first. This is generally true of the anterior lumbar verte­brae of Smilodon, but in P. atrox the first two lumbar vertebrae usually lack a ventral ridge.Theanterior zygapophysesfaceinwardand recurve inward dorsally as in Smilodon. This suggests a firm union of the lumbar vertebrae, and a rigidity of this region of the vertebral columnequaltothat ofSmilodon. Thelumbar region of P. atrox exhibits a greater flexibility. The neural spines are relatively heavy and are considerably expanded transversely at the terminal end. The spines of the first threelum­bar vertebrae are inclined slightly forward, though they are not so inclined as are those of P. atrox. The spines tend to be more erect in Smilodon. The metapophyses are comparable to those of Smilodon. The anapophysis of the first lumbar vertebra is a relatively long slen­ PLATE 5 A. Dorsal view of Ist, 2nd, and 3rd lumbar vertebrae and sacrum; 4th through7th are restorations. B. Lateral view of caudal vertebrae. C. Lateral view of pelvis. der process. The process is present on the succeeding two vertebrae but the posteriorend of each has been broken and the length cannot be determined. From first to third, however, the base of the anapophysis is situ­ated lower on each succeeding vertebra. The anapophyses extend backward and out­ ward so that they do not lie as close to the outer wall of the metapophysis of the succeed­ing vertebra as they generally do in Smilodon. The transverse processes, unfortunately, are all too badly damaged for description. Sacrum. The sacrum of Dinobastis is strong­ly constructed and has a well developed rugose surface on the lateral sides of the first two vertebrae for attachment with the pelvis.The first caudal vertebra is firmly attached to the third sacral vertebra. In dorsal view the sacrum is seen to narrow posteriorly more than does the sacrum of Smilodon or P. atrox. The transverse processof the third sacral vertebra of Dinobastis projects backward, downward, and slightlyinward. The posterior end of this process in Smilodon projects outward, but not notice­ably beyond the posteriorface ofthe centrum. InP.atroxthe transverseprocessesofthethird sacral vertebra project much farther laterallythan in Smilodon, and probably farther pos­teriorly. These transverse processes in Dino­bastis are unlike those of either Smilodon or P. atrox inasmuch as the posterior end of the process has an inward curve and the end pro­jects far beyond the posterior face of the cen­trum, in fact beyond the middle of the cen­trum of the first caudal vertebra. Theneuralspinesofthe sacralvertebraeare incomplete, but enough are preserved to show that the spine of the first vertebra is vertical,the second is probably inclined backward, and the third is so inclined as to be almost hori­zontal. Thus the attitude of the spines is es­ sentially like that of Smilodon, for in P. atrox they tend to lean forward. The posterior bor­der of the spine of the third sacral vertebra is like that of Smilodon also, in that the posteriorborder rises directly upward and backward from the posterior zygapophyses, whereas in P.atrox theposteriorborderis situatedfarther forward in reference to the posterior zygapo­physes. The anterior zygapophyses are relatively narrow anteroposteriorly and deep dorso­ventrally; wider dorsally and becoming quite narrow ventrally. The united articular proc­esses between the first and second vertebrae are well developed, more as in P. atrox and not so reduced as in Smilodon. The articular processes between the second and third verte­brae are also well developed. The dorsal sac­ral foramina appear to be even larger than in Smilodon. An opening into the neural canal is located at the base of the posterior margin of the neu­ral spine of the first vertebra. A similar fora­men, though not penetrating to the neural canal, is located at the base of the posteriormargin of the second neural spine. On each side of the sacrum a well-defined groove, simi­lar to that in the sacrum of Smilodon, extends from the dorsal surface posterior to the an­terior zygapophysislaterally around the zyga­pophysis to the forward side. The ventral sacral foramina are relativelylarge. The anterior foramina are about twice the size of the second pair. A third pair of sacral foramina are almost completely en­closed by bone because of the inward pro­jection of the transverse process of the third sacral vertebra. Indeed, were the termini of these processes and lateral parts of the first caudal complete, the foramina might be com­pletely enclosed. Perhaps the sacrum should be considered to consist of four vertebrae in­ PLATE 6 A. Ventral view of sternum. C. Outer view of D. Posterior view ofright humerus. B. Left scapula, lateralview. stead of three, and consequently twelve in­stead ofthirteencaudal vertebrae. The ventral surface is flattened anteriorly,but posteriorly the surface gradually becomes transversely convex on the third vertebra. There is a faint suggestion of a median keel on the vertebrae. Caudal Series. The caudal series of Dino­bastis consists of thirteen vertebrae. The first of these is united with the sacrum, and the ter­minal two are fused. The centrum of each vertebra is relatively short, except for the first. The tail is short, probably'like that of Smilo­don, and completely unlike the long tail of most felines. Thecentrumofthe anterior caudals isbroad laterally and flattened in a dorsoventral plane.This character is gradually displaced posteri­ orly and the centra of the terminal caudals are deeper dorso-ventrally than they are wide. In Smilodon the neural arch becomes in­complete in the second caudal vertebra, and in P. atrox, the neural arch becomes incomplete more posteriorly. In Dinobastis the neural arch is incomplete in the second caudal, and maybe incomplete in the first. The condition of preservation of the dorsal surface of the first caudal vertebra makes it impossible to be sure ofthestructure.Iftheneuralarch iscomplete,it is at least greatly reduced anteroposteri­orly toa very narrow arch. Sternum. The manubrium and six other sternal elements are preserved. The shape of the manubrium is similar to that of Smilodon and P. atrox, but the proportions are quite dif­ferent. The greatest width of the manubrium occurs just anterior to the surfaces for attach­ment of the first costal cartilage, and is ap­proximately equal to that of Smilodon or of P. atrox, but the depth is not nearly so great as in either one of these two. The mesosternal elements vary in length and width, but are all relatively deep. Ribs. The ribs of Dinobastis are stronglyconstructed, and may be longer than those of either Smilodon or P. atrox, indicating a deeper-chested cat. The tuberculum and ca­pitulum are not separated by such a broad notch as appear in Smilodon and P. atrox. Scapula. The preservation of the scapuladoesnotreveal howmuch suprascapularcarti­lage may have been ossified at the dorsal ex­tremity of the scapula, but a comparison of measurements of Dinobastis with Smilodon shows that this element is as large or largerthan the average for Smilodon. The scapula of Dinobastis is distinctly dif­ferent from Smilodon and P. atrox, but as with most other skeletal elements clearly shows ?,n interesting combination of characters in which it more closely resembles Smilodon in part,and in part more closely resembles P. atrox. As in Smilodon, the scapula is relatively nar­row from front to back, and high dorsoven­trally. The posterior border of the scapula,from a point a short distance above the gle­noid fossa, forms a nearly straight line to the junctionwiththedorsalborder,whichis char­acteristic of P. atrox, but unlike Smilodon. Theupper halfofthe anterior border ofthe scapula nearly parallels the posterior border, and produces nearly a right angle where it joins the dorsal border. The dorsal border also forms an angle slightly greater than 90° where it joins the posterior border. Most of the anterior border appears to be preserved intheleftscapula,andtheposteriorborder is preserved in both scapulae. Humerus. The humerus is long and mas­sively built as in Smilodon. The articulatinghead at the proximal end of the humerus ap­ PLATE 7 A. Inner view of rightulna. B. Radial view of rightulna. E. Dorsal view of left manus. D.C. UlnarOuter view of right radius. pears to be wider proportionately than in Smilodon and does not extend as far down the posterior side of the shaft. As in Smilodon the greater tuberosity extends farther backward along the side of the articulating surface than in P. atrox. The greater tuberosity, however, appears to be higher and larger than in either Smilodon or P. atrox. The lesser tuberosity is better developed, and the bicipital groove,viewed from above, is narrower and deeperthan in either Smilodon or P. atrox. The pos­terior portion of the crest of the greater tu­berosity is muchhigher above the articulatinghead of the humerus than in either Smilodon or P. atrox. From this height the crest descends gradually to the forward edge. The small tubercle between the bicipital groove and the pectoral ridge is entirely ab­sent in Dinobastis. A large entepicondylarforamen is present. The distal end of the shaft is proportion­ately wide as in Smilodon. The olecranon fossa is wide and shaped like that of Smilodon. A separate, small, deep, fossa is located between the posterior end of the inner condyle and the olecranon fossa. This fossa appears to be ab­sent in both Smilodon and P. atrox. The inner condyle is prominent and appears to extend farther up the anterior side than in either Smilodon or P. atrox. The outer condyle is much more rounded on the anterior surface, and is longer in a proximodistal direction on the posterior side than in either of these forms. Ulna. The ulna of Dinobastis is longer, but not as heavily built as the ulna of Smilodon, and is shorter than the ulna of P. atrox. In lateral view the ulna more closely resembles that of P. atrox than it does Smilodon; the dis­tal end does not curve backward as much as in P. atrox, but neither is it as straight as in Smilodon. The proximal end displays the pos­terior curvature as in P. atrox and not the es­ sentially straight shaft as seen in Smilodon. The angle of slope of the anterior face of the olecranon process is not as steep as that of Smilodon. There is a greater overhang on the proximoposterior portion of the olecranon process on the inner side than in either Smilo­don or P. atrox. In anterior view the shaft re­sembles P. atrox. It is not as straight in its longitudinal axis as is the ulna of Smilodon. The rugose area for the attachment of the interosseous ligament is better defined than ineitherSmilodonor P. atrox. Radius. The radius of Dinobastis, like the ulna, is longer than that of Smilodon, and not as heavily built. The shape of the articulatingsurface of the proximal extremity is more roundedthan inSmilodon,providingabroader articulating surface for the humerus. The tu­bercle situated below the head on the anterior surface is decidedly more prominent than in either Smilodon or P. atrox. The shaft, in ulnar view, is essentially straight as in P. atrox and not curved as in Smilodon. From the anterior view the shape of the shaft is also more like P. atrox than Smilodon, the concave contour on the lower ulnar side of the shaft being more pronounced in Smilodon. At the distal ex­tremity, the facet for the ulna is large as in F. atrox. The articulation for the scapholunar is proportionately long and narrow as in P. atrox, and not so short and broad as in Smilodon. Scapholunar. The scapholunar of Dinobastis resembles that of Smilodon and P. atrox in general features, but has some characteristics in which it more closely resembles Smilodon, while other characteristics show greater simi­larity toP. atrox. Viewed from the proximal surface, the ar­ticular surface for the radius is seen to be pro­portionately much greater transversely and much narrower in dorsopalmar direction; and the concavity on the proximal surface is more PLATE 8 A. Posterior view of right femur. B. Anterior view of right femur. C. Anterior view of right tibia. D. Posterior view of right tibia. pronounced than in either Smilodon or P. atrox. A pronounced difference is noted in dorsal view between the scapholunar of Dinohastis and that of Smilodon or P. atrox. The depth of the dorsal surface toward the ulnar side and above the articulation for the magnum is greater in Smilodon than in P. atrox; in Dino­hastis it is even greater than in Smilodon, yetthe profile and articulating surfaces for the magnum and unciform are quite like those of P. atrox. In distal view the articulating surfaces for the distal row of carpal elements resemble those of Smilodon more than they do P. atrox. The articulating surface for the unciform ap­pears to be larger than in either Smilodon or P. atrox and is directed downward much more than in Smilodon. Metacarpals. The metacarpals are longerthan those of Smilodon. They are shaped,however, more like those of P. atrox. This is particularly noticeable in the triangular shapeof the distal ends of Metacarpals II and 111. The proximal phalanges are more like those of P. atrox in not being as wide at the proximalend as in Smilodon. The third metacarpal is the broadest and most heavily built of the metacarpals. Innominate Bone. The symphyseal union in the pubic region is not as strong as in either Smilodon or P. atrox. The union does not oc­cur posteriorly as far as the posterior border ofthe obturator foramen. The articulating surface within the aceta­bulum is relatively broad and is more like that of Smilodon than P. atrox. The ilium is broader at the anterior end and appears to be more gentlyrounded on the anterodorsal sur­face than that of either Smilodon or P. atrox. The external surface of the ilium is not deeply excavated. The ischium is sturdily constructed with a wide body. Femur. The femur of Dinohastis comparesin size with that of the average Smilodon, but is distinctly shorter and relatively heavier than the femur of P. atrox. As in Smilodon, the shaft widens from a point near the middle of the femur toward the proximal and distal ex­tremities, and the shaft is slightly bowed in its longitudinal extent. The distal portion of the shaft is similar to that of Smilodon; less cylin­drical than in P. atrox. As in Smilodon a nu­trient foramen is situated on the inner side of the posterior surface of the shaft midwaybetween the lesser trochanter and the distal articulation. Thegreatertrochanter doesnotrisequiteto the level of the head. In this respect the femur is more like that of P. atrox than Smilodon. The outer surface of the trochanter, however, extends down the proximal extremity as in Smilodon. Viewed from the anterior side the greater trochanter is not as pointed as it is in Smilodon. The anterior face of the femur be­low the greater trochanter is gently convex, whereas in P. atrox this region forms a shallow depression. In Smilodon a slight ridge is pres­ent. The lesser trochanter is situated some dis­tancebelowtheheadasinSmilodon. Thedigi­tal fossa is even larger than in Smilodon and the distal end is continuous to the lesser tro­chanter through a shallow, curving depres­sion. A small rounded tuberosity is presentbetween the head and the fossa, but is less dis­tinct than in Smilodon. The patellar surface appears to be similar to that of Smilodon. The outer lateral border, however, continues as a prominent ridge a short distance up the shaft. The inner tibial articulation is decidedlylarger than the outer, in contrast to Smilodon in which they are about equal in size. The intercondyloid notch widens rather abruptly PLATE 9 A. Anterior view of right fibula. D. Anterior view of right patella. B. Posterior view of right fibula. E. Posterior view of right patella. C.Tibialviewofleftastragalus. F.Dorsalviewofrightpes. as it nears the patellar surface. The rugose areas at the lower end of the shaft, above the articulating surfaces of the distal end are more pronounced than in either Smilodon or P. atrox. Patella.ThepatellaofDinobastis isdistinct from that of either Smilodon or P. atrox, par­ticularly in the shape of the distal tongue. In Smilodon the end of the distal tongue is broadly rounded; in P. atrox it is pointed. The patella of Dinobastis more closely resembles that of P. atrox, but it is proportionately much longer and more pointed. Tibia. The tibia of Dinobastis is a relativelylong element. The tibia of Smilodon is rela­tively short. The articulating surfaces for the femur appear to be more concave than in either Smilodon or P. atrox, and the medial separation between the articulating surfaces is much less in Dinobastis, and is raised into a more prominent spine than in either Smilodon or P. atrox. The tubercule for attachment of the ligamentum patellae is relatively broad and the cnemial crest is heavy as in Smilodon. Viewed from the side the anterior surface is more concave than in either Smilodon or P. atrox. As in Smilodon, the nutrient foramen on the posterior side is visible in lateral view. The posterior surface below the head is rather deeply and broadly excavated similar to P. atrox and unlike that of Smilodon. The pos­terior surface of the shaft is slightly convex, thus resembling P. atrox more than Smilodon. Fibula. The proximal end of the fibula of Dinobastis is more triangular than in either Smilodon or P. atrox. The anterior and pos­terior tuberosities on the proximal end, char­acteristic of Smilodon, are absent in Dinobas­tis. The anteroposterior diameter of the distal end is greater than the transverse diameter. The articulating surface for the astragalus is gently concave. Astragalus. The astragalus exhibits similari­ ties to that of both Smilodon and P. atrox, yetis distinct from either. The trochlear surface of the astragalus is more deeply grooved than in Smilodon and is similar to that of P. atrox. The neck, however, more closely resembles the short-necked astragali of Smilodon. Also articulation of the head with the navicular is more like that of Smilodon than the true cat. The inner calcaneal facet is similar to that of Smilodon. The groovefor the interosseous liga­ment is long, and considerably wider than in either Smilodon or P. atrox. Calcaneum. The calcaneum of Dinobastis closely resembles that of Smilodon. The as­tragalar facets of the inner side are broadlyconnected as in Smilodon, and the large outer facet for the astragalus also is similar to that of Smilodon. The articulating facet for the cuboid is shaped like that in Smilodon, and on the inner side is a small flattened surface for the navicular, as in Smilodon. Metatarsals. The metatarsals are long and strongly built. They are approximately equalin length to the maximum metatarsal length of Smilodon. The third metatarsal is the widest and most strongly built of the metatarsals. The ungual phalanges have the bony core of the claw encompassed by a well developedhood. ThePhylogeneticRelationships of Dinobastis serus Cope The genus Dinobastis was based by Cope(1893) on a few teeth and skeletal elements found in western Oklahoma. The material in­cluded “three metacarpals, three phalanges of probably a single digit, and the head of a fe­mur. The teeth include five incisors, two su­perior canines, and two molars, one of them the superior sectorial in perfect perservation.”Hay (1919) figured an upper canine tooth, found in the Friesenhahn Cave, and referred it to Dinobastis. Hay (1921) described and figured skeletal material from the same lo­cality, which was also assigned to Dinobastis. Savage (1951) briefly discussed two ma­chairodont crania in the Irvington fauna from the San Francisco Bay region, California. He provisionally referred this material to Dino­bastis serus Cope. One of these crania, how­ever, is probably a species of Smilodon. 4 The other cranium, U.C.M.P. 39228, judging from the description given, belongs to the genusDinobastis. The discoveryof anearlycompleteskeleton and the remarkable collection of other Dino­bastis material from the Friesenhahn Cave provides the opportunity for additional diag­nosis of this genus, as well as some speculation upon its origins and relationships to other saber-toothed cats. Dinobastis is now known from the earlier Pleistocene Irvington fauna, the late Pleisto­cene of the Friesenhahn Cave, and from an unknown stage of the Pleistocene of western Oklahoma. The generic and specific characters of Dino­bastis were given by Cope (1893; 896) as follows; Generic Characters; So far as preserved, the parts agree with those of the genus Smilodon, with one exception. This is that the superior sectorial tooth possesses no internal root, not even a rudiment. The protocone is wanting in Smilodon, but its corresponding root is present, but in this form the root also has disappeared, so that it may be re­garded as representing the last stage of speciali­ 4Written communication from Dr. Savage. “The cranium,U.C.M.P. 38338,fromIrvington,thatI indi­cated (DES 1951, U.C. Bull. 28: pp. 234-235 and Fig. 11) as likely Dinobastis is probably a species of Smilodon. On the basis of dentitions, we are now sure that both Smilodon and Dinobastis are represented at Irvington.” zation in the cats, a circumstance which is appro­priate to its late appearance in time. I therefore supposethe speciestorepresentagenus,towhich I give the name Dinobastis. Specific characters: The canine teeth are large, with elongate compressed crowns, a little more convex on the external than the internal face. The cutting edges are finely serrate. The anterior edge differs from that of the Smilodon neogoeus in thatitturnsinwardtowardthebase ofthecrown, presenting inward. In the S. neogoeus this edge is not incurved. The superior sectorial has a large anterior basal lobe and a rudiment of a second at its anterior base. It does not attain the importance of a lobe, as it does in the S. fatalis. The part of the crown anterior to the paracone forms about one-fourth of the longitudinal extent of the crown: in the S. fatalis, it forms about one-third. The paracone is prominent, and is strongly con­vex on the external face. The metacone has a nearly straight edge, and its external face displays a shallow vertical groove near the middle. The long diameter of its base is 1.5 as great as that of the paracone. The crowns of the external incisors are oblique, and slightly incurved; they have ro­bust cutting edges, which are finely serrate, and no basal lobes. The incisors 1 and 2 have small conic lobes at the base of the crown, which are well separated from each other at their bases. Those of I. 1 are subequal, while the external of I. 2 is smaller than the internal, and nearer the base of the crown. The crowns proper of 1 and 2 are acutely conic with semicircular section, the posterior face being flat. The edges of I. 2 are feebly crenate; those of I. 1 are smooth. Merriam and Stock (1932) considered Dinobastis asubgenusofSmilodon,andonthe basis of material known at that time, the sub-generic rank was probably justified. The pres­ent study of new and much more completematerial from Friesenhahn Cave, however,indicates such variance from other known saber-toothed cats that generic rank is here given to Dinobastis. Additional Diagnosis. Occiput of skull high and triangular. Second and third superior in­cisors proportionately larger teeth than in Smilodon. Superior canine smaller than that of Smilodon. Anteroposterior length of P 4/less than that of Smilodon, but length of meta-cone longer than that of Smilodon. Paraconid and protoconid blades of inferior carnassial approximately equal in size. In appendicularskeleton, forequarters considerably higherthan hindquarters. Appendicular comparisons. Some of the long elements of the appendicular skeleton of Dinobastis differ so noticeably in proportion from those of other large extinct Pleistocene cats that a summary of comparisons of the limb elements is givenbelow: The length of the humerus of Dinobastis is intermediate between that of the average for Smilodon and Panthera atrox. The radius is nearly as long as the average length of radius of P. atrox. It is considerably longer than the average for Smilodon, and exceeds in lengththatofthe largest Smilodon. The femur is slightly shorter than the aver­age for Smilodon, and considerably shorter than that of P. atrox. The tibia is shorter than the average for P. atrox, and slightly longerthanthe averageforSmilodon. The metacarpals and metatarsals are longerthan the average for Smilodon. The propor­tionately longer radius and the shorter femur of Dinobastis create considerably different proportions from those in Smilodon. Dinobas­tis stood conspicuously higher in the forequar­ters than in the hindquarters. The foregoing comparisons of Dinobastis with the saber-toothed Smilodon and the fe­line Panthera atrox, indicate that Dinobastis is a specialized saber-toothed cat structurallycloser to Smilodon than to any other genus,but with many skeletal features similar to those ofthe truecat. Unfortunately the preser­ vation of the Dinobastis skulls does not permit the detailed comparisons that would aid in es­tablishing the true relationships of this genus. However, such obvious features as the elon­gated, serrated superior canines, and the largeforward extending mastoid processes clearly indicate that Dinobastis is a true machairo­dont. Further study is necessary to evaluate fully the significance of the greater similarity of some skeletal features of Dinobastis to Panthera atrox than to the saber-toothed Smilodon. There is difference of opinion regarding the phylogeny and taxonomy of the Felidae. Whether or not the Machairodontinae and the Felinae arose from the Nimravinue, as seems likely, they did have a common source. In this common source both machairodontine and feline characters should occur. The re­tention of more of the feline characteristics in Dinobastis than are to be found in Smilodon indicates a long separate development of the two genera, despite their apparent structural similarities. Dinobastis and Smilodon repre­sent the terminal stages of two machairodont lines that diverged early in the developmentof the Machairodontinae. Recognition of the forms ancestral to Dino­bastis is dependent upon a better understand­ing of the cranial characteristics of this genus.At present, however, it appears that either Dinictis or Nimravus, if not directly ancestral to Dinobastis, is not far removed structurally from the ancestral form. Between this ances­tral form and Dinobastis exists a phylogenetic gap into which none of the described North American machairodonts appear to fit. It is quite possible that Dinobastis evolved in Eurasia. In this event Dinobastis may have arrived in North America in the early Pleisto­cene, accompanying the elephant upon which he fed. LITERATURE CITED Cope, E. D. 1893 “A New Pleistocene Sabre-tooth.” Amer. Nat., Vol. 27: 896-897. 1894 “Extinct Bovidae, Canidae and Felidae from the Pleistocene of the Plains.” /. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil, Ser. 2, Vol. 9: 453-459. Hay, O. P. 1919 “Descriptions of Some Mammalian and Fish Remains from Florida of Probably Pleistocene Age.” Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., Vol. 56: 103­ 112. 1920 “Description of Some Pleistocene Vertebrates found in the United States.” No. 2328. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., Vol. 58: 83-146. Merriam, J. C., and Chester Stock 1932 The Felidae of Rancho La Brea. Carnegie Instit. of Wash., Publi­cation No. 422. Savage, D. E. 1951 “Late Cenozoic Vertebrates of the San Francisco Bay Region.” Univ. Calif. Pub., Bull. Depart. Geol. Sci., Vol. 28: 215-314. Simpson, G. G. 1945 “The Principles of Classification and a Classification of Mammals.’ Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., Vol. 85: 1-350. TABLE 1 Measurements of Dinobastis with Comparisons to Smilodon 1 TMM TMM 933-3231 933-3582 Cranial Measurements: Skull Length from anterior end of premaxillary to posterior end of condyle . Basal length from anterior end of premaxillary to inferior notch between condylesLength from anterior end of premaxillary to posterior end of inion . Length from anterior end of premaxillary to anterior end ofposterior nasal openingLength from posterior end of glenoid cavity to posterior end of condylesWidth of anterior nares . . . . . 327.0 315.0 362.0 94.0 289.0 266.0 324.0 142.0 108.0 52.0 Greatest width across muzzle at canines 91.0 94.0 Least width between superior borders of orbits . . . Greatest width across zvgomatic arches Anterior palatal widthbetween superior canines . Posterior palatal widthbetween inner roots of superior carnassials . . . Width across palate between posterior alveoli of superior carnassials . . Greatest diameter across condvkes . • . — 62.0 93.0 177.0 59.0 93.0 108.0 61.0 Height from base of condvles to top of saggital crest . 111.0 Mandible DinobastisTMM933 Smilodon2002 -3231 -1 -1283 -3533 -2546 -:3353 -3397 -72 -104 - Length from anterior end Rt. Lt. of symphysis to posteriorend of condyle 227.0e 197.0 205.0 204.0 191.0 181.0 230.0 178.3 . Length from anterior end of outer flange to posteriorend of condyle 208.0e 186.0 191.0 185.0 170.0 163.0 218.8 166.1 Length of symphysis measured along anterior border 67.0® 57.0 57.0 62.5 63.0 72.7 48.7 Least depth of ramus below diastema 49.7a 39.8 42.2 39.4• 40.5° 40.5* 38.0 40.0 38.7 29.6 Depth of ramus below posterior end of M/l . . . 47.5 44.6 42.5 43.4 40.5 39.5 42.3 45.6 36.0 Thickness of ramus below M/l 18.7 18.0 18.5 19.8 19.5 17.7 18.6 19.2 22.5 19.2 Height from inferior border of angle to summit ofcondyle 45.0 41.8 40.3 40.8 38.7 40.6 37.4 32.3 1 All measurements are in millimeters. Measurements of the largest and smallest individuals of Smilodon are as listedbyMerriamandStock(1932). astandsforapproximate, estandsforestimated.Measurementsareapproxi­mate for skull (TMM 933-3231) because of restoration. a Depth of ramus was measured posterior to P/3. Unless indicated, measurement is anterior to P/3. Height from inferior border of angle to summit of coronoidprocess.... 83.0 76.5 78.5 81.4 71.0 75.0a 75.2 58.0 Transverse width of 51.4 38.7 condyle 50.5 42.0 40.4 44.0 Greatestdepthofcondyle. . 19.0 18.0 18.0 18.7 15.7 16.8 17.3 18.9 15.8 Greatest width of man­dible measured across symphysis and between outer walls of alveoli for 56.5 48.1 lower canines 75.0® 63.0 63.0® 64.0® Greatest width of man­dible measured across outer flanges 64.0 66.0® 50.0® 58.6 47.5 Greatest width of man­dible measured between . . 188.7 147.0 outer ends of condvles . 152.0® Superior dentition Dinobastis TMM 933 Smilodon0 2001 -896 -323 -3582 -3231 -24 -148 - Length from anterior end of canine alveolus to posteriorend of P/4 87.2 108.0 126.3 97.0 LengthfromanteriorendofP3/toposteriorendofP4/ . — — 48.2a§ 48.0 63.7 50.7 Length of diastema from posterior end of alveolus for C 12.4 to anterior end of alveolus for P 3/ 8.3 25.0 18.0 11/, greatest transverse diameter 10.0 7.0 7.6 5.0f 12/,greatesttransversediameter. 12.0 13.0Rt. 9.5 7.6 10.0Lt. 13/, greatest transverse diameter 14.5 13.0 13.0 ll.lt C/, anteroposterior diameterof alveolus 32.8 26.5 46.1 38.8 C/, transverse diameter of alveolus 14.0 15.0 22.9 18.0 Lengthofcaninefromalveolarbordertotipoftooth . . 68.0 — P 3/, anteroposterior diameter . 9.0 18.5 15.0f 10.6 P 3/, greatest transverse diameter 6.8 8.4f P 4/, anteroposterior diameter 36.0 34.7 38.4 39.0 46.0 37.5 19.3 16.8 . P 4/, greatest transverse diameter across protocone 11.2 10.8 13.0 11.5$ P 4/, anteroposterior diameter of base of paracone 12.0 11.5 12.3 13.0 13.7 11.1 P4/,lengthfrombaseofparaconetoanteriorendof.tooth . 7.8 8.0 9.0 7.5 10.1 9.2 P 4/, length of metacone blade 15.6 14.4 17.0 16.5 15.2 11.5 Width of incisor series measured between outer sides of third upper incisors 65.5 69.7 63.5 46.3f —— TMM 933 -3231-1928 -1232-720--604-2749-605-901 -2580 Length of superior canine measured along inner border from tip to base of enamel 75.0 74.0 69.0 61.0 61.0 64.5 64.5 65.0 65.0 * Measurements of the largest and smallest individuals of Smilodoc as listed by Merriam and Stock (1932). f Indicates measurements of some other specimen than that listed under No. 2001-148. | The protocone is absent in Dinobastis. Measurements are transverse diameter of tooth. § Measured from alveolar border of P 3/. Dinobastis TMM 933 Smilodon 2002 Inferior Dentition -3231 -2041-322-1283-3533 2456 -608 -3353--3397 -72 -104 - Length from anterior end of C to posteriorend of M/l . . . Length from anterior end of P/3 to pos­terior end of M/l . Length from anterior end of P/4 to pos­terior end of M/l . Length of diastema measured between . 130.0 . . 48.3 Right 117.50 Left 58.0 65.0 47.2 47.6 114.5 105.4 108.4 67.0 62.0 62.5 48.0 47.3 47.3 . 141.8 115.7 57.8 52.8 alveoli for C and P/3Length of diastema measured between 43.6 30.5 28.5 29.0 alveoli for P/3 and P/4Length measured fromposterior border of alveolus for C to 3.6 7.0 9.3 6.0 5.0 anterior border of alveolus for P/4 . . 1/1, greatest trans­verse diameter , . 65.5 55.0 5.8 49.6 43.0 44.3 5.0 1/2, greatest trans­verse diameter . . . 6.5 8.3 7.1 7.1 1/3, greatest trans­verse diameter . . . 9.8 11.2 11.3 10.2 8.6 8.0 /C, greatest trans­verse diameter . . 10.7 11.2 11.4 10.0 10.5 10.4 /C, greatest antero­posterior diameter at base of enamel . . 15.8 16.1 16.7 15.0 16.0 14.7 P/3, anteroposteriordiameter .... 8.2 9.0 8.8 P/3, greatest trans­verse diameter . . 10.8 11.3 5.6 P/4, anteroposteriordiameter .... . 20.4 18.5 19.2 19.0 19.0 19.2 19.7 18.2 19.4 26.0 23.2 P/4, greatest trans­verse diameter . . 9.2 9.0 8.5 9.4 9.2 8.1 8.6 8.5 8.5 12.7 11.3 P/4, basal length of principal cusp . M/l, anteroposteriordiameter .... . . 7.4 30.6 8.0 28.0 7.7 28.0 25.6 26.6 8.2 28.1 8.1 28.2 6.4 27.3 7.5 7.3 27.2 7.3 26.7 11.6 32.1 10.5 27.4 M/l, greatest trans­verse diameter , . 12.8 10.5 10.8 11.8 11.4 11.0 12.8 10.5 10.2 10.1 16.1 14.0 M/l, length ofproto­conid blade . . 15.0 13.8 14.0 13.7 13.6 15.0 15.4 14.5 12.3 18.0 16.0 Post-Cranial Measurements: TMM 933 Atlas -3231 Greatest width across transverse process 150.0e Greatestwidthofanteriorendacrossarticulationforcondvlesofskull. 70.0 . Greatest width across outer borders of articulation for axis 75.0 Lengthfromanterior endofarticulationfor condvlestoposteriorendof articulation for axis 66.5 Length of neural arch along median line 35.0 Greatest length of transverse process, taken oblique to fore and aft axis of vertebra 76.0 . Greatestheightfromventralsurfaceofinferiorarchtodorsalsurfaceofneuralarch . 50.3 Axis Lengthofcentrumalong medianlinemeasuredparalleltolowersurfacefrom posterior end to tip of odontoid process 83.8 Depth of centrum measured normal to floor of neural canal and across posterior epiphvsis 27.0 Greatest transverse width across posterior epiphvsis of centrum . 39.4 Width across articulating surface for atlas 70.2 TMM 933 Third to Fifth -3231 Cervical vertebrae 3rd 1th 5th Cervical Cervical Cervical Length from end of anterior zvgapophvsis to end of posteriorzvgapophvsisLength of centrum measured normal to posterior face and along median line Width across anterior zvgapophvsesWidth across posterior zvgapophvsesGreatest width of neuralcanal at anterior end 50.6 38.5 47.0 48.9 19.0 56.0 ;36.4 (30.7 48.3 ;23.0 55.0 36.0 59.5 49.4 23.2 Greatest transverse width of posterior epiphysis of centrum . Greatest width across outer ends of transverse processes .... Greatest length of transverse process from outer end to end of antero-internal projection of inferior lamella Height from middle of ventral border of posterior epiphysis of centrum to top of neural spine Depth of centrum measured normal to floor of neural canal and across posterior epiphvsis 35.0 116.0 55.0 27.4 :34.2 109.0 53.0 (67.0° 28.2 35.5 102.0 64.4 27.7 * Measured to top of incomplete spine. 54 TMM 933 First to Tenth Thoracic* -3231 First Second Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth Length from end of anterior zygapophysis to end of posterior zygapophysis .... Length of centrum measured normal to posterior face and along median line . Greatest width across anterior zygapophysisWidth across posterior zygapophysis . Height of neuralcanal at anterior end . Greatest transverse width of posterior face of centrum across capitular facets .... Depth of centrum measured normal to floor of neural canal and along median line of posterior epiphvsisGreatest width across outer ends of 42.5 31.6 63.5 43.0 20.0a 49.0 27.0 44.0 31.4 54.0 40.0 15.6 55.6 27.0 39.0 30.8 29.8 26.0 17.0 51.6 30.5 30.0 a 27.5 — 17.4 50.0a 30.0 29.0 32.0 16.0 46.6 30.0 28.3 17.5 47.8 31.0 45.0 29.6 2f,5 48.7 30.6 43.0 31.3 27.0 31.3 16.0 47.5 30.6 transverse processesGreatest anteroposterior diameter of outer end of transverse process 100.6 25.0 94.8 22.6 83.0 24.0 80.0 24.3 78.6 25.8 75.0 26.0 76.0 — — Height from middle of ventral border of posterior epiphysis of centrum to top of neural spine 135.0e 1 128.0 104.0 109.0 97.0 Eleventh thoracic vertebra Greatest length from end of anterior zygapophysis to end of posterior zygapophysis . . 47.3 Length ofcentrummeasurednormaltoposteriorfacealongmedianline 32.6 Greatest width across anterior zvgapophyses . 33.0 Greatest width across posterior zvgapophyses 26.5 Greatest transverse width of posterior face of centrum 45.4 Depth of centrum measured normal to floor of neural canal and along median line of posterior epiphysis 29.2 Greatestwidthmeasuredfromouterendsoffacetsfortubercleofrib . 76.8a Heightfrom middleofventralborderofposteriorepiphysis ofcentrumtotop of neural spine 97.0a Length ofspinefrommiddle ofnotchbetweenanteriorzvgapophysestotop measured parallel to anterior end 66.0a .... Greatest anteroposterior diameter of plate above facet for tubercle of rib 37.7 * Third and fourth thoracic vertebrae are missing. Twelfth thoracic vertebra TMM 933 -3231 Length from end of anterior zygapophyses to end of posterior zygapophyses . . . 57.0 Length of centrum measured normal to posterior face along median line....35.0 Greatest width across posterior zygapophyses 27.9 Greatest width across metapophyses 62.0® Greatest width across facets for tuberculum of rib 67.4 Greatestwidthofposteriorepiphysisofcentrum 47.3 Depth of centrum measured normal to floor of neural canal and along median line of posterior epiphysis 29.3 Greatest length from end of metapophyses to end of anapophyses 50.6 Heightofspinefrominferiorborderofposterior epiphysisofcentrumto top of neuralspine 95.0® Thirteenth thoracic vertebra Length from end of anterior zygapophysis to end of posterior zygapophysis . 60.5 . .•• Length of centrum measured normal to posterior face along median line . 37.8 Greatest width across posterior zygapophyses . 26.0 Greatest width across metapophyses 62.0® Greatestwidthofposterior epiphvsis ofcentrum takenimmediately above lateral projection of centrum 48.1 Depth of centrum measured normal to floor of neural canal and along median line of posterior epiphysis 30.0 Distance from median inferior border of anterior epiphysis to top of neural spine 90.2 Height of spine above roof of neural arch 47.0 Anteroposterior diameter of top of neural spine 27.5 Lumbar vertebrae First Second Third Length ofcentrummeasurednormaltofaceofposterior epiphysisand along median line 40.3 41.0 44.7 Greatest length from anterior end of metapophyses to end of posterior zygapophyses 66.5 67.6 — Greatest width across metapophyses 56.0a 54.0® Greatestwidth across posterior zygapophyses 27.6 30.0® 35.4 Width of posterior epiphysis of centrum 49.6 50.8 52.5 Depthofcentrummeasurednormaltofloorofneuralcanaland across posterior epiphvsis 30.4 31.4 33.0 Height from middleventralborderofanterior epiphysis of centrum to top of neural spine 93.4 95.0 96.6 The remaining lumbar vertebrae are missing from the skeleton. 56 Sacrum TMM 933 -3231 Greatest length measured parallel to median line 125.0 Greatest width at anterior end and from outer sides of surfaces for ilia 106.0* . Greatest width of third sacral vertebra across transverse processes 67.3 Greatest width between dorsal borders of anterior zygapophyses 54.0 Depth of centrum of first sacral vertebra measured normal to floor of neural canal and across anterior epiphysis 28.4 Greatest distance from dorsal margin of anterior zygapophysis to ventral border of surface joining with ilium 80.3 Heightfrommedianventralsurfaceoffirstsacralvertebratotopoffirstneuralspine . 83.0* Manubrium Greatest width 55.0 Greatest depth 23.0 Depth distal end 23.0 Width distal end 29.0 Least depth 21.0 Innominate bone Lengthfromanteriorendofiliumtoposteriorborderofischium 326.0 Greatest depth of ilium 107.0* Diameterofacetabulummeasuredatrightanglestolongaxisofinternalnotch . 47.0 Long diameter of obturator foramen 80.0 Greatest diameter of obturator foramen taken normal to long diameter 62.0 ..... Scapula Dinobastis TMM 933 Smilodon 2004 -3231 R-8 R-7 Greatest length from coracoid process to top of scapula meas­ ured along axis of spine 322.0 Greatest width of articulating end measured across glenoid cavity 80.5 87.1 67.0 Greatest transverse diameter across glenoid cavity 46.0 57.9 41.5 Distance from inner border of glenoid cavity to top of spine 89.0® 70.1 . . Width of scapular blade, measured obliquely across spine . 161.0 191.0 148.0 Least width of neck across articulating end 66.0 73.2 55.1 Humerus Dinobastis TMM 933 Smilodon 2005 -3231 Right Left -2206 -2506 Greatest length measured parallel to longitudinal axis 358.0 356.0 340.0 Greatest transverse diameter of proximal extremity . 74.5 76.0 72.0 67.5 Greatest anteroposterior diameter of proximal ex­tremity 104.0 104.0 98.0 91.8 Transversediameteratmiddleofshaft 33.0 32.0 30.3 28.5 Anteroposterior diameter at middle of shaft . 49.0 49.0 45.0 39.4 Greatest width of distal extremity 82.5 84.4 83.0 Least anteroposterior diameter of articulating sur­face for ulna 30.7 30.7 29.5 Ulna Dinobastis TMM 933 -3231 Right Left Greatest length measured parallel to longitudinal axis of ulna 376.0 380.0 Greatest width of posterior surface of olecranon process . 59.5 — Greatest transverse width of greater sigmoid cavity 45.2 45.0 Anteroposterior diameter of shaft at proximal end of tendon scar 37.0 37.0 Transverse diameter of shaft at proximal end of tendon scar 28.0 24.0 . Greatest anteroposterior diameter of distal extremity 34.6 34.0 Greatest width of distal extremity 23.7 24.0 Radius Dinobastis TMM 933 -3231 -485 -2565 -2421 Length measured along internal border Long diameter of proximal end . . Greatest diameter taken at right angles to long diameter of proximal end . . Right 323.0 Left 328.0 37.0e 38.5 32.0 32.0 300.0 37.2 30.0 307.0 39.0 31.4 293.0 35.3 30.0 Width of shaft at middle 30.0 29.0 28.0 26.4 26.7 Thickness of shaft at middle .... 22.0 21.5 19.3 20.2 20.5 Greatest width at distal end taken normal to internal face 61.4 57.0 56.5 50.8 Greatest thickness of distal end . . . 36.7 36.0 36.2 35.0 e Estimated R-l 385.0 92.4 117.6 41.7 57.7 125.0 35.4 R-10 309.0 75.4 92.0 32.2 47.5 98.8 27.5 R-l 372.0 48.8 60.2 47.6 29.9 46.6 33.8 Smilodon 2006 R-l 289.0 49.8 42.0 38.8 22.0 62.8 46.7 Smilodon 2007 R-10 235.0 41.8 32.2 26.0 16.5 50.8 35.6 R-10 287.0 33.6 41.5 34.8 20.9 33.3 20.4 Scapholunar TMM 933 -3231 Greatest transverse diameter measured normal to external border of proximal surface . 51.8 Greatest dorsopalmar length 37.7 .... Greatest proximal distal diameter . 42.0 Dinobastis TMM 933 Smilodon 2009 Femur 3231 -2658 -2746 -1570 R-l R-10 Greatest length from top of greatertrochanter to distal condvles, meas­ . ured parallel to long axis of femur . . 353.0 351.0 338.0 343.0 344.0 408.0 317.0 Transverse diameter of proximal end, outer face of greater trochanter to inner side of head, taken normal to median longitudinal plane 92.0 93.0 89.2 89.1 95.7 108.8 83.0 Greatest anteroposterior diameter of head 42.8 42.4 41.0 42.2 42.4 50.7 39.4 . Transverse diameter of shaft at middle 31.3 31.7 30.0 30.3 30.2 40.4 30.1 Anteroposterior diameter of shaft at middle 28.8 28.7 27.7 27.2 28.4 35.4 26.8 Greatest width of distal extremity . . 73.5 72.0 67.4 69.0 70.8 90.2 65.2 Greatest anteroposterior diameter of the distal extremity, at right angles to longitudinal axis of femur 68.7 71.0 67.0 68.0 69.0 80.3 63.9 Greatest width of intercondylar notch 15.5 14.8 13.0 14.0 13.5 21.7 14.5 Greatest width of articular surface of inner condyle 32.5 32.0 21.0 31.0 32.5 35.7 26.5 Patella TMM 933 -3231 Right Left Greatest proximodistal diameter 69 .4 69.0 .... Greatest transverse width 40 0 41.0 Anteroposterior diameter through middle of articulating surface 26 0 25.2 Tibia Dinobastis TMM 933 Smilodon 2010 -3231 -1571 Right Left R--1 R-10 Greatest length measured parallel to long axis 297.0 297.0 265.0 305.0 241 0 Greatest transverse diameter of proximal end 76.0e 71.6 84 .4 74 8 Transverse diameter of shaft at middle . 27.5 28.0 26.2 26 8 25 7 Greatest transverse diameter of distal end 54.5 55.6 50.1 63 3 50 2 . Greatest anteroposterior diameter of distal end 39.0 38.0 30.0 40 8 33 3 Fibula Dinobastis TMM 933 -3231 Smilodon 2011 Right Left R-l R-10 Greatest length 287.0 265.0 212.7 Greatest anteroposterior diameter of proximal end 26.0 25.0 39.2 45.9 Greatest anteroposterior diameter of distal end 29.0 29.0 22.8 17.2 Greatest transverse diameter of distal end 14.0 14.0 29.9 24.4 Anteroposterior diameter of shaft at middle 8.5 10.7 9.2 Transverse diameter of shaft at middle 10.5 11.3 9.4 Astragalus TMM 933 -3231 Greatest length 52.5 Greatest width 41.0 Least distance across neck 22.0 Greatest diameter of head 29.6 Calcaneum Greatest length 85.0 Greatest width measured across astragalar facets As 1 and As2 37.5 Greatest width across cuboid surface measured from astragalar facet As3 to outer side 29.7 Popular Publications of the Museum Museum Notes No. 3, Twice-Told Tales of Texas (2nd Edition, February, 1959) 25 Museum Notes No. 4, Texas Through 250 Million Years (Reprinted March, 1958) .15 Museum Notes No. 6, Texas Memorial Museum, A Guide (Views in Texas Memorial Museum, Revised and retitled,September, 1957) .25 Museum Notes No. 7, Sulphur, the Story of a Vital Element .15 Museum Notes No. 8, The Skeleton ofYellowhouse Canyon .15 Technical Publications of the Museum Bulletin ofThe Texas Memorial Museum No. 1, Mijlohyus nasutus. Long-nosed Peccary of the Texas Pleistocene,by Ernest L. Lundelius, Jr 1.00 Bulletin of The Texas Memorial Museum, No. 2. Part 1. TheFriesenhahn Cave, by GlenL. Evans. Part 2. The Saber-toothed Cat, Dinobastis serus, by Grayson E. Meade 2.00 Miscellaneous Museum Publications Indian Baskets (1952, by Glen L. Evans and T. N. Campbell)John Garner Cartoons (1958, edited by A. Garland Adair)Cloth bound .15 3.75 Paper bound .60 Plus postage for mail orders All profits, if any, from Museum publications are used to publish the results of Museum research. Contributions and Bequests Contributions and bequests to the Texas Memorial Museum may be made in securities, money, books, or collections. They may, if desired, take the form of a memorial to a person or cause, to be named by the giver. Con­tributions to the Museum are allowable as deduction in computing net in­comefor thefederal incometax.