..AS #V:W. . _ nil mi W fiat * ***« «--,. . * 4 ? n x * * $.'< ;&'1 r\,.. v , • -rJ. ^jw ' 7 •>-ir ^-i»~-«";i«-^->-?-i'-J-;".--i~-J-J—..-^-.'V.--.'•i^-j^rtiu, ~ ~.i.>.-V~';;: ... ».s -•'•• :v.-.i J I ^ ^ • , >\ .^mgSwIM \^, * ,'^i.'" r ACJ-%->vr*VT*Wy,-"' V SOL DAVIS ""4 £,'t* '' !^T ",7r/ 1 —i? Sr •-—•«-.., ,.y„~ , . . . Jfc ft. i« >. ,a,jv.*,-,*.{% &&& &.-£> m. &** ,4-& T^T. v *.:*jw^rV'^T.r "V®** "A v.. y»V rt v i: Dealer in Imported.and Domestic­CIOARS and TOBACCOS Best WorK Guaranteed • jiUiunl and I'ool Parlor Open all j . 1 the tune 705 Can' • pounds. to the man. • But they werfe even. ; outplayed at nearly every stage of the Nor do the statisticis" of rthe ga C $5.00 and $6.00 game. Onlx ten ininute^ during the fail to give Texas the advantage, -pi 1­Wrigbt ^ Robinson entire struggle were the giant Com-scrimmages Texas gained about JfO ' J modiorep. able to handle their swift, yard*.and Vanderbjlt about 150-yaiWs. t Men's Togs -nervy antagonists; that was. when, Of this 150 _yards, Vanderbilt made 616 Congress1 maddened and (desperate with the sevehty:Bve yards oh three scattered SUITS. SI0.00 TO S35.00 danger. of Mefeat, the tall athletes in end runs, and on the longest of i1 gold and black secured the oval near" (forty yards) the runner was thrown^ , the center of thiS checkerboard and so hard that,, he fumbled' to Te^aa. + w swept across life a whirlwind for The, gains Of the Longhorna, on ihe v their only Touch-down. Even then contrary, "were much better bunched* :rnavERpOATS. SfO OO Td mso.oo •' -Texas was -temporarily' -discoincerteci and weft:~®ofe"'?f^iTeut7 consistent by the fact that Can^aln Watson haJ and less erratic. The etfect Of tfaia • just retired with a -bad shoulddl*; difference is ae«n in the fact -that With the exception" of this one mag-. ,niot once, ex. ei»t when Vahdertiit­ at' ^ fvn-feept Vanderbilt 'on the defense al-gdal even remofely: in danger whilst ' ! 1—;most the entire game. The pigskin at least twice Vanderbilt's-goal was -( nlflcent ^burst of ftirv, the 'Vanity .m^d^.. Its toach-d(>wn, w8h the* tc' -' was in possession of the orange and .seriously threatened. Only a very' lieox t Vm LABBL PRINTING CO. white much the greater part of the doubtful decision of the "referee kept ' ' Fit fo Thl»Sp»c® ___ time, and .at least two-thirds-of the one of these "threat's" froijif being an Correct Weat for Men and Boy* " ~ battle-was-fought out-In-Vanderbilt-'afetual-touch-down.-Tho Texaa play- territory. In the first half Texas lit-.' ers claim tliat "the ball was called erally swept the ^Tehneaseana off "down" across the .goal and after- their fe»t. In the second half, for ~wardrTT)Uslred'~'"tewk. At any rate, • i A. P. Wooldridf* -E«h1 F. Thornton ' J^%«»ldeiit ' Vice Preiident r-vJasper^ltSairidridJ* A. W Wilkema - •*:' V •;3^' ' ' • ; C.S«^: X AathlMOl Ctthle, ?;au;'4? mil­ •r "» '--"-i -vT.-1!? Zija /City National auk if ^ OJ Austin ^ /Gtpi^l-SiSlKOOOJiO^^ ... f"--' Board of Directors ­T-'sThos D. VVooteii, Psiul F.; Tlmi n­. j-ton, Jiihn B. I'ope, £.A1 Scar-J brough. A, P. Wooldritlgc Special Rttti to Studeatt —A;" R. L Brown. ^Hutinesa ol the Faculty and studenti ol-ihe University solicited. The Elite v:^.. Arc natural shoulders, the "^-"Nearest up-to-date J>road" slioulilert now being an unmistakable sign that the coat T ' Barber Shopjjto the 'lit jiand me d own or a product , University. . • f last }'car. The man who "fit'*!. wear's ti ready made-Suit may S-A.^G LASER expect to look that way. It is thav first few minutes the Longhorng when the referee gave like wearing a suit made -for we^e unable to hold ' the /vicious the Commodores it was;almost tooeh­'• omeone else, it maybe the same plunges of the Commodpres' heavy ing their last chalk 1|na -And dark- back field, and, after, a'sharp reeist-ness.probably kept the other "threat" •ize but its the dther fellowS all i ance,' were forced_to line., up between -•from materializing. ' Not counting • .. » :( -• • • -r—. fe ,-T:. . -U)e -same. A suit .. must their goal posts. But the rest.', of .IVarsity's quarter back k!ckg,„Texas yYo»ng pien we mean—we ^re ready for jlou with <. t . We built to one* shape before onet the, half "was decidedlyin-Texas'-rfa— averaged forty-one yards. in. punting, o the correct clqitfies for any occasion. We'll see that .T"T.. f --«-»tn look right. That is.why the vor.'-With^the sctjre 5 to 5, the:Long-and Vanderbilt. ; contrary to' every­you get tlie tielt values and the'newest styles. You gi men who weara stiit-.made by.. horns rallied beautifully and soon -body's expectations, only thirty-eight' " couldn't aslc more of us. So let us press ydu. J. had . their opponents at their mercy yards. In running, back, kicks and J** jm . A > a . full Dr**s Suits. ; Other Sulfa. again. The Texas defense held like punts, honors are about even) Van-* • We show a big assbrtment Our large assortment and a-rock, but the" Vanderbilt "forwards derbilt is .credited with one. return'of RENZ and a.large ,-range of prices large range, of prices and were smashed open time after time thirty .yards, but" her runners -were a or y ou to chooscfrom.« -«tylc»^—enables ui to drcM looks like himself. for long gains. -Texas .was Relentless­nailed in their tracks «much oftentT ^ ' -you befrerthanotherstores } ly hammering away for What seemed than the fleet wearers, of the orange r_ l25.Mto$35.M , \ $7.50 to $30.M A an inevitable touch-down when dark-^ and • white. ' . Goo. W. Patterson • ness ended the agony with the ball .Tfi«r Vanderbilt bpys are a magnifi­ V ^ BEST LIVEBY IN THE G1TT HARRELL (Si KLEIN on Vanderbilt's nineteen-yard line. cent looking set of fellows, tall,,­ -The -Commodores-were -badly—fright*. TKs Bltf Stor*, . 5-« •73'i I j EJ, 7tlvSt. Phone 611 Continued on page 4, -— > v , s »«»i i, L t' ^ %& •Tvl'ir'.^V'1.:M0> ^ —••ft -V-i 3 I jr$ -irtaS. V« ' « -s-a'-v' Jk —T~ - V f» J 1 * i'EXANv IWTHWITfWITrtmTTTW* Invitation Handball Popular. a from tne e|Society Notes. 3 fniirfirl A NEW C6'U«T-TOURNAMENT8 iA^ikAAAAAAA^AAigAAAAAA^AM College Press vyuyvi* ^AM'ER CHRISTMAS. ? ''•"T[hl?;cTaaabf:'07.::certainlymade'its TffTTTTTTfrry»TTfWfTTTny the interest of the students and alum­ first social appearance in a burst of . Sewanee'a chances for the southern, BAND .WILL RENDER A CONCERT • The. prospects for handball 16 tha. ni of the JJtiiversity of Tejutt,_ ^ splendor. .Of course, they were dis­ ^championship this ,year have. recently COMPLIMENTARY TO ITS" tynivergity of Texas this year ire appointed at not having the Driskill taken a mighty slumpi Six of her FRIENDS N6V. 19. brighter than' ever. Greater int. *st for Ihefic setting,,, but.they adapted Subscription price, jper year..,..11.26 best players have been debarred be­ is sho.wn, the game is gaining In )p.. S P 1 , themselves gracefully .'tor circum­ Single "copy ^.J • • &o cause of their, class standing. . Every one has heard 'the band play i ularity, and better facilities arr-MmM stances, and: the Woman's Building so many lively marches, gallops ahd fered. than heretofore. of, looked as charming as could be de­ ' quicksteps at the football games this Handball is an,indoor sport re< .Entered In the postofflce at Austin, —^7The championship of the West-sired. Tbe ante-room walls displayed ilr­ fall that it has almost been forgotten ing agility, speed and accuracy, second.-class matter. stands in about the same category . the pennants; of 'Varsity and of the ' It Texas, as mall that the band can render-concert as. that of the South. Minnesota :• Freshmen classvthe drawing room is, especially fine for trackmei to music just as. well as it has.been ren­ played Michigan 6 to 6. -It is a pretty was hung with festoons of ttrange keep in training through'the wi' er. Editor—A. F. Welsberg. certain tact that Michigan will be&t dering football music. But now it For-the reason that it can be pla ed and white, and the hall with the red , announces a concert to be given in Associate tutors—D. -A. Frank, uhieago, while Minnesota will have and white of ''07—not A. and M. indoors, in "any 'sort of weather, :• ad -the Auditorium on Thursday night, Sitnms French,~tewls Johnson, Alex­-little difficulty in leveling Wisconsin's ~ The hosts were lbost cordial and at no expense, the game is consta ly Nov. 19, complimentary t<3 its friends ander Pope and Ed' Crane. ' team to the dust. It being very like­'every one spent a most delightful growing -in popularity. A new vail ly that neither Texas nor Vanderbilt has been-put in the old handball.eeart —and who is not'its friend? Cards evening to the accompaniment of Bes- Society editress—Miss Virginia Rice. will 'be presented various and built. will be again beaten this season, serer> orchestra,.. which has seldom by the another court The'two -Business Managers—G. 8. Wright. there1 "will be at • least four tecuns. in acquitted Itself so weil'asf on Friday members to their friends; on presen^^, jcourts are almost constantly' in v.3e. and J. M. NewBom. the country claiming championships.. . tation cf these to the clerks in the A tournament will be arranged af­ night. In the matter of refreshments >' co-op., reserved seat tickets . will _ be ter-Christmas just as It was last y ear. • " the infant class "did -itself proud," m issued. ..'""v. Mat.eh games will ,probably be ar­ " Members of the Faculty in Cornell f®1* both chocolate and punch were The above announcement ranged 'with the Austin Young Men's are pensioned at yi,500 a year after served from ail artistic .little bower Christian Association, and if possible the .age of 70. Four professors will ' a. corner of the'dancing room.;., and sit'y public, 't he promenade concerts intercollegiate tournament will big- come under this condition'In Julie. ^ serving, the class was most ably an during the early fail weeks, were de­held. . ' „• ;; THE CHAMPIONSHIP MUSt BE , * * ' • A assisted by Miss Moore and Miss Peri-: lightful and the music at the football pURS. flejd. 1 ... '•fthjvffiprirFnH rapnnanniliiM , games~.fiaB"~5een ~ particularly inspir- All thanks-hre. (}ue to the noble are a. number of new students who to-the Intercollegiate Fencing Tourn^ I ing; but this invitation concert is Tonight the football ' team leaves "naughty Sevens," and especially to hav6 either' won cups'.or have'had amentto be held In New York this expected to add still greater -laurels winter. ~ to the^ banB's, long list Of triumphs. Thanksgiving game. And a hard mlttees. Of these, Mr. John Townes coiUests oL.thlS-Xear proimlse to b» 1Theband-has grown to1 beso-essetr-~ light it Is.golb/g to be. t^ly a few. was chairman of the finance commit­hard-fought . " . _____ days ago Oklahoma scored against 0tle ,of the moat sensational trlc*s tee, Mr. Murray Jones of the arrange­tlfil to every athletic event, reception- r •' ' * tho most formidable eleven Kansas' *ver ***.<* «* a gridiron was enact-ment. Mr. Ashley. Denton of the floor,' and celebration here that it is hard ' ' » • ..—• -i—Fine University printed statloMr J««Uly in game between. Har. to imagine how the 'Varsity got along ever .uponthegridlronr and they ^ Mr. Herbert Walden of the^nvitation vard and :the Carlisle Indians.. Har­without it for seventeen years. . at McFadden's drug store. are now , Jaying for Texas, their and Miss Blile Shelton of the recep­ vard kicked off to the Indians,', and : mouths' watering for the champion- tion. •. Dillon caught the ball on the five-yard ; ship. Tho territory giants are going' : the game of Hves and line, and. under the concealment of to play their •••••••• •••••• his surrounding • comrades, managedthose who saw them play;here a few to get the ball -up the back of his •i * PALACE BARBER SHOP *[eeks ago know that that means OFF TO OKllAHOMA. • sweater, and 'thus, empty-handed, he' some mighty serious work for .Texas. •|; r— .-• TURKISH BATHS ; But. the -orange and white ran the entire length .of the field for must be •» Tonight at 10:40 .o'clock the • BOSCHli BUILOIXG 806 CONGRESS AVEJ}UE victorious. Not only a touch-down. 'The-game, ended' 12 must it be vlc- •football team-leaves for Okla-• M' Vi in»fav6r-of Hairiwd.,, ^ : torious, but it must be', victorious by ^ homa, where'it goes to play off • a good margin. .The score of Kansas • the tie made a .few creeks ago. • must be exceeded. .The. showing that The college world has received no •This will be the only game on • Texas makes in the next two.games shock in recent years equal to that ••the trip and the last one before • will go far to decide whether we produced by the news of Purdue's • the great Thanksgiviqg game. • 15he Armstrong Boys __T . shall have the championship or not. awful wreck near Indianapolis recent­•The territory boys ^re going to • MEN'S FINE -TA1LOR.ING • " : A strong finish by either Vanderbilt ly in' wwhieh fifteen students were •-make a desperate effort to de-• Otll fllClS—Suits Pleased5ftxentsr Co«l ami Ptiits. 40 eenft; PantsIfS cents: or Texas can" . arid win v EUIM NNTHYHT In Ves4s. II ctiati. ' "7 the price. AnS so; boys, our map-'jured. Expressions of sympathy have • would g#ve them the champion-• BUNDLES CALLED FOB AND DELIVEBEQ phones and our lungs are with you. flooded stricken Purdue, the. tenor of • ship, while Texas is gthhg to • GIVE US A TMAL AMD YOU WILL BE PLEASED „ -though you may not hear them. Fight. all being sympathy and sorrow for •strain every nerve to exceed • 8M Comress Avenne , -; ' -Telepbose 441-5 Hin,. —harder-even than you fought last jfviJay-^for'-theiChanlptonshtomust —western:#**^ 4Ke hi •--Oklahoma, which was 17 to 6. •, mmx ••• ^ #ho mourn HMMM^OVCA ; ^^the '':l • • ' ^L-—» '• . ---• manjj relatives and friends of the in-•••-•••••••••••••• ROOTING. DIQ YOO 8AYf iy---jured and dead; to bur alster Unlver­ ~ * ' -sity. -Purd'jie, -irhoee^head FAUST, The New DriskillIt was a king time coming, but In sorrow, the Northwestern tenders : 1 -r when it did arrive, people wo&il?red. Its:9ympathy." -. The following course is announced Driskill -fioM — Driskill Steam Caundiy jv/: wkat bad hai^ned. Was it a repe--by the School of. German, to begin Finest cuiciut in tlic soiitli-EVERYTHING LAUNDKlRDflEltECOHES " i • t&pon) _JOI-Ptrtiett'a ehange at Gettya-r^ with th^ winter term: a The Freshmen of Bowdotn 'College BACK LIKE NEW. tatf. Was it the thunderings of Goethe's -Faust (two-thirda course). T migftiiiT war host? 'Was the world recently perpeifated a *^iightshirt pa­ —-Best Pacilifi'es lor Btaqaets; Beception StsJests' Work a SsoclaHy. I winter-and spring terms.- Both Phaees 444. the cltltens Brunswick soabtmg to an end and all things fall- .This is a literary course and. com­-. Parlors.". Come snd see' as. •­ rade'1 on of . Plene Give as a,Trial town: The town boys to6k exception L " tag to plecaa?^ Vanderbilt may have-prises: . ~ ' iSP " thought so, but 'Vanderbilt" guessed to this -and stretched -a rope across 1. The' tracing of> the developmmt • *rong. . was only a the path of the parading Freshmen. of prior Dre- It magnificent reUgtous thought and A-fight occurred In which five of the ~ outburst of the real, genuine.\ove tor paratory to that of the first Faust "the old 'Varsity. Even, the sour fel; students were seriously injured, and bogk.." ' ,, low with sixty-five-others were put'away for the ypllow complexion and . 2. A brief study of rented legends. repairs. Reports, from the damage; ™ torpid liver joined in' with the rest 3. A rapid survey, of the historic done the Other sidei have not come"""' fss Who said rooting at .this school'was background of the first. "Faust book, rr a thing of the dead past? Not the in yet. together with a closer consideration —man who heard tfae great deuromtiy: ~ of the historic Dri Faiistus and the MB. and MBS." ... tlpn Friday certainly. And let it Two squads of Nebraska Dniversity Sbhject (natter and -sources of .the High"Grade, but not High'Prieed: , ne\-er be forgptten Wha$ the good old first Faust-booki. —•-r—. PtPfeesora are out.practicing fori an . -spirit dWHW'taaPgiBrrrl^ "iF -exhibition game. the )>roceedB it \. 4.' The development-of the legend long_ Wtty jassaril wlnning the Van-wtOth:• go to the 'wUege mOOm&SBt. as shown in the later F^s.nst books-. - Photographers - derbflt game^hecause win -It we dld^ Here to a pointer for the Tectas foot-the Faust .dramas and puppet playsl^ Journeav's oldStand .Austin^ en-despite the fact.ths< the score Is„,a ball management. 5. The new conception the chjtr:. X—.— • ye. Wh^n those. Vanderbilt fellows aAtec:..ot Fauat as first..set .forth.Jtij'^^ QngSSSS-Azenye^ Jeiii -­: are back In thtff native fold, if any Leasing and t^ter adapted by Goethe. .. -of you happen to be around: you ^1U The Soi^iomoree at Stanford Uni­6. Goethe's Ffcnst, |>arts 1 and 2; Students' Patronage Solicited * likely hear them: say: '*111066 Texas versity are not on, hat-lifting terms the reading of the work;] its genesis W people have.a school what Is aischogl. with the co^ds of the #am« class. and "development;" its literary inter­'M*They play fo^l^lljsnd ja,for rooting The following, -clipped from the Dally pretatlOB. , ^ —my God! 4 -;-t ; Galifornlan, explaina all: "At a re-1 This course is a brieif exponent of i t's lifev eincQ Faust shows ) Cottre11 & Leonard i •••• • • •••••••••.» »'•• Stanford , Unlrwity. .who gathered: tho ftebt in uie develop-"' t ' •• • • for the purpose of selecting sotne wrt ment of-Goethe's conception of poetic . WHITAKEB. S0UTHEBN MANAGEB. ALBANT NEW TOM M • OR. PAGE THIS MORNING. • of characteristic hat, moct of those «Ct ' —• present favored-adoption of The course will be conducted in Intornational Ilun'.-ni nf • Classes will be suspended this ' • • , *beaniea.' . Qut a delegation of girls German. ' " ""' * ••morning Trout 12 to I o'clock for • objected, and finally a awtpromlM FREDERICK OTTO SCHTJB. ­"•the first' of the "monthly lectures • uponvTurtisfe <«« 'was oeclded upon. • hereafter' 'to be delivered by • That all the girls t€ the class who. URAMaticclub. Makers ol Caps sad Gown, tor Uaivenity ol Iexas.TaIe. Princeton. Hirraxd, CMXil ^• membersj of the Faculty . 1^. • had not been presesnt at the.meeting ttjn Miwr. WttlrtJ,, TaiinKfi;Sewanee.rTaIaiie. Dnlvenity ol Chicalo. UlaaiStan-( • Thomas Walfe P«!ge WiH speak • "Slled "a. cai|cus aad declared' they ; Mf. F. ;Hom0r Curtiss has befen lord, Georgetown. Smith. . • '.'••v ' f .•at this initial tne^ting. which • wonld doa no such hideoo^ garb as appointed "general manager of the • will'be'held in the'auditorium. • the Turk's,, and furtherfaore. they ; Dramatic Club and he has, .announced • ..V ... : • would weas itdthlng in comnKm with the appointment of Mr. Joe Kerbey ••• the nen trf tte clana, Tn the mean-stud«n|P manager. • The manage-j IT 1f. JJ" T Coning to tlie 1'nivcrsitSr: or going orer one huwlrtwl Tif The menr^ ment la"irfan&ng to give a perform­ their bome? will find thealthough thoroughly ^appointed ance in,the Auditorium .early in De-. CHIQAGQ'S CLASS. over the fart that ^ jgrts euchered ce^iber at which two.or three short— ' tham out of their "beaalea.' .have or­plays will be presented. -This per If comparative scores are reliable^ dered 1 their white tasgeied, cardinal-toribance will.be.an invitation affair • the-'Varsity' football team of ihls-yeiur colored hats 0| tbe Far But. and will given tor the students and fiHehds of •7J*, ''bout te the same da^s.wlth 'that wear them, is defiance oif the women the Univetsity. Later in .the' year a" of the Unlversity of Jphicaga The Famishes Ike best s)rriI on the>-quadraBtoJe: The men have a • mere. pretentious piece will' be "pro-. ice aad qaickest time to Nidts{eaerally U tke Stata. havic| best that the Chicago eleven was able eight new Idea, bortowed thai Oornell. by • duted at the opera house. President oat ol Aostia. to do fegainst the ilaakeU Indians last which they' hope to discipline the Frank Lanham . already has sev-eralEC Saturday was 17 to ll. Perhape a ¥5 girls. It is an agreement mwMy:to playa under consideration which he t 'or tickets aad iatonaalioa call at CSy Tlcket Office.522 Caafress Aveaae. ' . sa&se between -Chicago met cw of how to the girls" as they pase upon •expects -to^;pat. In ^iear«at undo-the - f Coraer Si»A Street , -the strong southern pr soathirestara the qua^tauD^e Instead of lifting dlActkm of Mr. Gray at an early date. " " • ' RiETP "FBQNT1 teams might dissipate a Hew extrarar^ hat. Jast tow th^ wnmen would ac-i Tliiiee jntereated ln the club shiwl'd ^-^ gant apfty to Mr. Gray for further lnfwm-•. '•J-LAWLESS, Passenger aad Ticket Ageat 'as=es^ \ •i ) -r» I 4. » . "'" --j^ja \1 "• '^f1^ 1 I . i—­ -i , 1.' J - THE TEXAN AAAAAAAd. -JUJJA^AAAAAAAAAAA lar. g|pfgg ON OTHER GRIDIRONS. Engineerrv Varsisty r«X " Meeting of .if eu to-. The 'Varsity Minstrel Association" The Washington, 0;. Missouri,'0. drerf Tire to--wear Patent annual banguet of the 'Engi­ wir''er. "" which jave such a sweirperformance • ~ At a meeting of the Regents-held Nebraska, 33; Knox, 5. Leather Shoes—hi^h and neers in honor of the Board of Re­ last spring with pnly a ~week's~prac- Plu ed on Thursday last the following ^ere-ry^Virginiar-484-St.-Johns, a low cut,, on iill occasions gents „was again consummated at the r, .: ad tice, has been re-organized and is present: ^T. S. Henderson, vice chair--:c_Brown, 14; Vermont, 0. ~=iX day-anil'evejiijjig, except for Driskili last Thursday night amid now at work on an entirely new per­ 'had t. .. Soup.. • . Celery,: • i: • 4 stock is "full of handsome and is said to be a hit With the'ex-eral and .Secretary of State, who con-•the coilibined sales of all other _ (HfOxSDl •' (50 per cent weeds:) 4 ceptlon of Elliott .Cage, all the old . Btltute the commission appointed uni-t-kinds-conclusve evidencethat it U" to be. ~4 — •*— Olive»­ =^d-_ii^n._are-back_-and"aZ4iumber (HSnd-made.)' Lri lie's $2.00 $2.50 $3.00. new men are trying for ,the funny ..provide-the. different State lnstltu-Tomatoes. . , --plaaes. Good material can be used, tlons; lo^atedj at i Austin, with water, test Ccal >n«ry F. i. NISTROT. : —(Free from all knots and windshakes) however, if' It will show up and re-light and pqwef,'. and • to see If ar-, . Eor domestic use; free fr«m date, ~ ......... MixBd~Ptckle8. -port4tQ~Manage'r. Curtiss, "rangeme'nts can not he-m»rte to have d'rt and other impurities; thtr*­ ^TWitTTfTfffmyWifTfUT — PiBh. ' • For the first part an absolutely new •erected at' once a standpipe so that * fore the ihost economical. 7 (Waterproof.) •­ K and novel stage setting will be used. 'an-adequate water Rupply can be'se­Sold ojily by the * » 1 u. A. JACKSON ' ' -Mutton Chop8. -J > • Nothing Ifke it has ever been^ilsed cured for the. University. 619 Congres» Avenue (Specimens njay . be. cut. with or by . professional or amateur ! com-, The action of th'e President in let­ Tom Star Tee Co. across the grain.) -panies, and it Sis described, as "being ting the contract for .eh&nging the BROKER AND JEWELER -i Oysters. Pried. one of the most, beautiful, scenes ever heating, system in the west wing and^ Money loaned on everything. . • We handle the best PSNHSVLTAMIA (May be rejected"if found defective.) presented by any minstrel organiza-. Main Building from the gravity to -Try ua^an Oak .^CWMincl second-hand goods of ANTHRACITB. SUE '• Turkey. t.on. Manager Curtlss has secured the. Webster system waB approved By -^ WOOD. Phones 246. Office and alllcinds. Best'place to borrow (May be subjected to..-tensile and the services of Dr. White of New the Board.' tinder this change of ­ money. Best place to spend it. Bins 206 Colorado Street. 8«c* • compressive stress.) • -York as. stage-manager and his name heating system, arrangements have cctRori in the fuel business toPudding. is. a sufficient guarantee that all the. been';maiie whereby the Auditorium, 1 -Students Patronize (Two barrels sand, one of cement, details of stage and performance will Library and Law Library can be heat­g CHARLES 6. WUKASH . water in proportion.) . . . he thoroughly and artistically .ar­ed separately. • The .Board authorized. Jl. 3. Zilker & Co. Successor to Aug Welbacher Ice Cream--ranged. • the President to employ a night(No lumps or rough places.) In the "olio the Laitham brothers _ watchman and secure"a 'dozen fire ex-. When-y+ni-desi+e th^ chojcest To.~ Cake. .. ' will be seen • in a clever original tingulshers to be. placed'in the dif­Yates Corntr Drug Stort . baecoeSj Candies, Nuts . (Free from all depressions.) sketch which is said to surpass the ferent University buildthgjs as a pro-~~ r? -Jttaktt 0 Spttfaltp tt . • , , ' Fruits,.Cigars. ' Cheese. excellent one given Jast spring. Be­tection against fire. . ­(Entirely homogeneous. Free from sides -the musical1' numbers and , "Plans and specifications have been • Bufltr's Candles MOT CHILE A. SPECIALTY laminations.),: • specialties, tbere_ will be a bunch, of . perfected and • approved for the new TJjlT"VrrCorrOaudclapc ttiHl-24-tli-Mrpi-ls ;J__ •Coffee. tumblers, under Assistant—Brings^ Engineering Building,^ and_ advertise­ 5. €, Rosenann {€4Bu8Cm.} VMifihTnrCTCTtift bunch of , n ew ments have oeett^nBerted^n iberie&d-1 . ' v; CISret .Punch. "" _ and snappy stunls™7ieneral ManftgBT" fatr-papers* oif ths Btstn afiklng j'xtr„,.j/j CottfirtMa i 7 Both 4H < _J\sAmbulance comcs later.) -* • Curtics, in an lntervlewt said: bids-to struct, the aame, and ths auO^ktt ^dem^if . After the above had disappeared, may say that the mihsti'els this" fail' committee bir buildings and grounds­-the-torrcnta _ of. ^enthusiasm burst -will not be a jumbled-up affair, got­• was authorized to let the contract for.; 'flu* Carriage* to fjlrt 1 forths With a din like unto.the great ten up In a wesek. but will, be carefully the Engineering Building on Nov. 20. iyi S ZIMMERMAN & BELl» Proprietors, "Gettysburg artillery duel,' it shookv plahned. 'and-; thoroughly rehearsed. the great hall to -itB foundation,. We have ali the old favorites, back THE SIDNEY LANIER. Thomas St Koock . Hi High Grade Tailoring, Clean-_-lK)urM^C>ut.intQ thecorridprsofthe and the largest and strongest chorus I a iii:''"'SI Auitla Jewtlry tad Lota Co., . * hotel, swept the lobby as iti.ii.ad.never. ever heardTn Austin, Our first part T^e"secoiiia-S5eetiag of this y?ar of " . ^19 Coagrcit AycdU* * •» ing and Repairing. been swept-before, and with a tri-is absolutely unique and will be the tne Sidney Lanier Literary Society. gonfideptial Loan on Diamondi,Watches • umphant howl: tore out-upon the most * beautiful stager setting eveir; >«» was well attended and full of inter­ .streets, where pale.Luna watched it seen at a minstrel show. This time ;• ' and Jewelery, &c. est. The society has agreed to de-. Spfcial Attenliiiil.givciv Ladiea Work. slowly spend its "momentum. This we are to have a parade, and I can .' vote; thiB. year to a study of the criti-TT We r?apectfulty solicit your, patronage.' Wave, however, was .the ciimax of. promise you that it will excell any .• cal Writings of Sidney; Lanier.. This^; 810 Congress Ave. Both Phones 312 some f&ur hours commingling of prc>fesston|al parade seen -here . this : W. A. BURKE subject seems to excite the approval­ .numerous waves. . , year. -Last spring our program" was and co-operation of all-the members, DK'H. Y. -Benedict, as toastmaster, too long. This year it has been 'Practical Plumbing and Eletric and . the. prospect is bright'for the . ft _ responsible' for .the beginning of pruned and cut down y.ntil only the Work best and most profitable yeatr's work . the deluge. President Prather' made .very best factors "arc !\t,-and. under of the society. " • • Both Phones 29S 7UCon|f(fH7t*aii«it take on "huge proportions. ' Mr. the direction of Dr. White, the whole Kl . A. committee has been $ippolhted'toRlce^-Judee' 61ark.-Iir. Scott. Junior performance goes off-with snap and prepare year-books which shall "con­, At 519 -Congress"Ayentie has changed Amsler and Senior Martin all proved . ginger. • including the fiaSd, we h&ye tain the" programs for .the -year, -and^ -EXCLUSIVE OPTICIAN, _ hands and be$ni'thoroughly renovated. themselves veritable wind gods. Dr. over sixty people now „ reh^trsing, a list of .the active and honorary New goods arriving every week, As Mezes, Dr. Sitnonds and Prof. Tay­and I can .promise you that all' for­members. It was agreed that those .special features we have established lor, -very ably-assisted by Sophomore mer efforts will be.surpassed." ., who voted on the year books,shouldDavis,and Freshman Kerby, augment-'. • be-assessed!" tor'the books, and that jlillfe CM CDli«I£R.;JUEN.CEHI COOlt -'.eri the, diii— Schnr-h Rttntel, Tgndroaa, ... =A N5W--CL(JB.--—neg--and—associate members who And Spscisllet In Lenses (or (he Eye. En-. Eno and Reed made, things howl.. But Pr-Wbitis, • . ——— . ..wished, should be peralitted to help dorted bjr til ihe leidrnf peopli. "^the"climax-was reached with -Dr.-Phli-»­ New Phone 885 709. Congress Avenn* ira^^nrs,as:.,be^i',Wgy>tsje Tire-attending the University. The "» M* had already been invited' were wel­ Austin Rifles is one .of 'the leading The Driskili is once more enter­ comed Into the society. military organizations in the T!"V. 6., taining its. guests, and the University Miss; Elise'..D. Brown, was elected having won an unprecedented renuta­ '."•has stairted~off again. on' its broad- A.G. tion by standingYemnd at the recent ^ ^ acclamation to_r_ep<^ tlie society, "^palh;"hut that 'night at the Driskili;­-meetings-tor—the Texan 'State "encampment after an' existence MEN'S OUFITTER. with its Joys and its terrbrsr' with its of but eight months,, The "members • T)le ^,owhw; VrogtUa was then in-calms and its hurricanes, will never of the. new organization are: Will . t®restedly carried out: _ be blotted out from -the memories of Clothing^ v P. Brady, Bryan Williams. George W. '• those who were present" | Briggs, Harry P. Bickler, Charles W. * 2' Quotations about music. Lanier, — ij • ,? ^——;—— *1ttade to - • Michael, Boyd WeHa and Ashley Den-Lanier and Music/ Miss The members of'Pi Beta PWf Fratern­ • ton. .­ Masu -ity -wilt-be nt home to their friends-neKt !— . -g-.--; — 4^. Readlng__^Qf chapter ; IV oV , Satnrday, Nffvi;'niber r3-,~atvtheiT-athr-faot~and— cold water) at Mrs. Sallle C. Woods, 1934 San Antonio St, with. or without board. •" . ' -• '— Svibscribe for' — 'TO ENCOURAGE AUTHORSHIP -HERE. Sells Tailor Made -Clothes : j, ... ­ •' -^' '1 € 4 v > at .less than The Faculty has und^r-considers-' THE TEXAN" , • : Hand-me-Doten ; tWn a plan for unifying all University : publications with a view of promoting j Prides literary ' and. sclentlflc , productions hqre. The Intention (s to/encp'urage SPECIAL and -afford medium for the publica­ STUDENTS TERMS^ TO tion of timely articles by Advanced iL studehts-or' professors. ' Rooms 15 gnd 59;B. Hall.. T'WsPkA'7-w"7. -1' I * ?3•***!£ iV -v wmgmm. ¥ipS~ "MEN'S SUITS; They Are Finely Made in E+ery Detail and We Ooaraataa TlTearta Pit' Ptrlactly­*»>5$I*|I T i &.' Three and four button-sack suits are the style in Scotch and r I I — --. English mixtures.; . . »' —Bricts,. $15 to $30.00. \ • ?••—r~ *—' . • Black Tibet, vjcuna and unfinished worsted in the new styles Tor dress suits. «•• Prices, -, $12.50 to$25. 4^­ . A Guarantee Goes With Every One of Our "S. & H." $3.00 ltiqi*s Shots. ­ lrhe-~MREGE!lt',\io't;4«slr rrM ar-* bllitv and appearapce. *?$3.50 i The "ClAPP",for fine,wear and dress occasions has no •"equal. -~>r Prices,, $5 and $6.50. -•AlAAiA-'J .• £AAAAAAAaAAAA4Aaa^fAAAAAAii tfie C6mmod6rrt back by a series of THE DELMONICO Hlrrlfic' line buckai, tt»at " simply J. H, P4TTRQNE, Manager and Proprietor, ilOCcagrtM Aniu. flaw Fhou872,9M822 fn'ocked all the nervia out of-the. gold Special Attention Oiven to.Opera Parties. Stadeati' BaMoeta a Specialty 16ld black: Finally, on the quarter­ tSck kick, Francis recovered the ball vvvvuTTmtvfHvvumm f A CORRECTION, The publishers, of the Texan tegret • that tlfo o^lcial Statement of the Athenaeum in last week's issue should have, been published! other than verbatim, as the Athenaeum-was lUpn^Lthft^aaager^to accori this self-evident right. ? The first paragraph pf artlrla. as endorsed by the Athenaeum,, was —omitted In the first paragraph to the' effect, "But which (referring to the book containing the constitution of the Oratorical Association) had been -"designedly removed ' from Its usual' depository," were/not hi. fact used in that, connection, but appeared In an • omitted1 paragraph, which words re­ ferred to a past lncfld^nt in the pro­ ceedings of the Oratorical Association and .were not intended by the Athe­ • naeum to be published • In a different. ' paragraph which gave them a distort- ed meaning. 1 •. -The following ..sentence was also omitted by the editor from'the be­ ginning of the, second; paragraph as quoted in the artiQlQ of last week: "fhe^Athenaeum heartily d«pricates the -unkind and misleading personal references ia the article by the Rusk reporter, in his self-evident partisan write-up of last week, &nd desires that it be distinctly understood that this-controversy--is--in no sense Mr Cocke's perl^af-,"fiitOe/.' but rather socfety rivalryr"drawn out""to an un­ 1 pleasant tension." - Th.o - _ I Ills space re- Uni. ver&ityCo'Qper ' nftiiA J| _ • . • allve Association ^ Opera House E its: l\ LA CARTE, . Austin's Sn el) Restaurant-Optra Parties wllh'aTiy Menu Desired,». Always opeitAfter .th*Sli«w.' -Fraternity Banquets a Specialty W. H. MILAM, Proprietor. THE TEXAN • sired their horns and did the whole, t&lngt over again Just to_jshow_it_ was­ notanaecident. With the ball on • • Vhnderbllt's thirty-five ' yard line, ' Searcy Aid the best head work of the? game when-he sent Frailer through] l&Tt taekle -and » Scarbrough through i right tackle, alternately for beautiful fjidbs.' Frazier -went through three' i ..thnee for an aggregate of nine and­ obe-half yards, Scarbrough four I times for an ^aggregate of twenty- fo«r and one-half yards. When the I ' trijP reached Vanderbllt'a six and one- I line,-Watson, "who had been —explanatory: doing heroic work all the while, sus-'We, ' the I talnfcd "a" terrific knock on the, shoul­ d|^' Heproteated and pleaded with I coach when ordered out of the me until permitted to fake his ! ,1wlUi the team. The signal was I V«h,the pjay'moved^on, and Scar* tore off four yards;: biit Wat-. ^ 1,18 *racks ftga,n-Still -grflngandflghtlng like a tiger, he •ttM-Ja ha taken from the field forel- ~Bljr, 'sJ>d on the next play Scarbor- 'Ubila wa* dragged over for a touch S Adams missed a difficult goal. yards around "Varsity's right end, the- ««una rigni ena, man failed to state the pending mo- -ff F^a t#eJ{l.ed:JO flercathat he-f^®-—tion-befonrtattHg the~meTwEi?eFf J iAed'the ball. Searcy was right therS ^ number of Athenaeum men were • ., '^VanderbtU.trtftted out for thesecond designedly removed ¥ i|rt|l^ttktSr^i»s»^ter4fitBFralBatlOB-trom-lts-uBHal-depoBl ~ -5' '|Bjr ft aeries of brilliant end to prevent the Athenaeum from as­. $ ' Wmsyana . faks^r bucks, the-eomm^^ \ cerlainlng its lfegal right's under the—aame;; ia absurdly false. ­ "t%een the"posts, but Hamiiton : missed ; "3. 'i he charge that -the 'red hot. '-S—the goal and the-rooters' w^nt-wild. fcusk man-/ who was cliMrmiiii, ruled * '!' teia»: kicked to *yanderbirt's thir-a substitute motion of an Athenaeum J loat heart and cheered but feebly when the teaay n««i4ed °the cheering most . . The game opened with WHUMn's jUck^g to~ Ham^itep._ The latter -—Bklrted right aiid loft—end tor thirty-", iAieteeii-yard lin«. , . Vanderbllt the Blake boya on tlisTot ends, Kyle as quarter, Bryant ifianllton and Tigert us badfa. played' mighifleent football. The ends were dft^ially ,.trt>ng. Their superiors htive never been , seen on the local rfhdlron , -and • they -probably saved' life day' for the gold and black. The Wtcks Weighed about 170 pounds and • ifere awlft-bfestdes:-but none ot them Illtiyed a 'Stronger game' than either #atson or, Robinson. The Vanderbllt lfiie crackled like wlspe• of atraw be­ ""' •e the^qulcker and a^esr eharges the Texas line/ Harrtron;-Adams, ®°iter than Ever NO COMPROMISE YET BETWEEN THE LITERARY SOCIETIES. , . Nothing in the-way of compromise between the. t\tfo literary societiesJias yet been accomplished. In fact,"the controversy seems to be waxing hot: ter than ever. The following is selt­ undersigned • committee,' appofntefl by-rtre~Rusk to investigate! •»' Pb a nd .Surg* or» 1' "1. T>fie' statement lor insinuation / t hat the Rusk had, any official comrau­ nicatiofl-with the Athenaeum, except to send-In' * bare invitation for a meeting1 of the Oratnripn.1 Aff'wi -tion, is (also. . . ­ "2-Thfe charge that 'the constitu­ tion had been misled as to. its meaning, is a mistake in point of fact. • h. The article abounds in ingeni­ ous, indirect insinuations and in per­ sonal cuts which It Is unnecessary to answer in any' Other than in a per­ sonal way. , ' _ "CURTSINGER, * -"KEIC^. -"CURD, . < "GRIFFIN." ' £i'_ .. H 1 broad-shouldered^' muscular. SwMi pigskin. Vanderbllt kicked, thir-_;'HACKETT, -ready for "house-warming" about ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS.. of therf measured: over aix fMt No w After ith exchange of _£>ec. 15. Tho Sigma Nus have just more formidable looking eleven evter leased Airs. Iglehart's home pn Wleh. . . • • . J IT** Tex«s atarted -the — . .— . th^©eotrieai En====jta-strf>pt"" nr^ on tn« mtaoie of-field.-gingers met and organized the-Eleo—-or 117 . Wi" »***: An« ttotfore.\lM_tffl.plecenB: wm~ be; JgL tfefcie through -taskle pUyg, Sear-«~--eleetoa---gmc6r#r"~P6r(iy i tosnar UMlrtoo. But what Texas Axpwllwf ferff'ttriir-^-tnd-— ' ---J'un«y^, housed in ^apteFhbmes and fed®*! i— —-. ... . . -r-Honssholdei-were president;, J. B. -Whrffe, vice presi­ n speed, grit and selenUfla ' drftged through the holes for long , dent; -Verne Hamblen, secretary H" |«hs: Vanderbllt played for time un-L. Prltchett, treasurer and W L W^darkneea ended the great struggle Maedgin. sergeant-at-arms T ttrt-ball on the Commodore's ?ri®: lascock, FraSler, Scarborough an.d'. . l^rug Store. " J&cFadden. farshall opened lit up almost at wiii­ held for downs, tones circled right thee aide. Texas put in seven sub­ •end for eight yw-ds. and the Long-stitutes' bafOre the game Wag over, horns were browsing steadily; toward ^Ut at the end was. .playing stronger' W&SB the ball went"over . tiaa. The Vanderbllt,men af. the goal line wbsothe bSll went ww tjan ever. Vanderbllt men af­ wsr fumble; Then the OommoHor**'jj..twwards 'remarked th^t they have Bklrted right aad-lett -end tor ihlrtT—' siWer rbefore ln-a gaw#> nWer;piefgre played in~Tt~gam^ that Mir Texaa there wa^T«ry-' lTttle" star­ :but the tefun work .was excel­ Scarborough's ground gSlnlns thfl . mighty 's defensive work was bet- that o*f any of the backs on' five yards. These* wera two ot the ewytime a substitute was put in.­ prettlest plays of the dATi -but ih the hSf^roved a' harder proposition than next. three trials "Varsity's plucky. tfe main t>etor4 hltn. .'. next. three trials 'Vkrslty'a plucky «nds and lightning halves tumbled l^aUion'a -tajury will not keep him *•» poaderooa tntertereocle of ot the game long. His Bhoulder tajrti*^the; staitea^feff ' wiir McFadden will be glad to fill your prescriptions.'— .—r.\.7ri,rr - ' P. S. WHITE DEAD! • Pi" &. White of -Bonham-," and a member of last year's Freshman class, died of typhoid fever w.hile in. Virginia this fall. . The news of his death was recelvefil here a few 'days since._ White was one of the most popular boys in the University, last year, and his many friends regret to learn of his untimely .death. University Drug Store and Up-town ^—— . THAT BAYLOR A. AND M. TIE, Saturday,; neither' side scoring. Very little weight, .however, can Vbe at­ tached to this game as indicating the strength of A: and M., because the Baylor-jlne-up has been greatly shlft­ ed. and strengthened in the past iwo weeks, Besides.-A. and W. used a Tnumber of .substitute®,in the game.. Washed the plkys flown fbr>r"\n'no gain.-. , In! perfect condition«/ii»iuui for the final Jfarihril waa lnjured and repiaeed by -^a^HgWto*^^^^^^ ©Dlt . Scarbrough. 'then thg Longhorna toi' |fte llnl»rnp .wa» as toliows : HARRISON LEAVES. busy. After.an e^Esiige of punts, 1^. ji; fVWiaeriNit—Perry, center; Pattor­ wowtng . retnrns^!|%; -rifSt^^itiairtf'S. Brown, left r>. A. Harrison, center on the 'Var­ °t Searcy and^jW*taon,' Texas got; gnftrd'; Gratham, right' tickle; Prich to-: _. .. .V _1-: Bity-has been compelled to withrir^ nearer and niMw fVanderbllfr aoat jai left tackle; D.' Blake,. right end; --4.pon* the University at least t< WnC S«^yln^6 y twelirfr-yardi diwh^ left Blake, .left end; Kyle, quarter-""arily, because of .his important oil and planted ^^pigskln" yande^ . Mi Ttgeift, right halfback; Bryan, .Interests near Liberty. Hajrison is " -­ • The neckwear that's correct and the suitable things for any occasion, are being shown by Harrell.S Klein, 135.00.'largest. aanoipp***— " " ". ; .Ws five-yar^tofe^ Hbbiiim failed , -If halfback; Hamilton, fullback. easily as good a center asever-wort. to gain. Scarbrough plowed through:! • ; Texas—Harrlecn, center; Adama the orange ahd white. His work Pri- .right tackle ' tor two and oaehalf : r jht guard; . Glasscock and Par-day ought to give him. a place on the wda .Wataon Shot thrangh t)»ft-T ifct; irtt guard; Frailer, and all-southern. / However, there are so same pliteejiqr what Se9o»d « topct.t joseh'older, .' right tackle; Mar­many strong substitutes . that it lis dows, bat ;th» rMetiee not. hef^ Watson call "do«a" beware the scriW^ , ®»age swayed back; M^awaifdea the" ball to yanderbflt, filtho\igh tt Wa»i tieatling agalnrt the UM< punted it bs^k^dM^ tthel/jnj^orns got ttadf reeling Hifrt th^r had been robbed <* a down, they aniffad tha U«M«< ti all. . and Scarborough,"' rightdoubtful if. the line is-materlarv ti Jfie;; MeLean, ' right end;; . weakened, especially since Glasscock i lies, left end; Searcy, quarterback; Is filling one of the guards. ' Ltaoo, l^ancls, Bowen and ..Crane, fct-halfback; Robertson,: left half­ . Drueadow »nd; l^ntermeuhi barrel! .ft Klein ue showing a iteek. • .: • • handsome. range of full 'dress and ipkuas. .Tuxedo suits at 926 to |44). in sev­ 1 _ eral materials. -^-Si h tif.a|%Yii^j ff \\/sas&£< PROFESSIONAL COll^ — DtR. C, O. WEL .ER "-•PHYSICIAN AND SURGE ;.* "... ' Ross Phone 175 Office Phci a BOTHPHONE8 m. m. smith 'Physician and Surg(0;r Jence 2408 Nneces St Phoruo gij ,4 0ce 0>er Ohilfg Drug Storj iMfiOflice day pud Over .fl'iil*,', Store. Jinth plioui;s, 4.7 ] ' it' HOMER hlU Physician and Surgeon. .Offict OV.T Ciiilcs' drug st.Jie .Kisidenc* "Us Jiveiiii*, Hfltli plifrn—Reir dcaoe 224,. ..ilicc'' C>""i, *£>1d phone, " er, Dehtist, Northwest .Corner 6th and Cong . Phooe Nor 277 S riogt,­ Dr. W. W. LeSueur 4-04; Congress A^Vtnue. ' TWO MORE CHAPTER HOUSES. The Kapfka Alphas wUl have their ten-room-home i>h ^University Avenue ' ,ui^£^l^gJ^:^ebaterB,Y>r-t/a-j!a»orco the action of the Oratorical Assoch­ ^"^-Wflpoaltion otthe.- Itihd suggeBted should oe brouisht b'o ; fore the Oratorical Association. Answering tha insinuations In yourr: communication, the Rusk .wishes t>*, JOHN C. TOWNES SOCIETY. ' " _ The John C. Townes conUXuiea to deal out Justice to erring men. The ^set.-trteaT-^-iapt.^^ a suit in trover for damages; The -vendee' from the princlpal sued the commission merditot forjabsequent^ > selling his cotttsu to another. Af­ ter a hotly contested and well devel­ oped argument by opposing counsel, his honor, -J.^ r; Beasley, sustained the demurrer, .of the defendant. The cause of the.plairitlff ts'"given by the' program committee was rather disad­ vantageous, but was well sustained ni"°^ey8 B^rdln and Romberg; representing that side. Messrs. I-ogue. atid Turaer sustained the . ^ust put; fn over 1.5,000 worth of elcc­ •,right3 of the' defendant. C. G F Butte performed the duties oif .clerk 'At its last meeting-the Rusk-eent­ 1. . Al|le°a^"m an inyitatiQh;tQ mprt— oi iCMrxsgoclauoh"^for the con­ s'doratic.n of Important matters, ' J^icll.j5vltation..the-iatter laid on­ the-table indefinitely. The Rusk .also addressed the Athenaeum the follow-•*' Ing open letter':-, •­ To^ the , Athenaeum. .Uterary Society: . _ , . —Oentiemen: Replylngtovoi.t-OT.,m. " '"""Icauon'of Oct, 31-, the Ruik iit­ erary Society wishes -to state that it is of the opinion that.it has.no power, in its capacity as a society, to agree . to rules, governing the selection of rax J-hat no cpniBUttee qr authorize,! ­ of?icial of tfyp Ruek Soclctv K'icn statement .or {.romlse 'as to your ^UIlaulu constitutional rights; that. , if. anv member or members;. of Rusk . the — »piad® any atateirient. , whatever con­ Pfirnfno1 cerhing your" recognized" privileged and const/tutloifal rights,. he th6v did so entirely upon indivldl^l re­ sponsibility; and "that, htH such promises or statements been made, your . constitutional -rights' and -privl-­ leges have in no wise been ques­ tioned, contested or abridged. : -­ 4j •. CURTSINGER, Secretary. CUKTSINGHR, ? 1 KBfiN, " ' " CUKD, • * GRIFFIN. ; • \ 'I fe: **vib J? —L .'i