P-• iL— Z_ -N •> -*«..» . . .\- . , I s ••....' -.•: -•,••.•'v^W" •'•• Vv M , .•rf' ^* ' *»• ***** 1 --r" •-'^V rr^-;;..*«»* *•> A>"i V\P* ^'5" ' 1^, > "** ***** •*£$• ' ' rj *-V *.+• £* -»>k »''' *' "~ rc^LiL. 7^ J t"f la" , ^ *WV V-l" "3 a <•—W 1 •<{ • • §cr--v' % *v ^ •-^ sf • ^ ,«^ Li /w v ^ 5, J . u M-Sfcrv4 "* *dKw # *•«£> VX ^ w-' *r ^ •jLT > ^ 4f 4 * / V Jj^rt fe^g^fg". J X ~ **P f P. W. McFADDEN SOMETHiKBHEWI •• DRUGGIST .­ ' rsp• -, A University Sou* * -j—TWO STORES— -•*-»r^J .fe'" ,v MlTERSITt DRUB STORE, 2300 CoilftttipPst. " venir Spoon iffl HP-T0WIDRDO STORE, tfi10 lima St .Enameled in Varsity OokNT* 'i BOTH FIR8T-CLASS 1 ®-K" _ v .,.•..' .-*• C,rtr ,^1 * -nJ>T&,i^E? -t„ <^ils*r ""•? a--,? -v'rjvS,# i *1 -<""< •.•*' -, wyS:rit%^ &•**?-* AUSTIN JEWELRY AND LOAN 61 Austin s : Texas Published in the Interests of the Students and Alumni of the University of Texas Bis 0«ncr««» Avenue A Weekly Newspaper " AUSTIN, TEXAS. MAY 13, !903. K < ^ r Volume 5, Number a8 University; clerk of the o'ourse, Prof. mmmmV. Homer Cur-tiss; track judges, Pro­ TEXAS TOOK fessors _Mestra; Cari-oll, Kyle, Simp-A POWERFUL ^np a T*r* s•«-«ri^ Kins, L»ewis, iicnrilict,, ,M:i1.1KM', Cur-m" Jacks'"'.: O I A 1^iTlElb I '—-i3S-^'"'geg of jumping. Prof. Slnu'ter ami Mr. Ijnmax: ­of weight events, Profossors Vififttvi Spring • 1 IN" THE THIRD ANNUAL CHAM-— ' ---— -announcer; Mr. Car.rion. TRAINED ORATORS MATCHED EL­"ALWAYS THE BEST." -PIONSH IP GAMES OF TEXAS >5 _ On the Hesults. , OQUENCE AND "INTELLECTS ^p» ' --• ­ -ATHLETIC ASSOCAITION. . — -Mr*-\XVv E. Orgain of Georgetown, -WITH.ONE ANOtH^R. r speaking of the refills, said: "We ; -are thoroughly satisfied with onr s-how- Two Piece Suits Agricultural and .Mechanical/College, iiTgr' Our.captaiji 4,/J.dridg'e) is a star. Luton Won-First :PI».ce, and Will Rep­ -AV-e -didn't oxpcc^-!^'^(te—nHich—owing Southwestarn and the University Coat and Pants for hot weather nr^to'our-lack Ol-all tacilities for truin-resent the University rrTthe South­ . Were Represented—AIdridge :SSL nig.-Our'men had not been, on the. ern Intercollegiate OrjUorlcal'" -1-raf li for two wooteft. anil. rtMn't know "Cashmeres and Woolen Crash *-*X*ry-. W-hottaC.tofo^ ontert—G4fttn— FLeady in new and exclusive patterns.' i\ FastlVlan. tl»ey-'oft home. W« came merely, to . Second.They are tailored right, fit right •* • ' • show our interest ;:.we are not iii a anS"feel right, jtade'to order cond1tibri-yet-to hop.tJjird annual contest for • Whenever you &reJ i: • game's of the Texas. Athletic As-• have a trairicr and will, enter more ' • the DuBols prize In oratory, and • Oxford Shoes and Straw Hats • sociation were held on the Uni-e men; We hoprrto mivke a better show­• the annual contest for the Inter-•: are r^acly. • • ' ing,fhan we did Xhhi tjme... We'havpW •state representation was held in • • yersity-'Athletic-field last Satur-• boon treated royally hy the University -• the Auditorium . Saturday night • • day.. The weather -was 'perfect, • boys and Have. the-b^St'of feeling for • before • a small But appreciative •' • the crowd .enthusiastic and the • them. -Anv lime w^:tra»kadvancer-af.h-v • audience. The-Glee ^ Club sang • Smith & F, • contestants at their-lrest The-^ letics. in any wa^. yo'^11. find us.doing • atid, jis nsualHreicc^ed' encore,.af-• • track-was-Jast_^Asuic«ltural and • /H we can.'. Don't fa 1 to mention our • ter encore. Prof. K.. 'DuBols •• Mechanical College, Southwest-• captain. . He's, a sta1." Wilcox,! • Shnrter pi-eBlded. Judge Sam • • ern University and .University ;of • !"~P!rof. E. J." Kyle,-i'acultv manager. • Streetman, Hon. Clarence MHlpr •• Texas were'the participants. Bay-• . .of traek atliletics at Agricultural and • and Rev. W. D. Bradfield. wero ^ • lor, Trinity, Texas Ghristiai* • Mechaiiical College, said': "We have* Corrwl-wwrtor liw*nti Boys. • judges.. The speakers were at • • University. Austin College and. .•— no complaint to make. We entered ­ • thelr best.—The-ijeeisioii-of-thc • F'< • Fort WortU_ Uiuy-ersity-WBte> not • only e^ht moil, aiid with Ihern we •.judges Was; First place. Jesse .• • represented.;' yet the meet was • lowered three records Jnd-carried off • Perkins I>uton of Ector; -alter-• • thi'liost ip fSeHistory of"tlity1•"'-•••-js 'putiifa:— •ftett, uttt; ruplbtut—•'TrarprjCtlintiiRi mlrku Grlffl-n———•­• association. ' • co^ch; hai? trained rhe frien. Our xiie program opened' with a 'song . i Several new records were estab; track,is very•' ptk>r; in fact, so poor by the (Jlee Club. 4ts}j.ei»y. wp>ve 5 urfn-fine ; JjIb"voice deen: cultivated, atrong. ; awectlVely.-This is, remarkable time. ut.es. Do we Jiave he-peg ^f winning His articulation was distinct; his ges-. , t JOHN OR.R. for' a raan. who has had^no coaching .in.the future? Well, f should say so! tures well made #.nd''appropriate. Ha 'J and ITffle practice." Palriier and Pan*, We are in for bustTi-ss bigsei' tt«ui defended Cromwell' from the' attack if For Groceries termuehl lead >.id the hurdle races," ever. Since Dr. Houston, has taken : of historians; showed the Injitstice making the fii-st records fof the"State. ., charge of our. college, athletics havs;-, done hinl. _Tlie forc<> otfircumstances^Neff of A. apd M,~«&tablished a repu­taken oh new life. The. p;resident is a", forced Cromwell to execute the king, tation";'afe a htr.yy-weight man by great believer in athletlbs, and , yoii Cromwell has been called a tiiiocrlteVbreaking ti»e records in thp shot put; may look toe us to ..c-jiint. in all sfioh , y^t hfr lived by his religion aSffl dfed­|3and the discus throw. In tit7-^^..;., .. —~:r-.—--• —• of religfon and the material force or•considered good,.-breaking--the:--S.tater-,««>*-•_ He looked oveMvoeked jm he htiMU.ND..iDDWfg ' his.foilowerB, he organized the strongs .rocor«tu(lents for t'iatio: p}p&_ -western , did.sonie fine work on the we lvei: had. Our mr'ti' 8how«l up. orican and tiurmou.v. i'ipe'oitrnn v, ii;i ' ^tafrees: roicciiTliiiH^tolliecomff a diifr tW9 kcy.hO(ii'dHiii)a,-t1r-fine. Prof. Dixon of the Gatvestoii to tise a dicla-"" 0'//& tutor, but lie scorned rect —Athletic—Clttb^-sald-XIMI--team WMH [n Goggan's 8l£)rStOT6 tor's 'retenge. Partlctilarlv should liigh" jumpers "of the country. Blam perfect condition,' The score tells its o CrbinvyeJi-appeal to. Americans. Theand Pantermuoi.il of Texas tied for, own story: ^Itue, our ^printers got . prayer of-oiir countiTmen-well mightmm' place on the polu v.uuH, going 3--into -'fa»t eon>f>«B^-l>ut -M:~te-no-. diB-1>C4~ "God^-BiKo_u8-jiu>rP. such -men." o feet W inches.'one inch-over the State ' grace to bo Jbea4«n by a man like,. The next 'speaker, Jesse -Perklnv rqcora. . nm made HI -feei t> incnes AldrtdgeT".There's a. man that, with Luton of Ector; spoke on "Hemr W. on the.first'year's class field day, but. 'proper training;, is going to do the Orady, the Perfect Model The failed to do more than break the-rec-' hundred in less than 10 seconds. That . speaker's voico was deeper and under ord Saturday.' Palmer, of Texas was, record of 23 seconds'on the•220-yai-d better control than ever, bftfore His .not m.good,shajie. but; bmke the roc-dasft wasn't so bad, .either: Every-'• interpretation flf his excellent oratloa ­ •TwrtWS broaa. jump...and; thing.came off lovelj. CThe day could .. wals all that could have been desired ~ TOaa-^-fhe record lor the.hurdles; Par-not have-fceen beter'or "tfie-trkcfc In ' ;H'e was easy and natural .in noise H«' ­ J.A, Jackson, .flsh/pf Texas, the bouncing youngs^, better cdndttiortC This is proliably the • was deliberate and. cool' vet «i he: ' threw the 1fi-pounxl -hampler-.106.56 • last State,"meet we will lia've in Aus-apt>ro;U'hed bv graduai stens tlie hic-h-. 619 CongrM# Ave., feet fortrst placer breaking^ State: tin ,tor some time. We are teklng.„ in.KpS of ^ BROKER ' AND JEWELER. record by 9 feet, A« to indivld«al victorious,team to Atlanta the coming , quenx:e glowed in words his actions' ' points^ Aldridge of : Southwestern week to the southern meet. We hope his very being. By rapid steps he '^oney loaned on everything.ma&e 10. For' .Texas,"TalmeF"made ^ -to w-ttr out there; awd, so" fan aB we wijnt to the heart or iiia -subject. He -RsTrW and icecoad-hand cso
  • J — it...., . _ very highly of the TJnlverslty.of Texas, Ba,d that enthusiasm Is power. En­ 100-yard da»h—Aldridge of S-outli-Reedy made suit*, Fins saying that in the East it was already ' thusiasm and earnestness are neces­ western, HammeL of Alt-and ty., Beil-cloth end silk skirts, recoghlzed as one bf the best and most sary to all greatness. Enthusiasm ha» r _hartz of A. aM^. T^Se^^^0 :l-5;-: Welk'ng Suiti', Flannel madft mnK1anrt nn^ ATPffrlffl what thfty > ; 'Standing-high Jump—Elam of Texas, -Wdjelwt W-*taU,-BW_. Ci| National Bank " "* "" ' he predicted that it.%ould be one of . are-It ls th«, -fire wMhin; It Is the Millinery. .Gordon"of ifeixas: " • the fifteen or tewnty great..Americ(m^^6Una^t'°»r^"Chrl^tiasltx!__^Take the \V»ternV-Height, 4 feet fr lnchee. Unlver^ttlea of the future. 7 "Enthusiast and1 make hlta a rajl-spllt­ flf lostifr, Ttxas. 220-yaid hurdles—Tantermuehl of S. Snamo-n & Bro. Prof. Hart then jtold of tha great terjie becometi a president; makejttimTexas, Beilhartz of. A. and M., Paliner need, of win-lters. In Ameridttn history,\. P°°r and blbid. he writes a "Paradise ot-Texas. Time,. :28 1-5. qoncref*Ave. Capital, $150,000.00. especially in the matter of preservingtost;" nail him 16 a cross, and he •. 1-mlle run—Grant of Texas, Shudr and collecting original "sources, such reigns ifr hfeaven. "All g'reat victories demagerr of' Texas, Holton of A. and ais old letters, diaries, phamplets, etc. must be won.by enthusiasm.' """""ifTirmmnonhfinonniiij eoard of Direetors. M, "Tlmev-5:26 4-5. 1 In -this connection he Bald that the Thos. D. Wpoten, . -_ Running high jump—Spear of South­Texas; State Historical" Association (Continued, on Page Two;) Paul F.-Thornton, western, .Blam of •'Texas, Sawyers of MILV TRIBUNK TKii OKNTe >ER WCCK, tvas one of the most , active in this -. John B! Pope; Southweetern. Height, 5 feet 4 inches. ' . respect; that it wis .doing, work of • y: E. M. Scarbrough, • * Standing brtjad Jumjv—Weatherby of greet1 value,..and that it had become A.;P^ Wooldrldg^' " A. and M.,!Walker of Texas>. Vernon • the authority jpn td^ history of the • VVV: *Ui--B. i>-Brown. of Tetts. tMstance^ 0 ieet 10 Inchee.. . great Southwest. .. . -• NE W STRAW HATS 16-poiid hMiuner thnov-r-Parrtstkot aii illustration the difficulties Busifi«M of the" Paicuity and -Texas. Marsh&ll of Texas, Neff-of A.­ ''* under-"which -the historian labors;. StiUferMn -Noinr RMtfy:• _ ^ StuA. and H.i H ..i = tatchM. t&s Ul\ •*. prtTate.Tettere aad diary, end of the Pote'Vaultr-Elani 6t Texas and Paa-elegatttlytaili remarkable way in which they were termnehl of Texas tled for first place, WttMKB fthsartr finally brought to Ug^t".. Prof, Hart Moyee of Texas got. thiM. " Height. # is a Very integresting talker aiid held WPP. W.OTTO. iip* feet ft^lnchee. the close attention of his aodienee r *r­ 4ift^«rd dash—Beilharti of A, and ' : throughout the hoar. "* " . "A,.*nd M^ Pmnk of c ji'fe'"' 1 • R. C. Efclert, Undertaker and tor Urm. T0*( dBMBNgg MSI t IS » ' /ju-.*, j_ thwart the_aeyelopment of Its,State ' prettynewFreahmengirlBthroughth' . TTtaiverslty?' Certainly must be mazes of. matriculation, Who wiiralso • that the true* value of such an insti-• lose.' out, "are not deserving of sympa- VA tution is not thoroughly understood. ' thy. , it "."smacks tt>o much of unjustIt seem? to me that the greatest need discrimination. -1 of the South today and of Texas in TheTexan:. ">• weekly nnrcpaper published In CM Interest of the students and aium-particular is the need of trained '. The Curtiss minstrels last night was specialists—men who •1Oiytfe#JZBlMfsUy^fJ'exafc. -, . year. "*"?""*• . intricacies of modern Industry and the r m ihdMeriptlon price, per rear.. ..11.25 science of business. When the States; The desire to excell is evidently not,itagleigle copy.. ... of—the Bast want men to make inves-a virtue with some individuals. ' tigations into the conditions of the •'' „T Entered In the postofflce at Austin, commonwealth, such, for example, as Vaacas, m second-class mail matter. . labor problems*, 'or railway problems, they turn tp their Universities.. What A POWERFUL CONTEST Editor—Alex Deussen. would Texas-do if 8hi: wanted such Ti Aeporters—p. A Prank, Simjris men?" She would jiave to go beyond • A French. the limits of the (State. Do you im-'• ' -' ai Society Editress—Gretchen Rocha. aglfte that the 'Justices of the Supreme • • (.Continued from First Page.)it Court will be (j-blg to -judge intelli-. •• • •" • Business Managers—Geo. 8. Wright fd J. M, Newsom.. gently of great questions that might ~r, be submitted to them in the future -The Glee vlub then appeared and • that, deal with the—complexities of 8an^' i-ohange of address la-orderedr modern .corporations if they have notj Edmem.d Burke Griffin of Van Al-froth the new and old address should had special training.in these' .lines?.'s st-yne was the , first 'speaker in the St' stated: andthe notice should .be ^ec.ond:,peit-9f:tiB:'progfam.-His:B'fi"t)-"—- Jffen^xBiB^i4#$OFpei^lei$^llBaSee ori3 given.one week ^corporation accounts are in demand ject was "The Passing of tiie. Old to take effect. ' -feverywhereL It '.is to train such Slave." The Speaker's appearance bej If The Texan fails to reach you Speci&'lists . that Universities exist: fore the audience was a signal for a ' v promptly, notice . should be • Immedi; . demonstration by his,'admirers, who'ately'given'to the business managers— « hy .is it, then, that-there is such a -*.. ... .... .. . • ' /KannslitwJii AWA). At: 1W-J.­ and the master will: have their atten­dispositfon-ift cfertaln cljrclfes.to arrest" fully-expected-bim to-winrrHls~vftlcB—' tion.' the development of this institution. was deep, melodious and soul-stirring.,His speech 'was-plain, practical,' Contributions are 'solicited " from, "When people in other States want students, alumnLand membera oi the', anything, thex arejn the-iabit ot dig-!~ ,. ritralghtfongagdl-hls ^eltvery earnest; faculty. Write onr one side .of the.' ging. down in their, {Sockets and • pay­ eloquent and convincing. He showed- S aper only: Matter should be in-' by ing for It' In Texas' they expect to that every jage has its problems; that aturday noon. get these goddf things-of life fnr.noth. the question-asked, of our. fathers and . An"$ erroneous reflection-upon the ing: It seems that the possession of .of us is "What will you db with the character, standing or reputation of so much public land has got the peo­negro?" Why is this question becom­••ay person or prganlzatlon will be ple in the habit of depending upon-ing impoftant today? It is be^­ so gladly corrected If called to the at­jt tor almost-everything. Iristj-sad "Of •cause the onlj^ man who understands " tention of the editor." < . fostering .the development -of the. the" negro and the only negro who Address The Texan, Austin. Texas, . State, it seeins to' have: the effect 'of •knows .his place are passing* away. * Old, Phone No. 623. "actyally retarding it. • Soon the" old 'slave and his master • . "In California, where' I came from will' be no more. The old nfen I-Kr' before I came to Texas, thfe Legisla­of the South, the men with ture never hesitates to .furnish its empty sieves, and with only' the State University with $600,000 a. year. memory of , departed hopes—these men . W: In other States, like Missouri, Minne­are the true frlen'ds of the black. The -ABOUT COMMENCEMENT TIME. sota, Michigan. Wisconsin, etc.", they old slavery negro, the humble man are equally as liberal, and they show with -hat Th his hand, knows this. The The near -approach of commence-' no disposition to curtail the develop­V ex-slave is the conservative force of ment' suggests the advisability, of a ment of their educational institutions. J'the blacks. The newer race wants remonstrance against' a They how to appreciate, their office and equality -aAd .cares well estab­know naught value. for the warning advice of its grand­lished tradition at the University .of "One difficulty. that the University fathere! The passing of the Old slave Texas, This Is the migration of al­ most the entire, student body as soon has to contend with Is the very fool­ means the^ passing of the sympathy of as examinations" are'over. Every stu-ish policy of the State in dividing up the North, for the negro; the-_ future X-dent not a metnber of the uraduattng .its educational inBtttutlons. Thus, will see the -young men of the North classes' boards the-first train for with the Agricultural and Mechanical join hands with the young men of the South to maintain the supremacy of home,.Aad*tk«-<-omtHettcement-exer-College at Bryan. 4^he Medical Depart-. . ... ilses are left, to be" carried out hy a-merit.at GaireatfiBraiie "Main tiepart-S the Anglo-Saxoa. • body of strangers-—• -• . —— mffntr -nt Austin—bjh!—with normal The next opcc-kcr wayWlllfam "Sfim-This makes a bad impression on the schools. scattered alt over. the Stat*, uel Moore of Van Alstyne. His sub-visitors at that time; it does not thfese several, institutions having'to Ject-was-"The Republic's-Anchorage." speak well-for the patriotism, of the be maintained'with separate faculties He had a strong oration and he de­ :.j»tudents-so leaving; it.doeanot make--and 8eparate^ equipment8,.thereby in^-J!vered it In a_ masterful manner,. His commencement exercle^s half io im-curring much useless expense, it is "voice"* *"is excellent. He Is easy and presslve*"hor half so enjoyable for the almost impossible to care for any one graceful befqre his audience. He of them as it-should bcxared. for. speaks with vigor, but with decision;. old students that stay, ir is stud/, study all the year through,-and this" If they wer;e all united, they could be"*" -with earnestness, but-with sympathy. Is the only time . ihat students ~can supported With much leak cost to the He has. the power of appealing di­take a whole week off and do noth­ people." •• • rectly to bis_hearers in a manner that It seems to The Texan that"these, few men have. argued that infus­' then, do it? They are entitled to such Jartf"wbr(i8 wisely spoken that might a week of respite after nine hard be • taken to heart by the people.of. of the common* people is the hope oi Texas, . i , --the country. .The common man has amonths of toil—that.Is, those who toll., distrust of the educated man. ' This • Not two per cent of the students who., distrust, is ill-founded. Lincoln be­ iiaSS -do not take degrees have remained A great deal of justly'made com­came president not because of his be­ ~ .Over io the years past. "This should plaint is being brought of late Against .not be do this year. Many men do students who"take, books from the Li­ing a rail-splitter,, but because of his inherent great ' qualities. Jeif Davis not -have an opportunity to become brary without having them charged. -Ot-a statesman- if he had been less.of a .scholar. Yet,. mencement week. Visitors to the books in this.way that the authorities the strength of a' republic lies not in University at that time have only an have, seriously . considered shutting its leaders, but in its masses. True" opportunity to become acquainted the books off from the 'students alto-., with, one element of University peo­gether and letting the librarian get .education comprehend? moral educa­ple; it would be so fnuch better could the books desired by the-students. It • • lv .tloii. Disregarding -this prinqiple. is they sse the rwhole student--Sody-aa-^^J'ej^'ry seeii how ^^Ur^ttis^s|^^0ilS' The vmer afid'cltizen rnust Sembled together.. . .... "will handicap ' the Library work of *t>e educated. Thet yoemanry of the It is .true that the hewltchlng' eyes students and how it will necessitate country is Its strength'; that lost find of sweethearts beckon so enticingly; an enlargement of the Library force. the country is lost In the beautiful springtime moonlight: Now, It is to be hoped that-*such a. The last speaker of the evening was , it is true that the caresses of a fond, change will not be necessary; but so William Alexander Cocke of San An­mother are so longingly recalled at long as a hundred or more book^ are tonio. He spoke' 'upon "Edmund thlS BeasOn of the y$ar; It Is true that 1wt each year; elther through the care-" Burke, the Young Man's Ideal." He the recollection j>f all .the good friends . lessness jor malicionsness of students— made a fine appearance, spoke clearly nuili.e it almost .impossible to. stay some means' of checking this loss Id and well. His oration was a splendid the . temptation, and the gossip among " imperatire. The complaint is coming effort and was a glowing "tribute .to the' erstwhile school companions and fromjjl quarters. Professors who re-Edmund Burke.. He painted Burke as admiring lady 'friends "that he re-?ef. the members of their classes to an orator and statesman who spoke ^unw^ftwm the*University yesterday.". -'reference books in. the Library are the truth in spite of the clamor of the aJtgment lhe desire; and the expQctii-told a few days"later that thebdoks -hour. Burke was a friend to-Amer­-tion of the royal welcome at home -are not to be found and that no rec-ica, and today,-wherever liberty is r «SS as he ttlighta from the train and flnds—ord -of their whereabouts • hats been—loved.-he is honored; The United •Joni. half of the town people'' gathered" made: . States-Is the mother of republics, and the ther»—In i hls itertlla Prof. qtrrlm«. *hat Hght, ret today she is nlavlny thP ilanwmn. just :to greet.him, makes him all the copies of Vol. IV of "Hart's Contem • game of-Imperialism.-Now, if ever we more eager to " gro; the supposed poraries" have beem lost in the last have the highest need of civic virtue, knowledge.which he is preeumed to-year. Vol. Ill of "Leglslacion Mexl-' Burke is the model. He fought almost have acquired in the laps£ of nine cana" is also Missing. These books unaided aiid alone against the oppres­brief, monthar-whlch induces less fa-are needed-badly by the students of slon of a people separated from him sneart.aa-•vored mates to submit all ouestioim History, some:!;of wbom_ are "wrltiM: _ by an ocean of water roqaiasi just these books. "•blood. He ad.dressed the ages while"hA Uttt ' the supposed superior judgment of him. Prof ..Osirrlson ,requests that any one 'he. talked to his contemporaries, ) the ''who has b<5en to the University"!be-navlng ofit any of the above men-When grave questions arise, when dan­ 3e up -of,; «om« especially Battering at thi? time; tloned books will .please return them ger confronts us,"let. us study and ' of Te : vn& thon the desire to nee frum Uie" 'to the^Plbrary itt'oiice. —^ 7— emulate such-a great character andims" antfj ;"horrid .books added ~ to pictures of great man—the young, man's ideal. lege Te >» shady lanes and glistening perch plc-Texas taken somewhat aback Prof. Shurter thanked the audience 0 was j * hies, and summering excursions to the in the State Track meet Saturday'af­for its presence and the judges for clubs,-; While the judges-were seacoest. are powerless to stay the ternoon. She found that it was not their, . service.' v-. . --• ­ ssre. John up nostalgia; books are huddled together such a big walk-over as she expected. their.,decision, the GleeIr italeote -and a train Is iioarded and comm&nce-ana tfiaT^S a^ if ^Geor^ovrn ^appeared and sang the "Unlver­ l Mr. ome • -mentr—, were, right there wHth the goods »tty of Texas Hymn. It had-to re­ ., Well, it should not be so!. If every-• -spond. to four encores in succession. itat i ; "body stayed, the wild temptation Ko-rt _.n ^ The last encore was dung by th« H»t." *-fe'#­ "~f~. could.be resisted-forone) weekmore. register by mali mlw -tette, consisting-of' Messrs? Johnson, • It Is commonly said thU cominence, aSke VfH,' tw.-JSST r tb^ Cannon, Amsler, Stnith, Porter and meat Is nothing for one who does not Se Jh5!® UPJ£t*°?germbi Maverick, lead by Dr. D.»A. Penick; „ llpraduate. :> This is extremely regret-Attendant unnn Hi^ -Proctor s office Judge Streetman -rendered the de­Stable. But twilight prom^nadS 'at I dw8 £Sd ^fi 1?penm« cision of this judgea He the 4 the band concerta would while away ' U>e deslre to avoid the pay decision was Dot unanimous, eithjer as ment of the, fine for tardiness. All . the tedium, .of. six whole hours; the to first or. second . place,-' Howevet, you will have to do will be to" mall •prospect of hearing celebrated speak­ the, majority of the judges awarded your little card to the Registrar, and ers and communing with the .minds first place to J. P. Latent-and second V then conie here and go to classes.. •of superior men should induce seri­ place to B, B.-Griffin. — • . There will be nO more of the red tane ously'Inclined-students to stay; ban- inie decision means that Jesse Per-­ that was the bewilderment of t£ ki^lut^ wonlhe j.-Wluets and meeting^; of literary socie­$50 DnBoiS prizer ^•eshman. You will even be able to' ties shoald-retain.-» goodly'portion; and. -will-represent the' XJniversIty1 of me *nd Anally, tfie mnnd sorfai feetlvl-. ^ Texas-in the-Southern Intercollegiate ties should keep the rest. ^o home. month before you oratorical Contest tb-he held at Se-At any rate, the authorities ought wanee. Tenn:,. on the" 19th , oi this -~,ThO' authoriUes are ehtJUed to the to ofler more Inducements to keep the month... " ­ thanks of the entire ^tudent body tor students here. It might he worth these commemdable innovations" trying &S . A Co^d« Sehtimenta. > _ Of; course, the Athletic Council ls' Charlton, and Chuck; -Wallace and g^ng to care. It.will no longer be CoHHn«itl og on the distrust With .Dave! i . able to Station its trusted agent next which gome people looked 'on the ap- Oh., how-these boy? do behave! to the Registrar's office and collect to propriation for the University; a gen­ .They hollow .and ta, snort and cuss; Ubrary depoelth as the students cont^ ' tleman of attainments, wlu> is a new-®ut* .This Is the only unfortunate fea- But Oh,-by .grip! how they love usl «onww to Texas, remarked : the other —Grace Hall ture connected with Uje change. The • . , day.;. "Why la it that theto is such « „„„ • ' aelf-lmportant upper classm^h who" tadUP?-tlaB ta -we xeep yon n»h wit^ wtf trmes. In thfe habft of guMiii~the Oerge*L . ^ ^ ~ The University of Texas Summer School and Students desiring to make their degrees in the three years and who are strong enough to study announcementof the sixth annual session of:the summer schools, now, being distributed from the Registrar's office. Courses are offered in Edu­ cation, Geology, German, Physics, Latin,, Hath­ --ematics,'Psychology,~Chemisti*y,"^Bhgltsh-,—His--* tory, Greek and Spanish. The summer school also affords an opportunity for students to make -m up deficiencies in work. (Examinations will -bfe set at the close of the schools-both for collefe credits and for those^who apply for teachers cer­tificates. Prof. W. S. Sutton is the Dean of the schools. The attendance last summer was263. PALAGE BARBERSHOP,!! TVR.KISH BATHS /• • • < > Boache Building. &06 ^ongreas Avenue. || HAVE YOU HEARD OF THE rm Dollar Razor? • THE BE8T KNOWN, MOftt POPULAB AND M08T 8ATI8FAC­^ TORV" RAZOR AT ANY-PRI,CE. THE NE®' SELF-HONING 8TR.OP 18 A . GOOD COMPANION -; ' . TH^ "8^UMATE> SEj, „ ' ' ^ 7 G. S. WRIGHT, Representative. 2(Kte^smpifia« st, MIEN'S FINE TAILORING. OUR PRICE8—Suits pressed/ 50 cents; Coat ancf Pants, 40 cents; Pants, 15 cents; Vests, 10 cents. . ALU KIND8 OF REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. 1 BUNDLES CALLED FOR AND DEbjlVEPED. GIVE U8 A TRIAL AND YOU WILL BE-PLEA8ED. 800 Congress Avenue. , Telephone 541-S rlno«. Coming to the University or 4&-V going' to their homes, will STUDENTS And the' :' : : : : j FornilsbM'the beat service and quickest time to p<^nta ^kerally h the state,-having eight handsomely equipped passenger trains oat of Anstln. "• ' for, trwa Avenue, oormt Blxth SfreeL "'RED ^RONT" p. J. LAWLESS, Paseenger and Ticket Agent T V* *" '* • t it i mi H mn Btair Hh The y*lt«TTtp«, Vloe-rr^flent-- MonfcHhrtfeM. AwfaUnt OMhlar. AustinNational Baak Block. -H50-000 5 Sarplas ft Proilt* tlM.'ooo! ' AsmU oyur •1,800,000. U. S Government DeposHny Tjie Easiest Way Is the Best , ,- and the BEST WAY is thfe " -• & Texas Central R. R. all North, Southand Central Texas POfnta. i Chair Cars. ch Sleepers to Dalla*, Anaila, W«oo,Port worth, ^ bwuwb 110 outsIn Irtampt for » oopy of the Soother* Pmlflo Rloeilson, Conicana. Houston.' Cook B^ok, ooatalnlng SOO reoelpu. MORSE, ; ' t..u BOBftlKSr Pass. ud.Trafflo Mgr. O. P.AT.A. Houston, Texas. \a* t3r_s;' >***" TH& TEX AMI practice of-law-.His friends say that SHE WAS A MARVEL he has thp "y/hole thing" up theTe. A REVISED LIST . . . • Fred"Russellis again seen circulat­ Schumann-Helnk's Wonderful Voice ing among old University friends. OF THE ^PEOPLE WHO WILL Held Her Auditors Spellbound • • , GRADUATE AT THE COM­ F. E. Mislrot President Prather, accompanied by. Friday-^ his -wif-e-aad daughter. Miss _Fannie MENCEMENT IN JUNE. '; Lou, are visiting in Galveston. Schumann-Helnk • was greeted t>y <5> <3> . v" • Our Spring Flannel Suits As a number of . errors appeared in an enthusiastic audience Friday, May S. J. Wilson, a student of last year. the list of prospective graduates pub- were late ctfming in, there­8. at the University. Auditorium. Her Is back visiting friend?. He is with ished^ln last week's Teitan and" the beautiful mezzo-contralto captivated A. X,. 'Calhoun. S; Faculty had not yet passed' on the ap­ fore we have marked them even the most Pharisaical. She was plicants, a revised IS published as follows: best in the "Recitation and Aria from .Quizmaster I. W. L|awhon made a this week. list St; Paul," from Mendelssohn, and the. business trip to Georgetown and Tay­ ! •Candidates tor the Desrree of Bache­ "Serenade and Grand Aria from the lor the first of the weeK. ... , lor of Science—Ernest 'Anderson, Jo- The $12 ones for $7,50. .'Prophet.'" In the aria from; "St. "• • ^ ~ J • seph James A'veritto. Hoy Bedlchek, Paul'.' the deep pathos of her tones, c A U r n r1 cV\ t iiTin1Percy clitus Burney, Abram Ruddeit reached their greatest perfection, por­ carmanfiohn The $10 ones for S5.98. SOME RESOLUTIONS~. Jri,,AUc®1v^,^\ , traying.. most vividly the context of I * WllbuT^jlavwell-Npllle f .iirv r>gncv[ Jhfilselection. In the seena from the Alexander Deussen, Oliver Perry BJas* The. $9 ones for "Prophet" the wonderful—singer I orwood. Albion ' Monroe FVazier, -Al­ showe(t-her^Mlityin.coloratiLCfi_y_orkf.. Jno. B. Stetson Hats 3150 IA«*T-WUK ANNDTCN CM --Bllfot-Haclrott, Her'matchless execution of the trill TA3=R WECK -ADOPTED FOL,_,„ -Amy. Uosta. Harlow, JUffilaHerman and . rtins was mar.velous.__ The tech- Genuine $10 Panama Hats LOWING RESOLUTIONS. . ; Hubbard, Miranda „ Spotswood Jjagbe,' nique was. flawless, and liacl? of it: -,Benry__ Fuerchtegott jCuehne, :Gertrude -$3.98 .1-' . was the great soul which supported ^ Katherine : ljippelt7 Kaqrefins I.ock< Closing out alf'^urTrtei^s the tones and gave them their inde-' Your committee), apiwinted to .draft hart;' Margaret Marshall, ' William • sCribable something which few singers resoiuuoiis commemorativtS.of Dr. J. • Josse-;Francis..Mc­ -Jgrairkllri-1 • ••• 11 Mftrtln. uv.go^ , & 4 041vi0 .* irlvrvncsaaiio' '""Wat* 'avfattoiira Katiara orltracf-*! M. vUfryi t)0§S tO fOCQQl* Fine Shoes, 2.94. % ; ; possess-Her extensive range gives Clendon, Frank (Slover Moffett, Clar-,• her 'the, advantage of most prima don-_ rnsad; that-the following^ minute be ence Moore, -lames.. Poweli Munray; 25c ITffentHlaTs,110c linl, an(i"ner lieArt tnnw am M iywnd'-—?Pre^ upon the record hflok jof the . Richaird Charleipagne Pantermuehl,and sweet as her chest' tones, though I* v-culty, ana uuit the Proctor be in-• Randon Porter, Annie Holmes Pritch­ not'^oTulL • '. structed to <}end a copy of said minute OWE PRICE—SPOT CASH. ett. Cecil' Hiawatha ${nith, Archie -—-America-should -hAi£s_iadooted the , * to Che Trustees of the. Peabody'Funil. . Maurice Spurgin. ISdmund Wild. faRhinrT of iTVrine^.arin-pnTnw>lt«;r'ov-''a"'i also-copfcs.to the, dally Hiress of .. Jlaeheipr. of Arts—Albertlne Aid­ ery singer to" sing in the" native-lan-J—: jTirtl—SftMfmt-Bonmir, Clani-frq rUflfleif giiago. ' Had .Schumann-Heink sung' HavingTieard~?flth unfeigned sor-"T"elix Klegal. Bntte, Mary -FTorantinein jpnglish instead of-rsingingL.afmoet l°"v "le sews of the death of Dr. Ja-Lillian Lee Greer, Ga.vine Drummond her entire. program in. German, it bez/Lamar Monroe Curry, the Faculty Hunt. Charles Bedford Johnson,. Mar­ •wduld liavebeen enjoyed still more. University of Texas desires to garet.Estill Kenney, Richard Hunting-Rut, even with tlhe disadvantage of for-roco^ii _ Its appreciation of-his distin? ­ton^-Kimball. Robert K'tiox. William eigiv Janguage, her sinking was en-Kuianed services. As a soldier, as a Longiiio, Richard Morgan Jr., OctaJ -joyed immensely by all. . .stateman, as a. college .professor, as via Nichols, Charley 7 William Rams-the f college president and[ as an author 7 Miss JosepHine ' HartmaH, ac-dell, Emily Atherly Rawlings, Leonard in the realms of theology, politics"and companist, was ideal in her accom­ Frank. Righy, Eva Miriam Sodekson,education, he achieved, genuine Suc­ paniments and won., enthusiastic ap­ Douglas West Summerfleld, Hdrace cess. His great w^pric, however^—thatplause-in her solo. • Moreland Whaling Jr., Charles Eu­ .with iwhich his fame is to be Insepa­ "The short "program'was the only ua­ gene Witt, ,7 7 pleasaht feature of the evening. The-, rably linked—foas his wise and patrl< Bachelor of LIterature-rCiaude Wal­ Will furnish music for . ability-Qf Tthe artist was hardly ber otic service as-General. Agent of the lace Allison. Helen Olive Devine, gun to be realized when her hearers Trustees of the Peabody BMnd. Be­ Germans', Receptions, Etc. George Clark Embry, JlBe Sophia rare very much dissatisfied. . , were forced to leave, satisfied', yet cause of the tact, courage and .Frlschmeyer, Frances Miranda' Hogan, ability displayed in his labors In be­ John Paul ^owser. Alma Keturah half of public education, in the South, Nordic'a favored her audience with • . Jones, Nathail Banks Judd, Marcellushe will eiver' hold a pre-eminent place many" encores last year and] held it Kleberg, .\fayme Edna Littman, Mora . among the makers of educational his­.. -«pellbonnci...tw& hours; while Schu-. Cordelia McOombs^ Samuel Neathery,tnann-IIelnk's reclfaniastejt-'tnrljr-one-7 tory in America. It was his privilege Benjamin Harrison Powell, GretchenandTftiTgnffy— — hour. -The followiiig was the pro­ 7 his talent8>to promotion, of which alT loyal Southern-: CM1 gram: . ^ v. . -o thiS great cause, in the -Part-i -^r^aJid-aU-_loyBl_American8 have the (a) Recitative and aria ftoni profoundest iriteTSt? —-_B_end .Blackburn, Albert ^.diel Cother, DrofounrlAAt. Iriterwrf^1-— George Alexander Duren. Richard­' MLeilsohn Bliss Gillette, Clem«nt John Howard](bl-'Wohln'-.Whither^^ , Bruno Moltke Haberer, Thomas Jettef­ son Palm, Marvin Curtis Weiborn. (cV'Dle Allmac Master,of Arts—Mattle Alice Austin, Committee. ' . Powerful) . Schubert WUUam Berger, EJdwln Elmore Bew. .. Scene and grand "aria from ley, Henry I^ee Borden, OlaUa Crane. fourth act of-the "I*ror« William' Lambdin-Prather Jr.,Ethel phet." . ('Prison scene) Zl.vl^y Prather, "Fides" .7......... Master of Science-^-Archie Maurice YATES •Mine. Sohumpjxn-HelriV „ Spurgin, Edmund Wild. W^reSa 18 AGENT IfOR 1 " Part IU '7 ' 7''" 7 (a) Piano solo, "The Magic " You. may find lover ;••••••••*•» ^ Fire" (from the Valkyrie) crossed,. • 7,7 VAR8TV LOST.. "• • • Wagner-Brassin . Or a candidate who's defeated • ViBCTV • nf.^ ^ (b) Spanish Caprice...... .. " • But the only balm for aballgame lost — -.• -.•.. ,Moszkowskl fs to swear that the umpire cheated. • San Antonio, Texas. May 9 — 4 Miss Josephine Hartman. 7 • In the garie of baseball jtoda,y be-• --'' ^ —Ex. ­ (a)'. "Sapplilsche _:.Ode" (Sap­. phic Ode) .;..Brahmgr --' • and the San Antonio-tnde-• *"7 . Upon-a k^g-of dynamite . 710 CONGRESS'.AVE. (b)' "FruhllngsiledV (Spring­ —• i©n­ • lowing Is the sc6re: v v, ^ H' yjndependenta ersonas oo oo <» • .. Miss-Wilisori of "Bryan is*-now a Traveler (to hotel clerk) want a • ••••••• 'f NearestUp-foTJate" -member of tlie Ubrtiry oorps.-She . r^,-, ••".—»=. .-•«* "T . .7^.. room and a bath; please _v^ilLremain here until the'-end of the' • «o*« give yon--i Barber Shoplo the • EMGINEERING NOTES. session, arid fJieri RTIA witi ^ but I haven't tlmn tn rr)TUniversity. • c Bryan to take charge of the Calrnegie -the .bath just —— -T.Jvf CTub-he,d now:—Ex ' the regk. Library there. • -' .... v • Jar bi-weekly meeting Saturday night.7; '• '<$•'•$>-7-A mfl.ld. a man7 an.open fan ; Two interesting papers on engineering ;: S.A.GLASER ;; f --< L. Will Welker returned. Friday A seat upon the,stair, . topicswere road by C J ttnf:' ^ '-..7^7 > from a stay of two weeks In San An­A stolen kiss, si* weeks of bliss R-R. Hatchette. The first was a dis­ tonio, . He reports an improvement in AJliL forty years, of care: . cussion of. dredging machiheB-the' ' WI *i • ~ "Ii i • his health, the failing1 Of which called . : . '• -?®?o®d. by Mr. Hatchette, dealt'with ttm home A ^ — • the Assouan dam across the Nile, ... '• •$><$• . The photograph most dear to me,E. V. Boynton, member of a the The Pocket o'er my hear,t-doth fill; •mf.^preJ»rat)on of his thesis, 1STUDENTS1 Sophomore class last year, but who v You ask that I-should let you see for InrtltutloM f #• Mil you Tailor-made Clotb-pas been teaching near Burnet dur­The photograph most dear to me? TTiif'rp^o ' A J-H°ward had, on lasting: this session,: spent the— past week i---Lan <$>7 Room 61, B Hall. came down froS^Wacgtsaclrte—Irmt-wfium nn.i' .ii-—— -Ing'.Di Zf°kP:™*? friends^^^f^1 Cust rake ou^mtin^ -r -— ••— Qf" ' '***&* take in the"State track meet. strength of cotton-ties and cotton-tieAnd,, departing, Heave behind us •' ' • .• . buckles last Saturdsty for private t>ar-' .Cash for them40 live in style. ' Entrance examinations to the Uni­ve«lty will be held here and at the 7"7;:'' ^ x ' ; —Ute. • 'v­afflllated Khools over the State Wed. i A' A-8tlleC^7oia .t.. * nesday and Thursday, May 13 and 14 .'Gee," commented thB^ymith'on the ,n.^he department lwt weekjI W.N. tete^ph pole; "I'm getUn' timl of and left to-do some topographic work n^s111 E. A. Catap. IjL.7B., '02, cattle up here. Wished they didn't San ntoiiio for the United States haye that darned old foul-strike rule *' Dentlait; Sundayfrom Maysfleld. where he has Geological Survey tintll JuneJ. AJtS just taught a inost successful school "Betcher. life," assented t/e to it June 1 he win arrange his party forHe is now located in Rockdale for the tte knothole. "We ain't no the purpose of making topowanhll'chance now; jtf getting In on a foul map. MI the Rto .OnuulI, nek? Marfa over the fence."—Lantern. ^7^ * . * r i . . Medical Students' Club Bhe—W here's that' cunnlne chan -. *![? was_on third base a mlnnte ago? ^ home on thfe *0 disappointed. I'so Everybody Take Notice .wanted tp see him play the rest of the A M r^w*^pre8ent *?re: Same.—Liantern. • -• -^t:':7' T7777'. " 7 "'7 77.~ 7"::7';7:.. Smlth. H. ^. Knehiie, (3uy P. Witt, Owing to-the extreme bad weather for the ' VhTedtfe^%^d a* nothing" Bibb', past 6o d«y», andIn compliance withnum­erous requests, Ihave decided to cOtitijiue^ K» L:^e the low rates^,tie students, until April i&u' -fefSL-^ • • ' ! ^Jack (ln the botft hotiise)~4MiaH w * " •i Come irt atonce,don't waitUntilthelast day Uke the spc^ wir*; Mls» Blrdy?" „JM,8V?,rdjr 7) yoa Canslnjr * Wartlike.-—Princeton Tiger. DEANE, Photographer. ^RTEE herself JM> well-** _ Hraight as 4, mast." ~-b!L"Xett, with Staysto keep her UJ toon TO DRINK "STAR" Sodas, Orange Cider, Club Brew, Celery Nectar, Ginger ­ Ale Mil Pure, Delicious, BBfresMpjr, Star Bottling Co., Office: 206 Colorado Street. Phone 248. ­ ^ -for-Bremo-HygeliL v Natural Mineral Water. =2? The Clothier UP-TO-DATE CLOTHINO MID FURNISHINOa VARSITY TRADE SOLIOtTBD, 613 Congress Ay*. - ' Students, hiironliT Chas. G. Wiikasch. -~mS} Succe8«qr to Aug. Wellbaeher. When you desire the ohoioeyt • T0BACC08, CANDIKS, NUTS, . fcftUITS,.pijQAg^, .. ; Hot Chile a Specialty. N. W. Cor. Guadalupe" anJ 24th, 1 ^OL DAVIS, I • : • ------ „* -Dealer and Domestlo— %«T8 and Tobaccos. Billiard «nd Pof Static c*U, Boolu„ud7 ^MfeH Something 41sefuK^~­ Just the thing on wh i c ti to1 hang your1 clo­thetra^-ftigb costuiner" your garme >11 shape. Bt»«r ftMt It.Ul. C. A. Dahlichr ..Dealer to,. "RiSi. eigam and Tebaoo'o SSOI'S Ouadalupa. —Phoney r' » OPERA HOUSED 1,^ •M1 Jl V"<0 Si 1 to * ' T Br ir*Hrill .JtfKgpJllW^ 'L "T,My" JfP» ^gv '•£: /m* ^v»jr^r " .'Sin*-*' 4^* ^ t-Ay, t^££5,r* ' J -Vs? • '*>J -i* Sr £ ft < f^n- ^''"'"^V *~k Otf fflxacr leeloyahip part *ww .master*-.-The J®ige. toy aw.JoBjr ,wft and gpgnmmy with. fte iwri, poe-• -Th« Carfiaie tiuHAin riaod. to&poaed **«*» an eke «&araaatierartles.req«iireiJ' of•• fifty pfecaa, & «3* of' the finest-Cottrell Leorvard,CELEBRATED for ihit alJ-Sffi{i«nzati posftjo®-..Judge'. -oygaffljasSo*! of-fts 3tSsd in efe«=-cosm--' •Ru L-Batu responded igsj.lhfs > toast; WT--PERCY OUP. WHtTAKER. SOUTHERN^ MANAGER, : 'Atbenascm T&* Autetsaircm KetnusaeeiK**.''RemiisXf-JMSicsa" Tfe»*--ALBANY, NEW YORK. 1 Sgaitriiky. Vras ,a : -THE DRIftKILL HOTEL LAST s -;; company ai socae length raTefajjots. j£..lajr--s !a-r«^ rcn a ft*: yosra? men-, «•&(», *•»« not af-: S«{fir!®C© SB C&e ^CnBSfiSteQ^T' 0^ 5s:i% Tiaaiw i:i« • W» the Winner—Four low«{ to.uili as nsoeh as they •J'flK-wi -•wotffc ae&<«, expiaaanoo. The toast, _S>cni r>e:TiTt?S airfNV6 ii_3T^€-s of A« anaottBeerf by the nsrymirag • •^Onr-McKtot'*.' was -to-by _ bait. Tr^e^-Ebe--ittte W--C' trf iMaj g, the .jwitittw! tjf. 'ifTH1, *hA "frr^farhTTrfc 'Sfe • sa&i • tsaf~tSe..-Atfeaafeoa tead at­ •' sBetac^ '2? ^zs tfatfa tfcac «w.5s«e?Eaffi i&x'zi*TZ2LZZci and ENGRAVING jssaasjsr^saisis's • MleSsl^a-:fe'ss 'iSasr'. -;;r .. ..; HOUSE .; > 1 1 to.atl tt» rfVala «&',th*."h* J. ®°f * '"w*fe inerfe•tlsfi 'paim shotiiit l^ar rt. tf2 CHESTNUT STREET, iPH I LA DELPfiI A. ~ sssp&^assss': TBSBS^W 8 friiafelisfcmeai ac^-er-'personal' £i;j>^rT's,ioii of Mr.. i>r^ Xa. ?.u'?Cr^Sefr'' • • •• Vfca^at6a:»AiMr^V^:-S»^ "" ~tatfen crt5;i'Socle"sCV#5"iT2fea'" o»'tto qaa!It7; ^ t._ :; •toryr Rlch^d MbiB-Jr..'AW * ••^•' ^^ -••Jaa-' "li'Miiim Comman^r;' * ' ll^iy — S^V* '" ;' dects are z.»'t-i play Ant 3*jR~T#xaar. • Po«We oft the floor:, #hi»w«l-of' •1 yy&mag . la 'ftia• 'fwatm" m»-. .M?»f {g :'•••-•-'•• ­ 1 H^iwiM^r' T^«»iit«srThe^sisH7 &r sis Pres^ws fesoftTtif aafte « *nort J2!?fc,h? abd rery. piisosopfe&s-trip w X»wrMce, Kaa_. r«>c<»tjy"andjrtettj ajly dliided th.-tjih.'iisaau<~aii* grw<<=ti hi *fa<­Joy wearf^Sl o? ^ iQ,o t5ro go *t:n!Ter»tty Blfflderts. i with them a«j tfeo« »ho ' \y* * ....•"' '.' '9'-'.'r'-. *0*• -cor-Isfmagf .41. iMtioir. - ... ,: , • > "C»% • ;A aumfe rjf lTajTemi!6»:.• Jsave rfv •• t V1''^7** WWrad by lie .eeatJy.'C«Mnud the pwi ;ujd In.; 25^%'^ffTi. ^'**?, .« p--(6s«ftce^ir . A. W. i|oe>' jtiin bl% stsc'M erem tst-it,"ir cciife-: Stft by tlw polish. Of its P >D Gstittps ' linn ' A" ' 1P-'*• \ir«vl" f, Johi i • **<•&? • . • • ' :• ••••• gafl'dtl'Ji.g-^rev";" '~-Ta'g'':iarar'.atimj.ii.rnj vdi«&C6' hftSsrctf"Ptflmt&tty" iwrtiy (j-—f u . « ' ^arsdajr' Ei^i-; ax Baj'­ •-. —T-. \CtEAITTRSCT he Maf t, .... r-K,-r .•' -r"-. •,-'' '. •-> • a»W*> ICQTSL Sfe'taron Bonner Bwtiiam f "Tw -:.T; "BSasft." ei^'srfesii'. •• tis-^ Var-'•" •sky .-aiBf::no«r;.:'a,Sri^iiriiaSSre::: M'rSic. has fc^eo elsrA6>i iiemtas'maa'' ' a^fer «f. Th«--ifed-caj Wefr'aiy ilned^'i. pidienoe^ A'!»<>aiBa. now.-^-!sim= .,.. ' ie «n'co " dridgev ««d«*®4 th«iff in°2--C-°" ^ PS^*-. thajjaptea-'hlp:.m bAsebalU ST.lLOUlS, ^:rA;'roajsg.iad/ 'riskSitg ^b^Hvik'iJi-r • CHICAGO. ^feV aewfeow £fiw ret;r^»»•»•>»•»» t«t>nijr-fi4g!ii' ,eo*ers i*-aii«! tlum. society after a^joarbffienjh '. A'mocg • KAHS^StlK _ T&jt tact 'ha'..ihis.wj* th<; iii:a. "Drta­ others was Watkfns, -.tiie wit of the.:­ t COILBGR CILUNfiS!.Rnsfe- .GALVESTON,AUSTIN,SAN AUTy.,.v, 9 kill ttif? tnexh. *f •• • «» I r," ah'intiid Tggf • r^:^s&mfWaikJA2 MWORTH.DALUS. WACO.HOuSlON.V "" rbVJa &y i>» n^rpr hi Trh1cii, !liflir ' t^k<> • ,j. and ihea er­-^.ctalnsfed:'.. "Oh. 'that's ; feEe:" ^-Theiathl«ti<;_cbjnmlUee at Stanford •• -. ^ -' -vj>, -*ip ' Vplroretty has voted fw^-aterj bearing li Pncsitman airi (lu T>/xaii iet>ori.t.'r> »»»»»>» the"collegiate "S" to tfifi glirfs pliy­ —;V8 thatr'. iae to tie prortise VHf ORESS'FOR STYLE t.i 4UU10U •SeE^.~'H<»ey?S; but T-yoti are -not. Dr. llomec Hill, Tba* fellow's .not a Junior Academ; HUT ESS, AND COMFORT tt THE IHPROWO Wia*:ll£|K . AH. ""Tel. 85. 2 BHBr^fPPWatey^^3c3S«««=»BaPX^b^ ..--.-lwnB.'fena8»3biaaTOfeT^^5^ ancv .: -: •-' ' .' •'••• y€*$ y :iDCv • .Baby -:fe at loaat three dare 'Cb Jdhbod •Cevfous. . ..•'... '•:..; ••' Wi»y ... .Jonesy P -Tfte atnn" .„, , -._ _.......i....j t'j.....j..Bill— were regaled was aa follows: JMord tutorial system at Prlncetpn.: At the bAr,._. ,Wm. ^"ert Jones, Esq. Salted Almonds Olivee. :_ r .'\ -,|: " . ->§i • ' '' •• ' ' —;--tr Daring the* *ar..;.. CO'poral Jones Grade. sCreatr. ot Ttfmato. Baked White jliij. "j The DartmOath stndents ^recently After the war....Gen: Wni. W.Jones Ice Skates, Hockey Skates Stuffed Mangoes. . -• lield a mass meeting to 'consider a' On tie stumf)..;.'. ... Special Shoes, 'Racing Sk Tha iteeagiiiisd Standard "Our d'StingtiisIrid Old, 1S63"rt Fillet of Beef with Mushroome. w!mt' victories are wtirth;^ ceje-^ lc Congt^.. Official Hockey Sticks, Tobog­The..Name is Sliced Tomatoes. . French Peas. Potion and shall have seneral chatfe -.KeiSreseB&ft{Ve: Wm. >'.' Jones gans,,; Basket.-..Ball. ' Sweaters, iUnped os --Duchefis Potatoes. ifelebration committeo.vwMiai»cv;..woh;b-muuiwhiet shaJl de-lit.. WU1-ujaitu^ fellow. citizen/' Skates^ for Toung and • Se"ncdicUn. bavfc> An"a preeent- MeTc hanf Ta11or. The money necessary for 4ts> 'cimstruc-A jolly young tough, w Stkuribt fir . Uod has been donated by Atidrew Car-While, mixing a compound stuff "I 003 Cpeg.' Ave 1$he Texan -negle... ostin Jewelry * a 'Dropped match' itf .the Vial -^ „ -And after a while—.' ' $1.00 for Balance of tbc Setsoa Beginning with June of the present, They found his front teesih and one! and Loan Go. year-Cornell University, will retire all • cufT. • •' . 51# Cons. Ave, -• _ professors at the age of 70. :The re- V-Eich^n«a .. . ., . -tlrtd professors will s«rve as lectur-There was a young Pi-eshman from Winning Prices on Men's Suits _ Maine , — :. . .With learning acutely insane. .. . Wljo one day in a fit " DEPA^n^lv?^8 ^ m fur fly ,/n the CLOTHING Sent a joke .to the lit— •• They.'ve dugV new grave up in M^ine. . " —«ecortib K^V~ >• Fine Grande Winter Clothing I knew a young lady from iUchigan To meet her I never should wishagan. J™-10 '™* these' suits—-workman­ She'd.eat ice cream : • /-.#••: ot ship, quality and fit are all. that can be desired* Madai Schumann-Heink "nil with pam she would scnaun, ^ Suits formerly sold— Suits were-i- And she would order another big \92S>J00 »iaas Vlfill'a|)pear In Song Recital in the Universftv -dishigaa. —Exchange. S1&00 *1000-...; No* S7.SD • ' * »16v00 AMtoriai# Frtd&r evening, nay 28. The re-•-' --•• Plain Talk. . . . 6S Youths' Suits, .Miserly Trareler-^^e careful with Suits d^wHUie^ir promptty at at Eight o'clock. »iaso . formerly sold *?.^U?:„P?Lr****"""*' I wouldn't .hate it tall tor ten shillings. $14.50 . «w arged tocome early. Doors will be • Pftrter—4 dbuht not; bat, ariimfwy »iaoo . :HflW S9.8S Nov S3 Ss Ji—J 4«u1«^'eacb number. " w.tfne aighi sare niiif».~. X &T m % Vy rs.'-ji •s