B. A. *r»»«. r -ss-m >»t f •> *-'* &%%• " „ j «*c N 5 1 1 1 -I -V* *.7 * »'" -t-- ^*-1 —-fr r -A • *'. ' , ^ \ t ,?£-i P. W. McFAOOEN SOMETHtWS NEW! _l__ DRUGGIST : TWO STORES­WITERSITT DRUG STORE. 2300 CMJalupt St. ^UMOWrfflTOirSTOREMM Initi St. 1 BOTH FIRST-CLASS Austin Texas , A Weekly Newspaper "ALWAYS THE BEST." Two Piece-Suits Coat and Pants for hot weather .wear, 'made, of light Serges. Cashmeres and Woolen Crash _m jiew _and_exciusivahs Jor the college. 4(M-prettv.BitMs. i_LS0tc„ and .sans a fe\v songs, announced •• --• of the Journey. 7?'§t1ietr Vpneprt^aSKl concluded the re­ cention hv sin^tip-..•'•finnA ni,i ;-mer Time,". "fives of BlUe" and other . The Glee. Club '-returned from its-favorit.es;, in which the, youiig-lAdies­tour o\(M' North: Texas last Tuesday Joined!' .: •, * night, after,.having given a most sue-: .... Miss Louise Low, the youfig pian­c.e&sfuF series of concerts in the cities ' ist pf this school, who" played at Sher-. ot that section.. . .-.man with —-tlie —Thomas Or'ches.tgU­ ni-v-hi.stra —' --An 1mfirovemprit over the past _tnpjL.U1''n(lly .conaeMCTlrr-^pufffay the piano­^yas. nianlfestfed'i-by--^the interest and "with Mr. .Hertjiberg'? yioliti .solo at ..enthusiasm the graduates and ex-stu-the concert fln„ilu>--fftllp.wiTT^-T.n>1,n-4cmtji_alibiV£wl-4her-pttTtj'-ainrtlie-con-i"K-a „'sGco'nd reception was tendered certs. No charge can be made agatnsT: , the party by. Mr»: Key., 'at which she them in the towns visitfed—notably so/ iTtn Paris. Cleburne and Belton: They met, the part.y at, the tra(nR'and-hbters anok:'charge and save.all to un-ders.tand that the boys were, guests of their friends and-(he town and must follow out the program mapped out. and ^incldeptnl^y """that .a "student's, money1 is no good in this town/' Their welcome, was a real alumni welcome. •They gave their time aiid attentioSTp the enter- These conditions are the great ele­ments in the success of'the musical clubs, and their trips in the North and East, and it is a thing of pride to know that the fl1lininl ,nf "Wrrae' and . will. do .such' tilingsaslo. it means success to such un­dertakings and a stimulus that jioth­ing else, covlld give. It means mere com petition to make the club-and-the" trip, more willingness on'the part of th,e more capable men to give inlyrest inprac thgt,: the membership^'wU'l.iMtai-n a-greater "per cent of men who have'"­had previous, musical training or' of those who have, been associated with I good mjusicia'ns;• and .are capable of -working themselves up to the college Standard; i i£ means, ..also, that the membership *will-conform more near­ly to the public's conception of the all-abound college man. -" ' -."^s to the conduct of the: riartv thn most exacting_.coultToffer Httl.e "com- plaint. , It • has been very frequently""^^ a'" Denison. ^ said that although ti^e crowd has been -" Denton. very jolly, the boys hayejbeen entlFely The cLub_aiTfved at Denton early; -wo,t-in"the following orderV ' Gordon kentlymanly. — "Friday morning and went: out to the State Normal.-Chapel attendance be- Sulphur Springs. >m,A • « . . . ,.. . . ing corifinulsory, all the students were- The first stop was_£KBB.emB16d.. 'l'he"-.-fro^t row -qf "seats. take his degree-this year. . Peyton , Irving, another old Varsity man, was with the boys;a groodipart t>f the time. FRAMOe LASHMUTT, Springs.--Freshman John Dlnsmore was waiting at the station "to mee.t the cr6wd-arid while most qf the par-. ty went to the Garrison liouse, Dr. -Penicl^ .Johnson, Rieh'ey and Ford were taken in charge by Dinsinore1 ^'tIner Par^ at night : the Main Street Opera House, was crowded, and after the program was finished the boys en­joyed a: most delightful reception-at th^ home of Judge Dlnsmore. "Grace Hall Jack" Hubbard was thereof course: He is principal of one'of the . . , TT . KOEr—v o •last"Tear, •w'hen the hoys looked, •Height—5 feet.­ • Ited the High"8ch down from the platfoi Por the 12-pound hammer throw, e was again heatlly welcomed. ing at them from, the McLean; Brodie-, Adams,' Wood, Par- Among other-old Varsity men In very front seat. they, were so over­ rish, Campbell, Housebolder^-Shilth. Denton were Schweer, Prof. Lang and- come with emotion that they were Murray and Ross' werej Ford Withersp'ooft. The lattCT.J|rJooJ c&mpeiled to-look ; the ; othef way. Smith second and ' s fo ' feet tooK time from his pr&cnco lii*(}rd^ir to u tkiatin 'r*i««K kai*ia-.__in 3 IncBOs, ot thc the^bdvland'tikJl^fhe^ **? baseball team! which Xved the boys and take in.the concert. He' . t>,Q ^ -tiered.-Ati ^pftctatlonB^jKere-reagheg ^ 3^0it'».lOOpercentbetter^h3S"eWi^"^^^^,^j^™*^^^^ii—fISS5-j-;-«^'^ttniasBea; TEerewere^four eri-J before. •: —r—• tries, Finley, Elam, Lallier and May." time during the season. ­ Paris.. Wlnnera-^Elam first, Lallier second As was to be expected from th& At Paris the clubs were hospitably and j Finley third. .'Helght—lp feet 6 -success of the Glee Club In Denton entertained by a number of Alumni, inches, or 3 inches oyer the Southern. last year, the h6use wcis well filfed, ^ fttneng them being "Chub'.' Wortham, a -record. ­ large part of the audience 'being' Tftprell, Barry, Ewl'ng, Boyd arid joe cog"P5Be(l ,flt::8tud8ntB froro tlie""Dgf&* "e-^enet. All of th^^:.si^.are:wSl^ton""sc' known-inr Varsity. .JBtiiyd" will. be re-' membered by the older students as a member of the. Glee Club years ago. \ HospitalHiee were extended by both •-'^r - ^ V^y ^umni in pSs^nd of - ''Chub" Wortham' -in particular. How­ .... ever, as they told,the MjrSi' what they . did ' foe, them this year will fade. Into • comparative insignificance., when re­membered after the events of next year. Stierman. ;. " •At Sherman on Wednesday -af ter­noon and Thursday-morning a most llorious -time was had. Shortly, after Arrival Mrs. H. O. Hold.8Hd charm;trig daughter, MIsb Orlena; received the "party at "their elegant home. Shermanta .beautiful ^and • cultured, gila. menibers of rthe -' Antlers Club, ^ I— i, suspended, all. rules arid allowed the boys to jneet^^atl fri©nds-Md-ac^iahlGzr ;s^a«r jieipraB ;:;.antf on^ •' "anreS-—real or faticTeH—as well as" her •Southern record were broken. •, '.senior class. She also tendered a . •-The Southern teoord of;:10-feet • " icomplimentary musicaie by the gffted Miss Love. Atpev this recept'itm the clubs were invited tn ^hnmc nf Mm • gp«-fnr-tTrs-m^K^r nf jllnior Law Roy C. Sewall. Again Sherman's delight­ful, Antler^B-girlR were out—and still liioto of theni—and under ttie charm-, Ing hospitality t)f Mrg. Sewall and h'er il.e (taughters; everybftdy had-a most;delightful time-arid left only fn: time to patch the tralh over to Deni-s.on. Delicious " refreshments were served and a unique corit.efet engaged 1,1 UIJU w"w FTl'>y'^~;nTF"nnm"i of those present.. Johnson won-the prize—a .sterling silver hat brush—but won by the cut of the cards* • •At. Sherman-among;-the -graduates -and. ex-sjudents met7were' Veris-Mc^ "Innis, Robert Ralne.v .Tack McT Denison. . -The club reached Denison Friday afternoon and found -a number of,oldr Varsity pepple in town,Aamong them-being' Miss Jvliinson, J. ljarral Booth; Cummins, Furman. Calvert arid :Hard^ ing. Dr. Penick and somft/of the boys _ went to the High School and received'' several encores on .their songs, " Probably" no more ' "enthusiastic a"d appreciative" audience was. met during the. .whole, trip than the 'one. • was reserved for the Glee Club, but "two vacant places testified to the-ab­ -Beffice of Lumpkin and Golden, who liad found some -12-year-old high school.girls. Prof. Kendall, "who is. ..well known'-at Varsity,.presldWl. The quartnf-fn nnn[>—yiuiiu hi"1' were enthusiastically received, espec-, ially ;the "Three Wandering Jews." c. Among tie .instructor^ -seat^'VipOD: the platform were Miss Blanton anA Miss Edith Glark,"both well ,known to Varsity..people above the; "rank Of Sophomores. Miss Clark, with the, .Jsarae' iljyinesa.:.;.whlsi)ects, everything eon-• • sidered, it w.as one of the great-• • class. meets_^ej hmd3ere, •• ' • >' Inches on pole vault was bro­ * li>ju when a Freshman Engineer • •-Clewrad^-tlio stick at hi reet tJ .• tnches. -The State records were • • broken In'-the pole vault, the dis-• • CUB throw, the hammer throw • • ami.the 100-yard dash. The con-• • tost waj yerx clpBe and exciUng; •J the store being almost a tio up to • • the very last event. With a score # V• of 60 to 47 In tavor of the Engi-• • neers, they won flrst'and seCbnd • • places' in the ^40-dflsK-Pri'' >t"'° • "• beat the FVeehman-Academe by • • a s»lr and-secondiluUja goods of all klndB. Best ^laca to lionov money. Best place to itpnul It. .Austin . school tor bora, .with the XTnirersltr of Texas. Send tor catalogue J. »TANDUEY FOIU>, M. A, Prlnelpan W. L. COOK, Assistant 1M Lavaca at. Auatln Tswas. 1 Beady made tnlts, Fine y elolli and aUk tfkirts,' 'Walklng Sdlts. Tlann*L = a«yayaft«t WaUu.Ti^. S. Sti^m^Ltx & Bro. 81&-MQCoUgrew Ats. (Continued-, on Page Three.) DAILY TRiaUNK T*t» OCMrS'putt W1KK NEW STRjjW HjATii Sorts forMto . _ Now Ready We have for your THE'Blta STO^.-' ^; •Inspection the PiHMasUiflnliketf hiandgomest line dtstilts in Anitin. Men's Sh»ye«.f .00, Boys' ShKpes't elegantlyuilored in all thedew fab­ HiMM'hatfM SCMfc.SII.M. • Other Straws for 1 621 and ®3.Coagresr^cvwrae. Man aad however, with the Chickasaw Athletic miles from Cameron, and Claude Mc­(Jlub In Memphis, and the. trip was Clelland, LTjfl B.'. 1900. who came the • jmlled—ofE—all_right.^Alreafly Texaa 125 miles from Brownwood to be with, • has taken two from A. and M. and one the crowd anTTiearllirraicertv-A— from Baton Rouge, and the local faifs reception 'was tendered at the liavlor A weekly' nswcpaper published in are expecting a walk-over with all the. Female College. <• Quite a number of Jka Interact of tie attests and aium-: The University of Texas rest of thcTteams. •• — __—t-he—boyn woro ^lFiven--ovQr_jtfae_J_itg •1 of the University of Texas. • • • • . »• >9 ' -by friends and acquaintances: A Mbscrlptlon price, per year.....'$1.25 You can set down as a certainty large and enthusiastic audience heard 6T/ Singly copy. ...... ..5c that It is. always , the hit dog that the concei t at the bpewt house at squeals. . .night. ^ HA Entered'in the postofflce-at Austin, Aflt'F. the concert1 a pavllioji dance Summer School and Texas, as second-class mall. matter. . Manv picople take an ospecial de­was given In honor of ths> party. and light. in boasting of how little they :• everybody had. a delightful tinre and$% •™~ E°Vssen-ism?—a,-really study. " . left Reli.on with pleasant memories of SSSEi Reporters — D. A. Fr^nTc,^H." vT » 8e In a colloge. as in the real world, (ended bythe Bclton people, especial­ 4unrJorM fchodlus and .Lewis Johnson. fairness is not a characteristic of all ly by: the young ladies. Mr. -Blair and"BMi Society Editress—Gretchen Rfecne, people that compose it. .Mr. Montcith. the brother of the genialBusiness Managers—Geo. S. Wiugljt ~_and_ £amous -.-Jfontv." _ •Bd J. M. Newsom. o • •--•• Students desiring to make th^ir degrees in the As one strolls over tlif" campus. On Dn ..jfci-oi.i.nt of the especial run of these-beautiful moonlight nights lie is social-festwrtiesr^fee-eon^oi^-At-Xate. three years and who are strong enough to study When_change of addrens isordcred,.. ; impressed with the profound wisdom- a later date lor was, postponed^ until through the summer will in the M stated, and' the notice should l;a young man's fancy lightly, turns t,o home on Tuesda-v afternoon.' announcement of the sixth annual sessionof the both the now and~ol(T'atldress~shtm1d of this-saying: • 'In the spring a this year, and the crovSl-returned-, be interested gven on,e week before the change is take effect. . • thoughts of love.". -Oil the whole, the trip was a most summer schools, now being.distributed from the delight ful one anil easily the mostIf The Texan falls to roach, -desirable:-of-_Ujose.-aptiji_...to -the atui-Registrar's office. Courses are pffered in Edu­ promptly, notice should be immedfr of baseball with Southwestern last •tely given to the business managers dents of the Varsity. It Hid good ad­cation, Geology^ German, Physics,.Latin, Hath- Tuesday-tad to be called off on ar-vertising. for the .University as well and the matter •wlH-hitve-tli«i*-att(m-, the 171 j1111 L_ ur.rarir:—The hoyH-wern pxcstnl ns.,-tn fnrnmh n fine lime tn all the ematics, Psychology, Ghemistry, English, His­ tion. — Contributions are solicited from , anxious t.o cross bats with'-the; iulity. — tory," Gfeek and Spanishv—-Fhe—summet-jschuoL GeorgetoTO-aggregation just to let . pfnandally. it/ was notv'as Isuccoss­ •tudents, alumni and members of' the also affords an opportunity for students to make faculty. .Write-on on& Slde^bf'ihe them see how the 'national game is • till' as, mi^'H " liave \le«fredT : l)ut paper'only. " Matter should be in by.-Played>-._j^L_!^'_^^—^p^/^^^l.wHlMhe-liberal patronage, that is ex-up deficiencies in work. Examinatioriswill be . ' '. • • : 'jiected from the concerts to-be given ' jtopt; Saturday-noon.' 1 set at the close of the schools, both for colle«fe Trfe band subscriptio.nft-seem to lje . in Georgetown, Taylor,'-San Mgrcos Any erroneous refiectlon upon the. ^ Cf>lt that tlve rennireij $200. wip financial Success: . . . Bh ba etiara(!l^r, standing or reputation of' xionring on •fa^rorahhf..and It 'la credits and for those who apply for teachers cer­ seiyedf any* person or brganto.tio'11'"will bo 'be raised.1 .This is welcome to Prof. W. S. 5utton is the Dean of the tificates. news -gladly corrected If called to tho-at­ : eerverdf the ^inlr/>nu.../if thp h;ipt| "Prt^ Mnd Concert Monday.' ; tention of"t&6 editor? • schools. The attendance lastsummer was 263. wHvfedl r they arfr-elated to -know that thQ Tile program, rendered on. the-trip '' Address The Texan, Austin, Texas, promenades will be continued in the will be • repeated in the Auditorium % ©Id Phone No. 623; -a£»l~ future.. The band appreciates the next.Monday, night. May 4. This will -manner—in^-whieh th« lie first full dress, appearance r -------— .umearanco of —•-—:—r". ' . — '• . raided Ao Its support, and it will feel the. Cle.e CliTl). amTe~pnTveTsitT~5tnra;-— like playing(gome for the boys from, Its organization. •'It "wifl be-the first ^ w ^ ^ • now on. "Certainly .it deserves such local appearance of the Mandolin consideration If any student-organiza­• Club. Prices, 50 cents for -general I PALAGE BARBER SHOP, DEFICIENCIES. lash b4 pERTAIN tion ever did. admission; 35 cents to students. All Sept. seats reserved and on sale at Uniyer-A: TVR.KISH BATHS The atWntloii of the Texan has been ih lml,' The Glee Club ..has returned from •sity drug store'and Goggaris'. called to certain glaring deficiencies iciveil its trip,-and . from all ,• accounts -it loiclie BulMlng. 806.. Corv^ress Avervxie. ' ' ' * * • : • In the Library which might be wllUr seiypd Hcoren a. remarkable succfeas. —Nntfis of thr Trio, 'a . llttle or' no trouble remedied: ; ;eiyed gratifying news'to-the University, Inventory 80uven|r&--fo.uri(l .in These difficulties.! are the ahscence selved public, which is proud to knovy. that it Lumpkiw's grip: -One sleeper berth of. practically ail 7the reports of the can produce -such an able body of number, three lace haridkercliiefs, two State• government, which can be ob­ 'otttl musicians. fans, four stick .• pins, one chestnut'. —talned almost free of .charge by appll- I:,;;:' HAVE YOU HEARD OF THE r_ ;t thev Rimnli onX_theni not havlng a time, and tographs, one policeman's tag. one THE BEST KNOWN, MOST POPULAR AND MOST SAT1SFAC­ this is postponed tEe more difficult you know1 North Texas girls are aw­-irafr-pye .glnsseB.-oiH! plug: pong liall. : TORY RAZOR AT AMV PBir.P ' they will bo to obtain! bal If these "are not preserved In the fully pretty. . ; ... • thirteen pads Stationery, .one sten). THE NEW SELF-HONING STROP IS A G00CT"C0MPAN10Tfet,.f<)'unt shall I anchor; X-tat tliuv am iwluu iwhhmi.imiI J —The reason for their dismissal was a WRIGHT, 2008 Lampasas St .. 1 . • ... .. cf*nAiMi.|—iwvW — general neglect of workl' •one else, and with the lapse of a few ~9 olair' more years they wiil be almost Impos­Tho University authorilies take the ...rf sible of access. position that these men not only in-Who paid for his own ratlroai!"fare Thus there js not in.the Library' Jlire themselve^Kby remaining here, ' Twice left at the station, 6 files ot reports.; of. tho Secretary of--but they also injure the University! Causing great trepidation' ; IStates, -Treasurer,' '.Comptroller, At: . By living a life of continued Idleness Hereafter he'll always. be there. Itorney'Gssneralfi Commissioner of the arid "bumming" they not only do not ••' [General Land .Office and . nearly all benefit themselvesrliut tB»y set a ba'd _ A star attractibn on each program t f the^_other State, officers. • ~ " oxamjiif to other people whVhave in­FGrd'S bald head.. _ '. • . .These documents are Invaluable in clinations In'tffe same direction. The : , • -<*. . MEN'S FINE TAILORING. prosecuting research in_Texas history University can gain nothing by keep­Veris Mcln-nis.: (to Hertzberg after Oy-B-XR'pES—Suits pressed, 50 cents; C^at'and Pants, 40 tents; and Texas economics. In fact, with--ing such persons here. There is -no ihp concoct)^—What's the jnatter with . . you, Hertzberg? Pants, J5 cents; Vests, 1Q cents. out them work is almost impossible. place iii aj....University for an idler. y-'.­The University of Texas has this work These suggestions are thrown .out V Hertzberg—°h, nothing; Irve just ALL KINDS OF REPAIRING NEATLY DONE.! " ^en two to perform for tho benefit of the State. for what they:are.-worth. The Texlin -chiles and they're giving -BUNDLES CALLED^FOR AND DELIVERED.-V' t •.,If she does not do it, no one will dp Is Informed that there jre a number I?e4 stupor " GIVE US A TRIAL AND YOU WILL> BE ^LEASED. It for her: Thtr -ts one of-the thlnea -of others very near the danger line. .. .. x •<$ : that the institution is liere for'. -A« -ihae-paml)lel__=trJc>—iJiimpkiti ' -q 800 Congress_Avenue; 7-Teleohone 541-5 rlnns Most Of these documents are' now in Baylor .held-lier dedication ceremo­ hign schobl girl and a* camera • • X ' •<> '., therhands of the Gammer Book Com­nies last week on yhich occasion pany, where they are kept on sale by she dedicated her two new buildings— ^ I-andlady (spying one of her spoons­"the State. All of these that can be -the Carroll Science Hall and the Car-. ih WelkerTs : p^isgession)—What Sire secured here .shoulcTbe so secured at -. roll Chapel and Library. The chapel you doing witli one o.f my spoojis berg In-your room? once; and gaps should be supplied and. library have , been given by Mr. from filed In. the departments them-P. L. Carroll and the Science Hall "Welker (confusedly)—Why, er—er Coming to the Ui^verslty or -selves. In maay lnstancea, thsyLsaii* by Mr. Georgg W. Carroll, son of the —er—Madame, really, I assure you. •going to their homes,, will STUDENTS ]be impossible to complete,, since they f6rmer;Botlr'l3uiraings~eogtlngti Kn. liL-Was ill_and had only borrowed it to find the -s : : : : : O.re_not complete In the rrdn nt -POO—They are said toMSe 'slannlV---. use in* taking some raedjeine. T the several departmems. Texas has ''Hweji." ai«l Baylor 1B to be congratii-t»t ' —... . — — . been notoriously .careless la ,the-lated on the acquisition ot her mod-Waiter girl -,tto Hertzberg) • preservation of her archives, and suoh evn ^q-rfi'pTntTi'i.. " you ready for your change? - laxity on'the part of her officials Is a J The most prominent ,.men in the Hertzberg^-What did you say l^ commentary on the Texas admin State, were,present. -President Harper ~I.' say,.. are you ready for 'Famfehes the host, service and quickest time to points generally latratlve system'!.•-.7.and on— . Texaa offi the of Chicago deliv- your change? -, . . -of University uoiiv vuivogu ClWfl. ;.....7 ~erea the. dedicatory address, and Pres*'« Hertzberg—I didn't' understand you -^r--to the state, harliic eight handsomely equipped -passenger trains -The University authorities should i ident Prather ^as oiie of tha speakers, Walter-^—Are you: ready' for your • dally out of Au«tln. -' "r". " dessert? *• . • look Into this matter immediattfly, and " The .University of Texas rejoices In By>r tickets and Infonnatlon call at'oity Ticket Office, 82S Oon­ steps should be taken at once where--Baylor's good fortune. • Hertzberg^-Oh, yes'm; 766*10, -..«»•• Avenue, comer Sixth Street by those archives ftan be immediately ' •—-v : .. ' s *""• ^ ® . .. ' r • stored; In the Library;of the Univer-' c f Smith (talking over telephone at »Jty. &:30 a. m.)—Why,-howdy do,-Miss' "RED FRONT" ^7 . . — . ;r J1 fil.FF CIIB DID '• 1 m glad to see you this morri- p-LAWLESS, Ptaeenaer end Agent Ticket The Senate haa finally passed Its ing. -(Lady-drops receiver at other r appropriation hill.'wrid thp amptiHwyny (Continued-from Page One.) end of line.) nflsing the appropriation of. the Unl- Tersity from .175,000 to $i25,000 for, constructed McUormlck Ybu can put and administered club's 1;he second year succeeded In paaalng.: Texan about me being a. favorite'with they had evor Both the Senate and the House bills D111S F? ouu lug nouse almost everybody belongs to-it. >ria inceptions now appropriate il25,°0° W support the concert the graduate and ek-slu" -— r—«« » attended, but I don t-think you ought to put in Henry Htnhfeld, I ^ f ^ Unfversity dents eseorted ln'a party oMhlrty-flve |--E^^Tn^4»JCeeaJ;or the next two years. If of Cleburne's „„ v. a-joke—llke that other about a man Walter Tim. Vh h my <;texactor; as^j^tatlon. . ..•••• «• •. •. . - J^j^JVationalBank Ferguson's daily program; Eat Capital Slock, #160,000. Hsw sleep an^ write letters. Surplas A Proflta #160,000. iD.all —1handa ot the lawmakers.' A«sets over. >1,600,000­ U. S. GovernmentDepoiWiipr Ined „ The bill Is now in the hands of the aeep you up wita the neas and tact of the Cleburne people shall; -free conference committee, but some Gergee occurred when a large bunch of bluework; mighty, tall' scalinjs will have to be bonnets were sent on the stage to the ^ donia.ln order to make the approprla­ ^ . the note on thd card, "To New Grades: Tlon. come within tho bouhd& of the of remind yon of hon?e.r' After"thFc'onv ^^^v fe"owing markings Jfk "^esHrBatett revenue thff-state: xt" ven iau_-hold---..good.—3v-.or. BOBBINS, ,«ur thought that the^^ trip • theVarsity p^teiWaTC» T- *2i • Pass. and Traffic Mjr; G.P.*T,A. ^let ^ llott. Hair, Pendleto^ Mcwthonf S toneSS® -Sr ,^a <"^'ted & Houston, Texas. ' accotmt of a smallpox epidemic, A l^ndent Hulrfard. L. S. I^o^'ky, of ^nsuYutlon^LawT^nf^ Of OAnftHfntlniioi t faerie* of two gamaa was arranged, nlg^t .LL. B -J902_who^ came -the forty, jwAnd Gay fainter 'essmtsaaa^&.-^rz.