,>1 i . • L~S. T • t md V ve, ?A. •Js 'ii \ HM avini indi tb «1 IcW! ifmm e.mmm CORNWELL'S PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY WE U 630 00M.1VE. . KBOMB S8S. RELIABLE At home ererjamy to Unl*rrttyStudents STORE Long Distaiee Telephone aad AOMRIOS • ,Pay Station. NtmHAfcLYns OANDUBS. Hot and Cold Drinks In Season The moet eorapleve lH^ ot Toilet Article* • . S^Uwory. flMBUl Hptt, tto. STORE YOUK ntAUQUAKTE FRESHMEN VS. JUNIOR LAWS.jphist prone up^n the earth than he EASTERN FOO'tfiALIi. ^ immediately arose apd sought new worlds to conquer. And thus the' As a,U of the skirmish.Work of the We want you to g-et acquainted with After innumerable threats," resol-^®^le Mgei At 12:i0> time, was our-method of doing business. . We • * • big -football teams is now over, it , ..iL^rrzi:; " ©ailed'a®d-an.inyen^orj-taken. waftt3^T»kn<>^hat ourTaiterlng'^^r^d.cmmter.resolves thg-Eresh,_„^was onews JmM seems timely^-^ve a resume of Itrw'as found that no one was hurt "J LhSSS"084 P>tl meQ aWuniot Laws ha "busted" none of tlieln for alcouple '<~ti , . r \-., • „ _ Yalex«ic w»n defeatucicoi, tnutciun byuv &' You will find here the largest and a 801 e of days, because Rel was sick and in Yuf j1!.^ , C°i a,j--large score and Harvard by a small. best assortment of Woolens, the most uQji , mi T--• \T ^ .. --vi .and a oedrabbled .Iruiyb Yale 18, West Point 0. p 36. Pricee #10, f15. back-of the. house .yelled «<'a,,h a fe ?.,?f'",TT" Yale 35, Indians. 0. • t Your money baolc if you want rt. Freshman!" tad forthwith »„ft "^Tv h" Ea£,Mn Harvard 24A Wesleyan flf. Harvafd 12, Williams 0_._ SMITH & WILCOXproduced .to make a speech. At Ihis WJien^nt^o 11 . • '. ~ Harvard 12, Bowdoin 0. : FORItlRLY HARBBLti A WILCOX iuhcturc Prof. Shurterinformed.the ? 'I-«T ^ !iniMi i . . i u , announced himself as satisfied. The Harvard JL8, Amherst 0. • bOTthat he wa&tryiog-to hold Hot jud ; unanimou8 ,h»t th(. Harvard^^4, Columbia,:0. Harvard #1, Bates 0.1 We hive jutMo*tT*a k VIOB VEW 8T00X OF pursed to B, m rt*Haa. Not onl^did tliey Harvard 29, West Point CAMPBELL, KM, 1TO8BAM ATOd^owever. -to the »-rt,.. and the harmonious . 1. Deit^mber.8^ iat S^p. na.,t s ' ? r,.rv,5 ^ of regular* 1) mversity li-Cff" shall f>e fixed as tKeliate 0/contest"'—^HV-WO^tPRjPCE, Pftiidarrt. to the field in a body. The Junior worfc"yas-^ea.tlyclnferfered with!. 2. The contestante shall notify PAUt F,. THOHMtO^, Hffce te" 'Laws were, at the "north-^al^the It may be said that the corridors Our mannish walking »boots for the chairipap of the Committee on JASPER W001081DGE, Cuhier. •Freshmen at the sotith, > A" trophy are no place for horse play of anywomen ... .$3.00! Bulesj F. T. West, not later than A. W.WILKER80K, Ant Ctfhto was secured in the shape of a dilap-sort, and if the practice is indulged Our. splendid line of up^to^dat6 idated scouring mop... This was in there, some one is likely to suffer. 8-;30 p. m., Saturday, November ^4-thj of their entrance into the nowner *•< ' —­mad run-ior. it-. The Laws out-rightly sp; for it affords the enemies 3;»\If there shall be an odd num­ and at a signal both sides, began a posed to this speclS"of"lun^and contest;-^™^— Howard derbys, next best ,t$3.00 Hatidsomfl Anita foremen, war-sprinted the Freshmen and secured of the University an "fopportunity to ber of .entries. the society shall on iw trophy "-A |rroT|o^gl Tniy.^p fn]i disparage our alma matey' to her ranted ........$7.50 to 25,00 that night (November 24th) elect Jpwed-. the Laws staggered to their irreparable" injury. The students High gxade millinery. J , j one additional contestant. feet afea"hegan a triumphant march may .rest assured that the oppor Ladies' Man-Tailored Suits, j " 4l. The contestartts shaTI be re-: NATIOMflb tow-a?4s-the FreshmeiLjgoal. . When tunity .very likely will not be lost Men's $1,50-Shh^ at .... fTSEc uired to draw Iota for sides and the fence was reached the. Laws Exj^lOTCe; has. demonstrate that 'Varsity ^tudcnts^Jteadqliartgrg tried to attach-the Tone oFcontend, jnir.-'enemigg itiie2 never ahlm;i).v alitl t^ke place in Rusk Hallv^atur n to tht wire which surmounts ^li^t -they exaggerate every flame on. the "ppTnk fence. resisted, and the battle raged. i-: and eaqhlaylt a sin. Ample illus-clianges may be permitted. '—7 — — —. .. / -$«• 5--.W ^ "'«« j OF AUSTIN, TEXAS. nallv the trpphv wais mounted bythe tration? of. this teridency• has bijen . -Each contestant shall be . established tars • Laws,-but it was immediately 6ap^ -afforded this yearj and it'is unneces-j Laws? f«iven ten minutes for ofiginal ad­ CAPITAL $150,000.00 C.A.DAHUCH tured by anlenterprising Freshman; We wjio carried anjenterpming I tbe J'resfiman; middle sary therefore • to. repeat joolc- to it our here. laurels rntist and dress, and five minutes additional *•» _ __ , r—-,,-.—. -.r— who carried!it back ; to for rejoinder. ' • • _\T J. • ­ K DEALERIN. of the field before he was HOvertaken. Jet-Quxilaily. life be its.otvri defens^ novertaken. let oiir daily, its..o^ri defend ,-v Aboard of directors! &•' ^-7— shall be the judges. The La*ws. once more secured the Then our enemies can talk all they;­ f Thos, D, Wooten, , E< M. Scarbrough; 7. Thesfe judges shall eSpt three t rag, and once more they caTiied it ... jPaul'F. Thornton, ' -A, PrWooicfrtc^e, ARRETS. RUGS back to the fence. The battle was a careful, thoughtful, restraint ~ hkfr TSTBTPopr^—r^.t.^fowir^foughtrall ^Dver again. -A Junior eonsideraticatof ouj_conduci«e can. number from the Athenaeum. HOUSE Law and.~a Freshman would catch best" answer .the charges oT'our ~ ]& 'iTie question for debitffe s FURNISHING . hol^iandlUMjr uuLL,u*tvhaye a professionalpmrnwuiiM wrest-wicoi-cubuuct, auu uj bucu answerau>w«r vlc-. Be: "Besolved, that the Chinese. ^ BUSl.NESS OF THE FACUL- enemies; and by such -vie- ling match. No sooner had the.vic-^ Bry, immediate victory, will br( Eiirpire-Tshottld —te-.-partitioned AND THE STUDENTS QF TH£ tor succeeded in pinning his antag-'^"^"" —" iiuhipi«.itu «/». iA.4rrvrr-^ lOTM MNDI.AVAO* STRCKTS among-the allied~pewer«iL __imivEBSiTMaoucf s" iH ~ , 4— a 1 inM — -k\~5xl -r'niii;,.1 ?-iSF­ •£i­ s«r.. •4*r 4^91" • is -"• • .-, THE iTEXAN. 7t­•f p. iMtuiiri 1=5 SIS .... », . . " " A 'WKi«pr NEWHPABKK, (Aiblishejj^tnthe imprest of ifhe stfjaents Jiml %K»»nnt of IBrUSiyerBTity §11'exaBrsppearlfiK every Tuesday morning. ,J",cfmie agapist society is as certain as it^s ifitiitable. H? ^ t 7':t -m Tlie iTexan can not see the h«alth of^the^ students at the University a^nse fore|igh|^nd^a^»d jud^meht;/ We too^re' fl|iefesw' • -night .tion if we do not. put them into OUR WAGONS WILL CALL Enterecf at the Austin ppstofHce aa sec- 4'Tfie Dictators of Moderate Prices" There came a vision wondrous clear •' ond class mall matter. ' praptiee ? ^ , ~ ^ EVERY HOUR, and bright) f- But even a more serious isause of Local Editor—Frank West. I saw sad Orpheus jnaking, loud RING. jPHON^' 444 alarm at present is the system of. Literary M^OTiqJJeeee'-Miller. lanrent..:. waterworks on theinterior of the Senior Class—-W. XTPratte^, Jr. I IM mmmm For his Eurydice's lffipxisonment Junior Clas#—i-Miss Katie Small. bjuilding. The Texan calls atten-Sophomore fi/lassr—Joljn L. Sinclair. tion-!to this evil becaiise of the crim­In, PE'to's dark dominions" under- c Norman T. Robertson. groundi J, A. JACKSON inal neglect of those .aiitnoriz'ed to IU Senior Law—Ballinger Mills, :-'~ -' COLLTERAL. BROKER ­ The rocks wereil&pved with pity at Junior Law—pAlbert Boggesa. remedy tlle^condition^ to take anyHI; Atheriaeumi^-i. T. action iji the matter." In utjter dis­---"the sound, * ^ -• -' .. in Jewelry, Piamonds, Ruek— Such sorrow . did "that^ passionate- regard. of tiSieir^dulyi iheyjire per Ashbel—Miss liolhday. spn'g"inspire- WJ8XCAL -INSTRUMENTS, flT.QTHTWn: ttats/ Grace Hall-Correspojidence—Miss ifting> .yea, . almost sanctioiiing, BOOTS, SHOES, GUH8, PISTOLS. chen Eochs. ' • •When! 'with; his Jiand he^smotp-the, the spread of disease. , 0 ye in au­ SA . —/ • A*--; Gymnasium Correspondent—Joe JJih -living lyre. AMMUNITION, ETC.-LOADED SHELLS. thority;-awake from your lethargy! ... QBEAT BAEQAIS8 IN UNBEDEEMED tP:iS Is life and death a matter of no con-_ , Then^oward^the-singer was, advanc-'. PLEDQE8. EUROPEAN.PLAN If-Voi.. if " ^OV;i3,: ^rir'lkg^seeA'-'-":"— iiife-cern to. you ? Do ,you otfer cheap _ --WATOHBB AND JBWBLBT-ffiBPAIBEDt The criFicrof theTrexas ^a^azi^ RESTAURANT A LA CARTE rates because of inefficient service ? 619 CONGRESS AVE. "O sing not of thy lost love, I iui­ 'You may purchase the Texan at What^Jiypnot'ic power l^'possessed : r 7 vplore, '• • , ' 76.11T09P.fl. the Co-op. " 5 cents per copy. you and rendered you incapable of —o . affairs Sing some' light ballad that • will discerning the-true state,of _ please us more." . , ' j ;-­ aad' conscientiously,striving to alt^r The condu( t of.-'-our Library-is Q. L PETERSON; P®. them ? A hint to the wise has" riot; disgraceful. 'he-authorities seem meant word been sufficient,. or else acgtlirm^ to be impervious to complaint. The absent-minded Orpheus never money is preferable to-earing for tte Jirm$(rong Boys heardv —r. We are pleased, to see the Class the welfare of the students. • Wft, BILLIARD HALL Then from his leathern belt the SPECIAL ORDERS IN spirit that was exhibited on intend to continue our 'condemna- With Kebate Checks on all Games watcOMP-• ummjatagj actlfen a"g1 istoraiN A rusty bowie-knife, and cAts the authirs well for the future of the factory arrangements are made and '. > All the Delicacies of the No. 808 CONQRESS AVENUE*| University. Such manifestations ( the health of ifte stiideirts ceases to-—:— ^.ieasbii. • h tt j-• Again was shown rjne the Boeotian are the only evideiiees by which one be endangered. If you wi?h to make. J. A. MILLER, Proprietor. , mountain -__11 .. &•. may gauge the intensity of college a hospital of -the Hall, continue your •:_r< DR. BAXTER life. t We. Xyould suggest thai in the method of management-If you which flows down the famed •'%-pr fCastalian fountain. years to. come a fixed and earlv date desire to have a physically sound p|y'vk-,v-,T. 0$i' be a^e.ed3imi>n^ and contented student body."aTter it. The tale is told that .Perseus' flying steedj «T 'men and Sophomore classes may, C.EKWAN 600 GONGRESS A^ Here:passing m his jqurney with T^wpo L*.y*e*.-Sir)ifciT.:v. jTfjf";' meet to settle these diflerencfei for Aside from these evils -.ihe-stu­once and allythereby avoiding much denfe are fairly W^ell satisfied yitH^ . all speed; , BOOTAND SHOEMAKER tujneeessaCiy skinmsEingi We :sa^ -i7^^tii"h'llii» Hirif-^4J3fiacfiadirifLearthward on too 'care­less wing.; IN ALL I ANCHES Sophomore Sfcss, Mt^us^the' Juniqr co'nducted. The dinitig ioom is W ALL WORK Law Has' by traditibp and" or­well equipped a^ ihe seirice is Struck with.his hoof the ' ground; NEATLY DONE -GUARANTEED here sprung the spring. ganization taken upon.itself the du^ ' Clothed, are>^ beginning Here ,w< ti^ p4d. emolumepts of' the iSopho-to look a trifle dust-eaten, wt. then r 7 ters, nine, we hope for the rest of our furniture Whtr aidFftg uniyer-^ties. ^ lt as our right to have 4lP.fo^:.fllPl.kwJrrnr ATivUy^OKa. aoet-with ilieif-skill our own' distinctive, vtradit^ons and stutlents eomplairi but Jittle except ;"^s^ivnie-r University Paironaeef Each p"oet_iliere his favorite Muse , ... — p ^ ^ * customs, ;however,' .ae we^ are not in regard to gaiitary,conditions, and bound to aocopi.or bov to-any-other we'-trtist ^ that ^ complaints of' this' besought^.. , -^ liakftpJeatfUfeJnannouac­ufiiversity or umverSities^the .world cha^acter 'M^'vBoofl be entTT--1-" and, enrich His ing thuafrlyrfl 9t a large ana ;thought,- Ovfer.' We no superiors;, but of order. completfe Ht|| of Sainpies fojp recognize many equals Aa. ^1111-ttnto each a, ,subiec was as-the prese^t w|tson, which ~­necessary or'-unpardoriabfe 'difetiirbv ;^in^ Tl^e'!Texan. has suffered iw o^tHsplay ready, Wljereof in-writing to rclieye Ins ante atioiit^ th6( 'College buildings; from, seyere.rind aayerse criticism­ lor inspection. I gimrantejp 1 , mind. neither' The" T^Xan nor fany" other concerning its^goli^in, publishing ^ou. perfect satisfaction as # was told of Niobe's hard undergraduate organization can of-the; resoiujipns recently adopter —^fttte,., v._„J aM^stionV The fa e founMa^rom^^hich the .polio^' mg Whd regiiTation of the IJmTOrsit^; Is aItog^hCT4 ]TlstlflabIe: -^ •• r-hate,^^ >• money. Instigate the suits When Jim of .all-her; house-was left "LOANS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL" must ftM*1. The Texaii wfll'ever as-. which I ni^ke to Wer foir .'.al^ne3_i,_ sist and^d'ef6nd any just ruling of . —' v -^lor79vUP7u and trousers^-' m OA. Her grief at last transformed her the faculty iri this respect. . such riotous' cohdtict aig that which m Picltwiclt" Rc$taHiaiU —--into igtoSfe. <) octu'rred. near therlJniversity biTilcT ^ Again r-another,-happier,-tale, was. .THE STUD^TSr ~ It is peatist shame that !'ing' lastThuTgday^Tnviftijngl but the told' we are* forced"to speak out*® cer­of 8ome membpve the Latmitor hill, looked' cealmenfc„„_i __i. mi ---i iyed sort those resolutions is wi'thout faiinda i, down upon' of IliM '-Piraw-r is-to be honed that he will be Lewis was unable to dymion out before his vandalism proceeds-•j-ffleet hig class 'because'oFillh^.^'and. any fu rther N We-mean the selfish the law students left the,,clags -room. J " chide; V«te that took it upon himself to to search ; for Frgshmcn. • UnioW t, Fine Statioijery^and —Disqard the1 heathen . goddess' go to our reading-stand and teSr tunatelv thejr met, and wi> know th'^J .•> i.J Engraving House. praise, 'he cried; - r -4about half the pages out of last result. Now if-'t-hk;Fresliiiien 'had" ''L And that rude sound so smote iipou -i-,1121 Chestnut Street week's Life,l-ff-It is hard to explain taken the initiatiYe, Jf they ,ha PAINTED FOR FRAMING clause of the articles:. Art-FULTON. 4itf -undignified^ If we -sho»ldHaeeident-* fied-that they-should be posted-yh< wmr ally -see him in.the a^t, of destroj'ing all;. Freshmen could ~~~ is-execttted-in the establish* o\i?~ common" pWper^'^^til^oHly5' i^ent-und^f the, persoii«il .supervision. -_ J OLD sr^jp yurthermoifer'g 'diggrftgefully gmall --prfly-'-ni tthc ibesfc.^ turn-away from hiifararid keep out portion of-t(he Freshmen-elass sitb-IS NOW LOCATED At ^aniter^ ^ 7 f r~r ^ ­ 60$ UVACSlTRlEr.^ -i.05.n_.§Pqn8et» the] kno^jedge Seribe-for the paper, Do ribt too ^T^riputatloff of this ~ house is-a I0Q8 CONGRESS AVE. guaraotA; of thequality. r THE TEXAN. *!• AFBQPOg : jSctabi; owing to the Mlliant £-, >^*f ^^eti'ib^Lj'betweeii of Kennard abd Brown3u tfekmS%era&$ £r'otn the ^eirt^i^atic Up all night, in inakihg a touchdown six Candle»felit. 4 A GENTEEL TtEFBJBSHJiENTPABLOa J and^'rep«l)licari members of thg.orT mmtrtes Qf playi Ward failed-to Wkolmle irI Rit|U Dillirit f k , f ynH..T.ADTRa^AHT> flrJKTT.EMTiM " H6les f(»v?yes, gaa^gatiOii~InthiseventL theHfemQ-kick an -easy gtialv The Scrubs: weje P Wi'IraiVESBlTY BAlIQIIiT^MtEBED I •Mafl? 1 % .. ,iFaATBBHIIX'fSIJBPEBS''i>£? crate were successful... ^ot able^)to -scone again ui^til the. ^ That^ tlie^resh-' when he crams oe^w,i,/4 |(., -' A'BfEdIAliTt' ' • 1 • -J— ---• :— •— —,—•—d.COQUQ,.. . • • L~ . TOT exams " wheiton ff hloaked kick » 77J«Trp til-iZ * ) Samuels secured the, ball and ran I tn $j, . Open fromAu^al tQ 12 at|PlKht Ashbel bulletin board: "Yoftng.la-* les_y-" 25 yards for.the sewnd t^cRdo\vn."-SGBEENED n°t having engagements for the-! '--ByiHie reams, The attempt to kick goalTiaa "as"Well inuD r*| |lQtf2 Cong-IVve.^ Phone 486=1 -J reception, aie requested' to sign-their -"»i—^ One lorig ehirk, LiJsi% , 4 beeri omitted ^0 far as the fiaal re«'• ~ ^Yi. H. MILAM, PROP ' K names below, and also give address ) ~ '"-^But no work, -^ -suit ,was concerned. fEMHSYt-Thafs th6 "S 4~r~ TgnattBtauila-i^^j^w^^oPtM-4o! TELEPHONE No. 246 " Rev. W. H." Claggett will conduct Dignified, _ -_ runs ma4e by the plucky little right chapel'exercises this'week. Satisfied. end were to ' his , Bro\vn due own B. HALL NOTES. A. J. ZILKER That's the Senior rwho crams ..brijliant head work and np't to good" Ernest Townes visited friends at For exams, interference, The Scrubs' ^ine was l'v the University Wednesday.. . . R. Si, in Washburn Review. im Review, impregnable; only.once was a coft-. Thec-water at the Ilajl has riot si?erable Pain 1 -.A^few of the students enjoyed a THE FRESHMAN RECEPTION. made through it. The; been seen on the third floor for two ;;;. -. w h o l e team played good ball and; -Ira^ride-^-hiirsday evening,^ -,... .v.;. weeks -^-ttiQre. ft seenis 16 need ^ On " evening . President ,r i . Messrs/ Pope, Sampsbn an^ Bbw-; ^"H^enei^io^imh^-to-the^econd^­ aPrather's homer wa,s' the scene of' vle*.0Ey 0*--^ to-X) .;EL: |v /deii are nowxmeampecl at the Hall. ,n<^ ^ tired when its getssthere. happiness and > enjoymexit. The UNIVERSITY DIRECTORY. whole lower flo6r_jras filled sify have1secured a piano for their be a reckless, bicycle"rider, izu.-'j„..." t..'-,. some youths of class '04, who en-THE IINIVR"RSTTY OTT The young ladies of the Univer-—J—C. Puett", who was thoughtlo "'h0!e Jwer flobr^s filled to, over- gymnasium. . _ _. a, few days. ago. .-.Riding'at TEXAS. a high rate of speed in company joyed themselves as only Freemen Wxa L pother, President. ; All Freshmen will leav,o. the Half, with a fnend, a foA of, the road. J. B. Clark, as the supply..of milk has been rd-was reached, and disagreeing as to The whole house wa« beautifully • . u __1duced" t^-.;one'-gla8B,-\.. v^ decorated, the library in University: -¥ y" -; which way to turn they compro-n0, colors, white and yelbw, and_the ' -^omax» Registrar. -.v, imsed; by-tA§mg/a xnidaie~1roi5Ese;: . Moses S. Cavette was one of the Mr. Puett claims to have' jumped two parlors in "old gold" and beryl, ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION, WACO, S.A.A A. P. .NO SOU,MO; boys who /went home to vote for W. from his wheel to save the life of the ^Freshman colore. The. dining J. M. Taylpr/'iPresideiit; : . am rt ^ J. Bryan,and other men of note. ;;r roic xoopag^nig^^bot AUSTIN in the room-contained a large bowl ; j --rir -action, but_ anyone who; (Joes-not jjorrjg iHTe-*Btaamerfiel'd-ha&-r-e— VIA.BLQIN AND fv turned to the University afte^J tftat h? ^ty8 " fu\rdByHttbserice on aceount of siclc-rr?Ttf« j -roses and violets tastefully arranged. S..£L Me^es, Chai Through Tourlst SleeporaThe"refrj»shment« sej intssi-heat turned off at 8:30 p. m cream, ddnty: little"" hisses" -and J. C. Townee, cai^Q^HASE Pinkey Walthall,is enjoying a lu &hd. feel, that we deserve comfort? crative law practice in El Paso. Her venir, a bow of class colors, was S. E. Mezes, VM «AN ANTON IQ AN» SOU, MC able; if not-luxuriously furnished ,_.haa-juat bceB-employed^in^-an^im^-tinned on each as. he entered, the -i •' Vr,;'.. "rooms.-W, H. Richardson, Jr.y room. TJeTTcious puncFlras sprvea Qutok«*t andlMt Liiwata • Alex-lJeuseen-'Wae-sieklastweek, . Walker, |Aiiirntri A.. S;ralker, { V. I. Brooks has resigned from but is now on the highroad to ^"V.;L:Bf6bl£iffroo^ f Members.! ./1EXICO, of evergreens ientwinea with class health.' J. M. Taylor, the Athletic CoTmcfli' "HiS'Tie8igpa­ cJolors by a faii; Ffeshman, which -B-.-Lee-'s brotherj ©f-the -Medi— J.H t ion will be acted upon by the fac­caJ-Departmentj_visited ^rim 18871 -— S£L^:plKATY:--KLY-EBM ulty, who appointed him ^ ~ one was very cordial, and wieek FOOTBALL TEAM, ', ., enjoyecT himself so -much that il We call attention to the advertise-Mr, Fletcher Schleicher will soon o'clock"came su'rpriBingly early. All, W. R. Schreiner, Captain. • St. Uxrfs; OitQKgo, Kmms Ok Tnent this. vpeetT fff of the ' 'committed deserve our. Geo. A. Robertson, Manager. pb.ed^gfit, to the wipes' of the . ­ ^ -ALL TRMMT MAVC / thatiKs; for their efficient service, BASEBALL TEAM. said igoodbye to dents, patronize oijr advertisers: wtt. iUtV CffAIH CARS President Prather and-r-his Jho. S. Donglasa. fiftptein. th® pict^ boc^pf fiitj^two pages, .;::;The boys at tl^e (iSali^atei'ad^i^efl. ang .tid^pthe| foddy-ljgtped' bottle charming daughters are,, as we can . E. T. Moore, Jr., Manager. to take special precautions a'gai£4t-an affec irewell OTlSEBSITT_00-0fBBATWE Best 1® as .^..result^of, hjgS TEXASr e5peeially..those„ on ' the third tttia XMrOn CliASS^MBfiTlNGf: -' n^ PfaFh»,:^ taurth floors—-*»< • > E. Bell, Spcpe^iry. j; 4 IMPORTANT GtTEWAY^ 4 nie Archer. Virginia Archer: TTeleii Devinie, Florelice Devine, ^•e Senior Class meettng held onAll of ;.the-old /students '_wili be.; last Wedgesday' Was weft'.attended. Buela 4l6we, Yeates,-Etiietidge, At-Athenaeum—W; Woodson, glad to know, that the nietfibfable TPhe objetrt of ^the meetifig being to kinson, Ke8Sglus, Fay, Walker,' Hef-Presi Osear Uailowaj^was^ereWe^^ % ley^ Cohj/ aanche-Qounty at thg 1tian reception^ each one was 'there Wathen, Borroum, Helen Thornton; A(JT,B1JT . . . last'electi'Ofa. *. 7" ^vorking mardJ ,golicitin^'~vbtes for Hammond, Smith, Wood, Garrison; r "liiinself. ^r. Amsler anlf Miss Lud-McGee, Mabel Rowe, Townev Wag-reB^denfe-^^ _z The S^ney Lanier'Society,.'tiie,' lo\v' wereyelectpd, but it'was a close gen?rCU_. , TV Secretary. T , 1 rrn-nn, -j -.flllSIP -Wttld —SaAmfflf.V ^ , Shaw, Bringhurst,. -.Harris, • •' - nejvv-soci "".foyv^tingHAjieB,"''-of* race. : sf55-^4m§-L^ ' .....j • y,r _ _.. ^ •• • .. J ^ . G'llesme^ Lu^le Thorpton, Mrs. Y. M. C. "ITo fawli to initty qotcdoim,^:\\yhich MjSg -Hubbard.'is president' ""The committee on (> caps Und Oeo^P.JOarrisoi, Messr.i Shanes, 1 W. L. Barte; PresMerit an ^ciwns-W^s-callcd 09, jput it had- 2fiSTTR/imS Kest seCretary, has issued a ^tj^nes^'hra8her, iiargrove, Starry nolrhing.definrfe to report but that • iiii in ' as for ~ ' " Hamhlin, Crane. Golden, Wnlff. it liad some .iamples.' ;1%e question Wllbur -Brombefg, Cotike; Peacockf .Cald-1 Editor-iji-Chief ' -V l->ediman wa§Ji«ard to.i-emark of adopting a class pin ^as-referred well, Boo'the, Michael, Riunsdell; W. H. S^ay# Business Manager. Louis, Chicagoto a committee consisting of Misses >;tliaijvrheh! ojir JEnglish-c^pbsilions-: Falvey and -Armstrong and Mr. ;Herzberg, Weisberg, Rice,; ('4anTpv-OERMAJ^ CLUB. -" -: zr • -. — ....and the^ast. Jiie.hanfieri hair^1^tteVAl^^'S>dV in1 : lAiaalet " pell, President. M rri'. L. P-rather. Harrold Boethj Presidentv ­ ' Only DM Kunolng Tbrougk"tiie' 1 ace.*^^—W-o^ndef­ ie officers-oi '|M7 i V NEW MEXICQi ARIZONA litorium by the \ Smith,.' Ma'nn, Yann. Sigma Alpha Epsiloii.. , AND CALIFORNIA* --— ^ Kev; W. H. Claggett of-Dallas?.'-­ Southern Kappa Alpha. * Operator* oi MjvnMfont HwwTrmlm, SCRUBS THE -yiCTORSr . ^;rhe: _ SigmalNu. "• "Pacific i Coast limited," ceii^ met and etect^tfe^^OTOii^ Poindexter were initiated on" last , ... -, . . ;-l/ *§s Saturday jiight into the Phi-Delta x ^Quite a large crowd assembled oii •i>hi Phi Phi. --ri _<|ffit!ers: "tPresidjerf^ J-Johnson; CHICAGQ, ST. LOUIS, DALLAS, FOnT Theta iratern'iiy. -After the initia^ the athletic .field Saturday after-?iin Omega. WORTHLOS ANQCLKS AND vice-pr.esident,'1' Qfeas.Thompson; ' tion 'a sti^pef was"had and the oc-.' noon"tq witness a game offo«3tbali Theta Ku Epsilon, r, SAN FRANCISCO. •5i;o ret ary, Norjnan T". Robertson; ;—O-—> casion of celebration pronounced a> between -the Scmbs and the eleven •.P. BreHSS, ft.WOT, !*L treasurer, Frank-I»ee; serg(^ant-at-• happy one. . Those present from.the I>(»af and Duinb Institute. -Mliat He Hnd-Learned. 'Draper, _Tliere beifig were J. Af Lomax, E. P. R. Duval, .Shortly beforeHhe game, 'Varsity Slindaji School Teacher: Joha 1.9. THosifE, s. P. nnum, 1 S3 tod a«'l Uufu, ta'l IMI> tM B*M 4ft. do further business, the'house-ad-]J. 0. Rarlcer.:_ "R. -TT.; MhFariand. appearedaDDeaired iriterested-.the sp^c^j io «7ii, lin/rhf +« '7»o furthe;r tiie'house H.. McFarland. and iriterftfitpd-tbe ie, yo.u _i nirht^to be ashamed of DALLAS, TCX ^i jmirnedK -" s£r={ ' -' ,E1; T. Miller, C.. E,. Johnson, G, D. tatofs for awhile witfivasgood signal . liui^lf or 'toaHni s»«4fsgSs A ^ 7'T~^ : .---— • . -: W-'.; • tur lun-unig xaa 01 MJ&fr •Hunt, II. B. Duncan, L vl Dunean.v practice. :About 4 o'clock the op-bald-head -: Quite;a pumber *of students ac- J. P-Hanen, Roy-Bediehek, if, P/ pqgih| teams.,lined up and^e^an: ji Tf,1^1 m-f- w.pted,the kind-in\HtSti(jn of the u in • t ...T—-•' < Hargrove, ft. M-. Hargrove, C.V. EU. play. Captainf^dhreiner acte3v:in ,.|WA 1 , • '• • -Jii. Mqigj|.yvpy '1vaj/iam uvuiptuci aytCU fAn:: 1 flout eit 2»re for iDeacon Smith,'noi* hia k-A, to visitllic^ par-j^rAj.t A. P.^Wa?a, I-B. McFSrliSav ' €Re' eoacli^ r';_-~ elON£: esda^ evening to:Isrfn -3faing~WaggeneK,—tjL_iapp v** W. L." , Prktherr'f '-."Thompson'Tfag' chosen timpfte. The- J'Ws.last Tuesdaif to:lSSfn 8ffrTrani, por his ~ maid aer •* -*• * **7"—rwT ** *•"­ Se a itthoratiyely tEe resxdts of the dec-'OTira wi -niieeu • nUt,n nof• bia oxf nor hi* btti4 v I'oa. During the evening the guests and J. W. Poiriaexter. ' -minixtes* duration respectively. The nor|®I*y^'«jf-th»t i* IkSl^ IM'U* B«*t Whith —'"s:i * S •* • 1 ^ • 4 • * > J .. afs®x^f;frJ"t •>*„ * .j, . . j... * THE TEXAN -Bfc 7= BEPOHT OF fBEASURER OP further consideration in-THE A: fluencel^the decision was the fact , ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. ?0M:­ that the practice to be obtained on ~ L V . the trip would more tho*onghly Tho 'report of the1 trmnnrer of The first regular program of the Also the Renowned IngerSoll Watches, • prepare-us for our games with Elan­ thi Athletic Association, printed Ashbel society , was tendered I • rj,nALm ind icomplete line at Stationery sals Oity and A-. ftnd M. -helow.Ja .an exapt account of the Wednesday afternoe: October 7, --Omng-to^the-iact that the Ath- J, W. ZOLLER, MGR. 102 W. SIXTH ST., FIRST NATIOHOAIIK B16, present ephditipfc^ letic AssOciatioh is at present in mmm rt 8"ow* a balaBC® «-•«««-of flrht, it 'nnr fffrwnry tn rrf was taken-up with the initiation of $111.29, but tbe joufetanding debts money in order to make the trip a Mteses HeleiT iSimpki^s and Grape We betlcve weean IntWtgt you in greatly eieeed this amount: possibility, and the conditions re­Prather, and the, discussion and Balance aa ihown |160.79 quired tbe^igningT'of notes by the new members. GQLF GOOPSf POCKET CUfLERY election of It was j a:U Check*— -"y— members.of the council. This, the June I6-7J. A. Jack* decided!to-invite Misses Ima Hogg, RAZORS and RAZOR STROPS alumni members of the council re­ --supplier! -8.60. Mattie Hines, Kate Jarrell, and * CE fused 4o do, furthermore stating We also carry the best makes Iji. shot guns and rifles. Bicycles, gans and ~ ~ Sept. 7—-8. fi. Thomp-3r--'^rr£^ Jeanne Borroiim' to become memr that it wojild be unfahvto .the-rest tents for rent. Agent for Pierce and Rambler bicycles. ? eon, traveling •>". of the bokrd for them to assume the bers of the society. V penses ; 50.00 5­ fitire responsibility. -Besides,) the . The iprogram committee has ^Tut-Q.C. BENGENER&BRO.. 5IQ congress Ave --fiflfcrfrfii W KntirgjnoT : r labor, $7.50;Dum--banks^ would thinkit ingd the work for the year, and.the ' -1.JL. i 'jt" •" —'' .J. . ' . —~~" '8§S my,-$1 • • .<........-. 8.50 notes were not signed by the council^ -first term is to be the study of "some as a whole. They_ therefore sug­ ^gept: 28^-A. M. Bar- of the great master artists, the first Con, Dallas trip-... 10:00. gested that the trip be abandoned, TURKISH BATHS to be studied' being Leonardo da PALACE Oct. 2—Geo. Robert^ j; There has been some severe criti­ Vinci, the great Florentine painter. a&ft, Reb. on Lib. cism of the action of the aliimni Miss Mabel.Brooks"gave, a very in­ deposit)... .. . .. .. 2.25 members in? this matter, but there, BARBER BOSCHE-BUILDING teresting sketch of his life, while Oct."4v-E. Von Boeck-were .certainly grounds for -two. man &,Co., acct. 15, jU. opinions on they subject j and it is the mysteries of his study, of anat­SHOP.se 806 CONGRESS AVENUE " B. printing • 4.50. XT eyen probable that they, were in the omy and prospective were unfolded it is deeply re-by" Miss. Eli2ajbetl:\ Simpkins. Miss =r"Acct. F. B. tel.,.. . i ' 3.97 that the team was denied Hochs then . j*ead a selection, ih ~tfct, U—HSildenfian -ft- the privilege aiid pleasure of a trip: whiqh da great paintt Co., acqt. lumber THE CHAS. H. ELLIOTT GOMPAN' deserved it. But it -1 for F. B, *90..., ,7~ "3.25 ised, and as the several seemed inexpedient, and we should^ Oct. iSi-Prank Bios, paintings were mentioned and. dis- be conteiit with-the decision of the. "' fictit. repairs J?. R.. ISM cusaed the memhera -Of thfi society authoritiesT ""To. .atone as *far7 as" PRINTERS Oct. ltt-^Coraer Book examined copies of these master­ ossible for the gratification denied store, P. li.Sup ISO .c -Commencements Class-day and Society Invitations; Fraternity and si the council has authorized the pieces. • *! •-• • . -. -'r •• ,Oct: 15—S. H. Thomp­. Class.^Stationery; Visiting Cards, . Class Annuals elegantly son, acct.' salary •.; • 180.00 management to make all necessaryj With «o maijy of the former £_ printed, bound; and Illustrated; Views and groups in half-tone S wood^ phototype or steel. ... Prat^riilty tiod class desigos for ; Oct ..~18—H. Reeves, arrangements for a game with the members back, and under the guid­ -annuals. Field-day medals and class pins in gold and silver. " «oot labor V..;.. " 4.50 Missouri Tigers. Th$y are sched­ ance of Miss Lulu Bailey,' our pres­ Oct. 1(9—Austin SSS' uled to meet, us on the athletic field GOR. BROAD AND RACESTS. ident, the society is looking-forward PHEADEL^IflAr PA. Co., acct! F. B-Sup.' 13.75 . ?v-< on Saturday afternoon,; November to a Very interesting and profitable Oct. .20—H. Reeves, 17, We must vanquish them. Let ; ni: acct. labor 4,50 year. us do all withm our power'Lu incite Oofc. 17—A. Y, 8UV­ Jour" boys to victory,' Then let us en£, "adet. F. B;... . %£C£P8. Affy GOWNSii give i of the goed work 32 gQ^Qcar^Robert-... in the gam< "" -at«" ton^ acctr Sain, Wk • Alreadythef ar-seeing,Seniors are A. and M. We-are yet to meet onr «4,50 ...... MS* po |investigating the matter of eapa three most formidable foesV Oct. 23-7rWeHB, Faigo _ make the season of 1900 an nnpre-and gowns/ arid a comnuttee has -preee F. B...... 1225 EmS^o' been, appointed,-^t _ $250,000.00i-. win against our strongest opponents. as-chairman. $i,SOO,OOO^X) .. •*1.7)6 l received the Presbyterian students, ^efore, and on all sides were heard of the University ott the evening of »v^ of approval. We must the 2d of thiB month at the elegant X. -4^Ch«fc Xh«n> -_v Oct. O— U4JS0 Hospgtetity alxycmd^ and. g«od Oct 12—Depoait .. 168.00 VMBee cheer wasirr eTidenee. Daring the .. 1Wi Iff T^irwif OVfr­ menceBK9Bt scleral HiMl tarfy p^'ef:^''eWB^'''lh«'rtu-iVf Itl llf i stmfetrtff m caps and! gowns—1 Oct. 22—Deaa^il IM- dents satig "Hail, Unwenaty."' with v , • W A'T«.*rr. rv»vi;r r*-i— **km-their yriwtwn^ r«ri^<»a»n'<»iM3 and s^rmbolir ^ tn^r academk |DOUBLE OailyTrabA? ' ---­ |ne wesht away with a heart full of dALVKSTlMiirOCNICON, Nov. l-Otadfc Okter Thtte bwttlie-8aaim^ y^tabimH—• appreciation Jor-xthe soccessfui ef- Vta StduMon and Dallu. 4oma tiekefr . r. 231,00 bhe SeniaT»—^toulid by ail fiseans '•'Nov. 1-^hfick forts that hdd been mode inrtheir QALVC8TOM Mr ST. LOIHS, Have a nartienlBEr" dresa to —^«l AoaM*n, SDnl»«n< Paris favor. them from, the rank and' filie ii>Mow 1—Ac«t. AUSTIN. stamps of the undergraduate student *. *T._C; HMm OalTeaton, Hoaiton SOPHOMORE MEETING.: —AaiUQ 'Nov. 1—Tennia,_ahack-All honor to the heroes of the oc' HdlliiiiMr, Sherman, and nlson, >ndEltia 50.35 •tTMFiriWJlMB Ssrvic*. —: caaion! Ijet us have caps and C. W. BBIN, P. B. Nov: 5—Deposit . .v; 118.00 "tbe Sophomore class met 3aiur­ gowns" for the faculty and seniors, TMflto HgiMlTBr. Oen'l Paac1 ».A«v­~X--— day to chose its 'representatives in and thus make the graduating cere-HOUSTON; TBXA8. $^38130^1,160:697 the electoral college of theAthletic "1715633-: AsBodation.i-11 Messrs. Porter and On hand 216.17­On', hand Ci^ Nat. |'"T~ ttard Lti^a. The Sophomore class-decided '.'to Bank 215.17 Bprogle»—I' used to think mi give ;a dance Friday .nighty Novem- Overdraft Austin Nat. ti)3.88 face was my;fortune, but^'ve goj DAILY TRAIN SERVICE r-ber 16; The Committees appointed oyer that idea. EA8T AND WEjBT VIA Jfet oash jon handle $ 111.29 to look after the!matter were as fol-' Bingle—What has ubanged lows: Arrangement: Messrs. Court, your mind? vir ­-MEEOmvas apjioirited-^ committee far Vorth, XUurti «nd~(Bouthtesi ible eleven to contest fffith~tbctefc versities. of Mississippi -' and ;Nasli-one to secure ^e«Eighth street Looked Hi's Part. ville on-" the „-gridiron." For some hall foj the occasion. .. _ ' y that'was a mighty honest L.IMITBD • reason the alumni members of the There had 'been a committee ap­looUiiig old farmer," said the ound at ^iaO p. m. and ^ Resolutions, regarding ihe "Fresh- a g«fid, whole-' 3^SJor the West. of the board present tl^at the tpam .^rit'd face to inyite confidenee." A iBoiid Vaftlbttled tndn,' : should tripe the trip. Jt ^is bniO toen, but since. '04sustained sucji modern conveniences and -with wlth^tjgc|igj».ana nipped witll .all "J ust what he has beufrim," required on thfstndn: ~ . _ ®ar. , llra^class tickett traa-BOxne-posajqili^nf-^aaal" a hea^y defeat on thg^th'litm fi^ld tike lawyer es{)laia«4. j=«ial loss m such, a venture, but if, Friday,. this committee j&g ^>ngeles;.<4 hours fo San Franct^. ; ,*tjp * see "a ^^Ba^iiiBasQaablB to bopp^fof gain4 £