*-tr«i•ilti-•''#T 1'. -'•§ us ;«.v«>>\, ;&* 'mm mms £ mate »t^*3K.wf': 'foi •,-jT«rv*«^>f-;f. .. _ .livjt ^v::.Vl®4^Si#J wmmmmmsm. *i_ |ag«^gwHHgwte &$•£$ m» 'Mi fessaes .5W?i tig!K&APlfri: Mnnijaji •MHM CToTOWfi •t"OiS.*l \>i#,i ypgi j;U'j,fca.tt>» .{, i i'.mki wzmimm r ft**** ^S0W^S0mMM mim^t w* :.;>. W?& 4kf®^^ftfc^wffk^ftat : ^Jgp^pSSp! l&t m V ff" t<7 1MMSM8 :oru,the *.1 ?ft'>->:.v.^' W1"* «»w«^ mbbm ' n„„ '4! IL' " i ' . . > ,, ' . j * ' ' i , -i uuixpa, uuuuiiuuii a8_Ji_sunpuea •y •<+* u» s\r<"' team will receive at the hands of the^dents.V-^'-^^ 'u^aV^iL^ ^AWrH* <\: Mgaaa&is» iwm$!m give this tewn as fine a trip bb is possiblyTl# ^^^^tf^^of-'the-^ublior-laiids^ . -. T ' * n<>t ,onIy encouragcs thexrf to make greater efforte^^> - much^cominsr/ vallifl f/k TWas * orlli W ao»i«oi«h^'' Z } .:: •> ^v«.j.f ^v»dccx. wumy. j.u« report on tms wm^zi -iJSfipJttAVli will bei a general athletic awakening and,will stir upf~ %^tigfttiott' wiU be "issue^ sometime "In •R»pfaT»Jh^Vjl' interest ~hr Sealftr in Xiaportek And DameBtic ft 4rr4asehftllTparticukily.^ucb^games'^pllowing, ^ Xn^cofljunctiofi • witli the, University' eur4>M.^bdti>AtDoWr^iileis't; ' aatromzed; aE these"-fasToM1:^vevfia^BO®mjhijCaljstifvfi^ will Tii nWw^S m x^VKKiJ^93^y^,\\oq.-ptps)iV joa-PmJdflnt.,wal!>"' folly patronized; and assuredly with all bft V^w'p^ ,n« /hy" i riPAvfi.'-P" liiUBW:lUiV.. Vtc6>ri'MfQfini!i''CIGARS^TOBACCOS 'Sble cirquanstances'rihe' team of 1902 shotJ^lw^&l K^(ted t-» M -Billiard*ad Poo} Buirlo^,.^,''• any team that Texas_ITniverHty Has thutf fdr«roi]a^f^fk^>k Pari of ,a Bimilar aurvev, «k-th« whal«^ Opstt all tb« 7izne ... 705 Congress Avfenue,^ 'Phone 808. a veteran and^able baseball pla$er as ^ell ^ atypical:' 11 1,1 t 1 rf,'1 " '-r'" r"'^" •*/,,, » "CSVv > •^'.m w&> !?**>*•?{ rnS&mmmm I •", -> .' <-.:'ork ih^he lKa^pry>. THO p#'W.oofcnB WsMB m&mzem ills® •a;^. MM Mm% "'"de^H^ t^!^dtl^'j^riC^Uett' ^t «a-«Bss v-aw^TBSS7 Soutbean Corner8«irent)x&tffiOt, • • ft;' -yt •.;;•••-•'.•.»-/;-,._^'',t: •> "-ivr ."w,.-.^ ""J-,• tV^-.-r­ \ ' mvem imp p-* • , ^ Strict and complete traimti^^ruleg Vill b^rob3ra^M3^! |jj men being required1 to-abstain'Ironi the tfse^of rfy intftTioon+a nnitHili not* -»vf tnlvortnrt ii^ ifixr ••::into.ticanta andi theiHg^^i^?^mi&ny_ form what-^l^hnrge-0f-fbfc w^L^^^fcStat^^^tjhajt V^:j ha.v&';a 'peasortable-number of uhifbnhs ~io ';\|-^jT^>r|!;''Jk­ impeMi inTfnMl ••; : iSfesrfejfcral .... mtfir.f?*^•V*?J'' tV.*!"extensive Eastern, trip; Already we c1 • have^ re^ •!?&&>'.* Satisfactory; It alpo p^ll#5s te' i •: games wth us wii r!f • •'-g-ggyeW oUrxr^mpt^f WORK OP T^E MINERAL SURVEY. SweepfnXi.reductlonA thai have with Dr^ jphillips. .--rn:f0mm All our men's fancy' atri utw"oiriDuS $twr3Mt#5AJVo-ffl: jrien's sieht) shirts jO daw ftnnetCTaw$rs wed, former^-^^for vmam *; kSBS»S1 tv-«w>n -• > W * '" (h • i_,.. ^ w . ..k. --. ^r..,.,•> *%. y. ^v. . ' f '1 r *3^?­ /; "^r •.. -.-;ft/^" ?!'^ .•»"_ *• "1'" lt'"»f ^ ^ ^ 3 *X " V %». mi %n>& • II j jtffiSl 'J.V1UHlifcjb4.V'RAiV W'|-i«fcM,y,'VW, awffiSSiiS^ g'^S^P^^ife^jteSSSSSSS sisjass .mwe^u w. * ja . . . ^ *v _i. i-r, ,<£ •Lv> 1 IlifS t^MiL Kfen,'^th. jao1 pteviouft. eiqjerfeflce^to Mawmfnt. them-. ^ IH I mm *T>" '"'' VfeetveS vwitlTair tJTe' Sulies afts^KedTEo the office of ediL; ^ " W$$Wr •4j j *_ 1 * * ii » . "* it. lltiigsi Wmmi mim iam^btB^s:fvff, • ?; t '•'•> -.• Wam&& prodding-of ii^STJODBNTS? Sophojnore f. • * • A» JDue&jSCJl^ flCljTlflllltfid With iLhoSG mm nin^ 1 i~r t • 1 « TJ. « . «• irOUR-PAMGE, Ourt Wagons Wiff (aff Every Ho® ssenicar Aaw^,f ;... 'e^ • -,? '•»*t-Albert Boggles been of greater concern to the Bocieties thaiMerchant •^l^ngiB^crmg I)epattoent J;.f|»;L|4rv^t/^oman ^ glory of-being represented hy a handicappe Rina PfioneJII, ^ handicapped editor-in-i .uraioncfti assomnons^i^s:^/.^;!)!. X. Moore, Jrz, __ T. Moore' Jrz_ _ v/2 ft^c % , chief.^~ This irregular election is a tribute to-Mr. Bene­ Wail^r.'~ . )g®m „^liUfpm3> ( ^uakBpciety .v^,f».i;L-!Tru.^':v^V^.',..Joe-B. Hatchiti' *•' j:a__ ^ . f ^ „ field as editor,~l point"^" favor^c?" the'"..Magazine J" ' "1"i " AT*.y* i i -»uA> ^'?> 1 " f ffnest,°^the Strlctf^ ©ot>fi^ent|( r'pmifctUety»k. SJn^f.t0 VrSe m'v% *-A i V' : m a p d b r o a d ^ j q g w which will be taken, of these, -£oa*\&Z^u j| ,^ *J<3race Hall-Helen Devina :.P0^tionS^i honor and responaibility. 3. HalUr /. _f^; ^ j iw a, F.-WtisbM!g the^A-thenjafium .ehould^haye.iakfin ^igg|iJ^g; On Biamond^, WatcheB. Jewpli ^?ve any Good Collateral. We alwafo Gymnasium j Calhoun an^ offered to re-elect ®|Gpr^e^l||fi^Rns^| jjav« ® number of BsrgainB^g *wbffy. ^ "?" " *—"-'•" •" =ct,; Vhen the former society was entitled to the honor, is ^vVol.^Jy^^We&eWy3 Jainary S9,19D^. '^/,J5To.l5.~••' t*.'-.-';•f taken ''j'rt' :;V ^ItTln11« /Jtnrt^-.i AVt'-i.'-vs® •'< -»«>vW ^.1. *V*i^l'.i.''• as a sure indication of, fairer views which are Anstin Je^etry '& loan Co y> :^a'' ..^•V-'-7'i .^. •; '"''T\y '"beginning to appear in regard to.matters that-sferald 5(9 Congress Ave* A?'%5j^he•matrifi^l^afrnTl -VArt1f^rpmp1^tV Wpllnrt^r a^rtT^+^ K^ ^trf^^S^>T»d arl^>+*r!lrv fa/ifinnnl linod' T^Vi^o A. Thomas and O. Koook, mtATERAl BROKER;^ ib Dealer to Jewelry.1 Diamonds, This Space is Xleser?edi m -• Instruments, Clothfnjr, AFtTlHATif r ^ i^rcf>^ ^ ^ —-—, ——Q •? the % B-Qfltg^Stioe3, Puns. Ptetolg Magazine a. success this year. That will establish a... '.iW iottlon,ctc.jUtqae4&M«|iM tut n taj^T -' F ESS, last ^record^ which must be surpassed next year.' The'chief -EAT BARGAINS IN UNRjE-'' Cuban Cigar Factor^ Wednesd^ Mr. lJoldbeek^on account ofUTEedth, Te=---plaee-oa-the-lTagazine boards-will become on^ where— DEEMEDPLEDQ^Sr 'h0n0r ina credit Hud Jtwrfry 'i^flpAlttNlfr * ^ may be g^d,.and thOest ' h m v's':M8^0JfO3MBW 4%E9ti? "'I?bee.?-men will strive for'it. Interest will be aroused _lllw — ^tfcsmmUS&m 1 rc,.,_i,.;.T: —~~~~r~" — — entirely ,8^1$.,BU.^ > among those Inclined work And above all.all *« inc IVUUn «muilg imjbe mCunea to literary work. THE NOOK i >" Afc. s, ^ 1|g^'|Pi factoryj and on,every,hand there are heal-d warm" ex-+>,(, iwrnrrQ^T,n _ __ .. tt-/ — »»wva 9i warm . t .'•• wwf"^'-er^ape ,ex-} the Magazine wm^hegorne the pride of the great Urii-"7 You wilLbe served with «on,ethi 'tTiff ' "V * T'v^-it represents/Tjringing heradded elorv. -food to eat. Everytliipg: in the way FIFTY Cents, .i i III I III •II ihiriliJiiilll -: M. •-—TT..1.. _-.-i-•• • —-——J^ii-r T.W SBL_JgSfl^oll?hv-a^difcidU^ popularly ^"^-rT~v 1 ' -Q —. —*.. —-——Ousters, Fisii, — r~~'- lin'^the -academic-denartment'. ^rtnlr'M fho inw T^', • ^^V.-ni-raciTXTr* x«-r.-tr T 1002 Conpreaa A?r9,', .^$p,|| : ;; , 808 ©onglress ^Austin 't, hi •SCHOOLroa son §0i2«PRP,PT0»»»ttoo tor unmuMKy Lve < "MKT W ffnttwpfcHy «nd other isttitvtlws vt lite* J: /bindbes^J ^^SSSS&SgS^OfSUmHk *m&n9 -& --, y *»»*•« » i -^ tiny That W***** • ^ •^4 1ySssssSfc-'•iiJI.-'... "& 1 , /fc x; " ' --f f * k " / V fc. jMft-tt-^ ..-.-J-.-wfJ r i vi + z+* / ^ i* v J" i ..fS~s f 4 *fe| * *_i » #•» . -s-^W|E-;> *t -t' wfemBB !IP J! -™'&J ^.^^iniipHI ZZz J ^s-feggl1 »;»•**£ » I Wm — r££i V'^w; " ' *" *" **'" ^ "" "vv • -' .j£UV"'J> SSwaref* jj^lP S^JvWA &?B^llnVl^W''iaw3f#w>^ fe>5*S§^^f«& v :v -• MMMMtafeagawa^^^ '• 4$$s mm ®fal::'wm&mm^smm %mm mm . • OKtvSw. ;'. --'j?l& J j&>~ u. «»' ' *$S ; aaEttiM.':';iitti >•,j*^£' jt-:caMe up^Mongay^^"f^'HP^i^ny'^y^^dorg-^e^^l-^aj :Bwlte.'js .-: •|JJjpys 'were getting-along-.-~ 1 $*$M i fcrf W ••* » .' I. 1 °B)S» a»i SgfiKf ' See those nobby snits we The ,Seniors look quite dignified gowns.' What a [are showing, T-*• ^.$ |' cS.-rH, park of $15. $12.50, $10 SPAtlDllfd ^ iBIloa f u" -'the nceessxtj/of his withdrawal'frotn the ^iVersity.''?sI , "/ '< <»*oo*S£»?; ;'has registered for a C. E. <­'"•/ r'*K^ SfofA" +v^>^iirJ hll^tlciW^Lx^ &V^'&"' .ftiMtoJ&OTj'iv' ., State Secretary.Bewisrojf.the'Or&Vjand Sfouth­ j«tbU F. E.:MlsWtU ' I Cor. 5th St. and poxgrass At*. 'l .'1ATHXiJSTTO talks thip week' at 'xhapel ex-^ TJmyersity -work wai fercises were enjoyed very much ltVi « An, Mn *• McFarlaiid has been ill for several day£ but is' ' J. ^ P&lm has withdrawnfrorotheTTniversit^ [ISS ADALUUlSE BELL U0W aUra%^a^Welnore:1 r~/~~ ^ Palm"desires vto 'say^hat, since he has severed his c VOCAL TtACHER. " " ^iih^'a^SCuS 4,i'',ti "i ^"A"' Wrt r-aaxsr* miraculous are thy transformatic™. -jl/cuiw* iiigu ouuihu ana rroi were granted the IV IRF^M. McMahoiL-W. BB&* To My Friends j j fl ®r'dges^ who was recently taken home with mg: Gibson, captain'of the Senior toaek^te® ' rt8o7^tofado-Sti^^^ustl»V--f§=|M^4--'­ y stocK ot~woolens: of the •mil®1 h ike typhoid fever' wi11 be ""able to-retnrn this session.1 t -ihore,-eaptate 'of-t^"S6nior baseball' teSn; '' siIs igns, is now complete, Now h Evervhodv flbnnlfl Jipnr Tnamiin H/TiTIoti +iin T>«n4-/»i manager of the baseball teami -Bewlev^oatotfuif of vftrsitvAniitrmkftitKnfv>t'fii <*, . . V ,Sll.V£i»MlAN, mediatyy m M ni »>»' Phone 451* * %ms#hsM ^83€\^0pgrefeA^ ^ last ;.owier ,to>.set a.gpodrexttmple fop their^ g»»ti _ Saturday, _ ^Wmm M S^Stt^Siils^KftSsls$WiMM>ffs. mmmm 'i't® Bxbbrcll E T Moore Jr W L Moore JIT* _ ' >>»; tr-s&pg?eSS-SSSsi w mffg® awpt^»a^SfhwNate|^fe^sasiBj^iaa^M^^ ill a i Willi fif ty hall of-that place last week rmmmmm d^ywpseaeHtativ rn>mistt^stamsmftiit»exa •-• -•':« T GOING p.*sw»w,:•«N Mr:^ -._. -u _ , MHMMI^lHi 'tus. ^cji space is needed to chronicle the rnnV glo-'>mfde mipp%natitmt •sijtsasifwsftfHWSSSSSKjfiBfi Smmm T'-tkt-' i I.-«. \-PMBiRM WmSMisimammm. BBMi mmtmwte lipjggj WKM HllllliT SfiW^TK »as?3SHiSs r:r •• '.V-Ma •>-. f,l! ^8j^a^pMSpj^ite5#B^*"* y 9^:® 1 1^ special emphasis j^iatied. #MgS] t fE^olBjtm.^fgrjgmal jprofeJeme, Four-yter fligiu;-5' ,(a$m ONS -~-A -\Ui.«w Ifei*-**3*1 i P^$k®9flLJsi Airw flm'i-rtw'fhp frmrfti Vflnr r1<*^rvfmer w»rYt?a-f iiwe-t-n +hri^ ftnnATTnWl letry during'the fourth year/detotiBg morr,ttoe-to,thi:i STATIONERY''SSSrt'";/"'' -' KEOEf»TIOSf •i-^monogram AN ,£,,..JET..i J .'.,.I.—,-v-JiA.NQTTIr.tP ••Mlflyrn9,f.w.,,,,(.a»,a„ (pliilie^peiJ: <&'3&n. Janje?.33. ''T^'^-ve and dranrntifitexts.*"­ sutremes ' "iaf The equivalent 'of Edgrejfs M & 'We are offering some exceptional Bargains in RazofS i® ceom IWrefolt ofip^fcWrktte^^^^ Maerchen. und Erzahlungen; I an# Ji; Hub? G^-'l . A.*1 ^wV*V >4ov * v**«>,, \ *^rkf^ ;'V BIQ'^BgiiMB An, <* •» " » t. * • -i i -ItlfiH Ttoflnor e»n strong verhsandTHe modal auxiliaries; the declension"1 COTTREtt &±EONAR, ^ts;;inJiri6to^toay he abs6jved (1) bv GeneAl His-' of «0J«etives, articles, pronouns; the prepositions PERCY DuP. WMtWERMbTHk**,Manage*. y ' ALBANY, fyEW. YORK. INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF ^ ACADEMIC COSTUME. Makers of Caps and Gowns for University of Tej , Yale, Princeton,-Harvard, Cornell^ Bryn Mawr" — -Smith^Wellesley, Vanderbilt, Sewanee, k rulane, University-of Chicago, — -Leland Stanfordr-Oeofgetow ;" Wednesday, Janu£iiry 29tliiV l^fcs^fau?8^pera^otnpat\^ "ISLE OF CHAMPAGNE." '* S^e, ©partes 3C. ^>[fiott ©oi«pc4 WorlM: l?thmvS Ave. B^o., -mm jfa -f-i©fass ©liM^afs Snd; > .S-6 tt*3t «> 'M ^3-' *h ffioscbe BWlBina. ' 806 (Eongr^s HvenflP S .13 uf-r""' m%*y, ~WAC07f» box ' FORT WOnrHi tread--| DEN1SON, j Through Sleepers ^ ' CORSlCANAr i ' HOUSTON;| m ?lv)" . „ M/^.v O-TIJ