, - , r • -* CORNWELL S < 1 PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY gges ••teg'gg.v**(# ^ / ­ jfefc; WE LEW r~r ^ L -TT620 oraa. Ave. : CORNWELL'S RELIABLE DRUG STORE Long Distance Telephoneand"' ' AonrrrpK^ PayStation.: -'7:~:Vtrtt£tfLYq^AiwiMss.~';--'r--• -Hot aBdfebldDrlnk^in SeasonT s • >• .. ,' . •• • 7— • >•* 5&2253^22 Tha most eothplete lln» of Toilet AitUOw , Make OUK ATOith VeClR IIEAbguAKl fcltf Statioaery, BHne Boi P»per, etc. AUSTIN, TEXASr^EDWESBAYr^JNE 5r iW Number jfj? WE MAKE SPEC!>1 W(ICB tO fflj^ENrn •* •* —•* ;"• '• -:r—A1IOX. heved._that-it jmiI?,noL.be_jnst4fiaj. SENIOR -(.'LASS DAY -EXER­ • i~ '• •'. . ' in! principle in cota&mitti'ng the man-CISES*""* > Texas, Mav-^, agiemfintjof vital ^ivCTsity.inter-. ^ ' ' "" 1 a fiU*^ltv meeting ..held :,ests to persons not officially conatvty/ • • The -Seniors have determined.that foilowThgvresolutions e . St. three alumni 'members provided'for and all contracts;arq duly sign-" -Rollf C&h—BV Soerctarv A ' n 3 U m (2Vand'(3), and of fouT student e<1^ cl^-:. ^77 •; V> Xafey.. ' ' v.: . I Mill's Odtfittirs. members selected -hy the Athletic , ."L^!vel,s^y of Missouri at Colum--, #«8i^f«--Addr^^iJteT7^ Assoeiflti^rfc bia, Mo., November lfeth. WSs A. P, WOOUJRlOGEf Pretldent. _7 JAS. ^--Of/ARK,' a—By©laRHr ' J^tarei)f the-Eaculty. NovemWigft. " . sfV ClaS" P%hecp-W^ce Cama-PAUL F. tHORHTON, Vke Pm*~ : ^ Carna -« • * ^ University of Kansas at Law-han. Jrf JASP£R W00LDRI0GE, Cuhhr. 7 ^Mf.^ogag,^eini>e^23d. --^^eiass O^tio^T.:B­ ln declining to» assent to the pro- » •, -w.mss ui?a.tiOo^-,J. B. Dibr<41.. Jt. A. W. WILKERSON, Ant. Cuhl«. lit-«. a »« : -v>-grain is gone through with: stu^e&ts and friends of the Univer­sitv should know, and consider in a 7 to jhe institution THE assured. This wi]l edit very little,.^, -prQ8entatjpn. 0f Rev of KririwlA^ In themselves, an'diii tlufsstima­ if an^ more, and will^excnt any STUDENTS' CHOICE tion of .the people of the'State, ath- to representative of Junior Class by '¥•§ •&? J^flporarv ailments so dftCT pniisP^' by change d£ water and fare and df-7 -' eiasrY^l^By7Class nests-and st 7Iarsity Vell-^Py Class. i,.--I\ 1 <1 b"d3' much • contract for next vear arid will be —" OF ATJSTTN, TEXAS.. V hp.-mr^este of such' RECEPTION. dent-3fl^ ' stu^-withus apaiu from September 23d^i^ end of the season, and will ™, v r~~ 7 ' " CAPITAL -$150,000.00 806 Congress Avenue »• , r-"^his~^haTe«-supervision of the table -fare^ ,Tu G A;, and,Y. W. C. A. thatk the immedmte manage-! for this trip. 7-of the UmveSsity will give a recep-': ?x 1 1 ment of atflJe"^ >-' -- ..^;™ i.. ,1 . . •• • . - tics ^n -X PHONE 73 • i f • , •'e delegated^ .'^The' Dallas game has been given^^0;4,0 ^student; body ..at" Mra.. BOARD OF DIRECTORSi onh to a l)ody in which theiaculty's ' to^^'Universitvtcr^-University;nfof -^^Kirb^i Gjiadalupe Th^7DrWw«w, E. M. 6c»4>rougfe, ^PUIKU-uipj.iucmzjB on fiext representatives • have the deciding thfe • usual -San -Anionic-same-ahd-1 ^ ^turday night. This .Pjul F. Thornton, A.P. WgoidHd|«| .fe^s^ ^amfi rpivoo A 7 will IVeian Tnformal affaifr&nd itls >>• B-P®P® R. U Brawn. the faculty.is responsible-for Uiuver4...—^---^-U^dgaiiBd thnf \.± "iZ"::ry~rr. ^Vf;. are to -be; played, -—; " sit.y interests, and it must retain the The t^ams.tKat -will be brought to/* ^ &ad enjoy the en-fkFkitSlHiSSQF THEFACULTY' power -to guard-them e^etivelv, Austin are. yet somewhat in Lht7' t,'rtamn^lt-ln ^ the.reception ANn Tilr^^1HiTNT^ 0^ Tlir ^®®-'-^®enjJjel^fr()itt•'tlijf ; Eveiy., AND THE STUDENTS OF THE j&sa ^ht ^ !".r 'a .,T .e T8™1 cotlstifution 'Virginia and Sewanee, but thus far'. one social f»M&"" "UNIVERSITY SOUCITFC. the Athletic Association was drafted without success. It seems probable -Con,m^ncement week a| which the ' by the athletic committee of,the fac-no^.tjiat we 'w-ill hav^.three out .of studenjt,. body :may. come'-to-: ulty with that among other ends in-^_T the fdllowing -teams here: The^tter acquainted view^ and the facuWy itself assented difin7team at ^Haskell Institute : "•lth each other' and l>e'more closely' • u ^ ^tJ^^^stitution, by the_.yearly which plaj^'s a_ splendid •game;'' thff""^^*' bj' %s7of friendshij). T^ie -serectidii of, fasul'ty^ and. alumm University'oJ^ Colorado, the A. and' y^le'student body \and the_ — meyibers-of the Athletic. Council, 'M7 of Alabama. tM^lJniversitv7of -4acult^ are invited. ' , it believed the constitution SGeuTed These garnes may ho added to by a A RECOMMENDATION. KICKS' S that ejid.: It .was largely-.b'ecause the " ond one' at S4n Antonio if the ^ SPECIALS -"pf^m^-^onstitiitiBTT-:-gave -the fac \ t irlv imivdrsi'tv h-olidayund Dallas • . T^st-»-oek one of the SenioT Law^ gty^hut one? representative^^oftrirrts-abandoned this year ani,-oner «M«jMop7fo 'his commission'­ I >ur.. . mannish walking Vboots for a • Choosing on .the managing, council -made. t® -Sam-Antonio fair instead. ^lr?.?ourt;,;for certificate^^of^^F^CL-^ ' C*Coao%. wompn -.«. . .. .$3..Q0 that !twas not assented to last Tues-. This is one of tit^ossihilitieB w.hi/»h -character. 'ana7fioho«a.l}fe Our: splendid line^of-; up-to-date Uav, ThB-fTi-^lty has all along vvel-• (IgpfiAdB. iipftn--tho ^^7' ?hoes -for men ......1;%. $3.00 W» lum jut wo»lMd*H0EreW8TQ(JX0F Revised-Statutes of 3895. The foil­ cqmed. and -yvill continue,.to invife, ihe Jagultv with regard to having a " " ; ~' 04MPBELL, . K»,ox hats—nowhere, else 'but student activity, interest, and; initial"U. 0f T. day: at the. San Antonio lowing is .a copy of., the certiflcate FIX, AHD 8E1B8 here. .7 "V tiye in ;athlgtics, it it could not .. fair. • ; 7 received: _ ;'r 1 i ward'dcrbj^riicxt best v.$3.00 TENNIS RACQUET8, "sanction a maBagii.... wdy is., which :-^Tlm-dd men who wil] f»H,m "•; 'J '• Texas, May 29, . ,, ..... ...i.cLuj.u aim -Go., Handsome suits for men, war­ NETS, TAPES, 7 it was to be, so. ineffectively -repre:. i.lv splendid new men who have said TO.^Tn*@sr5f fcC 'kf lPe ranted; I...'.-j. .$7^0 to 25.00 that they will'be wifh. u» . hereby certify that the youpg man.. CHAMPIONSHIP setiteid,.-7 7'7 ,L . ' mo.b bxicy win uy: wiui nextiifixt yearvear * : ^ iutun- High grade' millinery. -I~lFfriTri ingiirnr • to Vfi milor 7>rrkTTT ci>vna /S0 83 «eii>n .lrnAm • —i—jl particular provisions. assure usTtf excellent Inatefi&l, axid 'ar-aa know, is virtuou8,-«t LtS, _Juits. the4'lausen of the proposed, xjonstitu^ with Thompson back to^ coach. the Jeast sufficientlyso. to practice law. ' ShirtQatV • 9«n . ^Ve ..W« will wllfan «t89c. fit.,0*r N tionf providing, for facility f<5m jt. is cexlAinty that i? also80 . certify *Wsi-~iK5rr2.^ihirTtnoraT• • three felm ,{t.'is a dead cex1»intv"thit *1? ******* that ­ varsity Students' Headquarters mwnbers on the^ounciU one ap-we.donJt have th««&£ &uuat&$rjsi ..'•. .•'•••.••':"?Vr_ 1 * ov »*S* «* *» ^ "• 1 , ' tuutofef. ft ^Trjjif !u uose> iTseev mlr wrtiguetj otfietp-to> fltaxsr-tafr )Oaim •^tuxru&r T&irsser^-" tor njj^liyshm­•• AroWT'K f&muOtK. rfr-..au imtpiXr-.">h&,«vti{ neati lit; "^teiM inn ^Iewmef!^rlfe;4tiwr i^ietefc: oat -4' ^afetrflSor"^awa,• >.roid' ma iuum.'-.eei&H^".'^B^ Mfr ygiyi,tf"'fo-":'a' .... ..„ _." """ , , iSKs^cam — rr «-tfflPr.nKrt?- ttr^xsututie-iS Jfc-.UU4. lessrmtion: iir "Mtamejpr;'iJtofeatr.-'' ~~Zl -VU rSKHwi^gS" IOOK corrrssjionfiBnce^ uown^uu®-ritau^. V'-jHiclucin^om:­ • ntnsataia^3iiUiiiivUuk?i^sn^;«:ifflaK 0 -sltonW "l(1<-TaE ffeXAH. *' trtI oiiui noi iifii-.iextr" eiir. jatatrintflpsw^.v^iw — s4SS2£-•[1« tile ri ariior-iori/iis-;rarra£tofc:• twee -v&F' " gfrs? —•• :$-JUiix?i ^soaetusE-.s&ouiek ceet* "rhor* Mopmacn: "ae .atBap:' W5B& SaRi5K5Ni».2£ bkiiiyr .• *.SrtsS»W^(«lftfce-: £.neniv jir. irrucii «vixfa tier < {forts .tC imr j-patLjr-iiJoti' ^ind; i^SHt owrrt < -J?w* nmt-rrtsu»r." cma-T raat "He . •"-nnrhirfi : ftritiRaf^ • .will -"ftitnTC'irrowrti.-Eacii ?«raenr£i«mi.r: aoriito>m-< mjul j'di iLiefjiuiiik.'. ftmlrtr '"fljaw* •.•lita^iCftito snnttL ' a. he-lanui^ it rhiv .nycHtirHfrona-. «ar4 "laiUi.tradeiiL ^wuid '..arisuier' "^lotha.' .lotK-u>c -« ;mr mr<»­;ff«jthrrw»^ .Uwtt-W^rrojm.. sim?'—fittraU h-'-tranu "nratiH-tr-xmE-'oHiy .ef~ tterefia^r a>U£ • WTO'ff, "tpnimh .-|mi^:;iitejyii^--Sr 4W1WI1!'! a rJiliBISW -Her 'i{^-T?fe--''S' 'VP"!.* I -V"uiirpranorL » l title-lak^tml^Sia^'• r^r=r S; itswsrrnw; ~ttSERtHHT—-W > til'ECk'. -Mijiag Mtiagiwr-^ — ' 'Vill vmr irrre "ne^ ^ our ovni -tits-, 6i«te— -^lwwtcuviL-_ • -Vnhh*^-*-*^**' ' >laxla. 'litwpfc ',oi*rr ViIL" on jujeg^d "oueii twm .fait. . itefc -Trtiv" TOS-'unrat,u-"Tah.-'' L?I •ftfarC-ithrtfcg; " — *.^tl vriH1" nayft i date illemamfc^mutuinimc. jr ms arfirojprt 'nr • htt-. 'iimnii" ••>;» ^iyjnrua»»M»rr (Vtrmmewumts—[JjhrBil, linfiSteatctvadi : «liii2L-of uer ^QO»I 'ioecfe?.seafcv^f-: "Afrtha imi.-.vJk'toraftP::. .--SSi5iB^Si^®^eSS8s5aSSs^£i=5sr^=$r-rr-­ ^rnilfeifclliMt vrffSamritw % \ m'cv -sttouUl • jarniEe •.if' Iteir'^ % ,^ ;Jliijirp-v" ^0)4-ll-t^tvthlHMerbw, lllM-X "«o ,.T ) ''ourtrrr '^11 vorn i ons«H-r miTSftjf •EuOJit^r-"" iQnifts-&ttl ;& qriten{-.m."mrP; -Stit iPBKIttJKBHQi;. Wtltci I fivih1 owi. it?"is-v«»rr -?Qort-aifi Tarts iiim*ee maa*-im jifespa^ tsa4j mmm *r.h .fwrws if rf7is -r^xan. \ot*--lie -aerit. ite-mtf. viofpnrt^r 4 out . -totfginiijivr''-.. •• ••'•^ '-• • ;v.; to? jj gUHTBrttff-iP'riPfiiamsw-f iit/TO iiq, ,e on srtL •iwrt-­ rtU{>r<-vuCwTtttHtfc }ts 1 nirtt*}-.hk'^aiww nil ,an -;r mgm ,\facsy-; "For diasstJHfL- TtfTtF i nxiw5-ar " cj%jftr.. fHret' 'hwHMW—-jtH^anie--vtitrh. -ne K»?v>iHT-fi ;iort nwiwilp; ami, aam aavt a- IflSt-rtfftfl-J (TO-5-1 -3-OXft jrtlU'fl. 'fiw -AH.. IOC.; -TBmp mrixtmc :inirft ttte iiiiinil AiimtutMESmk >t iiai Sii^sfer <»sft»nr «u»n>ini4ei'V.' > {t«d>*t VM"RP 'lor-vmfionr '«mrr ^ wilslfe B imjar tar rmakr ax flear™ uid' 3«awn. 1 " :rm#r SHJ.3> .anlS-rcrauasn «t in: 1. niu'ji: ;iroe '?H4 —TTifer r&tan=--wrii ia. aft laarla ^tiang^T UE ivjiaarnrioTT. -'•a,. » nrfi,-&• jsprj«rr--'a * hnse-)t 'he mviraiK matn it 'he-)«rm-",rr,Ti^ )tnt()r' aril "P-miliar wI3i­ rz.. .... •t tip ' q-p jpHfj n -b«r •tte—-fr« iWiit—>4—ierr< year -^Ti^ -nanage-­ v^TTftr" if. liifi ^Irarorf IilTSt Uii'P =i.—j • • alii t erriuil s-Mtrmiiir!IX\ 'fThal: rftttn*--..^i-ciorn 4fr>r^e-\%gagjaE\witk . n nsnjri vni^n • ii» vrnm as uncifc JHwtifuj. impwvtmtmt,: $%£}**rtt *_ >wrn»md rtm ii •«tr-«f r««EE J5-—;rr!. Trails ugunBT lis vHomiiitc ;'«4}v -ftn-' HfepUdV .•» gaw^cfe'i'fe-i'litHtteaa--aaxL-\fiimo .irl' iar.1 -» _\4f» "^"fe-iiroyfef^ ffac jassfc-ffesirgl" rhp-4-^TntmTTB<* nf '• * •tui^nai'' -rr^ -mtrpft' ' it«p -prr jwmi„ .may0ifir."l&»aa£ IxcrReas: -^grram*iit n-> imm­ pjsr rair rt HiUw . t-TyRt:ti«ti-<*r ~T* iie o"v<¥ Taia assfst; hmr ihw 5ntr£3^^5g^^^=dr ;i# "t li«lr* rtaf < >|E^t't' !wjffti1; ('nitst* .-, " • ittlP1 „ iftnr twuid irat-nr-tv *>2asv 4twi-mt ^utvim im-^ ,jhi AnWt'*•# fs.oilS!' , f"*""*« •* <*1^*-': ."or ::" i>:tB!ri^.^i^...xa3d4.u:^iA..:oait«, fjjSMa^ »a rruUiacmff .Iaiet k hfr-^^TT-Or sujat' r~ nnk&--^ IBW , rrct"' awt. l sehnoil :tSi<| ffft—1»--UnVnos^-Ttfetfe-. ''—r"" J^ltaaerc , '%>o;ir. I&vw«^;-r ETipse-' 'wiew*. •' (WspWS5®: .ieSotawhip. 1 —mk-iitj#-jmrnrnfa. Br is^no • W-~J .fcfe afttAfirir the:{Tnwwsitv' Jt^nrtiuf v* jrf"--^ nsrfijbeK^.';.••'. • j_-'^•••••^ iter-amfti' .x hormyff^2^ wiinW­ airail UiBHts ' W' "• ^B?3q3T ^S^5^4-*!¥nHEg'if^~ .5^• _t'o,-the* jitnv atf^T-,Jfiw iTn>-:;; ®S ^ pwtm Th<^ thp" Fnivw^. ^nfefamr' lTOa- TftWVfHTOJKt aaw T,n^"<"n"n^^^£ tarn**?am Hwlwirt So,-thy«»41^nnliBS-'iB.MtgaW Iiw' •!!! ggtfaB^!!!=r xsglb&yem mivriMaf' mar hope-&r A my l.^gfet ^1,7 ?^r?srJte«*".• M> tig CC^­m&; wm$wr mti xtmdmg **'***** <* nrmte ^g *r«ii.A5 prmmpsL saHieat lSbw5r-^^-«ffor T-m-^a cdf} {anUigl IftUtS' mfealKBnimr Jj rr. COVtLT .jt C.EKMAN la&V IT* 'MIS-TROTS! /: ZN ' <" &B-1^tfWSrt IfJuml.r ,,'i, (— « . _ -_ ' * ~ W (v dltii u, ^uumi ,n 'tft> U ;:• • {bitter'y-Hty ,.' \k OKp^' '• -;fi. >. • '.. — •-—r--r-.-': — HMtTSe MH& SxtumtK ' •'':'f'• i;'•• '• r^jpr^~T7~~^ ~ .r|a.. •i. •h^,-:>- • •• ' • a•.".igl'inn'Iiai*-«-' • .'VH-, .luiinniim—-nvaiMW.j • ttiu *Hmun*f. ^5€8&tffl|J<«;(&••iK»Qj^^rJja»5h'^i &it I ^y r nunc. ............ W -Jiiowi . vB,r, ,'uufl "•" 'Jut­ |fe SB' iv =SSS2E2®ll mmtti, >«2 • >:'r^4\'ir••V..K-,­ndh| • • i—, • Jv l.niwrit]T»i*JCTIl 1 tsi\Aj tKM5"» S: a m, • V,;a-ctiij\ Hte •ir>i7mtrrtfr?HT~--TiiiTffi'riirii .....'rrm'.-' '"""""• I ~ilL'. 9j -"^Jt.maa meet ^easifs rpiir^^ wmfc. 'iagamBi. ytiMWBwiiir ' :"',liK v.til-.^O-I. ?L.tivh -tir -ntu S8-',htiTeHrn, • :—rih»>,. -stfaw^amn^,-..i .tipn'i3aa1:-tfi;Stife.t,^eaatc;taJl tol ' •-. « ': " " - ••• :* •-' ••'" " '. •-• •' ••" 'r'"i/•-•'if '• • ' ">lr5i<> 'staef• jirm "Jiirarrciig,:': . -m .nfir rntrtnu'irn" ' " ^<3^a«1;.J*eeH|ih -^ecai;#v ^unmt'.r ^!!HMI>. ... ^ ; 'dtoiY­mil. vmv ^OTiSL;. • Mz&i 3te» imiMmmr- y*t^F: v.mrttig mnPnfe. -^tei.i^r-yfei.tjE^aw-:-^jefen ,4fami-4:Sttii JW^...&, . ^.n.rnm ihinnu;. *« C« jwrfteu ^ ^ n. ^ MiMmsxsxm. H-^ia f; •'"es3a^- wxp ­ , iak-JlikuJI^ JSnLdkir' Uu» M .«,. j*cr >artc«isii >aritiaj; ':->r}Ui~°g«ttar -munxT ai}initb lio aiiQ Biilii-&awm ~ -iLl " -^-rr~ r r-Z ~< ^^mrn; jamip. a nyirmtnml" s:;rr -• J.-. .; ... .—••;:;• .TT--.^ J?" :"gnaqri.-^ii^tMa8M* ;J.2i :'.m{hnmni iwinp 'tti8» Inner •«r |j.CZTUl St_3dL' aim yniun. aiysn K. (v^ -i!aiiiti)iy. !iui> >rhtiiUTiim J-to*raij.$tadtlameL' -LiaT»t#< «C7*»iJ» tariwtam^unia jtaaf awfe­ '(•' ^>-«i»fi^iw«Ntti*e*lrt#M*s«*u •tiir.'- ;aa«tTin»BB»nBfm . . . .._ _ _r . -iimr-diii;'•r Jfe-'Auy\* Ut»— :ua»toa>. ^aM*amf'Smiiamt*fs ftsmii: lterott. „ -a«MKi •attmm-:»«!uw.r luUMMb M"nimiHr «iiE ri« niT < ... " l&k*«r " •««m». ?isptm»mymau&tm* -tL-aJtefc,awu«rv»... tsu^tne .ictsn aEtmn: OHSS; • ujtxii..vean ' -tost.'lbt,ecTiWH) tii««.. tlflMIr „. ,.; _»• ••;•••»« oi -, " /k..iJbeu.? :' •^tr •MkJi'Hfct 3W4«--r ! •—•--T-—: ' ---.. "Ht I'W*JtJillH—.rwwnMi«i».^.« • . -••Ii1*» <• -hiSunL' losr ^ -fin vhv rta* "*xu,r ^ -^n; m°nu,« I !inc.. _ . -^y--/' -flf^-toY. !ii'\i .viar. ^ Z.-ntl ilh iii,-. ... -' ^ , . ,'*J , . . ; - ^ ~... .y •'" » * ^ l~f ITITl'ti TTfTil wiifinrrni n un i iV «!i ii •!»• •" . .a? vjT7 -V'ILAjh 4 .^.i •: ••.'••.pt>. • . -• .i.',•:•'!•>>>•.• . • 'fiiuiiih xm -ei^ruit •ui'tsttfentmtnmij1 "ixaniir­ 3SftEBbWi6l pjf»sr 'tS Yvfiifffv; jfiwmyiij Miw-Dmui. ;" ' ^ ^ u.A7 (iinr^' iu'ti iiiwr fe(!jnifc ; '••'r ~lv«H«a->mu>ouini.»raacRei|r£_ •**• > J2U2S)ii~ '• ' .T•tsvrsmsr-^ti .-'• -. --• " .—-i_JL •-. ' . r T*T :•".' J'l . -v .srt-' • 4f-; ; ^!y;r T-:-:*^.-iv. IL^TTEI^. rBiflSIR--^ OiH^:A' 4 -eitaaqgciei-3Cw* *Stfr^ea^ lisc,v C. •JK.^iriiiiy."''Bi'i. iC ***—-vssmx-titr^ir \ _ TPfBJS -„ ;'«»w •*&>> to, ^yett­0y!.'"1'-n'^ -u^' iy-1 ' 'lytiilt'uai.m. ••'•Kl. -^ur. im it-rii iruitiltim Mnniihu ~ '" ' ' " "" ' fffit-uriiff flmj • —w 'Jit jitimnuJ. trr ^in ltiunuu' ^ un-ev-"Bdh-^"7nBknf tvmt-wi -rH.nrm «.» • 4-^ ^a3|b standi Witir^a, aa^i JMW8lflliah •——- ». , "?Pk-nti-^fiw« fw»Tf I ^L^:„ : % itensM®i«w;iww!V-iSM -nrilMtn^^ JJth. a * •««««• TO Jro.^fear»: Tt4.*^t»«+i^l;' qtf.; W~1 -.WHses-JTO. 382»; -5ft .Abb® rT#-y'*WeT} iJteaaaft;. arteg*vv ;';;.wri«.^w^u^.^!y • ••:-• -y••'-•.•••"? —^ :—t i»n! ;Ut iilirtfiflij •/ ;Ta(«r tD»S#,: ' fljlfalifi fliurifc m)ltnrtJ..rfc" TWtfat ^aag«airimt»i:H>i.rrutinntr. ' -• fflhrHtiliiTlilii • '• l^f ^ ofer-=^^"rWr*ffiitwn|lry tli ln.*fti•nnar^-^w m m atj„„JJ '' <>K»K7i*rt/ TEXAN A MINERAL StjRVEY OF the "A. and M.; College" for .edueg-IijtercoiregiaJe*championship witl be, ^ TEXAS % • • tional purposes duplicate specimens h held, on the -, athletic field of the ( 4 !•' . of all. mineral and other substance-:. magnificent stadium jof the Pan-^ THE OLD • • House. Bill 135, providing "for a '• obtained from the survey." . American, Expositions •-^herfe' 'will 'llflTS-k-:*. « «' W1 « • 451 mineral "survey of th6 lands belong-By section 6 the removal to tlje be thirteen track aijd field events, "iflg l.u the public wnhnoTnL TTriiynfai ";J TTrilVnygTSEAR1 ; Georgetown 21, JohiTiTHopkms2. ' ^Princeton SI,1Lufus< < $ ^TT Brown 7, Holy Cross 5. COM INGW THE UlJbvERsiTY Andover 3, .Amherst 2.."" 8TH STREET HALL ®tf§il ifilliams n, MiddleMrv 4. GOING TO THEW MOI^DAY^IIhT AND ^ Yale 2.5. Phillips-Exeter 2 WILL n WEDNESDAY AFTERNbON Vanderbilt 5, Central 2. : &gwt MALLOEY LUTE STEA11BSIF GO. " '' Vandorhilt 10. Central 0, ­Yale 1.5. Brown Sr THE ALAMO, SAN ANTONIO. ; Harvard 14. Bowdoin 0. P l"°i, "* The largesPmaaical O Cornell 6. Princeton 1. instrument factoryin Yale 11. Lehisfh 0. ­ -make appropriation therefor, and to and publications now in. chaise of tfieworld Pennsylvania 5. Columbia 3. --— provide a penalty for unlawfully ,the Commissioner of _ Agriculture, _£. • • v:oiuroo makes tbe k* is ' disclosing information .obtainea^by Insurance;Ststistiesy^nd Hiftorc is .Vanaerout ^ ^anee 2. >suc'h survey; and to 'loan and au-authorized, whiqh materials are loan---—*5.>esranee. 7-: * • * . * .. • •.••^.'-•"c-thorize-.aie removal to theTFniversity : *e4 to the board until such time as" GUITAll^ FURNI8HES THTBEST SERVICE ^ of the geological:and scientific equip-the State may desire to otherwise ' Pennsylvania's Spring football , MANDOLINE AND QUICKEST TIME TO POINTS " ments, collections,, specimens, and use them. V.* _ practice calls attention to the fact a/>r?ANJO>S GENERALLY STATE; HAVING ^--.publications now in charge of the;, :Section 7 apprupdates f lQ.QOO per that she loses nine of her last year'3" •-As soon as you ore MNDSOMELY EQUlfe^ " q > Commissioner of Agriculture, Insur--annum out of the general revenue team, among them Hare and Mc-competent tojucfge tone ——7--ance, -Statistics and History, and -for two. years forcarrying out the. Craeken.• . _ a cease to won' PASSENGER TRAINS 0 iter why everybody talso declaring an Emergencywas" provisions of this act and stipiilfttps ^ '» «• » -:. : -umn&s^JmfaSHBURN: ^S: 7DA,1'Y ouT OF AUSTfM^. approved by Governor Sayers on .that the ^mineral survey shall be com-' As a-result of an egg battle.be-' Bold byJeftdingLmQ§lo 0ealefa -For tickets and informatTon^ci,Ti" at City Ticket March #8th. -f/leted-within two years.— .j, hrwn Sophomores and Freshmen of 6f}wu6r4i,' Office, 522 Congr&ss Ave., Comer C'th St . •. >. . ,t --• 9 > *section 1, ^the boardLof regents Section 8 repeals all laws* and Columbia, ?ix students of-the for-, RED FRONT' of the University, of Texas4are aii-p^rtsof laws in conflict with the act, mer! elass are -under suspension.' I thorized and directed, ffs -soon as and section 9 declares an emergency. Berrian, captain of next fall's foot- i 4 5SSS»fSS5i5SS28^i 4 & LEONARD i£S9r.s„, ]> ALBANY, NEW YORK. w .Makers of Caps and Gowns for University" .ofTTexas, ^ |Yale>r Princeton,Harvard-Cornell, Bfyn Mawr>,Smith, ^ Vellesley, Van^erlbilt, Sewapee, Tylane, University of--H-^ * CKicago, Lelind Stanford, Georgerown.^ .Jt jk i m 'We believe wecall Interest'von in GOLF GOODS; POEKETCUTLERY THE BEACH AT GALVESTOiN. RAZORS and RAZOR STROPS «» We ate0 cany best makes In shot guns and rifles. Bicycles, guns and .practicable, to have made a. mineral Ball team, the president of the Sci-tent^'or rent. Agent for Pierce and R&mbler bicycles. , HEilOVAL Qf THE STATE OKOLOGICAL survey of all laii'ds beldhging to pub -MpSEUjt TO THE UNIVEH8IT V. "" " ence - * lie schools, University, asylums, or of |he College Sophs., are included in K< 510 Conjfress 'Ave: the State." , -• 5 In accordance with, section 6 of this number.—Ex. , -—Section 2 authorizes the board to the above act a large part of the • Stat^- HiJr; HILLlARD. Cashier -• ;jskilleJj' and who have had at• le)V^t , Jollege maiden, ere we pa been removed from the capitol to.the -five years experience in the science' — Give me back—no, not my hekrt, University. Cases have-been neatly 'of mineralogy, geology, .and clitm- But my class pin and that ring/ arranged in the iibrary and in the istry, who-shall conduct-said swrvev t Football pjcture, everything • corridors,of the main building. The under the direction of said board " That I bought and gave to you 1 i Avork of removal has been, under the By section 3 the board is dir'ectt I a When our college love was'new." direction of-Dr. Wm. B. Ehillips,, U. S. GOVERNMENT DEPOSITARY to annually for free di.ihi-whu has been: ably -assisted by Mr.' ' ^ j_ * * * - ---^ -*• ^ t V 4 • , button among the people of the State. Ben: F. Hill, B. Sc., '06, The addi-' ~ Yale defeated Harvard a few days Capital and Surplus,^­ -$250,000.00 ! all practical information collected in tion of this material has necessitated Assets, over -­ sinceJn an exciting series of tragk 1X $1,500,000.00 the prosecution of saM^survey.as• tfie^ an .entire.rearanngement 'of the Tlni- Deposits, over. ^ events, constituting' the annual-meet $1,200,000.00 •«tme prejgresses;^ rThis section-also--^ersity-,collection-nivolving (A.™ vast r„ betweeri^e-7iW"cL.u.nivemtie& LTBe_ .-provides ras penalty a fine not. ex­ flo'al of labor. Prom an educational score* w;as 57 to 47. . This is Tale's __ .We specially 'sqlicttrthe business of the Professors­ ceeding $1000 or iinprisdhmenO^r -.'Mm • __=_-and Student#.of t.he University l^cegglpg two-years iiriail for the -imnilunauthorizedf-hAm nn<] ' cptomiimcation1* ofC i 1 tlie -_ results of this-survey-before publi ­aiiionj," :-.V"."•; ' — , y Tia section ^ provision is"made o ~ assays, aiifllypes, and other sciehtific SucorpoTaici. examinatfens^. of , specimens of" ^ — mineral;substaaees found^^in —the * State^and.for'the collection and dis­ • tribution of statistics rclafihg to the mineral,! production of the; State/"-' COVVE^E 5XV^TA\)6TS AXVD"PV\XV\E.VS.: b^ard is authorized under this1 . section to analyze and assay ores and minerals for citizens of the -S'tate-at SwWaUoTVft, U\v\.om«8, Ca\aVoax«», f ^ * I a uniform1 and .reasonable charge. Spec«neas found upon any of the" -MISSION CONCEPCION, SAN ANTONIO, public, lands shall .be assayed or >v»" •*sr toal} zed free of charge at the request view this material has addedj jfirst track victory' oyer Harvard in - of the Governor of the Commissioner much to the resources and equipment-V^four years.—Ex, ~?f r. -.--'r ' of ;the. Qen^ral Ijand Office. g rof the University. t *!J ' * '* '* By section 5 the bi>ard is autK vr- PALACEA TURKISH BATHS • P . Harvard•scored:a decisive vicforv­ iwd to "make proyision for instfufr AMONG THE COJJLETRKS. -' over Prmoetou recently in^ the. gn-­ tioa in ibe TDiiiversity.of Texas in BARBER -fVii TT -1. XT *1 , ** . -r nual debate between the-two ihsti- BOIH3NG.j«7 ' . p'ra-^ical economic and field geology W Fnfey, May 31J, and. Satur-tutions held. inF Alexander hall. -id mineralogy," and ta furnish • J11®®.1st, the Pan-American j Princeton.—EJx m coNGfesss AVENUE "» "7