'f-V ==$== IT—1 CORNWEL^ PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY 620 00SQ. AVE. ,PSOHE 28ft- CORNWEUL'Sv/ At home evfery dajtao-Unlvr.aby Students RELIABLE DRUG STO iAAgpistance'TclephdReattd •-MS • i-AWnw-iwV'1-"--'^ , Pay Station. ' ~ NtmNALLys CANDUBa . -Hot and Gold ljrintts in Season: Th*.nio« eomptete line of ToltetArtielM ^ • : • - ^-JJukUoaery, Paper, T ^ipukuoawj, Fine Box p*»», Make-QUR SldRE YOUR HEADQUARTERS • ^ A^TIN» THKAS» MAR^ 20» 490F -, Numte»22 ' We MAKE SPECIAL PRICES TO smfetrft T TJIE LIQtHD-^IR LECTD&; ""''Tfc PARTICULAR handle was placeid in theVUO cei*V&L^lCi ! •" ' • • I/4MVWU VI • ~ • .•••.' ABOUT '4 Mr/ Schoch and i)r Harper to ~~ ^&°*> and mercury poured around All .joshing to 1i$e the tennis ^fcariEBigstr^r^ I ***** the University^ recently secured the -®8*-an"outside the box and thus : intist obserue^the follotrin^fules: to tiiii;v.,i t the hammer of mercury frozen. Next The courts must be engaged by ^ux was iii-lhc Uni--' ^Ile iemured-from-areund—^oie wiKhtng taLUae:-them1jy"slp[lTig; versity. auditorium Saturday nirft'1! ttle mercury and the hammer frozen for them ^n the morning of the day ifarith istv. j <• o '""'ffiofe solidly, after ^tnuh'pme blocks -they are to bfesB«ed. CoUrts may,r m March lath; The proceeds of ihe iy : • were nailed,together with the ham-be engaged from 2 to 4 and from 4 lecture, if any remained after the ex­mer. to 6, otherj.hours:being free. Sign penses were paid, "were to be appro­ : N« bousein America shows .' "> * * priated for the benefit of ihe band, A -number of other experiments ' in the^Jhemicaf laboratory. New were made to show the wonderful a more -oomplete, larger, or' be returned to 7? --• r* % - which is sadly in need of Better in- Uf SpDJl^G W struments. qualities of the new liquid, especially the proper place each evening, oth better line of Meii's Fine its expansive poorer, as under ordin-erwise all^ill be taken tip untU'l^iose ijf ' % .. The lecture was"extensively adver-Shirts than you'll find here# „ W ,' .-«1tf-LES„ W twedj.and notwithstanding the rath­ary circumstances it ev^jporatesvery missing are returned. ^ . i. . • ..." . . V •' er TiJiO, —-x —i • V ,. , -. . rapidly and expands 800f time1s. The . 3.. Tennis shoes or shoes without No matter bo«r hard it is price at which tickets had to > r/ , -. " * •"-•7 ; *-"r , '" ~—"n Be sold inorHfir tn ^r^rr„ "Peake^hmks^tha^ere^ong^irilk^^s-m to find a .flit at other places, -P °f 1Ce"for . , „ TX~A. PISNIOK, ho1}8ehold ­ °f ;. the venture, a good audience ' ~ " it is ao easy matteTfierer purposes, the place of powder in 1-Appointed by Athletic Council. greeted the speaker when he made his warfare, and the place of steam as. N. .\ .in blaok and brown, light'weight, appearance upon the platform. At inandWltieiie# . for Spring and-Summer weat. ^ a motive power, to say nothing of* , first Mr. Roberson attempted to soar thibgfl for dress, biisiowlud its use in surgery and other FRESHMAN MEETING. •a IT* ' skyward iij, oratorical effusions that S ALPINES"— branches of science. Judging from: negligee wear. ; , m may be called ajdismal failure; but Saturday nightte experiments one< m Monday afternoon the Freshman he soon settled dowii to business, and would be inclined te agree with Ijjt. * ^ave us, all points considered, per­1 ass met and after a stormy session, Roberson.' ­ elected the following officers for thehaps the best, most entertaining-aiid ,,r _ao „ . , Dr. Harper was an interested Ddd frlOrigM * ? u mte^ ensuing term: instructive lecture we have had fmm ' • FURNISHINGS the nlatform of sP«ctator,observmg eachexpenment 4 Mr. Ramsdell, „ president; Miss * the platform of the auditorium this HATS AND SHOES very closely. Hejftlso introduced Mr. Archer, .vice-president; M^s Oarri­ season. The following points were MIR'S Outffttirs. m ^foberson to the audience. gleaned: TEls to be regretted that the lec-treasurer^ and Mr. Kimball, sergeant ' Liquid Air in this country is man­ ture came at an inopportune time. at arms. Mr, Hertzberg 4as a ufactured only m Boston, but at Many of the sLud6Rts:.were ftt home—8trong caRdidftte for several of th© present about a dozen .factories for A. P. W0010R1D6E, Pmidwit. on vacation, and many of those whof: offices. Messrs. Harding, Morey, and purposes of its ffianufacture are in -r^nainedv failed to avail themselves . Hargrove were appoint^ to secure PAUL F. THORNTON, Vies Pmt. process" of ednstruction in various of the oppOTtttnityr The proceeds accurate list of tHo Fraahrriarr IASPFR WnniDfllDfiF Cihhf. ^ an cities of .the United States. ' It" is' a DerfpWlv ~ ^^"the band wonW have received class to be pot m the Cactus and to A. W.WILXERSON, Aut. (MtAm, ftufd vtv much ^l hr! 'i have^ been dimimshed aWordingly, conferVith the Cactus management WatCTfll tT< ^Praises which th*.lecture re. iwith a view to securing a ^age in Its temperatare is 312 ceived a^e.riclily merited. VThe W:':^the--e«etua in memory of Mr. U* bf rSSl^P ^ unique,'instructive, ent^r-. ^ter Norwood, a former member of "e W m0re likci,= tlw Frahm»" " d»« " :neased. altogether mechanical. Its den­ ;2;;; The matteij' of the class haselmll sity is about •800 times that of "THE RESELLERS.!.' '^rvjteam we* the atmosphere. It i8 kept in vessels Thrasher wa(s elected captain and especially constructed for' the pur­ : •STUDENTS' CHOICE .Mr. McLendon manager. Everyone pose, consisting of two glass flasks, Ou Itt^t Friday evening wriie wishing to/try for the team must ms a smaller within~aTarger, thcTWo lJ^^Ief^^yF"their"ttrst~oD^^ welded together at the neck, a vac­ - <••• O"(UlUi fcitfee iv vTUD VAiV games will soon begin. and it was one The Fresh­unm between thc^vh with a drop of of the most brilliant affairs given . men ex/ert to car^v off the honors _5T.<35; ..?®.ye®ltrtho two. Theses-, this season. Besserer's full orches-this ye£r(as did the Freshmen last _ OF AUSTIN, TEXAS. ^elisnotfodcecl.contnitioiisovnpc)!^-tru fU'rniBhed tke musiKand it was vear.' • •' —11on •• wing-.:fll:joyt>d-to4ake place to f'^niglityef WdancBts " C&PITAL -$150,000.00 &06 Congress Avenue --freve-ivt^explosions. In tWITpicii {weresin full dress and after eight "' —' ACHALLENGE nf fi'r.^,y t-Mnn'^"00^ ^e' program dances quite a nuxnbeKof -.PHONE 73 -BOARD OF DiRECTORSi T'^OOO [h i nalluirt-^Tmv it i^ TiEw-itndriutei'e&Uiig^gtifiBaii iigareR-— ' ­oii^. Ho^v were-led by MrrW. Bess ThompsonX. AH "1Iash House Tabm«r Tho». 0< Wootwr . E, M, $caArmjgh, ve;. PaulFv Thornton* A. P. Wooklrk^e, w&m -was d.oiiP waR shown '. hv ;i rlia-.and -Miss Zella Swancoat. Every--^^ %«>w all men by the»e presentfi^that -_ _ _ R. L BroWa. gram on canvas inimedialelv bebind body had' a good time, A^ong those Wc\^e K°y«f Banners," have organ— the oxperimentiiig. thp niiichinerv jiresejit were: ' ized W^the baseball seas6n of .1901, —~ and prwess lieing vprv«imp?gi „j:^ilisses Swandbdt, Hooper; Thom-TaIul do h^by challenge to saidgama • THE BUSINESS OF THE'FACULTY whomsoever may AND THE STil0EMTj '."then passed out among ttw? aun think they knSx~anpirng thereof,^ |yEBSlTY ; Later some beefsteak was frozen and said ^ame. to be "echraOil rnffthe Ath-f\in* *"r—=-. .» — letic Fieli at any-ti: after March o.bseryej^coirid exnmine for hiniself^ Uraham, Withers, l^viiie, Hani ^ (S^ Lewi6)T;;; "• .L ' !/. A handkerchief " following is the cntmbled to powder bv the, pressure ' Thompson,:Ha] Thomson, Hudnall, 1. "Chemical" Beall, catcher^ of Mr, Roberson's fingers, as1 was Ki'lk'r,-Canip, Montdth, Schreiner^: 2. "Britensteiii" Porter; pitched also the paper which, came wrapped. Wilkinson, Borden, .Richardson,, lifoifrid the steak. FloTOrs were 1 Stone:-Goldbet-k^ RdwptiMm, Korlw 3. "Lanky Bob" Andrews, first "base. rr~-r---V', L:_ ' frozen-and reduced to' powder, while Polk, Ardrey, Benson, ^Wright, 4. "Ixiver" Lamar, second base; others were allowed toTesume their Terrell,~ Bowman, . Clark, original temperature, find it was Highley,-, Shelley, Graham; Thorik., ^Charming Chas." ^Oliver. "RaTbcT SVycfp "" found jihgrflygtriidqif^^ fnn,, Mj nnd \frP, E. -Nulla third base." " .• ^ —ft—* Our mannish walking boots for *• were flot destroyed. . M'r. and Mrs. Wilcox, Mr. and Mrs. short stop. women; v.. ..7 . , • • • • • .$3.0,0 The'lec'turer placed some cherriess Mj-llican, Mr. and Mrs. Chapman, Sim &Va»ev,Tro^ I-Our spleiidid line of ..up-to-date in a-tumbler of the liquid air, which Pfof^ssor and Mrs. Shiirter, Mr. and 7 "Infant" Caldwell, left-field. 8 " "Political Pudley" Woodward, Wi lutMiMtnoalTtd »H10E HEWdTO0KO^ shoes for men ..;......$3.00 , were immediateJy frozen^tO the_temr Mrs. Jud James, Mr. and Mrs. Pierre r tenter field. • ^'"^,.0AMmLL( > Knox hats—nowhere . else : but perature of 31,2^deg-rees below zero, Bremond. ^ _ ••= here. _ 9. ffRejected Tommie" Batts> although the liquid wm baling vio-_ ' ' . • right-field. --. TENNI8 RACQUETS, Howardrflerbys, next bestt'. .$3.00 lentlv. The, nitrogen :boiled away ^ \ Handsome suits "for men, war­quicker than the oxj'gen, and after r -TRACK MEET, 1 8068. NETS, TAPES, _ ranted ,:T.—;%»ff150-to 25.00 the former had evaporated-a-ninnher . ' ~ —-• ^ -"Sentimental Eddy" Bewley! -CHAMPIONSHIP \ -j High grade millinery: > of pen. points were welded-together LtI^"Invalid" Borden. 7 ~ BALLS,Ladies' Man-Tailored Suits. in pai^s in the same tumbler with the • Tulane University, New Orleans, "Pole^^ondiesr ^ ^ — Vf» willMil ytm »t 85o. p*ii. Oat Men's $1.50 Shirts at . ...98c frozen che#%s, althonglr-the-'tcm-March!A8, 1901.-=-Dear Sir: >i*Knflfer,> Smith; 1 'i. 'Varsity Students' Headquarters BASE BALL SEASON • . VABCOtT.' ^Jor„^erythix^.^_ u it hw«. -W* '*»fl*?d «ad «a fix yon. ­ ~Come on. 1' (• "Rosy Chlny'' D unbar bier tras next CQIistrupted-and in it Tthia jfaci: thus early in tHp BPaanTi in ' ' ^ ^OXRBIBBl ' OAKHIKKB or TENNIS SHOES * some carbon Mw|s biaTned without; order that you may siend a stroi^ '^"Fatty" Gibson.' ! 75 Cents Pair •p X47 IVTr^Ti' A T>T)EN melting theice, ^though the tumbler " team of athletes-to contest on those --"Six-foot" Harming. v • was^broken into several-fragments days, -All Contracts, challenges, remits sssm by a miniature explosiop'^ndar the---You wijl confer a favor on the -trnces, etc.,'should be addressed to " * " * • Chester" """"" """"" "STUDENT SUNDRIES-m 1401 Lavaca Street. Austin. TexaJ . . And -druggists ordiHarily 'ose, wis i it f M ^5 *•'•. fir­ -o QA3J 3W. r)., «33bH •Mfflt;2gc?S¥ W-" \ ~iy- L-f ""Tfie Dictators of Modepate Prices^ i S •• • • v EUROPEiOW ! RESTAURANT A LR CARTE ' |'. ?8.n.I0)P.ft • (5. L PETERSON. Prop.: 5;=:= -r .' ' • : ; -. Cbe JlimstroBflBovt , • eneiAt ORDMS IN CLOTHING^ Wo. 808 CONGRESS AVENUEd* DENTIST. MO pONGRESS AVENUE. AUSTIN. .... .. _ JEWELRY AND LOAN •V L:_ COMPANY, \ weJd6iiiS|tli#jei9tiiu a ^ -1; "LOAMS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL" ju PKftwicr' Rcsrauraii . THE STCDBNTS' BATING PLAC6 CX5»^LETE VHITE SERVICE BOB HARRISON'S IHOP H^C^dPeATHS FIR8T-CLA8S WORK J. A. JACKSON -_f . OOU-TERAL BROKER j * Dealer in Jewelry, Diamonds, —.• :• . TffATfTffRfi. r....wRTT.VTtoWAR^nTvrii j —• -" KUBIC&L IH8TBU1IEHTS, OLOTHIMQ, HATS, --BOOTS, SHOES,.GUH8, PISTOLS. &9 RENZ,. i-Merchant |f Tailor.... CongrewAve. _ a?E6ATERS^ Mmim THE^TEMN, rhe"!ilaefbf'ilie-gyjaDastic cojntest tilB the fitudentflftlld alurhlii WrtWVii *' rif-oAvYnL fA-:AiiV Ttahci+iricy­ interest of thq students and, alumni of advice to our "debating isra 1^ approaching*-and the; con* ithe University every Tumlay „ I •:•• ••3 Sdbbcuiptiun —iearasrmngr ais^f^eEv^T 4nd * the apparatus, work, thpre. wiLLJje some EDIIOtf-IW-CIIImf,, FKA HK T. WWST. manner of the fpeakerr "An entire Splendid' performing on .the mats, BUSINESS JIANAOEKS: — -3i .treatise, of coiiise, might: be -pit-The tumbling class have had the adT jtfOWT F. MiamjOU-H T.KK Rqrden. •^-tea^poii iheae..jjjYiaoiifi^ilLjthe vantage of Director Curtiss' eoach­ Ai.l students are respectfully Invited rfollowing rul«s jmay'be of use for ing during the holidays, so that we" ^jtg. haji.d. jn;cQtitribu.tj<>p sof.,a .nsway _^ gmriers:.. .,, .—t-m.feel, confident in predicting a very. 'nature. Leave ^rticles in^the Mies, ^ material: » - in the corridor, or mail to Editoi -in-* 1 Chief, B. Hall. ••.'•• All exubanxes—ancf^ correspondenceshould be addressed to "The Tkxan," i 1812 Congress Avenue Entered at the Austin' postofflee as sec-_ ' ond class mail matter. Litewtry Editor—Jesse Miller...' '( Senior Class—W. L. Prather. Jr.|ff Junior Class—Miss Katie Small., T "nr. Sophomore Class—John L. Sinclair. \ ? Freshman Class—Kfonnan. T.Raberteon. TSenior Law—Balling^lpills. "*r-• •• Junior Law—Albert Boggess. 1 'I Athenaeum—W'. P. Hargrove. * jj Rusk—^E, P. Stockwell. ^ l! i Ashbel—Miss Helen Simkins. / Grace Hall Correspondence—Misk G«t­.chen Rochs.. fiU .. ^ Gymnasium Ooxrespondent—Joe l)ibrell Wednesday As every subscriber knowsi'iTues-. day has been called our day ^ *.. , u T *. . jj'• i i • cation and w have tried hard to get the copy collectedjn time to |et-Tlie Texan printed on Tuesday, bjut our efforts have been in.Vain^ conscKjuent-ly jou 'have; gotten yofir pii|ier on Wednesday. We find ^.impossible to get TeAaJt lu vuu lHtfM^ Wjjd-nesday of-each week, and henceforth weMU niak« ,that;d^ the ;day of ; " E."v! Cf"""" in iimi'tcl. by 11:3Q a. til. 'Mondays, short, snappy sentences in a speech. Bet concrete (See Spem-University people are'an.ac(«mmo-cer on.style.)... % ^crowi Their goodriesK of -fe-^efora heart proirqjts. them to do manv 'l'"'1""' n'"'1 J l"»l< !•»« B»taTV an ' Argumentation. things for the l>enofit of the appreciia- As to thi^itnn^inv,.^..—^ tive' public. Their latest favor has -i> 1 j ; , „ • ' 1. Bo tnotet Irnt »nMrat. • . he^to^pay $3bll0 for , 2. Do n^ miif . . great delight of the sportive coon'Tha? comnMtnd-of his nerves, and whd likes'to piay basebalj on Sunday." offend sensitive people who happen. tojjass by oii^he way to churc h Sun-. day morning, , Let the good work go on . «>th,„ ,TO1-P„.k,.(. . . everybody's business is noliody's ^laving baseball Siind&ys on thn din debater enjoy himself—especially when hi& gesture endstfokp witK thr: .^•l>84f-4^ennsylvania, 2573. conduct Is objectionable to'Jno "one hand froni .the wrist. . "—"""u Do not gesticr .-uiate, across your face, -^-o-tr ~vuur race, and avoids : v„i -L^ v— : l_.iThe holidays Frid^^iati^rd6yV„ ^tr^'^^puinp^ gegt-^ third ~ AMMUNITION, ETO. . LOADED ftTTBT.^ji,week Will wear out the best of us, and ^ jp»BAT BiPftGAIHB IN UNBEDEEKKD as our holiday are few we -enjoy PLEDBES; f"•""".y*r •t WiTQBES AND JEWELBYBXPAIEED. £s» them-the more when the opportunity eravn msmv-nf n cfn/ianfA gave many-of the students a Jnuch- needed rest. Manyj;pf.them utilized the opportunity to visit the folks at home. Class work six days:in " is afforded; • a^t all times are-tryihgj buj; when they are drawn out throughout I certaih you •. understand, LffigjjMfeteing-. of J tevery word jn the :questibn^tinder afceussfon/a£&' that you jforesee all possible interpreta-' :oresee ' 1 nw Pi -«.i J-^Li I-!'.' A 'tions of the questions meaning, 1 2. Group .your arguments so that useless" repetition may be avoided. Commonly the order to follow is: begin with good argu-pxents; set the -weakest argument's in the rpiddle ofthe -Speech; and ^ . , ——:—•—— —~—J;— end wjth the strongest arguments. In team work ^ach man. sdlects a sfegarnie group pf arguments, and arranges these in the "Homeric .Order" mentioned in this para-g™Ph-' ' 1,0 not 'try to fjse every, argu- men^8 ^cn _ ^ con^U8^ff* Insist • hurdle, and pole vault. Out of the which ^iU candidates pr°°J . best four or vivwly affect your audience." Be-^fiv% Willie selected to renresent up ' member a hearer must carry your ar-at Tulane in May P gnments in His memory, and a multi-• Lei us: again urge the classes to of arguments will be forgotten, form .track team organizations in <>r­®XP™88 . >t' yourself very'clearly der to faciiitate the work, and prb­accuratebf-.. not trust to paration for the relay race • on field 'speech; do-not. Qn^thTS hand, leave the audience with tlie -_ ^ opinion that yon-have-recited;.iA^-; '^sequontly pf his nudicnoo. does P®* prance. At the most, you may your position by a single line of thmijrlit. "'"n " w" ; 3,r;S±and firhily; .do not sway at ""ir'1"'''' J-"1" MnflterohW ^ a who °f •four °^D whole week they partake more'j '^es city. ' Remember •( -' .i I that a is,not o, nor 0. a: n ia nr»t 00. of " a test of physical rather fis ^ than, mental ice, ConsP i-Place your accents proper-. , ' ?>v Forgetfulness of this rule irri- queitly -the opportunity I C for rest tates ^cultured " cuuurea judge. , " " .TOtfph-the •fecfllfoRftvejlijfanptfated' 9, Do not. verbally slu> vmir «r. «•' ; ' • ,1 ^ • that will distrLrthrat^S the audience. Gentlemen do not Wear diamnnffe1 -^ 1 6. iN"e' :Jmg)^lse ;While yoir are speaking;­; . Eat only a light meal if you must speak soon after dinner.---' 8 Speak distinctrv. uiwunctiy. not hnrahlv;: l . .. Avoid provincial. pronunciations; Yse English, not the street vulgar- .Itlpa n-P _:»r_ : interesting and ^creditable a£pear­ance for the tmnblers on this occa-., sion. s »lri$kq|.Steam ftuiiaij: • Class' wor^#^5maBties"willM resumed on thev first Monday after il. -.1 ^ • i — ili YOUR PATRONAGE ' v the holidays, apd continued" up to April. The month of April will be [OUR WAGONS WILL CALL t devoted to;track" team trailing..; AH EVERY HOUR. "candidates for the team will do well •— ' '' ... -44&1 !r •# -­ to begin immediately to put them­ ' selves in condition We' want can­didates. for the, following events: V**V-; .*viiu w HJg cvctltp.Running broad jump, Tunning high' - jump, shot put, hammer throw, dis­cus throw, one hundred-yaTd' dash two hundred twenty yard dash, qiiar­ter mile run, half milerun> mile-run, standing high jump, standing-broad junjpf two hundred J In the 1M issue a certainindivi^ »«•a dys­ peptic illusion, ventured to criticise severely the Soph, committee on col­lection. The least that can te said about the gentleman is that he is tilLPnV jffnn in the case,' collect the monev, and does no* foci pe^neiljle Ior th« for flmm^ial T*. _ 8 ratt6 . '-tem. n ^ 1 ^ ^omm.tfee. ':t~— 1. ____ "*» "• 'n-nnan, of ­ totombia, has completed 0 li8l of the t" registration of the larger loarta,, thr'mav' bf ,t„„,ih,B i,f are as foilow«> 1Tb»., p1a, 4392-;-FniTcr- LEISERING {.: NOTICE.' _Jhank you for your attend*:.m®ny times when he^^ beat the. *rt>Br .18th and Lampasaa 1 —Exchange. — , Philistines."" Moses made his first The ban5qbenefit concert isto.be.. 'v 1 . 0 . -when he slfew the .Egyptians. a given on Monda April 15th. Let' A _ __ ' .base hit when he killed 1 "Stole first. Adam sfiipma wnlUfi-morl anil I ;v.'"""nonfitl^ " r-V:. * .' • r " ' "proper." • ^ —Do-aot-lh^fy.-• becca at the seems . well-timed and eminently, ~P9.n®ntC . 11. Do not end with formulas ,.v e(T ., , --...uias ®' Plteher-• Sampson struck out vard debaters "7,"ai®"r" claims that more attention to debate ir ®lv^n and oratory at lYala nn«q ^hnnr • q«eqtly Yale debaters do jiot receive. • as much fjaanijig.—Ex. " ^ *• , Ahe ckss of 188C 'will preserve ,;fc memory'of^ .-^wa-r. yrincpt»n's Lawar. lamoilS fnn+htill — 1 -A-. • a?i0U.S ^°1OTB^11 PlaJer, by a $20,000 ^cl*h ho™*. It will be modeled —j... j.. • *f#er Montp^ier, the home.of Pres-Edison of the class of Tyy'f „ -. 3 * * * — , How Baseba11 Staged.—The devil .^as the first eoacher. He 'coached Eve when, -she-' ' AMERICAN-PLAN - ~ • ~ -1' Balls, Receptions and Banquets Specially CateresdFor f jSamples for the present season, which I have now On display ready for Inspection. /Ir guarantee you perfect satisfaction a* to fit, style and general work­manship, and ' can save you money. Investlgatethe 3uits Whieh I make to order for '$10.70 Up, and. trousers at $2.95 up. ^ < AG. GERJES Men's Outfitter 1610 Lavaca Stired '"M^rJilBLnHmo1973 C.A DEALER IFT fURNI RUGS '. HOUSE -FURNISHING— • GOODS ­ IOTH MNO LAVAOA ammrra -­ restaurant ~ ' BDILLIARD jntjv RtbateChecks on all Games J. A. MILLER, Proprietor. TELEPHONE Bo. 40. No. 44. Price Only $10.0^ Made in all the standard cali bers both Rim and Center Fire. \Veight about 7 pounds. Btathd­ard bairel for rim fire icartridgeB, 24 inches.. For center-fire cart­ridges, 26 inches, : v- If these rifles are not carried in @tock •by your dealer, send=price and we will send it to ye^w)tlv the ' s "4aflfc-week. * -, • r-""-^v .ifSSmpioit _ Pure T.viien dollars, 25c kind, 20 1 •kr 1^.,... •• 10ft ^WrmiTr3 ' , 1 tfeffHs^^irtsi I^tyjes,... 50c -—-p ' -~ " ' 1" ' - -three E s, Tripoli; a paper 6qhe-\rith • .^ . Watson was «among the Fine N'e^)ig!3eiSh1rt8,|l .25 kind $1.Of) r*Ki!.T "Meds who visited th'e main Univer­.OO, S3.50 w n rvi ^ an enjoyable trip; and his'heal-th is rades;"" ,-• ..... : •' '. M\ L. JJibrelU^^t-ycar'sJ^jigjji; nitich improved. |j|betjE>f his time he as booby prwe 'Varsity DressShoes. . $3.50 eering graduates is in Cuba doing "Spent in lUst^entfngli *v ' '< .-..-• fis!"nS aii^ yrw ^ s]pamnis dlfiing roornrwas engineering work. AC " ' " " ' " Spii.'g Suits'of' Flannel and Serge, worth_$10.00,'for>i, ..$7.50 is "Spec';' Hollis visited 'd hi. parent. *• \iM$ and-rmanj^'-fiends in Pas, tem^ratare 41» th?mometet wgi«; ® ,.|w ,annd otb».f|H..JLnw Jot Z.«h> i Eagle «">P«Stare,;tlie th?m?meter wg,«; Blue Serge Coats...t.....$Z.nO" ~ZZ-^zz£Fffrrtt&=Z£li.--r t •" • during the /holi re'. ..••••••• ierng Mm,heat.at *Wrier,erefe; IS . --"-.'••.!->f t. v r . .• tr (•': • \­ f W0,r -&:pn ||j Hon. Mr. Heslep ^£< the Hotf Hjlfe! i wwe o«Mpa with bhMSei. .-if, • J !}r. , ^Representatives ai Prices -Representative was (iue of Satur-T* 1.» -» * salad, .tce.erwn, pakp. I Several • ^ay's.visitors to. 'yarel Jimmy Jones. oOludvillt^^HxnHj —flashlight—pietarpri yHf taken to are 25 per cent iQmt serve as memenfca of ttj^ oecasionv '80mewhat homrih^rnLSr11 wSi? at+!!e! precipitously durfeg' i% ahavid (}«rrit k.,? , vraT. -rt - Mr. ('!artce^.-hi-ntinor tast-"TBHly .. -8^il®BMISr (HI£ IUM IBT_6F_ will tiB rarowgl»red^~sc.oftid " one^trf WHO* DEW the ernphatit' lute of tfee seasop, and sionisfe Thursday lw|>riii'nl.M j/filL ill. —^ t V -i ' ' . 'i . v; in response <0 many requests he has TELEPHONE Nl. 24fi ; consented to give a special afternoon Hob Andrew's whs in Dallas during Cliftoft Sheppard is Suffering from ^ m tlu' hulidays. . .. V • nt'rvous depression caused bysujwr-" THE GERMAN CLUB. jfterfomVanfte Friday, presenting his •'• \y S.' iV i i ..•-.'•"••r'•,•'; hjouan efforte to draw out a poein for very hHiccessful romantic plav', "Thq A.J.ZILKER f iuitoi-IJMWB.-If8t of His Race,"' which will lw The German Club hats been reor­ : 0alvf.. iiiKl^ap|)1 jcants for {fTW packed• „ hniy>e;. i; ' membership must have Eeei) ill l^Birick" will be gtvett, pre« -—SiM 1) Si'iircv' rnhirntui-troiii JL visit <. pilotage of hisffntbor "tn Krcnhiini Thursday. . _ ^f .,. -. . —HTmrrKTtr-ntfcn^tw^months befor^^-0"-—'^^———^ ^harm-_ L hapeU exercises were -suspended tlicv will-IJC, admitted. Honorary •= W:«n^aet jilay entitled. f at 11:3^-^!;,,,7T'0araTI(,e the lending minor league* and J: W. Thomas visited" luslioSe" -not become regular members. Only ^" al| the collei(««Dd attiletlouao etot Ion*. Handsome Catalogue >1 ii ring tiie holidays. , -New scheme-of marking to iMi.ustd:!llr^jlnr meniWrs mav have a voice in C ^atll!c' ^"arar^r mav well be called ot Jiose Hall >•2®^wbch (iwt-:.Wnlii%=-^K -KB*-BABIES l{oa1 Estate Thursdav. The University Ladies' Club "waa -.'duet— Dues-are $1.50 per month. ,• TORY TU SPALOTNirY BROSr^ delightfully elltertained^ Tuesday af-• Only" numbers and .peciallv invited ­ lloiiit'r Parks spent the holidays -(Incorporated) " nsltliur relativerin "Maiwrr; Nbw York « CitiCAOo Dkkvkk ,rmvt ,rt , I P S,,,i,.rUwH„lri„,ll,-irl„,l,.' Mr; Ming* Millt i» nreaijeht: St Vili' b^S1^ --' ijats wjajun;. U:II MIMW iihistrntivi-Mr. BikIIpv Fi^tii-r IPNILPR-MR MN. n«-t«»itieB * U> our * I.'niveraitv Jim.Loving has resumed his work of. Constitutional Law; which'were Cullough, secretary. ^ ^ tlwt. a-.c'tt>Be"' -­.'"The Xiediesil Departrnent.^ ; ^ given them M>y Judge Iiews. last " • ' o *" ', other will hrk^ out in the young W,alter Gresham visited his broth'j """ " "" * GRACE^iAlXNOTES. ~^rT.-[). fim;1iTrm -ln.c;t wnnk. • p Missps T^nKi iin^ ihmin JTi11 Oil-asptipn parlor with w^kly i"w;eptions tertained a party of friends at dinner • Grace Hatl r thqir friends-will be t^nducive to ' Bob Xeil visited friends in San Antonio during the holidays. ! Friday.-Among the University peo-idays from,the prolonged^vigils of ®n{ertai";"®S"an* Co.*,. ind 0. B. Sim.-,,,!, i'f'P^.t l'»nl,:kix-n. exams. week^ and its imiiates have h« ^meipb^e^ by • t0 i,rlng our service, time and eqai|k> :.:il,,,ir va,ati.,n H, : . Mn^rs. W,,i a„.l .1„dd • •• 7 ~ ~ so far recuperatedecuperated that they'will be f,y -\ I g a(}y-^''<0 ^-he Porce-„,en(; „p ' - lhey will Llkc the Pofw-tnen|i up to the ltlghest-possible perfe«­ fV.°r" 2^-d^ 'b<^* -nn onim^n'v,ia ablfe t0 take UP the burden where "The Revellers"• hadFeriper Le;slie sp^nt the holidays t'-v, "7'"•. ^'ngfti|ator8_86ld— • 'i. . -' theythey'dfopp^idropped it. r" o - • • :". . 'w. t 'finif-L;!|fwiaVfi.0" p-China-t>*lns we tioW raa^with their improved..hi liis home jn Grayson County.?!. *r 'tane.at 8th street Hall Friday night. ^ ifiss^lira Foster is 8^iuendiri^ ft fPW al^fly8 a memory raofotyn __ pleasant ooa^es71uxuftou>c(frcartattd .Miss A. L. Trippett'Tg" spgnding a •Pti)j0ian8, just ground for to"have a; days witli ller narents and few days at-her home in Fori Worth i i i ' i -InnnuinAlilriiv . • 't ag .picnic during the lMidSys. Denrson. ~ " after the* stress of'"exams." _at,Brush's China Palace, Avenue and ypu &r« ftolttg to Colorado, Utatt, John Lang Sinclair is jecupe? " ?th_Strept. i -,allf«Kci»>.<>r«nyp«i£tioo of tbe Nortb­ ? Quite a niimber of ^Varsitv Rtu^ -toniO-Saturdav. but wilt rpftim jn a ating at-his home in San AntpniO. . weitrrewemterthai-.';You don'tbaveto_ ^ ^ . dents attended the card party given "few days ariBTTreffiine lier-work. apoidRfze T6r riding'-oa-Tbe Denver Spanish 1 had the delightful ex-onlast Thursday evening hv Mr. and ' Mrs. Ludlwv from Bpltnn' CACTUS. Road!" • MHc-rience of getting out of theiT exam. Mrs. Rector Thomson in honor of " is visiting her daughters Fannie and AraxxBsoir II. B. Mock speriit a few days with . Miss Beatrice Thomson of Ballinger. Anna; . -. "t All matter for the Cactus must be ' A,a. p.A. O.A.P.D. . . his parents at Greenville last week.' q«.-preshmpn bid fair M furnish Lucile Wathen is spending the hoi--in at once.. Thd drawing^ are said to^f CBASX.ES L T;fl T. P. A. , Fred Samp.™ and C^IL . . Saturday in • a». 'nrashw. faw-.^h-vi«,0^,rirSatar,!ay.°,n^ to1»"r,™d of."*-n" ^"2^. TIlFlttWHlll48MMlClt|BliCl. .. - consign­ eron. Olsen, Conner, Watson, Hargroye, gation-eonsisting of the Hall's fait-ment of cop^j and pictures will be FORT WORTH, TBXAS. Shans, and Vanxy are out and wo^k­ ~Br~$Eaiiiteep*Bi est will be sent out to meet him., -shipped this ^?e^: to Hudson-Kiini .brief ff noved lately by-an inadequate water """The hripf reapitorm>ite J)efore^bff"'! another berly Pub. Col, of K«n»na CUv I supply. „ * , i r 5 *~r~ Mr;-Seville,-the.lather of Oscar nonths' tedious toil was • >. "three months' *• • . xr -A ,1 t» o Mm • :. and Miss Blanche N"eville, hoffi^a.r-—~v.T and Treasurer Crane reports thaf^eigned by Washington himself, and ^intlincmngly; ~^~7 secu —thereis-a-sui^luaJnthere is a surplus inJ^ireasui^the treaauij. ..4s now^ in the possession of the His-' Saturday, Mardi I6th;Mr8. pita!at Gal lW»XO»CRESSAVt w-i •i: J£HE TEXAN. - THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT; that Pace, Reed,"Matftis,"Scott, and halt way between chilly and warm variafionsi that, left on the excursion to Austin last < Thursday. • While there' they visited the Main Department, and all % o'f were delighted at the treat­ ^z^arient-thev^receivied at the Hands of the Academs and LaWs.1 The Trip* was a pleasant one and was enjoyed' by them all.. * ~L V :W-A-VROltOTION^ Short and Quick Line Between North and South Texas. v,'\Dr, Herbert Sterzing has been"ap­ pointed demonstrator of Gynecology -^-to succeed Dr. Thos. L. Kenedy, re­ signed. v ~ -S|§;' ;h2 :S Dr. Sterzing was a .member of last . year's graduating class and has been •^anjmtiring.worker as interne In the John Sealy Hospitalduring the past year, and will without doubt prove pre-eminently-qualified to fill the J.--new -position.-. > \ MEDIO AND PHAHMAOY' MIXED.-; V.L 1 . Wimbish came very near going to ^ Austin last wSek. — ­ •vi _. Mr. Morris' work for the Senior ANTONIO Pharmaey class ieLexcellent. VIA "Dan Stuart's" occupation has be-WACOt#»A.4.«4.l?. *MO•OO. WC. 4.P. •' . AND TO gun to fall aw^y from hini; Says one Sophomore to another, ' AUSTIN." v "Did you go to chemistry to-day.?" VIA KLaiN AND H. A T.C. The Juniors have"a new song,— -v . i»ew words put to the same old tune. Tlirough Tourist Sleepers • : —TO Jim Laying ha$ returned to his -Work affaih tnilnh jn^iwed-J>y ^ CALIFORNIA, •rest VIA SAN ANTONIO AN* MV. MO. Dr..Bandall favored the Sophs. # . ' .1 .. 1 -with a nice selection of grades last Qulekest and Best Une to • vj week. -' «. MEXICO. Set Jack Watts and "Bloomy" to "* ;pve you a rendition of ( the latest 'Dutch*^pera. — • ' -•' -s ­ The cheap show at Harmony Hall enticed many of "de gang" awdy from books. — —r—-­ The "Main Department" took in ALL TRAIN* MAV* the show in a body last week. It ftATV eHAlil CAlU wasn't a. "box party,"" though. tfuvrrr sucrpcns. Several of .the Jtfedic and Phar-Best _ macy boys took advaot^e of the ex­ IN TEXAS. cursion to Austin last Thursday. . • r ^'^Ikali Pete" Botthast is still m^4 IMPORTANT GATEWAY; 4 . -J'evidence. He gave uphis boat-build ing on accounE - -And still the Freshman yell fails to break the stillness of -the jjight. Smoke up and let it be hear^-Boys^ Several black eyes have fieen noticeable among the boys lately."' "Physical culture" isn't all its crack­ ed up to be. — • • • -—^ — • The Sophomores have finished the ^TASTTRHINS DAILY "brain. Exams will-show'how much-:;: . ~ • • ...TO... V-V' the convolutions of individual St. Loiuis, Chicago .-_ „ brains have been iherfased. «u• and the East. If mighl ^ tenefit^ sdnae Df the ^.V.^,OT v„ .*•• Only Line Running ThroUKta ­ members of the various classes to -Pget a..eopy of the.Hi^pocratic Oath. .gy«**»«a them. rnunc M)asi LlullteC, '* Semi-weekly, between Mr: Naschke turned bvfer the'So­ CHICAGO, ST. Lours,,DALLAS, FORT phomore's block picture to the com­WORTH, .LOSANGELES AND . --SAN FRANCISCO. mittee-last,Tuesday. It is: quite _ . goofl? although the eniire class is iiot HCSHBS, &»t. Pua«iig«r igiat, rr. voitjrB, m represented. Some of the men didn't '.'V-;. -.. :. . . want their picture published and--­would not have one taken., < ;— DALLAS, TEX ' ^ ^"The'SATMfTdn'ajTOy'aT^SfMgnW"Ii4^ Corner" was praying. At the close r of the-prayej-a ^oud-and—fervent^ Ben €.3o«es^ €o. • "amen" broke simultaneously from, i^unierous throats. f1s that the So­PRINTERS phomore class 'stirring up the ELECTROTYPERS lion?*" asked a lady who happened- BINDERS­ pzmem, aiurn eventful one, things Itave just drifted Printing That Pleases along without any seeming pfopul^ #ive; force, «tnd. yet in spite of all j PW«. tire CARRIAGES— ^ IN THE CITY MARLIN SHOTAOUNS ForTrapfrFlild Shootiag,combinetheelegtaee of outline, perfection of EsUoce, ease 7..^ Official Outfitters for U. of T. ana. -^ • other leadirig Universities, Schools and I 3 Y. M. C. A.'s . —i • . ". I 3 ALL OATALOOUE8 FREE. > ' " ^ v PERCY DuP.. WHITAKER, Southern Manager, "— > " .ALBANY, NE W YORK. ^ ­ lineriiational Bureau of Aciidcmic Costnmt Makers of C&ps and Gowns for University of Texas, 1 I' <• I &> Yakt Princeton, Hkrvard, Cornell, £ryn Mawr» Smith, _ Weilesley, Vanderbilt, Sewanee, Tulane, University of Chicago, Leiand Stanford, Georgetown^i* ji ji ji jk We believe we can interest you in GOLF GOODS, POCKET CUTLERY » RAZORS and RAZOR STROPS «•««' . > . -! , " _ W\i „|ou in^SHUlKimsand rlflM.mTclMr^Jn8i^ tents for rent. Agent for Plerce and Rambler bicycles. Q.C. BENQENER& BRO., 510 Congress Ave. .President ; r ' J ^WJV.L.1'ER,TIHS.Jsi Vice Presf. .—1 -»-• ... -H; P. HILLiARD. aSSter. ' U. S. GOVERNMENT DEPOSITARY Capital and Surplus, $250,000.00 Assets, over • $1,500,000.00 Oeposlts, over ­ $1,200,000.00 We specially solicit the. business of the Professors —T Studente^f -the Univer^ity >>Vv6 C.\vas. SVVvq^ C-orwpaw^, — -j _ i^eorpovaled. , ' , ^ — j; 17: •; j /• 4r\v\\aAeV5pYv\a, PauTVftiiVxja^a. -+"-1 •>• .AOVvt&VW, Scm.\Vv6TTv"WlamqeT. CoWe^e. Sx\^va\jevs awi TnxvUvs. • f " - X r lltvwW aV\ a NT ^VassDa\i"Praqrams,"Bauqvirt TAeiixi andliaU Cards, •• BljlLDINGj' ^806 CONGRESS AVEfjyE