ei if,*m j %m:* /«& \j^ Urn . ^kVi' ^•;v)-:.iV:;.7i,:,';.,s:Vv... _..// -.-i •>-.;•''.•. • #-;:v ':' • ;i_^'".. ;'•••' '/-: ', ''. • ' /.t~ ';• —../ s{-• .-,. if «<$.•.*;••*.•.>£.f •••**. 1 •:V: -J-'—T^giS-?-.--.-. ..".. . ' -•---"-r -' -' „ " ' • -' •'/ . : i„-' * .. . ! A. .Weekly .Newspaper Published Every Friday by the Students of the University. VOL.VI AUSTIN, TEXAS, FRIDAY, FKBl'ARY 7, 1906 No. 17 BASEBALL OUTLOOK. Ths Season for iT05 Will Soon Open. -— .. Renewal Of. Just a~fe~wmore :week's, bid 1 gridiron ..will bo •"converted-into a "di­amond! Suits have already been ordered — for the team, and every one is looking ^ "forward ~trr-n"~niost"sneressfulHbaselrtl1­yeaiVv"Many-.of ^he yold stars are out, .. , it is true, yet tliisi. number will easily . be supplied, from the vast new material we luive on hand. • The greatest drawback to baseball which has yet presented itself, is the _difficulty which 'tlig managers having in getting good games. It^s-indeed — a sliavne-that the ^tudents.of Cniverwit.y • of Texas Should have allowed old Var­~ sity's a thletK*«»4®-<«ttflPer for the want--of a little financial aid. It is-a sham«, , too, that som,e students should so :far forget themselves as ,to question the honesty^ of 'the athletic authorities, whose, oniy reward st em's to be such insinuations cast by men wholly ignorant of athletic affairs/ Varsity -can boast of thirty loyal men who have agreed _ to stantL good for,, the throe -hundred dollars which-must still be had Fel­lows, shall: \ve let them pay it?.j;^*r: - ager MyeV is trying to arrange games with the Austin .League, St. Edward's College., ' & M.; "Haskell, the' Cleve­land Americans, who are practicing in San Antonio, and" otliers. The trip . will be pulled off during the first part of . .-April_.JIJje^teatti:_iijll be limited to a one week's trip this year, according to a late ruling of the Faculty. Two games for the trip are practically' made—one with Louisiana St.ate University, and the other with Mississippi. -Besides this, nothing definite has beeji done. Class' games will begin about the first of March, and every member of each ~elsrss Avho~ can—play'—ball is'^rrged ~to : come out. The first team will b$ picked, from these class teams, and every one will-J be given a square deal. Every place on . the team is open, and, will-be given to = the best; player. If you-want to be" one of the "nine," it's up to-you. " _ BASKET BALL, L_ ^ Varsity' is -at.vlast to~:be represented by a Basket. Ball team. Many students * are^ working hard for places' on the team, and under Mainland's able coarch­ing, it is safe to say that Vajsity. will soorj.have one of the best teams in the. State/-It is too early: yet to tell just w-hQ-wiIKmake the. team, Many gobd play^r.s are developing/and-all are learn­ (Continued-on ,p$ge 3,) j,. RENEWAL OF HOSTILITIES BE­ -TWEEN LAWS AND ENGINEERS No doubt "many of o}ir readera^vere .a]f1^..;Tlt^l'e«>a,luin^ had abandoned the surprised to learn of the sudden renewal pursuit, your correspondent saw a bright of hostilities in the fat east. \Vhile it Hash leap from the tree, top some where has long been known that there existed over, in the direction which th.e Engiiteer­a deadly enmity between tire younger ica had . taken;' but' strain. our ears as generation of Tegalia and Engineerica, we would we coiihl hear-no sound save the speedy and decisive campaign which the palpitating'• of each others' hearts.. has just colsecl was entirely unexpected. -1 h'e l^galian. army on its return gave It will be remembered that some time vent to its rage by throwing bomb-shells ago it was decided at a Pari-Campuscine of hotJ air. inty Fort Adrianus from Congress that there should be published Poiiit \\ ukasli. The discoiiilitcd Engi­ •an international magazine.devoted to the _H<'eriei-ilien niade a sally upon the 'l e-interests of the Universe at large,'said galians," (lie result of wliicti was inde­magazine" to bcpublished by the several cisive, bj>th sides-earrviiig oil' prisoners. nations in succession. -It having fallen It is rumored that the prisoners' were to the lot of Freshmanica to edit the severely tortured by both armies, but first number of the magazine, all the this your "correspondent is unable to -genius-amU talent^of thai-e-mpirij was conlirm as lie was located on a hiti soine collecte.d for the purpose. " ­ distaJice. away. in\ order that lie. miirht . .. In what must be considered one bfTthe Tietier Oljst^^The^forrunes'~6t~ greatest scientific publications of the age Professor -Scroghoff presented an' ex­ Special to The Texan, January 33.=r haustive treatment -of an "object." he This day will be memorable in history;mistook for an anthropoid native to This evening as (ieneral Scroghoff wasTegalia. It turned out,*.how.ever, that returning' frnjn ..an •iuiportant conference this species is entitled to fullcitizen­ with allies. Jje was summarily seized ship in 'IVgalia, and on behalf of. an ^4)a4» Detective-a)—tlje—Fort is -wt)nkin<'_ 'legalisms.. After the most liberal ap~ ... ti 011 the case. • . * . " . plication of the..-"statutes"-which is The niain detachment""of" Tegiilians, allowed, a humiliating apology for Pro­leaniing;".that_ (Jeneral Scroghoff was no­ fessor Scroghoff's article was extorted from the learned editor. --'• Jxmyer a't the head of his ai'my,.laid siege to Fort Adrianus. In the face of a con­tinual discharge of the Fort's liquid-fire t—Special to The Texan, January ,31.— batteries an entrance was effected hy flip" •Last, night one of, the most daring '1'egalians,-yvho ste ulily fought the'ii-way achievements in the annals of war was '8 from floor, to. floor till confrojited. by inscribed*on the pages of history. Scrog­ the resolute Engjneerica on .the roof. A hoff, who for his. valiant services to han(l t() hand combat ensued, in which E11gineerica had been iliacle *a general,­ nmnv -a-man was drowned—on both with a small detachment of Engineerica, sides. At a late hV)iir the Tegalians lhade-a descent upon-TegaliaT and--un(ler -withdrew in -good—ordiu', lpiiying thfir cover 0^ the darlcriess carried off one of dead on the fiejd. r v the most distinguished citizens of that l'ortjinntely a Duessonie cold wave has"; couritry. A aliahs irnme-cAu'sed an armistice to be. concluded; ind -diately went in pursuit T>ut were unable in some quarters there is talk of a to locate General Seroghoff's party, which '.•peace'':conference, to be held in Greater had. taken it> the woods. A short time Academica. , > N * 'n -* # THE SPELLING BEE. ^ B. Marshall Wins First Prize, J. E. Keahey Second. _One.of le .and ex­citing events of—ilie_was^the annual spelling match of the Athenaeum and Rifsk' Literary societies, held in the An>UUtiii"ii histJ-mturdayjught.—To^dd incentive and -inter,>st to the occasion,-Jiulge Clark-thiSt year offered prizes of $l;v and .$10. to the two best spellers , in the societies. It was a battle to the finish, a survival of the fittest, through­out the best spirit prevailirtg. President Calloway of the Oratorical. Association called the. match to order and announced Dr. Sutton as official giver of words, and"Messrs. Griffith and Bas-" kelville judges. 'J'lie xr\tluma«nini lined up in the right central aisle, the Rusk in .-the left, and-their respective secretaries called the roll. Dr^-Suttonbttganwiththd'lUlHp-t^.L' Speller," tlut first woid1 being the well-known "baker." Things ran smoothly for a while* nti&il the words began to .get harder arul, great gaps were made in the ranks of-.'both sidesr. Frequent references were made to the dictionary and the ^ul^es were kept busy deciding appeals . Frnn,,>" W«th sides fey were liiowed'down bj the lieretofore. unheard of word, "hebdoiiuiila^ alid'ITot a man was"teffr standing. This left the. contest unde­cided, so it was ruled that all victims of .that tricky Greek word should take. theiF places again.. 7^1>r.y Sutton-being-tired out, "Dr.^ iShurter toak h is-place—assisted by the­judges themselves. -Mt, Griniths pro­(luw'd some hard nuts to crack, notably" !'anfi.macassar/?. which left but one llusk man and five Athenaeum men. ( — 'fhe question.being rafsed whether the contest—was one between._J:he two soci­ etks , yr to...deterinine~The best-speller, Judge ('lark decided iii favor^6f the hit-. t°r, and suggested that Mr. Davis, the Rusk speller, take, his place with the Athenaeum'men. • One by one the meji dropped out until Mr. J. B. Marshall alone remained and took the first prize. The second prize^was won by Mr. J. E.. Kealiey, who was the last man to be .spelled down'. After giving "nine lahs' for Judge Clark the societies ad­ journed...— EVANS PRIZE CONTEST. The preliminary for the Evans prize contest in oratory will "be held in the au­ditoVium Saturday afternoon at 2t307 Judge Miller, Dr. Peterson and Dr.iGrif­fith will act as judges. The final-contest occurs on ;• I \ \y, * JVfAL PALL. •II -I Preauient Fred £ P*r C1irxm«,;fbi ' The t,r«H£?Sfc i» a* fa&oVsr ; IDEAL • •-. • .'•' . ,C v~^ • .,< : >-.r I.-' .; % L . •a) .. «v-. -• A, L'arkS j \ , FOR WOMEN Preparatiims Belbg Made -tot Autnt. >l4i P.JSmith.} : 1,. . \. IPaulvBafl Ereri—--r— ^ RKfe,,' Wijrt • T : ; -^^•'••i:.v|:-H;:' '' '"" 4\.. Aii-t \VoTnart;.„„._.:C.' B. ilieh -. _ Prfc-ikifeRf, Fr*?#i-K; -F't~.h*r gavemit for ]Enibq4ie3, Style, p«fotk-afr4n In tfog~'T* "^KaTTr^riToT" tH* \Ano i* _'• „ ' _ Mr-ljowf;!! Perfect ;— Final Bail roRimitr^.:, Atv pr^-nt not -, ' •—r* .-f^lj^.' Worhmanship *~_ 'raueb «»n Us nixi;-""a* ie'.tcl­ *reve-&t/ ofv the-..i^s^jon.,, -iy/ a • ,',' '';•;' "Mr.; Qir.tym...W/• Grayi ju*t {p-r>•' mq4r.' ?T1ug'WfiJWent. hovr^'»f-r. ^ 'a> •. Thin ft Eyes ao~;B{-ue' an<4 LTeh-V* rrifi-t ^^>ri^rat«{atv^i ffjT" the'ibceel-ri^r % i%Y. ent ^mb^HUs^}5-ia t ehooiHiOg1. the th• La..>ft" N'tjfht-.Jernes following jrM'n -Mi--K»iby :rWiI«ori'---ai^ompanieKi by 'the h«p*TvUory ^Tiairman.1; Wilfiajrl ft • 0!f;<; Club 1 fiUtfk*r', < Lalrman* of lh*"lFlrianr-e\-jf|>/rrj-' -r>. fJ?j-ftJ;*^-rE v.e.iifog : 5icolai! ffjtttw,-Walter of ,MiH i.un»to ;iniI \ir. P. VTa.rrier, '."the " Inv »ta tiort TommTrtee";'. L. :"6, : .tai . W'i :Y»-il'-eiyi de-' Sand,:.. Gilcreent; • hairbia'n^'otr-rh-e-..f feet >r4tion '-Man*' '• '' .-r..-.;^-.:.^j;^...Wv TL; Jon, j-Oiairrna:|t of. ' >')rp(? :. r)hituarie -'.....Park-, : • r fi'­ : »••*••* •. . •.. -5-: S • / i.. • . . the-• Program LV^rorr; Jt.t>e." Humer.. ; .;..'. f : rtetr.^./1;^? rTfvfJVirmari of' the'..Vj^hge/ri^.tV €oipjl|6jt-* :-::Mt li-r v-^' % i' • <-C jtr ' ••'••. i'"' '' r. r.V ' ' i^*": • ' • ^.I'^ki-'.•/_"•••;.JilvLrl fi. if. Foster;, (.'harfrnan. of/|!ithe ;: . / ' Mr. I/iok f'. Wail. • . fH-rwr ' onmj 11f #•#•'.-_iV-.v•>!.••• SarauSlir y';; ;r -'Part.' 11.' ; ; man V/f t hf-' A1nmni mitte*;. ^<^} F.. -9 _ (at .Tfjft" ^:har'/ft,v:;\V|feliiii^s.yeviitr-: Wats,» ; sf.rfrfet I9ir and eorrtr sijrris, adv>rti««lihj» M'-j^r.^.r" U'ali, Tvimb^ , .\fattyie-ws, and • c_i th* varn»i4 »a"rii»*H. Hef^t»5for»r .Ure-nn^n-| " —• Oray. =• ^ VO^Annl Rn_l, -I ue Austin Jnational DanK. —a-WrH-^iu Vf }>( on pa viny vnrit. siit or feijyht d l . . Piano S'>!o—fS'i^tb '* 'Ifun^a'rian ' 11 -v • -• * ' ' i. " •• * -v •-• ' dollars for s^ns for i-ay-b garnft or Pha{,tt*ly .••. ..;: .,>.v^..•Lis2t Capital = * m --$150,000.00 . of yarri.#"*. If .voit.:ar«' in?,ftf^nor ­ M. :"Gonversa:tioning^M ,.:..;.:.;'...Original Money loaned ofi everything'. Jewelry, " Warner has spared no efTo.rts'durin^.the "Heine" Wolf. .diamonds, watches, silverware, !oot-PIANOS AND ORGANS. ...X." ——-— f—• ^ T --ball goods of all kinds. Great bargains l/i—i+ci-to the ~JrhK _ 2o Congress aveT,-^Austin, *' /ai A Mamrny s Lull_aby.. ^ j n unredeemed pledges. "* " Texa*.' highest degree of perfection. • • "Nearly forty years^iri Texas. E. Garter 617 Congress ave. Both phones 133 7'he members have been praetning . (bi The-Owl and Bad Little ja.' of a Hov -.---•--.r-..'.-...V"«.'..-.....:...' Rich very high ^la,H8 of . rnu.^ie. The San (c) Our College Cheer • ....; . , •• Dr. Wi Ni LeSueur, ADOLPH KOHfN, Marf'os trip served toraer-ii-ioni the new * ,— „ —Glee-£,-l-ul>. —-—­ F, —TB"AK"ER A~ND~CbNFECTI(*IER. men to singing b*for;e ;a la'rge auiTitwee. wr";7 DEINTIST ' ^ ^ Ave. After rruieh-harder praetieefsinee then, Families and parties furnished with A ROBERT S. GOULD SOCIETY. they are now about ready to render bread, cakes and confectioneries on L-OngreSS AveHUC short notice at: reasonable ra,tes. Both . < = He vera] excellent numbers. • ~~~ phones 5.72. ''-...-• .. . ­ At a meeting of the K/ibert .S.' Gould The Club -will be assisted in the con­ Law Socif/ty. held Fr.idav ni-_'ht, Febru­ cert by ,\Iisaas Ruby Wil.son and I.elia I5edft,r; rTLQans. | will sirfg 'in -his 'delightful mannef 'the TH Garrison fin Tiiat. 5)— t\ thih^ he said the usual-announcemeSj 'qf: soloijstir; the Bometfiing about ^gpvermfieht 'of the Fl&shlig^i PhotograpKy a Speeialty. ^ flecorid and. third pages vjli give the people, >y the^peb^e-an^for the peo­ program, while; ^ tbe Ql^ ple."' r—. S.W. Ph. 1472 ^5582 ; -basket $ALL; ''X-*' i * -THE CACfrtJS./ < v:\/ //A' •„/ V •: '.... • •• vi.v.V-\ (Continued from page 1.) ^Qvark is'progressing-'nicely,..^rid ing the signals. An effort is being made , -... r . < . — to secure „&ome indoor court for practice **°m Pre^nt .!°ut^ook wiir Jiave' during the bad weatlicr. As soon as' art\ anI1»^ fo which 1$ can "point with -*^is .'Practice .\yill •. be had jat>P^e' EditoKBuckley. has spent, the past. , .t night instead _of in the afternoon. . . A business • manager will" be this week, and something definite with - reference-^©—games—can then ha :done A trip for the team is assured—Waco being one of the probable places at which it will play. • , __ ' tzp —""« »• HANDBALL TOURNAMENTS ; ' . . Vjioii"t'n "g|rtliejfing-,plioto^iaplis of the fac­ uate ;pictures; records and grinds cpm­prised tliofirst^hipn'iprit made some'-ten' or twelve days ago. This wa^..followed by. the Senior "stuff:": The editors re (gret very much that on .account of -liegv (lect on the part of a few•"Seniors''their j pictures .jvill not appear in the Cactus |at. all-But the fault is entirely their handball tournaments... f°r all were duly-„ notified. .JTlie The preliminary .„,„re„x», "faculty are. now taking, place. In doubles, the matter will, in all probability, . games so far have resulted in the Vic-, he 'sent next. We might state here, ^ tory of Lewis and Sutton, Baer and. after the editbr, that the shipment will Seay, and Miller and Ramsdell. Baer aiid he made at the -set .time, -whether all r-r-^-Seay are nwv^^play Milter and^Rams; .P^cturei3 are in or n°t.-_ It is .more Chan a _ ~ dell^-and-then the finals will be played. rumor that the Cactus will come out Sixteen men have entered for singles. ^me ,^is ycar> 5° they can 'rio'C'afford . /..+ « +. .... : , to wait 011 any one. hditor Buckley, -with Literary Editor CROSS COUNTRY RUN. \ Milam/are fast getting into shape the V literature, which, in spite of all said U 6 to .. The Cross Country Run last Saturday ary, ^yill be a feature this year, was..as usual, a success. A great dealX*1® C01lt-rf • --• • of-interest, is, being manifest, in these is turning .in contributions •'Sri lf% vrmro 10'nA^ 4.^ 1" iVr • j- So if^Qurs ls not .weekly runs by some of the students, Set to work. Write and it is to be expected that some of the a stor7'^ hit °f verse, a-grind, a limerick men who Cake pant in them will be or anything, and drop it into .the box. ManaSer P^ish .heard on ,the track. 1 say^ no sard from .this .springspring the track.' ^lan^ger 1arnsh say* that sub.- -Mg.^inteMin^ to~Try for .tlie^track^scriptidns through\sagents \yill be taken am -should not-fail _ team Co'aiail* tliem^'"tK^: selves -of. thl^excelTent training oppor-tunity. The runs are not severe, and there is no reason that more should .not take part in them. The hares of iast—Satiirday^were: Breiham and Widen; ~the_ hounds: Throop, MoorS Baldridge, bright, Dyer, Crockett, and others. Breiham^ -of; the hares, and Throop, of ,the hounds,—Av.ere the first to reach the goal. _ THE GYM CONTEST. The GynV cdntest: will be'pulled off ;on -'the 2d of March. The contestants are working „deaily, and the contest this year promises to be very exciting, as-well as very interesting. Si' Edwards has accomplished "".the Giant's Swing. FreshmanT3aldwin saysTie-'will, soon get the front Giant. New "material is rapidly developing, and some of the new men will likely; run a. good race for first place. Everyone is working hard, and' a good -contest is promised/' -" -' '• r/­RUSK PROGRAM FOR FEB. 10, 1905. Declamation—R. Q. Symington, .C. W; • Gray. '. • / • .r:. Oration-—H. V. Ge^sler, E." B. Griffin." Debate^AffirmatiVe • Holbrook, Holli­ • day. Negative v^Kenrall; JCeith. Question-. Resolved, the present system of government in the Philippines is the best system for the islands. Extempore: * H. Duncan, W. E. Dunn; Chasv/Emmett, M. B. Jones. •'/ THE BAKER"OF BUNZ. Mr. _Frank V. Lanham saVs tliat the buns are-now in tiie oyen, ai^ ^er baking some three* or four weeks will mak^ the me^ -cteli^ious theatricial, qjOr­ Au^t^i sl^ei" had. -Thfe. "BakeJ"' will have to.-worlc. hard if' h,e beats the "Isle of Huttuts;''. so, all ar§ looking forward , with* to the an­nouncement. of the date for. the show. +i,x —1.— ,i_ j. \ i „ .. . ^he rotunda took .tlie place of all ihia. If you did not sign for axCactus", then it will not be too late if you will, vvithi^ the next few days, either see Manager Parrish or telephone'.'to' him—old'-phone. "1018. You must do one or-the other of these in order to obtain a copy, for the extra copies can not, under any consid­erations, be had after the first form goes to press—and this will be very soon. To date, 990 copies have been contracted for here at thei main University, while at Galveston-probably 2-25 copies will be needed. / GRAFT. . Charges of vgraft among students" ;of Chicago are made by Professor Francis Way1an:'Tlmms^n "f present: ..Misses Irion, Temple, Adoue,!Feijie. -, . Mrs. Sutton and Miss Liriian Sutton,' ' ' , , *—:— Alex Pope; W. G. Shaw and Herbert Sut-| The rates to students is still oA it ton. — ---• -, * Elliott's studio-. -—i-— '.• • •—• 1 ••• ••• ... • PALACE BARBER SHOP j Bosche Laundry Building.' TURKISH BATHS vmJm? '.B?fioy.-,notM!ie-but ^r^t-class workmen, and are friends of the Unl­ a a vays resnond to their call. Now we earnestly desire your . patronage.. One call vv'jll. convince "ypv". GEORGE MILLER The finest light livery-^n the city. Car­ riages in connection. 208 and 210 E. Fifth st. Tel. No. 25. DR. C. O. WELLER , . Physician a.nd Surgeon; ~ Office 113 W. 6th St.. Door 2. -Smith Building. New Phone 591. / 2302 Guadalui^ St., opposite ' University. Both Phones, 175. . and Typewriting Wcrk­ ' • • * ' •• ' ' '•' • . *» of kinds done by experienced 8ten­ographer. Stenographic wprk any tirtie between 5" and 11 P. M?' B sjiys and ' papers of all kin^s neatly and accu-' ratefly: copied. Address P.. O; Box 680 or leave order by old phone 676. • ' ""1 N *• , "EWING." Get^the-Habit , Of Propping into Next to the Opera House'. 122 East. Sixth st. Phone 1<4.' Mac Oliphant's ^ Shop Six Fir> t Class Barbers^­ • Hot and Cold Baths Make, this your head­ quarters ; down , town. Ave, th^re' -jw always a. y 4<'in.>#'i, f'-'i" Till" TKXAN • it'tui V) -firkq (fl/i'aftft*;.. . A wjo^kiy nw'V'yr-t ,f"-J li':-f iiiv'" • ', • ' a : ft i,in ' p/o.'j SMOK ERS' ,JARTlCLE, bpi n • ufiiv t>U v-: a-iiifi'J hdJi—life —^hrith 'rwjrp«. ,Jr.7777 . • JvJi'toi Ui-CIiii'F )Ii <'Md-: Hitllli-lllilll I'll a-J)M ?1' ;''ti ><> Hugh l/)thr<-f <---ti''< .-Confectionery,-—stationery," nch4s,° t''7 T« li-'/lfit'.li-HxrhtlUfftt Eiiil<)F oyster?, hot chili,"hot cliocol; .rt'totit riii-jj'l a")i v/Vrj<-,L In--, v. a>. v<-rt .i'tTih m;l. —s':. .Miss Lillian Walkeiy. tc;7:r Open every night till r •ii-, 'J ''Jjllli ht ,1 !')<•li t­ * Mifrh.'^Haliyv]i''i.l^^4V<,l)WT" ChiMin<:<•.> '218 GuaHafupi5H st. ' TTIfiVs. • iff' }.;i inly i a . (jin--! imjiJ bat • ., t' .lis he li ve -' ' ~•1 (Jit/Vt'.f, 'h.TiTijikiiiT, ' .Vl<• i'ail .'ii«our clothes" to —. part of I bf :-!t ii'l'-ntl.'fMph-:i.c-g^Trii;.' ( i)Ifs~ ft v rift t-• 1 >< J •*-i nf>.s Mj; titijM'f:' ) o trr wrtii vioudl-irieasure \m <•>.jtfft y'»u. Ui l:-/io\v .hiiiiifthiir^. iil/'i-ui I I • 1 ; 'r'Asfft'ih'l .u-t-ii/fHf; lihnu v u b<-n \ »i <1 «'--v llif worK . Ik ft/lainly v\ m-i price you pay lor a ready I • • '1 I'.S-Un, <^)ai'.wHiii i| niiiHrrr •'-.'• wtrtfi made? : : : • • i ... -HiiIixj i111 jit y Ma.^!.,^ -1m .1 in :ni«'i xi.vj.-1i.i ;:ari'• i:'. -/!«•>.ui, viif-M-n 'lo.it-* •:.y.. i'j|. lil'-i _ l If -:Kiit. ;• •; it: ;«ay mil bill,;'; but ' u i* * it'insl. .ffplainly -: !-'• HEATING I miri'u Ayilb -tin* fi iI if, . wbnf vvr In-" tnay JlJNJOli' H0AK1) (W I'tlHI-ICATION. From $16.00 'io' $30.00--• hi-, a« In: I bf dillifjill ii'H ririi'lfi' w.bifli t.b.f ' '* i .v -v • .• . •• i > ' J',till M * Ivyjoi in fbifi fm sgi/jjJ: bo;t^ Miv^Vrtiif la bnt\.s^ . \s f j^.ha finirot'--"t h<-• f'it. A full line of Plumb= rrZ-tgjfj-fi?..'ZZ'&#&«**-' ^11'l''1 J^|i><'i! : : ~ r ' • : ^" ~ r" ~ % ; . II. Hi I vm 'I bal I bf • liMa id "\C F ii f a s wi'ir.'1 »r' it * ' MlN-. ,M Hi Ii. ll lll'll I'. XI llll lllif I'.illJ ui f w " a « <'iif-s'w' rir#»sl. ul tin ina I ft ial I ba'l ing 6 Heating GQods Mini) ll.i'|i'll (ilMlhillll " .'• •'N( H'"if I y Mdllill ji|<| Ma i;h Hi I In-M a l''i /.i i h•. li I b i'-> is t itif: ' • Ambix lidilnni-f •—^:v.:. ­ why is-' |4iin • nii'! ' 11 js "iio I nn" i;dil iiV_' 1 ,4 -llu^'b l.iilliniji, I) -A. jSUiniiri, (J. W. on hand to select from aiiy |if i ii ii Ina4 fim|-f's-prfia Ht iff T In- Kin!, .Ini'Is -fSlYi iiitjL/c-, Sf' I'ii'l vviihIm,. -Minn 'i-itHf ul I In-I f \iis l/ilfi;iiy Ma";_'a.ziiif. t iidi'li 1, -1 bit I fit ii , H i fouI l iliul f sotiif. ; i \ Hi}.1, t-lif .IhiiIcii fdil inn w fill Ii i |iii"iH, ALL WORK GUARANTEF.O" ' I lung i «i I Iii-|iitgfs ol I bf-Alag-iiziiif.-\Vf 7 • ' li < i< I \imi Iiiin'i-iiiiw I In-lllilll ui Ibvii do 'lint buli-f \ <• 111;11 I (if if is it dfitrlb oV ••IliHli. •. i_ i fiuliihlf , jii'iiditfl ions in Mm* 'Va'rsii-y''>' : Both.Planes 62 .905 CONGRESS AVE. ' I) i l, _ ifml .iLuuuiiUdWWHwi' noT (To w f bvl if \ f t bit t t In-it-is a liKf il . Il ynii 11(i iii11, ien11 il 'mii\'w'uy, sf.fifil y 'ol I lion>ii^bly i;'oi.!iJ .writfis. Itnl ­lull--ibm'I Jviiiiidi. ,,-U4ii|ki*|I ion m -iv mi • bf ii| Im*r I mii.|. vm* in usl -say that di'lliiil f i • III', ullf f \|it I'rjMft i^r l liv'i f is a \\ of.I ul la-f k' ol' 'nilfi fst iii W ill soon lie' iic.'10 sMid wo ;uv II If I ln\\ nltllf I •'I ; l.&G.N fidb'gf "joiiriiii lism xiu" tin' "I-tii\fi'sil v.. ill" still sole ngi'iits far 1 lu'7goiutiTii'. "I'Mii.iii 4t«*-\vMT|M« pfi:."is -u. iiirr-TlTin^. I'fXiis, and lo jdiis.-lacU' ol'-iitlfj-f.sl on lb We ^lllill^b |*il»fn, JifiiJib' _Mil^4__\\\' r_UHi "Ibe |>a 11 of , tlic ^t iiilfills a if 'iliif (bf' * i* 11 If In iillifd, . It we iluli'l Hr ill'i' I'oh . -••..•• "0 I t;iil Is t Im I bfsft I bf fditois ol t-bf Mag. nilns.i II \\ c |HII»IIMII oi i^iiinl IIJUIUT (ln-y R AI L ROAD It is ina 11 fi^thI'. folb'iJC.'liistoi'x. "that .... .•••.-X- -;CUf«^,r• •' hliyOi-li-lloll'l • ^ilAI llfllt IMlOU^'ll Ht'ltH' in li,irmci days, with tin-Knglish sclfoiVl I lull" i' ll' \\r • I lif'iti Mflcil ions, (livy tlio original ocnl«'s, I.I' (• .if ma in in tlii' f'ot ib1 i '-4av4»j»v-ms—nrait v'' utliffn .oiij4ltl.. loo\it Mild / III1st Itv. students .Wf7.sl10.11Id .eflipsf all lorltter" OUlfKEST WAY TO . II \vo go oul, thou \vt» itti^ not itlti'iidinj'' »'t)'ort s. Si1Jft iisw.,gi•_i _ic_.ixu!.\:e„ un ns, -()llii'e.aiul l)in^. v!0-T:C-olorado k '; to. liliaiucafi. I I \\ tv ivtsit-villi-clnHvi's t lffy" and let.'us Ifcl thiit we. *o\vii' a part of Hot h Phonos ^ l.iui>;h ill iim. It \\o..\votu' good flotlif.s the Maga/itu'; and. let 11* try: tomake NOBTH s SOUTH TEXAS llio\ May \\f lttivf a |»uII. • \o\v. u ltal H-a credit to iTTf biggest and best sehool nr<* we to. do' as liUnly as not in"I he South. >1 " nOUlf OttO Wtll^MtU Wf stoltv tlus lioni V^' att i'sx ltiiitgi',./Sji wii dt«l."~ ih k s s '.II is.'with great rejo'ii'iug tliat We =op. THROUGH SLEEPERS » ' Weh-ome' the t;e\ i\ al ot' elass spirit.oe­ «!S3 • At U\)>f rt'itdut" . I bf articli' on library All University e!i sioited b\ the elass editions *»•(' the AND ' •' -eh4,*st;'wv ajipcai nig 0ls0.\\ lift",<• in this is- I e\itti. ^ -l here eau la1 • lit t h'-harm and aitf, uctf l«-d to Ihinkitig on thr ntueli good iti a ge.treral "ttiixup" be . Text Books FREE CHAIR CARS . fttiaiisty lu'gbatt o|-snrlt ;\alualdo training, t w eetr (lie : Ft'eshiuen aud t he -1 uni.or ' by tluv ttititi of iho. .1 vi'ivfrstvy. ; . , " . • Gym Suits l aws. \\ t> Ivelieve. in it. iieavt aii'd sinil,­_z. l ht1-. vouvhv in ..lUbUogruphx^Sv^tiUl WITHOUT CHANGE • • beeau>e -el.as;s spirit t'i>^rrels 'Vollege jnv'vo oi|»ft-iaUy valnalilt! .to sttuK-nts ot spu itInch ->'hould be t.Vte-eflt erioii ­ ias-tvv o.t y and (bf v'-lassn-s^ a», .\\ t*'Vl ot our ; I 'uis ersit \ . Hut there atv e\-.: j>i\>tossH»n.U uivn in gfiu'tal. Oin> U«arns treau-s t hat >ve.. should gusird against^i.•;:. thoroughly 11«>w f.o'tiso a Margt* Hbravv, For tickets and information W t* should not let enthusiasm earrv us •> • . (T '• Jw'7'^'^''.i>/-7'kV.^^'.-7;'-7:^'77i.^7V^'.-'7^ . /• 7 *4 hoVA U-gvi what' hf wnnts vyn.t or it. '7. / • 7-" 100 tar; iiot liing -is more distast.etill t his puts the almost .-limitless than tov>. uuU'li , i>t «;• -'jii>Oit.'-.'.••'"rhU• -1 call jit T6wn_Office • v iviouiv*\-> ol a hbtary aLmto^s tingor is. a elass to class tight, a mati "to-man DR. J. D. SIMMS 'fruits. •' tight, and the vengi'aiiee ^ot a w hole ehvss the value vi 'svu-h I'oursv, . ..J., DENTIST. —r- should hurled -at the head ot one' 7" ^ liy then i-» it that tuute \>t" live tiieu of Mevers Stationery Store',, 722 Congress ! stvigte uielubt'T o.t t(te t»theu;:stide. He 522 Congress Ave. thciC t uivevsity taV,^. it • ''$m^$uuV lihoxiipl ttot^be fastened to .the „"t#iU tim-Ave., New Phone.559; -Old, 1576. it takes is 4»ut o.ttv ho^a per vve^k; and, bet-' aiul subjected to the disagreeable •AUSTIN.ITEXAS, tv^v it ixnvttts one thiPil ot a ixmrse to a C0K SIXTH STRfE_T orvleal of utolasse^ and fea-U^rs, nor Ue^iw." , , ' 4pnW-4<^t^]xninc^ AVtiy ^houUt the uieiiijut tt; t Ufr t\»wjtie»itv =}.Wt-tHvause wi>rk iip ^itrT;TH%H)nte-Wmuaarnst; Thr he happtnis to pivs-ident or evlito'f ot' •Two f«.rnlshe^. ro^'rjW/ 3ttjr^axrs, In a filing ia c^rtaiuly as ^i^h a one as aiiyt ..new • fxouse,-with ail' -modernv conven-' tiiat ela^s.. Ut»t tvs. act as s^uai'ely in P. J. LAWLESS Unices:.-ore southeast-the other norch­V.lasji rushing as. iu . anvthihj; eUt\' not' eas-^. wjci'tin three 'bloclss of Uaiversity:. pstofitaWv. tW; take, wtiihve advatttag^ of afiVoiie. a^til Board'next "door; -.tefjns' peri give tuau a fihaue^. ... mpptr.; • on b'flt. ear IVrie. Apply after AGENT /­ V 'I'- U f®-.P Rio-Grande St, •"• 7 • * SOCIETY. X^a&t. Thursday evening Jdis.sea Lor­raine-and Jeannette Barton were hostess­es at a delightful dance at * Protection? Hall, in honor of their'guest,. MUs Grace Lpye.tt, of Kaufman. Their.-.guests Hisses Janie Abornnthy, Virilism Barhani. -Wi-nifred-Bo^che, Katherine Covert, Ab-1 bin Crainj. Aimii! ('uupi'I. Aliklii CUIHTIT., Kuby' Collins;' XelF Daly, Alice Douglas,: j\largaret -Giesen, ilolen Carrison, .Xell "Harris, A " Adele •Johnson, Stella Lewis, Edna" Lit-, tlefield,.' Alice Lockett,-Lydia Ludwig, Fannie .Maddux. l&ith AWrley; Kathleen O'Connor, Alma, J'rootor, Anne Kuji'^les. Laura (Saul; Dell Simms, .Julia Simpson, JSess Swami, -Helen Thonit011, -ATme Thornton, liessie V Thatcher, .. Willie fJ hatclicr'*'.Jcauiie \Vafker-"LilianAValkeiv Cicorgie Walker, Cussie \Villianisv Ada . Belie ,\\ illi.tord, -Ma,bel \\ ooldridge; r Astiii; Joe. •Averitte..JlaWard Bnrglier, Wilson Burke, Buckley, Ha^'liMs.Colquitt, Rodman C'o.s­by, Joh.r Archer Davis," (Icorgc DoWell. >s ^5'?' 0.v»ur-Crimrcni, llanibfrnX'oTfn;,; Isaacs,. MohnsuiW cMcKall, Kerby. Lloyd Lochridge,. Limipkiti, (»rover Lewis. .Me­•ii utcheou, McKeaiij AlcLeorl, Alc.\lahon> -]\lyer, Mason, Mitchell,1 O'Kecfe, l'eacock.. Rather, Roberts, -Howe, . liobt'rdo.Vu, Rungc, Smith, lletbert Sutton. Dick Ter­ rell, Ludic Thornton, Warren, Herbert A\ alden, 11ugh \\ ebb, \\ itheispoon, Wotil- Wynne; J\Ir. and Mrs. Sco^t, Mrs. .^Vlrlkefnriiifnn?p[ _ •» , '—=—•"••':•' -'V-V.. '".A great many young people of the : Lniyer&it^ and Austin enjoyed the dance given Saturday night at Protection Hall by the lniversit v. tiierjnaii Club. Anion" f. o ihpse ]»i'esent were: 'Misses Adoue, Bar-ham, Bartle-tt, \\ illette Brown, Bourke, Borden, Co.wan, Louie-Davis,.Willie.Dav­is, LstiU, Finle\. Could, Helen (Harrison, f ATt. Vernon, 111..-is .in Austin oil a \ isiJ: to her son -loel F: Watson. ^ : . Adams, ex-'Oft,, is now iiu thiv employ '-of -thej;_ Burton-Lin"^" l.uihber Company of Fort Worth. •_ Air ,( liaijie OJiveiy '04, is iii,.Austin t(» atiend 11Ie Beta . jnitiati611. ;y .'.Jiff li. Mogsett. is; pursuing busi­-Mess st-I)dit's nt NYMV Yorl,-( JFY—: v: .Air. 1" rank Williams of • Clehiirne was initiated into the -liefa.fraternity Thurs­da v nii»lit.-: Dr. M'e/.es delivered a^1(;ct lire Saturday at the DepurtnuMit of Med-iciile "at (Jal­vestiin. -'v: ' W yclille Wathen. cx-'()(i. is in charge, (ff a const met ion part y ;it IJunkie, ,La. AN'.Bi-"Bloi-ker spent a flay or two in San Ant^mio.lastweek. . Hal l>ro\Vn was contineil his bet last week on account of sickness. (J. B.'"-finley was confined to his bed last-week on accouiitv of sickness. . — — 1|.' ••I'Wl-fr-was ronliifed"»-t-«V Iris Ircrl­last week on accouiitOr ^u-kness,. ., doe 11. (.ill,ex-OS, is. with/a consiruc­tion party at Uogec's Prairie. Texas. •I. A. Al(>\ander. K. .1'.... Of), Ijas beeir sick "with tjietgrip for the past Week, but .-.expects to~ be out in a short tim^. N1l's. I-aura < iibbs -of.. Xayasota 'ris \ isiting, her dVuiglit'er, Miss Lucv (/rbTisT* Al.fretl L; To(imbs-spent several j.days -;rt~"Iris'||fOTrre:' fn"" ; . fewi|i;|;!t)liiisOn Spent, Tuesday ; with A ar*»it_\j!^frieinls. jji . (ii;. Sliaw lias succeeded Burford Isaacs, i.rcNi'mied, as Assistant Rcgintvar. AIr. (;!aincslla wkins was initialed:into the Beta fraternity Thursday niitljl.-­Mr. (ieorge Burkett., 04, is in Austin ^i>i1il^g friends. -~ , Adair Rembert lias "been sick foii' sev­era-1 days with gi ij>. . • | Miss. 1-anny West Harris lias been ill recently. She. also, was a victim oiij:' the ' . ' ' ij ' —1v4i-yH+ond— Diek-son—sj>ent severa1 hiavs at liis hoine the early part of the \!peek. Vivian Irvine has* withdrawn from the .University and will go directly to his" home in .Marshallfrom-there -he jwill go to Kansas City, to accept a position, with the Santa Fe Railroad. ­ THE TEXAN IN THE HANDS OF THE ~ CLASSES.-£ • ® '.ft -Tbort* was a Kreshinan named ITavnes, ho ed'ted a 'JVxan. with-paynes; 1?ut he started a war , With the-fierce Junior T,;uv Ala^, tor this poor Freshman lfaynes! Lipsoombo. a ui^o (?) Sophomore, •. 3'or fear tliat he'd make, so^meone sore, ." Tried to stand pat, . " But liis 'JVxan fell flat. And we'll .liear of Lipscomb no more. And now comes the Juniors' Edition, From 44te class, known to all by tradi­„ tion.° -. Xo' explanation is needed; on ••­ Headquarters for Base Ball Goods 613 Congress Avenue 1 Austin, T exas , -¥(>!' WILL FiN I> AIV J-Wlc ""T". ...Til 10. NKAHE-ST. I>ltTT(i HT(>UH .VXD THK HKHT • lioautifui. Univolsit y "»Sta( loiH-ryv*"8pl(Midid Tooth Urushes, ITair . Bruslie^ iiiui Coinhs, Toilet Artutlc's ot'.c-verv. kiml. -r inc Camiiv's, Tohnct'o iiinl Ciiiars. UNDERTAKER AND PROPRIETOR ECLIPSE STABLES. / OMNIBUS , AND BAGGAGE TRANSFER. F,NE CARRIAGES AND LIGHT LIVERY. RUBBER-TIRED^fifOSPITAL • ^ . AMBUrCANCE. 108 to 116 East-Seventh St. Both Phones 161. The direct L,in^ to South Texas and ^ points East yia^ N^w Orleans is the rs and Chair Cars between i-j and Houston^ Close connec­tloRr !for rates or other information call oft ticket agent, or address L. ROBBINS EN'L PASSENGER AGENT HOUSTON, TEXAS . D. A. ' Office 914'/2 Congress Coat Shirts DENTIST Avenue. Go on and come off Office Ho>«rs-: , like a coat * 8:30 to-12:30.. 1:30 to .6:00. ' $1.50 and more ' OLD PHONE 1581. -f " ' Cluett, Peabody & Co; -.Makers > lORTHANDfBYU.S. !S0^KO5KblI f MAIL Charles Bintliff BESTP80RMIT10N3-,S6R,F'UIJI!^L&S:SSIS-TSI\ Successor to Teagarden & Shumate —'— J_ Tinning Department. CORNICE WORE, TIN, SLATE S/Af/PL/CrTY. LEClBIUTY.BK5ENVVX. " » and SHEET IRON WORK • REPAIR,.WORK A SPECIALTY.; friie"course, whtch| is strictly)graded, 'V You see they've* succeeded,'"r -514 Colorado Street. -;v' .ponst^ts of-four sessions of seven ^Thranks to their great erudition. • '3^; -FIRST CLASS WORK.­ Troy Layndry. months-.-each-. Special attention Estimates Furnished on Application. given, to cli-nics, bedside 'work -and The Texan next goes to the-S.eniorV, laboratories. For further particu-^ •And-as. a result of their'genius; ' * THE BOYS KNOW THE REST lars address i ' Tliey'll scurry jjmd, caper -\ HISS ELIZABETH WELLER --L.' E.w BURGH, Secretary. ,K And they'll get "out a paper; , . Teacher pf • »:,.r >. 150 Eighth Av-enue, North, -Piano, Voice and Sight-reading: When they "shoot" do you think 'they­ • • Nashville, Tennessee. Studio 2302 * .Guadalupe St., opposite -" '\vill mean -v > r* UKlversity. Both Phones 175. . Both Phones 73. 6 THE TEXAN \ i v -m THE .LIBRARY CLASS fOR 1906-07. „ To, tlje Texan: ' r-'T* .f • •. »'.vr 1' •' * V k •' f /' " A. n,umber, of s-hideritEj 'jfrith /whom I The Library Clasrf in;.ncrtv in its fourth -have-talked agree, with *me that there is year, and thirteen gtuiletjts have com­a .matter we ail ought to take upon our­ pleted, or nearjy completed, the yiear'f1 selves to rectify. I mean the freedom work and studv required;-Of these thir­with W-liici) negroes-are-allowed to run teSt.ate for the op "goifig around, but. there is an objection portun-it-y to (it I heni^elv.es for the work "to the absolute freedom with which ne­ of librarian'in ntir .libraries. So far only groes' in general appropriate our'cam-­ young women have .have -availed-them­pus walks to themselves. "But we can­ selves of this opportunity,''"but, then* is not put a stop to,one without stopping also a-field for men in library work, and t he-.\jtiier; therefore, let's-exclude-* thes soon men will begin to ,enter-tlieLT*litssr: .negro from our carupu^altogether. \Ve. „^,-The.. -Jjijllowin^ notice. regarding the can establisli a precedenCin ,two "days class was posted during the week: ­t hat will make him afraid to eoirie ,within ' I. 'Applicants may be admitted to "the a block of. the campus. Then, "let's do, C'lyss. who have completed the' freshmen it. fr'gainiiId all 1>e_glnxlLiU t Avcre done. XhajJepa •Let B. Mall, say. establish an anti-negro of Literature, '.Science and Arts in this (dub. to which aH students-—"male"—^wilji'i university'or iii another institution of be eligible. Let us adopt an anti-negro1 • approved standing. Kacli member of the yell, or whist le^ "itnd.-wiien one-of . us class will take Vine regular course in the finds a nt?gro o*r crowd of negroes tres­ /-V'niv^rsity;this'eoiiTS(» and the clastT'\voi k passing., his ye.ll will' in-si-aii-t.lv-. .summon" . svill'.,require his whole time. ^ V ­the rest of us to'his side, , It will take • 2. The number in" t he class is to'be. lis about f \vo • days <0 jnsf ill inf o the- limited to four, which is as many an • negro populat ion of Anst in siich a "rabbit­ can be handled advantageously by the foot .timidity that will , prevent its present stall' aml with the present equlp­'•clouding-up" on the carflpus till school -ni.enfof t^K-OT itera^ d^ks. ete. ­is out, and we're gone--and tifchert, we 3. The fee is the . usual matriculation won't care. " A STIMJLLKR. ­ fee-of or such part of that amount as has not already been paid by the stu­deiifc, J Necessary books and supplies for TO Y. M. C. A. Ml each member of the class will not post over $!»./• • . •••-;-."4;-. -J!lie' Associaf i(»n-: Meiii-l.»^hif 'ommit­ 4. A one-third course in Bihliography, t ec wTil give, the folio ri/es t() with -University credit, offered by the those jsec.urltrgi new mein ling the * 1librarian as an elective to Juniors and remainder: of the Winter he one .Seniors in the Department of Literature, handing in the largest nil beifffef. names Science and Arts, is required of all mem­will receive a solid gold Y. •L ;(Sj|i-. badge bers of the library class. The woi'k of rihe second prize will1 be a| en®eled sil­the Library class begins in September ":wr~l)^dge, "and 'the'tliird ri2eS|i 1>ro nYe • and ends in June, and doea not count to­ baHt{tt4rion for entrance shoiuUL be hers during the next sixi fi-• ' • • •' made on blank* furnished by the Librsv r, MK.MItKR-SIJir ( f'l'KE. ' rian. fri-oni applicittipng on .file at it'lle' ' c. Mcffirej Chm. '• 1.' r - time, the Librarian, will, in April; select the four applicants who, all things con- NOTICE, FRESHMEPf ilCAi)£MS. ~sidered, seem bent fitted for tlie work . of the class. •'-' The, time for paying c| 011 the J(japtu| is drawing near.;=j (villi hand ^--Sunday, .January 20, the. Y. INL "C. A!f? Ii: your 75 cents' to me or on j..follow-, c wns addressed by Mr. Magnus Main-,, . ' ' ' • ' bf isi1 i.ug coiranittCe', it °wi1i b if appre­ land on thp subject,-; "Practical Religion." •ciated": -1-• ' . ; Mr. Mainland took the "story^'of Joseph ; Mikfe ITogg. chairman; 1 iTarlton,. to i I lustrate his' t ji11< a'i'l sp"ke earnest--' E. M. Davis, Ira -Ogden^ Bailey, lv of the benefit, of Religion in-every Willie Cox. Respet day life. Mr. Cilasscoek," Pope, and oth­ John w. ers, made short talks on its application ] -»/ • '1 r , | -Cactus Re to college life. A sang by the quartette ''i — "added .to the interest of the meeting ' •• •• J. NOTICE. .» Immediately after the devotional ex­ ercises, a business meeting was held and A gold "horseshoe" stiej ?et withthe chairmen of the various committees pearls.! Kinder will pleast ! at'-reg­ subimtted their reports:. Mr. Glasscock, istrai's office office, or ret i reported several new classes., Mr. Keith IUJGI1 [ROP. reported six classes in missionary study, with an attendaace-ofLsixty The follow­ NOTICE. ing men were received as new members: Dr. Rail, professor in Education; J, K. Tjrjsfc^— One. sclf-..filling Cotiklen's fpun- Russell, Reinhardt Schuhm'an, Orvid Kin­•Vvin pen. Fjndex will please return-to solving and-Willie Brandenberger. 'This ^ -A. F. MASON.: makes a total membership .of one hun­ dred and forty-one. — — SENIORS! Next Sunday Mr.--Allen and Mr. N. S. I'ope will adUreaB the' Association on-the If n-ou want your pictures to appear subject, "Be Ye Doers of the Word and in -tlie -Gaetus,' pay y6ur two dollars at Not He^ror^, Only." , Services begin at once 'to 3:00 p. m., and close at 3:45. o'clock % .• 'WARE, -* sharp...'.jBver^one is cpr4ially invited to> *" KOORE, •' atterftr^tfrese' 'services^' ''" ^ 4'_l " , WILLIAMS'. i That are^^ lH£ferent •TP: Our Line of -We are Sole Agents for Hats Ape no! the ordinary kind. There is something differ­Renowned Hats ent; better style, belterJin­isti than the usual kind. Spring styles ready' for $3.00 your inspection. -— Men's Suits and Overcoats Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits $1.50 Shirt v. ...90c 50c Underwear"..;. 38c 1.50 Neckwear ...,95c Neckwear......^ .38c .50 1=2 Hose ::.38c —? .25 1-2 Hose •...19c Neckwear.7. .65c Odds and Ends of $3.00 Hats .....$2.00 COLONISTS RATES VIA M.,v K.-. & X. Railway • On Sale February ;15th 'to -April 7th * \ ~ • •* 1. the Best W. G. CRUSH, G P. A., ; , Dallas, Texas. H. L. HAYNILS,Jr., ; A, Sv WAGNER, Assistant.. Austin, Texas. HAVE YOU TRIED OUR dr.. w. r;. weber. OYSTER LOAVES " . • „ dentist --v . THEY CAN'T BE BEAT­<51VE US YOUR .NEXT ORDER, 506 Congress Avenue. Over Snamari'f, Phone 824. 'AUSTm. TgXAS. 7 **-" I vtl*.* THE TkXAN BIOGRAPHY OF ALEXANDER FRtij)­i'1 t E$ICK 'iCLfil^E.7^^.' ;/': _:...;1 \": ."'.-'V»r-*1 H.t> *• V. ' .•-& , **• ,..+*. . '* •*o-'v""; To the Texan ••"••"_ „ ' ' ! > I 1 j •'• t ^ J,-" '' •> ...» -rf • 'T ,L"ast "week's 'Texan * £ontameK'hecaiv-\\'(>iir)7 and happening to witness a pe-rforinaiie6­in AVhich tlie-grcftt. juggler was making a "hitj" immediately secured an. iriter­-A'iew -with-him which resulted in the; great,man's departure for count?\v Arriving at-Austin* Aie was> introduced' .• .ti>. aiich noted .eh^ineers as Sunny atoss]iringevenjmgs,rat-a where 'Enginoc'rs. were heeded to keep order and at ^the" "Philalulu" band con certs, 4he ring of their merry voices, or th^ shrill hut pleasing whistle of Alexari (}er werp always in eviften^eT^ ^ t ' ' V:J Things went ori liveh' until tlie' day A\hen the "Hickeys"' got thefr she"ep-_ skins* entitling them to be recognized as" C. E's. .and at the grtat Final fiigh -Ball; a few nights after, • where tliey and Alexander were much "in evidence, they -• V held their last successful, rally. "Alexan­ •f der left the next day on a slimmer visit to his old home, promising to be back next year. • ' ^ -• .r..-,.,--- * .'f, ' ,/ The "Hickeys"-separated, some goin^ as far off as Panama, and Avium the session"of 1905-06 began, the neAV Seniors looked in vain for the coming of Alexan-. der5 but he came .not and now Ave receive the report of his death, a shock to us all. All who have ever heard the pleasing! Avhistle or Ayitnessed the.perfx)rn^anee, of Mr. Claire,, agree.'that lhef Engineering Depfti-tm'ent have lost a true friend!diiid one who., in times of . . , ' MICIC: A FEW FACTS. . It wilj; be of considerable interest to the '07's and to the.University putiTic at laige, to know a few things "relative to •the "d*Qjngs.rol tfeeTTumors'13aAtlileties." No record has-beeu 'kepi'Qf, tii'eir-vpr ess, so SQi»e; -]«ay7"be..i|ligbted,.^ttt,rthe facts given are authentic. orator 'entertained: informally at ( iiarlie's. X AMONG THE COLLEGES, •At the University of Minnesota the Y. \V. C. A. ^irls hold an annual cand^ eale'r iii th'e.v library. ^ \ . , Tulane University has decided to build Ti house for her professors 011 the cam­pus, following somewhat, the plan of the University of Virginia. >e 1 Under tile l'ttnv constitution adopted -by the Atliletifc -Assdciation-at Tu-laiie University, the, Newcomb students are eligible -not only to memberships but 111ay a1so piay on any 0f -th« teai11s^ tracky football, baseball or basketball. Tlie international missionary, conven­tion which takes place evcry^ four years '.will.be held this year a,t Nashville, Terin., February 28 to -March 4. ' ~ -'The.-baseball season in California be­gan February 3 Avith a 'game betAveen California a'nd the Sautner and Matterrt nines, 0 . .^Nojth western University has come through -a' dangerous .crisis »Avith flying colors.-The faculty has endorsed the conference committee's ruling on foot­ball. and.the students as a whole seenjj; thoroughly' satisfied Avith this action' of their superiors. These new rules will probably go into effect ^at the beginning.,, of the next football season. 4 f The1 department of1 experimental i^n-.f gineerir!^ at T_ulaiie has recently added ^suppl^ 'of^ eiagiileferhi^' ifta'eliii^ to1 it-Ss'equipinent, ai^J anpther large ship­ment isT^expected^.soon. All this, ma­chinery is b| the latent-model, and the Durn^ tfye year '03r'0^j,^^hrover. brines.*/ ^addition, as-w^lj^as being qi mark«d.lm-' •\ «. :'vv> played am-team;. "Myrray Jones wais als<); on the •young budding engineers in their pursuit lay-ed, star. fo"otbaIl =®n ' the ^arlity pavement, will" greatly facilitate the uarters for E, Si"" r 1M: Just arrived, the most artistic and up to date , to be found In the city. We rc 2i--. -kindly ask--you to come and -htsp'ect -our line before buying' elsewhere. ; ^ -.Will coilVilire , you. students' trade solicited. '. *' '• THE FONTAINE-BICKLER BOOK CO. — T__ Pictures, Books and Stationery. ' -__ -­ Phone 1158. ; The Comirig Event ^ " In your life may be tVie purchase of a Pianq, Then don't fail to con­sider'the Reliable ' -WS&4^EftTS A standard "Piano-sold by the manli facturers from their own stores. AT rungements made to meet .the • convenience of the buyer. Price consistent Avith quality. Come in. ' J. R. REKJD, MANAGER. 816 Congress Ave.'. Austin. Texas. CjBipital BanK «p , ' New Phone 450 | Alfred H. Robin Dealer in Groceries, Woo \vm .Coal. lioth phones 182. ' 1 i i %'fy) '• «oda water. 2501 Gaudalqpe street. GET HER AN a $ $ TOBI N'S I !'.= '* -'T* ; fhe-Elliotts have given up their en­tl^e thne-aow: to rush, etc., photographs squad. Bojt)«Jg)dAvards,..Mulrray Jones, anjl -El's. etcJ, -'*-v ) for the Cactus. lUte-.* t* \ v - 908 Cbngreas Avenue. ELITE SHAVING PARLOR "" / '" | • Formerly on Lavaca St. AVE. •. --V • ...-'r Five First-Class Barbers in attendance. _— New Phone 425 1 Electrical Mnssanln^ a Hpcclaltv" S A. GLASER, Prop. SOL DAVIS, Dealer in a fu1/ lino of imported and V } , , donio'st-ie\ei«sirs aiul tobaccos, station­ery,-"p Con^ross avenue. JAMES M. LOVING, M. D. Physician and Surgeon, -t Office hours--10 to42;-3-to 6;—efflce­oyer Chile's Drug Store. Phones: 471. . iResidence, 2007 Nueces street Phont .1110. S. E. R0SENGREN, UNDERTAKE-R—AND EMBALMER. • -Fine Carriages to Hire. ' . 413 CONG AVE. , . Both Phones 451. w. A. BURKE, Practical Plumbing and ^Electrical Work. Electrical Fixtures, Globes and Shades, . Phone 235. ° , 814 CongY-ess Avs. HOTEL SUTOR. European Style. _ BEST -CAFE—IN—THE GITY. W. J. SUTOR, Proprietor and Manager^ JOEKOEN Jeweler and Money Broker 101 East Sixth st* Austin, Tex. Money loaned "on, diamonds, watches, gr any good collateral. . i i •' H. & T. C. Ryv wateh inspector. All work werranted. DR.. HOMER HILL­ ! PHYSICIAN AND 8UR(SE0N.. Office over Chile's Drug Store. d^jnee, 2007 Whltl* AvC Both ^bc4aies: •Rkn ce, 224; office, 65^ kii-iH;r-. '• 'a ^ vh'ir H ,You onn go on cvittin^class^s,.,. - «Fooliiv round with pretty lasses,^ An1 a-swoarin' that you "do not give .a -U (I—~-rin ; But you'JI it £ood and plenty, ­And you sure wilT feel "repenty," • When you're up against that bloomin' Spring Kxan.v. You may stroll on the perip, Find it pleasanter each trip, 'Till you swear that Mary Janes' as —1 fsweet, as'jam; . ___l_ Rut you'll rave-an' tear your hair, ' An' wish tlie darned old thing wern't there, ­ * Wlten you're up"against that bloomin' ' Spring Kxaiii. ' .. " : "'/•"•-'-fTT—; " * . ". ':-'--'-7 --•:— If instead of this you grind, -r" ^ ;• 'And *° 111 ind . v'The'li^if^^ht^^l^^^eTiiincl °sueh~a~HTnf ... . flams;" .. ;'•*':* •; V•;•••'';?•/ •';•f: t iiiie -can ar-ivia^i-a--ki-bor be measured?" .. 1 5 " -"Bug"; Met'all—"Why can't you rate I ^— it in horse-power?" f--•* I ' If somehow you're worried, and don't P know just why. n Strange tho\ights through yotir cranium shooting; --. ; ­: The thing that will clear all-your cob-' • ti-ebs awav-* '' • Is a short conversation with "Newton," He.'ll table 'the motions of some, to be sure, For others he won't give a rap, • ' But if you will treat him;politely, I'm f sure ' . '• » '.:.fe • You'll find him a nice sort of" chap'.: He -kindly-advises the 'gentle co-eds Of bids that 'they'll,get for a show;. 11e-*ll~ tell you who's who, and who isn't and why, r On authority" past all refutin'; • In fact y« 111 c-tui t'md out-most, nny old thing, . • ' . _ -'. ­If you keep on the-good side uf IfKevvi ton," ••» A" little work, A .little play,-*­(And sometimes debts We never pay;). "w A great big heart, .An open hand,— (At 'lection time, -You untkrritand;) A disposition ; ; (Jay and , t « \ y ? * Old ("row* for me;) — (iood-fellowship " ' And little strife; "T^^iTs~w(r-knu.w As ''college life.'" There was i\ young felluw named "'Dad," VV l,lo considered himself tjuite. a cad. lie bought a class hat And keeps wearing' that, Though he looks infernally bad. ­ # There was a Voiing/fcllow named AlilJi-'f.,­W ho was (|uite a denii joim swifler. IOT™^TTTn? hight. lfe "t-anTeTTonTe^^™^^ "*"^'r ' • l-'roiu a HudAveiser roam, . Aand slept in a \\ar.drolic, did Miller.' » ... *' * » »' Ji fellow by the najne, of l\ool you niijy know, 1' _ .... Wliw-11as-ud woe. ,lle ever posts bills ' To.add to our.ills: "He takes thecash and h'ts the credit ThcrerAvas a grass-widoW of Aaher, \YI10 was a.'most, noted heart smasher. •; Hut wlit'11 she was\inarried, j|-(>r lmshand • was harried _ -­By some Hiany thitt-lwanted to kiss Jie_r * ' "•« * '•-# SSi* * • -*• • *• There now has been formed another new fiat. * 7" 7 Btit, this do we now-wonder at: ­The meiiil^i's won't telT • , * ..Why -they-been so 'unwell Arid what the .doctor is getting rich at. * * * * # . . * * • * ,^ .* r , THE AGREED IRE. 7 A -fowl-he w-pote. n dii'it-ribe '• (10veil as you ami I) "He" rakeil the Mag. from lid to lid; '"He" thought his name' securely hid; "He" played'the deuce, that's what he did, ' -7. '' Even as you aiul I. --— The fool "he""wrote with wobflling wit (Even as you 4ihd.I) " ­"lie ' seenied to think "Hf'd" made a hit; 1hit the Mag Avon't care ao little bit .. ' What kind of a deed "he" may commit—•• iXeither will you, nor" I. -­ The fool "lie"' shows his lack of "sense • ( Even as you and I); " Hie shows his judgment very dense, ^ ­Exposes ignorance immense— ' -..V . • ' ' ' Of course "he" does, when "screed "he" -vents— ~ • " 4* r ^ , > __Even as you and I. . " »»»•' ' AC, •."•yjr-y- FURNITURE. iStudents Are Entitled to a Faculty and student trade solicited. Luxuriant * : ^ . Either rent or'sell. Comfortable r^fcr*. !Nw Phono-439. 014-^0116-47-^­ ""SueR as Only the Business address, 200-202 E.-6thSt. T Will give. Buy one and.see the dif­ ference. 1400 dealers in Texas.sell YATES 4 HUNTER •them. If you don't find the .genu­ PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS ine Shumate drop us a line and we will send you our shaving book and " Students' Trade Solicited • tell you where to get them. Address' HUYLER'S GANDY "SHUMATE" Austin, Texas. Cor. 7th and Congress • Nelson Dav'® 4 Co. T. AfSTIX, TEX^r Importers and Students Wholesale Grocers Se6 W. L. PA RSLEY, MATTER Your sviit pressed on short notice. 105 E. .Seventh st. Old pjione 835; The Whitis School new phone ,393. . ' AUSTIN, TEXAS. Affiliated with the University of Texas. MARY WHITIS, Principal. Dr. H. E. BAXTER GtRTRUDE WHITIS, Associate Prin. " DENTIST AUSTIN, TEXAS^ COO Con-res^ Avenue. Old Phone 1316. DEALER IN Austin,Tex. Wall Paper, Paints and Oils, White • Prepares for the University pT"" Lead, Varnishes, Window Glass •; Texas. Affiliated. Send for and 'Painters''Supplies^ . .Circular*. 711 CONGRESS AVE. J. STANLEY FORD, Principal The. American National Bank . ~7 " In Driskill Hotel Building. . ---Capital.\Trrrr.^7TTr:.T: $ 200,000.00;~ - Surplus and Profits: .... 172,000.00 ­ Financial — '— Strength Over,.... 3,000,000.00 . We ask for new accounts because we are capable of rendering the best banking servjces.and accommodations to our customers, and"" the financial trongth arid careful management of this bank warrants your confidenee. -\\e do not act as surety., or in trust capacities, our entire Capital and Sur­plus is available f.qr the protection of. depositors. -• ' We valways welcome-the_ 'small depositor. Our stock is owned by"home people and we solicit vonr .biisinpHs. -> ' fe Geo. W; Little'field, President. H. A. Wroe. 2nd "Vice President. v J110, tt. Houghton, Yice-Presideiit. ] . C. P, Randolph, Cashier. • . -R-C. Roberdeau, Assistant Cashier. • I AM THE MANS BUSINESS EDUCATIONMQHEY WtttrfROCURE BOOK-KEEPING, BANKING. STENOGRAPHYt TYPEWRITING, 4 PENMANSHIP, PREPARATORY AND ACADEMlfe DEPARTMENTS., I Best Mathods. Best. Building. Best leacherj. SEND. POfi HANDSOME ILLUSTSATED CATALOGUE. Toby's Business College, Waco, Texas ' ^y-?«* |Toby's Institute of Accounts, New York City ; * The High "Grade Schools for High Grade Students. WE DO NOT tittle or Nothing,'' Guarantee Positions, Fay " ^ Railroad Fare, nor indulge in any.Fakt, Propositions. WF no aIVE THE MOST HONEST, PRACTICAL and ADVANCED BUSI--' V. NESS EDUCATION TO fiE HAD IN T^UNITED STATES ' " -.^S^Shorthand by mail a specialty. -. --> . . ­ WE, REPRESENT Ed. V. Priere and M; Born ,4 jCol - . -J CLOTHING MADE TO FIT . , . " * G. GERJES, 1610 Layaca St.