22g2j2$2I F' W* ^oa««, a<* 15. a4th. -i ^ >. j l-*} ^ r " 'H>-n/ r •>-*'* ?& „ 1 #50i2S «s-R -y .. ^ ^ »[T' j.^1^ 1 U j r^T^1-i an m i ii With the Class. Meet—^Sophomore Next' Best—-Hendrickson Star of the Day. Saturday the long .looked for annual olasa track meet was pulled off with great success on the.athletic fielcLbeforo a small though enthusiastic crowd of students. There were more entries than at any previous event of this kind, and all the classes showed ' up well. The Freshman class is an unusual one this year,, and simply ran aWay with the meet. Much new and promising material has been developed. Hendrickson from Cali­fornia is undoubtedly the " fastest4 sprinter in the 'Varsity and is probity the fastest in the Southwestern . ciation. third, Rafmsdell. ord, 35.5 drickson, McReynolds, L. E. Storms. Winner, Hendrickson; McReynolds; third, J,ones. Recol minutes. . Fifth Event, 800^yard Run—E|; Hall, Folsome, Terrell, Ramsdell, Pinson. Winner, Hall; second, Itt —Sixth-0 Event, Discus^Throw— Ramsdell*-Gardner, Jones, Rojjfato^, Kindley, Amsler, Ball, Kerbey,|fPictt!i• man, Fink, Hannah. Winner, Rai^#delt; second, Ball; third, Amsler. I^or'J, 95:2 1-2 feet. . . ' * Seventh Event, 220-Hurdles. E) -rain if!-* TmlT ner, Fink; second, Blocker; guson. Repord, 28 seconds. -Eighth Event; Broad Jump Amsler#. Breihn, ^locker, Fort, nolds, feown, H/ A. Jones. (Continued on Pagre Two POOR PUYIH6. Gave the Missouri Boy# Their Reve&ge. A. and-,M.Held ''Varsity Down—St . Edwards Defeated in a Clever 1 Game—Team Leaves on r Trip Today. ~ 7 After 'defeating the visitors so hand­ somely in the. first game, Texas' let them run over her Thursday with a score of 7 to 2. The home boys played a care­ less game, to express it mildly, and were far from their usual mafKT The first baseman played like a wooden man, and a number of wild throws ihark. the features of the mateh. Texas start­ ed off with good prospects and hit well, but after the first inning they never ran a ban near the home plate, j-! Missouri "played the game from] #6 first. They seemed td catch on to Si"*­ham's bendersand drove himoverriHe field for nine hits, and piled up an un»^!^| usual Bc&re. The eribrson the part . game easy1 accduntt Texas made the same easV and accounts; Missomri »• •' k * * *-»"i < 200 210 20*. i.. Texas » • • '»!• •••«•••< 200 000 Proved Themselves Vic^jbrs. The Ai||jnd' M. College defeatedr[|he tjniversil|MD('!one 'of :.the fastest ttpmes: of basel)i||!e^er seeij.on iithe locali]dia-' inoncir^'^lbis the first >time thalibhe _ M_ , ever deteated the baseball' antji the Facers ioyous .of their victory1,J 5 of those, hard-f beginning, to end, a^( titree order for the Uinjiver­sity be j|the invincible Smith olf the A' A.'.and .uring the entire game. Only once ^nfve«iiy,^t~Tsr"^tr|^:on " first, aiji ^.t was a bise i!on balls which was j Singleton in the fifth in-; led to steal second a mo­ nin?-iw ment la-c l^ut was sailed out b^pi the umpire.. lith was i a Wonder to; the Texa4 f^nd they failed to find him even 'ftiji " ig the game. He struck * out tei He is hleyond question J the bei tr—that-hftsever^stejjped­into tf il box and -handed one I" across^ •Jjfjsiao*"*-, The idiM. seemed to have a bat- ting'st^0^~Sftd landed five nice good ones oftfafl Shands during the first Beven innings!­ -x ¥ 5 €>) *R,~ *• i 02 y$B>. tmiml'imfai"1 fjyyf"JJI .Hi" I ^Iin^fjji I X&Str.-k-* mm ,r . . V. • • • f ' •... •••••' -Fr^'s V->£.*>i/? >£•1fi ^.rs^ >*l> ^ ,*• •r^t> ^,.7 ^S&3A» £ .*Sfv--."Jhs JW• ii-r£:5=: • nS& Rirt.K 2 THE TEXAN ON TO NEW ORLEANS FSESHMEN RAN AWAY^ LOCALS. . Milburn McCarty, quizmaster in the Law Department during the present sea-.. _ t # ~ (Continued from page 1.) • Sir-(Continued from Page One,) The State track meet taketPplace to­sion, has accepted a ppsition with _ Blocker;_aecond. Amsler; third. Jones. morrow; ^1~ ^Varsity. -meir'" except Braghear & Damifenbattm,—air-old-estab- Square^ wEireTlroops —were reviewed; \\ Kecord, 18.7 1-2 feet. Brown will be allowed to enter. lished and very prominent law firm ofthe grand old cathedral of St. Louis and isi Ninth Event, High Jump-^Entries, Houston, Texas. Mr. Brashear is ex-? Id other historic places speaking of those days gone by when the French and the Bethel, Parrish, Terrell, Blocker, Gil-A buiijch of University students took District Judge, and also ex-Mayor o'f •w Spanish were in power. Last, but not crest, Bryan, Kerbey. Winner, Bryan; the examination for teachers' certifi­Houston. Mr. McCarty isj to be con­ G second, tie between Gilcrest and Blocker. cates last week and passed. All of-gratulated. He will assume his new^ leasf^THrmonuinent of September 14, T? §k & Record, 5.2. them passed. duties as soon as released from his pres­ erected to the memory of the men who \d s,*S , Tenth Event, • 440-dash—Entries, ent position. died to free New Orleans from carpet­ ^ v*Vtj" Montgomery, Lacy, Storms, Gilcrest, ;i' &>• • bag rule. It is a city true to the South The Cactus will be fierce1—so people Hendrickson, Fort, Irving; Winner, Hear Frederick Warde. *The Freshmen, won the meet and de-^ 3' enthusiasm bub-Thirteenth-Event,-MileRun-^Entries, pr6yg_4ntere3ting,. _The fratkrnitieg. that served to win». -— — Folsom,^Toombes, will"probably have teams are the Sigma ~ bled over, and he cheerfully admitted Ramsdell, Moore." /that he had never seen so much water Breihn, Weidens. Winner, Ramsdell; Ghis, Phi Delta Thetas, Sigma Alpha Next week the list of Phi Beta Kappa §gg|togiether. An excellent dinner was .or-second, Weidens j third, Jyfoore. Record, Epsilons and Phi Kappa Plis, and sev­members will be published. 5.4 1-5. , eral others. . . . ' Updered. and as the crowd sat out on the | , "veranda of the hotel, the pleasant Ja urteenth Event, Relay Race—Win­Hear Warde. ||jbreeze rippling the surface of the wa­ner, Freshmen; second, Sophomores; Mr. Jesse,"P. Luton and Miss. Minta iter, and exhilarating us, the courses third, Juniors. Hecord, 3.47 1-5. Lannius, both---of-' Bonharrt, wara linitprt . Dr.„ Jewette of Kansas^ graduate of . were seped. It was a most enjoyable Final Score--Freshmen, 66; Sophs, in marriage" yesterday. Mr. Luton is Kansas, Harvard and Chicago Univcr-. •. occasion and one to be long remembered 28; Juniors, 22; Seniors; 10. assistant editor "of the Bonham News sities, has_ arrived in Austin to take' ,*—dby the two Texans. The firstv course The records are certainly gratifying. and is a writer and speaker of great charge of the Sible chair in the Uni­"Was shrimps. Fish was to compose a Mr. Curtiss says that -he believes—the' ability. His bride is one of Bonham's versity of' Texas.' It is'expected that: . r ~:-4arge part of the fare, as an unusual Freshman team could give Yanderbilt a fairest and most popular, young ladies. great. good will result from his con­'tEe ityr~­"Were plaeed%3eii» thev|E8ble, Simpson more experienced men.'. Prospects are winner of prizes in the University in r •. looked on in dismay, and. wondered if fine for the meet in St. Louis. Bowen, declamation^ debate • and oratory. 1 He Hal Brawn's name has ail "e" on it,' • q>. fellow ate head* fail, claw_8s and all, the old favorite, is again niaiiriciilated graduated with Law Class '04. . V-L so he informs The Texan reporter, i Vf-,"-'­ • Ot \^gther he had to perform somp sort in the /VaVsity and is out fOr training. of surreal operation before! he began, Elaitt &¥ed tliie po^e' ^nlt aftet the and Mays "spoke out in meetin'" about meet was over aiid^^ cietfred: 10 feet 6 us going to eat "crawfish." inches easily. He tried 11 feet, but After lunch we wandered along the failed: " ' „ J' lake shore until we'^ereirout of' the' Business of the Faculty and the Students v/ -SemfcpObsefiratioM. ' -then began ouf"wiiy ^ac: After watching some crab fishing, we' At Tulane the debatersjij&re excused _ of the for one week prior to th(d^8ebate, and boarded a car going by thefcity park; ^.re given exemptions from®examinations and thrpugh the (>eolff resid|6.tj Iportionf w. A. BURKE CLASS,PINS if an average class grade is made . , -,Jlt?ebpteS Practical Plumbing and Electrical Work. -High-grade work at lowprice*. Mostjjf the men wore rf5a.ta.ches. It inost of whom are now ci^jp^ratiyely ~ "Electrical Fixtures, Globes atrid was very noticeable. The®were po ne- made tree or charge. Sauttadm poor. It was a most plea|4flt^expedi~ guaranteed in every,instance. tion. The Tulane gentlemen prpve||j gro waiters or servants ij|!hotels, res­t 7 > * Shades. . -y BUHDE & UPMEYER CO. themselves not .only foemjsiffl^Srthy • o|ij taurants, etc. Comparatively few were Phone 235 814 Congress -Ave. 77-F Hack Block to be seen on the streets!|| our steel, but 'Ukewise...ho^ii|||^g!bL. gra^' Milwaukee,Wisconsin The women were beautifiii as a dream cious. and' desirous of.makiri^jn^r visijb, —but Texas" girls one long to be remember^Mllpiiankin^-our are ubeautiful as two'"ariam$. -| the -gentlemen .for their ;M[®kcou: £ .courte­sies, bidding them goodbye!m^jproi v The sugar refinery buila! 1g and the BOSCHE'S romis-j 4ng to meet them later in i~' ' i ss, wti;' lihichess Somebody's buil( ; are. lar^e I ^truStures, but out capi 1. building QuarferSize turned our faces Texas-wa across the Mississippi wii ade at would make, .them asha: d of their y COLLARS Troy Laundry Vk L-.fei-v dwarfishnesg, . night, and the whistles, be search^ . \cLUETT,PEABODY & CO.) ^ j '/ ' \ * MflKlllb Uf / light and methods of si_ ^ . -r t . ­ le.the' FOR \LHJETT » MONARCH SHIRTS/ -Tbe boys know the re&t -t—" •> «T P'arrish came near cpminj 'up to the retufe a novelty to the "1 * ''< , " •> mark set for him by The j*;exan in the jp;volv^ ans. This oyer, the pastj! C> V4* "" ^ *• >* h~ and lo8g of i jii hammeruaiiuuvA throw last Saturday. sleep caused^ A 4 He made I* _i> & Isleep to sit heavily upon tjhl elids n/ 137 feet once and oveir 135 sfeveral-times. ;4UV 1 the strangers, and presently^] Ttie Tejcah predicts 150 f set'for him 806 Congress Avenue '.V . V • • •n snores threatened to derail ti he. leaves college. " v The Cactus Is Coming. J, L. ftiime, Presideiii. 1 Edftor Deussen left-, the city this Geo. L. Hume,-Cashier. I OrThat Awful Til: morning yeiy "mysteriously, and may k H. Pfaefflin, Assistant Cashier. Sunday night Mr.­ never be heard of again. ^­Mrs. Kirby's for the first WHen Alex B^e~is. siqk in bed with nervous +• -$fiss W came in the p? C. M. Mil I ER Mr. Turk bot n •cloudy Itfow. ' settee. Although the othe? g folks Fatty Robertsoii is the only one con­fIRSTNUTtONitrBANtf v ^ DEALER IN pr -Mf'i in the parlor warned Turk, as too nected -with perpetuating, the Cactus pbstinate to get out. Bu|ii, Of Austii| ikni who is able to sit up and take nour"- Wall Paper,' Paints and Oils, White ^irby-cjame in presently, s® kind--ishment. ' . • "DlhUbTORfes \ " . Leidi Varnishes, Window Glatt ?y • Turk, .won't * youlji||]e hive ; AccordiUg to the law of _ supply aid umV r„—_r..aa^ Painters' Supplies: J"r,L".H. J-A. Jt&k*on:­ a njpre comfortable chair t"'F^»tt.eri deman^, this year's Cactus will be Geo. T. Hume, Turk keeps put of Bettees.' -^ worth doublfe price. a ' f * ^ A. J. Zilker, ^ .i-;, A. L. Teagmrden, 600. L. J-lume. 711 CONGRESS AVE. ?' .'SS r"l A r . SsSW: ' Wl ' •;i 1m. mi mmm •- "^v­ 1 fc/__ ffiPi slip* « w > *-*^ :;§H "•V1* ' t ' On " V <•* / -, it1 v Mta • -v. ,„.. 0»., z&$L * 4 ftttSii V IB®!! THE TEXAN 1 •£jp :v m • m si -7 ft r$\ j/'­ H'S i&W THE NEW SCHEDULE For the Law Department-r-Changes in —ikie—With .Other Law Schools^Eour.. Quizzes a Week—Classes Alter­ > nate-^One Hour-Periods. r- Now that the work in the" Law De­partment at the University has success­fully passed from a two to, a "three­years course, and immediately following the enactment of the Legislature that a graduate for the Law Department would be permitted to practice in , the courts of Texas without having to stand any further examination, the Faculty ^ the three-years course' will be as fol­-• lows: ... The Junior Class' will have Black­„ stone and elementary law for the fall term> devoting -five; lecture periods--of one hour each, beginning at 10 o'clock to Blackstone, and beginning on Tues­days four lecture periods a week oFone hour each from 12 until 1 o'clock. The work in thei winter term will be devoted to five subjects. From "10 to 11 o'clock the iftudies will consist of • contracts on Mondays, Wednesdays and • Fridays; criminal law's Tuesdays and' =Thurddaysj and domestie relations on • Saturdays. From 12 to 1 o'clock they • will take up torts on Tuesdays, Thurs­days and Saturdays, and pleading and . practice on Wednesdays and Fridays. The spring term will continufe the "^Wofg^oT the wiuUjf teiiu,7"leaTlng-otf "the topic of domestic relations. Con­—tracts will be given from 10 to 11 o'clock . ,on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; •-and criminal law on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Torts -will be continued on Tuesdays, Thursdays and 'Saturdays from 12 to 1 o'clock, and pleading*;««4 practice at the same hour on Wednes- T ^dayB and\ Fridays. . ; The quiz periods will be from 2 to 3 %0'etoeTir four times a week; on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. And in addition a course of three hours a ,-week in the Academic4 Department jvill • ..* j -Middle Year Class. The fall term will be devoted to four 'alternating topics. From 9 to 10 o'clock •bailments and .criminal procedure • will on Mondays, Wednesdays, ""Fridays-Tuesdays and Thursdays. From 11';, to 12 o'clock pleading and1; practice will .be The quiz periods will be four in nuni­ber^ coming from 2 to 3 o'clock on Mon­days, Tuesdays, TBSfMays and,"Fridays With the exception of the winter term, S—in--tKe4-~ morning. Middle Law students wAl be required to take -a course xjf political sci­ence in the Academic Department. Senior Year Class. The Senior Class will have the same recitation hours 'as tire Junior, from 10 to 11.o'clock at from 12 to 1 o'clock.,, H; During** thfe fall term the first periM will be devoted io insurance on Mon-. aays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and equity on Tuesdays,and Thursdays. The second period will. b€ -devo'ted to munici- Wednesdays, ana 3^%ilis~aM^adimni^i­tration on Tuesdays, Thursdays and) Satm-days.3^ The winter term will be devoted to constitutional law on Mondays, Wednes­ days and Fridays, equity on Tuesdays and Thursdays, during the first hour. Private corporations will be taken up on Mondays, Wednesdays arid Fridays, and" international law. on Tuesdays, Thurs­ days and Saturdays during the second period. ' Practice court will be held twice a week on Tuesdays and Fridays from 2 to 3 o'clock. _ In the spring term the first hour will be devpted constitutional law jm Moridalys, Wednesdays and Fridays, equity Tuesdays and Thursdays, and le­ gal ethids on Saturdays. The second period will be devoted to private cor­ poration on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, conflict of laws oil Tuesdays and Saturdays, and bankruptcy on Thursdays. Practice court will be held twice a week in the afternoon on Mon­ days and Thursdays.^ The quiz periods-prescribed ate three in number a week and all come in the afternoon. The Seniors are also re­ quired to, carry«a course in argumenta­ tion in the Academic Department. During the session of 1905-1900 Senior Law" students 1are> required to take the middle year course in pleading and prac­ tice unless they get credit tor the sut^ Practice Court. The class Will be divided into t%o sections', each section meeting two hours once 'a week. The -student: will be re­quired to take,, as far as practicable, -^•ety-iatep in^the preparation and trial Jof a cauafi^The .basis of the work in the trial cdurt will be a statement of J., taken up on Mondays, Wednesdays arid J facts from which' the student will draw > Fridays, and sales on Tuesdays' and the appropriate pleadings arid" motions Thursdays. • * ' , " ., ; and present *ih open court by oral argu­ • The. winter' term will be devoted to ment .the question of substantive and­^real property on Mondays, Wednesdays "adjective law thus raised. Actual prac­ and Fridays, equity, on Tuesdays -and; tice will be given in preparing bills of ' Saturdays—and agency'on Thursdays j^exception, assignments of error arid from 9-to 10; o'clock. From 11 to J.2 • o'clock partnership *wilL be taken up •" Mondays and Fridays, rv*? vice-on Tues­ " ;days and Thiirsdays an -t ^oy on Sat­urdays. The same hGu< ;,V,rte-used for cLuAg.,^»rpngfta.^on_-.Wed r. ?s and real •'property will be. taken sy:'. rom 2 to 3rj ro'elock on the same day..j. • :" In the spring term real property will j be continued; • on Mondays, Wednesdays an<1 TiYiflgyg, arid -equity will be taken "Up on Tuesday0 and. Thursdays2fyom to 10 o'clock. From.11 to 12 o'clock commercial paper will Jbe given on Mon­ • days, Wednesdays and " Fridays, evidence ' on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and dam­ages on Saturdays briefs .under" the Texas statutes and rules of courtLxelating to appellate pro­cedut^;;-^^-;;;';^^!-5"^^ '• The practice court will be conducted by Professor Miller during -the winter term and. by Professor Townes during e G. P. Rumpel's. Book and Art Sfore, 818 Congress Avenue, has just received & new assorrmepi; ui luwii ucunio gwdg), also the most beautiful picture frames. A liberal discount to students. . t" Don't forget to buy from our Texan Advertisers. A lot of mystery has been;t rP^Z/ " wafted into' crack tailoring; ( ^'hand work" and that sort of v. •« talk. 1^ -jeality, high grade clothing making is as simple as the three R's—Master Brains., The long-price r tailor princes who clothe the. careless spend of Gotham can give no . _ ... -. more. Our Spring and Sum­mer models give"no less. You could not spell out the differ ence at five inches, Try I W w CLOTHIm 0MXHTT€KS UNDERTAKER Fine CafP413 CONG. AVE. AND ilgU ' EMBALM to Hln. Both Phonaa hotograpber riR8T­'K LA88 WORK ONLY. MODERATE PRICC#, Lvu ttt^ eordiauy invited to call and Bpect |he latest styleg and varied frocesseB. DISCOUNT TO 8TUDENTA. CongrMa*Xva., ovar BanLC. Howmuch will it cort your people to'jive yoa a hiL er education? If untimely death should befall you!doii!i: ­ you think that it would be well that the codt of your ejd&­iationJte returned to your people? The only lure add abidlutely certain way of doing such, a commendable thing ia to take , out ,a policy on your life. Make it tjie "best that can be had—An Equitable Policy. » 4 UMMCE SOCIETYOF THE U. ti O. B. SCOTT, Geril. Agt. LEWIS JOHNSON, Asst. GenL R. H. BAKER, Gehl. Mgr. ! • 710 Congress Averiue. MEN'S OUTFITTING AND SHOES 1610 Lavaca St. Op«ra House and Posfoffio* Blook Best $2.00 Hptei in Austin. ~ s-U. ^^ANCCNCKr Pro»r THOS. GOGCAN & BRO. P1AKOS AJXD ORGANS. 826 Congress Ave^ AUSTlN, TEXAS. Gi -r ^y.v;. Nearly forty years in Texas. fl Wsfe-­ > , i ^ * u/ » ui K'it V,­ a >\rf f ^ m-4* i " » v n.i { sityi }uiv< , will m Sf ?•£•*£ •-» » is' rs'i'-f* 1 ,v^~(^ U-SSi .: s*®®lrts:Assss?: S8S§s#l >A-' «'-51* **<«.%•' "" v* Ss^iigBispgig -/if­ f >v -^"'T w -v •* is " --«tJ ' , — V*,=< ^ 5 <* ks~M3"^' -• *v~^ -•'u V THE TEXAN" death; therefore, be it :.i"'• '. THE -TEXAN B^solred, that we> the members1 of A weekiy newspaper awned and pnb--_-g--^ '05-, in : W. J.-3UTCJH.? ; '• ''r is ;v talented «pger' and-• 1 advance. , • _____ • <"fo^Ti .wri^qj), Atidrew* all comrmiuhMrt.ions' 'to-Sat. are liere to stay. IC:3 d. -I^HaBSS^a high ' salary by goins; i, 3tofcifr Texas. one of che' very zood feaaotia .upon 1±e 3tagei but .prnfetB to ' devote, j why we ire selliiiiJ Ae best ;md | h.er. life to ehurch •work.: -She. demon-j A, JACKSONgg leanest noai that money mil" 4* DIDU'T SAY IT. -strated Friday night to a .deflighted| nefel Sew and Monefe Loaned on Everything. buv—she jehuinev 'ieeB^huft ­ We have a team chat-i» bound to audience that she is a singer 01 :he! lk«4 il '-f« -. ' "• ---r-¥ _ r7_'!" : ;econd-!iand ^>ods it all .kinds: Best* win. j;Other ^iiniysrsitiea--: and Srat nrnfe.. H» xroipe possesses .1 ransre 1; -Osage McAIester place to, 'aorrow money, Bgat, glaca to will please copy.—Tecan. .that (4iabies her to aing aafything from r ^ ^ itr The abav^sgqib originated in the fer-the lullaby ^eothea the aleeriy childi 3uia onxv QJ— tile bram of same of our e»h*nges ai^ ^to' to' -the Sections r •has jjeen aopiei at per~4iret?Tiens. Need: from grand opera. _ to be bf&ped: THE McALESTEH FUEt CO. It ; is Jess to rranark^ Th» r Teacan i» "nat '^ .... • .. -• "• .... that the. musical ifgahizatiens will, CEO. W PATTERSOli pulty." .v'i "" — . -Plumes 2'4B •, r bring Miss UpdSgraif to . Austin igain : * • t " " soon, and that-every . ine. "yill avail him: Succeesora in fuei no L03TE STAB . dndertafcer TJte: Texan acknowledfes receipt " of self nf the opportunity ..of iieating her. SCLIPSS STABLES. AJfD itHSTEf • • ICE COMPACT. •invitations to ;ixt«>nd the graduating ex­ TBAJSPia CQMPAJY. ',V-; ercises af die Conrrie High School and j:; • Pfmerick Warde ^vill lecture at ther Plmne rfii. xo8-tt& 1L Sevmtli St. West Bifb School. Mr; Hulon 5T. AH' opera-noiise Monday night. May _ 15, on i, derson, principal of the latter school.' 'Shakespeare ":uid His Plays."' ' Every is an ex-member of the of 'Q£. student «rf paglish shbiild liear' iiini. .. 6n^ tmwmmcsr PTaqg: Bialil Lrthe Beat in the Citv. waul: U» word to of intra-TImversity cohtests. was pulletl. baseball tesn. Ta« are a fast mt of .. _ ^ 7 •• and Sat Water team that two iiy» later was literally TO ST. LOUIS other |»wn tiffins-,! rmd there will be ••ten up by ycrar old foes, Baylor. The ^ee tSe«;i^ame. * Yet it takes The r. & <5. N'. R. R.. In connectlaii reason -Bras plain ta> eve^y one.-You with bhe Iron Mountain Systran. apei> more.11 aiforti. iqdre wlf-denial duff .started ont batting-the pitcher all over ares Four'. Limited Trains Dally be* to give one A FULL LINE OF PLUMBING AND tween Tsxas and St. 'Louis, the service tne garden, and' could have made a big than jgive a dozen base-bein# four ta auafht hours quickest, and score by tightening up ami playin: weatiW5 <«aoos aw hand TOO to .150 miles shortest.. These trains1 "urther, no "form of But it did not look: like -you haid to. have Pullman Buffet: Sleepers anil TO 3EL£qr FHOW.: eas. .-•'•• Chaar' Cars through, without n city Bard and then is defeated, no one mur^ being oriiy 34 1-2 Jiours, or a day^ Stone, Clinton-Brown, Shelton,..CHirtisBl ^owen,-WatldTris, MiC-Kellar, Dinsijaore, Mathews, Newell, Kerbey, Pleasant,' McFarland, Key, On Tuesday afternoon the Pi, Beta Phi's gave a picnic at Barton Creek. Only the girls in the "fraternity were along and a most delightful afternoon was spent. Among those present were Misses Estill, Hill, Garrison, H. Garri­son,*-Townesj-March, Millspaugh, Hil­liard, Wei jar, G&uld, Evans, Robertson, Shelton, ^Mitchell, Kincaid,. Wag­gonei^ Maverick,'—Hummelr McGlendon, Rose, Burroughs, Harris, Cowan/ Dun­ham, Martin, Mrs. Homer Hill and Mrs. Edwin Hill. ' -' i ' , - . * . . In honof: of several members' of" the fraternity from Missouri, on Thursday night last Sigma Alpha Epsilon gave a most enjoyable lawn party at the chap­ter.housei oil.East Twenty-fourth street. Among those present were Misses Tarle­ton, Prather; Stedman, Simpkins, Crane, Adoue, Brown, Rose, Hancock, Sand- Lockett, Lanham, Willie Davis, Nash; McKnight, Graham, T'hornton, West, Messrs. Glover. Prendergast, Gardner, Giles, Connor, Atkinson, Richey, Cald­well, Dargan, Samuels, Hamilton of Mis­souri, AmBler7JaHby,^McCarty, Robin •son^l car Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Bartholo­ mew. -The girls of the Y. M. C. A. took sup­per out in the woods last .Thtursday af- TKere was a meeting of the Woman's Council last Friday afternoon-at 6 o'clock for the purpose of electing of1 Campbell Was' "re-elected "PresiSeht, Misses Aden and PfieffeP^w^e elected First and' Second Vice Presidents, M'as Morey Treasurer, Mamie Lea Caldwell Secretary. Representatives were, elect­ed from the different classes for mem­bers of the advisory board as follows: For Graduate Class, Misses Greet and Penfield; for Senior . Class, Misses Adete "Johnson and.Carrie Pfieffer; for Junior Class, Miss Grace Nash and Helen Knox. --* •• Kappa lvappa Gamma will be at home to her many friends t Friday evening from 4 to 7. . The Senior girls will give the Junior -girls a trolley ride , next Saturday night.| They will stop at Hyde Park to take supper.. ~ Tlie .girls' tennis tournament begins this, week.-' Mr. Harris Duncan of Burnet was in the corridors last week. Mr. 'Sam .Hogsett of Fort Worth vis­ited friends at the 'Varsity last week. Kappa Alpha Theta entertained at luncheon Wednesday. . mstm Gynt. Suits, ^ I>nnl* Suits, Varsity Pennants, Fountain Pens, ~ _ Fine Stationery. All University Text-booki At THE CO-OP UP TOWN DRUG 8TORE, UNIVERSITY DRUQ STORK. 1 carry rood linea of pur*, fruit drugs, medicines. toiUt ita* tioocrr. dim : JOE KOEN p WATCHMAKER, JEWELER AND MONEY BROKER, Dealer in all Kinds of Musical Instru­ ments. All Goods Guaranteed. , Dia­ mond# a Specialty. . ;101 EAST PECAN 8TREET. r Patronize •./ ; Our Advertisers A I'® Talking to You—AFace to Facc Talk • ••• . -• Abdul GRIFFITTS? COLLEGE OF COMMERCE, Austin, Texa»,i~strlot. ly business praotios schocTA^m*WIff" to finish.^TnoMush and-expert class and individual instructions in everybranoh of business traiiitha, bsoked 'bynineteen year^ experisnce, vvith a wide acquaintance and extensive facilities for securing" its graduifei good post* r». sons Why this school is patronized and endorsed by all oiasaes of good citizens. 8e« us about our Summer 8chool. Telephone, write or call for informs* tiori, catalogue, etc Cor. 18th: and (Lavaca '8ts.^™-... . . " v. .. S3B9P The direct Line to South Texas and points East, Via New Orleans, is the „T.C.R.R. a -'I y -and -Chair Gars between In. andTTHouston. ; Ciiose connection, or other information call on ticket agent, c Gen. Pass. Agt. Houston, Texas V 1 a i A Ll nuvm WQ£t mm ff©W it «fe©«*Mbe||||| ::> *aw «>&m to® w®r« & 0^an&MmlS ifctaya1 Mtriite & ^ " 'Spy. c.? ir i- &m\[> .fc tW /'*,*•» Jt r W! wls«t» t® -wear it sist #f^?s-J&^ftri TTtHiit iff -j&iLiW1 r ir ,ii' iliiiiiiir''Miititfriiftt #^c'Gssf-fflp ej-sari-:'. •'. . __ • _ . • ;:, -# ris-nmr aj <^%v> %ww$ ':-xm •^^^•^ssasmae^ tffel'ttV' -. . 1 * / \%{$oiP tfcfnT&' itefttf && -mti (f'vaw® • .t^

l^ <# ' -miilrir ^ fVii^Sft"; itf' iiv 0ttiVerity IttSfc" #£0'. Icr^l*J& ••'W \Vwrt!fr' T^5M ly*" £$fcnf -f1-00 to f5.0O -~ &$jg teuM ^ Sir##%»ii( ^ •S'-r lfe $*» w l8f'te€"^«v |; Wixl+hr Ff. •'iVlilWfd-• ~" ," ^.te pstM .»wf ^fVtftfPa1. vWtf ••BP-}l)¥ lftiWtv -AWsft #.-'#.• Fiiiimft Mfttftt 13,50 to f 15.00 &m.#M M « 4i' —%msfttei ^«"•* 6ivm-; df^•?$»;•» #*<*^ &*--. •v^l-V/ life -#8lf 6 KLEIN, PM& '/.tffr lit jmttSf M ^j# -##fe -tte-Ai&i snHifc'" jftteaw & £ bmm f^fl ^ngr#f§ Ave» and 7tH St., ' 6# ft'fefs' frit®] MjftlMf iff %£ xfcy. Writes*/ wsde a ~ M' $WT /f6« ft I > 11.00 Sl^h Postpaid. __>.|J « -t-. V * • " Lr ', _M l M ^ iis§§«flg m awl J A IS AH li a " "wi M^§88$ tffl$ »*PU'f 1 SHUMATE DOLLAR RAZOR r't«»l waa mi tvaa t'4m itwwr^ SHUMATE HONING STR^P apis* pll: &$IF -i§0,000 ffl§R ^flth\i§}ftstie&lly ifty Ui^ ero tho boet ever. Get a com­€l *#"g8Mi -Mi ^ ff^g?!6fe Wafi§: r .. b§y«, Mid If tbd Shumate don't please you, over. 800 igfiefc will fvppea? -at-ttw\ la §$m& mdy to exchange it and ask no questions. litoi&g ftMfe liWaf m§)\\ mm •if» :^BT" •tt kp§§'80l.sg AiistiR m m^$&te M pflgb' ad feii §-^iiai; H81iafeg§?6lf6 aM TEAGARDEN &SHUMATE ~-mfo Mk mm&. a M •S|L 0 flti pplaritf .piaea m ps^TO alltti Hm%f Mil Mg fe^jMs feuif..gfiit aei-iM.^ ' " v Distributors -for Austin. :«m$mmk telWill jfiake.%wlf. tow ^ M l^w¥§fe ef ~ Mtotik : Itkfer \%;jt|,tT.N Af^AnirMV ^%h \Mb& 1^, M iifel « 1 I«>* AvAOi»IV!T» • and other sehbc^s.-'--:7!R^gnlar. * 'I ^S^SSSfSjrr at-, 1 S«i§Si6ft sp»s .SI/WU^. fwlv IIVA-, % l>rinoip«a; John H. Si^^t '' ifi 6ft I vT-. X. It, G^isslw, G^rmaii: -H^lMbItlll'iii MV- lis ?«pjteM .gt ^ -nux«w^^' .ow TbW m.' •; feW M to1? mi ' • ---' ' ^ § teefe iki:Mfem'&i mi M wA\& w& Vm sai i' i -,•. 'W&M ;M®8m m ^WWA •,•••" m m. m.toj ««riou6y t*oancu on hM,i( . ®8S W1 ~ «XC tka auftiiyxi 9# fte, i m m mte », %Mfern I m% WM - —4 , PAWNBROKERS x . . _ V.' r >. / m y ^ ^ M -M mi m*-j tW ' ISa^ Sail Goods M *s%, m &mm~Si] r '• tr * , -* 4\ ^1 L»' ir *> '4< .' . v^H ,' vV ^ • '"* 4 " f »• 'v, .L­ -^ 'A­ ;,?.o. ';• t i *"• W0i~ if »& '6i Vjf4 T; ' 'I' 1 'V-?' 1' •MR $>k!i ^tJr •*cr "*rt New Straws $1.50 to $4.00 y;. • :', . Panamas 1 $5.00 to $10.00! Tan Oxfords, Too Crawford's, $3.50 Nettletbrjf'si--$5.00 jf free Shines to our Shoe Customers fright & — — Robinson 616 Congress JLL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office over Chile's Drag Store. Resi­lence, 2007 Whitis Aye.. Both phones; Residence, 224; office> 6^ old phrae. r at the niew University Confectionary Store. Lunches, Oysters, Chili, eta m CHAS. G. WUKASCH, PROP. --2218 Guadalupe Street. SOL DAVIS 77 - / DEALER IN Cigars, Smokers' Articles, Pens, Sta­ tionery and Periodicals, Billiards ' --_ •~and -vPool. ••-.•••'— Orders taken for 'Varsity Flags, r Canes, etc. s „ s „ ,.. ' WILEY'S CANDIES. StSSli#8g Phone 398. DR. H. E. BAXTER Northwest cornier Sixth ind Congress ^vrau& ~i'hone,~a77, five fingS. , Inside entrance on West ^ Sixth' street, next to First National Dr. W. N. LeSueur -DENTIST 524 Congress Ay& tJet ln Line SCHUtttE BROS. eoNN6tioriEitSr lunches. HOT dHILfi, etc. • 24th and Guadalupe Sts. sSfc* Protect the Pretty"Poppies. Editor of The Texan. k *fc w• generally™admitted~^Ei^raur 'Varsity poppies" are the brightest, richest and most varied mass of blos­ soms we have ever 'had, and mapy stu­ dents have expressed a desire to pro­ cure this strain of seed for home plant­ ing. It is our intention to save "all we Can of fEe ""seed when ripe and offer them to those of the student body who care for them,, and in return I again earnestly beg the students to assist in the protection and preservation of all .that is on our campus, whether wild or cultivated. ' r • V :­ Students,.this is your own campus to have and to hold. Then why allow any one to plunder Or injure th^t which is for you-and you only? „ H. B. BECK: Report of Committee on Awarding the . * \ Letters T. A. A.——__1 After investigation, your committee recommends that an orange block letter *Sly-'-five inches square, flanked by an orange letter "A" two inches high, be awarded to the"following: ­ To the members .of the football* base­ball, basketball, handball, tennis, and gymnasium teams who are recommend­ed by the coach and captain and-to the members of the tracic" team who make any of the following records in any weekly try out, class or intercollegiate meet.-Three matches must be hell on iowed. 100-yard. Dash^lCL .seconds. 220-yard Dash—25 seconds. * 440-yard SasE^^r"seconds." ' 880-yard Run—2 minutes 15 seeonds. One-mil& Eunr-4. minute& 10 seconds. *^9^y^aafdIes^J8-Second* — High'Jump^S^f eefr-lrinch.­Broad Jump—19 feet. . ' Pole Vault—9 feet. ~ ,, ^ ^ Shot Put—33 fe'et. ' Hammer Throw—106 feet. Discus Throw—97 feet. , | 8 to 12. Three chain In operation. Belay feace—3 minutes 58 seconds. On the above basis we recommend that the following men be awarded T. A. A. letters: ~~ In track athletics, Frank, Moyes, Tip- ton, Myer, Storms, Gilcreest, Hendrick­ j3on. Hickman, Ramsdell, Bryan, Hal|, Fort, McReynolds> £ir"^SI.11 Wright. • . In -gyihnasties, S.-I. Edwards, j. In handball, G. H. Jones, Don Hall and Dudley Millers .... Respectffillly1 fSu^itted, ; , * H. Y. BENEDICT, 5. W. GLASCOCK, 'J F. S. CURTIS, < r f 1 — _ _ L r f i nnimit.tcfl. A Correction. V "1 . contained a misr­ statement relative to the responsibili­ ties for thfe gritids in the Cactus. Mes^ts. Deussen and. Robertson are the ones -who are in every way responsible for the said-grinds, and any one wish­ ing to complain should see them, not me. .0. L. SIMS. Collegiate. Commemoration exercises were held at Illinois XJnivehiity on May 5, the death.- The great Uerman poeu iruiy deserved the hont>r done to his memory •by-this American • uiuVefsity. » ;• Frederick Ward Monday night. ii St. Edwards Shut-oat. Texas and St. Edwards crossed bats twee '{His week. THe firs^f ^rne^was played Monday and the second yester* day. In Monday's game St. Edwards put up a good game, but was beaten jby a score of 1 to 0. • , Weller was in the game for Texas at first base and played a star game. Texas got busy in the first inning and made her sole run, after which no more runs were. made. Sleepy got -a safe hit, stole second* and went to third on. Jacoby's sacrificev Edwards got to first on a, fielder's choice'. Slegpy tried to come in,-but was caught and put otit. Edwards stole second. Beaseley slatted a hot one to Boardman, scoring Ed­wards, and taking~first on-error.-Next man up fanned; neither side had "a chance to score afterwards. Batteries—Texas, Graham and Fran­ cis; St. Edwards, Walsh and Schwab. ; The result of Thursday's game will be given next week. "L'j ­ Team Leaves. The team leaves Austin today for th6 trip. Tomorrow it. plays Baylor in Waco. Monday, Tuesday and Wedries­day it plays Vandferbilt in Nashville. Thursday, Friday and Saturday it plays the University of Mississippi. It will return to Austin -the '* following Mon­day. l-'Bensom "WHat-isa proceeding in personam, Mr. Hayter?" r~ t 00ur^ foj the agitation of personal obligations^" . -TH* silts,. The only real student shop-in town. Our httirctfte and shampoos are not exi celled anywhere." We make a spedal^ of electric massa«ii^r operating ian In­tematiohal xnaehine, the best in nse~ the^only one haying .three separate and distinct strokes, giving seven thousand pulsations per xninute '(that's going some) . Hot and cold baths can be had at alVhonrs and Sunday mornings from Quick and efficient ^service. ­'Ss < • GLASER, Plrop. 1604 Lavaca St. New phone, 426. Subscribe for "The Texan. Hen's iio two-piece Flannel Suits, also* Crash Suits, for this, sale— .98 W£*also offer for tikis sale a lot of Men's* $£5 Blue Serge Suits, military or square cut, sold everywhere for $15; for this> sale— F. E. MISTR0T • . Three First Prizes FIRST PRIZE—in Grand Portrait —-Gdld Medal.. ! ^7——— FIRST PRIZE-—Fell Trophy Cup, for best finished Pictures. These - two prizes were the highest hon­ ors conferred by the Photo Assor ciation of Texas. Also v FIRST PRIZE -Grand' Portrait Inter-State Exhibit, Indian Tro­ .,¥phy, the highest honors conferred ^"by the Photo Association of Okl*r . • . glioma Intcr-State Exhihit., . .. You arc THESE PRIZES WIRE AWARDED TO MR. &. MRS. MARTYN ELLIOTT 814 CONGRESS AVE. Artistic Photographers f AV -i'C *. v "• * \£Ob > rS -.t* r ; „ trf The Best ta St. Louis and Points CARL ISHERW00D C.P. & T. A. I" Phone1202 .. Au > •*jiA. r-myrgt* to* rt TT » *mn&:tSlB'£ r |Kg&2gM -v.-w ;•«. f ^v,;«,;.f J<( »«&' < . » ». ^ £&, --rwsg&V * •* ^ * * f .««.».1.* w.v^ ? v*SK -,rt. ' J r>-1 -«,> ^ L* h ­ J 7/ fa 4*>* SI-l^> * ' • r • ~ "r-_ **>' '-' .<'y->*~y:ry~7T' t* JW H$s "' •.»<• > it T)TT^ f«C.T.^ |B ^seaaafajjU^j^M£»SfiS* „««, A if­_% ir Itlift i'^ ' ®S' ' |l' p» 1 -•' •.. 1.' "• •', *'•?.' •,. f>. fj! r^->:. -./.. •v'; ,;': * : V. ' -••••'• •>•• ;-. ' . .• "»t . l|j * i* - If «agi3? i¥(®l W* H>;. -V;K-*rWS-V '+ *"** ? /Si. If «• . ••.•)• StW1 ' % 7?TMi?z!'jr* -,?v <•« •SSssr^ ^Lah^^&a^seES,-a«S3SJ? » jg^.^J'3»n^^Ta *" r&«? *« -# :.U, *.t p# fVrr'?'v| f if I® F ,'fJiP iisJ« **Vfe »W »TiJ «. >-.v S.J.' iift, * " >V * t. TK ^i £< Jo.* JS* "w* tf tftt-i IS%^wr2tX3jsII