.... .. . . . -. . .A Weekly ~~Ws~~per Publish~dEver~ Friday·b~ the S~ude~ts ~£th~ U~iv~r~ity~ _ ¥GL V :FObT BALL HISTORY I-TEXAS INDEPENDlNCE,, THE .ORATORICAl Aa8oclation AdoPted'iulea for the Se-Of.,-th~ Univer8ity of »rexa..:..What Baal Will be' Celebrated With Due Ceremony. '....... lection of National Ora~o~cal BeeJl Done by. Tea.ma of Other Daya. Oratory and Fireworks to .be the R~reaentative. : Interesting Items About the Order . of the Day-AU Classes •• f ••• __,;,:_ Great Sport in Its In-to Particip~te• · I. Prelimin.ltries. fancy in Texas.. ~·. , . . 1. Prelimill&ries.. Each society shall .. ~ -. ···"'· . The greatest stud~~t celebration o f . . ·hold a preliminary contest on the·.. sec· Prior to the, season o~ ~803.. th~. Uni, th.e' Y~~ is on Mar~b 2, wbe~ ~he stu­-ond Saturday, Jiight of Nov~mber in each versity of...Texas was n"ot represented, dent body pr<>e;eeds µt a. 'Pa.ti:iotic .man­··.1 year,· iii which ~e three speakers · ad· on the gridiron . . ~oo:tball . was yet in.!ner .to c?mmemorato tho day w~en Tex· •. ·"....-'E.-b."";~~:l:P -~~~poran~oua _th.eyrirpitive stage · of.·-.dev~~i;"4~~~ft'Y~.d~!~.~~ ....The oc­. ~. 1peit1Cer8 shall be chosen. • -There. WH :not even a class oraep~r8cruuon pron~~es to surpass tt~e_lf this ·' · 2. Drawing. Op. ·tl\e. :.evening of the mental team. Rugby, ·'rith all its in· ~,.ear. Elaborate arrangeruentit nTe be- preliminary co~est, .one·~?lf hour ·¥be· tricaci~s, was .unknown at Texas. In· ing ~1ade, a~d a spirit of;,,, genuine ~n· fore the -.peaking is to "begin, the 'con· stead ol the modem game, there 'W'asl thu.~iasm has begun to tnke po1\ses~ton testing speakers shall me~t aml"'lJi'&w by play.ed a game corrcsponJiing to.-AHO· orthose who have pnrttcipntesi on for· lot ,the topiris upon w~ch eacb is to. ciat~~m, in w~j_ch any number play~d _on in~r occasions. .. . .GLEE nLUB TRIP Po!itponed on Account of 8"tn Weather-Trip Will M Tak• eA Good Procram-The Line-up. On nccount o"f"th; aeverity of the W\'lllht'J• all over, tbe State, it WU de· (.idell to put .off·" the Gleo Club trip till .. ·n. mor· propitious time. . ·· .. 9 , Bedford Forreat Lumpkin left W~•·. ~ Jif~l1f'~~--.tn.11gemmta. u.-~~----. wiii So to all the town• where t~~ club .. ; hnd ~ngagcmentt and will attend to nd\'ertising, etc. · · ·.. A.t pre. ent it fs thought by _the man· · , 1fg~111ont that tne club ,rill lean Oil Monday, February 27; but . lf the ... epeak) an~ the, order. of speaking: a side anti kick~ the ball back and .rlie pro~m of the d~y, -as arranged w~nther is .go'Od and aatisfactory ar· s. Subject and topics. 'l'he .11•aculty 'forth. ·, so. fnr, consists fi!:st of a grand s~uden~ mng<'mentg, f8.il be mi.de, lt ,,w,, prob&-Committce o~ Forensics and Oratory . In the fall of 1803 a team WM or-pnrade, composed of the member~ of lhc bly )f?aye on 'the 20th. One thing 11 ehalJ furnish in . dupUC!1~ t.he. ~9pics, gnnized, l\Dd T~xae made her debut in various classes in the.".'d.itrer~nt d~part· <'~rtaiu, the· University ·of Tena. GI• one copy for each ecx:iety, all upon· 11om'9 coll('ge .athle~ics. This team received a ~ents. Marshals . hav_,e_been nppomted, Club wilr h.itve a-trip, lf not tliia term, · general subject of easy and general in· challenge from Dnllrur, who had. bee!' w~o.se. d~ties wil~ be to. stir up clllflll iu the 8pring· term. formation. · . . the acknowledged champions. of theIspmt? (e.~ .. the s~~!denng embers ~f "Tt will° have a ·good pl'Ogram with • 4 . . Judges. The judges · in the prb-State .for'· a number of years past. The patriotism m~o ftiinung love of ·t~e Lone plenty of snap and variety. Be1ld• Jim'.~~ry· co11test shall be chosen in any challenge was accepted in. fear and in Stnr Sta~e, and_take ch~rge of the P~: th~ rt>g\tlar numben by the entire club, manner agreeable to the· conte.stants. trembling. After practicing a ihort rade. ~he • stude~ta w1U ~~ble in · several ~aoloa and qua.rtettee-ha~ 5. TJ:ie speeches. · The· speeches shall time, the· team made theh'-ft.rst. trip to U1e capitol .gro~nds at 9:~0 a .. ~·1 and been . arranged. · Mauri.ce WQlf, the In· ..be extemporaneous an~:·not Jong~r· than Dallas. There they met the so-called .af,tcr . ~rganiz11t1on, a de.tail of etudeota imitable comedian; will_ 80 &Iona &D4 eix minutes. . . cham iona and ,defea~.d them_by the ~di ~JZQ one of tb!' 1!1'&e _ca~on &ll~ w_!..ll give~· of hfa monolop• la . 6_. _Groµnda of. selection. The judges very close score of 1~-to 16:-Gaining start tor the campus. .No end of fun Dutch dlAieet. Mr. •'Mn 8alth of ....... ~ abal\ choose the t~epeaken '!lio, tn. c0n6H ""~are~PJ'O-pam.t. . ~.. Peniok "will go .;.,mwaer, · for· the national con~, at'e. tu beat and played a. team representing 'that ~881on. Upon re~ the m~I!_en· if poulble; . extemporaneous speakers.. city, defeating them by 4 score of 30 trance t:o the Uni~enfty, a aalute of The 90Joir t1 an Gray, Wall and . "I ~ . n. Finala. · to 0. lJoth teams play~ .return games ~wenty·b~e guns. wul.be fired, ~~ounc· Toomb~. ' '.J.'~e ·quar~ ta com~of 1. i'be finale.' · The final contest to at Aus~in. Iii the second gn.me San An· mg. ~ th_e w~rld the fa~ful. ~Y 00 the foilowfog men: WaJi....__ftNt-'telloi'J ~--' aeleCLa.. repteacnta.tive-f-0r, he ·Yaw~ lqnio_ivas beaten ag&.in_by a score. of _whlch Te~ ained h r md~ence. b11, R(!ond ·'tenor; W. ""'iDif'liritR:"--~~...,. .. eity shall Pe held in the·Auditorium the 34 to o, while: Dallas was ~eilten by score ~~te~ which : the. TeX'.a.s: ft~ I~.¥ be first baas, .~nd GrayI BeQC>nd·11-; r third Saturday njght__of ~ove~b_er in ~f 16 .to ~-These fout _games were t~.e 1au~ · ' . ... • -. lD~i, :.11 The f~llo~i.tlJ -}s .the Ji.De-up of µie each year, at 8!~0 p. m. . . ~nly.-ga.1T1ea·_played during the season, --i:r~en _the stud~nts will gath~n. the Glee ~ub: -· -• ~ ~~ ---_.: .::,:;~~~~::::-cit.~.L...l'R.!.-~~ta.,,~'l!lt~~t --b~~t!!ey repr_~~ th~ begln~~--~~-_Ua~J.o._fil.oq -~-6d-;_ ·-1 ~n-'.-Bailey, Wall, -Cofteld . ,,, · ~------+"-~-ttm-n'h"'l~II b -..~~--fi::-i teticirnrtlle UJiivennt~ iinlleges. entertain. the student body as · ~, f I ?lub )1 ~ve a grand free ~n~ri~--.-.-~J.-'... :-:--ten or more i:oprcs thereon. Only ·four games . were played. A. and men can.-. . '·' l its ret(lm 1to Austin· but lf Jt 'doea not __ • __ . · · · ·Dr ·.. -. -• M d f ted b f 39 to 0 There will be nn address l}y s e etu-1 ·• 1 , ' .. 4. awmg. At 5 o cloek p. m., on . w~ e ea y a score o , , : · . · . 1 pay exr.nses, admia~QJl will be charged. .· j ,_,_. .., the day of the final contest, the e· · Tulane by a·score of 12 to 0, aµd Ark· dent_-of t~e _university, whose , will 1 I I . . . -· : contestants · sha11 draw by lot the sub-nnsa_!,by a score of 57.to O. Th~.n came b~. an~o~nced later. ~ ~dmun I urk~I · . · , , • • ~ . . ' 1 • toj>ics upon which ·each. is ta speak, atid the. first defeat. Thie was administere~ Griffin will read th~ De~la.ra.t_io , 1~-i ?-'he ra~~y of the Uruvera1ty ~f Dll· the order of s:peaking. by the Miseow.i• Tigers to the tune' of d_~pend~nc~ of Texas. In ad I, ili noie 3CQ~1~e~ng . a plan which, . tf . 5. Time allowanee. It). the finale,.each ~8 to. 0. All. :these games. '!ere. played ~~~ ,been su~ested that &?~e -~· last I _adopt ' w~l~. ~ve Jour .hours ;re~t .~ speaker slfall :lie aliowe.d_ten minutes. .iµ Hylle Park. T.\e games of t~e pre· yea.rs . .Alumni may deliverl J 1~1 ,arees, the ed1tor-i;n·chi~f and three hours to 6.: Judges. The contestants• shall se· ceding season were played out at the and ·give a. message .from .the . t umnil the nrytsta~t ed1~or ~ of the Univenlty lect three judges for the contE'.st who D~. of the.Sta~.. . . . 'i :. newspapei:· shall select the best iJpe~ker and an 8.1· Tb~ team of '95 wati coached by Mr. ':fhe mue1~l part .of the pro r,m bas . _ . temate, for representative of tbe Uni· Ot~wford: Tulane, the only college . ~t been.overlooked: The 'Vars aBand. 'Ne.Pr~tkaf and other Wes.tern u~lver· v~~~ in the sectional contest of the team played, wa.s beaten 16 to O, Dal· will be m th~-capitol ~ounallot until some ft.rst victim . . · Score, 42 to o. Then a tlieir_ Stat~ 1Ptnd c_o_un°?::__ _ t ------·· ---------'-----.,~~ 0-to~O game wa~ -:-ptaye-d wi~h Dallas. Tlle. ~?Uo~ing are tlie ma~,! ti• forI L&w Departmen~on, G. B. Btint; Later in th~. eeaaon Dallas 'W'aa tieaten. the different classes-: . .~Ir1r Middle, W. ]), Scarborough) unfors, l· . ~ya ~core of·~to 4. Tulane was again Academi~·.Departmei;at-Po~tgr&duates; P. S~pson. , . · . · trounced 12 ,tQ (.· r:riiett 98me twa. de-J. R. Johnson; 'Seniors, B. K.~.Willlams; (~ ~gineering :Qe~en~on.-&-+--<..,.._,~~ ~t.a Tbe flfitt 'W88.:4t ~the--htinde of 'ore,, E...-G. eAllow•y; ·...:aophomore11, ~-;-Kaai; .Juniors,· George Finle7; Soph·. . ..... · Jo~ C. Town~, Jr..J :B!eslllyen, .J. El·lomorea, Jack: Stain.\1&!9; FreibJJien,-:&: 1-l (Cotlnl!e~ on page 'thl'H.). bridge Jon~'. : · !J!oomt.. . . · . · .... _,..,__C'" .. . '• .· .. .. -· . .f 1902 . . . At the close of the sea.son ° .When Teua Was Young. UNDERTAKER AND". EMBAt Ml!R. State..Universth and sue­ ·Loui·s1·ana's _ity, who beat Mr. dThompsonb left t us""a-"' MrwasHutch-The last iasue of the La;ntern, Dalio.s, ceede Y e presen "" contains the foltowing: · wi, • ' us by a score ',,( 14, to O,· Tbe .e~nd !neon, Tbe ·team of 1903 wae UDiform· ''The renaissance of J, G, Stuti., the · ·Fine Carriage• to HI,... -· • defeat ·.was ·administered b_y..the Uruver-1y successful, losing only one. game out veteran actor, recalls an episode in the 413 CONG. AVE. · Both Phon•• 411. sity of Missouri. · This·~,~e-s~re of the 'eig!it plar.ed,_ and that to thQ hist-Ory or tbe ·1'exas t:>tate U~iverslty I =======~~~!!!'!~~==~--:;s­ waa smaller, 10 to ·O. Thts team was H"skell Indians on a ' fluke. The ached-hen nolL-ll.oborte,-otberwise i_; coached·.by Mr. Robinson. _ · ule a J~JQ].lowa:_"\[ai:ait14'.sr-Dwn-~own as the Old '"Alcat(lo, was its phief In '97 eight game~were-R}ay~~' ~ mie~, 17 to 0 (Mogul Robinson played luminary. Stuttz, whoso repertoire eov­ 0 Hancock.. .... whic;h Texas won al~ ljit two. Aqd--Ra.n, tackle for the Dummies); vs. Oklahoma, ered almost nil the well known plays the only college team played, was· 6 to 6; vs. Baylor, ~ to O; vs._Arkan· then published in Uie English language, beaten 18 to 10. :wo games wer_e ~ayed eati, 15 to 0; vs. V.anderbilt, .» to 5; VB. including ·tragedy, comedy, inelodrama HoleI . with Sati Antoruo, both, of--wh1ch were Ok~ahoma, 11 to 6; vs. A. and M., 29 and unplaced drama, arrived in Austin Opera ·Hou.. and Poetoffloe 81~ 'i' • won ,by Texas, the first by a score of to 6. • .. and. unbo'Xed _bis baggnge for o. week's Beat $2.00 Hotel In Austin: 12 1 10_ to Q, the seco~~ by a ~core .of . · .The team of 190~ is still free~ in the..engagement. ~\"itb .nn :ye t~ busin~s, L. Y. HANCOCK, Prop. 1 -. to o. Two games were played )V th memory of our readers, and.sp it w4Wd he tiiougllt tq make a good m1press1011 ~lla~ also. The fi!St waa lost,_b! a b-: ~~dless ~ recount it~ achleve· by starting off bis cngu.gcment wi.th ~ score of 22 to 4. In ~~e second ~meuts. · Suffice 1t to.any tha~. it .~as the house packed with Uui.,ereity s~udents, . Texas· scor6' .20 ~ their l&. Houston greatest scoring.mach~ne Texas baa ever and sent. an urgent invi~lion to. ~o wa_s ~efeated .by ~ score_of ~~to o. ~~~!\~!-:t. ~..°.?~~..=!:T:.#::'*•:ncit~ers.-.nitr1 udentti to attend 118 hi. "'""__. -Tben-t'W'O"'.gattres ~ere .playe_d wiili_.Fort oppo-netttsi" 88. · guests. Most of them were there, and Worth. The first resulted in a victory ·.· .) t>he ~ytOolc ·pains to ~.eat (;~vernor 8 for Fort Worth, score 6 to 0. .In th~ Y•. W. C. A. . . Roberts up near tbe orchestra. The play second game Te~ae annged tJie defeat Last . Monday at , 5 o'~lock was ·the ·was a. tragcdi, · with a good ~.nl of.. --~ by rolling~up a score ·of 38 t~ 0.-Dur-/egular an~u~l ~~n of ~f~cers .for. whimpering .nnd 1 tcnr drops in it. ing this season Te~~e was coached by the t. M. O. A. '1he folloWJµg .officers Stuttz,~lf, was about the only Mr: Kelly. ·" . : . :. . . were elected,' 1\11 .·unanimous)!: . .Ethel player in tbc .aggregnt1on wh~ -~&8' not • Unde! the JOint coachmg_. of. l!J•••.re, Rutherford, Pre~·~.e~t; E_umce.. A,den,. _AS green .ae a fresh you~g ·~~·hn, nnd .· ~eHy and Edwards, the team of . 98 J.'irst. Vtce.. rres1dent; Lily. Oa~pbe~I, his slrQng point was 11 voace hke a clar­... ventured, a game with · Se~vanee,. Texas ·Secoti!l Vice President; .Annie R~pel, ionet .. operated by a gas cngin<>. The Tl11• South hn11nurny11mt,tlnJ1•11, 1>1_1t only Ol'IJI: Blj)~T,­1 other games, with their r_espec~ive 4fter the. 'election, the Presiden~ ap-inasmuch as the play wo.s not. overOow· ·THE EQUITHLE 11FE :.. Of llE .UllTED STATES• -scores, were .as follows: 'Varsity-.vs. poinled t~e member~ of the ~even r6'gU: -ifi'~,vitb-mirlb', they soon took a hand •1&,00~.~oo SUR..LUS .Add Ran, •16 to O; vs. .A. and. M., 48 to lat comm1tt<>es, whose chamnen. ~re· -in the proceedinse. The remarks they H. n. HAERR, 0\Ul'l MKr. 'I A,.. i o. 1'~. R<'.oTT, 0 on •·· t...: • \ • O; vs., Galves.ton, 17 to' O; vs. A~4 Ra.n, ;Membership, Euniee Aden! Religious interjected into that pl11y would have {;•; w 1s JOUNSOl'J, Allllf.Sllllll ONtOr&l A1ent; -29 to O; ~8. Dallas, 26 to 0. Meetings, Sel Wirggener; Finance, 1?oy filled a iQJall book, ttnd there was more 'illl COllRl"U"8 Avt'llUU. . I • t • The . next year ('99·'00) Texas tried Perfect; Missionary, Nel~e-H. all; B1bl_e punge. ~cy· tlurn elcganc.e in-the general "'conclusions wtth -both Sewan~e and Study; Roberta Lavendar; ~tercoll~-d!ift . of the ~terpolat~ons•. At fl~t : . . V a· b"lt Sewan~ beat! us 12·.to 0 nte, ·MaT~et.. Ye~dl~; Soc1al, Valene tbev e<>ntented themselves 'YJtb rapid· ...-t._:_alSS'.,._. an er 1 • . . , ~. . ·tt ·u 1.-., - • ._ n • · \ _ · d. v derb1"lt~-1..u v. -narwas R~'i:ea:-. These· commi ~wt Th e ·sallies addree~d· · to the varioua ac· . an .u , ~.man-· · ~===-­ an .ua ~~1-·----beaten i1 to.·.. o, San :.btonio 28 .to O, nged ddf~rently ~roz:i now._,.on. el.I' J2Ii.At..t.h...e.t_cr-m.e.e.Qd_w~h¥tc•~v. --===,......,.,~---=:=-"'-=-~­---. .,.·-=--:.-,A-;"&tJdrM..:-tt to=-O;~h~to=e, benlup-aonetitttterttnr ~J>l&y_pl'O(!eeded they grew more and more ...hotographer . · · Tulane 11 to O, then 32 to 0. This team of the &BBoclation, and they are all di , hijarioua, and befpre ti!• .curtain wen~ ____ _ j · coac y • • ~ · . • waa h d. be ,.,_.lWU'. Clark·· · -·-.rided. up . into 1ub-oommftteea, • ~of ·do.............. on the eecond act they wer.e in a of 1900 is 0 ~ -..I · Th t always referred which · baa a cbam nan, ·and each weaving way .and giving ~e big e~d 9f FIRIT·CLAI• WORK ONLY.-to a e th:a'::m Team.''. Thie te&m wae whfoh ineete separately, The ou~·com'. the.perfor,maapoint~ent 9f the!!' CQ!nt1!lt.i-:--" ·~ --• _ • _ .,,,. r. ~~·--· -nforfonately, 1i~~--uo~ e o -c • ____ · rt .--· Th n bedlam broke .i. u u a.&e l.:u1·aur.uy stn.lwa invited to call an4 ~ ~ · · i~tet·ndtrip or-iF,tgigbtli . thi on.ts. c · d took to Inspect ·the latest. 1tylea and varied . 1 f " h . f th of t'he A~sociation· .dur ing loose, and the students un er. the deserve bt e ~ c amp1on _o e th li"' v ..ar It wa.11 an interest- processes. . south" Two members of the ·tea'.m e precec ..g ""' . . . • terrorize each player as he hobbled.upon ·· · b ing r.eport and a very encouraging ~ne-, the· stage. The ~pirit of the mob took we~e accorded ~laces 9n lhe All~ut : .eapeci&lly ae to the membenobip of the pO..eeeio• of the entire audience, a~d ern, an ho~or wh1c~ baa :ott t~~en, . ti Association, . which ha.a increased from it brushed asi1fo all efforts· to restratn· .DISCO\JNT: TO_STUDENTI.; ferred·upon, Texas. since t ~ . ~JJ!e:ty : the' ftftee~ o·r twenty of la.at yea'r', roll the up'r04lr. The curtain went up and .. .. .. ., first gnme wae wi_th th~ n'.~ers1 o to the.Jmndred of this, J!!clual ad'vaace -down withmtt--..11ybody ' being awau: o :r-qong,_ A••• over eaY, NeL Bonlc. . -­ _. Okl.~homa and "l'~st!!te~--t~ ~ uc:orI:' f:: ii-as.been made ip alf IlDes, and it is to ·jtist ·where .the plnyere were at, and 2 ~ T~xas by a score of 28_to · •~en la .be hoped that .the same improvement tb.e.y-1'..\\shed throu h their, lines and • · . .. Dallas Texas avenged herself on her o •t .k · krab'·its pur· ·· •,,,-· · · 1 1e 11 • · · sh,ot for t ie ext s. i JllC • • c.:___:.-:---.u.¥.~~,...~. • . . " . : \ . ; u'ed b:v. gre:vhouncls. Tl1e Old Alcalde A. .:·c. cER.J Es_'(/ ... low Jackets tO the tune of _22 to 0, .A. President Bell of ·Drall&.lJ~ivenlty_ eat t~;ough.it ~II !igid and frowning, -~---. . . . and M, wae beaten_ 6 to (), the? 11 to hitS made n cleat --to .tha studl!llta and but lik• .lirer Ro bbit, he ••Id nothing,. .' MI!N's OUTFITT•Nc o,, l\fieeou>i 17 to 11, an~ t~i~n•~• ~b!!J?_ that no _g_&lllbling_on an_J' _&tb-:. · he-old-ma..:.wae-wia~enougLto k••l" . ·--AND • .HOES , • " .. City Jlfedleoe, .30 .Jo;---0,~ -•· eam Jetie ~nteet will be allowed and that that Young Aincrica had ihe beet of · . · " BC~red 113 P?mts 'to~e opponen~s 13. perfect order must be maintained at al! }rim, 11nq he o1Ter~d ho .rebuke to tho 1810.Lavac·a·St Tlie coach for .~9-0Q. and 1901 .wae Mr. (amea. · · · disturbers, though. he wae ver'f ptucb . :· . : . • Thompson o~. Prn~~eton. . htimilia.ted. on account of· th~ p,ro~eed-· The following ~ear. nln~ .~.. W?re Owinii to the ettengthetring "inereaae ings. Stultz .ind hie company have had played •• follows, 'VOret!y ve, Hou•· of money reqltireOto maintain Harvard a v&riegated experience, but tt •• a •ale c,-lh•.Suits.·, Wn, 32 to O; ve, Nashville, 6 to 5; vs. U , 't th T , be" guess iitOt they never came ae elo•o. to a • ' OkJa).oma, 12 to 6 ~nd 11 to O; ve, :!. ;-~"·~" ~· ~ prop:• • 0:i;:. mf "":'.; gen;,;ne riot. •• that night with the Btu-Tennis SultS, 0 ' and M., 17 to Q; vs.•Baylor, 22' to O; :~;4: . raismg bi~ ~ont _ee $00 dents at-~uetin. ~ 'J.'be invitation was · ' ' ve. Dallas, 10 to 2; ve,Miesouri; 11 ·to-O; -t pe~h·nn:· w • t ~moun ,. not ~epe&ted.'' Varsltr ~ennaiilts;­VB. Kirksville, 0 'to 48; vs. Kans~s, 0 grea. er an ~ ~r.e:en ee. , -· --f in. Nofees~r -·-­ .· Fountal~. 'Pens,.. to 12. • " The h1·gh·J·umpers and hurdlers are The women students . Mich1"rra.n . _-·~, .. The -team of 1902 started out a11Spici-Scott's newspaper course m o ard-itt ·Univeraity· got out th 18eue of the· tl.Qn•Pva-"----~----:--'--:-f' ouely by defea~ing S.wanee by a score work ev;er:y evening in the Gym. e · -·, t~~~=-=o~f~~l~t=o~O~,~·a:n:d~--~.:ll~faTY-~~fn~~~~~:::;:;;:~~i:s.,;co~a~<:h~in~g~~t~~;l!ln~i-a~n~d~~~~~~~~~~~~~:::;.;·~~f::~~:::::~=~::::::::::­ l~e:h:de~d~~u~p~-- ~-.--~·· ~ ..au icio . :to-sheet follo~s closelyits bro~her editio~ -"!"""--_,____ and ....,_. .by a like score. i~sued by the men of the course. Both t .m 'Varsity vs. editiolis ha.ve been ·pi c~ne~ant deman _ All tJniTerlity Tut-book1 a games of the seaa0n-were: "7b~n a. couple gets matrfed, she be· d Okl h " a oma, " v • ; vs. · • ., ·atowe lier .hand, and he puta hia. foot _. . . .e, ct.is · n3 t.... 6 L S U o to -· on the campusTh·general· v.erd.i . 5.; ye; .A. and M., O' to. 0 and 0 .to 11; in it. . tha't' without question th~; women:s h­~. Trinity, 27 'to O; ~· H.ae~en In-.sue ie· aii hnproveoi~nt an th~· one fa­-. -~iaas, 0 to 12; ""' Al~bama, 10 to O; SUbscflbe for The 'reun. sued by ~-e· ~~n, .. . , ., . 1 .. .·" ·,.:.-.,~ -. ·I -···.--,,., .· .. - .' . .. .... '• --. . .. __......,_ __. -,J--,.-,"--­ -... -----------~--­ .... . ........ H ­ . ,, . . . . . . . .. . ,..: ... . M' . Athenaemn Meeting. . sorl:ie-UWith q~ettti<>ns . of ..the present . IsTRtfl's7 . --=­ . An unusually large crowd wa_s ·pres-life, and car~ 11ot what eternity .ma~· · , . : · .'. . · ent ·at the meeting la.st Saturday night. ha'"e in st~. The ~pl'flt ·of oomm~r· Interest' has ,been increasing of late.and clalisri1 is robbing nhin of their ulti· · ~b~.~~'-:=::==:=:=::=:==::~.. =-------f---...;;..-m---l--.111:.-i..,_.~..,....~.....----tllt-i.._.;,;....a~i! lab well. Through · · ,.,... • a-re ests of 1.he t:nited States." 4. ) indh"id~rnl work llh' llC \\ill ';he kingJom Pr1·ces a•e "·the ' ­ On the affirmati\'"e were Messrs. c. of G..~ be bn..tl'ned Among m.. n.'! . a·, Glover, R. R: Smith. R. ' F. Jones al)d · An u1terc:-sting m~·tin~ ne~l ~u-nday ..-Ready.::::: J. c. To~es, J~i'-"be~t~'"e ~re i;<, prgroi;e,l.·')les;,i.'. F. w:.:HQlhe~nldtt: L · t .. ~\Wssrs. H. E.. Dell. R. C.arswell, E. F. F. )J. f\ip~ ~nil w.: (.'., l~l'ynnt "ill .di.o:f ow.es e -Ferguson and '\Yallace. hb~ the subil"d...Fn t.1r~ m Chrhhnn I · .. ~ ,.... . ~en· Saturda~· night th~ ques~ion .of Growth.'; · Y N 1 nr1' _innted to ntt<'n~l. . ~~=~===~~~~~~~~ :·~ .woman suffrage will be debated. An in· . . . . . S'tet~on's · -· · J~;;~~•.at!<_l_·_prt>fit~ble ~ discuuio~· of · · · The--~qu: ~ ·t ·,_ · .w~~~~t~~-~,~·~~;;;..~.-~-!..1!1~·.~~-=-~:--.:.. ·__·~ · ~.-~anil~~,·s:-a-~4 this mome~tous questio~ is _anticipa~ed, . \\'ith l\~pe in. the 1..h:,ir und u,, Th_,~Nry · ? . . . . _~·· , __ 1 .. nn~le.s he is suj>porting, some young. m"ember,.both ·old and :Uew•·~l'mier the lll-Demosthenes may be l'C\'eale·d. aniong cons<'ientjous .nnd .fettrlc s critic.ism of .. . Wrigh~ & Robinson the ranks of t~e Atbenaeum. the Critic, new men are de,·eloping rap· 616 Congress .Ave. l idl~: i~ ~he nrt pf de.~nting and ex.tem· . . Th~"!· M. c. A. . pora.neous sp_ea~g. . • { . The Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A: metr .A new feature of literary work bat1 • . fo joint session 8unday .aftern9on. ·This Ireeently been added to the society••· DR HOMER .HILL th d et· t b 11 u ge · · . ­ .. • was e ay s apar Y a co e regular program1 namely, essay writing. . i ..,: _ PHYSICIAN -A-N.D SURGEO(I(:---· associations aa a day. of prayer. The Last -Saturday night witneaaed tbe m~· _ · · Dftice over Chile's Drug Store. Reai· atten~~ce wai, gratifytng, iD view of troduction of the new regime when Mr. !MIL.2JL.~ ==~~:DHu~,J'hlUl=at;:_ iliiOlli!.., "thr.. tittte~ly· cold-'W""~er, .illltr WaUiin~read & iClen6ft,o""ffky onthe . . . . --ReeicJence, ~14; oflioe,' Gs, ~ ately ~e room ·ta ·wJUoh-the eervices prick..ly pe&r: .Wbu the subject ·ot his were lae'id wu wry eomfortable. Mn. essay was. announced, many could not . 1 Morris favored the aaaembJy· 'With a, see the po's·sibility of making much out ". . £·· : S . d . . ·swee~ i;olo, as did also .Mrt .Wall.. ~be of it-; _but when . he.Wlll through, all Three ·First -~Pl-race _or_ tu ~nts meetin~as_ to bJLJld!lre~sed b Judie ron00:0eed-i one of -u,e ftl'e _ · ._· · . , -::::­ . . at, t.he~ us_ __ . . . Unlver81ty=Conte-etionaJ'y-Sto~;.: ~k-~--~ncbea .()yatens -Ghlll,-.eto..=--·· ..,,,.,,,,====.~-·-c·..t;S:-·ci~WUKA~CH,·PROP. . _. 2218 GuadaluPe Street. . '• .. .. SOL DAVIS .. . ' DEALE-R I~ Cigare, Smolser-a! Articlea1 Pe~s, Sta­ tionery._and Peci.odicala, Bifliarda · . Orders taken for •varsity Flags, Canes, etc. . . . . · WIL.EV,:S CANDIES. J; -_. ... · ~..; __ · Phone 398 ~--~~-~ ---MISS HE1E1-E~BASTIAN ... . . ' ' .