CORNWELL'S* LEAD PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY CORNWALL'S 620 COBQ. AVSv-PHOHE 288, RE LIABLE DRUG STORE At home t>v£r-y flay to Univ. rsity Stuaents tanne Telephone and NXJWfAM/ir'S CAKB1KS. SFFIBSBMUI Hot and Coltr Drinksin Season t oomnlete line of Toilet Articles Hake OUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS Volume I AUSTIN,.$EXA& TU^^,;XnuARY 22, Number 14 WE MAKE SPECIAL PRICES TO STUDENTS •m ....... -Y-V*.-——HL»_, tin-••••••• •.. THE UNIVERSITY OP TEXAS. TEXAS INTERCOLLEGIATE ply to .our approach, Ve are, v£ry. SSOCIATIOX -respectfully, . ~ .inr J. B. Dibrell, ,Tr, Manage*; V­^rPH-liny III1 1 jI ;111 Tlli; Inrrrvri-" Tfr jimmimn nf tlin <|'f|,'l ll'Jllli ^ C^taip» sing , been the' watchword of the Christ •together with thte captain, Mi % ~ and tian Religion, /the idea has legacy,,, of :Science-last Friday night." It dealt feot. ­ 'wor!d_and the experience of all the . letter has been adli'essedt©ithe pfin-, j very-largely with the" work done— lie -NBTTLBTON'S jiations? It is a natural inKeri-; d^l'^^i^^p.'^d'v^niyersitiG»~e|­ -the study of. ants by the; zoological , '«r-MEN'S FINEkSHOESL taiTce^ecause we are sifted^ftom aU- v t^e St^te -' I^V -V A new pair will brightan h*t department of. the University, and 95.00 and i'brlcl-. It' is *" up your old boat and vest ed* —^-was well illustrated-'with a-atereopt re- even 111 youngest and giye them the «ppe»r-" tin, , , ,, , .—, -. :. * ; .. ..Of _3tonr The'^Hbjeet proved ,to?bc an , OUR H. S &n.,SHOES aught other peoples greater than ~ addressing you wkh the view of,o.b-.interesting one and the story:of the anoe of a newsuit.' $3.00 and $13.60 -Per Pair -they knew .before, ; The7lto^ ^fx^ainki^ yoirfW^^umln,the.jfQi-^nts was well and wittily told. There-are few asgood greatness have fallen up'on us as a ­ M a " ,1Tfnn "c Qli 3>. T : and none better Q" niatiou and organization among the *The speaker "said the study of m at the game price".--.;: ;cloa'k fro"itlrc hand of God.-It has^-yolb>gep of oiir-St&eof^yhaimifebt -Wwrip in the future, so far as the Prices: "Ialll.'n:% ^ luive^iot^^:9Skjit;zilTrgpgr^e, called The Texas In-^^olo^nst-re-concernod, will have to for it. -, , " -• • «.1. .. « —— -' -­ tercollegiate Athletic Association'. 7 .t, —it. ,t—-7- .j j • evei Amerieaii, We can ^ rig shot, absorb the soaj). hubbies of many , ii'nd pole vault, making-111 all four-' have-other upon tJveir ba ages ond eonipress thein to un atom..^ tee.n events. First, second and thirdJt Jiite 'em." When we haWmoT vis-We can also instill such life into places would be contested ^fjr: in each ' ators than eonyenient>.we slwuld re- STUDENTS' CHOICE these watery atoms as shall astound event. First plape would coun< five.^ pnember .that the antfl have over the imagination of those bred in. a points, second place three ])oiiits^*.Cfourteen hundre" Z&ijsjsr, ce advantago of menioration thereof bv~the resident speak, since out of the back of its '^3^ V';> their freedoiu to a most disgraceful college. To the w* "neck seemingly-there grows a para-X -. 'BOARD OF DIREGTORSt-. ye. PHONE 73 extent. There-k a doggerel element in each event w^l be awarded an ap-.?itic plant. " — "Tho». D. WootenT t Scwtrw^i, of ihe State press, along with' a de-prppriate prize by the resident coW. These are but a few of the phe--Pauhf. Thornton, , A, P. WooWridft(' gcnerale element of the huiiian kin3, lege. For further mfor/matfon. as-^jiortiena show^, but the point made Jno. Bi L. Brqwiu._,;/-. wbn ciiiinot iittaiii the title of Texan, to en$ries(-iexpense8, etc., for thisrtljy the lecturer77and well demon-~ ^ ^ whit•h •i^eyfen^Fuiig^B'' underaf anagef ut_ »trated by the instances cited, was tiif ntl^lfJF*?^ nr Tilr rtpni TV th e dignity and blacken the purity-' feTTmversit^of-Texas. P t\rttTrtrrnr miy 1y,, f./ ^TIm.J l.iV ••• •••• ovcrnment. .In af-. . y-"IfoM-: in order to facilitate thtfv^-r<.HMnw4hfr. pnwpr but rpirlly jmw n AND THE STllDEN I S uFTliE most ovelry case these barkers are organization of sueh. an association, decided lack of it. UNIVERSITY St>lteiTF«h -rs; heard 'simply because in some in-we .recoTrnmend. that eWA college stan.ce„or. other they have been pro­form a track teain, wti'th iffanagerTl YATES' THE 'VARSITY BAND. hibited from the. plunder of the and captain ; that first annual meet -Public' Funds. At one time,-one pr be*held at the University, of T&xas • The prospects for the 'Varsity CORNER DRUG two disciples pf this strife'crept in 'jn Austin, Ma\* —, 1901 ;,i that to~­ band are as usiial very bright. Sev­aniong-the student body^pf the Uni--this nitet each college send as many eral new insfntmenta are soon to be versity of Texas, and ftlthongh they ' delegates as it can; and thait the cap- STORE purchased, and Manage? Schoch has . •*~e ,1theTJromen^^^econcei^Bt. •' •; • Our mannish walking boots for -—w&raea-JB3.AQ. cause they .have not rushed-ihto May.r 7 • ^10 ^ ^-70]0~C0N0R€S$-AVE. :those Wise -follies of other legisla^ "Let us urge y©u to. co-operate' h?0 JB^hroental seaeonjar- Our splendid" line, of up-to-date V* b*T*]ut r*o*lT«d « HIDEJEW 8T00I Or shoes for men .........$3,00 tures. .If they had done all of those , with us in the project ai)id; to send . .. .•ijpea in OAKPBEU11 ;Knox things which the ignorant have de-representatives to the first meet in ,li e. ,e CTOWM of FQI, AS0 8BAS8 "mz— l^ere ^ired them to do thev would deserve ^ May. Do not hang bacTcWaiise you the B Hall hrayea Bnd.the TiinUniiliiiii -In -Kisk-Tonnrdfl -: Grace Hall-angels pfomenading upHoward derbys, neit best . .$5:00. all of the disregard which inen~of" and down-the Fitzhugh peripitos, NlETStTAPE8, —more-wit than-gra^jnatter have aif-'-Thev are not to Be expected at the ^ c 1 _J. • 1 ranted ........$7.50to 25.00 tempted to cast u,pon4hem. As it is, first meet. We will~all~"dOrthe besfe^ h^hus sheddmg his la^ CHAMPIONSHIP grade millinery. < their detractors, like: noxious flow-that we can, and'in. time, perhaps; rays on a-beautiful ^pay«the ana&n­Man-Tailored Suits. ers, have been compelled to blossom orir" association will lead to the mak­ ——• th e band w i l l lighten the d u t i e s of ^$1.50 Shirts at 98c. andf stink alone on arid ground. ing of high records as a' sign of our 18 the atndents,"will cementthem closer Students' Headquarters s a Representative ofl Infvi BASE BALL SEASON s together, and will * msike riifrnone­ fp-for everything. _ r sity. of Texas, we are proud tb s^r1 not fail to send delegates on account 9beautiful moment of music, -i ; > Come on. that' this paper is the first ttat Kas of lack .of marked, ability in these ever represented all of the best in lines, r fjf pur propositions meet withr~ NOTICE: Cents Fair with all2 reverence to our Stater yoiir concurrence, and you find yonr7-— ?. W. MCFADDEN Legislature: we do not so^mnch college willing or desirous-of pro^_ JThe management of tbeHag^ine want the few dollara that ynn may moting lxack athletics in this way, 'desires to announce that subscrip- I Drnggi$t« give as we want the unqualified ap-letme know of your-Secision M so ceipt of th#Subject chosen. ISjSEKlix: publishedJin"; Tflg^ tj>e interest of th sail gren at the eiiu 01 the' "oftheTInlverBttv "Texasi,'ap^aring~' 1S* - . . „ ;evthe^debatie life r>classes,. ancL in the past... it has al-LEachTJsiversityshall selec ,iri what­\SCBSCKIPTJO^PUICK... ..$I.2?K^Eii-yBAR-f ways been looked upon by the peo-^ever mjannCr it pleases, b^O^epre-, "AMERICAN PLAN mstf: every Tuesday u'lorn • the £oIlege> year to the graduating . at least a -montl ..r, ­ :-^c sph pie of the State-as an occasion of • sentatives .from the student body is,, H -kpm>jf-i N'Cii i'F.F • fclfei Balls, Receptions and Jjfenquets I0C COLLARS „ (==-f ,....l., great splendor,; but of-still greater any department without limitations; IS TLILTZ.'IG.1.ANHAMR VJ" - • r . \-.true, democratic spirit^It Ys the liu^o one shall'be chbseri to repie-r— For"1 Spe BUSINESS MANA^hHS,. i\ «; . • v.-* «. -v * v . # , . . ' ­ M ONT F. H IGHLKY, II.L KE B ORDEN. Nrfimax of the year, ana an.^Ventan--either Uniyersity npt a . Box < , i . — whjGh every.student ought,,to take bjpna fide student mild candidatevfor B)eoj ored Ai.h STUDENTS »r° >»ap«nt.fiiiiy ingjtori • q pp^onal pTiHp and interest-Bill, nrir--f»haj.1._ftfiy person be 1 Stsni -BEST AT 25c a to hand in .contributions of a newsy in ordcMhat the ball may be a sue-eligible to appear in-any debate un-i. iiine. •12.5 nature. Leave articles in.the boxes in tbecorridor, or mall to Edltoi in1 ''cess the/fi^nciairtacking of .the til-he shall hate spent oxie^full a6a? Chief, Room 17. B. Hall. --student body\is ,an absolute nec&s-demic year at the. University which Driskill Steam Diuid W«l m-ir «0 8 All exchanges and correspondency : sity. It'is a students' affair for the he represents.-(This latter limita­F YOUR PATRONAGEI should be addressed to "THK TKXAN,;'.-.^1. and sMuld be heartilv 10^ .1812 Congress Avenue. -. stuaems, ana snoum oe nearmy tion shall not apply, to Freshmen ty*supported by-the students, whether who have not previously attended OUR WAGONS "WILL CALL i-Bt "The Dictators of /Ibflepate' Prices''^ Pint Entered at .the Austin postofflce as sec-thpy he dancing men or^ot. another collie or institution with 7L-EVERY HOUR,. > IS? We are informed thfft thesfinance authority to confer degrees.) ' ond class'mail matter. — — RING PHONE 444 HA committee will begin to canvass, the Each debater shall be allowed Le r Kto tbst LoctQ Editor^—Frank WeBt. ^ Student body for subscriptions soine' two speeches, one of seventeen min­» n#! Literary Editor—Jeeee Miller. Kno: /V* ] -~r'^ genj'or ciass-<-W. L. Prather. Jr. tiihe this week, and it is the sincere^ utes (17) indirect debate, the other • To the.. STII Alpi Juni&r-Class^s-MissJSLatia Small. _ wish of The Texan that the stu-ve (5) minutes in rebuttal. The . . ,, / Sophomore Class—John L> Sinclair. 'Bl« rid-, series " of Bpeeches—shall • be LllllVferSlty PdtTOriflCC i Freshman CIa«sr-No: Robertson, Senior Law^Ballinger Mills. its support. bv the affirmative; and shftll ;„..., -prte1 Jno. -Junior"Law—-AHjert Boggesft. ^tematexbetween the affirmatife ^ |tak» pleasure in announcf Athenaeum—1. T. Cope. _c and negatiVe' Bpeakers. ; The secondT • > Ing the^rival of a large and Rusk-—T. L. Massey. ^SshBel—MiBT Holliday THE STUDENTS' F0R11M. series ,(5 min^, series).shall be in : conif^ete line of Samples for Grace Hall Correspondence—Min Grft­ same ordeFas th^ r far as the present season, whicfr I chencnen Rocln.Kochs^ . ., There seems to -be a very serious EUROPEAN PLAN Gymqasium CorreaMndent—Joe Dibrell. , .i4---. _ . two sides 'of tthe are: con-have aow:on display ready • ~ r~"~ ^ ^ . __ ^ —objection to the,Freshmen, wearing. cenied-; hut either sicta may,, if, it. RESTAURANT ft LU CflRTE for. inspection. { guarantee ;.v , , ' M. ,„F' -VT the ."tJ.of T." insignia on their caps. : chooses, vary the order orbits speak-^ Vol. 1. Tuesday, Jan. 22, 01. No.14-, .. , •. ,v v t you perfect satisfaction as to 1 It woum appear to me -that such ?ers. .. The time of the si L0i 7A>.I05P.n. ­ • • ' T . ' . stringent regulations as shall be kept by a cdmmifctee fit, style and general work-wearing of the UfTivcretty name can save you With this/ number of The Texan- both I discontinue my. labors as a mem­once idle and ridiculous.. I: dec—though not necessarily ci money, investigate the suits Q. LPETERSON. Prop. they' i ber of its editorial staff, and resign not ^ why everything must be sac-.stuftents of ;the Univprsiti^ which I make to order f^r |" its many burdens to ijiore. efficient nficed to athletics in this institu--The contest sha $10.70 up, and trousers at Dr.Clx flrmttrottfl Bov$ ^ hands. My connection with the -tion, and think that a Freshmen is -decicled by thre^'udges^who sliair $^4>j5 up. gress rVv; ' : paper has been in all respects a "as much a part of the University as, '* ^ disinterestea persons, not con­ 8PKC1AU OR DIM IN Doi ^ pleasant one. T*he competent band -Foot Ball player^, and is npcted -yntfi either : institution, in A A GERJES Wedn CLOTHING of representative students who have entitieift • to the same privileges. tfnv relation, and chosen as follows: Bej No. 80* OONQS£SS AVENUE ai so nobly.(«ntributed to "its saecess That the "T" shoulcl be reserved. A^deast two Months before 'the 1610 Lavaca street " deserve more praiae than the stu-' Jore athletics is good and proper. It' contest, the University holding the K " his ( dent body or myself are able to Serves as a mark of athletic dis-^^^bat,e" shall submit a list o.f nine ESTABLISHES 1, griPP offer. They have willingly, co-oper­rtinction, and at the game time indi-x persons nominated as judges of the Ste ated in all efforts made to advance cates the name of the institution. dobaie, frota which number the vis-C.A.DAHUGH frcim the standard bf the pubheati ^T." iting university, shall, report back DEALER IN .should be prohibited to any of its within one week a list of six in the icy. They deserve all commenda-3" -^memberf, because the '*Ty is the .order of preference, the first thre6 tion the paper merits.' "the business->'jmark of athletic, distinction is^de-aroilable to be the judges of the CARPETS, BUGS AUSTIN management is thoroughly eompe-Thriving other men>hers of the Uni--^eontest. If-no thr^e of the six be JEWELRY AND LOAN tent, and its work' of patience, care,' versity of thei^ just rights. The available, nor six of the nine be dis-Br -6 . ....q.Klv/ and devotion to duty can scarcely junior caps nave the "U. of T." on interested persons, another list shall FURNISHING and them. Why not order this'renioved ? UUMrANY be over-estimated. . lie-prepared in like manner. :. forr: eobos E_ /JTh? Texan ^ been open to crit-l iThev are no more, entitled to the ^ i fshajl be b consultation of Tiivil^re than w^ and vet no le judges at the conclusion of the 1BTH AND L.AVAOA STREETS Satu **L0AliS SHilCTLY CONFIDENTIAL" J II raised against thenj. should be pardoned in consideration debate, and fli'e result of. iOie^\;ot ^flhim.r.1." o{ gf?gt-• dkttdvan^'^dBiii'.y.-: "l1. ftfilL-v-was-Pot put ther^^all-beMhouudsa Alt Mur of tirin-University v • ligations, except the expenses of +i»«the TELEPHOHE Ho. "40 Fc harty ijf'vour denunciation, of: prin-y • lismtimia, ^vi>ont t)ui.«*Tu>na« ciplps'Advocated or sentiments ex-' R—" A FRESHMAN. -visiting team. sel FIRST-CLASS WORK v pressed by the editors of your • col-V 1 —o-fori le ijlfa C. EKMAN the ] lege publications? Whentalse, they BWpT OF j AGREEMENT 1 i4oo Lavaca Strbbt J,A. JACKSON"1 ate largely attributable tb;.;a lack of . • * -^ SENIOR CLASS NOTES. ,fl FOR^TUTjANE-TEXAS financial and literary support from DEBATE BOOT AND SHOEMAKER conn Merin mass -It is hereby agreed by the under-rand gowns of the Senior Glass hiave IN ALL ITS BRANCHES m tl REPAIRING WATOHEB, 8ILT£BWABEI P--y-.. terprises. signed-authorized^^ gommitteej-Fepre--> pom^ ~^ile-it„doeCaeejh:aUittle --NEATLY nnwe ALL WORK ——GUARANTEED MUSICAL IBSTROMENT8, C",,mTTlG. HAT8-, ' M For the courtesies entended to me. senting the,. University of Texas . early to-%et .%m, at least there, is Bern BgOBSi fl last" ^ • AJOtUlsMOHr^TO. service. I am duly Hynt-^TuIjiiie^Universjly, of Ija., te-one-advantage,' vjg.,, the, class, ttffr GEEAT BARGAIH8 IH TJHBEDEEKED grateful. I have earnestly ,endeav-spgctively, that: Vhave its picturejtaken in thetti in LEDGES. the­ ored to -improve upon the woyk of .1. There shall be an annual joint. time to go in the "Cactus." ' • WATCHES JEWELEY SEPAIRED. last x my predecessors. I may"have failed -debate for at least three successive^ -At a meetiftg of the class on;laat V.V­ in my purpose, but if every editor .years, beginning with 190^ between ptFriday the following officers were st -j .Ji Fine Stationery and^ r, ontera upon his duties with thiR'' ^he University of Texas and Tu^: 'elected for the ensuing "term: Mr. ferii — -I -Engraving House. { spirit, our paper must become the lane XJniversitv of La:. d II. Lamar Grosby, president; Miss days u-y peer of any in the SontK " T regreL The debate shall be -held at.' Mabel Falvey, vice-president: Mr. 1121 Chestifiiife^treet • judgMerchant i that-my physical cdnSr^Slforces ni^ New Orleans in 1901 and 1903, and:' " S. H. WSrrell, sescretary; Carter"^ Philadelphia. m-dor to sever my relation with Thffi^^f^ystrn^n 1-902, and, if continued -Balton. treasurer. -; _ ;i t stud nliiiloiw.. Texan as its editor^in-chief and with" thereafter^shftll alternate between ik, Amclor wafT"nppQmf^_g TTnllnirn Tii .ritntinnn -WwdiUng TnvltttHoflg -tha.Univergity-as a student, I de^ the. two places, the date of lS'04 • eoimfiittee of one to distribute the Stationery --Reception Oords sire to" express my sincere thanks to be held at -AustifiT The Univer-" caps a owns .-•M Programmes • ;* And ilonograia7.' ;all .who have aided me in my sity of Texas shall have'charge of Sirei . Banquet Kennes -- york in both ca|anrfi-^;;.. and shaU bersul«mii:' All work i»exe)cute0 lnth« establisn­ment under the 'personal supervision prejudices And has named as his r ted to; the; other University at least ­ _x w-Dr^Jka, and only in the best. ---• -­ eve'jy * * ** CLOTHING DEPARTMENT: .IF­scWo'8'8 Bros. & C.o.'a Xallor- Macie> clothing For Men; ets special Sult.Sale= .11O22 ftl50,U£, BoxOvercoatB,.,...$10,$i8 -ambiieim Bay'® and.YoutfiVPSn-. 0% sS.lpecTal.tio orsd — . 75% standard Men'8 Worsted . •ndCas­ -iiBferegvfifl.^y style?-*1 ita .week noroor 412.50 an F Kleri's'PaiWfs Sale* 80 Stylebjien'a Casslittere Pants, .-'• fi tt goods __ '• ••••• M.SO. rtelj Men'8-Fine PahtB, f4 60 13,50 ju-Irh of Men's Fine Worsted; „ pinlB, $6 goods for ....:..%.T.„ 'Mr.00 Hat8-^ •' ,„ ug give you Hat prlceB, and remove that optical Illusion that fthat mrtt have iname. Our marvelous copies ffom the, gjjoi. Young Youman, andother makes. STIFFS U 00, $1.50, »2.00, »2.50 ^ine8a^d.Wr*fe»«:od; "Black, Brown, Grays, Castors, etc. 'We can open your .eyes with our preietit-Btoete-and prinfifl. ^ ljS"B7StBtsqn'jiIS Hat»V»nshapes$3.50 jc­ nd F. E.1WISTROT for Dor. 5thiai4^!i®WTRf' iI tee to LOCALS AND PERSONALS. •k» ou Pay ymrr subscriptions at Qnce^.. Its they are due. / ) rii­ [fr -Dr. Baxter, ._Deiitist;: 600 Con­ at ,Lj_r gress Avenue. —" i Don't forget Bob Taylor's lecture Wednesday -;—-— -? m ^egn-tniF I^taax ib abtg to regumc grippe. . x,: > Miss Logan Norvell, of Missouri,­V visiting her -sister. Mies fea/J N'or^JL -;,' . . " - i v _ Dr. EHis is away from Austin^ and will not meet his classes be- i fowiSa'turday. Tlie jsenior law class celebrated Saturday—the -equity "grades were Coke's I ItttidrufF Cure,f for sale at 'x. the El i t<;. barber -shop -^hi(l^(» T, S.rMiill'er,-of Dall}t8, one .of ^Varsity's fi^tVlaw professors, es •• was in'the city last week. ' Wny" of the students attended Miss. Searight's dance at %eef lia'3.1 Saturday night. For ihosc who shave themse use Lau rdLine; the latest preparation .fotX^vafter shaving. For sale aJt the Elite imrber sho|). J The jSeriior ®aps ^ad_gowns have come. " Seniors should-^tiirn out en masse alratl 'Varsity functions iield in the chapel henceforth.. —' ED•:.v •/­ ifiss liariTa Kritser, a meiaber-of last year's sophomore class, is-Visit- Core was srx to two in favorof the' /sec'ond side. Miss L. Norveil haviug . thjpMll (be goals for-side No. 2. ­As.; Miss wai, —j.i .. -.^JSntzeit was rather ex­ . ftausteft,-Mtss P; E. Norvell ente£edr ^gamejsj^defeiiderjpr^ae j-urDer' atj mnT>n^i.^.nK.^«1 tree ..ball into the air-; Miss Fiegel firnnrtr 'if' •. 7r —' _ . threw it to Miss Key, who inade a . ©>al. Later, a foul.on side No. 2 ^ave Miss-Kritser a free, throw for - gdar Amidst excitement, f Miss Kritser aimed coolly and gained the goal, leaving the score 6 to 6. " ' GYMNASIUM NOTES# ^ The contest .for tRe~ehampionship plage; in' thfe gyhmasium-. at 4 p. m. ^ ^tutday, ret,ulUiigTgr fullows: Russell, 4 feet 4 inches. PfSf lineties; ­inch.^^ ' sunning high.'jump will take, place in the gymnasium. R H. HaTp rajsed his recoVd jin the standife inmp frnjw 1li , fe6t 3^ inches to 10'feet 4^ inches; -.Great interest is being manifested-iii the approaching gymna^ffc con­test-for the Curtis8 cup. There are several strong candidates working" .. zealouslyacoiuuprv everycvei v day./ The~X ne contest. _ unv. COfltesr prornj^ iw wry int..Pnv,in., ttp.i * fES^^HT. close^lt it" gnppe. who will be the winner. Sterling-Fulmore, was absent thing0 depends who strives the _ on from classes last week on~account of ~ liardest. The gymiVasiuniworkis moredif- Xuii —Turnerr—She—paicLi.. Jf the nation ftri a-giftcd intor-pgeter.nL, the; '.Varsity several pleasant visits "r the love, laughter, and sunshine of »ist week. ~~ our Southland. He can sing & ad. Juoge Clarke, who fias been sui-" song, tefllP joke, and pictiir& the j.' ­ •wi|:h th^f'grippe for some '""p 0e tfy ana pathos of Dixie as no ttays,-is ^ble to be'otff. again.;-. "The-r^th^maS??^ old-time^ Southern Judge lias been jnissed by all eorri--~^rky lives again in his magic dor smokers, as well as the other^wordV; " Southern plantation life, ,s. i g wilu ,.in^: grippe--iot try arid " °n1" ' -. with its lights and shadows, is won-IBB —derfully interpreted by a man who ~ hab lived through if.all and who l^ogan Noryell, assistant possesses the sonl of. seer and-a or of ,the young ladies' gym-" heart of gold. n?sinni at Miigouri.StateXrniversi^y, ^over?or . ^ willi be intro-o'clock, (flftss ^and progressing rap-idlv. It is A good sign vrhen you see the hardest antli closest students regularly attending the physical cul­ rprrit in-athlettcs wide spread among thfe~Student8. Irregular practice for the -track ^M^has-begnn. ifcls-no uncommon . thingSee a numbitf of fellows out throwing the discus and putting the shot nowadays.. Regular practice will commence &t;an early date. In 4 order to «».«.have a„ good beginning all yw • aspirants are nr|gefi bv. tho captain and the coach' to make application at once, signi^ring for what" eyents they will try. . . .. -U. ,J\ o --"^ \ GOVERNOR BOB TAYLOR ON ^SENTIMENT.'* , i%ith us the famous ex-governor of Tennessee in a .new lecture:^ Gov— ernoT Taylor is -famoits"throughout Wednesday^ Janutfy 16, 4asl the" day-'for t)w^_electioii_Qf officers of­ ->-* *#. ....... Vl 1VA: the Liquor, Problem. 29. The "Smithsonian" Systemof Profit .Sharing. 1 7 Wholisile aai Rettlt Oulir It 30. The Judicial, Injunction and the;Bill of Rights. . : I.r . , ri 0SA6E ^ 31. The Awakening of ( McALESTER SCREI cbuk^Uv^je^H-eaidftni -Mice Eli™:-"— ­ ®etli Slm^^~-^ras^.jf^elec^ed to her duty-as secretary, while Misses Ma­rion Rather arid Iiha Hogg had --the. honors of /sergeants .at arms -j* ,r. thrust upon themr Miss Helen 1 Simkins was^ 6hose^.as ^preseAfe-tive to The T^xan, Misses Kochs and Gutzeit being preserved, on the Magazine board. Miss Annie Laurie ^Trippet was initiated j into-the / society, and Misstes Erin Cnine, Olatio Crane, Mr ;Aup,st,; Sucker wer« li|vil« -_comt"xmembers._ 1. TwaJieautifu! picturts were pre-^sentfid to th&. Ashbel by our dear friend, . Mrs. . James Clark, tb^. Saturday week the..contest ":in,';C mother ^f the Ashbel Society, The study for-this term being some of the world's greatest'mti-. • sicians, Beethoven was the subject for the nftomoon. Miaa-JpnntM^ : Borroum gave a very interesting sketch"of hiB life.MisR Grace Prather treated the anecdotal side of His genius, and Miss Ima Hogg and Marion Rather delightied all by the lcixucrjut uirendering of s^me of his beautiful eompoBitiona i. \ XT0. ORATORY STUDENTS. . For the benefit of students in-tending=to enter tfe preliminary for fieult, and accordingly more inter-.T^eHtiWstdtMoA' Du Bois amtests esting than it was before^ thie hol&^ .in/'oraloryr iProfe8^ Shurter has ­days-There appears 4o-be no di-. posted' a list of inggested subjects-/ JUST FOR INSTANCE. minution 'in-4he attendance aim4n^ " ' F>r orations: The list is "intended­terest. On the contrary qui|e a nunr-^--tplbe suggestive merely. In manyTl.j met a queenly little maid * ber are avail ing themselves-of the 5 , easfe&,, the 'subjects given\ below^-. -. Just for instance. — should be re8tated;to indicate aAim--1A little game of love we played ited and defimte theme> and in iU~ Just for instance.­ cases ran®°ftols for University of Texas Stands" 2. The University of Texas as a' •.People's llniversityr " :• ' I'3' H|gber;„ Education . axj d the Stafp Univer^ty.. , ; : f . J^reedoin of. TKonght-and of Speech in Americjan' l/nivemMes7 x 5. Prof. Edward A. Ross and Freedom of Thought. 6. Weak Placer cational Methods. 7. The Scholar in a Republic. 8. CoIIege.,Politics and-Prepara­tion for Citizenship 9. American Diplomacy and the Situation in China. . , 30. 'The Gro#th.„of the Sense of Nationality in People," . 11.. England's Foreign Policy.; Gladstone and 'Chamberlain. 12. .What Social Classes 0we iq Each~15tKer.—' < .v i;.~ 13. Expansion in' Its Relation to -the Commerce of the. South. t -34. The-Nicaragua Canal ^ 1The,Hay-Pduncefote Treaty. -iIf 16. Booker T. Washington's So­ (LUMP 35. M^t^riaysip vs. Spirituality . Y 36. America-and' £he,Ewt.'|soma' £fte phase ofJ -• ­ 37. Axnierican Diplomacy anid the. ANTHRACITE -Chinese Situation. mm-*. _ 38._The Partitioning^ China, ^ 39, Thp Coastitntjon -and, the ; \ Flag. r ' t5r-40; Briton andJBoer. ­||41. The New Woman." ?s&v 4g_ The Twentieth Century Man. 43. American. Heroes and Hero* tj " Jr. . 45. Demwr^cyT7^^^­46." The. Puritan-and'the Cava­ ^ 47. Militarism. " • ^ 48 The New Aristocracy. ' 49. The JReorgamzati^n of thp Democratic-Party. ; _ j ~ 50> AnciontLandmarksiandTwen tieth Cfentury Statesmanship [ ' . NOTICE. ; ' "( The financeqommitteeof thefinal ball will have its first meeting Thursday afternoon in the history "Tttom =at 3 o'clock. It is earnestly desired that every member be prefc pot, as the meeting will be a yery important one. . •, -/ 1 GJEO. A. ROBKBTSOKT^ r~ • instance. Tve got a little caa> „t i,nr r J^BMT j mej; a ia^v sweeter fsar Just for instance. "And so m\ liftle eMtwhile bea^>v" 7, Has b'r^nyht rile into court, you" ; "" Icnow^ --' --'—... • To gain a little spending "dough*' Just for instance. . : • .Find the moral if you can 1 j­ lution of the ^egro Problem. " m ^ 17. The Fifteenth Amendment. ; Ten in number;" would be quite 18. The Restriction of Suffrage an additiOg-fes Fituyersitj, aid in the Southern States. . r j 1 19.-Criininai, Procoduro' and-like• at Vanderbiit, wonid be in Lynch Law. — -——— 1 ' keeping-with advanced institutions ™" 20. American Institutions; 1776f .We call how visit a store fliat wilier Just for instance. a diecard my foolish plan f ^ Jusi for instance. :ButTo one confide^youriieart; not several maids a part—»• T Wound it with a single c|art Just for instance, j T„... ^ --—~o- THE NKW Professor Buildings on theft' : Campus. AND NUT OFFICE AND. BINS, ONLLLOCK WEST OF -UNION DEPOT ­ -TELEPHONE No. 246 M.ZILKER •~yj; -. .. H**p*uanT«N» »«iI'"7 "^ Profanorc aMl UalvarsHy 5ta4«itt. a »PCOl»lt» of lmporSd an OlMfc Hav*n^«f»ni; • t Also carries the Bnest Um of Smoltbi. Article* in the South, such u Meor- Mhautt MliSTEM, Prtp. n^n*S29^.: . t 603Cm^T«MA«•, "J,C. DOYLK, fr^i TEACHEW 2906 Pearl St., waintu two more «tadent« IN SHORTHAND. -LOW nATBft- Seoom* aSandow. By a»)n> Uh» fa­ ' moM •AN0OW SpHncLatest PatentGrip Sill DUMB BMLLB They are BandoWs latanU^n. Mrf toniin of a dnmh-bell ln two halves, connacted br avrlns*.. than_ atrenetn. lE Kddttton to -tha^uSM 4«mb. bell aii'a. Yo^ha',>r,|t,»0 .Man'a, •* |t.H mpltota In boa with chartof ezeroiaes. and WUtM>r. Myorta Oataidtftie rrae on Appiioatton A. Q.Spaulding <(lneoirj»brata4)T. mj. Vort Chicafo ©•over MlSfe A. ... THE OLD ..... ™ aDd Laura Krjtser, who worked in"" duced by Siiea Governor -9nd 1900. / -supply m with Crockery of all kinds,* Statesmanship, of the "ur gymiiasiuni-inafc ypnr, ^^^rTrtT^-^Ra-ve^m^Goveiiior Hogg.. Jndge Rea — beautiful dinner sets and'toilet sets, .tertained -hy some of^he young Ja^;•-f.gan, Governor B-rownittg, andJotHer _ . s. —_ r j 'li-L of rthe. gymnasium^ Saturday ^prominent men have been invited to. v J* * £*ie Defense of the AlamS. l ^ . .. , ^ ' x at fho A *U % an interesting and ex-~occupy seats on. the platform, and The Function of the Agita^ Quick Mesl.Steel Ranges, accepted' L LJ 1 <008 CONGRESS AVE ~--• ' -•" -• —-'tor. ---as]the best Range made and for'­ o>ting game oT hafflr^t^nl,1~tn^vhit>h=^htf^O&casion yill_ attract a large t j r~ ? ^ujimuv *n*. Wgitorsjpa^ti^a^r ? 'J number of the members" of both r •»4.-»am-gouston {TrtmftTji?,usk,—prices the voiyjoogst^--mm :^^llowingyounglAdigsplaved:;-'Houses, Resides , e „.]K 1 ' » .VT^ ' ?BANQ gd, otir Tirer ^RPi flowijS^ynii'n|y l^ilioa plaved •*—Houses, besides the elite of Austin. , mu r a m .V'^V'" BANG go-onr . Fireworks, «id.' ' Oartaa daVlalte; ^fin^p-adtils: No. 1— ' 'i'he^Tma piopoaoo that fhf fifii-— 25. The Influence of Pericles [or l&rltaticma. jron^can get your gnpplv here, and orWiUliflin Tits^-ffid)^, "pitoWrsfhfcde^Hifend^n-inasse ^ite onr/ of Hismar^k, Liuwlni gtyllah Up-T»-P»u v r T> -1 ^11 1 tnuwtji „ leard'of late of the young _ ^rGw a$ shrnas know them as they are, and to lead ladies' glee club which Prof. Lnd-—Truly-she-will^becqime' great, which assenger rvicewig'undertook to train. We hear s6~rt FROM AUSTIN reer. In some of our large,North-— practice?; -— : ber with a liberal dash, of cold . •. • _ ;• • • • WORTH, LOS ANGELES AND Lands Pagaenceirm at »b«T« Cltiea. at a oonvea T__ ern universities," itis' said, very often Nor dsan the effect upon the well -water and inform them that 'Varsity ' lent iraur In s»w jrnAWCtaco.. those with' jwhonr,a stiident of sev­ looks to them to lead. tTie colle^di.fe. ; being -of thp college• be, measured. JOB. B. MOBKOir. • w: B. P. HCGHE8, TnT. PUMBgu'jlgMit, ft. *dSfH, IB. eral yearst attfndanceJfaaa barely a. The psychology Last veaf there were members of the-^ ~'r A T. A., of crowds has af­ l.; 8. THOBNB, S, P. TUBKKB, ; speakinga|qualnfarice are rfutneri-' . afforded quite ah interesting study graduating t-lass. inthe acadpnue de-. -— -• •""" Hw-fr»'»ipd fflin'i Htugir, 0«'1Pu»«b4 TioJutip. cally very 'siftall'j while the refll " fn thrtiA "in ,l»»rtrtpnt: who hardly knew one an- to tho^o. interested in the social ' DALLA8. TEX. ' •' friendships which he has formed, other on the street. What"sort of a KtealsOnly 50c. it Oyr OwiiHotils sciences' during recent years.. Many may ^^ijiif^onhikMngers' tips. college spirit can: you. build up uii­ " things have been . learned, but The tendency is for the students to perhaps chief among thenTlTtH^ ^ ^^ition^Surelr no separate j^iemselves .into small fact that, the greater the assem-expect much of ail . to": cliques, usually centered around the hlage, the greater its susccpti-^ orfn"5at^n. 80 ld0^' b^,n'1 ffaternify. fclub, literary sdciety, or hili+w to the eifibtions of the hour. Sen,oW' ' men to action wlien they are gath-'; ALBANY, NE W YORK. i»g, warping, and twiating the no-; . ered together in twos and threes. Po-sejyes the question, Wliere are we? Cial Hfe^«f the eoHege. litioal leaders.4re well avvare of this bv „,. lctlia'rgy ? . \\ hy this ;hence they rcsort to the mass-. apathy f •. fe.-this-.whi^fe'e^-arfe-hews^ • Infernatioiial Bureau of Acndeniic i ostutiie laiisjifion theJilCoj^^theindividilwJil^^tiri^lME^ torchlight in coll^6°lssiid"xnit of it, can not be BiQn te jSajre the fequisite enthii-' |ind aim of •f)Ul^ eoIIege eyiKtenee.. of Caps and GowAs for University of Texas,: estimated; neither can it be, said to . sia^m an^-fe influence the wavering $uyely thiFts not what, the people of : Yale, Princeton, Harvai^ Cbmell, Bryn Mawr, Smith," what extent it impairs the useful-,, -vbteri' If yrc wouhj secure a satis-,^pxa? expect of Us.' .4 ^ ' Wellesley, Vander6ilt, Sewanee, Totat>e, ness of the college and prevents its^"factory auionnt of eoft(5ge: spirit, if Truly we inav be said »i> li<> .di-;: material development. The friend-yp'we would have a respectable:amqunt^ vi'ded into two general vliL^e*, tlie . . _ Chicago, Leland Stanford, Geprgfetowh.^ . j* j* 'Jt:' Ships ofourschool days are said to -of enthusiasm, Tt;4s^ecesSaryoc-" onea gang of sports, coinparalively strongest.wrmake; ajid when: casiolnally to assemble our studeh^ . small, and oi little real luoment, are strengthgned !by cqllege_^; togefher. This canliotbe done if v thera -gang of ^'eve wecan interestyou in the ^ manner wm-^-wfio ^g^at'thgiroliliiBs- GOLF GOODS, POCKET CUTLERY dictiite a mde .circle of such-plained ofv ISuc^to '^fTionrWi drift, whereashe RAZORS and •««« F to fallinto the habit ofliving within. triotismjand to prevent endowment ; ' will. Thes^ lastX'onipoge the reaL r ___—•—--•> — . , • the confined social limits of which thev"fail to secure-new^udenfe as student body,, for thexfirst .are a,so c®r|,y best makes ia shot gunis and rifles. Bicycles, rans and 1 • . . « • 1 i % * « . • % -<• < 1 1 1' \ 1' • "'1 -N! /» • ' ** " • •' • • --. . tfifllS .•ill*. anil 13«> mk>A» U1 . -Agent for Pierce and Rambter bicycles, 1-have just spoken the habit thus -rapidly as mi^ht be, Qr^tJfnrtV strong. v_ ..formed will materially affect ow^vent. the hest development, of college ^ I wish^ask. is'wh^t We "tfbfroin Q.C.BENQENER& BRO., 51(1 Congress well being socially,' morally and" influence. : text books the: end and aim of ot«r.. financially. ... -; Apropos of there fact^ college au-existence? A nxajority-seemseetu to Success in social life may~be said~^ihorities^threughbut the world are think. s6;1)»t is the majority always WItiMOTr President WAfA'EB TIPS. J st Vice Pft^ t Tf--a Til LM Attn Ca^hi£j: largely depend upon "the ability of devotingmtich-attentiontothestudyi. right? Tlibso whorn'I have called, the, individual to make himself of social influence in their jrinstitiv-polers are piw best students. ?Var­agreeable to every one, to be at per­tions-with a view to 'doing; ^fichJfoy t.hem§ biif fect -•• ease • with everv y one, and to be what are. the^^nlg 'for' .'TaM ] ' • What the outcome will be remains :*'.s able to impart to othersxthe joy .to be seem But it the For one thing they sjtay at home1 we feel in our own hearts, or at writer that whatever th^ result of. 'and nevet give tbe world an-oppor---;. U. S. GOVERNMENT DEPOSITARY least^jnot to dampen the enthusiasm -the study, the remedy wilLhave to. tunity to^judge ?Varsitv by them; of our assooiatpar by an apparent "be 'applied, by-the students-them-Capita.! and Surplus, $250,000.00 indifference to present, surround­"Selve8. No amount of work or legis-" protest or an effort at' control they issets, ove Deposits, over $1,000,000 00 ings. The8e..qualitie8 are "• lation by/eollege authorities ^ill^ fe and 'VarSity-ije-judg->­|5=5?" absolute gift; they can he acquired >-avail unlesfe the. students can be ed" by the other crowd, the. least We^specially solicit the business of the Professors only by experience, more'or less^made to see the"error of their way, • wrthy-«nd^uBdesiFable~3-^eF-eentt cir.cle of friends and turn their footsteps mto rights of the entire enrollment. For an-v cT .andlsiuirehFsof ieuhivcfniyT" emall. although they may be -ful and proper paths., ;I± isi'^a flt subp.othe^, they apparently are devoid of many valuable traits, • -ject for -student con,tirc^ tod nbth-gratitude to "^"^rsitT for^what-she x-«.i» • it .1..^ •U^T-a^r"'Vj5r ,--7cr?-y • we can not expect to "shine" in the ;ing short of gtudent eiSrprisel caB.. has^done for j them. Much more aociaLworld outside>^Besidfi^L iflie avail. might ,be said; btft it'seems to me friends we form here wheh we pass' Now; let us apply the light" o: 11 x-rr-r:;-..; out into the ieal world will be ese obterra^dtisstb:the^niverdj^M^ .Students! Don't asK what is the to open the door for us into many of ^Texas, Let us place .ourselves -matter with 'Varsity. " Ask your­ ——N J would otherwise be places we un-~ in the^erncible ..and 'sSe if we can ; selves what is the "matter with-yott:— able to enter. — Slaud Uie-teBt 5-je''our SVinll tbic g+q>nfvf tW^crH pnnHnnp—­ J?OTC^T5VX?: "XDViWaVeTi SovAVvem K^.xvaqeT;-J-Th(e^ result upon.our_ moral, na^£; Selves by prop'erst [ardS' and see nay,-shall -it-get worse -for it has " tures may be seen in ar narrow, un-1 if.we a^e fit for measfirfe been-growing worar all of these f^mpathetic disposition manifested. -: Since the -close of..-the football years ?. Rouse yourselves to action! (ioVVe^e &xv^ra\)giTs "PutvUrfe. in regard to those beyond the pal? . season" not a yell'has been heard now ! Do your duty of our n friendships. He who has' upon the colfege campus.. With the. Do youtduty now! Let the student 'DV'pVomaa. 3^twol&V&, ­ l'iw'i ^ * _1# *± . our athletic council m&vtenjent have your help, Cards, m nently ont of tonoh with the great ^othusiasm seems to have wasted -liewveyour claa^jwganizatiqnBTpnir : _ pulsating heart throb of humanityx Jiway.. like autumn's-.withered forest ?ome Ufe'into it, and hkve some fun _ . Ifiniai-geTy, if not^togethplr/deprived—leave.-We^ao^affiai^'t ennnph. as vo« cm »W r>nT,'t.i0t Final ' of hls nsdEuln^g. .If, therefore, we ' together at a mas^meeting to fill the Ball, a& heretofore, grow less and a..* deaire to meaaure enr lives hv the, ^requisite official" positions thereof. , less a student affair, and more and frWfefcttBM af riftfitifl wp. mnat rtrttT Dr. rwiick fnil.1^full «r bna Wn m^rp n ntnte iiffn'ir y^i,-«,n ­ PALACE fw* tyifc that honarrow viewB have mad^ deavoring to train a creditable glee sistance to all worthy student enters ^t&o^T^¥pWlofoUi Mlui-es. itm elub,^u^th^^iLake best voicea^lprig^-ig^Bhort, pat your shoulder BOgOffiJBUILDINGj» "the thihg alone. you do,­ , «ndh*tea of themasses among