SOL DAVIS Dealer in -Imported and Domestic CIGARS AND TOBACCOS Billiard and Pool Earlor Open All the Drugs and JNf fsSm Time. ­Congress Avenue. , . *.-_'5 'Phone 3985 Stationery Full Line' of' Stationer* Periodical-; —\ / r—*— V "* Books and*News. Published unier the auspices of Ihe Students* Association of the Driivereity oMexas TWO STORES 1612 Lavaca and cor. Guad. 23rd* , A Weekly Newspaper. v., AUSTIN; TEXAS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1904. $$V Volurtle 4, Number 18 THE BIBLE CHAIR ~ BASEBALL OUTLOOK v -MOVEMENT THE NEW -THINGS "THE FIT, THAT'S IT' PROSPECTS ARE BRIGHTER THAN We Want to Talk EVER BEFORE IN THE HIS-. -TORY OF THE UNIVERSITY­ THE 1 ADVANTAGES TO BE DE­ FOR SPRING RIVED FROM SUCH AN c ORGANIZATION HERE. Spring Suits WILL HAVE A WtHNING TEAM Are coming, in daily, not in to you. We know ITS RELATION TO . ' small lots but in * great big we csln save , you $5 to $15 per suit Base ball prospects in the University f-7 shipments. No Matter what over. yonrr"Ylnnal' T«E UNIVERSITY tailor's price and give you -Tailor . ..Made,, sui'tp. .'lit-: are this season. /Practice bejran Thus-tie, . if any, more , It seems that the real purpose of the day, and about ;w)rty men are now seen irtg-~inBide~this-store^and than . "haha:me­downs" cost. The Bible Chair movement is not wry clearly .every aftenioon'jput' on the *diamond new 'spring suit­ • we want you to: come in and ings are very ele\ ' understood, bv the faculty and the' s-tu-tring "to make good." In that bunch -*_ * ' y gartt and comprise -dents. A Texan reporter called on there is lots of good materia^ too, and look over the new things. Serges, unfinished Worsteds, Home--Dr. I'ayne la^t week in Orders that thfe Cciaeh llutVhinson is fast rotmding it into spuns, Cassimeres and Woolen Crash. benefits of such a movement might -be shape. Suits, $12.50,! $15, better explained to those interested in The work at present is light, of course, $18, *$20 and up. consisting miiinly in the limbering' up of $7 and $8. Every Trousersi $4, $5, |6, -the liioveriient, Mid in the University. BLACK SUITS As yet_ijj>tliiiig definite can be sfa ted as throwing arms" ajrnl tiiiining in the field. garment ., "guaran­ Among the first, new tilings to react) us teed a perfect fit, to the outcome of the inurement, but in ( lass tea111 h ha v organized, the follow-or no sale. reference U); its purpose. ])r, I'ayne iitc the now spring stylos of Black Suits ing men being elected capUiinii of their stated the following: from the famous wholesale tailor shops of respective team Bob 'Edwarjls; Fresh-' • "The Bible (.'hair movement-was in-, "the •Stein-Bloch Company, New York, and the Fechheimer-Fishel men; ('ranir. Sop iohioie;-WeIlef, Junior; animated tn meet the-moral and religious (,oin])aliy. New Xork, recognizee! aOIie hest .inakors.of men's fine needs of tiie students of State 'universi­Thrasher, Setii&fi..I As soon as possible 'clothing in tiie world. Wright 6 ties,. It proceeds upon tin' assumption the class ganujl 'Will lie pulled eff^ and PRICKS $U\.TO, $15, $20, UP TO $30. that man has0a religious, i)aturc to" lie, the best jltewrsj jlevelo]H'd in these panics developed and cultured; it believes that will be chosen ' Jo represent '\"ar.-*ity in Robinson any jjjstem of education, however well NEW HATS 5 -MANHATTAN SHIRTS the first--gtinie,]which is-with St. K-day. the a exhibition of all these splendid wonderful Spring Style* of way, is essentially deficient if. it ignores day of all daysj to play the. first' ganiCi that's good in Hat .making. They, Shirts. The new designs and ( ,'f . «• "i---are entirely different from the colors are exoeedingly attractive thereligious life and its needs. •Every' player oi-'^at day,-, it is sug­lines shown by ordinary stores. and exclusive. "Those who are interested in starting gested, -ought t( wear a large ft tjniie fining ttv 'I hp inter-class truck meet .will take effort to train men for the ministry, or tardiness Qf^thjL mflfljigers ot one or twi) j In i I,, », [ "• 1 ....... ..l,.v • H f equip .them for t heological profefcor­ .fauims-in nimw^g letters. Hx,weve ships." It does riot pretend to givfela stu reprcseiit Texas in tiie Soiitiiorn Inter- ievery,tilingwill be arranged in. a day or dent the religious training lie could re­ 'two, and then the list of ganie.s-Vvill lie' eolIegiatc..and other meets will not be ceive if he were in a denominational published. .. chosen, until afUJr the class, meet, so or private school in some institution Games have been arratiged \Vitii ,St.' this is also the try-out for the 'Varsity. where the effort is largely to'care for the Edwards, the Duniniies; Georgetown." A. We have all heard the story of-how spiritual life, It does aim, however, to & M. College, Add_Biin, Biiylor, San some of the liest athletes haveKenf bl,it,!H0y,e; iBan-sem<>-knowleago-ofthe Antortio txmjrut!, .University of Alabama Book which, more than any other, has .and University of Arkansas. Negotia­contributed to our present civilization. discovered and developed. ^ A repetition, tions are pending nirw with Tulane, St. however, will encourage new men who In offering its w'ork it plans to meet the NEW SPRING HATS Louis Nationals, who -are training at' are somewhat timid about coming out convenience Of the busy student, by an- Houston^ and either the Beaumont 'or for the team when tliey realh* have nouncing hours that will not conflict Houston league be teams will brought » Yes, Sir, It's tlme Blossom. The with the. University .curriculum, by ar­ -alulitv Must, of our former athletes .here for two»or three games. Hat* you'd like to wear are here ranging to meet groups in their hall or waiting for you. We've planned "were awkward and clumsy when they Although it is. too carlj* to •comment for you with the swellest arrayiii some private home or in the fraternity first wont their final success upon tiie'individual players, it i» safe to of Hat* you ever laid eye* on. out. and • houses. . say that the man who makes 'Varsity's was duo to perseverance and coaching. •"It offers work either .as lecture or base ball team this v'car.will have to be STETSON HATS Undw tlio direction of a good coach, study courses. TiT the lecture courses an all-round ball -player, aind a fast one a man may become a member of . the Here in all the oorreot shape* anyone who possesses nerve and perse­at that. ' • group ami devote simply the hoiiV" of and colors. Blaok, brown .and verance can do a great deal. Some of "WH. So" Hats, Wi WJ50, «S, |« the lecture to the work. If he should and $6.50. Black and brown. Der­ 1-• the fastest sprinters were at first so desire to spend more ame he ,may take THE KILTIES ABE COMING! bies, $4. VJCTOR JAY A CO.'S London "elmiifegly anyone .entertained a study course :and 'sfSWnd such time as styles.-The nfcbbiest of nobby. liope of tlu^ir and-! Vis leVsUfe afi perform aa if this were a The best theology—a. pure, and bencfl­ cent life, • tU^y. made the H1*!^V(?r!A* _. icgiilar tnivcrsity' study; .This Work is IMPERIAL $3 HATS -T-lie best -philosopUy^-a.... contented The same has been done in the, field offeredrwftliout charge to the students, mind. , ' The Hat* that *et the fashion, events—the jumps, hammer -and discus cither young men or young women: No sold exolu«iyjIy by ua, shown in throw* shot put and pole vault. Hun­credits arc asked from the. University all the proyaijing oolQr*, bl*ck, The best law—the golden rule. The best education—self-knowledge; pearl and brown. dreds of jnen haVe begun in this way, for this work. The granting of such, The best statesmanship—self-govern­ and hundreds more witli grit and perse credits. would practically recognize this ment. verance will begin successful careers in movement as part of the regular Uni­ The best "war—to war ngairist one's exactly this same \wy. • Cgn't our new versity'work. This would ibe contrary. . weakness ... men -of thisyear. do the same? —An ^ I is jthe-time to begin,-when vx-lass spirit and Statf ^n_Aincrica, and even though telnnerAIltp . ­an(t^t-he-4;oiior of old 'VarsHy is calling jio objections were made to it. it would U%e-bcst-music—Ihe laughter of an Sms."~ Now is the time to begin, when the be open to objections on the part of any innocent child. ^.CORRECT WEARABLES FOR BOYS;candidates foj^the class teams are get­who. might be so minded. The only rela­ The test art—painting a smile upon ting ready to train. And remember that,, tion, that it lias to the XJniversity, there­ the brow of childhood. 1' . the 'Varsity track team will not be fore, is that the ones to whom it appeals The best sciences-extracting sunshine . picked until after the class meet. are students of the University, The froim a cloudy wity. There are just as many ^ood men only thing it asks of the University is The beat. jnurnaiiHm—printing tiie true among us rtow as there were In former such afcourteous recognition qf the value aJul beautiful only on memory's tablet. years, men "with grit and perseverance. Of' any such work as would enable the The best telegraphing—flashing a ray These two quajities are the chief requi­work to be conducted with the Approval of sunshine into a gjooiny heart. sites; ease, skill and speed will come of the University upon its purpose. . Cottrell & Leonard The best biography—the life which later. If'you don't believe it,..come out "Courses are .offered in. the Life of writes charity in the largest letters. PERCY DUP. WHITAKER, Southern Mana'ger. to practice and see. You don't know Christ, lit the Book of Acts,. Paul's-Let­ • The best Mathematics—tfiat which what you can do until you try. A good ters, General Epistles,?in the teachings doubles the most jpys.'and divides the 1 coach, ct^n do wonders for you. v • of Jesus,-parables .and miracles in'Old INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF ACADEMIC COSTUMES most 'sorrows. • Practice is at 5 o'clock"each, afternoo^ 'Testament'history» ,';.v The best navigation—steering clear of Suits arid shoes will be* furnished Makers of t the lacerating rocks of personal conten-* promising candidates. . The men wfid THE KILT^S ABE COMING! tion. . • . . won. a T last year will not be allowed -CAPS AND GOWNS The best diplomacy—effe9ting a triatyto compete in the;class meet. Come out, For University of Texas, Yale. Prinoeton, Harvard, Cor 'rThe University of Columbia students of ^eace with one's, own coriscienee. fellows, and win the • championship for Mawr, Wellesly, Vanderfcrilt, Sewanee, Tulane;-University have this year twice -tried and failed to • The best^ engineering—building a Ltland Stanford, Georgetown and Smith. your class, and make a place on the organize a band. bridge of faith i™ nl of the University of Texas. matcrial to The Texan staff^-trhat. he "p --..•"-••• thinks-of theii), Hii remark about all' •-» Subscription price," per yeai;,:....$1.25 gsto>% the 'blockheads' in the University being /j, ^fllngle copy .v.;........,....V.-..'..6c on The Texan staff was unnecessary, uncalled, for, hnd we fcel now that he the has elearly proven Unit it was untrue. oiiil-matter. Texas, as secoid-olusB mail Alexander Pope .EdJtor-In-Chlef THE KILTIES ABE COMING!­ , . Lewis Johnson.......Exehiuige Editor Mlsa Virginia . Rice...Society Editress • ••/ '• *J1 ASSOCIATE EDITORS. ; r--* AN ANNOUNCEMENT. Edward Crane, I. J. Curt&lnger, W, O. Shaw. D. A. Frank.,. • And now pleasure we take great in Business Managers—(J. S. Wright .making an .announcement. The presentand J. M. Newsom. • ^editoriaI—and reoortorial staff of The. Texan is soon to have a rest. are. WHITHER ARK WE DRIFTING. wbrn out, We are exhausted. Our pens are old and rusty, there is little ink in . "Ono Thomas jelfersbii Hocker, of the the bottle and our thinking apparatus Campbcllite'persuasion, erstwhile, peda­needs oiling. We realize that 'the stu­gogue, private, at Coleman and Lampa­dent body at large realizes the foregoing sas, Texas, anfl a so-called man, about facts, and in view of all this we hav.e • 60 years of age, now Jjook peddler, says decided to' make a .change and at the . that tho University of Texas, is a moral same time give them a-rest. We-can -.-enervator, and lias a-..'tendency, instead plainly see that students are being al­of. infusing her pupila_witk that WIUCIL lowed more liberty in the library;—we ennobles and elevates.'to liinki; of tlieni have been told that the newspaper rack moral degenerates, and,, that he 'toils will be returned; the work on the them throughout the State engaged in campus:Jias stopped; the co-op is pick­__ striving to tear,down those.things which ing up mighty fast,, and before long we do build up morality, and are for the hope there will be a railing there and'a ; welfai'o of .the commonwealth. little window through which to deliver "The said gentleman is li bnld-lieaded mail;,some night soon that light will bt brother, whose head fits a No. 0 hatband put out, and lastly, the male contingent lie stands about five feet and six inch of the Freshqian class, is quieting"dowii. and is a very monotonous and an ini We just wanted to mention these few . saut talker." facts in order'that some grumblers can The above is. a clipping which Tlie gef on cussing us because we kick.oc- TlL Texan received from a University alum casionally. nus of Comanche, Texas. It refers to But that's neither here nor there, so a statement made by Mr. Thomas Jef­we will more about it. -The an­ferson Hooker, at present engaged in nouncement that we wish to .make is the sale of books. The clmmeter of the this; .The next Texan will be edited by literature which ' the gentleman "with the co-eds. The staff will be composed' such ft distiliRiiiHlH'd misnomer has for entirely ol girls. .There will girl salo, is not known, but no great stretch editor-in-chief, girl associate editors ana of the imagination is required to arrive girl business, managers. # at^an accurate guess as to the same. Now,' we have told these young ladies Since Hocker is an-old-codger of some that they can write anything they (50 yenrs, he is too old to niend his ways. please will be. printed; that they, What a pitiful spectacle! An old man can roast whoever and whatever they trying to make a living 'and with such wish to and it, will go in. So all you distorted and erroneous ideas of what's fellows who are the least bit afraid what. Old man, we do pity you, indeed, had better make engagements for the you poor, old run-down, ckshiered. school nrtrt show, have a talk with the livery teacher. Talk •'$£" incessantly. Educa­stable, man, and swell' the profits of tion, from.your point of view, must be Messrs. Huyler, Nunnally, Lowney, Spar a failure, Yo^ir mtperlewe-ja.-a witness toy, etc.. ctal-SeieiK*«^-W,-Room-r^r Friday, March.-18, 9 a. m. (T. T. S. a). 4 Botany,5, 'Room 99. s-• German. A,, II, Room 44, . ' ­ "Toifel1Scieiice^%3om™7^I """""" Zm>logj-4, Room 87. History 0. Room 71. " Political Science 18, Room 70; Friday March 18, 2 p. m. (M. W. F. a). ... Botany 3-Room fll . Geology 4, Room 82. German A, III, Rooiu 44. Greek A, 'Room 99. Spanish' 4. Room 70 Saturday, March 19, 9 a. m. (T, T.S. 3). Greek 6, Room 99: ' Latin 6,. Room 87. Political Science 2, Rootfi 74. -­Saturday, March 19, a p. a.(M. W. F.3). Geology 3,' Room 82. • Political Science 5, Room 74. Spanish 3, I, Room 71. H. Y. BENEDICT, Schedule Committee. jjgjiag FLORODORA The New YorkJCast-Friday Night.­ "Florodora," bnmfuh ot eatehy music, ele>er. eomed^.and with the "greatest collection of pretty girls that has ever beep employed in aify play of the period, will be here Friday night, and there is c«wse«|ue.ntly an Interest manifest in its coming that is just as acute as When' it first visited this .section and turned an otherwise staid community into a huge Utiul t»f whiatlKi^ by-the hannting mi*i­0 company, and we will see tor the first tufie Isadore' Rush as Lady Holyrood, R. E. Graham as Cyrus Gilfain. Philip H-Rylev as Tweedle­puneh, Greta Risley. as ^jolores' anX.the many other principals -who have scored such far reaching successes in., its prin­cipal characters. There will also be af­forded a. first glimpse of the famous Casino chorus and the "six pretty maid­ens»"-whii achieved, greater popularity thniugh singing "TeIl Me" than have any of the grand opera prima doniai. uyT'f ^ F*n <>'V ' <&>­ The new* Greek theater at the Uni­versity of California is destined "to have a -wider field of.usefulness than 'even ita YOUR original -promoters guessed. The sphere .wtiiph it. will hold in the future will be more—of—an approach to the. National theater/than anything else that has ever been broached in America! On the:class­ TO be satisfactory, must be well ic-stage at Berkley will be presented made. We give you the material that's right, the fit that's proper, from time to-time the, best dramatic and the price that's correct. . musical productioils the world has -to Special Monday—Men's 'Wool offer, and these performances will" be Crash Coats and Pants, three Special lots,-' »r nn presented by. means of an endowment to­ $19.00, $7.50 _.T..... OOiSO wards which the university .is already Men's ..Oswego fine,, blue Serge working. ' „ Suits, $18:00 rhakes; Clfl On .with its, Monday.. .... V lUiUU Menrs~$20."00" 'Worstecf Suits, at on,"S.,„. $10,00 The World's Gents Furnishings -{ Standard of New, cool Undergarments, al­ •ways welcome with spring. There -L_JEase and is a saving here of-fully 25 per" Elegance cent on the best and medium lines. \ Opening Sale Monday. 50 dozen Men's colored Balbrig­gan Undershirts and' Drawers, are 50 certts, •• __ Walk F-7-Y^oes Monday ..i..; VUu 76 dozen Men's Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, ... np very special ., r:r::...v......Z3G For Gentlemen—cost but $3.50. $1.00 grade Men's real lisle -All -the wear--and -styla-of-$5^)0 shoes. 15' styles. Calf, -patonf "each.. —leathop and-kid leathers. Give your feet a treat. F. E. Mistrot. 5^ Burt Shoe Co. 612 Congress Avenue. 1 S. E, ROSENGREN ... 413 Congress Ave.' Both Phones 451. Undertaker Did Know You That 1 and ; • Enbaliner Fine Carriages to Hire. THE C. A, DAHLICH I STUDENTS PATRONIZE FURNITURE CO. CHAS. G. WUKASH Will sell you the best furniture -Successor to Aug. Weilbacher. When .you desire the choicest for your rooms or Chapter house* Tobaccos, Candies, Nuts, Fruits, «rft'Ji>.#-~Ploat reasonable prices. — Cigars. .... Cor. of, 16th and Lavaca GEO. W. PATTERSON ECLIPSE STABLES G.A.BERNER XJ IN DE R T A KER Photographer THOMAS & KOOCK ; Austin Jewelry and Loan Ca Students' Trade. -519 Congress Avenue. Solicited . Confidential Loans an ~ WATCHES, DIAMONDS AND =3=7= JEWELRY. The Austin •y- Pantatorium/ - ZlmmeTman & Bell, — Nearest Up-lo-daie Barker -won Shop to the University High Q-rade Tailoring -OleaDting and Repairing Special attention given Ladles. "We respectfully solicit yoiir patronage. S. A. Glaser 810 Congress Ave. Both Phones 312. The Ifeimonico Cafe J. H. PAi I.RONE, Manager and Proprietor. _ . , . " -~r -" Old Phone 822. Special attentiori.given to Opera Parties. Students' Banquets a Specialty ONE GRADE ONLY. THE ARTISTIC HIGHEST RELIABLE Bush & Cjerts Pianos # * We Sell On Easy Terms If Desired. BUSH a. GERTS.VlANO CO. OF TEXAS. • ' J; R.: REED, jVlanager v ­ SIS Congress Avenue. ^ " Austin. Texas. % •i 1 Wr^-igngityaT-j y-7-? vv -77 : J. F. JOHNSON-& GO. • SelJ Tailor M^de Clothe* at less than Hand-IvJJf-Down/Prices £/^^'/^'.hoys affiliated with i tton, Melons and all kinds of feed stuffs are beingraised in abundance surpassing tie expectations of the most satagulne. A country abounding in such Tesources (tried and proven), together .with the*. LOW PRICE • i • . Of lands, can r.ot help .'enJoying a most rapld-cwwth, and that is what is happening in the Pan-Handle. "The Denver Road" ^ k;;'t\v'-.V•'/ <"• .. has oii sals dally a low :Ate home-seekers' ticket which allows, you stov overs at nearly aU points;, thus giving you-^hlahce to investigate the various'sections of the Pan-Handle. Write A. A.GL!SSON, General Passenger Agent, Fort Worth,.Texas. , Fot-Pamphlets.and full information. M THE TEXAN posite of all these..* Let us then remem­ ber die one and forget the other, and iace the world with a song. SONGS FROM THE TlinFMT RfinY -'^e-Student of Human Nature" is .I UllLll I • DUUT more noteworthy for ila b^vity tEan for anything e)se; this state of affair^ii much preferable to having a long drawn MAGAZINE REVIEW THAT IS »SS1»S GOOD AND VE'RY , . out character sketch, which would; hare Jhvs FUNNY AND ' provoked the reviewer and deadenetf the reader's" sensibilities—if it were the kind of stu^t, usually incorporated into suchIT'S WELL WORTH READING articles. Some particular person must have been the subject of the sketch; can any of your readers giiess who he is? For Editor's "Note: The foliowingcritf the -firSt correct answer wc will give a c1sm Was received by The Texan staff year's subscription to the.Argosy, and several days since. No name was signed, for the'second a dozen moth balls. and consequently the writer is unknown. A typical, or better, an ideal college Moreover, a-short note accompanied the storyIs Mr. tiheppard's "WatSrUoy.tKc criticism asking the editor to please Winder:" It is rather •" sporty in its never tell who wrote it, and of course tone, -wherein', anyone can easily discern we-will never divulge the secret. The the influence of the younger members of criticism is .good, for. the humor in" it our English faculty. The "autobio­ is. tine. Kead-it, for it is well worth the graphical element" is prominent—are we time: justified in saying that in Edgar Haynes The' Febrnary Magazine.-• / we have a picture of the,author himself? The poem which, .by reason /of. the With , his watch in the guardhouse, Jus place it" occupies, may be termed _the^ • frontispiece of the" February7 Magazine, paid,-his fraternity dues.and banquet is, while manifestly a first "attempt; one assessments staring luiy in the face, he which., gives unmistakable promise of still has the courage to continue making worse'things to come. "We can not re-date,s to go to, the show; far from being frain from believing the editors a little disheartened, he-faces the situation with careless inlilIawmg -tli^_ttt3Er'W,tlieh~is-"ttitr-giufgge~ot a. Oreck uf the QieekB: so plainly opposition to the proper Tii all the Greek world there is surely no noun which appears as the signature, to braver mait th^n he. He wins our genu^ be so far separated from it. The poem ine sympathy frpm the first, and we fol­itself is/tinworthy'of serious comment. low his course with more than ordinary Moreover, its metacnh8tructuifi.JJ3_aiifl l intercBt. With him 'we feel, whei for which no warrant can be found in "Water Boy" wins out, that thrill of er­th^Tworks of our greatest poets, as Long-ultant joy at one.more month's diflScuI­fellow and Whittierr Perhaps tlie edU-ties'overcomemore and more we can tors, in a spirit of resentment due to un-i ^ay with Browning, that our characters sympathetic critieisfos of tKeir magazine,' ^re built up uniall progress made only published "jit -•--* " i courageous struggles against as an example, of the. trials ob­ connected with their duties. stacles. ' • After the frontispiece the 'first article Seldom in the history of t^e Magaxlne that meets.the eye is a short little sketch has there appeared so clever a story as entitled "The Soul of a Dog." TheTe is 'A Hidden Source." The English is ex­ np pretense ht elaborate organization quisite, the tone somewhat cynical, yet nor at fine writing, and the simplicity of overflowing with genuine humor. ' Fully the^sketch is its principal, merit, perhaps. to appreciate the worth of the article, The writer shows .evidence of beuig necessary to read between the lines, really observant of dufpb animals, and for more is meant than meets the-eye. 'what is a great , deal better, of being The"author's name is kept secret, but it sympathetic. • • is hinted hv the few whn lrnrtnr that it 1 We commend the policy of.the editors is that' of some one prominent in the in attempting U> secure for each num­t/niversityj ber of the Magazine at. least one serious, _ "The Answer of the Madfe," by Miss critical, essay. It is too much to hope Stedman is a humorous story in "which be fj^e. often to de-Greek meets Greek, an occurrence whicb' i%Tit "\Heir dozens of readers with ar-is hot unnatural, since the scene is laid ticles so entertaining in, substance and so elegant in style 'as that-of the pre­ THE KILTIES ABE COMING! ceding number, entitled "Why Browning raile^ ap a Dramatist." but surely there is the Greek wprid. The situation has was-no-excuse,' whatever the circum­so clevcrly worke. E. SUHir Teatm: OTTiaiiuii in mmij jphtcE* ssc^j 'xttpitl aim!' 'aihlB. ••aSic:^-3BiB»e .Wjiwini 'te/A.gnst-j • •BK.treafi®^ mtenSci "if; Suiifl tio-ifhe-v»i!in? iiiea tiart 'mrfcrcme eart-«jumld iuaz. . mm a© bob®*® vmm. f] -wfeore :Jife w?H Tvjim6 its e^ ^xt!T«Me& ic catxtj'^B^ B piMt' by b co-efl." '. • -mmm m #act„ VSEW B»B WMJKS& trlamhBiHni -ibat m £%sg-s " J US* jfcutmMoy a&iigrtszinr njaiHr iw ;«j|H }WBtWMC .n iter IIb JW apt, r&t tamii Stout is aw-jwiw .nm. ih» twrrm ami ttemarite at igraUJj' •tmwpiionnB;;—*-•— — - ZKitf; ftoufi ptuem iiu till* nunibw of Sfnnutj''*. 3itenpy uiitpul W at rihete 4mmgul •utit 'Ki JjSH wltnt. "Tie Auto­ -{tinqxagJltteuJ ^Element Jftrt1* _'w Verw„" y*3Siff Aunwisruf She fQiubT:f mi# •"Tin­iinUJ .il} u JUitg.1 ei|rt«t« Wj' Aid «SK» JBW tun* .io/ rjMr, witi ixH'-tf&w i&tibstla., llwiKt'-«U}«riur aiin>ii$Mw*, iut. ,fej4trt,uri-. iM' Kacu not jvprfM* ttor . «M£ti trf jrtflnnf il^ct lti* JiJj' is1' h**w% tuaeapod isimi tiw»* iudwuop;;" tirmtmec . ntgfM louliiU*, fortis ; *«4 Ik iw'ir tiwt a ^pttrt of tit ^t<9t«tu¥ wf it» ««» _M* in* Mm «f«nil^iny-*toti>a! i* "WmUv Vvr ..lM-Wkater " ffli* ItutArj-an lia* aambtr xi fSut wt&uaa* juttfey aiUc »rUMifl«o#' iw r«i* «hw riBwIiiiya^-ii! *:iu^ Swl« 9,1 jUtt* « lai; \u wti. mitt fHMWi. ' M. JwtU™ 4««n««a^ a >tui|ti fhtm-. ** tw {gQ«sar: taMimuivui. Tltr puet ituw jnn attww 4i* 4wwt «f i4» fl&O'ttj" sis -{te| fastf> iaMniu^ge -yf inftOTfc iiwn ttoA-: tbiapt; •he pttaumti itK' btiuti. u»-'s iuu) wiasld. Ic U» «1*4*0 |wte a«wt of ttrWf 4« A |p»vt Xie«3 iii rGbe «,-fery |3*i^de»l~-»a» iuf 4 «ar_»U» WWII wr ^twn4firv **»• "lie Knwrt.' lit* nntiur #a* fKtKBi *sS KfiH Smw, >• owi w»; p«(L Tlw jkwi .*4>« -A 1«< v&~ i, wrirt* UiMi urijtw uu nti­ portry i» bat*y »ai metrr wd riiyos* is y • »o.' JBBK«K»; «« toecli«ok*l it ia iwr. Mbnrc, but .tsb« •toKMpbei* Uk.|kmsb itetf i» «( tint gflW! MwiltMOvr ~anML IIMS prwot tm sKt. H & JKA dtew; iug.enmttjlL "Th* Wool ­l%bU«l -UtUe pir. . Is irtltc wnw ounuiy id rrlatiwo U. 41m-Itearl «f •stonr and of faf«, Imaussd at a wn ^ata»°«f tlx-, (wim littit •&* ill «9k«e in Iim -ihwy lif*, *•* are nta& tu am and-roaiiw line iisauut l»o<4, 4l«­ r^Itae",J0^ life' tdb *• U)t * i«J St." . ... ^''TV Antritiopnyh'vyi!.Qtmd Sb Pw'a -Sit-ne" urn rai* to«t tin-titittteui* ««i V»v«rt of jitmrtaw. It nuffwuiiit an,vtliU^ for it» iiae t|M> taut tt'lrf p/M«l -OBt. It JOJfMi «B ffika to ib jndjU.­ eatiaii, aitd >« aJuo itu«r vt ina* tl)i» «ar u fcioad n tl*e -jtomlsJitT it* atwmgnp' titf-KtadwM^ «« r tiia^ jD !it»Tslane #s 1se-ji«w jaw tiiftta befw, to seek tk ieuiliid «a lt« ne»«r Mtqelil before, ami to' airak­ 'io tiie cUwHeet ll» kat awjmt^"fa*sl 4U nfe­.«S«»—«« *apM*z'4o ik»£rt • ihe MMnr" ,m>e Ane wtr vt i» * *wi­«wws fir*t fsr two r«a«iMM, Tit., a m * aaMt^dteidedljr mtcna^Htg fittlr curjr. with aa nowmawa piei weB »ciHt«d . out; amA, temmHf, H aaij*Se» tfae raul­«-'* &*&* iar jgwod, w}m4iwmsw, ««ter­ tajbuag vamtia tte city of -Jiedett, «»A tfM tea« eUvT ic 3r»|te «r! imertatt er eumi h »«ti(fkerlB«hui»-. Uer . derTkrtfeaer^iB-,^ **)4. ^ . •'.-€* |*w*e6HRteHlr 3r?n2aimimnnma..J iusciexr; ^ jw ter 'mane i*sr >«'{ .. -^ i ^JCS.fidfc «*«** mJuib you ter fer ..story, iat«rii;i ^ VDtiuiii* iitH-ywt ait %in Seniiir: »'iiw {let rit*# 4eetan> 'p**" «*«' •4»t| jjS0^ ,dfe. lirflf t-ooii i# d«r »«wajrt«it e^ew|" • JIIKTT 'og-unc jnatt s s 3BK. X.-W ate«iag<& tooik:. or'i liit iini TO <«' ux yntxta' ljuv4. f THttffiBiiniu lunnnffi. 4> amniirat.'' and Grfi Stttu Mua^ua t/jpMet" t*rft# j «rjvud t«r je»l_.* but fe m&'mrwfatte' ifc Wa^gwr"i :1 iipmn ;'3&t«gj^afe :ka^ 5«*r -SiCTfe ite weet.: ^ ^ IWtrfAt-r'.Jr ^'».^.r ^ffjjtr" -,ji 1 'r''­Atkz'Oed—Mfcr^r' ^wtwr t»lc-Arf:- t-tfuii: iuuVv"^ • WT ^' UTtiSK »a iM-op «w »i|u«rM" m-juuC ji-, livF firat •#«*-®uC ;gi»ffar;iiiBf — • «arf • jjsinleij in-|i «»«»»• ai Sf.s'aaijni! |muB.fa»wr^;4tiujLi|iy/'--.^aKcBaL­.nuiiier, *.—; •• \ . Mtat '^wB. ttaiB. wu<-at '.tatteCT . welt 'femec Vwr tilt •'trVjJtrr ;'mr< in ^rcter-iy. 3^ « «rti«-" or. w»«-S. T-mvawhy. iMi -at «• fciiiigai aw ^1' f^i'^••' •". • '.' ' ­« tiiWOJ-HtufeiB* w «*.*•-.** ama. Tii>m, i A l t e c ; aunniK. .iLgr­ tflrUunnij;. iKft.w.i£i)«uiBiI«£ in-jnrr Ha^oujj.i W. m<£f, : puatt Aia., fwept, Stot, trtrBytfankwe itP awrofew B; -yme-m, ynrtje^jr jam tiwrrur -to-O* . . ,... f marijrf ^ ^ ^«• k wiiud U-ADd • fiufc ^^ rf-orired. is 3t old a« tiw fe>n» •fer.Tif" \i£ ML tliM-It -must bee tii*j titer fiHtvr linn •est Jjtenuj taste vr «r aj»-pan •fiwijjj: f«r pufeV* «&e, TEe" g0(«4. fait b*.»o HMiMH, U« ac tive| H0TS OUTFTITERymkfai msao.. Thm is one department < itowereur -»ri4**, a* a rnir, tiw «dh«r*f.J .work kT vcS dune; aad tM« y«ar w»4 ha» Inn ••iLueptiuKiJh gooi. j CLOTHING MADE JUS! Tue edilortak an as «aree and a« •meager as usual. We «aa set belp but fe«3 that li* oiaffiu4oeiu titlk "fyfcf* TO MEASURE f M* i/*". ISJMgjiBiwar.'(.mit lisrMc «nfl Imp irf !»»• • -_ ' .' : * it. r»s&^ liiij* tfairtnyiii. j* i»»^ • &UOIM' famirOniL / auohv-4* •&* -pijwir.*» » naif wmaw ao| <#i eiinnsTT. 23d. Taw iol­ «t«S* •Uutl'. ji d«3 mrt mjurf irttm u «t» fewujg JUlIOKWd |ttO.U . --11 ~ -air J«LLKWliju. -TV. 1L It* ^ Bawrarcrv-J. !_• Mrtetttai «j Aiilm, uiiC JC_ S. Ski^is vj Jsnrnej'-AT Safct; . •ter". -»•»: n;TTO;;.^iflefc.. w«rY' iiwrttimmj » wnffsnr ijiaittut5! iist "ii»Tr meniijert­ book ^'rifiirt iiiMsvmaiis. nl . ... _ ,*W!«rtllU£ 1« Xi»-CHBUlOS ®! J4»ouj3j jt «H«ate likf tljiv aiBimciiH-trn*p. tjj( •* <&-'m4apo^#k&i?iapL "TJ#*1 tjf IS", JL-King. fiiBTT Sis-i |n*r «iiC. fitmtifjri MTKmraB "B ene iiiwaiim^ t4«or> ..^gsmaatiuu «n6 rfwbt?, ami 11 * ,T <;.. ^ x*jrr ytfltih • vEjawiwHi m jam*.. uiQ " -r kwrmtf-. ¥"it!u ta* •irvr ic gtqmnp peaaL t «f tie.ijyorw si* veij asr.-fanu**, tKTU* l>Bt Vuf «B«rt id tW 5«cril«<-4CUH«i(! tiut too riaMigy *». Bast 2*2L "A3>i«ir'»#a v^irj juodwttf'fr ctl.T«iujn as Ti* la*« puaiH-t>l Uk** ixm^d ^on? a f^uttMjKBHfcl ttfiiyr liw fsuutii ju«t natmart jw**-Iwri f riaaT betwm. aft«r ti* n'uc. ' Tiiv viiuif iknie » ^ul« c.yii^iaititf .jftud .;KtaaO»y> SiuioKI^ vmuiog tiuv nn»db -in a nuumHM'-lSfcf'^ii; iatr^niitreil^ ,Slrt;Utti *L»d Suu^exuii Tiwtre j# twauxioir &dv j.ltn ^ttnd vliat 2«j' "wr«B doul»k^ fa^im &t&K)vr K»Cj^«( timrr »s iia^" W-.a~"j*jMctBd antw^ 3lt' t.trf' IW «*!TO-KULBC ? Ukm* » lrar JniU-Buw ^ ^ 7 vf1;, ^ «i*£nfl ;S Jl-'ll.' worn l«jot)s tiieK1 ••» .i>o «bruas-.jioi' u%Trunp«uta>!* Aatrt ,'bwsB made 'ife, WOtJiWBm-; ibxv liituurt*#-witiiltiipiiT j(( ^ n,lw„fe if."*** ^ ^ ciaUtotja. «:;.a.:..--;.3V.....' .. ..' j^USXe S»eB f^-«fiof : Tu»®e !•(«• -' 'UMbaBMildr"*wi«rkratSj-' . l*.t* awd a«i a jtJk-j. a» liiis, jj. t itt tatir J WIujc it it-true thai jiarc liean m ­ »»t irt .nti®® «f ^ -x«LribEted ^ ^ ^^ mme' ajftd W ^ «««»«, f **: °f ^ ^ J*,. Tte ^ Reduced °n For Men 'TiieiE -was never n lime "rleD jm eoiiju| liBj-i gooS bio± so filiesgp » 4p?ir. dkoiet of Mke:« 'B35iD0 abd • axx T'Ot; can;"ifee yenrr own' taste -an -fltir "^Ie®iimr,33iEr^Q£ bb€ fabi3?s ure xJiif semtms jtroaincnnns anSuni-an ont m Saie W a.aaaaftt-jBg.3!B'fht> Hoi, $asan€aOj etSi3.1dr £3:8:00, and §17-56­ Xou nip aoTHsefi wii to-'wmt in Inrrinr your STiii. li jot SisiiM, yemx size : lien ue iBiiiK im, bp eamfc eark.-araih lose ife ojjjKntimkrr: ISm^Snis.'SaijasBE^toj®, sll |ro si one jnieE. FOI" '$'9'»75®mi!i 3^ Ej#a wf flje 5ariE^~i3iBi fe. itur "flaf thtt TmnBnal Btlt. jot can brx -waBiniuitit drniiiin£ w,$ |KK»d oeel "&an 70c eoold iefare the: laiBQ'eyg:. look ai ffae loxmer yrtaeE. &14.0CL nuri jg.2.5ft. THE NEW JDnskill Hotel FifWt Cutsme w ttw South. ' ­ Seat Fitt*lftie»' for Bifl^uetfc ' Retjcptitm P«ripr&. COME AND SEE DRISKILL Driskill Steam Laimdry Everything^ Launcimed Hct* Come* Baick Likt New. Students' Work • Specialty." JBot^ PhsnCR 444. PLEiSE ®YE tJSi THAI STUDENTS GOING TO THE .UNIVERWTY-OR GOING TO THEIR HOMES WILL FJND THE IMTEMttTMNAt & fiBElt WflRTHFRN R. R. Furniriie* the best service and qaVoiceot time to poifitm ganimJfy in tt* j—" *ja»«»B e»Bht harnSsomehr « -^s«­ IHITTI" tisksis irrfarmatacm call at oity ticket sfitoe 522 COKfiKCSS IFEfllE.1H) FRONT, COR.VEK 6lh SL • P. i LAWLESS, Ptwenjer »hi Ticket Agent. vl The Original .New York Sextet. HANCOCK-OPERA HOUSE MEXT FRIDAY NIGHT FJ>H EI! A-KYLEV OFFEB THE3B ONE XITfT SYMBEE YOL'K COMPANY IX • FLORQDORA THESE EXOBMOrs FAYOBITE? E. GlRAHAM. PHILIP H. RYLEV. RETA JOS. PHILLIPS. NEAL McCAY. HARRIETT MERRlTT. • and. CHORUS OF Their.Own Orcheftra, Prioes. lower floor S1.50. S® 1 -•---':ife­ -«f • w * f 1 fa/ V ->