•"S-VtV SQL DAVIS Dealer in'Imported and Domestic P. W. McFadden CIGARS AND TOBACCOS Billiard and Pool parlor. Open All the Drugs and Time. Congress Avenue. "Phone 3985 Stationery Full^ Line of Stationery. . Periodicals. Books and News. u Iished under Ihe auspices of the Students' Association of the University of Texas TWO STORES 1612 Lavaca and cor, Guad. 23rd. A Weekly Newspaper. AUSTIN, TEXAS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY JOJ1904. Volume 4. Number 15 mence such-residence. ''Each: scholarship Jying themselves with Ohnstian work ao CECIL RHODES will receive for three' years the. siirn" r •JS0*1annum...two-thirds-of which short and interesting. The snhjetrt last will be nitople to pay all expenses at Ox ­Sunday was 'Team \\ ork." very ably SCHOLARSHIPS Men's Suit ford 'and one-third of -which can be used, handled by Mnssrs. Matthews and OF BALL PLAYERS if desired, for the purpose .of attending. •A Kindley. 4i\otil.'T institutions upon the_ Gmtincnt Clothings... THE KIND OF MAN WHO during, the summer ^ vacations'. IS AH. OF LAST YEAR'S TEAM RE-We do not claim the only rioht WANTED AT OXFORD. Tzgr Preparation Required, to advertise the $10 suits. We _ „ TURN EXCEPT TWO. accord the same privilege to 2A .In fl11 cases the Rhodes scholars will others; $10 suits at $10 .it »no be; expected to bij^np to the.level of trick. It is a cornmon, everyday business routine that any man Oxford matriculation. This practically with a head and 6 few counters can. transact. FIRST SELECTION THIS YEAR means ability .to pjass what is known iis WHOOP UP ENTHUSIASM ttyjBtsponsioris Examination. Copies of A $20.00 fine serge suit at .... $10.00 Hve-Ri-sponsions Papers may be obtained from the^Oxford University Press, 91-93 $1^.00 The following statement" in reference "Fifth. Avenue. New Sprit. N. Y.~-The nft~p] to the present' position of the "RTiwles StHelentV Hand-book of Oxford -can Tie baseball—t©Am-for—thia-yeat ^re .bright ji Scholarship Trust is made by President obtained from the same address and gives indeed. From all indications we will Arc curios in clothing witcheraft. leather-to iheet roariv-jnqniriea: .1 i full itlfnrnl..tiori about Oxford. T'niver-have the fastest a^regjition of r ball- tf.t hig .tinfeW nt Bra.' * At a meeting hold -in—February at -Mtjv—-A-pamphlet. '"Oxford_as-.lt,la,' tossers' this spring that the University clbthing-ic out of th* ordinary. THE C. A. DAHLICH 111 a ... Kansas City, Mo., -with air. George R. [prepared specially by Mr:. Louis Dyer, of Texas has evei "put on the diamond. ^'.To b* out of the ordinary it ~ Parkin, -the^representative of the trus-a graduate of Harvard and .Oxford, can With the exceptions o(f Porter and Vann,: .jtiuit have " b.en bought under •ytraotxlinary condition*,, W« t^esvof the Rhodes-w-ill.'it was deter-be ordered from McMillan & Co.; New all trf l'^st year's tieant are. back, and thought ao, at least,' aica w. IiniU'cr tbat the ages of admission' for York. X. Y. This pamphlet gives in there is a whole stack bf new material ahould have hesitated on •»­ FURNITURE CO. ch«ngina thouaartda of good hard _thcse'5 scholarships in Texas should be " cheap.and compact 'form much useful of the .gilt-edged variety which will Amancan dollars for on* lot of ;from 18 to 22 years'. J inclusive. That fnfonnat.ion about Oxford. * * make last year's seasoned "cre\v hustle 1500 auita. _ However, it will. do., no Wa are only such applicants shall be eligible to make the team this year. • j you harm to "look." • Time of Selection of Scholars. Will se|l you" the b««t furniture inclined to think it "will do you fro® this Stat? Us Imve their-legal ceri" made: m our entire stock—everything new. of moral force of character and of. in­byways and get'you a-ball-plnycr. and W; with President Prather. Those desiring stinct to lead and to takir interest in his when you get hiiri.do not; turn"Vim loose. to try for the scholarships shoultl regis­ schoolmatesi for-'tiesc latter-attribute. Hold on to him. If1 lie balks, coax him Ter"at once. ~ ..-~._-.__ \vill be likely in after life to guide him or pundi him—according to his tSii^lefS­ g 25 Per Cent Off the Regular Price to esteem the performance of public du­ment. • If he would excuse, hihiself -on Rixsk Society. ties as his highest aim. As' mere sug­ the ground that he has no chance for the : Last Saturday night the .Rusk was fc on Any Suit or Overcoat gestions. for the guftlance of those *vhp team, tell him that be has as much called tb order at the usual hour, Presi­ will'have the choice of students for the chance as any one; that the fact that dent Frank in the chair. Two new men, 8-•-C in Our Store / -u: scholarships I record that (1) my ideal a man made the team last, year, does Adams* and Walters, were initiated as -qualified—student ,would combine these not give him a cinch on, his position this membersT—S^'craUnew-menwereon-UiP­ four qualifications in tlie proportions of year; that tnere is "many a sliy" twi'xt program. and alLmade a most creditable thmi-Uniths for tlie firct, two-tenths fnr the man and the trip in the way of phys­ the second, three-tenths for the third and ical and academical accidents. \ iv report, and showed the Rusk's finan­ two-tenths for the fourth qualification, Now a ivord t.o the new men in school. ces to be in-good shape; all debts have -so tiiat, according to my ideas, if the This .university is. as much votirs as the ~been-"-paid,-anida-y at 3 Funderburk, Newton, Ryburn; the nega o'clock. His theme will be along, the Each qualified student when appointed Hoteleeee Steam Laundry 'fti •tive by Ramsdell, Rich] Jonesl Ferguson. lines of Biblical studies. This address ^ shall, within six. calendar months-after Everything . Laundered Here . the affirmative, Finest Cuisine,in the South. r : such appointment, or as soon as he'can The debate was won fey (promises to be very interesting and in- Comes Back Lilts New. Funderburk was—voted—the structiver-a rare University Best-Facilities-for Banctuets. — a Qpeoiftlty. be admitted iijto residenee. reside as an ^r. -best treat to Students' Work 'Reception Parlors. speaker of the evening. Matters relating students^ - Both Phonea 444. Undergraduate at some one of the twen­ contest It is gratifying to Y. M. C. A'.' workers » " 11 ty"-one Colleges in the University at Ox-to the Ross-Rotan medal were COMB AND SEE PLEASE GIVE USA 2BUL * e ** .discussed, after "whidk Ae society ad-to know that the association is pfosperi- % *ford. The afcholarship shall be payable ing^ New men we coming in and identi­ joamed. . ,— ­ to him from the time when he.shall coib- SiliA ~i'^ 4/ '1«V t '«» '.s. *.4. . -.Cr^ HB "-i'/r-i SfSS^a %w^sxWp^S sfrnk»*sw? I J "w l -i THE ' .' -m^ ^ TEXAN cfi • '^X>^ sC~'V THE TE.XAN A weekly newspaper published in the interest of the students and alum­ni of the University of Texas. gjibscrlption price, per year. .. .$1.25 Single copy ....;., 5c Entered in the. postofHce at Austin, Texas, as second-class • mail mutter, Alexander Pope.-..: ...E'JItOfMn.-Chlef Lewis Johnson...•• . ;Exehaiise Editor Mi4s Virginia Ilic*e. —Society -Edifress- ASSOCIATK EDITORS. Edward Crime. 1: J. Curt-singer, W. G. Shaw. D. A. Frank. # Business Manajjers^G. S Wright-and J, M. XewRom. ) „ ­ MAINLY FOR SHIRKERS. There in ii "ell niiirkcrl tendency, the part of (lie studcnls ol 1 lie I'lii'ver­sity of Texan to live entirely too much unto themse a idea to form .the habit of Jeaving class memo­rials behin^Uus we were dead serious. Mtirfli'vi'r," iV -iva'; linppd 1h11. tlfc—-ntic gestion.would meet with some-sort of re­sponse from the'members that compose, the graduating classes this V(!ar. So far, despite the fact that wc have used the Morlcy ear trumpet and numerous other appliances no reply has-been heard. And we frankly admit tliat it is rathcr'jin un­pleasant surprise to'discover •:that' stu­dents care so little for their college that, they refns6 to even become.interested in -» movement to better its condition. To Npf; 7 lie -fSnk, snch ja^-condition is. a crying Alabama has already, begun, playing shame .and does 'not rcflec|. a colossal baseball. , \ V .' > ;• amount of credit upon the "worthy stu­dents who miglit act otherwise.' Have The tregiij£ra'tirfn of «the University of you any real love for your alma: mater,, Minnesota this year is 3013, or do you regard going."to college as merely a' business investment ? Even if Goi'don McKay, who died recently, left the"latter be thie you should leav"sii iriv'Hig tlu-iii. ' credit, .care nothing aboiiti it." For tlie membership of.tlie VoiingMen'si Chiis­ Tuianetl:as only two terms fttr her eol­tian Association of (lie 'l_"niver4ity • «f y/'ji i . * 'l lie iii s{ ex;iiM. cnds Feliruarv Texas U, not as lar^'e at it should .be. 13. ,.Vi graile oil 70 per cent is Teijuired .There is plenty of jtnoin, fiir-jii jv^ii.Mii jfe^asHnvr .V'iSiyiee "tfj;om one-fourth of liers am! 'thv old men 1are ahvays ghHT'rrt'he 1cct iti'.-s (ct'-a subject jicccssitates to welisune.t.hem" The C-. -A." takes one's t_;iki M'jr a.-~]K'i'iaf-'cxain. tip very little of a studVnt'i time-ami, considering the great benefit that a stu­ The. 2!tth of February is,, to be 'cele­dent deriVes from-the Association." be brated. as I."cap Veilr Labor Day at "Cal­sliould not begrudge tlje^timo. ilore­ ifornia: \,Every' hiaifTn t'he student'body ^over, the J»re:it majority of stiulSnts have will use 'the /pick and shovel that day* in never l>een made to realize* that lime is lielpmg iniprove the-campus of the Uni­precious. 'They treat the old Father versity.. The women students will' be with much contempt and' laugh at the. present and serve.refreshments. The af­thought that he is flying and flying fast. fair \yill end with a big bonfire and stu­While tliev" are wasting so much of the dent rdlly to be held in the Greek Thea­old man in ways from which they receive ter lit night. The labor 'unions have no benefit it will be well for them to raised their usual kick and are trying to spend a little of their, allotment at the •stop the affair. meetings of the'V. M. O A. For this is one investment from which they will be Registration for the tennis courts, has rewarded with iuore than "value re- begun again.. Blanks are in the chemi­ ceiveil." . j ; cal laboratory _ from 8 o'clock-on every .j^ C-xA. should receive the morning. Courts 1, 2 iand 3-axe'reserved, earnest, support of nil stiid? jor-the-ladiea. . —: u" ' . ' as^KMation in Uiia school that has never beel a liuYu Bl^jjeiitron'eror^'cTiiirityr"lt Oh Feliruary 11-and '1.2„/otty presi­-liasljiever wme forth _year after year Sents--of Methodist colleges "of the coun­pleailjng for library deposits aTill ^crying try will meet at Northwestern Univer­aloud that it was Just on th^vergo of sity, to consider, plans for the enlarge­failure. The association has been self-sup­ ment of, the denomination's educational port inj_* all along, i Tiie men who compose work. Tins plan, .involves a division kof its membership are loyal and good, stu­ the "church's territory into:, university". dent*. work should prosper,for it. is college and academy districts, in each a.goiKl work andJworthy of the support of which there"will be an institution of of all students. one'of these three kinds. ; The larger and bejter equipped institutions at pres­SKINNED AGAIN. ent are to become universities. They will receive equal endowmfentsjf -possible It seems to bc-Pauw, Ohio Wesleyan, the management of the Hancock opera Vanderbiltj "Syracuse,-and Boston uni­house. We have not forgotten the time versities, will probably be of the future whpn we liad to pfiy Advanccd .pricea toJ uniyersity_ dass.L .The university dia_­sec that poor, pitiful presentation of the tricts are to be subdivided into College Silver Slipper, which was about as districts, these in .turn into academy worthy ot' a high price.as some people districts, all these schools being affili­we know are of confidence and considera­ated. • Tlie -jjjnen^^^pofiyeSucitSop tion. This was not sd very bad-, how­of. the. Methodist church will have over-' ever, hut the*limit was reached a short sight.. President Kdmund J^ James of time since when the Management of the Northwestern has agitated thie scheme Hancock-ropers house advertised ttiat'thff for Soiner time, It xs^parfly owihg to seats for a certain show would be a cer-his efforts that the Bonferehce will; be tain prjee, anVl then when the. night of called, following a senate <{f the Meth­the show came the prices-Were just /idiat _ church composed of fifteen mem­double the advertised rates. bers. The value of the property in­ We will not take.occasion to: put down volved in the consideration is $40,000,­here just what we think of such treat­000, and there are more than 3000 pro­ment, except to say that"it is the qninr'. fessors and 50,000 students.'' . • ' tvsxenm ot brevity, we realise that we swell the bos.qffice reccipts of Manager Be Thou Steadfast. Walker and we wish it to be under­The old maid stood on. the steamboat stood that -we further realize-that : we deck • . * are entitled to a ccrtain amount oftc-"Whence all but she-had fled, ~T" spect and consideration; and moreover, And calmly faced a kissing bug we.meah to have it. if Manager Walker That ciruled overhead. does' not desire our patronage he has TheTniaidens [shrieked and the matrons but to continue to employ his usual 'swooned, ' .' methods for a short while and it won't Aiid the men al\ .s\yore amen, • he long*In1 foi^we-wlU-rPea^-lo-botliCT him—so far as buying his tickets is. And whispered, "Come again." concerned. On tlie contrary, if he de­'There was a buzz-—a thunder sound: ­sires to have the University trade he The old maid, was she dead? ­had better mend his ways. We want no Nay,* still she stood and cried for more, more Silver Slipper skin gamop1, we .want" But the.Jtisging bug ha»d "fled. " • do", more false advertising of -prices. —Ex. . What-we-do want-is lialf° way decent treatment, a. half way reasonable show Here's to the Jove, that'lies in the slim­ of g41 i-J the institution a mile to the north of ,-S? us is going Yo gpt some of the patron­'agfc that 'tthe.».l_liiiveralty now-has. All the fiends r>n creati have concocted a conglomeration of sound mDrc-Qtl'endhiii—to the-oars of civilized G.A.BERNER people than this new song, yell or what­cvor. it may be. .'Ijgt'ii get it flopped. And speaking of sounds, the denizens of B. Hall-have; a~grievance7"and that is the janglin'g old cow-bell th&t .bellows forth its discordant sounds three times a day. Never does it vent itself on the \ Students' Trade unOfTemlinp 'air but unconsciously; we • Solicited ... . fiincy ourselves in the path of. a stam­peding herd, led by. the famous bell-cow. To those, reared among the cattle, the sound 'njay nof be offensive, hut to those possessing tastealand feeli'ngs aesthetic in the least, it fs positively unendurable, and'preludes the utter abandonment of "Who's Your Tailor" this Jfe&arding-place unless got rid" of in some* way and .immediately. : V' buzz.. A Hard-Luck Tale... O listen to our story of the things that "we liavp.seen,' For-we are going to tell it, if it takes us to the Dean; • . If they take us to the Dean, why, we will tell him what we mean, WTe will tell our iiard-luek story jn the office of the-Dean. : Fiquririg on.a New Suit? For we had a pretty campus, where we i Let Us Help You. used to go and play, But they put it in a Wa^on and they carried it away; " ". ' , Tdpy. have,taken it- rrrt ' Proprietors. . "T And don't believe you kin, sor: i • » •• • Vou arp so High Grade Tailoring very queer; ­You hold yourself so dear; Cleaning and Repairing You never leave, the rear, *1 rSpeclal attention given Ladles; J We Except at us to peer.. respectfully solicit your patronage. .<' 810 Congress Ave. .Both Phones 312r I _ ? JOHNSON s Self Tailor' Made • . AUSTIN ACADEMY J; Clothes at" less than Hand-Me-Down,Prices'. t , fhf r ° -^ affiliated roven). together with the . / -1 LOW PI^'ICE jJfgPy* Ctr laiids,"caii~not-h«lp-en3oying-^~tnost^ratxld-erowth;-And-that >vha t-is­ happening in* the Pan-ITanfilp; . / , "The Denver Road" < -I-\ > , v . hag on sale dally a low -.te home-sfeekerB-tlcket whlch olIows you stop-avers at nearly all points: thus giving. yoVi chance to invecti-ate tne Varlous sectiona of the Pan*HandI«i. Write A. A. GL'SSON, -• Ge'neral fassenger Agent. Kott'Worth, Texas. / For Pamphlets and full Information. rFTF MOSTLY When the Freshman Rode the Coat. The house-19 full of arnica , And mystery profound; r"nf We do hot dare to run about' Or make ,the slightest 'sound; W e leave the big piano shut 1 And do not sttike a note: Tile doctor'^ boon here seven tElites-• Since Jimmie: rode the ^oat j -He juiiit-j the Frat., a week" ago—\ r Got in at 4 a. m.r .* A crowd of brethren brought him home, . Though lie says he brought them. llis wrist was sfiraineil and one big rip , 'fHad rentTifi"Sunday coat— There must ljaVe' been a lively tune ­When Jimiuie rode the goat. 7TT. lle'4 resting on the odate4 As tackle him ih;strife. . But somehow, when we mention it; ; Jim wears a ioqk aft i/rini. We wonddr if lie rode the goat . Or if the goat rode him;'" The' total" registration at Cornell is 3G:n. Ohio State .University, is to have-a new' athletic field, to, cost; in the neigh-Ixirhood of $50,000. -' Chicago University received Chrisl.nias £ifts'. liiostly lea1-cstale, to tlie_ambiint of nearly. $3,000,000. ­ The Beta The.ta.l'i house at Syracuse is quarantined bejajljse oiie of tlie. men living there has smallpox. . Sive resident students and three for­mer students of the University of Chi­cago were lost in t the Iroquois theater fire. . • .lames Lynch has been elected captain ^Af-the...CqctbII''fiiesc'n.;.jjJuicU has played -only one year-arid then as a substitute ^tmrter... -—r-—;—— —. - ' Tiic 'Scnior ilieii ai-^Tie-4Iui.iujrAity-of California will be photographed in plug hats in the new Greek theater reatntly donated til the'university. -~T7~T^ The ftinceton Glee. .Club took a trip extending through Baltimore, Cincin-' liaH,-' tAulsyilie~imtt^dUuu^)ii;"diUr­ing tlie Cliristmas holidays. Palmer University Jias been estab­lished at Muncie, Ind., with ail endow­ment o'f .$If -tlie-UnivefBity •of ajRIichigan. Dr. Jesse is at present president of the University of Missouri. ' « • » -j——• The lowest cost for a: single year at Yale vvas $100 by a man who spent only $550 (luring his whoieVourse. The high­eSfe-individnal: expenditure in a single year Was $ll,00i).. Tlie maximum course for four years was $&5,000. In ..the report Qf"student earnings,at r\t3W* age of each student „is $144. The high­est amount, $1600, was earned by a stu­dent acting as newspaper ^correspondent. One student drove a truck on Sundays, and cirned, $350. • • The libhiry of Syracuse. University has' been liberally endow^,' according to the term's of the will of the liitc Mrs. .lolin Alorrison Reed-.Tlie amoiintof the endywinept fund is not uiadc public, but the proceeds it is understood will aggro­gate-aboiit-$G000 aiinuftlly.. •-h' A Press Club has1 been formed at the University of Minnesota. Although there' is no class of journalism at this insti­ tution, many oTHie stiulftntsT are inter- e»ted in joumalism' and—organized the club.» Tlio club intends to unite social -pleasure -with-its literary work. The council of Missouri University last term passed an order that no-gath­ering of students ..will be'tolerated in the future.' If more than tlir"" "°ffni: ^ a noisy manner, they will be held liable to punishment. There will be no more rallies and no ijiore college yells at^Ussuj'uri,_tlia£_isr if-Uuv-imler is^ en­ forevd. • ': • • . Hammock, two, -Attempted kiss; Quickly landed iftllfj 35)11 The E,lite Nearest Up-to-date Barber Shop to the University S.A,Glaser A. J. GERJES HEN'S OUTFITTER CLOTHING MADE Men's Fine Shoes LAVACA STREET ^THE CITY NATfiONAL BANK Business^ eMhe Faculty-aridtheStudents off the University Solicited.... SEE PROFESSIONAL COLUMN. M. M. SMITH, y' Physician and Surgeon. "Residence, !408 T^uecea Street. "Phone, 212. .. Office,' over Chiles' Drug Store. 'Phone, 471. . T SB DR. H. F. STERZING, . Ph'ysicl^n and Surgeon. In office .day and night. Over em-­ Chiles' Drug Store. Both' 'phones 471. _ DR. HOMER HILL, Physician and Surgeon. Office over Chiles' Drug Store. Residence, 2007 Whitis Avenue, Both . EToia 'phone. DR. H. E. BAXTER. dentists Northwest corner Sixth and Congress • Avenue. 'Phone, 2-TT, 5 rings. DR. W. N. LESUEUR, Dentist. 504 Congress Avenue \m W. PATTERSON ECLIPSE STABLES UNDERTAKER J T. STUDENTS PATRONIZE ' £ CHAS. 6. WUKASH 8uooesior to Aug. Weilbaoher. When you desire the oho{oMt —Xbbaeoos, Candies; Nuts, Fruits, .. -if* Cigars. •••••••',•&$ Flash Light Photography . j. --ELLIOTT, -. Mr. and Mrs. High 6rade~Not High Priced Photoflraphera ' Austin, Texas. ­' 814 Congress Avsi^is.. -3 Journeay's Old Standi ' ­ We Are peady for You Do not put off having your sitting' made for Caotus photo on account of cloudy-weather, as we oan make youp negativs^as well on a cloudy day at when the sun shines. .JSTUOCMT6 GOING fO THE UNIVER81TY OW"efOlNQ TtX ­ INTERNATIONAL & GREAT NORTHERN R. R. '"Fur^isheiTtfie"Beit seHHS>~ana~qu7SKsst time to points, generally In ths 8tats, having eight handsomely equipped pss-' ' senger trains dally out of Austin. For tickets and 'information call at city — ticket offic< " ­ -7^ 522 CONGRESS AVENUE, RED FRONT, CORNER 6th St. P. J. LAWLE88, Passenger and Ticket Agei>t Delmonico Cafe J-H. P'ATTRONE, )M anager.and Proprietor. "New Phone 872.' 61® Congress'-Avenue. . .. .. , , ^ . Old Phone 822. Special attention given to Oper^/Parties.^ Students' Banquets a Speoialty f • ONE GRADE ON THE ARTI8TIC HIQHE8T RELIABLE Bui !> ­ We 8ell On Easy Terms If Desired. : ' BUSH '4. GERT8 PIANO CO. OF TEXA8, " . " ^ J. R. REED, Manager 816 Congress Avenue. \ * Austin. Texas; 'V > K? s. •^ .£ '.-•j•.-i-! It *£Sr TEXAN —— :.i..._..-•.. t. r -—_..t ..•_ . ...... .,1 ........ ————;— ^•*5U*,tv, is to be hoped that the editors will ber the Magazine,, parsed through tb% corri­m more careful. But, taking the Magazine dors repeating "Go to ray father," and BIBLE CHAIR all in all, errors, arrangement, Vnhterial, .the rest of. us were just dying to .see a and other beauties and blemishes, the,'copjr. • This is one department1 where the '!• ' ' ' ' MOVEMENT 11 'J January number approaches;fairly well editor c^n do-some fine work, and it is the sta.ndard, -as nearly as,a .standard-to be hoped he will continue. c;an be determined for ,t*ie present year. In conclusion we might mentiort the THE GROUND i JUST W.EST ' OF The poems of iliis issue, though only lackings of the Magazine, as it needs it._ ATHLETIC FIELD" TO BE" JHlrce v£.number, are yijr good, and are It lacks a sufficient' number of editorials- USED FOR ERECT- more nearly on a par with each other and comments as should fall to the duty, -• INGAHALL. tliarr imsnaUy^tlie mm. -"TuberoseB" isr Tii^tltrx^dltoTsrrH'hfrlraird ofeditorsTi^ a pretty little frontispiece. It shows a large enough, bfitit seems that" there arc great deal of poetic ability, pf poetic in-one or two who have not gotten busy sight into nature-and tilings; and is vet. The absencenhomico nfof "tailings" is alsonloit as yet, ia NOT CONTROLLED BY VARSITY «S »?!, 7uH of poetic ~imaginatToTi."~Tt"s pTorfl:l~is Tts""proritl~fe-TiotlceffljlB:—Fn^Hmif-pageS—Are—leftr ­artfully interwoven in the thought-of the with only a wee insignificant . figure last two lines. about as big as a dime. Even-a.few 1 Dr. Wallace' C. Payne, Instructor of "Disappointment" is a neat little poem witty oj suggestive quotations frontKansas University Bible1 Chair,'addressed by a student who usually does -go.od •aonie-spfthp--exchanges would be • far ;".-.the Senior Law class one day last week. work, tt is one of the best pieces he has better than to leave this part wholly I)r. Payne represents • the Christian given out this% season. The poem itself neglected. Woman's Board of Missions whose head-' is 'of 'a deeper nature than is usuallyquarters is at Indianapolis. ,Dr, Payne written by" students, anil its purpose is Btated that the work that brings him so. very readily recognized, LOCAL.. • here is looking into the-feasibility of not it will bear thought. ' establishing a Bible chair here. The Bible1 chair movement was.established at '.'Compensation" is not only the best Mr.TftafTctt writes that lie expects to Ann amce pociii in the Magazine. but it is the best return in time' to take his LB this year. -that time somewhat similar movements in a-long time.-, It is a picture of life Mr. H. U: Bfetdius returned home afteT :u;». . i .-a .• • * _y. , • i yiave been inaugurated at the universi-from im optimistic" view. It.is a"tale a long,, enjoyable visit to'the 'Varsity t.»_ ties of. AIissouri,. of California, of Vir­of ambition's dream fading away, and arid~Grace Hall; ginia, of Georgia, and of Kansas.. Others the reward for lost hopes. It will stand ^ Raymon Keller,' Law '01, now of the are in prosp<;ct. This movement is an tile (Test ot_ scveraf rcadingsT ~ ~ firtn Keller & Keller, "San Antonio; was &»:•,effort to interest , the students of State The Magazine proper opens with "Why. here for ti few days recently. Universities' ill llm HyslX'iiiiiUc study—<>f--Browrving—JJailed as—aJ Dramatist," _.a "Cttrly?.Duncan^ ranchman of Burnet Kinthe Bible.. Tim purpose, in view is lielp-rather imposing and literafy-like sug,-County and sometime Univernity atu* I)1-l?j..j*fulness in their moriil and religious lift-. gestiye piece. It is very appropriate tp dent, was here Saturday, and Sunday, v-_ There is no organic relation between begin with.a dignified piece like this one, Mr. .MeKarlaiul, a practicing attorney nicE a movement and the University. as it gives ii literary tone to the Maga­i;f^Cr^l'Ul^--lt"T--lUQttr-edltOr iti-chief What has brought a bout this movement' zine, bjit the jnece itself is long, dry, Cactus,,was in town fof a. .few days last % in Tevas is the fact that some twoor three and. mcchanieal; it is not entertaining, week. ' •. .. ' • years ago the four lots just west of the scarcely instructive, and by no Messrs.'-Dijworth and Kly.'tif Gonzales, means •:mmk^athletic field were.' purchased by some conducive to increasing the reader's -tote, .and Hill and Blocker of Victoria were .'iToxaa ladies interested in the work and ' of the poet in ijuestion. -Tho writer has at the 'Varsity last iv«ek,..JHr....Will]s offered, together with a substantial fund, evidently made careful study of the took mui.'h °i«iins to explain our system be used for this purpose. The opening but is to au education , poet, it hard write of thMhem. * • >'0f the movemeat.JUXaits.ibi!,decision of -interesting:.;rcvicw on sft deep a "theme-• Mr. 15. K: .loluisiiii hort visit. Ben was gra'diiateil on Feb­3SS In order to successfully conduct such The -'regulation young man" and his ruary 1 from Annapolis and 'will take his " a work it seems ;wiae trr have the eo.­ •as* charming, bride are even suggestive of tirst post on the (llvmpia. He is waiting -• ^-reoperation of all-the parties interested the favorite reharneters in college fiction; his orders, but it is exjected .that lie will in such a movement. The fast,that the be sent, to Panama. notwithstanding the plot is an old one. ' I' Woman's Board of Missions has estab­ 1here is a-good deal of-ability shown I'he S. S.' S. sornrify, the lastest addi­'^flished already such Bible chairs led to -in the development of the plot; but, tion to the secret orders of the Univer­• -communications with them looking sity. was 24. to-j-ust as the ailthor gets into the midst orgiwiized, January This ; 1 -j^their assumption of, the permanent re-of promises to. lie.a story, unique in much what good sorority is as as' only .%i*r""spon*ibility for carrying on the work. she stops. The,' reader's 'interest falls, •Junior engineers, are eligible. The fol­HT 1 '-31-_ Should the circumstances at" Austin and the Viilue of t he story is-marred by lowing ai-SL charter members: W. J. ft*1*/-seem ,to be favorable to a' success of the the unnatural conclusion, Powell. Whiter ("fiesen, (>. 0. EdWards, 4 -work, it is altogether , likely that the "Jack London's 'Call of the Wild'" in A. 8. Sims, S. J. Mails, A.. G. Amslcr. *c officers of tho Christian Wontan's Board f good. It is shorj, and to the points It a* -Tof M'ssions will undertake the establisl)­ is probably the best^.boolc review gotten Rules Governing the .Rusk Contest in" -^ ment of the Bible chair. The movement ... out by the MagazinejuiiKu/.ine in a long Willie. Oratory. . ', • —.uj »m; while (Ht in coftneoticii^AVith other-universities-has--T-l,r rradcr-k«ows at-on^r what the book Tltm,.Rh the-gen hilAll it. 1 " been. rnIIDthus fill*far successful.'ail/IAAAnfiil The fact that ~ ^ the"S^^TUniyo™ty°^xn not' ofTtsoff characters, and whether lie would enjoy I niversity of Texas offers a cash prize-offer religious instruction for the stu­ reading it. of twenty-rive dollars ($25) Oratory 7_-dents, apd the fact that such instruction r/i — i_ n )i/i oinni,Die inter '2. P-reliminiiry Contest. If the num­withfrt eertain limi4, of the work they est of^.the rcadfjr all the way to the end. ber of contestants exeeeds six, a-.prelimi­ desire him to offer. The j)ictiire of tlie big-hearted, genei'% nary contest shall be held one week priorHe will be glad to meet any students ous, self-sacriifring doctoroi)t in, the wild to the final contest. The contestantsWishifig^to make arrangements for these and sle<>t is very-«ivi4 The narration shall deliver original orations, not ex^ , lectures at the Raines 1 Mansion, Just 1 iy good and the conclusion is'excellent. feeding 1800 ' in north of the capital, from 4:30 to 6 words length/' The "A Tale of Torture" niay bir excused judges shall select six speakers from, the p. m., or .tho students may make spe­ for appearing without the naine of the contestailt s, basing their .selection pn thecial engagements with him over' the phone. g .author. It is not a-goo'd piene for tin1 ^subjeet-mattei'yand delivery, the test be­Magazine'. Although it is smoothly told, ing that of general effectiveness. ' any-one wfio has *e'dd .Grimm's or' some \ f inal Contest. 17^' /inal contest ... January Magazme. ^uijl bajiehi in tlie Kusk Hall on the ^ The U. Tif T. Ma«azitie for this year ticallj dozen, times. niiirtli Saturday night in-April, 19^)4, he ' has been so far of a: very.,varied nature, most the story shows is a good - The fcinnmg 111 S o'clock. Ilia .orations do­•nio-oontcnts have been almps't/as varied memory of M...„,IWU lore. childhood ,„ie. 4ivered shall be limited to 1800 words in •-«i^+>re-covCT^Frigrrr,--n^-it~iHJdlftictrtt'T(r 0ly-F-nrioe«rt^1Jay"iit h-n^hr 'rhe 'jiidges-' shatl'^rsTOm "'tTu?' form any standard in itself to judge ' " ' --­ d°" fairly good-description."-'bf--by •prize.-to the best speaker, the test be­..-'••-•the other issues^by. The January nnm­ no means an unx-ommon scene. Besides ing that of general effeptiveriess bey, however, attracts! spicial attention that the,.lady-mother wlto ' ghmofes "so -by its appcoranee; It is by fan the neat-proudly at the lace-t.rimmed.. bundle 111 Governing Rusk Kules the Contest-in est, most -dignified and almost iip­her husband's arms, and the wrinkled, -. • Declamation. posingT: in appearance; of anj of the dwaricd Mexican '• woman -carrying a The l-'usk tjMerary Society of the Uni _ .other * issues. It migltty appropriately, •coaracly._ clail iittk-Jigum^arelgatliered­ -b® suggests that the present design be tpggthee iij Mother t:l;iirch where ...... 'ricli •t"I0 for a. ciintest in -dccjaniation, under. --i-.retained for the remainder of the year. aniLp5or,:elciih umiunclean,..mingle--their­ 1:lie•"fnllinving ftiles and regulations: when we turn to the reading matter prayers together," there is little more to 1. Eligibility. The contestants-must ' we are not quite so favorably impressed. tell. be.bona fide '.members of.the Husk Lite­ The contents are varied In'Jcind, in some ".Christinas Debts" is another fine little rary "Society. . -instances good,-'in .one or two • instances story. As -a rule, the newsboy hero is , -exceptionally good, n,nd in.-, some parts J. IVelinjin.'iiy Contest. If the num­ always pleasing,..and more so when nice­ ber of contA-stant.s exceeds t.eii, a prelimi­ very poor. It does not appear that the ly worked out in a neat little plot: It . editors have used such bad judgmen't in nary contest Shall bi held in the Rusk shows the manl(v.,heart beneath the rags Hall ou..;tlie second Saturday nylit," in ^ the. Bglegtinn.iif-t.hfi nmterial,4>ut,Trathety ^of tt^-forlor^neM-sboy. thiLf KntTA i.nC iw .A _ • -•. I, f ._ 1 ' • -Marcii.-The jtiiigcs'shall choose ten men, that they have been unifortunate in not "Judas, a Fragment,"-bv-;, far the best having tlie material to1 select from—the adjudged the'best declaimers from thethe Map2ino has had in a long time, stilndpoint of delivery. .