NBTTLBTON'S JSHQESl $5.00 and $6.00 Per Pair. OURJH. 8. & H. SHOBS­NV-$3.00 and &3.50 Per Pair , There arefew as good hrt' |and none better at the same price, £5 raf ra'--| re': We Rebate_y.ou one-halt of "d. the costol your Shoes lir-r­, FREE SHINES. ; /rf f STUDENTS' CHOICE 806 Congress Avenue PHONE 73 Our-inannish walking boots for _• "'.'nuexi :.1. . .•. .$3.00 Pim: splendid line. of up-to-date slioes for men ...'."..... .^3.00 but --HoMard derbys, ne^t best , ,$3.00. |£36zter8M6 nery. v Man-Tailored Suits." • ^IgiVs $1.5tf Shirts at ......98c ^ar^ity Students^ Headquarters ~Joive'verything. t*. W. MCFADDES M. M. M'MAHOiS way in order that the;;hounds may with. Thompson refiisedto drink • —• . r^T-}s . • • • »• Cn" -'( |te^^pt|iir^HetFoothall Team for th^Season 1901 bo able to trail ;them. „ After going his full quota and ip voted a "short a •certain:;di§ta'iice\^e;.Jiare8;a.re to guy.7' Mqntieth was! voted chief ^ MFTVnirl n° rlfnr tVIIV ^Afl-4-j>ayAh'tiii.i. It •»« nAAAml '/l 1•!__ ' •, 4^1 >_ 1J?~r' •gun iir dcad|i}airj^lk^t ia cxpocfe^-second. -Iflripgs"fed like ^fat ^nan. that; sonic: one will overtake' the bu't was ovitclpssed, . , Mn7Mcj\ialion^ hares |on thg home , stretch/^aDd Mr" UannjnnaT chosen -by, the champion team of 19.00 to the captaincy of the team of lliSOlur ^TrT >McMa]ion"1ias ^been prominent for a number, of years in the student body, not only by his plucky wojk on the gridiron, bulr in intellectual pursiHtsTas well*. Ixi '98 lie Was our: representative in the Southern. Oratorical Association, Jan.d besides did much to encourage whomsoever-d'oesi ilatcli the hare first; Will be declared the "champion hound of the tfpiversitv of. Texas.' let every runner who lias en­durance and good spee/1 eiiter the, contest .for ffis-great distinction: These hare-and-hound chases will !lead racing, m which w4 hope to realize resultsj: commensurate • with the of Texans in; other lines. priate speech, in which he said all horiors .were du? to the football he­roes. and he, fot-one, appreciated theirs efforts. At this 'juncture, Kennard put tw'o spoony in his -ppeket for futun* reference,-and .Tim Hart callfcd foij moihe turkey. Coach Thompson [made a short speech on "The SoulH." in which h'e said he loved -everyijody. j'n. the South, as well as in the North—in You will observe .that overcoat* are out a trifle fuller tbfc' ywar thanJwt, •Whether-they jlpbk: better Iquee­tion of 'taete; : .point he fell on Chris Schreinlr'p ,fi&oo up to 1 athletics successful. His" election was an. honor easily deserved, and we predict a-:brilliant recprd for the team -of 1901. ----— --> ----­GYMNAS1DM NOTES; — turned„ out. en ma6se. Th> Senior Class-, has been very much stirred up OYfir thejpestion of -the-adoption^of caps and gowns.• A meeting was held' last Saturday at 11 :3'0 o'clock -to decjdft^his all-, -important question nnd fho nljj'na com­iieck and weptr„, .. ...... Schreiner tried; to talk, but •Cotil^'n't—too full for-utteranW;^­After iffije 'rails for Daniel and theJDriskiil, the team' went to the jdeptft to help Ooabh •Thompson get iualbaggage on the t>ain.-. ' The c&ach left for Denver on the W6.00, •' ^ I-' „ ' 'V.. -a-A epeoiai leature of oar overcoat de­partment k tjbe line for boys and youngmts&rixom Sl inflhee eheet measure up to 36. >JWcea flO, $12.60 «nd fiS. •Your money back if you want *t.. SMITH ^ WILCQX -jnnMiiBt.v nA^m,i,Awit(inT - 11 o'clock train, and it is u^ntwes­ "Variety is the spice of life": is. a stock quotation, and-perhaps one ought to Jjeneensured for-using IF Vxcept oh fecial . occasions. But when adapted;, in . some particulari T-rr.N * hTv'-i • .firW orexjx^ pressed is not socommonly m4"— ami hence one is notopen mmonly accepted, it.soopen to. cen­tre for using -it. *.YartRjx, then, -in'rttfe^^ Tl lends' interest to the work or-plav^-^dxJl': favorable report and recommend? ed.the Yale style of go_wn. At the requpst.of the class one of th<> Arosltfoattired himspF in cap and goWn, and amidst great applause wa.^escorted to the stand. A motion was* made that the re­port of the committee be adopted, and the Yale gown be selected. This motion "carried almost unanimously, and it is now a matter of history. sary to tav that he bore ^flntli film the good wishes of the team, *,every 'Varsity student and' every profes­sor in the fa'culh'. He proved him­self a good coach and a gentleman. Besides the tGam,; Manager Ban­ieThad as guests, Alex Camp, Billy Bichardson. treasurer of the Ath­leticAssociation; and George Rob­ertson, manager of J the Jootball 'team. W. ban jutr»oetTed t HIOE HEW 8X00*OP OAXPBEU., • -FIK. AHO SB4B8 -— TENNIS RACQUKTB, TAPIS, _ CHAMPIONSHIP .BAttS,'f —-W* willaeiiyot at80«. ptir. On* — g,SW|^TEjR«§: gfoj1. \lr inayfc, 'The Tpo^nitioy of this:fact by the physical director ¥as pmbably contributed as -much as anv other single cause to the in­creasing attractiveness of the gym­nasium work and the steadily in­creasing attendance." The interest no one seems to lag in the least. the initiative in roaming the Com? iiicFmeht ererciaes more' attract­ive, it is7 fervenily hoped that the Senior^Law -Class;, the pW grad­uate students, and the faculty will adopt the p%^ and appear in,' cap and gown, on Commencemeiiit d?v. . . . 8tlQGESTI01L. : Dwinj? to the fact that the Unif versity of Texas was so fortunate as to have an excellent scrub" foot­ball team ithe '^arsitv has won the Angoi^ft^batveitlUhavejaviiMK 7g C«nM N». CORNER400K MB STATIONERY-COMPANY 'aSI m Irian npppars «Med coremfc will ot the SoutWct. r Ooatraeton ~-»'fl1 for tha management of our leaving m a thegymnasium, and gives promise, of EM. of this year: custom m iin all-roiind growth of athletic effi­ciency in the'Uhiversity of Texas: leSe nien be FOOTBALL BANQUET. mm A-series of contests has -recently awar i,d caps with tie letter T berii inftugurated in standing broad, STORE tliem.' these "caps to be lump, running broad jiimp, stands "On last Wednesday evening Man­ given to tWveieven Tnen .of tiie ing high jump, running high iuffip. ager Daniel of th^ JJriskill Hotel scrub team wnd^liave shown con- and liare-and-hound racing. The tendered the football fea HEADQUARTERS stant attendance at^practice or. un­ thaLgglipaed anything of usual skill at1 the game,\ We believe University 13g':ferp^d*TJ»6'.'kind "ever given fif" /^4hat this lavfeu'd vti jump took place in the gymnasium 7:30 the Invincibly.* gathered last .Saturday "evening at 4 o'clock;. the lobby of the Driskijl. Every • here » i, » i* ttlrtilr second 7O0C0NGRESS,fVE. The resnlt-was yery ^encc _ inH tonlinpr aa ne*efcE l=* have Co. the lqterest of thestudents aud alutnat -— •> t — .— of the 0-n.jverflfyy of*Tnitftg, appearing in public speaking and; together f ... v. vv 'Cueadav inorning. with the lnrbetus gamed lgstryearr -theVRing-Tum Phi oi ^yashingtoi] •"*; mmidv iiwit" ^mnrofil-~• It is a ne\vsy isbeetj'iull ^UBSCH.PTWNPitiCE,:;.$l:25 PEfeYKAK! we may reasonably Took forward' to a year of interest aiid' successes of life, and reflects great credit on AMERICAN PLAN ElilTOK-lii'CHIKF: , V along the. lines of-oratory and de­the University. T~";:x ^JFkiTZ G LANHAM. Ssjl bate such5 as the University has 7 *' * BaQsrReceptions and Banquets BUSINESS MANAGERS! « -never before.-known. ' / The oldest college in the " world v -Specially Catered-For , '4 Mont PC Hi«rti.Kr, H. Lee BofeDKN. Now .we think it pei^ectly ptoper is Mohammed <>qljegel:at Cairo. GOOD AS TtlE to suggest ..that a'cOontest be given Egypt, wJ^idh :-was; 1000 years old Au. Hri'iiKXraare respectfully invltetf to hand 4ii-ivlnr's new weelr- All exchanges, and correspondence should be addressed to "The Texan," and visitors have been wearied ^lth • ly—up to.date in every respect-; we" VOUR PATRONAGE 1812 Congress Avenue. qn abundance of festivity wilf have (more to say of the Lariat "IfteDictators of Moderate Prices" Entered at the Austin postQfflce as sec­Commencement week, and the social next vweekjr-* " rrfl, . j OUR WAGONS WILL, CALL ond class mail matter. side of the affair has encroached Raatz 5 0Reiffu .EVERY HOUR.TU­ j upon the rights of the intellectual. The ..Minnesota Daily cpmes to us Local Editor—Frank West."?^'. '7 ~'­ RING PHONE 444 Literary Editor-^-Jeeee filler. "fes; Why not give a grand PatfrHellenic regularlyj now, and we have' only IP Senior Class—W. Is. Prather, Jr. . §f|| reception this year? It will unite words of praise for the D^ily,_ It js Junior,Class—Miss Katie Sinall.. discordant-factions, prevent useless a typical College paper and one that Sophomore Class—JohnrL. Sinclair To thl. sickness and fatigue, and allow more would do" good to any university f. Senior -Law—Balliiiger Mills. attention to~ be devoted, to intellect-r *i _.s * Junior Law'—Albeft Boggese. ' ual attainments. In this way we The largest score ever nMg-in University Patronage: Athenaeum—i. 'l'. Cope. y Raisk—T. L. Mafisey. can better prove our appreciation a> football game was pileiT up by > I takc jpleasure inaunouno l Aehbel—^Miss llolliday. ' of the gift of our generous bene­ Rarlham, College whm she defeated Grace Hall Correspondence—Miss Gret- : ing the arrival of a large and . chen &6cha.'"' factors. Every one should attend1 Eastern Indiana Normal Universi-.'| complete line of Samples for Gymnasium UprTesponderitr—Joe Dibrell, this contest^ and it should certainly ty by the score of 139 to 10. , # * * the present seasoti, which I be. one of the most important occa­ .EUROPEAN PLAN have noW on display ready DEC.;11, lflOO. No. 10. sions of the.year.. We think^these ' Yale offers" free' tuition to fiveRESTAURANT A LA (ARTfc suggestions worthy of much-uon-Filipinos^ of exceptional fitness and for inspection.. I guarantee that ^igli^B^^^^^They ar>»» tn -lv» you perfect satisfaction as to "The Junior Laws iiave organized 7 A. ft. 10 9 P, ft, fhes^changts/maV be accomplished. selected bv Judge Taft, YaT^TyK fit. style and general work •a class football team and have be- who is at the head of the Philipprne, manship, and can save you-gun active pmctire T^f nttifxr G. L PETERSON. Prop. -The-Irri.atpr commission. -I money. Investigate the suits classes fojlow their glorious cKitnw. success than we expected it .to be pie. Good football ^veamer M just which 1' make to wder lor It is. an aggregation of musicians -CON LA W • STUDENT'S beginning, and;we regret to give up rKNT.M EXT. $10.70 up, and trousers at Jl the ^rpMSfe, ab»iliM,"™cei ^JeiUiahe t..reman Yes, there's plenty-of room at the $3.95 up> Special orders in sary,.. Class games awElof,develop .*&,?***some top; : v . *>Gk Jlmstroog Boys wrv. Cli,. -lest, our appreciation of their devo­ good material for the "Varsity, arid, But to-get--there myself shan't A. G. GERJES:. tion. to the 'Varsity,; They have CLOTHING > casting aside the beneficial' results hump.any; ' J"5 7 been of incalculable benefit ih help­ No. 808 CONGRESS AVENU2E j» f rom a gentlemanly spirit of class For I think it more1pieasant^tcrsfop Men's Outfitter: .1610 Lavaca Street ing us to attain our present position rivalrj^^^giibuld be encouraged Lower down.where there's plenty of in athletics. President Prather has company. ,,for no other. The loyally subscribed $25 for the sup­ . ESTABLISHED tB73 11 Junifl|^^^^^Kve taken the lead -, • —-BX. DR. BAXTER, port of the baiid. and Professor and inn||[^H^m' the class cham- -s Shoch gave evidence of his sincerity DENTIST; _. has voted Yale faculty to allowhe same DEALER "V­ IJ the-clas^ contribute to.^i^^^^l^^f^ w^r^f^—^^^Sjthe^ " MO CONGRESS AVENUE. 1c -ijj the disadvantage of a debt ap­ tory of American collppes OMMmM Athletic AgBddia-' are to go across the continent dtii^ Hi tion lag «w.ap jiven .Wate^To r ing the Christmas holidays, singing Tin muiiago laittg Co. RUGS it ^ j.t. it . are sorely needed. T^et us hope for w at,Los. Angelos.and.San FYancisco. J. E. HACKEn, Agilt. FURNISHING w .... --• -• vx aMM<^mixuu They will be the first' easterhCco-l­,*SOM flgJWAOKENRlDdE ^u^tfiletic lovaltv, Thafrtfe-i^n lege. musical organization to toSch GOODS . hi Th«> management will send The STUDENTS' AQENT. ideservel the Pacific coast. '.c iOTH AND LAVAOA St&EBTS !» wish to suggests change ill the J^tfts inade to ouf gt>al defenders. In the $1. • Remember, -it-is your duty as THE NEW AUSTIN Eastern coHeges a watch cblirm, a a student to subscribe for-the paper. t^rsno. Mm&ou read'if.rvou slipTijj^ siihscpitm Professor Bui on.,the Why hot adopt this method of " * J " " * —_ COMPANY for it; We arc earh^stly^nS^yor^ -_ honoring our team ? A regular " " T -Campus. 81* CNQRM8 AVENUE BILLIARD nALL "UUS STRICTLY CDRFIBEHflAL" and would be willing*to purQliase a- -Ten-in numbraFf-woald-be-f^Hte not hope to do so without oo-opera- With Rebate Checks on all Game* sweater for himself in order to^ob­ tion. an addition to the ITniversity." and <•) tain some more jiwrable token,of liis ^ All (he Delicacies of the like a^H^tf8^feat^oiird',T>Frm fc Pickwick" Restawaat dlys on the gridiron. —*1 Season • .• kWiping with advanced institutions. ... _ THE STUDENTS' ^ -We can now visit a store that willl ,. Propr|etor. "1 not justify the purchase of gold "T'^EATING PLACE TELEPHONE. Ho. 40 f6otbiall^^hgr"-might-ai^mn supply us with Croekery of all kinds, COMPLETE VHITE SERVICE ones. We think Colorado made a splendid foot-bea'utiful dinner iets and'foilet sets* .*._y the adoption of this proposed ehan;?p ball showing this year. Si tahle cutlery and pocket knives, and would be hailed with delight by the 4t­ <4o0 Lavaca Stiibkt -BOB HARRISON'S — Quick Meal Steel, Ranges, accepted team itself,-and we hope for AVi exchange .reports. that the BARBER SHOP thoughtfill consideration in-this re-Carlisle Indians made $10,000 on' asj the best Range made and -for-BOOT AND SHOEMAKER CUSTOM WORK gard,. . • •• • * • prices Ihe very-lowest. — football last year. ff8-BRANCHE8 J H^Wbaths . BANG go -our s Fireworksp iind MPAIRiNQ ALL WORK ev NEATLY DONE ."Ai GUARANTEED FIRST-CLAS# WORK ^-Theliootbalt season Js over atid iLeland Stanford (Jniyersity is you can get your siipplv here, and H0i our team is. praised on overv si(Je. .( '•^nsidering the matter of opening all kinds of. Christmas Present^ at •VBut Httle do We hear of that heroic the library, un Sunday': .7-—­ ' Brush spArr. and flth-rtftyf*—-—; JIB .'squad of Scrubs yho labored so J. ArJACKSON *- COLLTERAt &RCKE&— nobly to make our championship a The.,_j)Tice. of admdss.ion. to'^all. WGLIDAY-EXCUKSIO NS. gi' Dealer in Jewelry, Diamonds, football games .at the ITirrversity •Eiof M-innesota is $1:50 ™ Pine Stationery and WATCHES, BTT.VRRWARP, struggled.so long and so faithfully. |To Mexico and the Southeast^ PI . rtT" KD8ICAL IH8TJUJIIEHTB, OLOXHISO. HATS vn. : --*• •, _ -•*' Engraving House. ^ tlii Some day you may be regular repre­ B00T8, BHOBS, GTOS, PISTOIS, -j- The-last' issue of the Battalion is AMMOHEnOH, ETC. • WADED SHELLS sentatives of the' 'Varsity-and vwe 1ickets will l)e o'n sale T)eceniber 1121 Chestnut Street de tw a very creditable issue; one of our O&EAT BABOAIH8 IN nBBHDBEKBD will deem our honors .safe in your '20-, 21 and 22," between local sta­•Philadelphia. best jaxonthiy exchanges.>v PLEDQE8. hands. "' ' " * ' T'-. Vi, -•'% -li-1 tions. Tickets on sale December 23. . * .N(! cd(.WAXUHm AJtfji ilSffEEB^ltBl»«T1tBTy—' 24, 25, 2fi, 31 and January 1 College Invitations. wa "Students at ro^a-H^iveigity. itre --•Wedding Invitation*j©/9lCOA/Q^SS AVE7 Ve demohstrttted" U> tit-ect -m grand stand as a memo-_ Houston, TexatH=Datei— for tlu. lonery ' Reception Ofttda . -ssa :rour^up^jpi-itjf Qh: the gfidn TrutfT^'ibwer and Vegetabfe'-PestT-ProgremmM !lhe champions" of 1900 " And Konognun, val .arfe December 10 to 15. gfftK: us strives to:become masters in other V:' " ^ \ -Banquet Hennes - -To -^Ooaih of Ann* Chicago,'Ills—Decepflbee.1 to' 8'; pursuits.. .Let us win 'our debates. ^ Minnesota is to flood .the athletic Pratprnlty -' -] Addma Piet the Let us seek " intellectual achieve- junt International Livestock "Ex-x grounds-r-Northrop Field and EngTarlng jj Visiting Sard* ^ mentsr In' the,last number of this. on sale Ifcarember •fignvert the gridiron into-ijafe paper was, an article which gave •1900 igat OircsJWIi TWo« , HERALDRY AND GENEALOGY DuBois prize in . oratory. The ii^ton, TexaB—-Deeember_a_io_ COATS fttniftM <1 Ho . Upiv6rs.ity of Pennsylvania J ..uncles of Prnf , Maaohic Qfand Ln«lgo Mn41T,r> ';.tea Qrand LtWlge Meetings fe&cahg cluh which meets SHurter ope^^u- i^^Sber.27 . Chapter Convmit^ FOR FBAMIte twice a wfflrpeace in-? 'Meeti^fr^ manner Jfimel atroction. 1 «ecuted in the eatablisb-', , Hife' penwmat ".aaperTiBibtf ^ .peculiarly wwcewful. during his col- i ' a' ,t>nly in the^best: Minnesota ^ claims^ the football career & G. N. B. B.,-Pales­ expected and chafepignship of the West. having, The reputation trf this houae is a arantee of the o-jal'Ayv -. •*.-, M' cLOTMlOTtPMIMEIIT r ^bnioss Bros. ACo.'aTallor-Made Clothing For Men. iets special Suit Sale—— V ~ . *13.50, $15, $18, $80 Box Overcoats....$10,$i2.50, $15, $18 Blenheim Boy's and Youth'sTall­ I owed Salts, special......$7.50, $8.60,$10 standard Men's Worstedsand Oag-• •, nlmeres, fifty styles, this week $12.50 and $16 ones go for.. $10.00 Men's Pants 8ale^ ' Btt "r1""-"'"1'* flKBHlmara Ponl.a J $8.50 goods,. 1.... ...i.. lOStvlee Stfln's I"in$ Pant», $4 SO goods .' ......fr..$3.50 9 styles of Men's Fine Worsted psnte, $B«oodsfor $5.00 Hat8= === •Le us give you Hat prices, and remove that opticalJlluBlon that ahat moBt have a narise. Qttr manrelous/conjesfromthe -Knox. Young, Youman,and other makes. STIFFS .....$1.00,$1.5ft, $8.00, $8.50 Alpines and Regulation,........... $1.00, $1.50, $8.00, $2.50 . Black, Brown, Grays, Castors, »to. ~ We can open your -eyes with our present stock ana prices. , V jno. B.Stetson's$5 Hats,alk.Bh(ipoa $31SO and F. E. MlSTRQT i for ; Cor; 5th ani Congress Ave. ch I sady ntee LOCALS AND PERSONALS. is.to v ork--——y •• Tr7-—^— • Us of its readers. It is aa in­tenseiy interesting numberf : Miss lnda Thornton, B. 8. '00, lloanie after a pleasant-visit. • me$r McCall of th^ Senior Law clat-s. left' for his home, in'feather-' ford iridayr~^ucce^ io y;ou. -Mc. apo^e7~tnr~ tii*e~ ""Privilege of Service" at the Y. M. . ^ ^ meeting op Sunday afternoon. T^rrT('ri"an at Eighth Street hall fta^rda v\ jiiglit ^a»-AVell attended, . , „ rman untii-after . the holidays^ ER ^r-Tlu' dance given on last Tuesday- evening at the home of the Misses ITEfcD Armstrong was one of the grandestsqeiiil functions .Tir?tgtr was one" of the speakers of . the evening. HoSstPn"Light GuardJaot­leam ' is trvinor, *r> ^me with 'Varsity-to be played in [ Houston in the near future, The lish­ fQf&tory I) aire hairing . -iseg for flie tentr '8it°t8 are welconaed at these exer­ 70 k.' J n«ay at y.go.. ^r-®a3fter, the Dentist/600 Con­ gress Avenue. Fop those who shave themselves ugeXaiireline,the aration For" sale at ^he.-l>Jhte:Barber shop. i\ ff^wliq Weiandruft, use ^ke&,pandriifL.Cure,. sale at the Elite barber shop. ''7 ^ •• • • . . 1 • • . 0 ... -#*.'.*"• • ' SOME; INTERESTING CORPE­SBONDENCER The following correspondence be­ tween the University of-Texas'£md Baylor University is of interestkot only to members of th'e Oratorical Association, but to-the entire ,stt^[­ cnt body, "and to the. facArfty-' tho alumni, and friends of both univer­ ._.... -.— ... . take pleas­ ure in -publishing it, that 111 may . .knovv the prQgressjjf.negotiations. The letters are;'self-explanatory,, you , Dr. Baxter,. tne"dentist, 600 Con"-"Bear Sir: .1-write to you-with'rfr iUiU: iress avenue gard to the understanding between -the.students, of your .University and -for -Mr. Ballinger.—MlU^__Eetrirhed,MiTui U-L.'zzb' -j r> i tn : . .. * at "•from Waco a few. days ago. annual, debater There seemf to -be ' c.Miss' Robands will spend the next ® lack^ of definite understanding two weeks with Miss Besme'-'Beal. here as" [to whether or not the. pres­ent agreement permits graduate • Miss Mattie Watkins ! of Bryan students to participate in the de- Strict fas a recent cstfler at the ^Varsity. _Wte. In order to make the under­ The Junior Law class "indulged standing clear, it' has been suggest­in an exam, in constitutional law ed here that instead of -the; present Saturday. , ,J7'• ternls of the agreement a reading H •shoH]d 4)e sMb8l'itiitpd oxpressly ad- The Rev.. C. Polk (foodson will mitting of"excluding g£ad\rate stuct^ lead chapel exercisfeg at. the Univer­ ents. It would perhaps be satisfac­ ®ty this week,. tory *S 1he • University Ladies' 'f Club lueets Tuesday ajtfrnoon at 8^36^ debaters; and T. would ask your with Mrs. D. P. Hbuston. •*» opinion as to the advisability of mi ™-r -• m -j adopting this reading, as fin ariiend-. i 4 iIhe Sidney Lanier Society-has tneni to the agreement r\ hetd its tirst' literary meeting, which;ich < •,Another question that is being 4 proved-an unusual suecess."' _ =^-i ^giteted-here is the advisability of ±^-chftttffifir the nrriirnt mnrl.r'rif m 'a-in thfi -dumgifig „ to say that-they should be. carefully studied; : ; " Waco, Texas, October . 4, 1900.— President William L. Prather.-Uni­vgrgity ofr^Texas/^u^in; Texiifr­ ^ . • IL^I J, CAHB— ^tadefitk \^ho ieflter school for the =Xm^pnfff^nf-thedehatf afitl then leaving. '. . •' - Ai to changing our present mode of choosing jpdgff; we can not see how it can be bettered. "(iges; ITna l ins -this question for your consideration. Ishall be glad fp hear from vow with regard to these questions, and lu-tt^arbmppifjfll'e with you further in whatever manner youand. vour faculty may determine. SincereTy vours,' " A J. RITCHIE, ,(Associate Professor of English)Chairman of Committee. ' Professor A. Jv liitchie, ProTe?­spr of English. ^Bavlor TTniversity,Waco—Dear Sir:-Your corre­spondence with Prjesident Prather with referofice to the Texas-Baylordebate has been referred to the Or­atpricar Assdciation (consisting of :the young men's societies) throughProfessor Shurter, professor^jf or­atory. , Hueh matters have usuallybeeri lfraiiged hv the"student8 here. We trusty tlie " have the same prihaving, of coUrse, the hearty sym­pathy " and guidance of their re­spective faculties. '."V " We trust you tvill pjifdap dclay.inreply. ' • \ • You speak Of the entry or jnon-en­try of graduates., ..The students here do not object* to. the entrfof graduate students in tlie inter-Uni­aarBity riphatPB, provided Tlw th^,t the debaters be regular bona 1ide students and truly repres'enta­tive of the student body} i. e., not expend and. probability of acceptance by men so far'a$ayJ as Maryland-(as Mr. Ldvering)",^place,,themheyond our reiichv If some tit. that a triangular between Baylor and. Southwestern universi­ties and University of Texas for(de-. miulus nvulrv tfA oil. stimulus and rivalry to all three. For this end'-the' association Sp­poitited Messrs. j. B DibrelJ,, L. R. Buchanan and myself a committee ern. it would be impQsing "too -nmcliairou-raelVes' for e«chJof us to have two debates (one with "each °.f t,ve other two) each veiir in addi­ t "ri to our own contests and" other oratorical matters; so we propose the follov. i'ig;. ". First—That we try the league ar­rangement one year, and ifall three desire it can be made permanent. *7&co^ lor' and Southwestern meet in de­ bate some time, say in March. Third—That the winner of this ^5 debate meet the University of fex-' •and. need no comment, further than " as. say May. ,; mittee-T--composed of WW R«nBell­ • »ay in may. p epmposed West, Urfor(1' Fourth—To sfeciire uniformity ' .Barl)ee andl^nham were that (a) there be twospeakers each v r.??oint® , to draft a e^nstitu­ (B) that the length' and order oii^ anJl^-l^s. Professor Hous­addresses be left to the arrangement^ | Judge Clark were present •of thn-' -TTfuiilliliiir ~ ^QPgday The ^committee was "that two questionr fof-debate be presented by Southwestern"," say yj° reportrand" a ineetTng waB calfed-for To'elock inife Mndi^ imit-Mui.ang y /»f '|>-»r L11num.._ u ,,Most of those boardiug. t "oarumg. at ~—'——1 ii-* w '. as to make a like proposition-to the a^thrfg; U'frinni. /J\ mL.i ^1-i " . ii POft 01 tuG POmmi^on ipaa winner, (d) That a-liat of ten m! of tfle committee was adopted, C°f8titution good and fair disinterested men; be-°.,-provided for a offered by.Baylor to Southw^tern pre®ldent> 11 secretary, a floor eom­ 8|x for your debate for the choosing of ®«nters, a diningthree juidges^by^^oiiftiwprfnriyj c°wm and the winner to submit a list of ten such names to the University of posed of the membership of the Texas for selection, (e) In each °ther two committees, Their pdw­ case if a second list fails to e^® 8nt?. duties were defined in. such and secure the required-number of a way as to .secure, it was thought, judges the presidents of the insti­the best interests of all connected .... .. -1]x • tutions m each debate ar tiition to p»^v one-half judges' ex-r ^-^ :' ewrvtary. penses in its debaTeg; should there U-£ r , ^n' C. Sheppard, Ar (g) That plam bf be any expenses,enses. of (lpbat/ be a"anfrpd latcr hv °°rr0­ ,J ™f'l T¥vell% should come to Austin^ as it our own. debate .here at that tiffin. ^ The above has been written to the Southwestern and we hopg ,it ^rill meet your earnest consideration and Hoping to-hear from );ou soon, we; are, vpiir's verv truly, W. II. ADAMSON. For Committee. Wai'p,Teias, Dee* 6, 1900. tin. !Cexas—-Dear Sir: Your letter •—*./r" -———rrg. . 1 of the aOth ultniio, at^essfHT^to' Pr-ofesHor I?Tt^hic. ha8 bean referr<>(l for repiy to tm? unaereiigncd com­liiittee of the studoiitiiody.--We note -with gr^ttficationj'ctUr asaent to the propm^ x^ige it^ihe^jlan for the ^Baylor-State debate, wherein" "res-MudmSLJs substitUtpd for this properinent and readily concur .irf your"judgnigjjt -in the -matter.^After considering further the plan for choosing judges, we agree with, yt^athat the present "nicthod cannot eas­ily be bettered. y';v-:' -J, ^-Now, aS to the second part of your communication. To' expressin a veiy mild: and. brief way our altogether Sw»«u. n^u unusual. "In the firsts place, we fail to see on what ground yo» claim the right to debate the m'nnerT Tpthe second place, any-debate that may, be arranged ;between l^puttv western University and Baylor will be arranged for, and plans adopted —*— —• --• t. • |rith or be maae dejpelutent upon atty other college whatever? So far fcs this debate is eopebriied the pres­ftnt arrangement is highly sati^fa We nmy say in additiofr tlw^ the ptttiments n^reui expressera "Ttave received by ,foni|al vote the -juj£animous approval of the student —v, body. '* • Asking you, of our most cor- Aiort — . ' dial esteem, we ai;e ; yours vprv truly, : E. W. CROUCH, — E-BR1TTAIN, Committee. W HALL ORGANIZATION; Some time ago the B. Hall boards ers met upoii the fourth floor and formed a temporary organization to consider the advisability of taking thc ^»^ment^^e. so faf as practicable, into their orwn liands. E. T. Westr was~-clhet^d temporary nresideni W u i, 1 t ' W" H' Adamspn. tempo-,™^ ®^0^-. motion a-com- rfor(1- ^u>s-F. liealie, M.. M. McMahon and F. G. Lanham com­pose the floor-committee, and will keep order ~ within the sacred-pre­cincta of the Hall. H. D. Ardmv iBdJFrank Lee will assist Mr, Stev ens in directing the destiny of the dining room. The .regulations ap­ply with equal force to residents and nonresiaents bf.the -Hall and The movement is a little uniquein the history of the University.Onee before, howevCT;^^^|fan for a-short time waA under the generaldirection of the students. The pi wag altogether differ- Ppt )n operation.. Everyone in any will wateh the outcome wHh consid­erable interest. ~ Tho«e upon whom, the. direction of affairs has devolved have quite a burden of responsibili­ty* inasmuch as upon the Buccess of the Hall management dependtt in^~a. great measure .the success of the ty. .The. boys are walking •mewhat ^slippery: ground, uaede*cept rs<^ppl« resp^jyelyr witl^>Tnir Sampson, Roy Bfediehecfc-il 'A. ist, o we are quite"Unwillii Joshua. Levering, for instance? wjkt hafe : betigeiett^ the tjtate (In^erBitV f Mugi Jamie ArWtrote la# je^JI^e anA-R^pr^should^ Helen Derina An art'boai^ con. -the. .representatives of fe^e two, membereY D. 1^: Woothrard Fred - *.ary, therefbre, to avoid ai » jias^been^add.-> ed to the regular TJ«f board ..},r=r­is thoroughly competeipV^and we liop^ for a good annual this ^y«ar. A.J.ZILKER ­ ,Wiolisili aiiAitill Didir h_. OSABE™ McALESTER * SCREENED LUMP PENNSYL­VANIA ANTI E66 AND NUT OFFICE AND BINS, ONE BLOCK WEST OF ONION DEPOT r ­. ^ TELEPHONE No. 24S ­ A.J. ZILKER :X2 S.€.Roscttgrett «••% % Pbo«t4fi FINEST LINE OF • " RUBBER IN THE CITY THEOLO IS NOW LOCATED AT .HM CONGRESS AVE. Maapttuanrans nm apeolalty of Importad and Also car S?5SSIr3w» Artleieftntbeaouth, avoh aa liwr­ schaum Pipes, Cigar and ClteratM HpUlera, -add tmponed Fresofa Briar S. GOLDSTEIN, Prip. Phoit# 525. 403CMmulAw, . B^ertising flDakes r Susiness anb- JSusincsa Hoab to .... tribune i?dtt00 gGaafcfcia Mi mm PfgPJMS rfSSSfj: mrnm JL —^ f THEi TEXAN. HISTORIAN^ or the establishment of a in all of which 'we certainly surpass .i^ll^thT^irdrihatr-rfr-^est cause Yet it «eems that this has th^ ancients.' This with character-telling the truth as seen, in spite of will be decided^ afternoon. sejmti m ,fAn article ty Prof. Geo v >V vvjMiM ».x*v ,V^VV,* Tf popular prejudice." If they can be i The firat match: in' doubles was. rison, which, appeared "in the Popu­lenue of Ltwo. or"three writers who-bjiit it jn ntilf frir. conviction.that-we . — j . —jrj-'-ir."... Benedict and -Penick" V._ :ii» U'IZl I i-U V "Li»1 •• —..n J flourished moreL than. two=thirds of haw not risen Cbjhrclassical stand can be written best by those belong-"bjri^rrglit-aa lar Science~TI afte* n°t standpointi jor he admits that'our us at once agree that it -were better so. difficult if the proper meaning is historical scienqe is superior"tot the The first match was Between ter the preliminary contest in the that all the histories ever written Douglass and Ardrev. Ardrey was Athenaeum submitted their ,name%. given to words. • There^are several ancient.' If^therefore, we put that were burned than for the world to men living who do il. This I fully in great shape, defeating his oppon~ to the committee on rules. Aboitf" iiito the history wc write, we shall lose Homer' and Shakespeare." One believe^-knd l wish to say that-the ent1 by the •handsome score of 7-5, twenty will enter. The question make it better in-so far at least.-No , more-con(^sion'yield8 "tb the math­ assertion is made in no spirit of de- •6-2, After this^lhatcjti Ardrey^was" for ';7this ^ preliminary-debate~is: doubt; he-means better from the ematical and .physical 8ciences-pre=­ the winner of the toiimn-"Revived, that the constitution fol-* standpoint; of historiographic a c^effftlirf tlie'realni.of intellectual eration, but ra t in the spirit of meht. Wright won from Dr. Mezes lows the flag."" --Here lies," I take it. the crux of endeavor over history."* But, respect for these standards as I see bydefaultvir/Dr.Viliavassodefault-The only literary exercises of the the controversy-. Here begins the admitted bo much, Mr. Rhodes ed to H. Key. Dr. Penink defpated evening consisted in .the deWn divergence between—the scientific ~ There aee Dr. TTouston in a well-t)laved frame. Messrs. Dibbrell. McGinnis, afl's place in the field remains se­ subtle poison in the jUJaksics where" differ as to tlie lelativc vulnco\of the cure. Why he thinks jbo is not made by their devotees becc me intoxicated. elements they represent, and upon Wripfht: in an uninteresting match, of the questionJ while Messrs. M. qniite clear,. It is ,ti?ue enough that Their admiration f)r the ancient thfs difference rests their disagree­7'-5; 6-'1t Townes won from Dr. Pe-S. Oavett, Moss, Martin, and.'Mor­ there „has never been 'so propitious languages and literatures, -for the ment as to" the of $n-nick; 5-7, ^-4, 6-3, This match was gan-defended the negative." Air. went, us j.u me relative values oi..^n- ..no a time fofr writing history as in the civilizations in whith their chosen cient and modern historical thought. i ^e ^es^ • ^e t^urPament. Both -Whaling,~~a former member of the .uu muuau uwiuiKai Wiuugui,. , • last forty yearsf that 'there has •> -. .ii "... 1 *nn« -i-i C ' V * wprk lies, appears to< grow until they This, mir sem toTxplabrtteTsbjec-men .were iA championship form. society, was.present, and was~oal)ed -beep-^-general acquisition of the 1-,^ j,--; TTov won over Dr. Benedict. " n o^n lose faith in tli& pre jent and depre­t x.i i aire i. Ti r S to s^eak.' He is still in svnu historic sepse;' that 'the methods ciate it correspondingly. "Modern titude of.Mr. Rhodes. . f would-not "Surprise am, an 'CTn ihistoriographv i8 bevend all way? If So, those who love history men, _v... .._ comparison superior to ancient. It bett&lsthan they love the historians is, therefore,, not the will find little satisfaction in this needs it"Tfe ilfoiild ^ram our. conclusive of We believe we can interest you in ears with wool j . " preeminenL excellence of Thucydi­ security. r-> ... v But, following Mr. Rhodes fur-: And so pace by." ' • des and Tacitus to show' the admir­GOLF QOQD8, POCKET CUTLERY ^ ­V A" j , able propojjtion_a»d Conciseness• of_ T^rr^TflndslEe ... his contention io be that the -new leseT^e^^^n^-projf^ — lie. historians RAZOR8 and RAXOR STROPS ed bv any sympathy with material­of the present eenturpshovTlsome^^^^ ^ tlwught of the centaiy^ whicli 'has ism. I am well aware&hat human­ loss=in Ihis respect, they do more We also carry the best makesJn shot gunsand^riflS _ resulted in better wofk liT almost tentsfor rent. icycles, guns an Agent for Pierce and Rambler bicycles. ity fed upon such meat will never than make it up by gain in others. every direction, has had hbjsuch re­ become great.-.But must we look It is not enough that-fhenatnwent sult in historiography ; that "with G.C. BENGENER& BRO., .Slfl Xctngrfiss back-OTjer two thousand years to find writers of history told so well w hat tffl-ouj advantages'" we do not "write ideals-—-even in the/ matter of his-they^sawTlid understood'; there H as 1 VTlttftT) hA. ' T"* w* "*w » ­nav flail the *ory writing? Itwill be a sad day, so much that they did jjot see and better history tiian was written be­ fore 1859, which .we may oall A P. WIL'MOT, Pj-esident WALTER TIPS, lsx V16e Prest. ween the old ^ evei^ corae, when the teaching underst-and. -Jf-higtnrin«1 tiWitnro line -of demarcation between/the old H. B. HILLilARD. Caahler. • . ' " ' Greek and-Latin shall-fail in our is to be distinguished from other "and.the new;" and that.Thucy form8-rand Tiave canoas peculiar to J! ^1-"1 ' '' 'i i Bht JE is certainly tinr "Hself at aH-. for the historian. The whpje ad­ necessary that thev claasical meas­ ness must be considered in estimat­ dress appears to breathe the spirit uring rod shall be laid to all the "di­ ing jt fas good or Sad. of a -somewhat over-reverent devo^ U. Si GOVERNMENT DlPOSITARY mensions of modern thought? Shall tion to the Glassies, and the hear- It must be confessed, howevesr, we.not be free ? Shall there never be era that the indictment of Mr. Rhodes Capital and Surplus,­ $250,d00.0Q theywere ]aganst modern histMians-for~pro= Assets, over hand of'the" Classics andle e us a " :itv~is~w " ' ~ MJOO.OO -the study sr ~$i-,ooo,poo.oo the Lordof the viftfiyard nftWoa, torians, but against-nearly all-book­ there will no doubt be a sufficiently ,W?,?I>eclaHy solicit the business of the Professors grave indictment against the keep­Wherein' lies the hitherto un^ makers: of our "time,. and . is/far. and Students of the Uiiiversltyequaled excellence of Thucydides graver than his degree of emphasis ers of the. historical portian for the; aud Tacitus ? Not-in their superior would indicate. Life is short, and -waste they have made of the last 'accuracy, love of truth and impar- there -is contiaually more to be eighteen-hundred years; but it is hard to believe that they will be for 'Gibbon and Gardiner crowded-into it. The literature of ^tonong-the-moderns-possess-^ualljL Almost every fipl^l of prng io'und guilty of having failed to im-Efigressixe TURKISH BATHS prove on the' methods of the clas the same qualities.' Mr,, lUiodes thought is outgrowing the capacity TTifcalwritera woidd doubtless deprecate-any su, its workers, who axe "Striving in 'Has buienc% Chenj^do&e-a&t laan truly-reckless»vvM>jyoa fashiori''toianiifin>^ add-tlieretoClllU ClltfJcTO BQSCHE BtJILDING^ u „ istion r» ** *4Wti|t9 ijj . — this honorable" cc 6'pany, but for history.?,-' Somewhiti. eyefi a^ .^eording.to Mr.~Bhodes himself. Ii e it ^ould occur at once to those proportion are, if not the most SOrCONGRESrAVENUE ^dditicra-to acknowledgments al-who are familiar yoth his-works. priceless jewels of all literature, at ~ qiiot^d^^he Certainly it .is not difficult for ;the least t^Thi-publrcatic unprejudiced reader ^eee iii him tive setting. Blessed iB he. a.nd H Y^YniSAlAniifma, onKi*ova ^ii.' conscientious and 'brave fidelity ,*-Species/, in 1^69^x»pvearted it [the henefactbr^pf his.r race, who can de­ ;w!fiory of evolution]"feain a poe^s to the truth that can he found, in a liver his message in few words, and Ipigher degree in no historic, an-foi1 the rest keep silent. i dream and philosopher's specmlation cj^t or moderp.. r',.t-;/<' t6 a well-demonstxated scientific Une other point made by Mr. t: Tieredi or ^PRINTERS does thea advantage of %odes deserves attention, namely have^beeome g%4i,"Mrfl toJii» rapeous histoiy. Three di£Bculci% 7 printed, boundland Ulustrat^d,...Views ^d 1? iwy has influenced every one detailed iintfie study wood,; Be in the way of it: Firit>0that of kii.-v-'a x-ii. j. i_. j had to trace the development of J °f caxuse and effect, m ap getting the perspective; setwnd, that , l^diy S^UvS! Qlutioh, PHB^DELPlDA, PA.