BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS Number 323 ISSUED SIX TIMES A MONTH SCIENTIFIC SERIES No. 27 MARCH 15, 1914 THE ERROR-RISK OF THE MEDIAN COMPARED WITH THAT OF THE ARITHMETIC MEAN BY EDWARD L. DODD, Ph.D. Instructor in Mathematics in the University of Texas PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS, AUSTIN, TEXAS Entered as second class matter at the postoflicc at Austin, Texas 411-214-700-:,08& BULLETIN OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS Number 323 ISSUED SIX TIMES A MONTH SCIENTIFIC SERIES No. 27 MARCH 15, 1914 THE ERROR-RISK OF THE MEDIAN COMPARED WITH THAT OF THE ARITHMETIC MEAN BY EDWARD L. DODD, Ph. D. lnsrructor in Ma:hematics in the University of Texas PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS, AUSTIN, TEXAS Entered ns secor.d class matter at tbc posioffice at Austin, Texas Cultivated mind is the guardian g~nius of democracy. • • • • It is the only dictator that freemen acknowledge and the only security that freemen desire. President Mirabeau B. Lamar. The benefits of education and of useful knowledge, generally difl'used through a community, are essential to the preser­vation of a free government. President Sam Houston. THE ERROR-RISK OF THE MEDIAN COMPARED WITH THAT OF THE ARITHMETIC MEAN. BY EDWARD L. DODD. Ifseveral leaves * from a tree have been collected, the question arises: What is the typical or representative length of leaf for this tree? Or, if several measurements have been made of the same quantity, the question arises: What shall we accept as an ap­proximation for the "true value" of the unknown magnitude? The "typical value" of the length of a leaf and the "true value" of a magnitude exist usually only as mathematical abstractions. Nevertheless, if we arrange the leaves in the order of their magni­tude-as to length-it appears more reasonable to select the middle leaf as the typical leaf than to select the first and shortest leaf. The length of this middle leaf is called the median of the lengths. On the other hand, it is not so clear that the median is preferable to the average-the arithmetic mean-of the lengths.t In fact, it seems probable that sometimes the arithmetic mean is to be pre­ferred, and sometimes the median. Nevertheless, we may with advantage investigate these two functions of the measurements from the standpoint of general statistical theory. In this paper, the Gaussian Probability Law will be used as a criterion. It is not pretended that all distributions follow closely this law in its most simple-symmetric-form. But the Gaussian Law has been commonly accepted as representing the ideal distri­bution, both on account of theoretic considerations and by reason of experimental verifications. For example; an urn contains N balls, of whi.ch M are white. The balls are mixed, and n balls are drawn-where n, this can be shownt to be equal to unity, the symbol for certainty. We shall now make use of the conception of the probable value. To illustrate: If a gambler is to receive one dollar if he throws an tPeirce-A Short Table of Integrals, p. 62. Bulletin of the University of Texas ace with a die, two dollars if he throws a two-spot, etc., his expecta­tion on a single throw is defined as t(l)+t(2) +t(3)+t(4) +t(5)+t(6)=3! dollars; and this is also called the probahle value of his intake. It is obtained by multiplying each possible prize by its probability-in this case, i-and taking the sum of the products. It may be roughly described as the expected average intake. The gambler's "expectation" in sixty throws is 60X3!=210 dollars; and this is exactly what he will receive if he throws an ace ten times, and each other spot just ten times. Now let the absolute or positive value of an error, x, be called the absolute error, and be denoted by Ix!-Then, in accordance with the usual generalization, the probable value of the absolute error of the median is obtained by multiplying the integrand in (5) by lxl, and taking x1 =-oo, x~=oo; or, what is equivalent, multiplying the integrand by 2x, and taking x1 =0, x2 =oo. We can obtain directly a theorem comparing the probable value of the absolute error of the median with that of the arithmetic mean; but we shall obtain it as a corollary to a theorem on error­risk. In dealing with error-risk-"Fehlerrisiko"-Czuber* intro­duces a risk-function with the following characteristics: v(-x)=v(x); and v(x')>v(x) if lx'I> Ix!. (9) It is to be supposed also that v is not negative, and that -h•x• v(x)e is integrable from 0 to oc. The most simple risk- functions are, perhaps, jxj, x2, jx3 j, x4, etc. By the error-risk is meant the probable value of v(x), where xis the error of a measurement or of a function of the measurements. Hence, from (5) and (6),. the error-risk of the median of 2n+ 1 measurements is 2N Joo (X) -x• n Pi=---= v -[l-® 2 (x)]e dx. (10) JI 71" h 0 This is obtained by first making the substitution, hx=t; and then, t--=x. Now, the arithmetic mean of 2n+ 1 measurements; each subject *W ahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung I. p. 267. The Error-risk of the Median to the Gaussian Law (1) with measure of precision, h, is itselft subject to the Gaussian Law with measure of precision, (11) Hence, the error-risk of the arithmetic mean of 2n +1 measure­ments is 00 2v2n+1J (x) -(2n+l)x1 P= v " v h e dx. (12) 0 It will now be shown that P is less than P 1 for each (positive integral) value of n. In the technical sense, as used here, the "risk" of error in accepting the arithmetic mean is, then, less than in accepting the median. In other words, it is to be expected that the error of the a.rithmetic mean will be numerically less than that of the median in Gaussian distributions. To prove this, consider the two curves, suggested by (12) and (10), viz., 2y2n+l -(2n +l)x• y=F(x)= V" e , (13) 2N n -x• y=f(x) = ..;;[1-@ 2 (x)] e (14) In what follows, we shall consider only values of x>O or x=O. We sl;iall first prove that F (O)>f(O). Stirling's formula, in closed form*, is e n -n+­ (15) n!=y2"n n e 12n, 0<8<1. Then, from (6), 9' 2n -2n+­ N = (2n+1) (2n!) (2n+1) ( 1/ 4;ii(2n) e 24n 4 n (n!) 2 n 2n -2n;--e 4 (21rn)n e Sn From this, it follows that 1 1 -6nJ2 N J2n+l 24n e -< < __ e 11" v2n+1 'll"n tCzuber, loc. cit. p. 262, gives a more general statement of this principle. *Cesaro-Corso di analisi algebrica, pp. 270, 480. Bulletin of the University of Texas And hence, when n > 1, i< ~<1, (16) I/ 2n+l which is, indeed, also satisfied when n=1. Hence, F(O) >f(O); since ® (O)=O. We shall next prove that F(x) 2. In other words, beyond x=2 the curve, y=F(x), lies wholly below the curve, y=f(x). Since ® ( oo) = 1, 2 00 -x• 1-® (x) =-J e dx. v-; x Now, if x>2, -xr 8xe <1; and thus, 2Joo 00J(4xe-x") e-x"dx< e -x"dx. x x -2x• But the left member is equal to 2e ; and hence, -2x" 1-® (x)>2e n n -2nx2 [1-® 2(x)] >2 e This, with (16), proves that F(x)2. Hence, the curves (13) and (14) must intersect at least once-as stated before, we are not considering negative values of x-and, if they intersect twice, they must intersect at least three times. By the indirect method, we shall prove that the curves cannot intersect in three points; and hence, they intersect but once. Suppose, then, that there are three points of intersection. And let n N D(x)=F(x)-f(x); c ./ , c>O. (17) v 2n+l Then 2 -x• --{ -2nx• nD(x)=,-=e p2n+l e -c [1­ 1' 1r One factor of D (x) is -2x• g(x)=e -c[l-® 2 (x)]; and the product of the remaining factors is positive. Then, since D(x) has three positive roots, g(x) also has three positive roots; and The .E'rror-risk of the Median -2x1 2 -x• g'(x) = -4xe +2c @ (x) p-;e has two positive roots, by Rolle's Theorem. Thus, -x2 c G(x)= -xe + -= @ (x) v ... has two positive roots. But G(O) is also zero. And hence -x2 2c -x• G'(x)=(2x2 -l)e +-e 7r has two positive roots. But 2x' _ 1 +2c 7r can not be zero for more than one positive value of x. Thus, the­supposition that (13) and (14) intersect in more than one (positive) point, leads to an impossibility. Let b be the abscissa of the point of intersection, and let A be the area between the two curves (and the Y axis) from x=O to x=b. Tb.en, the area between the two curves from x=b to x=oo is also A; since the total area beneath each curve is unity­see (8). Now, from (10), (12), (13), (14), (17), P f00 F(x)v{~) dx=fbD(x)v{~) dx+fbf(x)v{1)dx+ [ 00 F(x)v{~) dx; (18) (X) b (X) P1 = [ f(x)v{~)dx=f f(x)v{~)dx+[ F(x)v{~)dx+ [ 00 -D(x)v{~)dx. (19) But the first integral on the right in (18) is less than Av(~); since, by (9), vis an increasing function of x. The last two inte­grals in (18) are the same as the first two integrals on the right in (19). In the last integral of (19), the function -D(x) is posi­ Bulletin of the University of Texas tive*; since F(x)b. This integral is greater than Av(~) Hence (20) THEOREM The error-risk of the median of an odd numbert of measurements, each subject to the Gaussian Law (1), is greater than the error-risk of the arithmetic mean of these measurements. COROLLARY The probable value of the absolute error of the medfon of an odd numbert of measurements, each subject to the Gmtssian Law (1), is greater than that of the arithmetic mean of these measurements. This corollary is also evident from mechanical considerations,­when it has been proved that F(O) >f(O); and that the curves, y=F(x) and y=f(x), intersect but once. For the two probable values, P and P 1 are simply the abscissas of the centers of gravity ()f the areas beneath these two curves, respectively. Now a center of gravity problem may be looked upon as a problem of finding an average,-involving, perhaps, a passage to a limit. And there is enough resemblance between a probable value and an average to lead to a suspicion that a method of comparison based upon probable value might favor the arithmetic mean, M, above all other functions of the measurements. That this is not indeed the case would appear from the fact that there are func­tions** with an error-risk smaller than that of the arithmetic mean. And futhermore, these comparisons based upon probable value are in harmony-so far as they go-with comparisons obtained by another methodtt. The median is not one of the functions considered by Czubert in his treatment of error-risk. For, although the median is a continuous function of its arguments-the measurements-the first partial derivarives do not always exist; and thus there are *It might be zero at just one point, so far as has been proved; but this does not affect the argument. tThe degenerate case, n = 1, is not here considered. **As found in a former investigation. See Monatshefte fuer Mathematik und Physik, 1913, p. 270. For example: ( 1-n\)M, when n is large enough,-using (8) p. 270. ttAnnals of Mathematics, June 1913, pp. 186-198. tLoc. cit. p. 275. The Error-risk of the llfedian points about which the median can not be given a Taylor's develop­ment. To illustrate: Suppose the measurements are x, y, and z; and that the median *is F(x, y, z); and suppose x< z. If, now, x