THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PUBLICATIONS .for 1956 EXPLANATION The University publishes bulletins twice a month, so numbered that the first two digits of the number show the year of issue, the last two the position in the yearly series. For example, 56o1 is the first publication of the year 1956. This series comprises the official publications of the University, publications on humanistic and scientific subjects, and bulletins prepared from time to time by various divisions of the University. Communications concerning publications of the following bureaus and div­ isions should be addressed to The University of Texas, Austin 12, Texas, care of the particular bureau or division issuing the publication: Bureau of Business Research Bureau of Economic Geology Bureau of Engineering Research Bureau of Industrial Chemistry Division of Extension Bureau of Public School Service Communications concerning all other publications in this series should be addressed to the Registrar's Of.f'ice8 The University of Texas, Austin 12, Texas. Communications concerning books published by The University of Texas Press should be addressed to the Director, Mr. Frank H. Wardlaw, Pearce Hall 12, The University of Texas, Austin 12, Texas. Publications are free unless a sales price is listed. 5601: January 1, 1956. GRADUATE SCHOOL OF LIBRARY SCIENCE, 1956-1958. 31 PP• 5602: January 15, 1956. FINANCIAL REPORT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS FOR THE YEAR ENDED AUGUST 31, 1955. 356 PP• February l~ 1956. INFORMATION FOR PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS 11 1956-1957. 35 pp. 5604: February 15~ 1956. REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR, 1954-1955. 32 PP• March l, 1956. BASEMENT ROCKS OF TEXAS AND SOUTHEAST NEW ME.XIOO, by Peter T. Fl.awn. Bureau of Economic Geology. 261 pp. *2.50. 5W6: March 15, 1956. SUMMER SESSION, 1956, MAIN UNIVERSITY. CATALOGUE NUMBER. 122 ppe April l, 1956. GEOLOGY OF THE LATE PALEOZOIC HORSESHOE ATOLL IN WFST TEXAS, by Donald A. Myers, Philip T. Stafford, and Robert J. Burnside. Bureau o.f' Economic Geology. 113 pp. t2.oo. 5608: April 15, 1956. GENERAL INFORMATION, MAIN UNIVERSITY# 1956-1957. 126 PP• May l, 1956. SCHOLARSHIPS, FELLOWSHIPS, TEACHING ASSISTANTSHIPS, ASSISTANTSHIPS, LOAN .FUNDS, PRIZES~ MAIN UNIVERSITY. CATALOGUE NUMBER: PART I. 1956-1958. 121 PP• 5610: May 15, 1956. COLLEGE OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION~ 1956-1958. CATALOGUE NUMBER: PART III. 60 PP• 5611: June 1, 1956. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, 1956-1958. CATALOGUE NUMBER~ PART IV. 76 pp. 5612: 5618: 5621: 5622: NOTE -­ June 15,, 19560 GRADUATE SCHOOL, 1956--1958. CATALOGUE NUMBER: PART VII. .303 PP• July 1,, 1956. COLLEGE OF PHARMACY, 1956-1958. CATALOGUE NUMBER: PART II. 36 PP• (This number was not usedo) August 1, 1956. CONSTITUTION AND RUL~ OF THE INTERSCHOLASTIC LEAGUE, Bureau of Public School Service, Division of Extension. 176 pp. 1.25. (This number was not used.) September 1, 1956. PROSE AND POETRY BIBLIOGRAPHY, Interscholastic League, Bureau 0£ Public School Service, Division of Extension. 14 PP• $.10. September 15, 1956. WORD LISTS FOR INTERSCHOLASTIC LEAGUE SPELLING CONTESTS, 1956-1957. Bureau of Public School Service, Division of Extension. 16 pp. t.05. October 1, 1956. A PRESCRIBED LIST OF PLAYS FOR USE IN THE ONE-ACT PLAY CONTESTS, 1956­1957. Interscholastic League, Bureau of Public School Service, Div­ision of Extension. 27 pp. $.15. October 15, 19560 PRESCRIBED MUSIC FOR 1956-1957. Interscholastic League, Bureau of Public School Service, Division of Extension. 112 pp. t.50. November 1, 1956. DEIONIZATION OF WATER FOR ICE MANUFACTURE, by W. Ao Cunningham. and W. c. Mills. Bureau of Engineering Research Series No. 46. 57 pp. t.50. November 15, 1956. DEGR~ CONFERRED AT THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS IN 1956. 84 PP• December 1, 1956. REPORT OF THE REGISTRAR, 1955-1956. .32 PP• December 15, 1956. SCHOOL OF LAW9 1956-1958, CATALOGUE NUMBER: PART VIII. 45 PP• The Catalogue Numbers and certain official reports and student prospecti bulletins are not sent on exchange. Included on the General Exchange list for 1956 were: 5605, 56o9, 5615~ 5617 9 5619,5620. Included on the Bureau of Economic Geology exchange list were 56o5, 56o7.