[~1] UNIVERSI1'Y OF' TEXAS. OFFICE OF CHAIRMAN OF FACULTY. Austin, February 20, 1891. MY DEAR SIR: Attention is respectfully called to the enclosed Fourth Biennial Report of the Regents of the University of Texas. It sets forth the present resources of the University and also the needs or the institution in order that it may be made, what the Constitution of the State requires, "a University of the first class." It is believed that you are a friend of higher education by the State, and that you will not only be inter­ested in this Report, but that you will do all you can to pro­mote the efficiency of the institution that offers this higher education, free of any charge for tuition, to the young men and young women of Texas. You are, therefore, respectfully requested to write at once to your local representatives, both in the House and in the Senate of" the 22d Legislature, calling their attention to the needs of the University as set forth in this Report, and asking them to give their support to such measures as may be introduced during the present session tor the purpose of increasing its efficiency and usefulness. Very respectfully, LESLIE WAGGENER, Chairman of the Faculty. 1·0............................................................................................­