LAKE MCDONALD THE Ct-'AS. H. ELLIOTT CJ. , PHILADELPHIA, PA. PRESS OF-----------------­ COLOl~S : oranoc and White ~VERSITY OF fEXAs ... Established 1883... 'VARSITY YELL : Hulabaloo, Hoorav, Hoorav ! Hulabaloo, Hoorav, Hoorav ! 'Varsitv, 'Va.rsitv, u. T. A. ··· ·DL:DICAl-ION·-·· To l1im wl10 has ever proven l1imself In every way a faitl1ful friend of our l)eloved Universllv, and an ardent 1promoter of our best Interests-to GE:O. W. Bl~ACl'\E:NRIDGE: this volume Is respectfully dedicated. A Personal Note A LUSTRUM ! NOT EVERYTHING LIVES SO LONG AS THAT. FIVE SUMMERS HAVE SEEN ME HERE AMONG THE FLOWERS ON MY CHOSEN HILL. AND I HOPE TO LIVE AND GROW HERE THROUGH MANY A LUSTRUM MORE. I HAVE A FRESH HEART AND A HARDY FACE, AND I BEAR MANY A PROD FOR FLAGGING MEMOR­IES. THOUGH I MAY NOT SEEM ENTIRELY BEAUTI­FUL, I KNOW I AM FRIENDLY, AND I CRAVE THE FAVOR OF THOSE FOR WHOM I EXIST. 1898 . . U. T. CACTUS @alendara. SEPTEMBER 22.-The Fourteenth Session of the University begins. OCTOBER 24.-Foot Ball Game on the 'Varsity field. University, 10; San Antonio, o. OCTOBER 30.-Foot Ball Game in Dallas. University, 4; Dallas, 22. NoVEMBER 1.-Foot Ball Game in Fort Worth. University, o; Fort Worth, 6. NOVEMBER 2.-Foot Ball Game at Waco. University, 18; Add Ran, 10. NOVEMBER 4.-The Foot Ball team begins practice. NOVEMBER 5.-\ieeting of the Texas Academy of Science. NOVEMBER 15.-Foot Ball Game in Austin. University, 42; Rous­ ton, o. NOVEMBER 20.-Foot Ball Game in San Antonio. University, 12; San Antonio, o. NOVEMBER 25.-Thanksgiving Day. DECEMBER 15.-Fall Term Examinations begin. DECEMBER 23.-Christmas Recess begins. JANUARY 3.-Winter Term begins. JANUARY 28. -Joint Reception of Y. W. and Y. M. C. A. at Mrs. Kirby's. FEBRUARY r, 3, 5.-Production of "Ben Hur." FEBRUARY 4.-Texas Academy of Science meeting. FEBRUARY 8.-Freshman Reception at Mr. Scarborough's. FEBRUARY 22.-Washington's Birthday. MARCH 2.-Texas Independence Day. MARCH 12.-Winter Term Examinations begin. MARCH 15.-Work begun on new wing. APRIL 21.-San Jacinto Day. JUNE 4.-Final Examinations begin. JuNE 15.-Commencement Day. 6 UNIVER"ITY HALL. ST. MARY'S INF'IRMARY. f@oard of ~egents. T. D. WOOTEN, Clzairnzan. F. W. BALL, Fort 'Vorth. T. D. WooTEN, Austin. WM. L. PRATHER, Waco. T. C. THOMPSON, Galveston. BEAUREGARD BRYAN, Brenham. R. E. COWART, Dallas. G. W. BRACKENRIDGE, San Antouio. T. S. HENDERSON, Cameron. J. B. CLARK, Austin, Secretary. JO f@aeult~ of the IZ$\ain l@ni\~erasit~. GEORGE TAYLOR WINSTON, A. M., LL. D., President. GEORGE BRUCE HALSTED, A. M., PH. D., Projessoref Pure Mathematics. A. B., Princeton University, 1875, and A. M., 1878; Ph. D., Johns Hopkins Uni­versity, 1879. GEORGE PIERCE GARRISON, PH. D., Associate Professoref History. L.A., University ofEdinbnrgh, 1881; Ph. D., University ofChicago, 189f. THOMAS ULVAN TAYLOR, M. C. E., Associate Professor of Applied Matlze­mathics. C. E., University of Virginia, 1883; M. C. E., Cornell University, 1895. THOMAS FITZ-HUGH, M.A., Associate Prefessor of Latin. M.A., University of Virginia, 1883. FREDERIC WILLIAM SIMONDS, M. S., PH. D., Prefessor of Geology. B. S., Cornell University, 1875, and M. S., 1876; Ph. D., Syracuse University, 1879. MORGAN CALLAWAY, JR., PH. D., Associate Prefessor efEnglish Philology. A.B., Emory (Ga.) College, 1881, and A. M., 1884; Ph.D.,JohnsHopkinsUni­ versity, l 889. SYLVESTER PRIMER, PH. D., Ar{junct Professor of Teutonic La11guages A. B., Harvard University, 1874; Ph.D., Strassburg, 1880. JOSEPH BALDWIN, LL. D., Emeritus Prefessor of Pedagogy. B. A., Bethany College (Va.), 1852, M.A., 1856, and LL, D., 1890. WILLIAM }AMES BATTLE, PH. D., Associate Professor of Greek. A. B., University of North Carolina, 1888; Pb. D., Harvard University, 1893. SIDNEY EDWARD MEZES, B. S., PH. D., Adjunct Professor efPhilosophy. B. S., University of California, 1884; A. B., Harvard University, 1890, A. M., 1891, and Ph. D., 1893. DAVID FRANKLIN HOUSTON, A. M., Ar{junct Prefessor efPolitical Science. A. B., University of South Carolina, 1887; A. M., Harvard University, 1892. HENRY WINSTON HARPER, PH. G ., M. D., Adjunct Professor of Chemistry. Ph. G., Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, 1881; M. D., University of Virginia, 1892. WESLEY WALKER NORMAN, A. M., Adjunct Prefessor efBiology. B.Sc., University of Indiana, 1885; A. M., De Pauw University, 1894. LAFAYETTE RUPERT HAMBERLIN, B . A., Adjunct Professor ef Fnglislz and Expression. B. A., Richmond (Va.) College, 1892. MARK HARVEY LIDDELL, A. B., A. M., AssociattJ Prefcssor ef Englislt Literature. A. B., Princeton University, 1888; A. M., Princeton University, 1889. WILLIAM S. SUTTON, A. M., Prefessor efPedagogy. A. B. , University of Arkansas, 1883 ; A. M., University of Arkansas, 1884. WILLIAM TYLER MATHER, A. B . , PH. D . , Associate Professor efPhysi'cs A. B., Amherst College, 1886; Pb. D., Johns Hopkins University, 1897. A . CASWELL ELLIS, A. B., PH. D., Adjunct P1ofessor efPedagogy. A. B., University of North Carolina, 1894; Ph.D., Clark University, 1897. JULES MAGNENAT, Instructor in French. Brevet, Normal School of Lausanne, Switzerland ; Examiner at the University ot Lausanne, 1863-1885. J[ FACULTY or MAIN UNIVERSITY. FACULTY OF MAIN UNIVERSITY. JESSIE ANDREWS, B. LIT., Instructor in German. B. Lit. University of Texas, 1886. ARTHUR LEFEVRE, C. E., Instructor in Pure Mathematics. C. E., University of Texas, 1895. LESTER GLADSTONE BUGBEE, A. M., Instructor in .flistory. B. Lit., University of Texas, 1892, and M.A., 1893. JAMES ROBINSON, BAILEY, B . A., PH. D., Instructor in ClzemistrJ'. B. A., University of Texas, 189r; Ph.D., University of Munich, 1897. LILIA MARY CASIS, M.A., Tutor in French and Spanish. B. A., University of Texas, 1895, and M.A., r896. EUGENE PAUL SHOCH, C. E., M. A., Instructor in Chemistry. C. E., University of Texas, 1894; M. A., University of Texas, 1896. MILTON BROCKETT PORTER, B . S., PH. D., Instructor in Mathematics. B. S., University of Texas, 1892; Ph.D., Harvard University, 1897. ROBERT ANDREW THOMSON, B . S., M.A., I11strucfor in Applied Mathematics. B. S., M.A. , University of Texas. WILLIAM L . BRAY, A. B., A. M., Instructor in Botany. Ph. D., University of Chicago; A. B., University of Indiana; A. M., University of Indiana. FRITZ REICHMANN, C. E., E. E., Tutor in Physics. C. E., University of Texas, 1896, and E. E., 1896. AUGUSTA RUCKER, B. A., Tutor in Biology. B. A., University of Texas, 1896. CARL COSMO RICE, A. B., Tutor in Latin. B. A., University of Texas, 1897. HENRY GEORGE HOWARD, A. B., Fellow in Greek. B. A., University of Texas, 1897. HATTIE WHITTEN, Student Assistant in Geology. MRS. HELEN MARR KIRBY, M. A., Lady Assistant. M.A., Macon (Ga.), Female College. JAMES BENJAMIN CLARK, A. B., Proctor, and Secretary of the Faculties of the Main University, at Austin. A. B., Harvard University, 1855. BENJAMIN WYCHE, B. LIT., Librarian. B. Lit., University of North Carolina, 1894. WALTER FREDERICK KELLY, Physical Director. B. L., Dartmouth, 1897. JOHN AVERY LOMAX, B. A., Registrar. B. A., University of Texas, 1897. ROBERT SIMONTON GOULD, M.A., LL. D., Professor of Law. B. A., University of Alabama, 1844, and M.A., 1846; LL. D., Southwestern Presby­terian University (Tenn.), 1886. ROBERT LYNN BATTS, LL. B , Professor ofLaw. LL. B., University of Texas, 1886. JOHN CHARLES TOWNES, Professor of Law. JOHN C . SAUER, LL. B., Librarian ofLaw Department. LL. B., University of Texas, 1897. PAGET. LOMAX, Registrar, Law Department. 14 f@>aeult~ of the <@epal"tment of ~edieine ALLEN J . SMITH, A. M., M. D., Dean of tlze Jl1edical Faculty, Professor of Pathology and Lecturer on ll!fen fal and Nervous Diseases; L ecturer on Vegetable 1-lisfology and Mz"croscopic Plzarmacognosy in the School efPhar­macy. A. M., Pennsylvania College, 1886; M. D., University of Peunsy!Yania, 1886. J OHN FANNIN YOUNG PAINE. M . D., Professor ef Obstetrics and Gynmcology. M. D., Tulane University, 186r. EDWARD RANDALL, M. D., Professor of /11"aferia Medica and Therapeutics ; Lecturer on Physical Diagnosis; Prefessor of Maferia Mcdica in the School ef Pharmacy . M. D., University of Pennsylvania, 1883. WILLIAM KEILLER, L. R. C. P . & S., En., F. R. C. S., En., Professor of Anatomy. Licentiate, Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, 1890; F ellow of same College, 1892. J AMES EDWIN TH OMPSON, M . B., B. S., F. R. C . S., Professor of Surgery . Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, ;v.[auchester, 1884; M. B. B. S., Loudon, 1887; F. R. C. S., England, r888. SETH MABRY MORRIS, B. S ., M. D., Professor of Chemistry and Toxicology. B. S., University of Texas, r888; M. D., Col:ege of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, 189r. WILLIAM SPENCER C ARTER, M . D., Prefessor of Physiology . M. D., University of Pennsylvania, 1890. } AMES WHARTON McLAUGHLIN, M. D., Prefessor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine. M. D., University of Louisiana, i867. HENRY PENDLETON COOKE, M. D., Lecturer on Diseases ef Children. M. D., University of Virginia, 1877. GEORGE H. LEE, M . D., Lecturer on Diseases ef i/z.e Skin. M. D., Tulane University, 1888. 15 MEDICAL FACULTY. GoERGE P. HALL, M. D., Lecturer on Diseases oj the Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat. M. D., University of Louisville, 1877. ISAAC M . CLINE, A. M .• M. D., PH. D., Lecturer on Climatology. A. M., Hia'A-atha College (Tenn.), 1882; M. D., Arkansas University, 1885; Ph.D., Add Ran University, 1~96. RAOUL RENE DANIEL CLINE, A. M .• PH. G., Lecturer on Pharmacy; Pro­fessor of Pharmacy and Lecturer on Botany in the School of Pharmacy. A. M., Pennsylvania College, 1896; Ph. G., New York College of Pharmacy. THOMAS FLAVIN, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. M. D., University of Texas, 1892. JOHN THOMAS MOORE, A. M., M. D . , Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy. A. M., Add Ran University, 1894; M. D., University of Texas, 1896. WILLIAM GAMMON, M . D., Demonstrator of Normal Histology. M. D., University of Texas, 1893. Lours EDMOND MAGNENAT, M. D., Demonstrator of Chemistry. M. D., University of Texas, 1895. W. F. STORLEY, JR., M. D., Demonstrator of Obstetrics. R. L. McMAHON, M . D., Assistant Surgeon. CONN L. MILBURN, PH. G., Demonstrator of Chemistry and Botany. Ph. G., Medical Department, University of Texas, 1897. }AMES POPE JOHNSON, Provost of Medical Department, Secretary of the Fac­ulty, and Librarian, at Galveston. 17 p)e~ f»raofessoras ano Instrau~toras. There have been a number of additions to the Faculty of the University in the year 1897-98. P ROF. MARK HARVEY LIDDELL was elected in June, 1897, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Dr. Waggener. Prof. Lid­dell is an A. B., A. M. of Princeton, and held a fellowship in English during his last year at that institution. After leaving Princeton, he taught two years at Lawrenceville, N . J., and two years in Philadelphia. He then went to Europe, and studied English two years in Oxford and one year in Berlin. Since returning to Americ-a he has lived in Boston, and has been engaged in editing old English texts for the McMillan Company. Asso­ciated with other distinguished scholars in England and Ameriea, he has just published an edition of the Globe Chaucer. Prof. Liddell is an enthusi­astic follower of the Oxford plan of studying the English 1anguage. PROF. W. S. SUTTON, A. M. (University of Arkansas), has been placed at the head of the re-established School of Pedagogy. Prof. Sutton has been superintendent of the Houston schools for the past ten years. So successful has been his administration that, according to a report issued by Dr. W. T. Harris, United States Commissioner of Education, the Houston school system is ranked as the seventh most efficient in the United Statts. Prof. Sutton's success as a practical schoolman is largely due to the fact that he has always been a close student of the best theories of education. It is this combination of much practical sense with a modicum of theory that makes his work in the schoolroom particularly effective and successful. Prof. Sutton's election and retention as a member of the Faculty of the University of Texas will prove an important factor in enlisting the sympathy and co-operation of the public schools of the State with the University. 18 As an associate of Prof. Sutton, the Regents have elected DR. A. CAS­WELL ELLIS, PH. D., (Clark University, Boston). Dr. Ellis is a specialist in psychology and child study. He is a young man, well posted in his subject, and a captivating lecturer. ROBERT A. THOMPSON, M. A. (University of Texas), has been added to the Department of Engineering. Prof. Thompson has already had one year of service in the University of Texas as a teacher of engineering dur­ing the absence of Prof. Taylor in the year 1893-94. Since that time he has been engaged in the active field of railroad building, and resigned his work there only because he loved teaching and the 'Varsity more. WILLIAM L. BRAY, M.A. (Indiana University), is now professor in charge ot the work in botany in the University of Texas. Prof. Bray has done work at Cornell University, the University of Indiana, Chicago Uni­versity and the University of Berlin. He will enter the examination for his doctorate in June next at the University of Chicago. The unworked field -0f Texas in botany offers Prof. Bray an excellent opportunity for achievement in his line. JAMES ROBINSON BAILHY, A. B. (University of Texas), PH. D ., '97 (University of Munich), comes back to his Alma Mater as instructor in Chemistry. He is a specialist in organic chemistry, and secured his doctor's degree upon brilliant original work done under Dr. Adolf von Beyer, reputed to be the master of organic research. MILTON BROCK:gT PORTER, A. B. (University of Texas), PH. D. (Har­vard University) , received his appointment as instructor in mathematics in the University of Texas and donned his gown for his doctor's degree at about the same time. Dr. Porter's work at Harvard was of such high order as to win from his professors letters of recommendation and endorsement so :flattering that we refrain from publishing them, wishing to spare his modesty. Dr. Porter's papers in mathematics are sought for publication by the leading mathematical journals of the country. WILLIAM TYLER MATHER, PH. D ., '97 (Johns Hopkins University), succeeded Prof. Northrup (who resigned in November, 1897) in the chair of physics. Dr. Mather was for one year a university scholar at Johns Hop­kins. During the last year of his connection with that institution, he held a fellowship in physics. He was then elected instructor in physics in the same institution, but resigned this place to assume his duties as professor of physics in the University of Texas, which place was tendered him by the Regents in December, 1897. Prof. Mather is enthusiastic in his praises of Texas and the opportunity for research work in his department of this University. He finds his school much better equipped than he expected, and promises soon to have the best appointed workshop in the South. BENJAMIN WYCHE, B. L. (University of North Carolina), is the new librarian. He is quiet, modest and unassuming; thoroughly acquainted with the science of keeping in order an up-to-date library. At the same time he holds firm convictions that the greatest need of the University of Texas is for more books, and in this conviction there are many friends of the University who heartily concur. 19 WALTER FREDERICK KELLY, B. L. (Dartmouth), the new physical director, has met a much needed want at the University, and his presence has given an impetus to athletic interests which foretells a great improvement in the excellence of college sports. JOHN AVERY LOMAX is the latest occupant of the peripatetic office of registrar. JOHN C. SANER is the librarian of the law department. PAGE T. LOMAX is registrar of the law department. rz.lS\eoieal @epartment. W ILLIAM SPENCER CARTER, was born in Pennsylvania. Previous to his medical study he was a close student of biology. He gradu­ated from the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania in 1890, and was awarded the Medical N ews prize for his thesis on" A Study of Heat Production and Heat Dissipation in the Normal and Febrile States.'' Served as resident physician in the Philadelphia Hospital, and later in the Presbyterian Hospital. The latter position he resigned to accept a position as assistant in physiology in the University of Pennsylvania. His promotions in this University were quite rapid. He served successively as assistant demonstrator in pathology, assistant professor in comparative physiology, and assistant demonstrator of physiology. His Summer vaca­tions were spent in Europe, where he pursued original researches at the University of Berne. He has contributed many valuable articles based upon original research to the science of physiology, therapeutics and pathology. Both in public and private relations Professor Carter was popular because of the kindly in­ fluence he exerted, because of his high sense of the duties of life, and because of the purity and earnestness of his convictions. Surely, the medical department of the University of Texas is to be congratulated upon securing Dr. Carter as professor of physiology. CONN L. MILBURN was born in Missouri, but received his education in Texas. He graduated from the San Antonio High School in 1895. He entered the Pharmacy School of U. T. in the fall of 1895 and received the degree of Ph. G. in May, 1897. He practiced his profession in San Antonio but a short while when he was elected to the chair of botany and demon­ strator of chemistry in the medical department of U. T. His earnest and untiring application to his life·work has won for him the highest praise. 20 JAMES WHARTON McLAUGHLIN was born in 1840, at Springfield, Ohio. He was educated in the public schools of.Ohio, and began to read medicine in 1858. He attended a course in medicine at the Cincinnati College of Medicine. In 1861 he joined the First Kentucky Regiment of Confederate Infantry and served as Lieutanent in Company D. Later he joined Gilmore's Company of Scouts and afterwards served with Generals Morgan and Forrest. In 1865, he came to Texas and began a review of his medical studies. He attended a second course of lectures at the University of Louisiana, receiving the degree .of M. D. in 1867. In the same year was married to Miss Tabitha Bird. He practiced medicine in Fayettville until 1870, and since that time has practiced his profession in Austin. Dr. McLaughlin is a member and ex­president of The Texas State Medical Association, and also of The American Medical Association, and The Pan American Medical Congress, etc. In 1885 he made original reseaches in the bacteriology of Dengue Fever and read a re­port of same at The St. Louis Meeting of The American Medical Association. He is the author of a volume entitled '' Fermentation, Infection and Im­munity." The book takes on special interest from the fact that his theory is entirely original and based upon modern teachings of allied sciences. Dr. McLaughlin was editor of Texas Sanitarium and Texas flf.edical News. He severed his editorial connections when elected to the chair of Theory and Practice of Medicine in the Medical Department of U. T. 21 R. D. PARKER, MISS DAISY BRYAN, Mrss ROBBIE DAVIS, D.R. COUCH, }NO. W. MATLOCK, WM. T. BOYD, TAYLOR MOORE, JR., V. R. MORRIS, Baker, R. A. Baldwin, Miss Z. Lenore. Battle, W. W . Boyd, W. T. Brady, Miss Agnes. Brooks, Miss Mabel. Bryan, Miss Daisy. Cobb, Miss Eula. Couch, D.R. Davis, Miss Robbie. Decherd, E. A .. Jr. Decherd, W. T . Dohmen, F. J. Hill, Miss Eula. Holmes, Y . W. McDonald, Mbs Carrie. President. Vz'ce-President. Secretary. Treasurer. Poet. Orator. Address to Lower Classmen. Historian. ~embe!"s. Magnenat, Miss Florence. Matlock, J. W. Miller, Miss Lula. Monroe, J. A. Moore, Taylor, Jr. Morris, V. R. Nowlin, R. W. Parker, R. D. Pfeiffer, 0. A. Rowe, Miss F. E. Schweer, L. H. Springall, H. Townes, E.W. Whatley, T. A. Wheat, M.A . 23 \.. '98 ACADEMIC CLASS. P\istora~ of '' HISTORY is a record of the deeds of men." This adage is only partly true, so like an ambitious but illiterate merchant friend, I must lengthen it to fit my stock in store. This merchant, on p:tssing a scholarly friend's establishment, beheld over his door in glittering letters of gold (quite fitting, because most of our class are "gold-bugs") these words: Mens sana in corpore sano. He puzzled his brain for a solution of this sign-board's saucy enigma. At last, after a long process of conjectures along the philanthropic and economic principle of ''the greatest good to the greatest number," he formed a resolution and before many days tl1is golden sign greeted his passers-by: Men's and women's sa11a in corpore sano . Likewise, I, according to Art. xxxiii, Sec. 13, of our constitution, beg leave to amend the basic principles of general history to fit the con­ditions of a history greater by far-that of the Senior Class of the Univer­sity of Texas. Therefore, on the following adage shall I proceed : '' His­tory is a record of the deeds of men and women.' ' How can I tell of such mighty deeds in two short pages? Like all true histories, ours is based on fact-at least the men 's part is; the ladies', on fiction since their modesty withholds from your prying (?) historian his longed-for data. In his effort to compress, the historian hopes to be pardoned if these facts are squeezed to the extent of becoming dry. Having canvassed the men after the fashion of a census· taker (a most joyful aud jolly job), behold what remarkable facts have come to light. (1). Our class is artistic, literary, scientific, and sure of the right way, be­cause it has ten applicants for A. B., nine for B. Lit., seven for B. S., and three for C. E . (one of whom is our President), who are ready to survey that "~traight and narrow way" that leads to the heights beyond. (2). We are not only scholarly now, but were before we came here, because ex­actly one half of us were graduates of High Schools or Colleges. That we ever were green Freshmen, we follow in the foot-prints of the Class of '97 and most emphatically deny "from the begining even unto the en)embel"s. Z' Theodosia Lane. 2.' Lee Massey. l.. YLewis Maverick. z.'1Kate McHenry. J OWalter Monteith. :JI Robt. Neill. '3 .t.Chas. Norby. ''Henry O'Neal. J IfJoe Pietzner. ) .fOtto Pietzner. 3~Frances Porter. ~'fWillie Rector. 'lBenjamin Roby. 31Chas. E. Rowe. 'fbWalter Schreiner. yI Philip Shaver. ~~Joe Simpkins. ~ .7James Taylor. 'f ~Florinda Thornton. .If SMabel Trilling. f.i. 6Fred. Turner. t.i 7Robt. Watkins. '11 Elizabeth Weeden. ~ '!Sallie Williford. 32 '00 ACADEMIC CLAS$. ~istora~. I TAKE it that a history should be an account of the effections and defec­tions of any human organization. The effections of the " Sophs." have been few and unimportant-such as sundry courses in "Math.," Latin and Greek, etc. But they have effected the crowning consummation of their lives in passing that heterogeneous concatenation of incongruities styled '' Fresh.'' English. The enormity ofsuch an act exhausted the mental pabulum of most of our members, consequently the defections this year have been numerous. For instance, some of us have failed to grasp the true meaning of "A Study of Dolls. " Kant is easy; integral calculus ridicu­lously so, and translating Sophocles a soft snap, but the profound erudition, the esoteric learning contained in the aforesaid disquisition upon the com­panion of our maiden days was too much for us. But our watchword has been : ' ' In the illuminated dictionary of Sophdom there is no such word as 'bust.' ' ' Consequently we have not done so badly on the whole, even though we could not recognize the '' whatness '' and '' whereforeness '' of the pedagogical-psychologic dissertation upon artificial infants. A History of the " Soph." Class, without an extended inquiry into the Illustrious Lives of Our Two Immortals, L. Ma:iry Kemp (I with­ hold the name for the initial '' L ' ' because it stands for Lemp) and H . Gail Borden, would be no history at all. Mr. Kemp is a lineal descendant of the great Maury of geography fame and Thomas A 'Kempis; but that is not Mr. Kemp's fault, and we hope that no one will blame him for it, for although he was present at his birth and a well-meaning infant, yet he suffered the disadvantage of being helpless. Nor do we wish it to be thought for an instant that Mr. Kemp is even attempting to follow the precepts laid down in his immortal ancestor's celebrated work. Mr. Kemp, unlike most boy~, grew up unaided. This was a first ex­hibition of that originality that has characterized Mr. Kemp throughout his life. At the early age of ten he entered politics, and has been there ever since. His first office was "chief canner " to the El Paso Dog Canner's Association, and he still regards that office as the highest and most delecta­ble which he has yet filled, and he is prouder of it than he is of that proud patronymic-'' the Richard Croker of ' Sophammany.' '' 34 It is said that politics make strange bed-fellows, but the truth of the adage cannot be appreciated until you know Kemp and Borden. Now Gail is not a breezy youth, as is implied by his name; but, on the other hand, his every action is characterized by a child-like blandness-and this is even true of his foot ball playing. Mr. Borden traces his descent (or, as he would term it, his ascent) from Gail Borden-he of the condensed milk, the greatest infant food on the mar­ket, not excepting Mellin 's. Mr. Borden possesses a condensed physique, probably due to heredity. He, like Lemp Kemp, is a politician inately. I have neglected to state that each wire on the "Soph." class has two handles. One manipulates the fair co-ed, the other the sterner-ed without the co. Gail pulls the female wire and Maury the male wire, and the respec­tive attachments at the other end immediately begin to play-not hands 0, Madame K., but Punch and Judy. Gail is an athlete-in his own estima­tion. He can vault-when the line is on the 21-inch mark. He can put the shot-size, 11 ounces. He can jump-2 feet 9 inches. In fact, he is re­markable in his way, and it is with regret that we cease recounting his accomplishments owing to a lack of space. As a history of Washington is a history of the United States, so we re­gard a history of Kemp and Borden a history of the "Soph. " class. And thus considering our duty done-not well, but to the extent of our ability­! cry "peccavi " and quit. :-15 @lass of ' Of. CLASS COLORS :-Old gold and royal purple. ®ffleel"s. First Term. SCOTT w. KEY, . President. MISS }AMIE ARMSTRONG, Vice-President. MISS BESSIE WALSH, Secretary. J. H. UNDERWOOD, Treasurer. Second Term. /8"6EDGAR E. TOWNES, President. MISS NANNIE FURMAN, Vice-President. MISS JESSIE CLARK, Secretary. WILL ORR, . Treasurer. T!tird Term. }AMES J. GRIBBLE, President. ETHEL BAKER, Vice-President. If/LAURA WILLIAMSON, . Secretary. THOMAS FLETCHER, Treasurer. Class Historian, . MISS GERTRUDE YOUNG. Class Poet, MISS LAURA LANE. Class Editor on Ranger Sta.ff, R. S. TERRY. Class Editor on CACTUS, . A. B. LACY. I Adamson, Wm. H. t Allen, Eva. :J Amsler W. S. 'I Anderson, Ebb. 5' Anderson, Jas. f-Archer, Fannie. ; Archer, Nellie. f Armstrong, Jamie. 'I Armstrong, Josephine. ;1 Armstrong, T. J. jl Baggett, E. B. / tBaggett, W. R. / .3 Baker, Ethel. I 'f Bass, E. P. J..rBarlow, F. H . It, Bell, H. E. I }Binkley, T. G. I J'Blackburn, Nellie. /'}Blair, Elbert. .z JBoldrick, J. E. Z1 Booth, J. H. 2.1.Brooke, Florence. VBrooks, J. W. .zy-Brooks, R. C. t5' Brown, Harry. ~~Brown, Nellye. l..,callaway, Oscar. .z.fCampbell, C. N. z'fCarlisle, Mary. ~ oCarnahan, Wallace. '.)/Carpenter, W . G. J~Carruth, A. J. 33Calter, F . W. J'fChapman, T. R. ''Christie, Fannie. J .L.Clark, Jessie. J7Clement, W.W. J fClements, Earl. J?Loving, J . M. / ~lLudlow, Fannie, I o9Mabry, H. P . I J' OMartin, Victor. /I/ Mcinnis, P. H. I/2McLogan, Marie. /J 3 McSween, Lola. I I 1fMenn, W. E . I 1 'Michael, C. W. / i 6>Miller, G . B. I I 7Miller, P. T. I I f Miller, R . G. JI 'i'Moore, W . E. j L..?Morey, Elizabeth. / 'J...f Murray, J. P. J l. tMcBurnett, Milford. / .2....JMcCelvey, H. M. i 1.'fMcCrummen, H . S . I ~.S"McDonald, Maud. I /_;.McGowan, Ada. I .J.. 'rNolan, Annie. 1 i~Oatman, H. W. J2. 'fOwen, J . 0. 1 JDOrr, Will. I J/Palm, Wendla. i ~2.Pazdral, G. A. J JJ Philips, Ross. I .) 'fPoole, Mamie. /]}'Prather, W. L., Jr. ) ) 1,.Puett, J . C. 1 3 7Pulliam, T . M. I J fRaymond, Lu Emma. / J 1Read, Lucy. ~embel"S.-@ontinue~. /"fl)Reeves, H. G. J1 (Reeves, Oscar. , 'fZRobertson, W . T. / 'fJ Robertson, U. H. ) '#'f Robey , B. F. I tfRogers, T. J. 1 't ;.Rose, Loula. i 'f 7Rose, T. A. I if j Ross, W. M. J 'f''fRushing, Pauline. / 50 Ryan, D. B. I t I Savage, R. R. I ;tSavage, G. B. 1-'J Scarborough, E. M. / ty Scott, D. M. / ;.fShaver, R. M. I ')(,Slaughter, Edna. I f7Smith, F. H. I fl" t Spaeth, Louise. I 1 'r Spence, Annie. I f.D Stalnaker, P. R. I (,I Steger, H. P. I i,~Stein , W. A. J /,3 Stephens. Elizabeth. J \.jStoneroad, T . W . ( ~ f Striegler, R. G. I Cr<. Swindall, Edeith. I "1Taylor, Grace. /~?Terrell, G. H. / ~ 'fTerry, R. S. f 7~Thomason, W. E. J? I Thompson, J. A . J '7~Tobin, R. E. l ~}Towell, Mary. I 7'/-Treadwell, J . C. I '7.rTurner, Nancy. f7 i.Underwood, J. H . l '7 'TWalker, T. B. I 7'fWalsh, Bessie. / 'rfWebb, Lillie. /1"6Weller, S . M. /T /Whiteman, Clara. IfiWinston, Isabella. f fJWortham, Louise. /rtWatson, S. H . / r f"i[oung, Gertrude. '01 ~eademie ~oem. 'Tis the Class of Nineteen Hundred and One, Of whose brilliance and talent all do agree. As early flowers in the century to come, Famed poets, statesmen, they will be. They study until the bright sun's rays beam No longer from their gold home in the west ; They study until their weary heads dream Of themselves, with Greek and Math. so blest. Should life in gloom hide their rosy bowers, And many a dreary storm blow loud, Yet they will bravely search for flowers And merrily laugh beneath the cloud. And to them will still be deeper thought, As ever onward the years will go ; And to them will be greater virtue brought By time's great wave on its study flow. L. M. L. 41 T HE history of an organization is usually written-if written at all­after some one or more of its members have become famous. Not so with the Freshman Class of '98. We are, as yet, unrenowned; but on the strength of the fact that each of us possesses an almost unlimited amount of versatile talent we have been requested, by kind and appreciative friends, to give the world at large some information concerning ourselves. Even before we had organized as the "Class of 1901 " and had made all of the arrangements necessary for the success of such an organization, we had been recognized as the most promising class of students in the Univer­sity. Since then, our history has been not so much that of class meetings­though they were presided over by competent and impartial officers, and were so interesting as to draw large audiences-as it has been that of con­stant effort on our part to suppress the too frequent exhibition, in our university work, of the talent of which we have spoken. Talent, did we say? No! Genius, great and unmistakable. Genius, most difficult to repress. Genius, which we strove to divert by brilliant receptions in its honor ; by wheeling in Hyde Park on moonlight evenings ; by rowing on Lake McDonald; and by driving to Mount Bonnell. Genius which we attempted to vent in dancing; in gymnasium work; in tennis and base ball; in '' rooting '' vociferously for '' Our Foot Ball Team ; '' and in vigorously "raising our voices to Heaven's dome, in sweet melodious song" when e'er we chose-regardless of the hour. Genius which we sought to propi­tiate by such ethereal offerings as cake and cream ; olives, salted almonds, and dainty sandwiches; and-most ethereal of all-stale bread, and hash. But our greatness was incorrigible. It would persist, to the alarm of cer­tain 'Varsity professors, in making unexpected assertions of its existence by expressing an English idiom in another language ; by accurately -defining space, distance, a straight line, etc.; by pronouncing historical names with correctness of an antiquarian ; or by deliberately observing every item of "form," in some English production. 42 In our efforts to prevent the too frequent recurrence of such assertions we may have played a few(?) pranks, but we have been, withal, such sweet, unconceited children that we have won for ourselves the love-the pure and lasting love-of all who have been associated with us. Where, in the great U. of T., is a professor who has not told us repeatedly of his earnest desire that at least a few of us would remain with him for another year. Certainly some of those in authority will be sorry to hear that we have become Sophomores-so greatly will they miss the quietness of our class meetings. Even the Junior Laws and our associates of the Academic department will regretfully remember the afternoons-now gone forever-spent so pleasantly listening to our calm and dignified debates on informal questions, as, ''Shall a Freshman allow himself to be called 'so green that he'd be mistaken for grass?' ' ' Yet one wicked Soph., despite the the pleasure and profitable instruc­tion that we must have afforded him, is reported to have said that we are not lovable-though the truth of the contrary has been proven-and that it would take an unconscionable time to hammer us into shape. Perhaps rn ; but bronze-the " better kind," the "genius-tempered "-is one of the most valuable of materials, in the artist's eye. We acknowledge that we are the largest and freshest mass of metal ever bequeathed to the University of Texas at one time; but we hope, in all earnestness, to be the greatest and most perfect group ever touched by an artist's hand when we are shown to the world in the first year of the new twentieth century. 43 INTERIOR OF UNIVERSITY. INTERIOR OF UNIVERSITY. ) CHAS. ELi\IBR ROWE, Secretary. 0'fTO ANDREW PFEIFFER, Yreasurer. 45 @fhe @ngineeraing ~ssoeiation. COLORS :-The Solar Spectrum. YELL:-Whoo-e-e ! MOTTO :-Ut tensio sic vis. ~embel"s. Richard Walter Nowlin, '98, Center Point. Otto Andrew Pfeiffer, '98, San Antonio. Richard Denny Parker, '98, Calvert. James Patrick Daly, '99, Paris. Charles Elmer Rowe, 'oo, Roundrock. Samuel Calvin Dobbins, 'oo, Temple. Walter Crockett Dibrell, 'oo, Coleman. Ernest Emanuel Howard, 'oo, Jacksboro, Jack Co. Pleasant Thomas Miller, 'oo, Nolanville. Josiah Fowler Pinson, 'oo, Forney. Harry Sanford Brown, 'or, Tyler. Charles Norman Campbell, '01, Houston. Isaiah Geoffry Wirtz, 'or, Columbus. Noyes Darling Smith, '96, Austin. Fritz Reichman ; '96, Austin. "P\inet~-@ight" in the @f°wentieth @entul"~. A FORECAST. J OHN NAVERY MOLAX relates that a deaf mute on one occasion said to a blind man, "Get off the earth, my boy, Austin aint big enough for you." The Senior Engineers of '98 in assuming direction and management of The Trans-continental Airway running ''double daily " ships between Dime Box and St. Elmo, made a twentieth century applica­tion of the advice of the talkative gentleman. President Nowlin sat back in the red velvet seat of the smoker devour­ing the stump of a" U. S. Five" as his mind wandered back to his college days and especially to the year he finished school. General Manager Pfeiffer hav:ing stopped at the " First and Last Chance" in Fairview Park, was in a talkative mood. Chief Engineer Parker was reading "Otto." Said Prexy, with the rising inflection, "have you heard of Prof. Taylor, lately ? TNhat ever beC'ame of him ? '' '' Why,'' said Otto, '' I heard last year that he was drowned trying to " measure the flow" of Campbell's and Brown's jaw works, already. You remember when they were Freshmen, yet, they suffered with chronic ' squabbling.' " " And where are they? " said Nowlin. '' From the abnormal development of their disposition to 'fuss ' I would say they made prize fighters,'' said the Chief, looking up from an old and much read copy of Qou Vadis which be held sacred to the memory of Nowlin, the •' butcher,'' who fell out of one of the Trans-continental 's ships on her "trial trip," and who having been injured thereby , sued the com­pany and obtained a judgment. As a result he is now President Nowlin and the chief delights to remind him of the days of his butcherhood and the way he became an Airway President. '' Have you fellows heard of Prof. Thomprnn-Prof. Rat, I might say,'' said the President, not noticing the book the chief was reading. "I hear he got a fine job in some engineering school on a boss work on the 'Elastica,' " he continued. The manager and the chief fainted simul­taneously. Prexy nearly choked on the word, but recovered and brought the chief around with a bottle of '' Old Bourbon,' ' extracted from the pistol pocket of the Executive. The stuff was the gift of Col. J. P. Daly, sometime professional ballplayer, now City Engineer of Paris (Texas). The manager "came to " when the porter stuck his head in the door and shouted "Lover's Lane ! " 47 The president resumed his paper ; the chief lit a cigar and took up the thread of the story he was reading ; the manager lay back in his seat in a semi-conscious state mumbling snatches from Einer Jlfusz Heiraten. Pres­ently the manager and the chief were startled to their feet by an explosion on the part of the president, now a base ball fiend, who was reading the Sporting News. "By Johnson, The Theory of Arches, Ut tensio sickness! Say fel­ lows," said he, "Si Pinson's playin' left field in the Atlantic League!" " You don't say," flatly spoke the chief without looking up. "Dasz ist mir einerlei," said the manager, dryly. '' Who's a lie,'' said the president, making for the management. The chief separated them. '' Ah, sit down, Prexy,'' said the manager; '' if you had half as much in your head as Howard thinks he's got you'd understand me, yet. " By the way," said the Airway magnate, letting his curiosity get the better of his anger, "where's Howard now? And there's Dobbins, Rowe, Miller, Dibrell, Wirtz--" "One at a time," broke in the manager, sarcastically; "we are not dragons with half a dozen heads to talk at once. Besides, we are not walk­ing directories of the universe." " Well, I'll be darned," said the executive, flatly. "I thought you were.'' '' Howard is staff correspondent of the Engineering News for Jack County," said the chief, trying to interest the combatants. "He spoke as if he thought he ought to be editor-in-chief <..f that paper." "Well, well," said Prexy, quickly. "I have some letters in my pocket for you to read, chief.'' Just then the "butch" passed through with an armful of books, one of which he placed on the seat beside the management. The title read : "Lectures on the Evils of the Tobacco Habit," by Rev. Samuel C. Dob­bins, C. E. (Christian Endeavorer). "These letters," continued the president, "are from the fellows I was just asking about. They are applying for jobs as assistant engineers on the Maintainence of 'Vay, as if an airway had any such--" The sentence was never finished. The ship lurched and a crash fol­lowed. She had run into the dome of the Capitol. When the debris was removed from the officials the chief was still reading Quo Vadis, the manager held in his hand the letters which had been filed on a piece of heavy steel wire that came near ventilating the management. The president, who thought he h~ard Gabe's trump, was found crawling on the outside of the present from the Paris Engineer. "For," said he, when speaking of it afterward, " I was afraid that I might be searched at the entrance and a bottle would be evidence against me. I hated to leave as good an article as that behind. I would have given half my interest in the Airway for a clove about that time, and that aint no lie." INTERIOR OF' AUDITORIUM. INTERIOR OF' AUDITORIUM . ' 98. Presidents: First Term, Second Term, Third Term, c. E. SPALDING. B. B. HEMPHILL. L . WAGGENER. ID. B. AXTELL.-" Oh, what a fall was there, my countrymen."-Julius Ccesar. l W. S. BAILEY.-" The more thou stir it, the worse it will be."-Don Quixote. J C. W. BATSRLL.-" I have a good eye, uncle; I can see a church by daylight."-Shakespeare. '! L. BETHEA.-" Night brings out stars."-Bailey. J A.G. BLACKLOCK.-" The web of our life is of a mingled yarn-good and evil together. ' ' -Shakespeare. (, W . F. BOYETTE.-" I know a hawk from a hand-saw."-Hamlet. 7 A. BOYNTON.-" Ignorance with looks profound."-Gray. r c. E. CASEY.-" Marriage is ever made my destiny."-Chapman. rT. H. CASEY.-"Another lean, unwashed artificer."-King john. /b C. P. CALDWELL.-" It would talk; Lord, how it talked."-Fletcher. // T. T. CONNALLY.-" Bid me discourse; I will enchant thine ear."­ Shakespeare. /Z J. D. DAFFAN.-" When found (in classroom), make a note of it."­Dickens. J3 M. L. DANIELS.-" Still you keep on the windy side of the law."­ Shakespeare. I'( A. W. DENMARK.-" He thought the w0rld was made of green cheese." -Rabelais. Ir R. A. DUNBAR.-" Would be argument for a week, laughter for a month and a good joke forever."-King Henry IV. /(, J. W. DONALDSON.-'' The greatest note of it is his melancholy.''­ Shakespeare. /7 G. B. FORT.-" The frivolous work of polished idleness. "-Macintosh. /fA. T. FOLSOM.-" Resolved to rule or to ruin the State."--Dryden. I qB. B. HEMPHILL.-'' Mightiest powers by deepest calms are fed.''­ Cornwall. 51 SENIOR LAW CLASS. .t f R. HILL.-" 'Tis folly to be wise. "-Gray. 2..1 L. B. ISAACS.-" Be still, sad heart, and cease repining. "-Longfellow. .tlJ. JENKINS.-" That mighty orb of song. "-Wordsworth. 2.JH. P. JORDAN.-" My mind to me an empire is."-Southwell. .211T. L. KELLY.-" Seas rough, with black winds and storms. "-Horace. .t5H. T. KING.-" I do protest I never loved myself till now."-King jolzn. <.~M.A. KOPPERL.-" Enough and more than enough."-Parr. .Z.. 7H. E. LASSITER.-" There's mischief in this man. "-Henry VIII. l. YT. W. LARKIN.-" The very pink of perfection."-Goldsmith. 1..1 J. W. LEWIS.-" Perfume for a lady's chamber."-Winter's Tale. 3oJ. L. LOCKETT.-" Night after night he sat and bleared his eyes with books.' '--Longfellow. JIM. K. MAYER.-" Thy chin the springing beard began."-Prior. J 2 J. H. MASTERSON.-" Could I love less I could be happier. "-Bailey. ~}W. P. MIDKIFF.-" The devil did grin for his darling sin."-Coleridgf.'. .3~R. T. NIXON.-" Though this be madness, yet there is method in't." -Hamlet. J) J.C. PALM.-" Still 'tis devils must print."-Moore. 3 "D. PARKER.-" Consider you what service he has done for his country." -Coriolanus. J"H. PARKER.-" The king can do no wrong."-Blackstone. JfWILLIAM PIERSON.-" Not to know argues yourselves unknown."­ Jfilton. 3 ~C. H. READ.-" Do well and right, and let the world sink. "-Herbert. ~dJ. \V. SELLERS.-" It's in the rough, yet-there's millions in it."-Col. Jfufberry Setters. '!IC. E. SPALDING.-" The gladsome light of jurisprudence."-Coke. $i'{J. H. THOMPSON.-" Thoughts shut up want air. "-Young. 'IJW. H. THOMPSON.-" I've lived and loved."-Coleridge. 'ft; L. WAGGENER.-"Ambition is no cure for love."-Scott. '"fYR. S. WELLS.-" Smooth as monumental alabaster."-Othello. 'f '-R. B. WHITTON.-" The man of wisdom is the man ofyears."-Young. '"f /'C. G. WITHERSPOON.-" I am declined into the vale of years. "-Othello. 'tfJ. W. YOUNG.-" So wise, so young, they say, do never live long."­ Shakespeare. 54 ~istoia~. \ T-,-;:;;;.IN the last century the work of the historian has been revolution­)Jll ~:ed. No longer is that history sufficient which contains ii and consists in a bare record of men and events. The historian must chronicle the development and progress of political, literary, scientific and religious thought-must reveal the spirit of the nation and the age. What then constitutes the history of a class? Shall the historian turn statistician and record the names of the men, their place of birth, their residence, age, and the location they have chosen for the practice of their profession? We have good names on our roll, but, "what's in a name?" Who can judge of a man's character and capacity for work from knowing his place of birth and residence? Age, calculated in years, months and days, can tell us nothing of one's real age, measured by the standard of conduct of body and mind. Few men in the Law Class of 1898 are so old in ways and demeanor as the member of that class who is, so far as years go, the youngest. Shall the history be a mere laudation of the class-as is too frequently the case? The reader, forming his estimate of the spirit of the class from the work of the historian, forms in such case an opinion far from favorable. How lovingly does the historian linger in thought over the class battles and the class triumphs. (We promptly forget the class defeats.) How proudly, how enthusiastically do we discourse to all about what "a fine Junior Class was that of last year." And how proudly and enthusias­tically we shall next year discourse of our record as Seniors. Yet what have we done? A class aged two years to be '' immortalized'' in history ! Who would think of becoming biographer of an infant two years old. Truly, the historian had better been a prophet. How seriously we take our wotk here, and yet, how like a frolic it has all been. Just a series of foot ball games, let us say, with the attendant practice and training. The game with·' Partnership,'' with ''Corporations,'' with " Equity," " Bills and Notes," " Constitutional Law," " Real Estate," "Insurance" and "International Law." Anxious times there were as the 55 dates of these games rolled around. but at every match the team won a safe if not a brilliant victory, with few injuries tu players. Perhaps the closest contest wa5 with Equity. Day after day during the Fall and Winter the class asc;embled on the athletic field and with our reserved and loved Judge Gould as coach, captain and centre, spent an hour and a half in assiduous practice. Many were the fumbles on the snap back and the passes. Many the holes in the line; often did the runner by injudicious work cover much territory and exhaust himself, but make no gain. The historian vividly recalls the last practice before the match; the dass seemed to have '' gone to pieces,'' for never bad it made so many fumbles or done such poor running. Serious apprehensions were entertained as to the out­come of the great game. But when the dust of conflict cleared, it was learned that we had done as well as any previous class, while Waggener had scored the best run ever made in a game with Equity. Fifty men going out from the State University, and entering upon a profession affording one of the widest fields now open for influencing for better or worse the progress oftbe world! W~at account will the Law Class of 1898 give of itself? What shall its history be? Who can tell? 56 @lass of '99. RUDOLPH KLEBERG, WILLIAM PIERSON, J. J. CYPERT, J. A. BRACKENRIDGE, A. L. FISER, J. W. HAWKINS, RUDOLPH KLEBERG, N. A. McNEIL, . J. W. HAWKINS, l. P. HILDEBRAND, J. A. BRACKENRIDGF;, ®ffieel"s. First Term. Second Term . Tlzird Term. President. [,'ice-President. Secretary. President. Vice-President. Secrefa1y. Sergeant-at-Arms. President. Vice-President. Secretary. Sergeant-at-Arms. 58 / L. A. Abercrombie. 2 B. M. Allen. J A . E . Ammerman. 'IP. Baker. 5 G. W. Barclay. (, C. Bethea. '! W . E. Boyd. f J . A . Brackenridge. ~ W. J. Bunting. I~ A. L. Burford. 11 W . M. Caldwell . /{ S. F. Caldwell. /'3 E.T. Chew. I~ K. McA. Currie. If J. J. Cypert. //.}. Dies. J'J 0 . Ellis. /f A. L. Fiser. / t/ H . C. Fisher, Jr. .!P J. S. Ford. 2..1 C. F . Gibson. t2. R. L. Hardy. 2.3 J. W . Hawkins. '-~ I. P. Hildebrand. 1..f S. J. Hogsett. 1./. W. Humphries. .,_7 T. C. has lost nine of its members. Some of the missing ones are rolling pills in different parts of the state; others were not equal to the battles with the work placed upon them and have sought other fields of labor; others still have fallen a victim to that demon that haunts our dreams, and walks with us in our daily work-even now he sleeps not, but when we who are left are dreaming that our labors are nearly ended, we hear a whispered word that sounds like diaethylsulphondimethylmethane and arouses us to re­newed energy. Our class is honored this year by the addition of a New York pharmacy youth. who finishes his course with us. The "Brownies" still remain and are striving patiently to climb the ladder-not of success, but the one that reaches the shelf bottles. The tall German, who loves his pretzel, limburger and beer, talks and fights while others play. The gesticulating little Frenchman, the dudish ranchman, who tells us the newest cut in clothes; the curly haired A. and M. boy, who needs no description; pretty Sam, and brave Will, the spunky man with the moustache, the gentleman from ''Hico,'' and a few others, still are here, so the class still has a fair representation of all nations, kinds and <:lasses of men. We have learned a f ew things this year that it would be well for our followers to avoid, so that when they reach the pinnacle of success as Seniors they can pursue their way with untroubled feelings. We present to you a band of loving brothers, who have dwelt in harmony(?) for two years. No word of scorn or hatred has passed our lips, and we beseech you to follow this example of the " Noble Twelve." Let no bottles or beakers fly at each other's heads ; let nothing tempt you to have sticky fingers when handling your classmates' apparatus; swear not, and be sure that your conduct in the laboratory is exactly as you would have it in your drug store. And Juniors be careful not to be led astray by your Seniors. We begun our year under difficulties. Perhaps some remember of a sudden journey toward Fort Worth, and others a camping trip on a lone island with little to eat and less to drink. You remember the recreant lecturer wh0 never came back, and the many other disadvantages. Never­theless, the end of our labors is in sight, and we will soon be out upon life's sea, preparing concoctions for the yellow fever fiend and perhaps for wounded soldiers. May each one of us reap a rich reward according as he has labored, and may a feeling of true friendship for our fellow students exist forever. No more histories of this famous class will be written; so, we will bid adieu to all, and may the blessings of mankind, especially of pharmacists, rest upon your head. BATTLESHIP TEXAS." ~hi '@elta @fheta. FOUNDED 1848, MIA'.\11 UNIVERSITY. TEXAS BETA CHAPTER, ESTABLISHED 1883. f@r>atr>es in {dl"be . FRANZ FizET. A.H. GRAHAM. J. H. CALDWELL. J. D. SHELTON. F. H. RAYMOND. I. H. BRYANT. L.B. FONTAINE. M. c. SHELTON. MALCOLM GRAHAM. f@ratr>es in {@aeultate. MORGAN CALLAWAY, JR. DAVID F. HOUSTON. JOHN A. LOMAX. ~eabernie. WADDY W. BATTLE, '98. FELIX E. SMITH, '99. 0. A. PFEIFFER, '98. EDMUND T. MILLER, '99. BATES H . McFARLAND, '99. CHARLES M. COLVILLE, 'oo. NORMAN R. CROZIER, '99. HARRY P. STEGER, '01. EUGENE c. BARKER, '99 . LEONARD M. DUMAS , '01. EDGAR E. WITT, '01. THO'.\IAS T . CONNALLY, '98. WILLIAM H . THOMPSON, '98. CHARLES W. BATSELL, '98. R UFUS L . HARDY, '99. B. Y. CUMMINGS, '99. 84 (@eta @rheta ~i. FOUNDED 1839, MIAMI UNIVERSITY. BETA OMICRON CHAPTER, ESTABLISHED 1884. f@r>atr>es in (@ DR. R . G. SMOOT. JOHN ORR, JR. DR. E. B. WRIGHT. BISHOP G . H. KINSOLVING. JUDGE s. R. FISHER. DR. J. A. FRENCH. JUDGE E. P. HILL. J . E. PEARCE. J. F. CLARK. HON. A. w. TERRELL. H. w. DRNSON. GEN. w. H. MABRY. In f@aeultate. DR. H. w. HARPER. L. R . HAMBERLIN. '15\eademie. I L. H . SCHWEER, '98. ' H. L. BORDEN, 'oo. 2. E. w. TOWNES, '98. 7 WILLIAM ORR, 'or. J K. H. BEALL, '99. f EDGAR TOWNES, 'or. 'fGEORGE WOODWARD, 'oo. 9 GEORGE H. TERRELL, 'or. .f J. P. FENET, 'oo. /(J JOHN LEGORY, '01 . /I LESLIE WAGGENER, '98. Jlf JOHN W. HAWKINS, '99. /1.WILLIAM P. MIDKIFF, '98. I) R. w. WORTHAM, '99. I )ROBERT E. GOREE, '98. Ibw. D. POTTER, '99. 86 ~appa @)igma. FOUNDED I 867, UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. TAU CHAPTER, ESTABLISHED 1884. f@Fatl"es in {@ DR. JoE S. WooTBN. VICTOR BROOKS. DR. GOODALL WOOTEN. FRED C . VON ROSENBERG. DR. H. L. HILGARTENER . JESSE W. MAXWELL. DR. MATT. M. fonTH. JASPER WOOLDRIDGE. }NO. T. SMITH. w. D. HART. ARTHUR MOORE. D.R. WALSH. I F. w. SIMONDS. 3 GEORGE P . GARRISON. ~ T. U. TAYLOR. 'f-J. R. BAILEY. fR. A . THOMSON. ~eabemie. C, T. A. WHATLEY, '98. /~}AS. H. HART, '99. 7TAYLOR MOORE, JR., '98. /JCHAS. H. LEAVALL, '99. f R. D. PARKER, '98. /'f-J . P. DALY, '99. 9W.W. FISHER, '98. I 5 DAVID B. RYAN, 'or. I OHERBERT SPRINGALL, '98. /b E. P . BASS, 'oi. fl E. A. DECHERD, '98. I'! }No. HANCOCK, 'or. /r SAM. J. HOGSETT, '99. .2.l}NO. PLEASANTS, '98. }Cf DANIEL PARKER, }R., '98. 1.lLEONARD A . ABERCROMBIE, '99. !LUFRED CONNERLY, '98. 1..3H . P . JORDAN, '98. l~VICTOR MOORE, '97. ~8 ~igma ~lpha @psilon. DAVID A. GRIFFITTS. JOHN M. KING. EDWIN B. HANCOCK. JAMES w. MCCLENDON. f@ratFes in f@a.??ultate . I LESTER G. BUGBEE. ~ SETH M. MORRIS. JoHN C. SANER, Graduate, '98. (.BATES M. ALLEN, '99. ~HENRY C. FISHER, }R., '99. 7Ross T. PHILIPS, 'or. 1SCOTT \\7ALKER KEY' '0I. /ORoBERT L. YEAGER, '98. 102 @fhe @fexas (j}\eadem~ of cSeienee. ®ffieeias. President, DR. GEORGE BRUCE HALSTED. Vice-President, PROFESSOR THOMAS U. TAYLOR. Treasurer, E. T. DuMBLE, State Geologist. Acting Treasu1er, PROFESSOR FREDERICK W. SIMONDS. Honorary Secretary, WILLIAM L. BRAY. Librarian, PROFESSOR w. w. NORMAN. Other Members of the Council. PROFESSOR H. H. HARRINGTON. DR. H. w. HARPER. DR. WILLIAM KEILLER. f?'atiaons. GEORGE W. BRACKENRIDGE, San Antonio. MRS. GEORGE BRUCE HALSTED, Austin. @xtl"a~ts fl"orn the @onstitution. ARTICLE 11.-0bjects. SECTION I. The objects of the Academy are: To advanct-the natural and exact sciences, both by reseach and discussion; to promote intercourse between those who are cultivating science in different parts of the State; and especially to investigate, when called upon by any department of the State Government. ARTICLE 111.-Membership. SECTION I. The Academy shall consist of members, fellows and patrons. SECTION 2. In order to become a member, the applicant must be recommended . in writing by two members or fellows, approved by the council, and elected by ballot of the society. In order to be elected, two-thirds of the ballot must be affirmative. SECTION 3. Fellows shall be elected by the council from such of the members as are professionally engaged in science, or have in any way advanced or promoted science. SECTION 4. Anyone who contributes to the funds of the Academy the sum of five hundred dollars shall be classed as a patron. 105 fIDubli~ation. In addition to the numerous addresses and communications to the Texas Academy of Science at its regular monthly meeetings, the Academy has published separately, as of special moment and value, and afterward issued in collected form (Proceeding of the Texas Academy of Science) in six successive parts, numerous contributions of which the following are mentioned from vol. II, part I. Aural Perception by the Blind. DRS. s. E. MEZES AND H. c. HILGARTNER. The Economics of Concentrated Capital. MAJ. C. E. DUTTON. Vertical Curves for Railways. J . C. NAGLE. Experiments with X-rays upou the Bliud. DRS. H. L. HILGARTNER AND E. F. NORTHRUP. On the Bio-Geography of Mexico and the Southwestern United States. C. H. TYLER TOWNSEND. Some Texas Oil Horizons. E . T. DUMBLE. Texas Permian. W. F. CUMMINS. Science on the Conduct of Life. DR. GEORGE BRUCE HALSTED. Among the papers read before the Academy during the present year may be mentioned : The Development of the Floral Organs of the Compositeetol"s. Faculty Members. DR. WM. J. BATTLE. PROF. W.W. NORMAN. DR. SYLVESTER PRIMER. Student Members. E.W. TOWNES, Academic, '98. ALEX. CAMP, Academic, '99, L. M. KEMP, Academic, 'oo. MISS ANNIE E. WILKERSON, Academic, '01. L. B. ISAACS, Law, '98. R. KLEBERG, Law, '99. 0. A. PFEIFFER, Academic, '98, Engineering Department. ]No. 0. PHILLIPS, Academic, '97, University-at· Large. ~upeiointenoents. HERBERT SPRINGALL. WM. D . BOYD. PRATHER, ADEN, BAKER, COBB, HILL, MAGNENAT, LANE, L. LANE, HOUSTON, BRADY, FURMAN, FOSTER, YOUNG, CARLISLE, GRAHAM, McCLAGGIN, HUPPERTZ. ~oung @aoies @tee @tub. ~ltos Misses Misses STEPHENS, HEARD, HASKELL, McGOWAN, E. HASKELL, HICKS, LETELLIER, ARMSTRONG, CLARK, J. ARMSTRONG. BRYAN, KNIGHT, KEY, KELLY, HADWIN, WILLIAMSON. rc8 ~tudents' @ouneil. FOUNDED APRIL 26, 1894. WEDEMEYER, G. A .. JOHNSON, J. A' H:::LI,, T. 0., STEPHENSON' T. B.' McDouGALL, H., CARUTHERS, J. A.' KRAUSE, A., \VILLIAMS, J. D., JACKSON, S. \V., McDovGALL, H., ®tfleeias . .f"'irst Term. Second 7 erm. Preoident. Vice-President. Secretary. Treasurer. Sergeant-at-Arms. President. Vice-Presidc11t. Secretary. Treasurer. Sergeant-al-Arms. ®xeeuti~e @ommittee. ESTIS, J. HILL, T. 0. JOHNSON, J. A. CLARK, D. H. \VrLLIAMS, J. D. KRACSE, A. IO:;J ~Students' Council is an organization of the whole student body. J To bring the several classes of pharmacy and medicine into closer communion and ·fellowship, to facilitate the discussion and transaction Qf whatever business may concern the general student body, and to afford a necessary channel of communication with the Faculty and the Board of Regents, whenever occasion for such intercourse may arise, was the purpose Qf its establishment and is the purpose of its continuance. Its history dates from the 26th. day of April, 1894, and the current being the fourth year of its existence, the record of its past must be brief. Summed up in a few words, it may be stated that the Students' Council, from its incipiency up to the present time, has supported every measure favorable to the welfare of the student body; that it has sought to promote student enterprise, and that it has on several occasions actively participated in carrying out the plans aud projects of the Faculty and Regents. It was provided by the founders of the Council that one of its purposes should be the editing and publishing of a monthly medical journal, to be entitled The University Medical. During the past three years such a journal has been successfttlly published. It enjoys a wide circulation and may with credit be compared with any other medical publication of this country. There are three regular meetings of the Council during each year, special meetings being called by the president whenever occasion arises. The officers are elected semi-annually, and are chosen indiscriminately from the several classes of medicine and pharmacy. The entire student body constitutes its membership, every student of good standing being ipso facto a member of the Students' Council. Having, as above indicated, satisfactorily accomplished the purpose and function for which it was originally instituted, the Students' Council soon won and has since held recognition and approval from the Faculty ~nd University authorities, and to it, as their only official organization, all matters and communications pertaining to the students of this department are properly referred. !IO ~harmaeeutieal ~ssoeiation, ~ni~ersit~ of @fe:i\as. ORGANIZED OCTOBER 2, I 896. ®ffieers. GEORGE W. Cox, President. TED H. MILBURN, Vice-President. FRED. STONE, Secretary and Treasurer. J . T. COULSON, Sergeant-at-Arms. H. A. NISTER, Associate Editor to University Medical. (($)embers. Anglin, C. C., '99. Furtner, I., '99. Milburn, T. H .. '98. Black, C. B., '99. Gr0os, A. 0., '99. Nister, H. A., '98. Black, W. D., '99. Hill, T . 0., '98. ~icholson, J. A., '99. Brandenburg, J., '99. Hodge, W. G., Jr., '98. Porter, W. M., '99. Breustedt, 0., '99. Hermes, A., '99. Rouse, Samuel, '98. Cordray, E., '98. Johnson, J . A., '98. Ragland, E. S., '99. Coulson, J. T., '98. Krause, A., '98. Richter, R., '99. Cox, G. W., '99. Leatherman, D. K., '99. Smith, 0. F. , '99. Doyle, J. C., '99. Lieberman, Lee, '99. Stone, Fred., '99. Echhardt, 0. G., '98: Leisman, C. W., '99. Williams, J. D., '99. Flavin, H., '99. Mallard, C. S., '99. Wagner, W . A., '98. Ford, W. L., '99. Maupin, S. B., '99. Wysong, E. E., '98. ~onol"Ol"\J J\f\embel"s. R. R. D. Cline, Ph. G., Conn. L. Milburn, Ph. G., and Ph. G.'s of '95, '96 and '97 of the University of Texas. I I I @fhe '@:}oung tz$\en's @hl"istian ~ssoeiation. "Quit you like men; be strong."-rst CoR., r6: r3. H ENRY G. HOWARD, President. H ERBERT SPRINGALL, Vice-President. } No. 0 . PHILLIPS, Treasurer. CLOYD H . READ, R ecording Secretary. WILLIAM T. MILLER, Corresponding Secretary. @hait"men of @ommittees. R eligious Meeting , C. H. READ. Bible Study, W. H . ADAMSON. Missiouary, E.T. MILLER. Music, D. E. GROVE. J//lemberslzip, D. R. CoucH. A. E. Ammerman. W. S . Amsler. J. A. Armstrong. R. A. Baker. E . C. Barker. Dr. W. J. Battle. H. E. Bell. T. G. Binkley. J . W. Brooks. F. W. Cater. Capt. J.B. Clark . W . W. Clement. C. M. Colville. N . R. Crozier. K. McA. Currie. G. M. Decherd . J.B. Dibrell. S. C. Dobbins. Prof. T . Fitz-Hugh. A. H. Freeman. Dr. G. P . Garrison. C. F. Gibson . J. J. Gribble. G . Hartsfield . W . L. Hedrick. ~embel"s. J . P. Hildebrand. Y. W. Holmes. Prof. D. F. Houston. E. E . Howard. H. M. Hutchinson. J. F . Johnson. T . L. Kelly. W . F. Kelly. D. M.. Kent. C. C. Kinney. W. F. Koch. J.M. Kuehne. J. L . Lockett. J . G. Logue. J . A. Lomax. R. A. Lovelace. H . S. McCrummen. B. H . McFarland. P. F. Miller. J . A. Monroe. T. Moore, Jr. V. R. Morris. G. A . Pazdral. M. Pazdral. Hand-Book, C H. READ. W. Pierson. W. M. Pierson. J. F. Pinson. W. L. Prather, Jr. H.P. Reynolds. J. S. Simkins. Dr. F . W. Simonds. F . E. Smith. H. Smith. N . D. Smith. H.P. Steger. R. C. Striegler. J . A . Thompson. E. E. Townes. E.W. Townes. E. Tracy. T . P . Whitis. E . Wild. W. E . Winkler. Pres. Geo. T.Winston. I. G. Wirtz. R. A. Wiseman. E. E. Witt. B. Wyche. 113 T HE Young Men's Christian Association was organized in r89r. Its object is to promote the spiritual life of the University students and to help them live as they should while pursuing their college course. Several yea1s ago it undertook to furnish a building, equipped with all that a young man would need while away from home. The amount then raised for this object is now out at interest, waiting for the time when there will be enough to begin work on a good building. What the Association needs is a building with baths, library, reading-room, amusement-room, parlor, assembly hall, and reception rooms-in a word, an attractive place for the young men to spend their leisure time and to find some recreation when needed. Other College Associations are getting buildings; we feel that we must have one. We hope to see this accomplished by the help of our friends. This is certainly a good opportunity for anyone who has the desire and ability to bless the young men of Texas. For further information, address the President of the University Y. M. C. A., Austin, Texas. Our Association was represented at the Third International Convention of the Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions held at Cleveland, Ohio, February 23-27, 1898, and is at present helping in the support of the Y. M. C. A. work in Ceylon. II4 @f°he '@J•~.@. e~otional. A. H . WHATLEY, Chairman. w. P. BAKER. J. R. ELLIOTT. ~embel'ship. R. H. GouGH, Chairman. J. W. BOUNDS. F. P. MILLER. ~U.!ii~. J. K. WILSON, Chairman. A. H . WHATLEY. J. R. ELLIOTT. R.H. GOUGH. fij)\embers. J. M. Estes. R. L. Wilson. J. K. Wilson. A.H. Whatley. L. P. Tenney. J. R. Sessums. W.W. Lynch. R.H. Gough. L. Kusch. M. L. Martin. D. F. Rodgers. J . R. Jackson. Dr. Jno. 'i'. Moore. F. W. Hander. W. P. Baker. S. N. Aston. T. B. Stephenson. W. A. Davis. 0. F. Smith. A. J. James. J. W. Bounds. J. R. Elliott. F. P. Miller. J. Greenwood, Jr. C W. Coutant. T. E. Spaulding. W. D. Black. G. A. Wedemeyer. W. G. Hartt. J. W. McCarver. lIS ~thenaeum. ®ffieel"s. First Term. c. H. LEAVELL. President. B. B. HEMPHILL, Vice-President. 0. ELLIS, Secretary. C. P. CALDWELL, Treasurer. J. D . DAFFAN, Serreant-at-A rms. F. E. SMITH, Critic. Second Tenn. A. N. MouRSOUND, President. 0. ELLIS, Vice-President. c. P. CALDWELL, Secretary. J. P. HILDEBRAND, Treasurer. C. H. L EAVELL, Saxeant-at-Arms. J. v..'. LEWIS, Critic. T/11rd Term. A. L. FISER , President. E .T. MOORE, Vice-President. H. L. BORDEN, Secreta1J'. ]. M. KUEHNE, Treasurer. A. N. MouRSOUND, S ·r:;eant-at-Arms. o. ELLIS , Critic. ~embel"s. L.A. ABE:RCROMBIE. A. L. FISER. E.T. MOORE. W. F . BOYD. THOS. FLETCHER. A. N . MOURSOUND. L . BETHEA. R . HILL. W. P. MIDKIFF. H . LEE BORDEN. J. P. HILDEBRAND. w. E. MCMAHAN. T. G. BIRKLY. J. W. HAWKINS. R. W. NOWLIN. J. H. BOOTH. R. S. HARDY. H. G. REEVES. J. E. BALDRICK. H. P. JORDEN. F. E . SMITH. C. P. CALDWELL. J.M. KUEH.r:rn. G. B. SAVAGE. T. H. CASEY. P. H . MCINNIS. J.M. TAYLOR. OSCAR CALLOWAY. CHAS. H. LEAVELL. R. S. TERRY. ]NO. D. DAFFAN. J . L. LOCKETT. J. H . UNDERWOOD. E. A. D ECHERD. J. W . L EWIS. THOMAS J ULY WHATLEY. C. T. DALTON. L EWIS MAVERICK. R. A. WISEMAN. L . M. DUMAS. MCBURNETT. c. E. WITT. J. W. DONALSON. ED. McCULLOUGH. E. WILD. 0. ELLIS. M. M . MCMAHAN. J . W. YOUNG. H. FISHl<;R. II7 @rhe ~thenaeum. T HE want of such an institution as the Athenaeum was not '' long­felt" in University circles, for our constitution elates back to the realization of those hopes cherished by the pioneers of our state, when in their wisdom, by such appropriations through constitutional pro­vision, they secured to their posterity the inestimable heritage of a means for lofty culture. Born under the most auspicious circumstances, this most historic of the University's organization has been as phenomenal in its ad­vance as it has been prolific of beneficial results and lofty in its ideals. Rich in traditions, she is to-day at the summit of her glory, abler than ever before to defend those traditions and to maintain her incontestable right to a recognized supremacy. Noble in ancestry, she is worthier now than at any previous time of that brilliant galaxy of jurists and statesmen who have from time to time gone forth from her tutelage to take rank among the fore­most of the land-to fight over again those battles whose tactics have become so familiar from constant practice in the miniature fights of the society hall. These heights have not been attained, however, without effort. Institutions cannot more than individuals float serenely away to enduring fame on flowery beds of ease. Every success inevitably presupposes some discour­aging reverses, some disappointed hopes. During her brilliant career, ' ' The Athenaeum '' has not only met successfully in contest all rivals of a like character to her own, but she has also combatted all such opposing influ­ences as athletics, society fraternities, and the numerous other attrac­tions of university life. From these conflicts she has emerged with renewed strength and confidence ; ascending kite like against the winds of adversity to noble attainments to more enviable fame. nS ~us~. First 7 erm . RUBE WELLS, Second 7 erm. D.R. COUCH, Third Term. A. T. FOLSOM, Final Orator, WM . PIERSON. ~emberes. Anderson, J. S. Adamson. Armstrong. Axtell, D. B. Baker, P. Baily, L . J. Baily, W . S. Boynton, A. Boyd, E . Boyd, W. T. Caldwell, S. F . Carpenter, W . S. Couch, D. R. Cypert, J. J. Dibrell, J.B. Dutton, W . 0. Folsom, A. T . Fort, G. B. Gribble. Gibson, C. F . Hand, S. B. Hutchins. Haynie. James. Johnson, B. K. Kent, D. M. Koch, W. F. Kleberg, R. Lomax, J. A. Larkin, T. W. Norby, Chas. II9 President. President. President. Massey, I. S. Mayer, M. K. Meachum. Melton. Miller, E. T. McMains. Moore, W. F. Morris, J. V. Morris, V. R. Morris, W. A. Palm, J. C. Parker, H . Pazdral, M. Pierson, J. W . Pierson, W. M. Pierson, Wm. Roberts, A. E . Robey, B. F. Ross, W. M. Smith, H. Stoneroad, T . W. Swan. Tallichet, J. H . Thomason. Townsend. Watkins, R . 0. Wells, Rube. Westbrook. Witherspoon, C. G. Woods. @fhe ~us~. I T is with a feeling of pride that we who are interested in the literary soci­eties are permitted to see them at present in better working order than thev have been for years. The united enthm,iasm and interest of a few members have caused the rolls to assume larger proportions than they have had within the memory of our oldest members. \Ve feel that a very important part of the training necessary for a man of affairs is to be acquired in the literary societies. We here learn much about the nature of man which we could not learn elsewhere. We are thus enabled to manipulate men, or, at any rate, to adjust ourselves to our envir­onment in sud1 a way as to cause less friction in the moving of the social organism in which we are placed. It is in literary societies that some of our greatest men have received their first impulses to greatness. The members of The Rusk offer no apologies for being proud to know that, though The Rusk is only fifteen years of age, some of the leading men of the State are found among her ex-members. Is it not inspiring to us to know that Hon. L. T. Dashiell, Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Twenty-Fifth Legislature, was once president of The Rusk? Or that Hon. J. A. Beall, State Senator from Waxahachie, learned his first lessons in parliamentary practice within the balls of The Rusk? But it is not characteristic of a progre~sive people to look too mnch to the past. We see what our predecessors have done, and we can best show our appreciation of their accomplishments by emulating their example. Were it not that so many avenues for useful and profitable service in The Rusk are open to us, we would po!-'sibly be justified in resting contented with the reputation which the society has made. \Ve would need only to recall that, in the last three annual contests for oratory in this university, a Rusk man has taken first place each time. The weekly exercises consist of a declamation, two oratio11s, and a debate in which six participate. The range of subjects for debate is quite wide. At times, problems which perplex the minds of great statesmen are solved without difficulty. More than once has the be1ligerency of Cuba heen declared. Occasionally, also, we conclude that the United States Government is not democratic. Our parliamentarians sometimes find " Roberts' Rules of Order" so completely inadequate that they look upon them with contempt. Others, more conservative, keep a copy of this little book with them for use on all occasions -both public and private. It is sincerely hoped that, before many years, we shall have a separate building for the societies more c:onvenient than the present society halls, and t!iat our societies will be visited more by ladies, whose presence never fails to inspire young orators. 120 FINAL RECEPTION COMMITTEE, {©inal ~e~eption. C. BETHEA. J. P. DALY. \V. T. DECHERD. G. B. FORT. L. B. ISAACS. \V. S. BAILY. K. H. BEALL. \V. T BOYD. H. BLOO;'.IBAR<:H. B. DAUGHERTY. F. B . BARRY. C. \V. BATSJo;LL· J. A. BRACKENRIDGE. S. H . CARTER. J. D . DAHLICH. B. :\I. ALLEN. A . G. BLACKLOCK. J. D. D.HFAN. :\I. 0. KOPPERL. CH.~S. LEAVELL. L. A. ABERCRO:\IBIE. L. BETHEA. H. L. BORDE:-<. C. C . COLE. J. \V. HAWKIXS. / ALEX. CA:\IP, President. {@inan~e @ommittee. ~ OTTO A. PFEIFFER, Chairman. L. M. KEMP. L. H. KIRK. R. D. PARKER. \V. R. SCHREINER. C. GROOS. ln~itation @cmmi11ee. j' T. T . CONNALLY, Chairman. W . W. FRIEND. E.T. MILLER. R. T. NEILL. H. PARKER. 113\l"l"angement @ommittee. l./ DANIEL PARKER, JR.' Chairman. L. M. DUMAS. J. H. HART. R. HILL. J . L. JACOBS. }I. K. MAYER. ~e~ep1ion @ommi1tee. .)Jxo. o. PHILLIPS, Chairman. R . G. MILLER. J.C. PALM. J . C. SANER. S. L. STOVALL. f©lool" @ommittee. (, R. \V. WORTHA;-.1, Chair11!fl11. R. L. HARDY. J . JEXKD!S. J. \V . LE\ns. P. T . MILLER. E. E. TOWNES. S. H. WATSON. 0. P. WHITE. R. L . NIXON. J . S. SIMPKINS. B. H. McFARLAND. JULIAN FIELDS. L. WAGGENER. T. MOORE, JR. 0. L. PIETZNER. E. SCARBROUGH. R . E. TOBIN. E. W . TOWNES. ,V. H. THOMPSON. T. A . WHATLEY. .K. S . WELLS. W. D. POTTER. L. H. SCHWEER. \V. l3, WOOLDRIDGE. J. W . YOUNG. 122 ~igma. FOUNDED AT THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT, OCTOBER 3, 1896. W . F. STARLEY, M . D. En. L . BATTS , M . D . HORACE C. HALL. RoB'T L. YEAGER. JOE A. ROBERTSON, J R. H . B. J ESTER. ] OE GILBERT, M . D. c. F. NORTON. W . E. HOWARD, M. D . w. C. SWAIN, M. D. HOLMAN TAYLOR . L EA H UME. J. T. WARD . H.B. STONE. r24 @ereman @lub. First Term. L. H. SCHWEER, Preszdcnz . G. A . ROBERTSON, Sec. and Treas. Second Term. W. BIRCH WOOLDRIDGE, Presideut .. WILL POTTER, Sec. aud Treas . ~embel"s. Bates Allen. Lewis Maverick. Leonard Abercrombie. Will Midkiff. H. Lee Borden . R. Miller. Ewing Boyd. Walter Monteith. Alex. Camp. Hugh Prather. Joe Fenet. Will D. Potter. Walter Fisher. George A. Robertson. Will Garnett. Walter Schreiner. Rufus Hardy. Lawrence H . Schweer. John W. Hawkins. Joe Simpkins. Sam. J. Hogsett. McCleary Weller. Leonard Isaacs. Birch Wooldridge. L. Maury Kemp. Owen White. M. 0 . Kopper!. R. Walter Wortham. Harris Masterson. J. W. Young. 125 '!'he thanl\s or the <>ditOrf3 are h<>reby tendered to ELLj\. ISLE j\.RViE1"1 'Ph<> rnanagernent graterully e el\ now·l­edg<>s its ind<>bt<>dn<>ss to 1"lr. Hatz­reld and Prof. Fi tz -Hugh, of j\.ustin, and !Clr. W. @.Swa in, of e @ommittee. E. w. TOWNES. L.A. ABERCROMBIE. ~embers. LESLIE WAGGENER . HORACE HALL. v. c. MOORE. E. w. TOWNES. ARTHUR MOORE. L. A. ABERCROMBIE. D. B. RYAN . E. E. TOWNES. FRANK GREGG. HOMER JESTER. E.T. MOORE, JR. FRANK JONES. 133 ~an ~ntonio ... .@lub. ~oem. Sons of Texas who have wandered to the bleak Mauhattau shore, Or to antipodal China, or to sun-struck Singapore, If they came from Austin, Dallas, Houston, Galveston or Hearne, May forget their haunts of childhood-may to love their exile learn. But wherever San Antonian has been cast by fate, he'll swear By his own old San Antonio of Valero and of Bexar. Shonld one emigrate to Eden, and Saint Peter ask him: "How Do you like my golden staircase and my sapphire ceiling, now?" He would answer: "Good Saint Peter, in its way 'tis nice enough, But I see no dear old ruins-no pelon dogs, sleekly rough, And I miss the winding river; and the Alamo is-·where? And the chile stands, amigo? And Sau Pedro Springs? And-stuff! No, my dear Saint Peter, sabe? Paradise is pretty fair, But it isn't San Antonio of Valero and of Bexar/" ®ffleers. OTTO A. PFEIFFER, President. Mrss THEO. LANE, Vice-President. LEWIS MAVERICK, SecretarJ' aud Treasurer. r@)embers. Prof. E. P. Schoch. Miss Laura Lane. Miss Theodosia Lane. Otto A. Pfeiffer. Charles Huberich. George Terrell. M. M. Garcia. Miss Mary F. Huppertz. Miss Elizabeth Morey . Clarence King. Wallace Carnahan . Adolph Groos. Lewis Maverick. Herbert Springall. Thomas Larkin. Robert T. Neill. Clifton C. Kinney. H. Lamar Crosby. Carl F. Groos. 134 @alias @lub. GEORGE A. ROBERTSON, President. Fred. H. Turner. Charles M. Colville. Alex. Camp. David E. Grove, Jr. Miss Jessie M. Clark. W. N. S. FRIEND, Secretar;' aud Treasurer. l@)embef's. C. C. Cole. H . D. Ardrey. Daniel Du Pre, Jr. Wirt Davis. VJ\onol"Ol'":J ~embel"s. Miss Emily Oliver. 135 H. E. Prather. Bryan Daugherty. W. N. S. Friend. G. A. Robertson. Miss F . Edna Rowe. f@oraeign ~ni\GJerc>sit~ @tub. / J OHN CRA""FORD SANER, President. Vanderbilt, Alpha Tau Omega. 2. ALEX. G. BLACKLOCK, Vice-President. l' niversity of the South, Sigma Alpha Epsilon. 3 H ARRY TOM KING, Sec. and Treas. University of Tennessee, Pi Kappa Alpha. 4 CLOYD HENRY READ, University of Tennessee, Phi Gamma Delta. S' ALEX. CAMP, University of Virginia, Sigma Chi. 'SAM. JAY HOGSETT, University of Virginia, Kappa Sigma. 7MoRITZ KoPPERL, University of Virginia. fRoBT. FULTOX NIXON, University of Virginia. ,.LTER FREDERICK KELLY, Dartmouth College, Theta Delta Chi. I ~].urns W. YouNG, Emory and Henry College, Phi Phi Phi. 17 J oHx OTIS PHILLIPS , Oberlin College. fOR EIGN UNIVERSITY CLUB. @fhe ("@lifteen @1ub, ~e~ieal @lass of '98.. MOTTO.-" Harmony." This is an unorganized group of intimate friends, who were thrown together, strangers when the Class of '98 began its initiatory work at the Medical Department, U. of T. The acquaintanceship then formed soon ripened into the sincerest friendship and we became known as "The r 5." On January 24, 1898, a little girl came to bless one of our number, Dr. R. R. McDaniel, and fourteen members of the club were given the honor of naming the little Miss. She came to us in our time of toil and study and as the oasis gladdens the lonely waste, so this little one gladdened our hearts and we named her Erin. ERIN, OUR PRIDE. ft$) embers. RALPH REDEL McDANIEL· Robert Emmet Baylor Bledsoe. Marion Blaisdell McMillan. Michael Brandenburg. John Francis Nooe. Edward Burns. Joseph Archibald Robertson_ Thomas William Carroll. Harry Othello Sappington. Horace Cahrheaugh Hall. Joshua Thomason Ward. Harry Allison Ingalls. Frederick Alexander York. Robert Henderson McCleod. Robert Lee Yeager. 138 RAGGF.TT, F.. B., Jtt., BAGOF.'l'T, 1<: . .\1. BAGG~Tl', \\", R. B..\RCLA Y, G. W. 1rnooi.:s, J. ,,.. CA ll'fER, S. H. C ATER, I<'. 'ir. C' HAP.\IAX, 'f. R. ('OTHER, A. A. DOBBIXS, S. C. .\lcCl<~LVfo;Y, H . .\I. .\l c.\IF.A NS, H. E. !illLLER, l'. T. MON'TF.ITH, W. F. . .MOORE, W. E. MOHlllS. V. lL PUl<:'l"l', J. C. WHI'r1<;1,1<:Y, T. S. W.lN'KLl\R.1<:, W. WIT'!', C. F.. WI'J"l', 1<:. E. + @fhe ~ange~. / JOHN C. PALM, Law, '98, Editor-in-Clzief 2. }NO. 0. PHILLIPS, '97, Manager. J E. W. TOWNES, '98, Assistant llfanager. 'f E. R. KLEBERG, '98. ,7CHAS. LEAVELL, '99. f" HERBERT SPRINGALL, '98. V0LINTHUS ELLIS, Law, '99. ' T. T. CONNALLY, Law, '98. / L. M. KEMP, 'oo. ICIR . S. TERRY, 'or. THE RANGER BOARD, PUBLISHl':D BY THE RUSK, ASHBEL, A='!D ATHE='!AEU~I SOCIETIES. @Staff. t@lall @fel"m HOWARD PARKER, Edz"for-in-Clliej. J ULES HENRI TALLICHET, Editor-in-Clzie/. Associate Editors. Rusk. Ashbel. A tlzenaeunz. G. C. MCCLENDON. CAROLINE WILLIAMS. TAYLOR MOORE, JR. G. B . FORT. MARY H. KEY. W. E. McMAHON- E. T. l\[ILLER. BESS STEPHE:\S. ~pr>ing @ferm T o.:11 T. C ONNALLY, Editor-in-Clzief. Associate Editors. Rusk. Aslzbel. Atlienaeunz. E. T . MILLER. EDNA WALLACE. FELIX E. SMITH . \V. M. PIERSON". DOROTHEA RHI:\E. 0L:::NTHUS ELLIS­ 0. E. ROBERTS, Business /Vfanagcr . U[rJ~ (LD[N]a%7~~®aW ~~@)O~ OFFICIAL ORGAN OF SruDf:NTS [ouNCtL 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~STAf f '98...,6 .c:,..STAff 97~ -CDITOR-IN-(HIEF'.­ R. L.WILSON, M. A.,'98 Geo PPIPKIN 98 --7-Assot1"TE:S ~ A.J JAME:S.B.3..'99, R.A.GORDON,01 KH.AYNE:SWORTH '99 cc fRANCIS, 01 H.ANc STER. Sc1100L of P.. ,~MA(,Y '98 H.ANE:8TE:R, 3cHooL or PHARMACY, '98 A.R.SHe ARE: R 98. M.BRANDENBURG., '98.(RE.StGNE.O) Bus1NE.fiS MAN~GE'\, Bvs1NE-SS MANAGE.R. 0 0 0 0 0 0 'NUNQUAM ALIUD NATURA, ALIUD SAPIENT/A D/Cn:" @rhe @a~tus, '98. ERNEST w. TOWNES, '98, Editor-in-Chief. C. W. BATSELL, '98, G. A. ""iEDEMEYF.R, '99, .Caitor-in-C/1icf, Law Dcp't. Editor-in-Chief, Med. Dep't. MABEL BROOKS, '98, Art Editor. E. s. EASTON, '98. R. S. WELLS, Law, '98. W. S. HODGE, Pharmacy, '98. ]. W. YOUNG, Law, '98. K. H . BEALL, '99. G. B. McGUIRE, Law, '99. WILLIE RECTOR, 'oo. H. P . WHATLEY, Medical, ' 01. A. B. LACY, 101. ~anag\'!ment. j:KO. 0. PHILLIPS, ll1anager. LEA Hu~rn. !11a11ager Medical Dep't. ]. W. YOUNG, Ma11ager Law Dcp't. CACTUS BOARD OF EDITORS. / __ ,,, -1., ·"· '­ ' ' _, ~ ~ ' •, ­ i.,,.-----~... ~-~-------=-------· ·------------~ ~ r &V L T . " Q c . ~ ~thleti~ ~sso~iation. ®tfleeies. OTTO PFEIFFER, '98, RUBES. WELLS, Law, '98, A. E. AMMERMAN, Law, '99, PROF. T. u. TAYLOR, @,.;eeuti"t'e @ouneil. Faculty. D. F. HOUSTON, Chairman. S. E. MEZES. T. u. TAYLOR. Underr;1aduates. DAN PARKER, JR. OTTO PFEIFFER. President. Vice-P1esident. Secretary. Treasurer. Alumni. VICTOR BROOKS. T. w. GREGORY. A. s. WALKER. }NO. 0. PHILLIPS. R. w. WORTHAM. 150 @tennis @lub. JoE P. FENET, EDGAR E. TOWNES, Dr. Bray. W. Carnahan. Dr. Ellis. Joe Fenet. H. Fisher. Prof. Fitz-Hugh. Rob't Haynie. Prof. Houston. Scott Key. J. L. Lockett. Jno. 0. Phillips. President. Manager. C. E. Rowe. L. H. Schweer. Prof. Thompson. F. H. Turner. E. E. Townes. 0. P. White. T. P. Whitis. Leslie Waggener. T. A. Whatley. Dr. Mezes. L E. L. T. L. G. ) HART.9PARKER.j'WORTHAM L. H .-B. f/ WOOLDRIDGE /'fHOGSETT. /)LEAVELL. October 23.·-Anstin . . . 30.··-Dallas . . . November r.-Fort Worth 3.---Waco .. . 13.-Austin . . 20.-San Antonio 25.-Austin " December 1!.-Austin J~o. 0. PHILLIPS, R. w. WORTHA'.11, '97 f@oot (@all @ream. I ]NO. 0. PHILLIPS, Manager. 2. DANIEL PARKER, JR., Captain. @ream. Centre. R. G. R. T. R. E. .,JE~KINS.7KELLY.fL. BETHEA.'fSCHREINER. Q.B. JbBLACKLOCK. R . H .-B. /~C. BETHEA. F. B. /J PFEIFFER. ci)ubs1i1u1es. "DENMARK. I/GROOS. /fR.EID. @ames. . li. of T. vs. San Antonio, IO-o· " Dallas, 4-22. " Fort Worth, 0-6. '' Add Ran, 18-10. '' Houston, 42-6. " San Antonio, 12-o. " Fort Worth, 38-o. " Dallas, 20-16. J/fanager. (.·aptain._ 152 'VARSITY FOOT !IAl.L TEANI. I JOHN c. SANER, . l CHARLES BATSELL, @ream. Catcher, J BLOOMBARGH. First Base, t BATSELL. ' Pitchers, SANER,YSTONEROAD, J"BRACKENRIDGE. Second Base, ,. BLACKLOCK. Right Field, 1 PINSON. Centre Field, { 0 PALM. @oaehes. ELLIS,/4TY.IATHEWS. Manager. Captain. Third Base, 'DALY. Shortstop, 7MOORE. Left Field, II DECHERD. 154 BASE BALL TEAM. @)e~ond @le~en. GEO. A. ROBERTSON, Manager. H. D. ARDREY, H. PRATHER, } Captains. E11ds. BORDEN. AMMERMAN. Tackles. CATER. WATSON. FLETCHER. Guards. McMAHON. CALLOWAY. Center. ARDREY. Quarter-Backs. H. PRATHER. C. POPE CALDWELL. Half-Backs. McMAHON, W . E. MILLER. PRATHER, w. L., JR . Full-Back. PUETT. .h1rdtli h , ©n-tfuful·:stfum5t-bboim Llil\'t Witt\'\ l\KtA vir in~ ht~:n~\r~n( ~ndlht~rlijll~now 11\t me< n~ ~qve. ...~ Dim buttt1lits iJhol!(~ttG~lou:m,rove LiKullm}h1:1dows o~ i~i-K' . Ii.o~tfuJl11Yol!Sh dre1:1ni~-tfufriitA~it wove ­0love, ~omt ouin~lied. Sing away, drink away, With a klink, khnk, klink. Night is fine, So's the wine, Then drink, drink, drink. Have a stein, or a wine­ Let it not repent thee; When we're done Courting Fun, We can woo Nepenthe. Drink away, comrade gay, And drown old sober sorrow. Wine up, now. Lager? Ow! We'll wear big hats to-morrow. J. W. H. @leetion @eho. @fo @lal"a. " I love you, dear," His election was sure I whispered near ; And the vote the next week "You are my dreaming s•ar, Would be nothing to forty, or more; My life is all bliss But the poor, blundering brat With you, love, to kiss­Joined a popular" frat."-My Clara Havana Cigar." So the vote it stood forty to four. J. W. H­ cSemper> fdem. I feel in quite King Richard's plight, When he shouted in Anglo-Norse: "By the beard of my sire, I would sell or hire My kingdom for a horse!" He was a king ; Wore a signet ring. I'm-Oh, a little less tony; But I'd bid as high, \Vhen "exams." are nigh, For even a flop-eared" pony." J. W. H. 171 @fo the ~ ~uestion of Inneetion. f»edagogie f2'sw~hologist. "Light down there?" said the father, Your wind is so long Aud the lad with little wit,And your wit is so slender, Heard not the rising inflectionI shudder, garcon, So he grabbed his hat and " lit." Your wind is so long, A. E. A. To spin out my song In your vein, and ne'er end her, Your wind is so long And your wit is so slender. JuJ....~s I'IL"N RT He sat on his bicycle, as straight as an icicle, While she, on another, rode by his side; He talked like a jolly pop, and nought could his folly stop ; With all kinds of jolly pop, enliv'ning the ride. And then accidentally, more instinctively than mentally, He grew sentimentally, saccharine sweet; He praised love's intensity, its ardent propensity, Its density, immesity, fervor and heat. All at once, o'er some hummocks, he sprawled out kerflummux, And she thought, what a lummux to tumble just then! But he climbed to his station, while she said with elation: "Resume your narration-say it over again." E.U.D. ~n ~f1el"thought. Had I but known, sweet Love, that Summer day, When hand in hand alone we stood upon the pier And watched the seaward voyage of the vessels in the bay, We had taken ship together and forever claimed our own, Sweet Love, had I but known. The wind blows chill. The blank, bare beach For sepulture awaits the rolling, desert sea. I am alone ; my buried hopes in hollow tones beseech The full, rich life that was for thee and me, Lost Love, had I but known. JOHN AVERY LOMAX. 172 @rhe f(l)\en @rhat {@ailed. (Villagers grouped bejore gateway-among them a Yoeman, a Maiden, a Friar and a Minstrel. A Knight rides up, and after, the King issues from the castle, fol­lowed by his train). YEOMAN: Look you, the magic copse grows thin apace, The dead men's moulding bones are dropping down­Freed from the twisted tendrils' long embrace, · They lie at last at rest upon the ground. Even so might one who sought his love afar And found some siren by the bitter sea, And lay within her fatal arms, while far Away love called him who no more was free, When all the untasted old delight had flown To happier lands beyond the sunset seas, Cast forth at last, fall down and make no moan For dead days or the lost Hesperides. MAIDEN: But now a belted Knight rode out From that strong hold of mystery­ His arm a Princess clasped about, She smiled with never fear nor douht The while he spurred across the lea. YEOMAN: Yea, and the castled turrets, tall and gray, Asleep amid the trees these many years, Now hid now half concealed by the sway Of leafy branches in the wind that veers, Show through, and on the moss-grown, ivied walls A warder's armour glimmers through the trees, And in the long-silent court a bugle calls, And high o'er all a banner flouts the breeze. MAIDEN : And as I ponder all these things- The flaunting banner, fair and free, The far-off steel that gleams and rings­ Strange childhood stories of the kings Of ancient days come back to me. Ah! but the memories will not bide; They range and change, and flit and flee. I dreamed of an enchanted bride Who sleeps, while knights and princes ride And seek for her from sea to sea. 173 FRIAR: God's curse is on this place of sin, God's curse on all who enter in And perish in their infamy. Yea, God's curse is on all of ye Who linger here a-whispering, And watching close for some strange thing To issue from the castle there. Full many knights, both great and fair, Have sought the witch within that place; Yet uever one has kissed her face-Yea, none has touched her garment's hem. But in the copse of death they lie, And know no more of laugh or sigh-The lust of life Lurnt out in them. MINSTREL : Nay, otherwise the talc was told In village song and minstrelsy, When first I heard, in days of old, Men tell of this that now we see. Somehow, the strangely-woven rhymes Such subtle glamour cast on me, That even now their music chimes As then it chimed beside the sea. The Princess sleeps through years and years Within the magic wall of trees­ Untouched of laughter and of tears, Unknown of idle hopes and fears, She sleeps, and as she sleeps she sees The knight that, riding far and fast, Shall seek her out, and at the last Shall break the charm and set her free. About the Princess silently The drowsy days and years go by, And very slowly draweth nigh The day of days one day to be. But when the day shall dawn at last­ When the long years are overpast­ The lovers fled where none may know, From out the magic slumber cast About the castle long ago The King and all his court shall wake And issue forth once more, and take Their places in the weary world . . . KNIGHT: At last the castle sought afar And through long years, lies plain in view ; I know not if its hedges are To slay me or to let me through. Come life or death, what care have I, Whose life's one longing were denied Though all things else before rue lie, If I won not the sleeping bride ! I74 MAIDE N: But now a noble Prince rode out From that strong hold of mystery ­His arm the Princess clasped about, She smiled with never fear nor doubt The while he spurred across the lea. KNIGHT: What thing, I ask you, shall be said By one whose greatest deeds are nought ! Who better far were lying dead, Slain in some battle long since fought. Why should I cry against my fate, Or dream of deeds that might have been ! Let it suffice-I came too late; It is not for all men to win. But those who came too soon, who came Before the hundred years were past ; Who sleep with shame for name ancl fame, Damned and dust in the dust at last; Was theirs' the fault whereby they died, Even as they strove to set her free ; And while the knight that won the bride Scarce knew that such a quest might be? Nay, after all, the best is theirs Who lie at rest the long years through, Beyond the reach of all the cares That in their living days they knew. The best is theirs who quiet lie, Untouched of any joy at all; The worst is theirs who may not die, But live their life whate'er befall. THE KING: Lo! you, the world is much as years ago It was, when on us all was cast this spell. The years unheeding, changeless, come and go, Whether men's little lives are ill or well. J. H. T. I75 • • • (tbituarie~ il!ors omnibus commun'is. October 2:3, 12.:30 P . XL-The Cosmos Club, of spontaneous com.bustion, the result of too ardent nocturnal research in the compounding of strange spirits. Peace to its ashes. The Final Ball.-Massacred by the Barbar­ian hordes. All hail to the Final Reception! "Le roi est mort : vive le roi ! " The Styx Boat C:lub.-Finished its voyage across those dark ·waters so111e time during the winter storms. J\iay its ab0de in the land of sha d es prove less stormy than its earthly existence. The University J\Iag·azine.-Dec. Number, December 28; January Number---? Not dead, but sleepeth. l@ni\Ver>sit~ ~tatisties. I N" a compilation of college statistics, previous boards have drawn fully upon their imagination, disregarding, to a great extent, the written replies of the student body. The present committee have taken scrupulous pains to faithfully reflect, in the following statements, the opinion of the average student, and they most cheerfully give their pledge as to its authenticity. The average age of the Texas University student is 20 years; he is 5 feet 10 inches tall; weighs, 150 pounds; wears No. 63/z shoe; size of hat, 778. He retires at 4 o'clock in the morning and gets up at 6, the rest of the 24 hours being spent in arduous toil. Sixty per cent. of the students part their hair in the middle, 35 per cent. on the side and the remaining 5 per cent. do not part it at all, with the exception of C. P. Caldwell, who, from his own statement, parts his with a brush-according to his friends, a shoe brush. The moustache is not the thing now since the appearance of the hirsute disfigurement on the Apollo-like features of C. Pope. The second query was answered with surprising candor, and a complete list of the confessors would strike the heart of Henry Howard with horror. They admitted that they played sometimes; but a great majority added, in parenthesis, '•just for fun and not for keeps." The bones also are quite popular, and about the only time that the little cubes are laid to rest is during examination week, when the mind is bent upon a different kind of ''pass.'' To the query," Have you a system that just can't be beat?" the answers were strongly in the negative. So emphatic, indeed, were some of them that it betrayed a previous over-confidence in a system which had prob­ably deprived his indulgent lar dlady of a month's board. Five young gentle­men, prominent in the Y. M. C. A. circles, answered that they alone had a c0mbination system which was a sure winner, and offered to put us on to it by return mail for a two-cent stamp. Pool is not popular, except with Freshmen-and not long with them, owing to the Dingley Bill price of billiard cloth. The query, •' Do you drink? '' seems to have been generally misunder­stood, for everyone answered in the affirmative. There was quite a spirited contest over the favorite drink. Gin phizz received a few scattering votes. One vote was cast for champagne, but having no signature, was cast out. "X. X . X." and soda p'lp were running neck and neck. "X. X . X ." was about to win, when the Freshmen, en masse, bowled up and polled a solid vote for buttermilk. After the polls were closed, the committee found a silver-mounted connection tube to a pocket milk-tank, bearing the inscrip­tion, '' Julian F. '' (We are authorized to say that the owner may find same by calling at the" Co-op." store.) r77 "In the event of the extension of the School of Geology, do you favor giving ' Pat ' a chair in ' Steinology ' ? '' brought forth some stupid confes­sions. At least forty per cent. did not know who "Pat." was, and even to a large number of the School of Geology the term '' Steinology '' conveyed no meaning; but since it was thought to be an additional course it was receiving a heavy adverse vote when " Pat. 's Brigade," led on by the un­quenchable Sir John Day, saved the cause, and "Pat." was given a" full" professorship. In the next query the student was called upon to express his attitude in regard to abolition of ''soak shops.'' Owing to the large amount of col­lateral now in the possession of Uncles J. A. Jackson and Joe Koen it would be a fortuitous circumstance for them if their business were suddenly to sink into inocuous desuetude by an Act of Legislature; but again, owing to the fact that a large proportion of the aforesaid collateral was tormerly possessed by the students, they are radical in their expressions of negation. There were only three votes for the abolition of this important factor in college liie. To the question,' ' What is your favorite pastime?'' the answers had the spice of variety and the average could not be calculated. Some expressed a desire to rest in the gentle arms of Morpheus; others exhibited fully as strong a desire to be infolded in the arms of Bacchus; but few, very few, evinced any yearning to play in Athena's back yard or even to holler down the rain banel of Minerva. Some with Venus would stroll down life's turnpike and still others, Diana-like, chase the festive jack-rabbit. Some with Terpsichore would cut the pigeon wing and do the fantastic can-can; and still others, among them 'I Willie Potter, would go through this tur­moil of strife and vale of tears pursuing the even tenor of their way. " Are you in love? " Perhaps this was too pertinent a· query to pro­pound to a youth, especially a student youth, for there is something consti­tutionally wrong with a man under thirty who is not in love. If not he should take some good liver regulator. The affirmative admissions were practically unanimous and some are in the anomalous condition of being in love three times at one and the same time. For further particulars call on H. Damascus Ardrey. Among so large a number of love lorn swains it would seem that some would be engaged. But in reply to the query they all denied any contractual relations of that nature; yet, be it recorded in their favor, it was a case of " Barkis is willin' ; but it aint no use." The average student's taste is for the brunette type. This does not refer to the taste in his mouth in the morning when there is such a difference, but to the complexion of the female contingent. Some are so gallant as to prefer hoth blondes and brunettes. As to politics, this composite type of students is overwhelmingly Dem­ocratic. A few deluded Freshmen and Junior Laws gave as their political affiliation 0. E. Roberts. Hon. Joe Sayers is his choice for Governor; but here again some unripe Freshman recorded himself as being unalterably in favor of A . T. Folsom. When we divulge the name of the most popular student, it must not be considared by the public that this highly favored individual is one whom they may strike for a '' V ' ' and the favor be granted with alacrity and be r78 considered a compliment. Be not so deluded, my friend, for if you wete to try to make that same borrow, it being Spring-time, he would tell you to hie thee hence and soak that useless overcoat. Yet still we have a hesitancy in divulging his name, but since he has urgently requested us to do so we have no other course and the calamity be upon his own head. Itis no other than the hero that stood like the Rock of Ages in the centre of our line and threw defiance (his fist) in the face of the whole Dallas aggregation-Jack Jenkins-of Rastrap-hurrah for Hogg-fame. Taylor, Batts and Fitz-Hugh received about an equal number of votes for the most popular professor. Their popularity bas been deserved and has been gained by actions, not words. Now we are called upon again to be very circumspect in divulging a na1J1e-the name of the handsomest student ; because in his maiden modesty he has kept himself obscured in the back ground of co-educational life, and we fear if the co-ed. discovers him it will be another case of Sampson and Delilah, his Hyperion curls be shorn and where would our foot bail team be without Kid Bethea. In the next question the committee discovered an act peculiarly overt and evidently perpetrated with malice aforethought. After a long canvass by the classes in Economics for Prof. Houston, the Freshmen spoiled every­thing by coming to the polls in a body and casting their votes respectively and collectively for Lyric Rhymster Hamberlin. But it will be of no gain to the Freshmen; for it is a tradition as unalterable as the laws of the Medes and Persians that only three per cent. of the lhings 35 Willie & Sons-Lawyers . . . . . . . . 40 Zahn-Photograpl!er . . . i!O =~------=~=~ =--------·---­ Correct Styles For Men ~desire to call your attention to our line for the year '98. The styles snown are controlled excl usiyely by u~_ HARRELL & WILCOX Mail Orders Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers Receive Prompt Attention AUSTIN, TEXAS .~ A . P. WOOLDRIDGE PAUL F. THORNTON JASPER WOOLDRIDGE President Vice-President A ss't Cashier CAPITAL STOCK, $150,000 CITT I1J\TIOI1J\L DJ\I1K or nusnn, Trxns THOMAS D. JOHN ORR WOOTEN * BOARD OF DIRECTORS R. L. BROWN JNO. B. POPE A . P. WOOLDRIDGE * E. M. SCARBROUGH PAUL F. THORNTON THE BUSINESS OF THE FACULTY ANO STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED iii ~~!~§.~~~!f -~l1c?J I~! c?/ o ~11c?/ ~'8J Ube <.to==operati"e 'Ulni"ersttr :fSook $tore •. .'Bustin, U:exas..• BOOKS ... All University Text Books at published can be obtained at receive prompt attention. lowest short n prices. otice. Any Mail book orders ................ ST A TIONERY ... All grades of Writing Paper, University Essay Tablets, Pens and Pencils. A full line of Stationery Novelties. ................ ATHLETIC GOODS ... Foot Ball, Base Ball and Tennis Supplies. Agents for A. G. Spalaing. Everything in the Sporting Goods Line, at PRICES SLIGHTLY ABOVE COST. PATRONIZE YOUR OWN CONCERN IV We will des~rve your patronage by giving you the BEST OOODS at Moderate Prices Dress well and correctly when it can be done so economically? "'Tis not the Clothes that make the Man," but they often act as a magnet in drawing others to him. Our Men's Furnishing Stock comprises all of the New and Up-to-date styles. In Men's Shoes we make a specialty of $J.OO and $s.oo goods and our shoes are Always Satisfactory to the Wearer KING & WRIGHT UP-TO-DATE OUTFITTERS ---AUSTIN tteadqa&r Driskill Hote-1. • • Steam Laundry FIRST-CLASS WORK GUARANTEED Prices Reasonable ___Telephone 444­ vi ~b.1bat3fel~ & <.to. IM.PORTERS OF !Dress an~ lfanc~ ~oo~s Bustin, ~eras The young lady students of the University will save money by patronizing our establishment lE"er~tbing in lDr~ a;oobs kept in Stock Our Millinery and Dressmaking Department are in experienced hands. The ladies are cor­ dially invited to inspect the former and are solicited to have their dresses made by the latter ~b. 1bat3fel~ & <.to. vii DIRECT LINE TO CHICAGO, KANSAS CITY 4# ST. LOUIS Free c RECLINING "KATY" CHAIR CARS and WAGNER BUFFET SLEEPERS in all Trains First-Class Meals at Our Own Dining Stations 50 cents viii Eugene Von Boeckmann I I Publishing I ' Company i Ii I ~ ~ ...-..__AUSTIN, TEXAS ' ~~~~~~~~ ix Onlv Exclusive Electrical House in 74ustin ThusTIN ELECTRICAL SUPPLY No. 703 Congress Avenue Special attention gh·en to house wiring, electric and gas fixtures The largest Stock in Texas to select from. All goods and work guaranteed. Ask for our prices and let us save you money Telephone No. I J. E. JOHNSON, Manager x ---:rTroy ~ndry~ This Laundry has just been equipped with new apparatus throughout, and is, in this particular, prepared to do the finest work in Texas. PERFECT SATISFACTION AND PROMPT SERVICE GUARANTEED Student agert at University Hall. Work called for and delivered. 'PHONE No. 73 DILLITIGnnn sner ce. 604 CONGRESS A\lE. AUSTIN, TEXA~ xi ~ome \omfort5 We sell everything a Fur­ i: niture Store ought to .and not a single price too large. C. A. DAHLICH The Oldest Furniture Dealer in Austin 1409 Colorado Street AUSTIN, TEXAS AND PROPRIETOR ECLIPSE STABLES -· ••111111111111••· ····­ The Finest Teams, Hearses and Carriages in the South. ---PHONL: 161 xii non Tsn nn~r«T 720 CONGRESS AVE. AUSTIN Headquarters for the finest Bread and Cakes in the City. Families and Parties furnished with Bread Cakes at\d CohfedioMry on short notice at reasonable rates . FREE DELIVERY TO ANY PART OF THE CITY A. MESSER, Jr. PROPRIETOR J.G. ~apman 916 CONGRESS AVE. THE ORIGINAL RACKET STORE .d full line of r Hardware Tin and Glassware Fancy line of China Basket Goods and House Furnishings of all descriptions Novelties in Toys and Bric-a-Brae AUSTIN, TEXAS G. C. Bengeneir & Biro. THE CASH HARDWARE DEALERS AUSTIN, TEXAS Carry a full line of FISJHNG TRGl{IJE BICYGiiES BIGYGiiE SUNDijIES POUiiTRY NETTING POGl{ET CUThEijY SHEARS AND nazons RUBBER HOSE IiRWN ft'IOWEijS Rt Iiowest Prriees GOTO---. Joseph Goodnnrn If you want Up-to-Date ~tarle ar;iGl 'i'?ar;>G[:J RECEIVED DAILY TOBACCO, CIGARS A N D SMOKE Rlit ' ARTICLES Come and see me and be convinced FREE DELIVERY WAGONS TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY JOSEPH GOODMAN, Prop. Cor. 13th and Lavaca Sts. AUSTIN, TEXAS xiii L. N. GoldbecR ~ Broker Land, Insurance and Collecting Agent ·OVER STATE NATIONAL BANK Austin, Texos Wholesal • and Retail ... 1010 CONQRE.55 AVENUE NEXT TO CAP ITOL 'T ELEPHONE 247---e-AUSTIN A.G. GERJES Tailor's f:Xgent !V\ercl1ant Tailor DEALER IN GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS The Selz l~oval Blue Sl1oe Jolin B. Stetson Hats 1608 LAVACA ST. f:XUSTIN, TEXf:XS H. L. HILGARTNER, M. D. PRACTICE LIMITED TO Diseases of the Eye Over Central Drug Store AUSTIN, TEXAS Office Hou rs: 8 A. M. to 1 P. ~1., and 3 to 6 P. M. ~~~~~~""'~~~~~~~~~ ~~+:P~ xiv J. A. JACKSON BROKER ~HD JEWELER Great Bargains in Unredeemed Pledges Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry, Guns, Pistols and Musical Instruments. Loaded Shells, etc. Watches and Jewelry Repaired. MONEY LOANED No. 617 Congress Avenue AUSTIN, TEXAS Wall Paperr ~ Painterrs' supplies MORELAND Paint and Wall Paper Company 105=107 West Sixth Street AUSTIN, TEXAS Geo. B. Lucas DRUGGIST Agent Gunther's Candy, 6oc. lb. Agent Cleveland Bicycle PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES 506 and 508 Congress Avenua AUSTIN, TEXAS TELE PHONE 188 GilRii JYHlYER Watchmaker and Jeweler_ _... .....,.. No. 618 Congress Avenue AUSTIN, TEXAS I claim to carry the best stock of strictly Standard Goods in the city, and sell lower than any house in town, considering qual­ity. xv t 416 and 418 Congress Avenue AUSTIN . " The Dictator of Moderate Prices " Goldsteil) ... ~Pt]ilipsol) Solicit the Patronage of the Professors and Students in their Fine Line of---• Box Trade a Specialty ~ustiQ, Texas E. B. ~OBINSON Stock of high grade GROCERIES are gathered from every clime of the good things which finally reach your table. All our Groceries are Pure and High Grade, and our Prices are no higher than you pay for rnferi~r goods elsewhere. . Give us a tnal order and be convmccd. 711 CongtTess Ave. AUSTif", TEXAS xvi R. RENZ MerchantTailor 903 Congress Ave. AUSTIN, TEXAS T. W. GREGORY Attorne~ at Low... AUSTIN, TEXAS ROOMS 6 AND 7 Masonic Temple TELEPHONE 236 ........... INSTRUCTOR IN THE USE AND MANAGEMENT OF ~-!?.~. \l)ocal @rgans AND THEIR MUSCULAR GOVERNMENT The voice trained in singing after the method taught in the Royal Conservatory of Milan, Italy, Mr. Warner's practical experience as a singer and also as an instructor of the voice, with its properly attendant physical training, dates back twenty years. He has had the great advantage ofseveral year'sstudy under the personal private direction of a graduate of the abo~e named Con­servatory, who afterwards became a celebrated Grand Opera Singer, and i@ now one of the fore­most vocal teachers of New York City. Mr. War­ner's best advertisen1ents are the successful re­sults of his method of teaching in numerous cases where his instructions have been carefully followed. He asserts that auyoue can learn to sing in an acceptable manner who has a mus1cal ear and sufficient determination, provided no malformation of the vocal organs exist. His terms are placed so that this delightful art is within the reach of almost anyone with a taste in that direction. His book," The Voice in Sing~ ing" will be mailed to any one on application. STUDIO, ROOM 2 Congtress Ave. and Tenth St. BREUGGERHOFF BUILDING .AUSTIN., TEXAS Tttade with those WHO Trrade with you A. L. FULTON AUSTIN, TEXAS C. F. RUMPEL Bookseller and Stationer Picture Framing a Specialty. Drawing and Art Mater­ials, Mouldings, Fancy Goods, Toys, etc. 722 Congtress Avenue ESTABLISH£ D 1877 AUSTIN, TEXAS xvii S6arnrouun &tti6Ks LATEST STYLES~ ... FOR ... LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Austin, TE-xas xviii \NEED'S STJiBLE WEED & ROS~GREN, Proprietors ~=---108 to 112 E. Eighth St. AUSTIN, TEX~S ...'tl1n~ertakers... Special Rates to University Students SOMETHING NEW IN • MINIATURE GEMS OF ART Something entirely new in the way of a Gem of Art, and at an unusually low figure. The Miniature Photo we copy from Cabinet and Card Size Photos only, and make no change in the picture you send whatever. Cabinet pictures can be sent by mail, and inclose 25 cents or Postal Note and two-cent stamp for return mailing, and we guarantee to return to you one dozen Miniature Photos and the Picture you send in one week from date of sending, that will give perfect satis­faction in every respect. Special care should be taken in doing up pictures for mailing, and be sure to write your name and address plainly. F. J. WAuSJ-1 353 Perry St. TRENTON,N.J. JOHN T. PENN&CO. FASHJONABLE TAILORS 237 MAIN STREET DALLAS -"==---TEXAS xix Coleman Z cpl•·:J..c--T-E_M_P_L_E',;i '\_ " Rogers ~Colemank. Sao An gclo THIS IS A MAP OF THE Santa F6 ROUt6... THROUGH CAR LINE BETWEEN G"L\IES10~ s"~ "~10~10 ~ S1. LOtllS ONLY THE MOST MODERN EQU I PMENT, INCLUDING i>LILLNUU~ "ESftBLILE OBSEi\"4110~ SLEEi>Ei\S ARE OPERATED IN THESE TRAINS W. S. KEENAN General Passenger Agent 0. C. & S. F. Ry. GALVESTON, TEXAS xx E. DICK SLAUGHTER MANAGER" HOME OFFICE" C. C. SLAUGHTER OWNER CHAMPION -~-HEREFORD HERO OF THE WORLD 247 MAIN STREET SECRETARY BAPTIST STANDARD PUBLISHING CO. PUBLISHERS THE BAPTIST STANDARD 150 ERVAY STREET DHLL:A:S, TEXHS University of Louisville c ,Medical Department MEMBER OF THE Association of American Medical Colleges 620 REGULAR ANNUAL SESSION WILL COMMENCa: SEPTEMBER 26TH, 1898 and continue six n1ouths Graded courses of six months each. Attendance upon four courses required for graduation. Instruction practical. Clinical facilities abundant. Extensive laboratories well equipped with the latest appliances. Quizzes systematic and regular. For circular containing full particulars address J. lVI. laOOIN.E, lVI. O., Dean l.tOUISVILll.tE, }<\:Y. HARPER & CO. eol1~. '++++ ++++ ++++ :+±+_t: ;+-+++ ++++ rt-+++ -r+++ ~ AUSTIN, TEXAS (;;\~·~(;;\ G'\..Y-Y'6"'-l..':~ U SE all modern improvements knowntoPhotography enabling them to charge onlyabout one­half the usual price. It will pay you to call when wanting Photos made. Work guaranteed according to samples shown . Respectfully, ~~ +++-ti ++++' +++-n :++++1 ft++-ti :+++-tl +++ :+t:+t:l ~-:.,1(.;1 I* HARPER & CO. xxi ~­ -~ £~­ -~ ~­~ ~ ~­ ~ IVIEXl("r4 lr4fERr4"110r4"L R"ILRO"i> IVIEXl("r4 (Er4fR"L R"1LW"l' "E"GLE P"ss RotlfE,, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ADDRESS w. D. MURDOCK, A.G. P.A., M. c. Ry. MEXICO CITY c. K. DUNLAP, G. P.A., M. I. R.R. EAGLE PASS, TEXAS xx ii TOWNSEND 904 CONGRESS A VE. AUSTIN, TEXAS PHOTOGRAPHER xxiii @.LVESTON Jl.....nvERTISEMENTS E. S. LE~V & CO.'S GREAT CLOTHING HOUSE Knox's Celebrated ... HATS ... Edwin Clapp's Fine ...SHOES... Dr. Jaeger's Sanitary ...UNDERWEAR... Write for a pair of " ROYAL" $3.00 Shoes equal in every respect to the $3.50 and $4.00 kinds generally sold . ...Everything Worn by Man or Boy... _____... -­ C.~R. MARKET~ TREMONT STS. QALVl:STON T REM ONT HOTEL ROTUNDA Recently refurnished and refitted throughout. Finest Billiard and Pool Room in the .State. 50 rooms, with bath, en suite or single. Rates $2.50 to J4.oo per day. AMERICAN PLAN G. E. KORST, Prop. xxv 9"'~e 9"'exas 3f.ouse ~anufacturing Stationers fa~ogra~~ers~§>rinters %fan~ %00~ ~anufacturers Steef anil @o~~er~fate &ngra"ers Sc~oof ~1'~itatio1'8 @fass @l1'1'0U1\Ce"'e1'ts @o"'"'e1'ce"'e1't §'rogra"'"'es Di~fo"'as a1'cl c:~t tna.t\t,,cr COR. MARKET ANO TREMONT STS. GALVESTON, TEXAS Repairing and Cleaning Ladles' and Gents' Mackintoshes to order .........................~ . 'nmill.1b. :13laheman OUR TAILOR State '.agent ~lobe ttailoring c:i:pbe.F CORNER CENTER AND MARKET STREETS GALVESTON. TEXAS Special Rates to Students---==~ xxxii Sweets »ave Wings If they are good. They do not tarry long. There is no more acceptable gift than a box of our delicious Bon Bons. Your wife or sweetheart thinks so anyway. We are adding to the reputation ofour con~ectionery every day. Rafi.rt'~ * * * oqfectioqeiei 2109 Market St. GALVESTON If you wish the BEST work You must send it to the MODEL * JVIOOELt uAUfiO~Y TRIMBLE BROS., Props. 2214 Post Offiee SttTeet GAuVESTOf'l,TEXAS * See pages 37 and 38 for our specialties DUBiiE & RAYSOR ~rchant • iailors SCOTT LEVI BUILDING 22d and .M.echank Streets G"LllES10rf, 1EX"S Special Kates to students •********** it ~l·STH R·rv * it * it DRUG STORE* .********** WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR TRUSSES--­ CRUTCHES ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS AND RUBBER GOODS Of all descriptions C. J. MICHAELIS COR. TREMONT AND POST OFFICE STREETS. GEH•VESTOfll, TEXAS xxxiii Ml6ttf\GLS' mo~el (.tlotbiers Clothing made by the Best Manufacturers at POPULAR PRICES is our Specialty. We make Suits to Order too, $15 and up 2213 and 2215 Mattket Sttteet GAI.tVESTON, TEX. For Money and Bargains Cor. Market and 24th Sts. GALVESTON, TEXAS. • C . .JANKE, Pre-sldent CHAS. E. SOL0.1'.0N, See'y nn111'ruK. @rl1e @NIaq­ WYCKOFF & BENEOICT'S REMINGTON TYPEWRITERS A. B. DICK CO'S MIMEOGRAPH> and SUPPLIES A. P. LITTLE'S RIBBONS AND CARBON ROCKWELL AND RUPEL CO'S TYPEWRITER AND OFFICE SUPPLIES ROBINSON'S THERMAL BATHS BROWNE'S ORIENT HEATERS --<::::>---<::::>­ NOTARY PUBLIC 2206 to 2208 MECHANIC STREET. GALVESTON, TEXAS xxxv Buy your -=­Furnishing Goods OF.. Williams &... R Successors to 9 axter 'v. ·~~,,..w 1\i\en's Furnishers 2206 Market Street GALVESTON, TEXAS. One price to all, and the best values at that ... .Price . ... J. SINGER BOO~ GO. The " Texas Subscription Book House " STATE H E ADQU ARTERS FOR Medical, Pharmaceutical and Scientific .... Works .... No. 2212 MARKET STREET GALVESTON, TEXAS A full supply of Text Books always on hanrl Correspondence solicited Mail orders receive prompt attention WE KEEP ONLY THE BEST OPEN DAY AND NIGHT .,. .,.. ST~R * ~staurantei ~ J. T. MORRIS, PROP. South Side lVlarrket Sttteet Bet. 22d and Trremont Ladies' Select Dining Room Popular Lunch Counter Commutation Books, $6.oo for $5 .00 Fine Imported Woolens Fine Work a Specialty Suits to Order, S25.00 up Trousers to Order, $6.00 up M.Silberman&Bro. Managers MERCHANT Tllll!ORS '''' ..~,io.... 2112 Twenty...seeond St. GAL.VESTON, TEX ~S For Up-to-date and Perfect-Fitting Clothing Try the 0 flU_sftt~ 10 Per Cent. off To Students ~rlors 4J7 -4 J9 Tremont Street GALVESTON, TEXAS All garments purchased from us kept in Choice Selection of Cigars and Cigarettes Oysters, Fish and Game in Season repair one year free of charge xxxvi Come in and see us ! n. W. SHAW ~eading Jeweler FINE WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIR-~, ING AND DIAMOND '~ SETTING .. .. We keep on hand a fine line of OPTICAL GOODS and can fit your eyes e>-Cor. Market and Tremont Streets -<> GALVESTON , TEXAS WE have the best facilities for doing lace curtains. Send by Express. We pay all charges and guarantee perfect satisfaction and do not injure them. Our Price is $1.00 per pair MODEL LAUNDRY 2214 Post Office Street, GALVESTON, TEXAS See pa!(es 33 a nd38 W. B. Merrick ®he Popular Price.. F1otto Bros. Tailor ALL THE NOVEL TIES or lile LEADING THE SEASON Suits to Order $15.00 to $30.00 Pants to Order f,5.00 to $10.00 Shoe===-:3 i I Self Measurement Blanks and Samples seut on application by mail House t IN TE:XAS .... 52l Twenty-Second TELEPHONE Street B UILDING 409=411 Tremont Street GALVESTON, TEXAS GALVESTON, TE:XAS xxxvii Send Us Your-A @ollal"S ano @uffs By mail or express, and remit us the charges for laundering, 35 cents per dozen less transportation charges and we will return them promptly with charges prepaid. MODEL LAUNDRY 22 14 Post Office Street See Pages 33 and 37 GALVESTON NEW RESIDENCE STUDIO, CHURCH AND 15TH STREETS GALVESTON, TEXAS W. T. CAMP SHOE Co. A. D. HARROLD, Manager +++ 2202-2204 Market Street GALVESTON, TEXAS THERE IS NONE No use looking for a better lamp than the New Kochester. It is the standard. 'i.'he others would not be o tfered for •ale at all if pur­chasers could not be ntade to believe they are " like " or '·as gocd 11 as the Nf!W RO C HES­TER. They may be in outward ap­pearance, but like all imitations, lack the peculiar merits o f the genuine. If vou insist 0 11 see­ing the name, THE NEW ROCHES­TER, stamped in the metal, yon may he sure of getting Jr. No,s. No. ,.011 EMB05SEDI what you want. 'HANDLE LAnP. OUR OIL HEATERS possoss all the gcod points of the lamps. Indis­pensable for the nursery or greenhouse, or Rny room \n an exposed location where the furnace heat does not reach. If your dealer cannot sup· ply what yon wAnt, write us. Catalogue free. THE ROCHESTER LAMP CO. NEW YORK CITY 33 Barclay St. 38 Park Place xxxviii DR. W. S. CARRUTHERS, JR. 2307 Market Dentist Street GALVESTON, . TEXAS R . V. DAVIDSON F . D. MINOR E. A. HAWKINS, JR. Davidson, Minor & Hawkins Attomeus and Counsellors at Law GALVESTON, TEXAS DR. A. A. DYER 2120 Market Dentist~ Street GALVESTON, TEXAS JOHN D. FEARHAKE Attomev at Law Secrerary of the Street 213 22d Island City Abslrncl Co. Phone No. 8Io GALVESTON, TEXAS LEWIS FISHER Attornev at Law Notarv Public GALVESTON, TEXAS N. W. COR. 220 AND MECHANIC STREETS J ohn Lovejoy Alexander Sampso" M. L. Malevinsky Lovejoy, Sampson & Malevinsky A /101·neys and Counsellors at Law Practice in State and Federal Courts Rooms 212, 213, 214, 215 and 2I6 Levy Bldg. . .. GALVESTON, TEXAS GEO. E. MANN P. C. BAKER, Deceosed LAW OFFICE OF N\onn & BoRer GALVESTON, . TEXAS Morgan M. Mann ATTORNEY AT LAW 22o6 Strand, GALVESTON, TEXAS M. C. McLEMORE Attorney at Law Mensing Bldg., Galveston M. F. MOTT W. T. ARMSTRONG MOTT & ARMSTRONG Attorneys at Law 2303 Stra.nd GALVESTON, TEXAS xxxix F. CHAS. HUM!t M. E. KLEBERG Hurne& Kleberg Levy Building GALVESTON, TEXAS Arthur Keetch ATTORNEY AT LAW Offiice with Tl'rry & Ballinger &aly Building Telephone 318 GALVESTON, TEXAS Chas. K. Lee ATTORNEY AT LAW Sealy !Xllldlng Galveston, Texas JAMES B. & CHARLES}. STUBBS Attorneys and Counselors at Law 212 TwENTY-SECOND ST. GAI,VESTON1 TEXAS TERRY & BALLINGER LAWYERS SEAr,Y BUII,DING GALVESTON, TEXAS DR. H. J. NICHOLS Dental Surgeon LitVY Buxr,nING GALVESTON -TEXAS DR. J. M. SIMPSON Dental Surgeon E. s. LEVY BUII,DING GALVESTON -TEXAS F. M. SPENCER W. A. KINCAID SPENCER & KINCAID LAWYERS Galveston National Bank Building GALVESTON, TEXAS ]. A. WHITAKER ATTORNEY AT LAW 2r3 Twenty-Second Street GALVESTON, TEXAS A.H. Wn.LI& A.H. WILLIE & SONS LAWYERS Judge Wiiiie will give his personal attention to the business of the firm E. S. LEVY Burr.DING GAI,VESTONI TEXAS Webster's International Dictionary The One Great Standard Authority, So T7I'!:Cs Hon. D. J. llrewer, Justice r. !3. Supreme Court. Successor ofthe ''Unabridged.'' The Standard of the U. S. Gov't Printing F Office, the U. S. Supreme Court, all the State Supreme Courts, and of nearly all the Schoolbooks. Warmly commended by College Presidents, State Superintendents of Schools, and other Educators almost without number. It Is easy to find the word wanted. It i. easy to ascertain the pronunciation. It Is e.;sy to trace the growth of a word. It Is easy to learn what a word means. Jacob Gould Schurman, D. Sc., LL.D., ~[v~s!:!~~,to ~{.s~~'t~e~! afs!'.1{fs~~d'1,~:fth 1;~ru~ie~! 1nt.ernnt1onal Dictionary, which a }'ear or two n.J,!o l select~d. after <'onsideriui.: the Yflrions works gnl>lished, ~~~1~e~~~£~!so~«!~~:_1~t1~~gf.r~~·eyi.~i~'l:.1~~I~. erequire- fr'Specimen pages sent on application to G . .!:: C. MERRIAM CO., Publishers, Springfi.eld, Mass., U.S.A. ESTABLISHED 1818. Brooks Brothers Broadway, cor. 22d St., N. Y. City 1 -HE particular care exercised by us in the cut, manufacture and novelty of pattern in our Men's Ready Made Garments is also ex­tended to our clothing for Boys and Children. The limited quantity in each lot and exclusiveness of style guarantee the best value, and at lower prices in many in­stances than are asked for garments made in large wholesale lots of inferior work­lllanship. Catalogue, samples and rules for self­measurement will be sent on application. xli ... N0W COMPLETE... Sayles' Annotated Civil Statutes Two large volumes, handsomely printed and bound. All the Acts of 1897 Sessions included in their proper places, making it the ONLY TEXAS CIVIL STATUTES coming down to date, also containing double citations. Price, $12.00 delivered Extra large pages and 20 per cent more notes than previous editions. Your Press Thinks Highly of It. "The work will prove of great value to the bench and bar of Texas.'' -GALVESTON NEWS, Nov. 4, 1897. " It is the general verdict of com­petent authorities that the Annotated Statutes by Judge Sayles, just issued, is the most useful of all his works. It is f one o the handsomest editions yet issued, and is a good example of the printer's and bookbinder's art.of moderu times.'' -HOUSTON POST, Nov. 5, I897. Your Judges will not be without It. "The work is admirablv done and is of great assistance to me fo examining cases involving the Statutes. Every judge and every lawyer should have a copy. I must compliment the publishers on the excellent stvle in which the book is gotten up. "-HON. c. c. GARRETT, Chief Justice, C. C. A. '' In this compilation, and in the recent edition of the Practice, the Hon. John and Henry Sayles have done a great work for Texas.''-HON. GEORGE CLARK, Waco, Texas. "I esteem your book highly and think it will be of great use to Texas courts and bar. I shall order the second volume, as I have heretofore ordered the first, for consul­tation room and the general library. "-HON. R. R. GAINES, ChiefJustice Supreme Court ofTexas. "On a careful examination, I find the authorities acci:rately quoted. The work will be of much value to the courts and bar."-HoN. H . ('. FISHER, ChiefJustice, C. C. A. The Complete Civil and Criminal Statutes, Annotated, 3 vols., $18 Delivered ~OLD LAWS OF TEXAS, 1731=1876~ Including the laws of Spain and Mexico relating to the Province of Texas, 1731-1835; laws of the Republic of Texas, 1836-1845; laws of the State of Texas, 1846-1876; also a full history of the Counties down to July, 1888. WHY PAY A HIGH PRICE for these laws, when you can procure them admirably arranged in Sayles' Early Laws by Hon. John and Henry Sayles, with introduction by Hon. A. H. Willie. This work also contains finely colored maps showing old and new county boundaries. Special temporary price, $18 delivered. Taken inconnection with Sayles' Civil and \Villson 's Criminal Statutes lately issued, this work covers all the laws from the very beginning down to date. We will send both works (Sayles' Civil Statutes and Early Laws) in one order, prepaid, for $27, and to those who now have the New Civil Statutes we will send the Early Laws for $15. THE GILBERT BOOK CO. ST. LOUIS, MO. xiii PRENTISS CLOCKS 6 in. Square Come in all stylesand grades and are fitted with 8, 30, 60 or 90-day movements. Our famous 60-day clock bas no equal for time keeping and the automatic calendar is nerfection. We also make Electric and Program Clocks, Tile Clocks, Frying Pan Clocks, etc. ~:_Schools, Colleges, Offices, Banks, Factories and Stores our clocks are just the thing. Full illustrated catalogue, No. 388, sent free on request. THE PRENTISS CLOCK IMPROVEMENT CO. Department No. 38 49 DEY STR.EET, NEW YOR.K CITY xliii -r11e C11as. H. Elliott Co. T l II": LIH~Cll'::ST COUJ':Cil"'.: 1"'.:NG l~IWINCi 7~ND Pl~INTIN(i 11ouse IN Tl II": WOl~l_I) Offices, Nos. 14G to 150 N. [Woad St. Worl~.s, Nos. 1400 to 1412 ls and an Undergraduate Even­ing Course as well as Moot Courts. Law stndcnts may take any courses they like in the University in the other Departments of the University without charge for tuition. The Law Library is open thirteen hours a day, and the Law students have access, also, to the Supreme Court Library, the State Library and the University Library. The Medical Department, located in Galveston, offers a four years course of instruction leading to the degree of Doctor of Medicine. Con­nected with the Mcdica~ Department is the John Sealy Hospital, containi11g an Anatomical Amphitheatre and furnishing clinical material for class instruction. Out-door clinics, also, arc systematically conducted. A thorough course iu Pharmacy is given in addition to the course in Merlicine, .and there ?s, als.o, a thoroughly organized School for the Trainin~ of Nurses in connection with the John Sealy Hospital. More than two hun­dred students are in attendance this year in the Medical Department. Graduates of affiliated high schools and academies are receh·ed into any Department of tbc University without entrarce examinations. Persons over 2r years of age arc also received without entrance examinations, with proper limitations. All other persons must pass entrance examinations as prescriben, Texas.