19 North End, NW3. 14. x. 54 Dear Emmett, Many thanks for your letter. I will certainly write to Homer Thompson today as you ask. The autumn session of study group meetings at London University started again yesterday; John Chadwick read a paper on links between apparent Mycenaean forms and forms restricted to Homer or Arcado-Cyprian. The instigators of the study group, London University's new Institute of Classical Studies (I expect they sent you their bulletin), are working on a card index of Knossos texts in transcription, which they intend eventually to duplicate in page form. As this cannot possibly be as accurate as you could make it (and would contain material which you would want to have priority in publication), this would be for internal use only. I have given them a copy of your published joins, and also of the notes you kindly allowed me to make of fragments 5000 onwards. To help them put the cards in order, I have typed out a list of the surviving tablet numbers in each prefix, as far as I can reconstruct them from my records. There are a number of joins where one or other term is still missing, and I expect there are a lot of other errors. I have typed the first page in the possible form we might use as a tablet index in our book (which we have now contracted for and must supply by the end of May); but it may be that we shall have no room for it, and will have to content ourselves with a reference only to the position of the tablets which we actually quote and attempt to transcribe. I don't really like to ask you to undertake the job of checking whether this list corresponds with the one which you presumably have in similar form, but if you ever have any really spare time, or if it's a mechanical job you could delegate to a stooge, we should of course be very grateful to get our records straight. But there's not a hurry of any sort. We shall probably transcribe about 250-300 tablets in the book, and after discussion have decided that we shall have to give them consecutive numbers in order for the reader to find his way about. But we propose to always refer to them in the form 151=Ep03, with the real numbering never omitted, and to repeatedly ask the reader to ignore our numbering in future discussions. Yours, Michael