T '1" OAILY TEXAN Tho cturtpnt npw snaoer of The University of Texas at Austin T h u r s d a y . April 4,1986------ 25C apan to send envoy U nited Press International TOKYC) Alarm ed by m o v es on Capitol Hill to enact p ro te ctio n ist leg islation, Japan said W e d n e s d a y it will send a special en v o y to W ash ­ ington in a bid to d efu se a m o u n tin g th e U n ited trade dispu te with States. . . A Foreign M inistry official said foreign 1 esh im a , d ep u ty Reishi m inister for econom ic a f f a i r s , will leave I hursdav for W ash in g ton " to explain the Jap a n ese p o sitio n ' to U .S . officials "in view of recent m oves in the C on g ress M asayuki F u jio , ch airm an of the policy board of th e ru ling L iberal- Jap a­ D em ocratic P arty, also said nese officials would invite likely U S sen ators and co n g ressm e n to Tokyo in m id-April to d iscu ss trade issu es. (apan has taken new recently step s to liberalize som e of its m ar­ ket-, and prom ote fhe sale of foreign goods But the R eagan ad m in istratio n in ­ sists that Japan has not g on e far en ou g h to o p en up to A m erican goods its marke d in tele co m m u n i­ cation s, electro n ics, forestry p ro d ­ ucts, m edical equ ip m en t and p h ar­ m aceuticals. A dm inistration officials have so retaliatory m easu res far op posed but C o n g re ss, im patien t with the slow pace of n eg otiation s in the face of a $37 billion U .S .-Ja p a n trade d ef­ icit, h a s m oved ag ainst Ja p a n ese im ­ ports. T h e S en a te fin ance com m ittee T u esd ay passed a m easu re that w ould m and ate retaliation against jap an un less the deficit is reduced T he H ouse of R ep resen tativ es also approved a n on -bin d in g resolu tion calling on R eagan to restrict Jap a­ nese im ports u n less Japan m oves to buy m ore U .S . goods In an u n usually blunt statem en t issued W ed n esd ay , C hief C ab in et Secretary T ak ao Fujinam i said th e S en ate bill " is n ot only a d iscrim in a­ tory bill sin gling ou t Ja p an , but also a th reat to the entire free trade sys­ tem itself. " T h e o f g o v e r n m e n t ja p a n stron g ly h o p es, for the sake of good bilateral relations betw een Japan and the U .S . as well as for the d e­ v elop m en t of w orld trad e, that the bill will not p ass the U .S . C o n ­ g r e s s ," Fujinam i said. Prim e M inister Y asu h iro N aka- so n e, w ho h as b een a ttem p tin g to balance A m erican and d om estic p o­ litical p ressu res in an effo rt to ease the crisis, told Ja p a n ese rep orters the actio n s w ere "v ery s e v e r e ," K v od o n ew s service reported con g ression al N akason e faces tou gh d om estic op p ositio n as he atte m p ts to fulfill m arket-op en in g p led g es m ade to R eagan at their L os A n g eles sum m it Jan . 2. T h e prim e m in ister plans to trad e package an n o u n ce a new aim ed at m eeting m any o f the U S. d em an ds next w eek Jap a n 's lucrative te le co m m u n ica ­ tio n s m arket, d en atio n alized M o n ­ day, has b een the fo cu s o f esp ecially in ten se n eg otiations. The State D ep artm en t rep orted Tuesday that Japan has ag reed to tw o steps aim ed at fu rth er o p en in g to telecom m u n ication s m arket its U .S . exp o rters, b u t n e g o tiatio n s to loosen technical stan d ard s and c e r­ tification p ro ced u res are co n tin u in g . Vol.84, No. 128 System unveils budget plans By DAVID ELLIOT and TODD PRATT Daily Texan S taff UT System officials have ear­ marked $18 .6 m illion in b u d g et re- dui tions for the next biennium , but will still seek an overall 4 9 p ercen t iru rease in fund ing for the next aca­ demic year, Regent l e s s Hay said W ednesd ay. A p roposed UT System budget re leased by Hay show s institutional and ad m inistrative costs would be reduced 5 p ercen t, and appropria­ tions for physical plant m aintenance and utilities would be cut 6 .5 per­ cent. I he budget calls tor a 4 .5 percent increase for libraries and academ ic supp ort program 1' to cover inflation, and requ ests a 158 percent increase in fu nd ing for organized research T h e bud get also requ ests a 5.5 percent increase ov er 1986 appropri­ ations for fiscal year 1987 In an ad dress before a joint m eet­ ing of the Sen ate Finance and Edu­ cation com m ittees, Hay and several other System officials told legisla­ tors the fu nd ing increases are n eed ­ ed to m aintain the S y ste m 's m o­ m entum in higher education Hay said the increase is the m ini­ mum the System can accept, based on the S y ste m 's definition of fu nd a­ m ental need s w hich are absolutely essential to m aintenance of m o m en ­ tum and p ro g re ss." Hay also urged law m akers to e n ­ d orse a proposal by Lt. G ov. Bill H obby to fund Texas colleges and u n iv ersities at 98 percent of 1985 levels, W ed n esd ay m arks the first time Sy stem officials have officially e n ­ dorsed any of the higher education f u n d i n g proposals before the L e g i s ­ lature. Hay said the Hobby plan would be accep tab le if the System is al­ low ed flexibility in line-item ap p ro­ p riations, if un expend ed funds can be carried over to the next academ ic if the System receives year, and "re a so n a b le allocations for special research program s. Hay also asked the L egislature to limit the am ount of Sy stem local funds that w ould be state ap p rop ria­ subtracted from tions. Hay said if th o se four provision s are e n acted , "a d o p tio n of the H ob ­ by plan will enable the U niversity of T exas System and each of its com ­ p o n e n t s to accom m od ate its mini mum policy com m itm ents " the UT P resid ent P eter Hawn and C h ancello r 1 Ian s Mark both defend ed and prom ised legislators m oney allocat­ ed for higher education will r e s u lt in m ore state revenue in the future. requ ests, fund ing I Liwn, w ho is also a m em ber of the N ational Science Board, said federal institu tions su ih as the S ci­ en ce Board give m illions of dollars annu ally to higher edu cation insti­ t u t i o n s that show solid support for research. T exas c o l l e g e s and u n iv er­ in­ sities recently have received creased am o u nts of those funds, he said, "B u t if w e cannot com p en sate and supp ort our faculty, they will go elsew h ere — to our com petitors — and with them will go the m o­ m entum so im portant to T e x a s ," Flaw n said. M ark said Texas has received less than its share of federal research grants, w hich fund 73 percent of the research initiated at colleges and universities. The state has been re­ m iss in not pu rsuing its share b e­ cau se "w e in T exas have not had to scrape and fight to su rv iv e ," he said. Mark said Texas' su ccess in con ­ vincing the federal governm ent to locate the N A SA -Johnson Space C en ter in H ouston proves the state can get fair share of federal fu nd s. "T h e re is no doubt that we can do the sam e thing a g a in ," h said. "B u t w e cannot do it unless w e con tin u e to invest our ow n re­ sou rces in higher edu cation. its A lso on hand to ad d ress the com ­ m ittees w as Larry O 'D o n n ell Jr., w h o last spring provided the $8 m il­ lion in seed m oney that led to the creation of 32 chairs endow ed for $1 million each. O 'D o n n ell said he m et w ith the chairm en of the U T chem istry, m ath em atics and physics d ep art­ m en ts, and was convinced the U ni­ versity would lose talented faculty if ad equate funds for higher ed u ca­ tion w ere not appropriated . " If we d on 't they're take care of them , going to go else w h e re ,' he said. H obby said there is " a critical and direct link betw een continued eco­ nom ic v itality " and support for high er edu cation. "L a s t session, it w as public edu catio n 's tu rn ," Hobby said. "T h is tim e, it's higher ed u cation 's turn A se ctio n of c o n c re te pip e p ro vid e s sh a d e for C a rrie H u tch cra ft, 10 (b o tto m front), and E ric F erguson, 11. T h e ir frie n d , C h ris ty S lim p, 11. p re fe rre d to ca tc h so m e ra ys at a h ig h er a ltitu d e T he th ree w e re re la xin g W e d n e s d a y a fte rn o o n in th e p la yg ro u n d at A lla n d a le C h ristia n S chool. Students apologize to Hobby for ‘discourteous’ action By ELLEN WILLIAMS Daily Texan Staff In the afterm ath of I u esd ay's em otional con fron tatio n betw een several hundred stu d en ts and Lt. G ov. Bill H obby, UT student grou p s have apologized for the treatm ent of H obby. T w o m em bers of T axpayers for Fiscal Re­ sponsibility in Education the group organ izing the protest — m et with Hobby for 40 m in u tes W ed n esd ay to apologize and to ask him to con sid er the e f f e c t s of a tuition in crease. The T exas S tu d en t Lobby also sent a letter to Hobby W ed n esd ay apologizing for stu­ treat­ d en ts' "d isco u rteo u s and irresp onsible m ent of him . H obby said W ed n esd ay afternoon he had not read T S L 's letter. rS L apologized on b eh alf of FSL, the S tu ­ d en ts' A ssociation and the stud ent bodv tor the treatm ent of H obby. "W e believe you w ere treated in a d iscou rteou s and irresp onsi­ ble m a n n e r," the letter states. "A t the sam e tim e, we note the frustration ( t m an y college stu d en ts across the stall* with the tuition m easures proposed by you rself and o th e r s ," the letter says. Several hu ndred stu d ents cornered H obby Tuesday after an estim ated 2,000 stud ents from across the state m arched to a rally at the state C apitol. T h e rally, p ro testin g proposed tuition in creases, has been called the largest stud ent rally in A u stin in m ore than a decade D uring the hou r-long rally on the Capitol steps, sp eakers slam m ed proposed tuition hikes and urged stu d ents to go inside the building to see their senators M any stu d en ts m ade ap p o in tm en ts to see their sen ato rs, but several hu ndred others — chanting "W e w ant H obby searched the Capitol for him . W hen stu d en ts found him , som e shouted "N o m ore H o b b y ." The surging crow d pu sh ed H obby, and on e stud ent confronted him and clutched his lapels as D ep artm ent of Public Safety troopers escorted the lieutenant gov ern or to the S en a te cham bers Insid e, H obby tried to explain the n ecessity of a tuition increase, w hile a few of the sev er­ al hu ndred stu d en ts shouted at him from the S e n a te gallery ab ov e. At a press con feren ce with G ov. Mark W hite W ed n esd ay , H obby w ore a cam ouflage suit. " I needed this y e ste rd a y ," he said "S tu d e n ts at least d id n 't blockade the C ap i­ tol w ith tra cto rs," H obby said after m eeting w ith TFR E m em bers. David G allo, TFR E m em ber, said H obby told him in their private m eeting that inci­ d en ts like Tuesday s are part of the job and said H obby seem ed concerned and reason- able. Bernard Roth, th e oth er TFR E m em ber who m et w’ith H obby, said H obby "d id n 't m ake a big d e a l" of the rally. But H obby's conference with stu d en ts in the Sen ate T u esd ay and his m eetin g W ed n esd ay sh ow s the stu d en ts' pro­ test affected him , Roth said. H ob b y's proposal calls for tripling both res­ ident and n on -resid en t tuition next fall A H ou se-approved bill w ould double resident tuition to $8 per sem ester hour and would triple non -resid en t tuition to $120 per sem es­ ter hour. C ollege stu d en ts are the only group in Tex­ as to finan ce alm ost $270 m illion of the state s cu rrent budget shortfall, TSL's letter says. "W e believe that legislators will contin u e to hear m ore anger like this as long as tuition co n tin u es to be the prim ary source of new revenue for this s ta te ," the letter states. M ark M cK innon, aide to W h ite, called the T u esd ay confrontation u n fortu nate but said excited stu d en ts had m erely follow ed a herd instinct. "T h e y w anted to see the man re­ ____________ s p o n s ib le ," he said. State recommends new education commission Panel would conduct in-depth analyses of colleges and universities similar to HB72 By TODD PRATT Daily Texan Staff G ov. M ark W hite and leaders from the H ou se and Sen ate W ed n esd ay calk'd for the creation of a blue-ribbon com m ission to cond u ct an in-depth study of higher edu cation. W hite, Sp eaker of the House Gib Lew ­ is Lt. G ov. Bill Hobby and other legisla­ tors all urged adoption of a resolution to allow creation of the com m ission. The resolution calls for a higher e d u ­ cation study sim ilar to the probe of pub­ lic edu cation that led to sw eep ing re­ special form s during su m m er the session. T he 16-m em ber Select C om m ittee on H igher Education w ould be com posed of W hite, H obby, Lew is, the head s of th e H ouse H igher Education C om m ittee and the Senate Fin an ce C o m m ittee and the chairm an of the Texas C oord inating Board. In addition, the governor would appoint five m em bers and Lew is would appoint four m em bers. The com m ittee w ould be charged w ith funding, enrollm ent stud ying college ‘Today I think we re taking another great step forward in our goal to give Texas the best education in the country.’ — House Speaker ___________Gib Lewis and ap p rop riation s p ro jectio n s, curricu­ lum requ irem ents, technology, facilities and the d istribution and excellence of at adem ic program s. The legislators said the com m ission 6 study is a natural extension of the earlier public ed u cation stud y, and would be an integral part in the state 's effort to im ­ prove ed u cation in Texas. "T o d ay I think w e're taking an oth er great step forw ard in our goal to give Texas the b est ed u cation in the co u n ­ try, Lew is said. W hite said the com m ission is part of the an effort to "renew and reaffirm state com m itm ent to excellen ce in higher ed u cation, and said the studv will not necessarily bring in drastic ch an ges at the 35 state-su p p orted college-, and un i­ v ersities. T h e SC O P E com m ission , headed by D allas billionaire H Ross Perot, resulted in law s requ iring stu d en ts to pass all co u rses before they can participate in ex ­ tracurricular activities, raising the pass­ ing grad e from 60 to 0 and m and ating com p eten cy tests for teachers. The com ­ mittee recom m end ations also resulted in the Legislature passing a $4 8 billion tax bill to fund public education reform s "It m ay be m ore of a confirm ation of w hat w e're d oing than a restructuring, W h ite said But L ew is said the study may ra ise som e difficu lt issu es, such as the p o s s i ­ ble elim ination of sm aller schools such a s U T P erm ian Basin and Texas A & M at G alv esto n , that the Legislature will have to ad d ress. "That's som e hard questions he I'm sure w e'll all have to answ er, said. Larry D on Sh aw , D -Big Springs and H ou se sp o n so r of the resolu tion, said the com m ission will be taking a close look at the prim ary fu nctions of each col­ lege and university and will seek w a v s to m ake them m ore cost-efficien t. "W e w ant m axim ize dollars he said. to stop duplication and W ilhelm ina D elco, D -A ustin and chairw om an of the H ou se FTigher Edu­ cation C o m m ittee, said the focus oi the studv w ill probablv be determ ined w hen a com m ittee chairm an is nam ed D elco said she e xp ects issues both fo reseeable and unforeseeable' will be raised , but said she does not expect rec­ om m en d ation s as exp en sive as those from the SC O P E com m ittee "I really d o n 't see them doing an y ­ thing that will cos* a lot of m o ney , Dc 1- co said . UT C h an cello r H ans Mark said the L 1 Sy stem already investigates itself regu­ larly, and said he does not foresee m am substan tial ch an g es in how the System op erates. G erald H ill, UT vice chancellor for g ov ern m en tal relations, said the co m ­ m ission is "b asically a good idea. Hill said he expects the com m ission to c o n ­ cen trate im elim inatin g duplication of services At a G lance An individual claiming *o be Dan Wide, an aide tc state Rep Mike McKinney D-Centerville called the Daily r exan talked with a Texan reporter and was i Friday afternoon quoted in Tuesday s r exan as say ing Students win have no more effect on legislators than the 1 clock on the wall Students did it to themselves — they j elected Republicans who don't think you should get some­ thing for nothing They spit o r the Democrats who would have given them low tuition Danny Wyde. a UT business senior said after the report I was published that he had not talked to any Texan reporters nor had he made any such statement. Wyde presented a legislative identification card and Rep McKinney verified Wyde s identity Wednesday The Texan sincerely regrets any problems this may nave caused Wyde. Bep Mike McKinney or anyone in his office Weather Higher and higher — The forecast for Austin and vicin i­ ty Thursday calls for a sunny afternoon with a high in the p»9e 19 m id-80s Index Around Cam pus C om ics C rossword Editorials E ntertainm ent 19 19 19 2 13 S ports . S potlight State & Local U niversity W orld & Nation 11 . 1 0 8 .................... 6 . 4 Editorials Page 2/The Daily Texan/Thursday, Apm 4 1985 Tuition fight must not die w d e n t s cared e n o u g h a b o u t im p e n d in g tuition hat s h o u ld be r e m e m b e r e d a b o u t I u esd ay s t u ­ ition protest rallv is that m ore than 2,(XX) stu- increases to m a rc h peacefully to the state ( apitol to ex p re s s their concern. U n fo rtu n a te ly , th e only th in g that sticks vividly in th e m in d s of som e legislators is the way so m e rally particip a n ts c o rn e re d I t. G ov Bill Hobby a n d s h o u te d him d o w n he tried to r e s p o n d to their ques- tions S tu d e n t c o n c e rn s abo u t tuition increases are legiti­ mate; let’s h o p e that legislators are w ise e n o u g h not to hold against the w h o le s tu d e n t p o p u la tio n of the state the a itio n s of a few peo p le w h o got cau g h t u p in th e ex­ c item en t of th e occasion a n d failed to exercise p r o p e r d i s ­ cretion. Instea d of m ullin g o ver th e b e h a v io r of the s tu d e n ts w h o accosted Hobby, legislators s h o u ld look at w h a t triggered A u stin 's largest s tu d e n t protest since 1974 in th e first place They s h o u ld look at the re a so n s that b r o u g h t s tu d e n ts d o w n from Dallas a n d C ollege Station; thev sh o u ld c o n s id e r the p r o te st's b ip a rtisan s u p p o r t. Ih e y w o u ld see a c o m p ellin g m otivation: the H obby tui­ tion plan asks for too m u c h , too quickly a n d it w o u ld h u r t l o w e r iru o m e a n d out-of-state s t u d e n t s unfairly I ho op p o sitio n to tuition hikes d isp la y e d at T uesd ay s rally s h o u ld a w a k e n so m e legislators to tho fact that they have vocal s tu d e n t co n s titu e n ts. But it will take m u c h ¡ m o r e th a n s h o u ts from the so u th ste p s of th e ( apitol to influence th e I egislature to p a s s a tuition in crease that w o n 't hu rt s tu d e n ts as m u c h as H o b b y s will So if the tuition battle is to be w o n , active s t u d e n t c o n ­ cern a b o u t tuition hikes m u s t not e v a p o ra te in the rally's a fte rm ath R e p re se n ta tiv e s like to h e a r from their com tit u e n ts p erso nally; th e only w a v v our rep re se n ta tiv e s will find out w h a t vou w a n t in a tuition bill is for you to tell th e m directly. (him s tu d e n ts , a n d p a r e n ts an d relatives ot s tu d e n ts , m u s t k e e p the p r e s s u r e on. I he m ost basic m e th o d ot all i an also he o n e of th e m ost effective; w rite y o u r se n a to r a n d rep rese n tativ e. T he halt h o u r it w o u ld take t o write a n d mail a hurt n o te could m e an a n e d u c a tio n 's w o rth of s a v i n g s . Write to the follow ing ad d re sses: ■ R e p re se n ta tiv e 's nam e, P.O. Box 2910, A u stin , lexas, 78769 ■ S e n a t o r 's n a m e , P.O. Box 12068, Capitol Station, A us tin, I exas, 78711 In y o u r letters, e m p h a s i / e that s t u d e n t s w a n t to play fair: th o u g h tripling tuition in a y ea r is as k in g for too m u c h , too fast, m o st s t u d e n ts will s u p p o r t a m o d e ra te tu ­ ition increase. A n d s tr e s s th a t a n y tuition increase s h o u l d be a c c o m p a n ie d bv a su bstantial financial aid set-aside, su c h a s th e 2 5 p erc en t of tuition re v e n u e reserv ed for fi­ nancial aid in legislation s p o n s o r e d by Rep. W ilhelm ina Delco, D -A ustin. M o m e n tu m g ain ed T u e s d a y m u s t not die. I his w e e k ­ e n d , write1 y o u r rep re se n ta tiv e s R em ind y o u r p a r e n ts to w rite T h e battle h a s not b e e n lost, so let's not p u t d o w n t o u r w e a p o n s . _ p avJt/ W o o d ru ff Lisa B ro w n -R icha u El Salvador vote signals progress U nlike last y ea r's fiasco, S u n d a y 's election for the El S a lv a d o ra n N ational A ssem bly was not ta rn ­ ished by U.S. interference. T he m o d e ra te Chris fian D e m o c r a ts of P re s id e n t Jose N a p o le o n D uarte scored a n u p s e t o v e r th e e x tre m e right w ith a 54 percent m ajori­ ty. , . . The election o u tc o m e is a good sign tor tw o reasons First, th e s o u n d d efe at of the violen t right will give D u a r te m o re room for political m a n u e v e rm g . I he win gives him a m a n d a t e to c o n tin u e n eg otiatio ns w ith the r e b e l s to e n d th e 5-year-old civil war. A n d th e v o te com es as s o u n d rejection of th e right s d e a t h s q u a d s a n d in h u m a n e tactics. Recent changes in th e S alv a d o ra n election code d e s ig n e d to help right-w ing parties m a k e th e c e n t r i s t victory all the m ore im pressive. B ecause th e elections w ere free of U.S. m e d d lin g , the S a lv a d o ra n g o v e r n m e n t has g a in e d th e legitim acy it lacked. I h e b ip a rtisa n U.S. o b se rv e r delegation of elected officials a n d private citizens said the election w as fair and p r a is e d the s m o o t h n e s s of the process. U nlike prev io u s elections, c a n d id a tes w ere not finan ­ cially s u p p o r te d bv o u tsid e g o v e r n m e n ts , a n d voting w a s not co m p u lso ry : Even w ith o u t m a n d a to r y voting, there w a s still an 80 p e rc e n t voter tu r n o u t, participation that s h o u ld p ut the U nited States to sham e. D u a r te ’s d o m e stic goals, like land reform, infrastruc ture d e v e lo p m e n t, a n d reduction of co rru p tio n , will receive a boost from the centrist m a n d a te A nd in the U nited States, the elections s h o u ld help El S alvad or gain b ip a rtisan s u p p o r t for m o re econom ic aid an d th e co n tin ­ uation of peace t a l k s w ith the rebels. It all parties c o o p e r­ ate, this election will be a positive step for the fu ture ot El Salvador. __ R on M u lle r Doonesbury by G arry T ru d eau WELL, I'M TK/ING~ LET'S 0 0 DOWN there, HONEY. IV .. ANDTHAPS m e STUDENT UK5T0TALKUJI7H . L0UN6E, NEAR. yoME STUDENTS. r ' THE PUTT I NO IF I MAY ASK, S IR ,u m M of wore ar e YOU IN ? — m opeen- \ 1 6ÜEE6 I ’LL ALWAYS BE A FARM pp_ AT HEART. ONCE YOU'VE TILLED THE SOU, THERE'S NO TURNING BACK. FARMING JUST GETS IN YOUP BLOOD AND STAYS THERE1 \ GOSH.. WHERE DO Í0U FARM, SIR7 “wv., VACANT LOTS, ABANDONED drjve-in s . I HAVE TO ROTATE MY CROPS A LOT.. Opimor s expressed in The Daily Texan are these of the editor or the author of the article and are of the U niversity adm inistration the Board of Reqents or the Texas S tudent P ublications Board of O perat nq . Q : WHO 15 LOSING THE IRAN-IRAQ WAR Candidates deserve UT support Lynda Lankford S tudent C.nvernment A lth o u g h the S t u d e n ts ' A ssoci­ ation is not prim arily a politi­ cal o rg a n iz a tio n , th e re are at least tw o g o o d r e a s o n s w h y the a s s o In ciation e n d o r s e s political c a n d id a tes, f o r o n e, the e n d o r s e m e n t process p ro v id es a w ay for s tu d e n ts to become in fo rm ed of w hich c a n d id a te s are s e ­ rio u s a b o u t a d d r e s s in g s t u d e n t issues su ch as la n d lo r d - te n a n t p ro b le m s or e x p a n sio n of th e sh u ttle b u s system . M ore im p o rta n tly , the c a n d id a te s be c o m e e d u c a t e d a b o u t s tu d e n t m b r to q u e s tio n ­ ests. their a n s w e r s naires a n d a p p e a r a n c e s before the S tu d e n t S enate, they r e s p o n d to con c e rn s that m a k e th e m think a n d often to publicly co m m it com pel th e m se lv e s on s tu d e n t issues. A n d as state Kep. Bob R ich a rd so n , R-A ustin, h a s sh o w n , e v e n a c a n d id a te w h o is not e n d o r s e d by the S tu d e n t S en ate can b ec om e r e sp o n siv e to s tu d e n ts R ich a rd so n has b e e n very helpful to th e Texas S t u d e n t Lobby, carrying - such legislation as the s t u d e n t regent th e m bill. For S a tu r d a y 's election, the S tu ­ d e n t s ' A ssociation h as no t m a d e a rec­ o m m e n d a t io n for the m a y o r s race, b u t has e n d o r s e d in all of the o th e r City Council races. Place I: M a rk Rose. Council m e m b e r Rose s u p p o r t s sin g le-m em b er districts (whic h w o u ld te n d to c reate a s tu d e n t- c o n tr o lle d district); his o p p o ­ n e n t d o e s not. Rose has also s h o w n an ability to w o rk w ith diverse g r o u p s a n d has d e m o n s tr a te d a g e n u in e in terest in s t u d e n t m atters. Place 2: S m o o t C a rl-M itc h e ll. things, Carl-Mitchell A m o n g o th e r h as a d v o c a te d c h a n g in g th e city's util­ ity rate structure in o r d e r to give small u se rs, like s tu d e n ts , a break. H e is co o rd in a tin g also Capitol M etro a n d the s h u ttle b u s sys­ te m . While his m ajor o p p o n e n t m ay a p p e a r s u p p o r tiv e of certain s tu d e n t issues, Carl-Mitchell is firmly c o m m it­ ted to th e m . c o n c e r n e d w ith Place 3: Sally S h ip m a n . Council- m e m b e r S h ip m a n is k n o w n to have the best c o n s titu e n t service on the council. In a d d itio n , sh e initiated an d w a s successful in gettin g s tu d e n ts a p ­ p o in te d to tw o of A u s tin 's b o a r d s a n d co m m issions. Place 4: G e o r g e H u m p h r e y . H u m ­ p h r e y favors a n d h as actively w o rk e d for a s in g le -m e m b e r district for s t u ­ d e n ts . H e also h a s offered to w o rk with th e police to increase their se n si­ tivity to r a p e a n d assault in s tu d e n t areas like H v d e Park a n d W est C am - pus. Place 5: J o h n Trevino. ( o uncilm a n T revino s u p p o r t s single- m e m b e r d is ­ tricts, w h ile his o p p o n e n t d o e s not. H e is also very co n c e rn e d a b o u t coop eration b e t w e e n Capitol M etro a n d th e U niversity to p r o v id e central A u s ­ tin w ith a first-rate tr a n s p o r t system. T revino h as s h o w n a s tr o n g interest in s tu d e n t issues in his five te rm s on the council. D avid Elliott, Trevino s o p p o ­ n e n t, is a p le asa n t m an , b u t he a d ­ d r e sse s s tu d e n t issues alm ost c o n d e ­ scend ingly, su g g e s tin g that s tu d e n ts w h o se ek a p p o i n t m e n t s to b o ard s or c o m m is s io n s get a faculty r e c o m m e n ­ d ation first. Place 6: C h a rle s U rdy. U rdv voted for a s in g le -m e m b e r district plan that gave s t u d e n ts a district; his o p p o n e n t, Terry D a v i s , w as a m ajor opponent of districts. In a d d itio n , U rdy strongly s u p p o r ts p u ttin g te n a n ts d ep o s its in an escrow ac count, a llow ing te n an ts to receive th e interest on their d e p o s ­ its. ____ L a n k fo rd is the c h a irw o m a n o f the the C itiz e n s ' A ffa irs C o m m itte e o t S tu de nts A ssociation aid a w o m e n to pro cu re abortion. T he effects that this practice are h a v ­ ing u p o n the medical profession a n d u p o n th e fabric of society are issues that each d e s e r v e co nsideration . My q u e s tio n is, w h y h as o u r society al­ low ed this practice, previously only associated w ith b a r b a ro u s cultures, to legalized? in be rein stitu te d , fact, A m o n g m a n y c o n trib u tin g factors is o n e that I reg ard m o s t serious, and that is, that s o m e h o w m o st A m ericans sim ply do not k n o w w h a t abortion c o n s titu tes in practice, w h a t suftering the infant m u s t e n d u r e , w h a t, indeed, the w o m a n w h o dec id e s to have an ab o rtio n e n d u r e s . In his book " I h e N ak e d Public S q u a re ," th e th eologian Richard John N e u h a u s p o in ts o u t that w e ca n n o t p u r c h a s e p eace at th e price of w h a t millions of A m eric an s view as 1.5 m il­ lion m u r d e r s a year; h e also n o te s that ab ortion the p o w e r to c h o o s e a n d h o w w e define the c o m m u n ity of caring. He c o n ­ clu d es th a t n o issu e can be so in h e r ­ ently public as h o w w e d efin e w h o is a m e m b e r of th e public a n d is therefore en titled to p rotec tion u n d e r th e law. is a q u e s tio n b e tw e e n A shby is assistant chairman o f the UT chapter o f Texans fo r Life. Firing Line Put ‘Miller Time’ on hold As o n e d isg u s te d with the general lack of professionalism sh o w n every d a y by the c olum nists of the D aily Texan, I feel 1 m u st c o m m e n t on I ric J o h n s o n 's M a n h 26 co lu m n . s e n a to r J o h n so n has obvio usly not d o n e the r ese arch re q u ire d to w rite a factual co lu m n . First of all, Bill Sarpalius is a state from H ereford, not Amarillo. H is district includes a p o r ­ tion of the city of A marillo, b ut th e S e n a te roll lists him as a D em ocrat- H e re fo rd ." Also, 1 can a s s u re Jo h n s o n that t h o u g h A m arillo's clim ate m ay seem " d r y as d u s t ” w h e n c o m p a r e d w ith th a t of A ustin or H o u sto n , liquor, b ee r a n d w ine are easily a n d readily av a il­ able th r o u g h o u t th e city. I d o n ot b e­ lieve th at the h o m e of S arpalius, H ere ford, is dry, either. So, if J o h n so n ever d o e s h a p p e n to travel to th e Ran h a n ­ dle, he h a s mv m o s t cofdial invitation to call m e u p a n d go o u t for a beer. Mv final c o m m e n t has not to d o w ith the accuracy of J ohn sort s co lu m n b u t with his o p p o sitio n to a p r o p o s e d " o p e n co ntain er law. 1 hav e to agi< • w ith Sarpalius o n this issue, th o u g h I o p p o s e alm ost e v e r y th in g else he h as d o n e as a se n a to r As a driver of a n on-air-co n d itio n ed car a n d as an oc­ casional physical laborer, 1 fail to see h o w a m a tu re a d u l t could lack th e self-control to p u t off "Miller I ime' until he o r sh e gets ho m e. M a rk P etr Fine arts R o n ' s n e w s p a p e r a d s a n d letter had a s s u re d m e of his c o m m itm e n t to the It s e e m e d with a fine u p ­ p roblem . s ta n d in g fellow like Ron on the job that this w as obviously so m e sort of hallucination. I got the stuff all over me! Not only d id I hallucinate seeing it, hut 1 felt it a n d w o re it a r o u n d too! N o w , I k n e w 1 w as losing my mind. But, th e hallucinations have on ly g o tte n w orse. It s a y s right h ere in R o n 's letter that w e hav e n e ig h b o r ­ h o o d protection: I his council has p a s s e d an inner-city o r d in a n c e to p re ­ serve older n e i g h b o rh o o d s 1 live on 26th Street, a few blocks from L am ar Boulevard, a n d I k e e p seein g d e m o li­ tion crew s and h ea rin g p o w e r saw s Ron a s s u r e s m e that there is a C apitol view p ro tec tio n law, a n d m y sick m in d k e e p s h allu cinatin g this giant black office b u ilding just blocks from the Capitol. I se em to re m e m b e r a b o n d election tw o y ea rs or m o re ago that o kaye d f u n d s for an e n la r g e m e n t of so m e s e w a g e tr e a tm e n t plant, h u t that can t be: Ron Has "c u t construction tim e t­ ables for s e w a g e trea tm e n t plants in half a n d p r o p o s e d w a ste w a te r treat­ m e n t levels that exceed state s t a n d ­ a r d s . " Well, a n y w a y , it just se e m s like my m e m o r y is all m e s s e d u p a n d that I am n o lon ger able to perceive reality a d e ­ quately. W h e n Ron gets re-elected, I h o p e h e sguds m e lots m ore letters I c a n 't tru st my o w n eyes or ears a n y ­ m ore. M a rk Greene A rt Mayor Ron remembers 1 |ust received m y usual collection of election-tim e c a n d id a te mail. I he o ne th a t interests m e is from Ron Mullen. 1 he (reason it intern .ts m e is bec ause it m a k es m e d o u b t not only my m e m ­ ory, h ut my sanity as well. Ron tells m e "Y ou w a n te d im p ro v e ­ traffic m ents. I usu ally w alk w h e r e I m going. I d o n 't re m e m b e r saying a n y ­ th in g ab out w a n tin g traffic im p ro v e ­ m e n ts C o u ld this he* the first sign of selective m e m o r y loss? Ron th e n tells me, "You w a n te d a d ­ e q u a te s u p p l íes of quality w ater T h en he tells me all the t h i n g s h e's d o n e to p ro v id e me w i t h quality w a- ter, w a te r s h e d ordinance’s a n d so on. this is t h e eerie part: I w ent N ow , s w im m in g in th e t olo rad o Rive# tw o w ee k s ago, just below the dam , and the sh o r e w a s d o tte d w ith big c lu m p s of doo-doo. You k n o w , n u m b e r t w o s . Well, I just d o v e on in because M ayor If t h e Ultimately, Texas loses follows state Legislature th ro u g h on p la n s to increase n o n -re si­ d e n t tuition to 100 p ercent of cost, they will m a k e a profit off of out-of- s t a t e a n d foreign s tu d e n ts Simple log­ ic tells us that, w hile a tte n d in g the University, n o n -re sid e n t s tu d e n ts pay state taxes ju s t like residents I h e y pay sales taxes on a w id e variety of goods, s u c h a s tars, furniture, liquor a n d o th e r stuff. T hey also pay p r o p e r ­ ty taxes either directly on h o u s e s or landlord) on indirectly ( th ro u g h a a p a r tm e n ts . N ot only that, out-of- state s t u d e n ts a n d their p a re n ts have been b u y in g oil-based p ro d u cts that com e from or th ro u g h Texas, a n d I ex­ a s h as profited from th e s e sales. But th a t's not all. O u t-of-state stu d e n t s are alm ost as likely to take jobs in T e x a s as resident — after all, Texas is an attractive state a n d T exas firms are the m a jo r recruiters here, th a t m e a n s th a t a verv significant p r o p o r ­ tion of n o n - re s id e n t s tu d e n ts are goin g to b ec o m e re sid e n ts after g r a d u ­ ation, pay in g taxes all the while. So a sim ple exam inatio n of the p roblem reveals th e econom ic u n fair­ n ess of the 100 p e rc e n t plan. O th e r writers h a v e a d e q u a te ly e x p r e s s e d the l e s s tangible — h u t m o re tragic ef­ fects of su c h high tuition for no n -re si­ d e n ts f he im p o rta n t th in g that the I eg islature m ust recognize is that le x ­ a s will lose great intellectual a n d cul­ tural resources, cruelly dislocate t h o u ­ s a n d s of s tu d e n ts , a n d it will d o so unfairly, c h e atin g n o n -re sid e n t stu ­ d e n ts of their tax m oney. Tracy D u v a ll H is to ry Review entertaining It a p p e a r s that sheer longevity at the U niversity d o e s n ot m ak e one sm a rter, if not wiser. I refer to the ( rew of the the lexas R eview , w h o in their latest avidly p ro m o te d edition a re giving it their all for credibility. They d r e a m of " o n e d ay seriously t h r e a t e n i n g ) th e D a ily Texan " To that ad m irab le goal I c o m m e n d their cessation of prev io u s overt editorial lunacies such as that of G eorge Kalas (callous7) w h o m a in ta in ed in a cover article last year that a nuclear w ar w o u ld n ot be so bad as long as we w o n it. A n d obviou sly the "sirs' (as they are a d d r e s s e d in letters to th e e d ­ itor) h a v e learned m uch from totalitar­ ian Russia w h o s e tentacles th e y see c re e p in g e v e r y w h e re , for th ey expect the Texan, the p a p e r th e y will o n e d ay "seriously t h r e a te n ," to a b a n d o n the liberal dem ocratic the West a n d p r o m o te a strict party line. lexas R eview , tw o A ccording to th e d ifferent ( u n n a m e d ) Texan editorial­ ists a re " c o n fu s e d " because their th o u g h ts on econom ic policy d o not coincide. U nfortu n a tely h o w e v e r, u n ­ like P ravda a n d the Texas R eview , the D a ily Texan d o e s not have a single doctrine to w h ich all its editorialists ind n e w s c o lu m n ists subscribe. If it did 1 w o u ld read it for m ere frivolity, n o t so b e r discussion of serious eco­ nom ic a n d political pro blem s. For th o se m in u te s of frivolous e n te r ta in ­ m e n t w hich th e y pro v id e in m y busy day, I d o w ish to th a n k the Texas Re­ vie w editors, 1 m e an editor, w h o e v e r you m a v be, sir. tradition of M ich a e l R obinson L ib e ra l arts Ignorance weighs heavily in abortion debate A s 1 w rite this, 1 am listening to reluctant to p ro v id e cov e rag e c o n c e r n ­ ing th e realities of abortion, you p r o b ­ ably d o not k n o w m u c h a b o u t w h a t really h a p p e n s d u r in g an abortion. a p r o g r a m describing " b o n d i n g " c h ild re n to p a r e n ts , s p o u s e to sp o u s e P a tric ia Ashby Guest Columnist the r ela tio n sh ip s of a n d friend to friend, w h ich co m p rise a fu n d a m e n ta l basis of d e v e lo p m e n t, w i t h o u t w h ic h a p e r s o n is sick, a n d w hich u ltim ately is so p ro fo u n d that can only p r e s u m e to u n d e r s t a n d at all levels. arrog ance g r e a te st th e C a n there be a n y m ore prim ary " b o n d i n g " th a n that w h ich occurs b e ­ tw e e n a m o th e r a n d th e in fant in her w o m b ? Is not this first relatively quiet n in e (and h o p efu lly safe) m o n th s not only an im p o r ta n t physical p r e p a ra ­ tion for life, h ut p a rt of the not-fully- c o m p r e h e n d e d p sychological p r e p a ra ­ tion for tlu1 h u s tle a n d bustle of the w o rld ? I hat this perio d is clearly the physical p r e p a ra tio n for life h as been clearly a n d w o n d e r fu lly m a d e k n o w n to us bv the- n o w - e x p a n d i n g medical field of "fe to lo g y ." w h ic h has th r o u g h n e w te ch n o lo g ies been learning such m a rv e lo u s th in g s as the fact that by the 25th d ay of life, th e heart is hea t­ ing 65 tim es a m in u te , that d u r in g the third m o n th th e child in the w o m b is a ph ysical fitness freak, w ith a r e m a r k ­ able rep e rto ire of routines, that brain im p u ls e s can he re c o rd e d d u r in g the1 se c o n d m o n t h , a n d that it is becom ing clear that t h e u n b o r n child has e m o ­ tional n e e d s a n d req uires em otion al feed ing before birth m ore. ... a n d m uch a n d s o n o g r a m s sho u ld only Yet d e s p ite th e explosion of medical k n o w le d g e , w h ic h n o w in s o m e cases allow s a p h y sic ia n to treat th e fetus as a se co n d patien t, the m o th e r 's w o m b is the m ost d a n g e r o u s place in the w orld . D esp ite the fact that science has n o w b e e n able to learn th ro u g h p h o to g r a p h y a n d o th e r te chn ologies that the bab y in the w o m b is a living, d e v e lo p in g relating p e r s o n , d e s p ite this empirical k n o w l­ e d g e w h ic h reinforce w h a t w e k n o w intuitively ... d espite this, w e in this c o u n try hav e killed m o re th a n 16 million (at all stages) since th e in f a m o u s Roe v. W a d e deci­ sion of 1973. N in e h u n d r e d th o u s a n d of th e m h a v e b ee n killed in Texas alone. An o n g o in g daily statistical a v ­ erage m e a n s 4,200 per d a y in the U nit­ ed States. Of th e se states, Texas is c u r ­ rently an "a b o rtio n h a v e n ,' w here a b ortion on d e m a n d is available until the e v e n t w e label "b irth T he 80-90 do cto rs this state w h o perform th e m are m a k in g a g o o d living in this d e v e lo p in g in d u s try in N o w , since the p re ss in general is A bortion m o st c o m m o n ly involves the te arin g ap a rt of the baby limb from limb a n d th e c r u s h in g of its head, la ­ ther a suction tube or a scalpel is u s u ­ ally used in th e early m o n th s of p r e g ­ nancy. In " D & C " ab o rtio n s, th e n u rse m u st r e a sse m b le the p arts o f the body to he su re it h a s all b e e n re m o v e d . In a third type, salt p o ison ing , u s e d once the baby rea ches four m o n th s , a n e e ­ dle is injected th r o u g h the m o th e r s a b d o m e n a n d a c o n c e n tra te d solution of salt is injected into th e w o m b . After an h o u r of sw allo w in g a n d b rea th in g the solution (the b a b y 's lu n g s w ork at this stage), th e baby dies, b u t only af­ ter its skin h as b ee n b u r n e d off. A fourth type is m u c h like a C aesa rean section, except that after delivery the baby is left to die on the table. O n so m e o ccasions n u r s e s h a v e rescued such babies a n d sa v ed their lives. O b v io u sly , this b arbarism co n sti­ tu te s a reversal of principle for the medical profession, w hich for c e n t u ­ ries has a b id ed by the H ippocratic oath , w hich expressly forbids a b o r ­ tion: "1 will give no d ea d ly d r u g to an y , th o u g h it be a s k e d of me, n o r will I c o u n s e l such a n d especially I will not Opinions The Daily Texan/Thursday, April 4 , 1985/Page 3 TfyrtfTVtlS WAV, W W - H D R W M X 6 U N AMD INfisRVsNfrP TuE MUSGt.? WOULD ( GMs AT ME WITH HIS K N Ift, I WGulD SHOOT HIM, IDE VUEliC WOULI' CHER AKitilVE GRAND JURY WOuDTMlTg INDlCt ME endorsement response David Elliott for Place 5 The success or failure of city gov­ ernment rests with the council. I he buck must stop there Ihe council cannot and should not abdicate its responsibility to Austin residents to benefit special interests. The Díiily Texan mnr il character of out institutions, fhe primal is not on v\ hat one is to do as son but on what one is to believe as a member of society Marginal mor­ al enterprise has become the prima­ ry fr at the news laboratory (Communicator Building A4 136) Inquiries com ernmg classi led advertís at the editorial ott.r e r„x as indent Publ,. itions • V S S S 'S S K ¡SSSSS^rSK* r— * <*» Evanston Illinois 60201 CM PS 1680 North Vine Suite 900 Hollywood. CA 90028 American assagr . i0 ird « » “ r s s s , ^ T h ^ D a h r ^ ^ a n 's u b s c n b e s lo United Press International and New York Times News Service The Texan is a member o' the Associated Collegiate Press the Southwest Journalism Congress the Texas Daily Newspaper Association and Am em an Newspaper Publishers A sso cia te Columbia Scholastic Press Association Copyright 1985 Texas Student Publications The Da4y Texan Subscription Rates One Semester (Fall or Spring) Two Semesters (Fall and Spring) Summer Session One Year (F a ll Spring and Summer) Building C3 200 or call 471-5083 ¡>28 ~iA 5 5 , . , a 5 5 ; , 3 4 - O a » D AuSUn, TX 787,3 7209 » » TSP C O U N T R Y P A L A C E 500 T R IC Y C L E R A C E S NICKEL BEER NITE CONTESTS AND PRIZES M U SIC B Y : TEXAS HIGHRIDERS COVER: $4.00 255-9622 16511 BRATTON LANE MacintoshDisks ^ $31.39 MACTOTES 1*200 Baud Modems $68 $270 disk drives, paper, ribbons, etc. M a c P r o d u c t s W holesale Prices fo r S tudents 473-2604 472-4613 R o c k p o r t S u n L i g h t T h e u ltim a te c o m f o r t sanda SunLiqhts q e t th e ir incredible com-or: " 3 th e C o n t o u r e d C om fo rt Footbed*.*" It's especially designed to match th e natural curve ot your toot, so your oot rests in the so e ^nd not on it 5unLiqhts are available in a wide ranqe cr colors ana styles for every fashion need So you can Keep their comfort with you day and n i^ t. G et into SunLiahts by Rockport And discover now comfortaoie r feet become when they meet their match W om en All Spring Dresses, including Cloak of many Colors Swimwear Casual Blouses Skirts Pants Shoes Sweaters O p en $50.00 off 20% off 20% off 20% off Spring Suits Cole Haan Shoes All oxford shirts Cotton sweaters Special group Fashion Pinpoint Shirts Ties (entire selection) 2324 Guadalupe 472-9709 Free Parking In Rear Whole Earth Provision Co. 5866 Research Bivd 458 0^33 2410 San Antonio St 476 >577 mtLl*ir>Hi>Tfr'*-~'~ s h o u l d n 't h e s it a t e pulled on us, we shouldn’t hesitate in my opinion to do something about it it we can, he said. Shultz's comments, under ques­ tioning by a Senate Appropriations subcommittee, followed a vow by President Reagan I uesday to "g o to the source” it foreign governments are found to sponsor terrorism. I he State Departm ent warned I i- bvan leader Moam mar Khadafy Tuesday he will be held "fu lly re­ actions s p o n s ib l e ” against Am ericans or U.S. interests. terrorist for . ,, . . •, Shultz has reportedly warned Iran it S h u l t z h a s r e p o r t e d l y w a r n e d Iran it will suftet consequences should Islamic fundamentalist terrorists ex­ ecute any of the five Am ericans held in Lebanon. But he s a id , " W e see unfortunate­ ly that there are some governments that are either directly, in terms of things they have said or as we surmise it from our own intelligence activity, in one way or another sup­ porting terrorist activity as a semi­ war tactic.” Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., I cnnndpd " I d o n 't c a ll it semi-war. I world you can do in combating tl sponded: " I don't call it semi-war. » ur<»at i«. in a l l o w t h e m I believe w c are at war. I believe Kha dafy has declared w ar on the United States with his statements." world vou can do in combating the . — terrorist threat is to allow them to achieve their objective, which is to try to get the U.S. out of the Middle Last,” he said. W hen Specter asked "W h a t are we going to do about it?” Shultz de­ clined to answer publicly. Shultz also said the United States will not pull its pared-down diplo­ matic staff out of Lebanon, despite repeated attacks and threats terrorist " W e will not be driven out by ter- the The worst thing in re- rorism Asked about a possible summit between Reagan and Soviet leader M ikhail Gorbachev, Shultz said such a meeting should go beyond a "get-acquainted” session. W h ite House o f fic ia ls said W ednesday the new Soviet leader has responded positively to a summit proposal from Reagan. A V x / XT &- V y Safe e x it T ’ ■ } 1 1 I * * i «4 ¡» ... . I P f e w | JM'g C '"r ’ » * * -- a * _ . / W ... * * * - T - 1 / X f / ' ^ L Staff Sgt Robert Blon.gen of the 509th Pease Air Force Security■ Po- lice patrols the area around a downed F-106 jet tighter that collided with another F-106 at 30.000 feet over Lake Wmmpesaukee, N. H., late damaged right wing.___________ __________ _______________________ ^esday^ night The PjW. John Andersore the other F-106 pilot, Raul Worcester, to United Press International Riqhts investigations start in abortion attacks . . 5 ? . _________________ United Press International W A S H IN G T O N - The Justice Departm ent, under fire from C o n ­ gress and wom en's groups, has opened its first criminal civil rights investigation into the harassment ot a wom an at an abortion clinic, it was revealed W ednesday. But a spokesman said the investi­ gation is not a policy change for the justice Department, which main­ tains attai ks at 32 abortion clinics .ire not generally considered rights vml.itíons and could not he pro- v i o l a t i o n s and could not be pro secuted under the same laws used to protect civil rights w o r k e r s in the South in the 1960s. [he departm ent informed Rep. Don Edw ards, D-Calif., it has asked the FBI to investigate the case of a woman allegedly attacked bv an off- duty police officer as she accompa­ nied a friend to a N ew \ork abor­ tion clinic. "Y o u can be assured that it the evidence shows that there was a v i­ federal criminal civil olation of rights statutes, appropriate action rights -Ututos, appropriate action will be taken," Assistant Attorney General W illiam Bradford Reynolds told Edw ards in a letter last week. I he Justice Department acted af­ ter receiving a letter from Edw ards, whose House judiciary subcommit­ tee has been holding hearings on re­ cent attacks at abortion facilities Justice Department spokesman John W ilson said the N ew York case is a "special situation and does not represent any change in what w e've said in the past." W e have no authority under civil . " W e r ig h t s statutes to investigate abor­ tion clinic violence .is long as there is no conspiracy by anybody in a law enforcement capacity," W ilson said. A t a House Judiciary s u b c o m m it ­ tee hearing, Justice Department offi­ cial Victoria Toensing said the gov­ ern m e n t re c e iv e d information until the ease last week that civil rights violations might be involved in any abortion incident. had not News in Brief y : > ' ** ■ Reagan to face tax, budget compromise Recommendations, proposals next step United Press International W A S H IN G T O N I he White House and Republican congression­ al leaders expressed hope W ednes­ day of early action on tax simplifica­ tion, but President conceded Reagan has yet to decide how or when to send a formal plan to Capi­ tol Hill. Emerging from a 45-nfiinute meet­ ing between Reagan and the G O P leadership, House Republican lead or Robert Michel said "there was a general consensus and feeling that work should start by April 30, the day Reagan leaves for Europe. After more than a year of study, debate and discussion, mostly focused on a plan developed last year by the Treasury Department, Michel s a id the next step "is to have a proposal and be talking about something specific.” "T h a t time schedule may tend well to slip because of the problem we re going through with the budg­ et process," he told reporters. Senate G O P leader Robert Dole, preoccupied with efforts to hammer out a budget compromise with the W h ite House, was less sanguine about the short-term prospects for tax reform. "W e 're on the verge of progress,” he quipped. Dole said W hite H o u s e and Sen­ ate negotiators were close to agree­ ment on a budget, but discord over defense spending and education funds threatened the pact. The team met off and on all day W ednesday, but failed to reach an accord and agreed to meet again Thursday. Dole wants to complete the package by Friday when Reagan is scheduled to leave for California and Congress to go on recess. W hite House C hief of Staff Don­ ald Regan said late W ednesday the group had agreed on "som e things” but not defense. Earlier, W hite House aides signalled a willingness to compromise on the 6 percent in­ crease in military spending Reagan wants next year, leading Dole to say agreement was near. But Dole cautioned the budget package W ill not have the backing of the entire Republican majority in the Senate and undoubtedly will face many amendments from both parties Clouding the immediate outlook for tax simplification is an expected clash over renewed aid to the rebels fighting to topple the leftist Nicara­ guan government. W hite House aide Larry Speakes said Reagan has kept abreast of the consensus-building efforts of 1 reas- ury Secretary James Baker on the tax simplification front and hoped to have a plan to submit to Congress by mid-May. Still to be decided, however, is what action Reagan will take in pushing what he himself has la­ beled a s one of the top domestic priorities of his second term. S p e a k e s said Baker is engaged in quiet consultations with outside groups as w'ell as congressional sponsors of tax simplification pro­ p o s a ls , in an effort to draft a plan with widespread backing. Reagan has been apprised of those discussions and will make decisions in the next few days” on what he w a n t s to see in any admin­ istration proposal that is sent to Capitol Hill, Speakes said. Speakes said there had been no decision on how to approach Con­ g re s s on tax simplification. W hite House officials indicated earlier that Reagan, in lieu of a formal piece of legislation, might send Congress a message containing onlv a broad set of recommendations Reagan has endorsed the concept of a modified flat tax that reduces the number of tax brackets, elimi­ nates most deductions and credits and lowers the maximum tax rate to 35 percent or less. From Texan news services Com m unist Party criticizes pope W A R S A W , Poland Poland's Communist Part) lashed out W ed nesday at Tope John Paul II and Charged that the pontit! presented a distorted pu ture of the com munist nation in remarks he made about a slam pro-Sol id a rity priest. f I he party w eekly P o litv k a said the Pol.sh-bom pope, in an address to Polish pilgrims, descnlxd the country as divided between champions of slam pro-Sohdantv priest Rev. lerry Popieluszko and supporters of four ,, ret policemen convicted ot killing him last tall -Th ‘ pope's statement made the shocking and groundless . laim that the whole nation .s made up e, \ L of followers of Popieiuszko, or ■of thw«M vho sup­ port a handful of his n.urderers h eartK h « The Vatican declined com ment on tack. " I don't know to what statement of the holy father thev are referring, Vatican spokesman Joaquin N avar­ ro Vails said. " H e has not spoken publicly for some time ot Father Popielusx.ko or of Solidarity.” Polityka's article coincided w ith a statement by R e li g ­ io u s Affairs M inister Adam Lopatka blaming priests lo r d a m a g i n g church-state relations with sermons backing th e Solidarity m o v e m e n t . Tutu defies ban, directs march J O H A N N E S B U R G , South Africa Nobel Peace Prize laureate Bishop Desmond T u tu defied South A fri­ ca's ban on outdoor demonstrations W ednesday and le d a s u r p r is e p r o te s t march on Johannesburg s set u r it v police h e a d q u a r t e r s , w h e r e h e sipped tea w i t h a senior ° In'suburban Port Elizabeth, a black youth charged that policemen shot his 9-year-old niece in the eye and murdered his mother at their house. 1 ol.ee said both victims were shot while putting up street barricades. After a Johannesburg church service for the Rev. Geoff Moselane, who has been imprisoned since Octo­ ber w ithout being charged, Tutu and 50 worshippers marched about a mile to the downtown John Vorster Square police headquarters. Former ambassador joins GOP W A S H IN G TON — Former U .N . Ambassador Jeane jumped Kirkpatrick, saying "I was born a Democrat, the fence W ednesday and joined the Republican Party. "1 didn't feel like a Democrat anym ore,” Kirkpatrick told a news conference, adding the party has moved aw ay from her views. She was flanked by Republican National Chairman Frank Fahrenkopf and Maureen Reagan, the presi­ dent's daughter. Later in the day. Vice President George Bush was to lead a who's who of the adminis­ tration and the party in honoring the newest G O P.con­ vert at a reception. At the W hite House, deputy press secretary Peter Roussel said: "W e 'r e extremely pleased and feel confi­ dent she will make an outstanding contribution to the party and the country.” Hunger strike to end with stew ST. P A U L , M inn. — M ore than half of the Democrats in the Minnesota House taking part in a fast in support of a one-year moratorium on farm mortgage foreclo­ sures entered their second day without food W ednes­ day. The hunger strike, which began M onday afternoon, ends at 2 p.m. Thursday with a feast of homemade stew to be the first meal for the fasting lawmakers. " W e 'll have a homemade stew prepared by one of our members,” said Rep. Jerome Peterson of Princeton, one of the fasting Democrats taking turns in a 24-hour vigil before the House chamber. The Daily Texan/Thursday Apr 4 19B5/Page 5 HAIR LOSS MEDICATION m ay be corrected with or other method* HRT & SCALP CLINICS lor consultation «,,.477-1492 I M F W H O l f G A N G ' I h i Da i l y I l x a n CoPtNG WITH Llf i 5 f W PY P A y P P O B L f M S THVOSDfiYS aj Hoc* Voon fo'A THOUGHTX T O D A Y ' S T O P IC HAS YOU G E T - U P - A N D - G O GOT U P AND G O N E ? Texas Union Eastwoods Room, 12 Sponsored by Counseling, Learning a n d Corf and shoc k, police* said. Offic i,»Is ,ind politicians on both sides of the Irish border denoum in available at iyerart keplai t ment C all Today 476-1000 $69°°! frorr too00 * 1 4 0 " " *$150°°! I x j m A í a r t k i t n t > it nses avallaba 56,079 s tu d e n ts, fa c u lty a n d staff r e a d The D a ily T e x a n a t le a s t o n ce a w e e k , 39,268 r e a d th e T e x a n e v e r y d a y . S O U V C I W H V I I t t i n O » « X A S C O U C G I M B n « » B I S T U B » B f l D f N A S S O C lA T fS D A C L A S ***•< , *®4 MIDDLE EAST & ORIENT EXPERTS GUARANTEED LOWEST FARES IN AUSTIN . J O I I ^ L m • MIDDLE EAST • FAR EAST • SOUTH AMERICA • SOUTH EAST ASIA / • EGYPT & HOLY LAND . SPECIAL FARES FOR STUDENTS "VISITING HOME" Contact any of our 3 convenient sales offices Desearch 637-4866 Airpor* Blvd. 454-3782 Downtown 482-9001 TRAVEL CARE INC. technology will be added to the staff. Angel said AC. ( now has ->] dit ferent people classified as adminis trators Angel said he will cut that number in half, because too many people are in charge of too many different areas. " M y plan is to have 23 adm inis­ trators," Angel said. 'T h e s e others will not be fired, their jobs will |ust be redefined. I think it's a lean, c lean operation Those administrators not includ­ ed in the final list will most likely be be moved into mid-level manage­ ment or technical jobs AI s I IN RFGNANC Y ENTER I n c I ’h j u n a n * v 1 1 s i A l l S e r v i c e s < < m l K l c n t i . i l N e a r S c i o n H o s p i t a l NKH)HKI !’•< M U ’ • T ' ¡Klu Medical Parkw tv. Suit» I - 24 Hour Hotline1 4S4-2A22 % The Islands Sw/mwear Highland Mall 453-0216 J T.G.I.S. T h a n k G c c d n e » i t ' s S p r in a Special f vents at the U n i v e r s i t y C C - ( I ★ ★ \ l I HI 11 . . . 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Souvenirs Guadalupe Sidewalk .10-4 ★ INFORMAL MODELING ... 12:30-2 Fashions • Main Level ★ FREE BALLOONS... 10:30-3:30 - Main Floor Concourse ★ MIME & JUGGLING ACT... 2 to 4 Main Floor Concourse ^ LINDT CHOCOLATE SAM PLING ... 11 -3 Etcetera • Mam Level WHICH WAY DO YOU WANT IT? MR. COOKSEY? YOU CANT HAVE YOUR CAKE AND EAT IT TOO! SOME POLITI­ CIANS LIKE TO CHANGE THEIR POSITION RIGHT AROUND ELECTION TIME. TAKE FRANK COOKSEY FOR EXAMPLE AND HIS POSITION ON THE S.T.N.P. COOKSEY ONCE FAVORED COMPLETE CANCELLATION, ^HOUGH WE’D GET NO MONEY BACK IN RETURN. NOW THAT RON MULLEN S SUCCEEDED IN GETTING AN O FFER THAT GETS US OUT AND SOME MONEY BACK. MR. COOKSEY SAYS ITS NOT ENOUGH. HE WANTS MORE MONEY. APPARENTLY MR. COOKSEY HAS FORGOTTEN THE OLD ADAGE, YOU CANT CANCEL THE NUKE AND S EL L IT TQO R E - E L E CMayor Mullen Pol Adv Paid by M ayo. Mullen Committee 105 W Rtverstcft- Austin Texas 78704 State & Local P a g e 8/The Daily Texan/Thursday, April 4. 1985 New amendment seeks release of off-Nmit funds Did it pass? ed bv statt members in the comp­ troller's office, would allow the state to put the disputed money into the general revenue fund, M oore said I egislators passed a new tax stat ute during the special session last summer that created a sliding pay ment scale for all insurance compa­ nies. Ih e out-of-state companies are protesting the new law, which al lows companies to pay lower rates as their investments in Texas in crease. " I he reason many of them have given (for paying under protest) has to do w ith the investment require­ m ent," said Jon Ford, research and information specialist for the insur ance board. They say having tot eign companies make investments in Texas to qualify for the lower rates means they will, in effect, have to pay higher rates In addition to the $110 million ex­ pected to be paid in protest during the next biennium, $100 million in state fees was already paid in pro­ test under the old state tax law. Lyndon Olson, chairman of the insurance board, said a press re lease Bullock issued Friday c o u ld cause- some confusion about the re­ sults of a U .S . Supreme C ourt deci­ sion last I uesday By PAULA BLESENER D aily Texan S taff \n am endment pending in the l egislature may free up the $110 million Com ptroller Bob Bullock eliminated from the state revenue estimate I riday, a spokesman in the comptroller s office said W ednes­ day. Bullock reduced the revenue esti­ mate for the next biennium by $110 million I ridav because out-of-state life insurance companies were ex­ pected to pa\ $110 million in state tens under protest" by 1987. U n d er current law, fees paid un­ der protest cannot be appropriated b\ the' state until the dispute is set tied. In i statement issued Friday, Bui luck s a id " If the 1 egislature can solve this problem (of holding pro tested payments) before the end of their session, 1 11 be delighted to add this money bac k into the estimate. But as long as the insurance compa­ nies are paving under protest, which they are legally entitled to do, the money won t be available for spending Bullock's announcement forced m e m b e r s of the House A p p ropria­ tions C ommittee and the Senate 11nance Committee to go back and pinpoint additional cuts that can be made in agency b u d g e t s I he ap­ propriations committee had nearly i «unpleted a budget bill when B u l­ lo, k's re­ leased. revised estimate was ]ohn M o o re, Bullock s director of lax information, -aid Bullock w a s forced to reduce his estimate be­ cause' no action had been taken on an am endment that would allow money paid under protest to be used for legislative spending, " W e had no choice but to cut the estimate bec ause no movement had been made on the amendment, Moore said. rh e $110 million represents the tax payments made by out-of-state life insurance companies since a new state tax lawr took effect Jan. 1, and payments the comptroller s staff projects will be received under protest through 1987. I In' amendment by Sen. Grant Jones, D-Abilene, which was initiat­ U n ite d P ress International A wrecked automobile butts up against an inspec­ tion sign in Huffman, looking as though it made a hazardous journey. It is doubtful the car will pass state inspection Ironically, the license plate letters are MTA, the abbreviation for Mass Transit Authori­ ty Who would have guessed it? Aqua Fest coordinators claim large voter support for move ________ By MARK HORVIT Daily Texan S taff rhe U.5 Supreme Court ruled against two stipulations in an Ala bama tax statute a statute similar to the old Texas law, w hich expired Jan. 1. H ow ever, the high court sent back another 15 stipulations to the Alabama state courts Because it will "m ost likely be some time before the case again reaches the S u p r e m e C o u rt," the 15 disputed points that could have some effect on Texas cases will not be resolved for a long time, ( 'Ison said in a lettet to Bullock. In the letter, Olson urged the comptroller and the attorney gener­ al not to try to settle prematurely the cases pending under the old Texas law. Olson wrote th.it Bul­ lock's statement "could lead some to believe that cases under our old law should be settled," he said. Organizers of the Austin Aqua Festival have a "broad-based coali­ tion" of voter support for the pro­ posal to move the festival's location, the director of the festival said W ednesday. M ike Nixon, commodore of the 1985 festival, said Proposition 2, which would move the festival's lo­ cation from Auditorium Shores to W alter E. Long Lake, has been en­ dorsed by a w ide variety of organ­ izations. Ih e Austin Cham ber of Commerce, the Capital C ity I ham- ber of Commerce and the Austin Neighborhood Council all have en­ dorsed the proposition, he said. The move is going before voters Saturday because the area around Lake Long is dedicated parkland. If the nevx location is approved, the festival's organizers will have to ne­ gotiate with the city to obtain a lease for the land. . . , . . M . . I ong Lake is located in Northeast Austin near the Fexas Exposition and Heritage Center, where the livestock show and rodeo are held. ,i The move is necessary because the 27-acre site at Auditorium Shores limits the size of the festival, Nixon said. The move could also keep admission prices down. I ’rices have bet u escalating because of the cost of having to temporarily set up the festival each year, he said. In other city election news, Place 2 C ity Council candidate Smoot Carl-Mitchell said W ednesday a proposal to be presented to the next C ity Council would drv up the fees needed to build voter-approved projects. Currently, anyone w ho buys a tap or connection into the city water or sewer system must pay a $2,500 capital recovery fee to help the city recover money spent building the said Bill D e rry b e rry , system , i ,- .,ocm.m pokesman W astew ater Department. for for the Wat the W ater and Carl-Mitchell, a member of the Capital Recovery Fee I ask Force, which is considering the proposal, said the plan would allow develop­ ers to deduct from the amount they owe for the fee each time they con­ nect a building to the system As a result, the city would not receive as much money from the capital recovery fee as expected There might not be sufficient funds to complete projects approved by voters in bond elections, Carl- Mitchell said. Developers would be deciding which p r o je c t s get built" by starting projects of their choice and using up money otherwise needed for voter- approved projects, Carl-Mitchell said. M ike Guerrero, a member of the task force and a legal assistant for Mauro, W en d ler and Associates, said Carl-Mitchell's statements are "a little prem ature." Senators polish up school bill By DAVID ELLIOT Daily Texan S taff After more than a month of testi­ mony, the Senate Education C om ­ mittee W ednesday approved a com­ prehensive bill to fine-tune, but not dismantle, education reforms enact­ ed during a special legislative ses­ sion last summer. rhe bill, sponsored by state Sen Carl Parker, D-Port Arthur and edu­ cation committee chairman, con­ tains all of the changes to HB72 like­ ly to win approval from Senate Education Committee members this session. "This bill is almost perfect," Par­ ker said. "T h is is the fine-tuning we've been waiting for. The bill survived attempts by Sen. Bill Sarpalius, D-Hereford, to w eak­ en the controversial "n o pass, no play rule," which disqualifies stu­ dents who fail a class from partici­ pating in extracurricular activities during the subsequent six weeks Sarpalius indicated M ond ay he would attempt to change the rule when Parker's bill reaches the Sen­ ate floor, possibly as early as next week. Proposed changes to the rule last month prompted Gov. M ark W h ite to purchase $200,000 worth of ad­ vertising to defend the requirement. "W e in Texas don't tell our students it's okay to flunk one course, he said. "Students are studying hard­ er, working harder and doing better than ever before ." But Sarpalius said the rule is too strict. " W e all fail at some time in some area," he said. "T o expect all of our students to pass all of the time is unreasonable. Changes to IIB72 proposed in Parker's bill include stricter expul­ sion and disc ipline procedures, clar­ ified career-ladder pay plans for ex­ perienced teachers and a definition of the length of a school day. If the proposals become law, it would be easier to suspend stu­ dents who bring alcohol, drugs or firearms to class. Tuesday, commit­ tee members deleted the word re­ peatedly" from a passage in the bill concerning drinking on school grounds. N ow , a student can he ex­ pelled after being caught drinking on campus one time. Next week in TV Watch CONGRATULATIONS R ichard C ham berlain is Raoul W allenberg in NBC’s next w e e k ‘W allenberg: A H e ro ’s Story* Find out w hat’s special about Chamberlain and W allenberg in next w eek’s TV W atch w e e k ly . **¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ Watch Weekly Every Monday Morning in the Texan FEBRUARY'S OUTSTANDING SALES REP The Daily Texan Ad Department thanks Chris Hampton for his excellent performance * * * * * ************** Committee okays fee bill, rejects auto fee increase By DREW PARMA D aily Texan S taff The House Appropriations Com ­ mittee sent its "fee bill to tin full House W ednesday, but could not resist slashing an unpopular fee hike designed to close the state budget defit it Committee members voted 17-5 not to raise the annual inspection fee for c ars and true k s from $3 25 to $10. The fee increase would have raised $46 million over the next two years for the state. The fee bill Is an effort by legisla tors to make industry and the public pay a larger percentage of the cost for the many s e r v ic es provided by state government 1 he fee bill originally was expect­ ed to bring in $200 million to help east' the state budget crisis. H ow ev er, L e g is la tiv e B u d g et Board spokesman Ron I indsay aid this and other revisions will only bring in $152 million, leaving legislators $68 million short in their efforts. Rep. Mark Stiles, D-Beaumont, w ho urged legislators to keep the current $5.25 inspection fee, said legislators "h a v e just gone to the well one too many times Stiles said many of his constitu ents had urged him to fight more raises in motor vehicle fees. "T h is w ould've bee n the easy I just don t w ay out, Stiles said. think it's right. Stiles proposed to make up the lost revenue by raising court fees, a move he said would bring in $42 million. "T h e purpose of this fee bill is to make government pay tor itself, Stiles said. "This is an attempt to get the courts to do just that. H ow ever, Rep. James Rudd, 14- Brown field and committee chair­ man, refused to consider the mea­ sure, leaving Stiles the option of tacking on the House floor. the measure on Rep. lorn Uher, D-Bay ( ity, called the vote to keep the current inspection fee a political vote "T h e tax b ill from the last (sum­ mer) session had already raised a lot of car fees and licensing fees,' Uher said, adding CoV. Mark W hite's op­ position to the’ measure "definitely had some influence I he House is expected to act on the fee bill after Easter break. The committee also voted to re­ move all fees that brought in more money than it costs the state to pro­ vide the service I hat change low ered the charge for fees such as mortuary and beautician licensing, s e c u r it ie s regulation and secretary of-state fees, and will cost the state another $10.7 million. U h e r s a id h is motion to eliminate excess funds from fees was neces­ sary to prevent a court challenge to the entire appropriations bill Rep. Gerald Geistweidt, R M a­ son, was one of five members who voted against the fee bill's passage. He said the fee bill "show s we're not making any real attempt to live within our budget." "W e 'r e trying to continue fund­ ing the same old w a y," Geistweidt said. "I'm just not smart enough to know how to change the system, so I just keep voting no Geistweidt said legislators were not looking hard enough for alter­ native sources of revenue. He said alternate sources, such as highway funds that may not have been counted into the comptroller's esti­ mate, and further cuts in higher and public education, should have been looked at before raising fees " If 1 were emperor, I could find half a billion dollars in state govern­ ment, instead of looking .it a tax bill or the Mark W hite name for a tax bill, which is a fee bill," Geistweidt said Order a Conans Pizza or Sandwich Delivered and get a FREE Pepsi on us. 1 Rl 1 Pepsi w/any small pizza or sandwk h delivered HI I Pepsi’s w/any medium or large pizza delivered 2 1 ()ffcr good through May 3 A / 9#5 at \ll ( (mans Pizza l o c a t i o n s j o nans Chicago S t y l 1 I ’“ " For Delivery in the C.T. Area ( all 4 7 8 - 5 7 1 2 l l V f M ♦ ♦/ I a j l ü 11 j 7 * 7 \i 1 1 Vj . \ 1 YJüüá 2JÜLt y s g > y 1 RIGHT TO YOUR DOOR! Just call 477-6751 for delivery within a limited area (¡¡S, 'yj D E L IV E R Y HOURS: Su-Tfcars: 5:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.*. fri & Sat: 5:00 p.*. to 1:00 a.n. / “No coupons accepted on delivery orders 3000 Duval 477-6751 P izza in n t For pizza out it’s Pizza Inn Coming MONDAY, APRIL 8 in ■ m / H f i l i l i with GREAT P R IZ E S courtesy UNIVERSITY COUP es Hms 24th A San Antonio Opon Ivo ry M ght U m l 1 *J0 Opon at 11:00 a.m. 7 days a wook Happy Hour m orw n, w STANLEY H. KAPLAN A REPUTATION 'I H AT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF PREPARE FOR GRE GMAT LS AT 6 /8 /8 4 6 /1 5 /8 5 6 /1 7 /8 5 CLASSES FOR JUNE EXAMS BEGIN IN APRIL! CALL DAYS, EVENINGS & W E E K E N D S In A u s tin : 1801 L a v a c a , # 1 0 4 78701 4 7 2 -80 85 In Dallas: 11617 N. Central Expw y. 7 5 2 4 3 2 1 4 / 7 5 0 - 0 3 1 7 cS3to/nj2ey-H KAPLAN th e Dai*y Texar Thursday Apr 4 198b/P ag6 9 N e w Classes S ta rtin g M o n th ly IN T E N S IV E E N G L IS H Jtc ft* & A N G L A IS IN T E N S IF IN G L E S IN T E N S IV O • N IN E LEVEL COMPREHENSIVE COURSF • SMALL CLASSES, IN D IV ID U A L A T T E N T IO N • NEW LEVEL EVERY 4 WEEKS • A U T H O R IZ E D UNDER FEDERAL LAW TO F N R O l l N O N - I M M I G R A N T ALIEN S T U D E N T S (1-20 F O R M ) D UR H AM -N IXO N-C LA Y COLLEGE 119 W, 8th at Colorado 478-1602 i i i reg. price | S $40 OFF Josten's 18K Gold Class Kings Last Day to See our representative at the Texas Union General Store April 2, 3, 4 10 am-5 pm 1 I I f I I I I I 1 1 I I i i i i i i i i i i i i i EDUf ATlONAL C F N ffR ^ ~y FRANK COOKSEY PLANS FOR AUSTIN'S FUTURE Frank Cooksey wonts ro be our next m ayor because he has grec" plans for Austin. He wos raised here ond knows how spec o. Austin is, and he wonts it to remain speciol for our future. And he hos some positive proposals to do th a t:__________ _______________________ W a fe r Quality • Keep Barron Springs dean by limiting development in rhe Ed­ • Begin immediately to upgrade oil wastewater treatment plants • Support Senator Gonzalo Barrientos bill to coordina e p a g wards Aquifer recharge zone. to revitalize the Colorado River. for the Edwards Aquifer. City Hall Ethics • Establish a mandatory special prosecutor for any cose brought before rhe Ethics Review Commission. • Allow the Ethics Review Commission to initiate its own investiga­ tions. • Initiate on anti- revolving door policy to prevent former city em ­ ployees from representing their special-interest clients for a yeor after leaving the city payroll. Fiscal Responsibility • Always obtain voter approval before issuing revenue bonds • Insure rhar our runaway growth pays for itself which will ease residential utility costs. Neighborhood Integrity • Limit rhe number of Planning Commission members w rh deveioper inreresrs o two. • Enforce rhe new sector planning ord r onces of rhe Comprehensive Plan ro manage growrh efec- tiveiy. • Honor volid neighborhood requests ir ' e zoning process. You con tell o lot about a person by w hat he 's done Here ore some o f the post ond present activities of Frank Cooksey. President, Save Barton Creek Association Member. Edwards Aquifer Task Force President, UT Students Association. 1959-60 President, Silver Spurs On Saturday, let s support on experienced, involved, respected person for Moyor of our Austin. Let s vote foj^j^nK^Cooksey^ AlDborFriar Socrery Testified against .um.n increase Board member University YMCA 40SO and 1985 59 ana Odd P o l A d P d F ra n k C o o k se y for A u s m s Future 1 3 0 5 Son A n to n io Austin TX 7 6 7 0 1 4 6 2 -0 8 3 3 G a l l e r y Page 10/The Daily Texan/Thursday, April 4, 1985 Tgxos' BeotricG C lassie has bacom a odg of tha notic>ró> most p ra s tig io u s biking tours A huge sea of color created by the jerseys and bicycles of nearly 200 rul ers gathers near the starting line Ihe sea is flanked by newly renovated buildings filled with ferns Sixth Street bars and restaurants. The gray, shadowed buildings provide an unu sual backdrop for the bright sea of rid ers. The sunny Sunday afternoon is aggerates the contrast The race is about to start; a hush falls over the crowd assembled on the downtown sidewalks. A loud shut in t e r r u p t s the silence, and the race be gins. The riders are off their seats as they accelerate down the starting stretch With individual c y c lis t s inches apart, the pack swings to the left to get the best line through the first corner The Corner filters the pack into a long line that snakes up Bra/os Street But several riders don't make it through the first corner and end upon the pavement their hikes bashed They check their w o u n d s , call for new wheels and then wait to rejoin the pack on the next lap. I he Seton Cardiac < lassie, the last race of the Beatrice Bicycle Classic, is under way. I he riders will take less than two h o u r s to cover 50 miles on a track that weaves through downtown Austin. the series Beatrice Companies Inc., an inter­ national marketer of everything from popcorn to processed meats, spon­ sored Seton Hospital helped sponsor Sunday's race and set up several booths on Sixth Street to inform people about heart disease and preventive exercise programs. Ihe hospital also provided free shuttle b u s e s to and from the race. Over 300 men and women from 12 in the month countries competed long, nine-event series I hev raced in six cities around the state: Austin, Houston, Dallas, Fort Worth, San A n ­ tonio and Olmos Park (,t suburb of San Antonio). Ihe race series began as a training camp for about 30 members of the U.S. men's national team. Over the last three years, it has blossomed into a major U.S event for top men and women riders. Now it is second only to t h e Coors Classic in Colorado in popularity and prestige. I ddie Borysewicz (pronounc’d Bob» /ay vii h), U.S. national coaching di­ rector and coaih for the '84 Olympic cycling team, said the 1984 lexas se­ ries wa1- a ma­ jor factor in the success of the U.S. team in the Games, the U.S. team won an unprecedented nine medals in the '84 Olympic s. the I our of lexas from recently defected Mark Whitehead won the tinal race Sundav, finishing just ahead of Jaanus Kuum, a rider for the Norwegian team who the U S S R. Tom Schuler came in third followed by Leonard Nifz. Nitz won silver and bronze medals riding for the '84 U.S. Olympic pursuit team. Davis Pbinnev, who was also on the U.S. team and finished fifth in the road race, finished fifth in Sunday's race. Phinney won the overall race series. Kuum placed seiond, and Nitz came in third. Ce ii w»« « ftiiiij i .... «"»«» . »*», 4 Spectators watch the blur of cyclists on the brick streets of Fort Worth’s Stockyards Criterium during a St. Patrick s Day race. story by €ric Hehs photos by Kevin Gutting Mark Southard makes a last-minute adjustment before an Austin race. Backstretch water break. Sports The Daily Texan/Thursday, Apnt 4 1985/Page 11 Spring workouts end for ‘new Longhorns’ _ By MICHAEL VEGA D aily Texan S taff F o o t b a l l Amid the constru* tion of the IJ Di­ versity's new football complex at the south end of Memorial Stadium, the lexas Longhorns put the finish­ ,5 training I ... - ing touches on sprin groundwork for day by laying the the 1985 season. the like "W e won't be old L onghorn s/ " said Chris Duliban, Iexas' senior weakside linebacker, after the team broke from practice Tuesday to signal an end to spring training. "W e're going to be the 'new Longhorns.' The Texas defense has undergone a face lift, especially with the depar ture of All-America players tony Degrate and jerry ( »ray "W e've lost a lot of si/e and lead­ ership on defense,' Duliban >aid, "but what w e've lost in size and leadership, we more than make up in desire and hunger. Duliban, a 6-1, 220-pounder from Houston Spring Woods, saw action on special teams last season, but was starving for playing time as a backup to the departed June James. "It feels good to be a leader and not a follow er," Duliban said, so long I've played behind and just the fact he was ahead really pushed m e." T >f Duliban, though, valued the time he spent on the sidelines just w atch­ ing Jam es perform "Ju n e started when he was a sophomore, so he's seen a lot of things out there that I wouldn't h ave," Duliban said. "Playing be­ hind June helped me learn about how to spot different things. He also helped me become stronger and better as a player." Duliban added the level of com ­ petition also tempered his ability. "W hen I came here from high school, I was all district at lineback­ er (as a junior) and all-city and all­ district at running b ack ," Duliban recalled "But then 1 came here, and my goodness, there was so much AÍI-America talent. Being around that type of talent increased the competition and it helped me ' Though it will be largely void of All-America talent this season, Duli­ ban oozes confidence from every . L,— pore when he* talks about the edition of I e x a s ' defense. 1985 ' I hrough the years, Texas has al­ w a y s prided itself on its defense*, goal line stands, si/t Duliban said "B ut the new Long­ horns' are going to be much quick­ er We'U rely more on our quickness and our serappiness ,fi'l strength And Duliban's enthusiasm em bo­ d i e s the new Longhorns' new look "C hris is one our players that is always filled with life,' I exas Coac h f re d Akers said He s a l w a y s had a good attitud e." Despite a rash of injuries that has struck tf e Í onghom s particularly m the offensive line — A k e rs said he was pleasantly surprised by the t e a m 's o p tim is m throughout spring training. c o n t in u e d "Springtim e is usually work time around h e r e , " Akers said, but the this most noticeable spring has been the great attitude and enthusiasm the team h a s had thing about "I'd say in the last two scrim m ­ a g e s w e've looked really good as a team ," Duliban said. "W e'v e gone pretty tar." How far, Chris? "I'd say about halfway to D allas.' The Longhorns complete spring workouts optimistic about chances for successful 1985 campaign. Robert ohen, Daily Texan Staff Gustafson looks to right UT’s course with lineup changes By JIM PURCELL Daily Texan S taff B aseb all Maybe it was an omen. If it had happened in a work of literature, scholars would have pointed to it as a clas- sii example of foreshadowing. But it was tin(j js __ real. And it is much stranger than anything found in any work of fiction. When the small, propeller-driven plane started its descent to the Fayetteville, Ark., airport, land was finally visible after the view the entire trip had been obscured hv rain, fog and low c louds What was visible was not the Ozarks, or the trees, or even the airport it was a junkyard It was just two weeks ago the Texas base­ ball team, riding on the wings of a 22-game winning streak, crash-landed into a deter­ mined Arkansas squad at George Cole Field. Since then, the Longhorns have been slowly dismantled, leaving parts of the na­ Cougars’ Lewis leads in Relays’ heptathlon tion's second-ranked team strewn across Arkansas, Oklahoma and fexas. Twelve days. Nine games. Five losses. ! wo ( ollegiate Baseball-ESf N polls have come out since the L o n g h o r n s left for Ar­ kansas. Texas was ranked sixth last week and plummeted to 10th this week. What was at first dismissed as a run of bad luck has now taken on crisis proportions. Because of the prolonged slump, Texas Coach Cliff Gustafson has been forced to take drastic measures. In the second game of Tuesday's double- header against Lubbock Christian College, Gustafson unveiled a new The names on the lineup were familiar, but the positions were not. lineup The moves proved to be successful, as new third baseman Dodd Johnson was 4- for-4 with seven RBI and new left fielder David Denny was 2-for-4 in a 14-0 Texas romp. The move puts an end to the parade of left fielders — Doug Hodo, Johnson, Bud Ray, Mike Simon and Scott Vondemkamp — Gustafson has used so far this year. 'D enny is my left fielder — period, Gustafson said "It's hard to imagine any­ one beating out a four-year starter — one who's set several school records. The move is not foreign to either player transfer íty Gollege M cLennan Com m i hird before and Den- Johnson has played d both his freshman ny, who played th and junior y€*ars, wi tne Longnorn*- regu lar left fielder in their : 983 national champi onship year. "I'd say he moved me because of the er See Baseball page 18 By HOWARD DECKER D aily Texan Staff T r a c k Carol Lewis is at it again. After proving her long-jump the 1984 U.S. skills by making Olympic sister of team, Lewis, Olympic gold-medalist Carl Lewis, h a s set her sights on conquering the heptathlon. just her second heptathlon In ever, the University of Houston senior led a field of 11 after the first day of competition in the Texas Re­ lays .it Memorial Stadium. Lewis won the 100-meter hurdles and the high jump, while placing second in the 200-meter dash and third in the shot put. As a newcomer to the heptathlon, Lewis had to search for ways to de- s< ribe her first day's performance. "I really don't have much to com ­ pare it to since this is only my sec­ ond heptathlon, Lewis said. My hurdles were better than in Hous­ ton (her first heptathlon), and my high jump was an all-time record for me (0-0). But 1 didn't throw well in the shot and I was a little disap­ pointed by th at." But overall, Lewis is happy with her decision to concentrate on the heptathlon. "I'm a good hurdler, I'm a good high jum per and I threw a little shot in high school. I've thrown the jave­ lin before and anybody can run the 100 so that only leaves the half (800 meters), which is the worst part.' i hursday, Lewis and the rest of the field finish the event. "T he first day is kind of an off day for m e," she said. "T h e second day is bad, but then I start off with the long jump, which is my event, and that's a real confidence builder for me. I'm improving in the javelin and that just leaves the 800." Lewis said she hopes to make the 1988 Olympics in her new event. "It all com es down to putting in the time for the half mile, she said Lauri Young of Northeast Louisi­ ana is a close second and I ewis' teammate, Jolanda Jones, is third. In the m e n ' s decathlon, also held Wednesday at Memorial Stadium, Lamar's Thom as Eriksson led after In his fourth the first five events event, Eriksson set a collegiate de­ cathlon high jump record, clearing 7-3. The only Longhorn competing in decathlon, Carter Overton, was forced to pull out after the high jump because of severe cramps in both hamstrings. Texas Coach C le- burne Price said although Overton had not pulled any muscles, he would not finish the decathlon I he Texas senior w a s in fourth place b e­ fore he was injured The conclusion of the heptathlon begins at noon Thursday at Memo­ rial Stadium. The javelin will be held at Clark Field. EVERY WOMAN’S CONCERN C o n f i d e n t i a l . P r o f e s s i o n a l R e p r o d u c t i v e C a r e • F ree P reg n an cy T estin g • P ro blem P reg n an cy C ou nseling s.n.r i<»;s H S 3 H H H 5 I • A bortion S e rv ic e s • B irth C on tro l • Pap T est 1 I Q f * || REPRODUCTIVE SERVICES • B o a r d C e r t i f i e d O b - G y * » * c o l o g i * t » • U c r n t r d N u r s in g S t a f f • E i p r r i r n c r d C o u n r r l o r r • O n C R s h u t t le 458-8274 1009 E. 40th. GITANES FROM— 14995 TREKS FROM — 27995 Frame Pump 9.95 U-Bolt Lock 13.95 Leather Gloves 7.95 a o I aiulH m Jersey w f t Texas’ Carter Overton was forced to withdraw from the decathlon Judy Walgren, Daily Texan Staff Coming M ONDAY, APRIL 8 in x m / watch I T Heeklv TV TRIVIA with GREAT PRIZES courtesy UNIVERSITY COOP ífiS Í' We Will B e a t A ny Shoe Prices in Town KAEPA MODEL 31 5 NE A/ BALANCE 990 1995 7995 705 W. 24th St. • N e x t to Tri-Towers • 477-2 1 4 2 H " Rio Grande n ext to World Cycle 4 7 7 -9 1 8 7 Washington hires La. Tech’s Russo United Press International Tennessee's Don DeVoe. Russo's name moved to the fore- front when it was learned he had visited Seattle late in March. Colson removed himself from contention last weekend when he announced he was no longer interested in the job DeVoe denied he ever had any serious talks with W ashington offi- The situatior Tuesday when was scheduled La., presumab! ten tion to stay at and then abruptly j Russo inherits a took its final turr a news conferenci ir Russo in Ruston to announce his in at Louisiana Tech istponed. tiasketball ro- gram that has enjoyed success in re­ cent seasons but that is vastly over­ s h a d o w e d by W a s h in g t o n 's perennially strong football team. The Huskie basketball team has earned a share of the Pac-10 title each of the past two seasons and has played in post-season tourna­ ments three of the past four years. In recent seasons, W ashington's success can be attributed in large part to the arrival of two big, talent­ ed West Germ ans — forward Detlef Schrempt and center Chris Welp. Russo will have three immediate problems to solve: • Replacing schrem pt Mthough four of five Matters return next s ear, the Huskies are losing one of the top players in the country. • Finding a point guard The lack of a dependable ball handler nagged the Huskies all year and forced them into a slowdown, bali-control style of play. • Recruiting. The Huskies lost the two most talented plavers in W ash­ ington to out-of-state colleges while the search for H arshm an's succes­ sor dragged can. SEATTLE — Louisiana Tech's Andy Russo was named W ednes­ day as head basketball coach for the University of W ashington, conclud­ ing a yearlong search by the school and ending weeks of mounting speculation about who would be Marv Harshm an's successor. The 67-year-old Harshman is re­ tiring after 40 years as a head coach at Pacific Lutheran, Washington State and W ashington, leaving col­ lege basketball as the seventh-win- ningest coach with a record of 642- 448. At 36, Russo is more than half Harshm an's age. But his record at Louisiana Tech impressive one. is an Russo had a 122-55 mark in six seasons at Louisiana Tech and took each of his last two teams into the NCAA tourney. His most recent season was his best. He led his club to a 29-3 record, a Southland Con­ ference championship and No. 6 ranking in the final UPI ratings "I thmk he (Russo) is one of the finest young coaches in the coun­ try," said Louisiana Tech athletic di­ "H e helped rector Bob Vanatta. build up our program to national prominence. W hatever he does, he is going to be very successful " In his search for a new coach, Washington athletic director Mike Lude played it dose to the vest all the way. About all Lude would dis­ close was his timetable, saving he would name Harshman's successor soon after the Final Four A score of n a m e s was bandied about in the Seattle pres-, but in re­ cent weeks speculation in Seattle centered on three people — Russo, New Mexico's Gar\ Colson and 28 15 G u ad alu p e 47 8 -3 5 6 0 B o n a n z a ’s F re s h ta s tik s Above and beyond the ordinary salad bar F r e s h - t a s t i k s includes Hot soups, warm breads, a vari­ ety of deli salads. A mountain of cheddar cheese. And lots of delicious gelatin desserts and more! F R E E WITH E V E R Y DINNER CHICKEN FRIED STEAK Dinner includes choice of Potato, T exas Toast, and F resh tastik s $ 0 8 9 w coupon o ffe r e x p ir e s 4 -3 0 -8 5 g * ’•* » )c .’V >■ hc'nji 'tq peiv IhJ •* ut ,■ u and ” usti is Irtvi x > si pun rinse ■ " * las' ’«) day' >f suHicwtf s'oc • *»• w< • Cnupor , in the purctxis* >t Alie» Mottp Ftmst- oroduds Consumer must ndy a ... i' - , , /oi • a* er> p'pser n-d o ,, . At" me "• it ■» i ut dir , : i ... jii)(• ot OU' ■ ' ' I ' ' n ? SP ( X whprp • >ed U<0 . , (¡Son • :• ■ 'A Any " , , or !(■ ■■ ted by ■■.ill-.'.'' constUitps 'taud Cast> vo • ' 10 At 11 RCRf VI DIVISION Of DI RVATOl OGH ,a ¡■ia -| ;= ■( r h i '■ ■ •. v C >.• OWA I),•; (A i« ¡f W... ... .. ,1 $1.00 /IILERCREME MATTE FINISH MAKEUP Recom m ended by dermatologists AyrjilOt <• it t f'ttf.. imy of" i t j sterns This coupon can b e a cc e p te d only with the sale of one bottle of Allercreme Matte Finish Good only in the U.S.A Otter expires April 30, 1985 O O O b S 1 0 1 5 6 b $1.00 Water-Base Oil Free $1.00 Spurs thrash Lakers U nited Press International NBA TA N A N T O N IO M ike Mitchell hit 16 points and grabbed 14 re­ b o u n d s W ednesday night to offset a season-high 12 points bv James W orthy, leading the San Antonio Spurs to a 122 1(18 w in over the I os Angeles 1 akers. Arti'- Gilm ore scored 18 points w hile A lvin Robertson, subbing for the injured George G ervin had 17 Johnny Moore added 17, handed out 12 assists and grabbed eight steals as the Spurs upped their record to 39-38. I he S p u r s led 70-36 at intermis­ sion and the Lakers never got closer than 105-96 in the final period. Celtics 119, Pacers 103 B O S T O N I arry Bird scored 35 points to lift Boston to a rout over Indiana, handing the Pacers their 12th consecutive defeat to tie the franchise record. Bird, who sat out the last two games due to an elbow injury, scored II consecutive points mid- w av through the first quarter during a 13-0 Celtics' run, and the Pacers never drew closer than eight points again. I he In d ia n a 's record to 20-57, worst in the N B A , and was its 18th defeat in the last 19 games Boston, 60-16. defeated In­ diana for the 18th. time in their last loss dropped points and Sedale Ihreattadded 16 rhreatt missed a game-tying jumper with 0:09 left and M aurice Cheeks was long with a three-point attempt at the buzzer. 22 meetings and fifth time in six games this season. Cavaliers 113, 76ers 110 Bulls 100, Bullets 91 P H IL A D E L P H IA W orld B. f ree scored 25 points and Phil Hub- hard added 23,including four clutch free throws down the stretch, to lead Cleveland to a victory over Philadelphia. The Cavaliers, who defeated the 76ers for the fourth consecutive time, never trailed in capturing their fifth consecutive win and drew three games ahead of Atlanta foi the final Eastern Conference playoff berth. The 76ers, who trailed by 20 points late in the second quarter, used a run of seven consecutive points to tie the score 105-105 on Moses M alone's fallaway jumper with 2:33 left to play. But Hubbard hit two free throws following a loose hall foul on M alone's basket John Bagley's tw o free throws with 91 seconds remaining and two more by Hubbard with V4 seconds left gave C leveland a 111-109 lead The 76ers had Charles Barkley on the line with 22 seconds left hut he hit only one of two and Lonnie Shelton sank two foul shots in the last 19 seconds. M alone led the Sixers with 26 I A N D O V E R , Md. Rookie Mi chael Jordan scored 25 points and sparked a third-quarter onslaught that helped Chicago clinch a playoff berth with a victory over W ashing ton. I he post season appearance will he the Bulls' first since 1981 C hica­ go's 27 wins (against 40 losses) are the best since the 1980-81 club went 45-37. After building a 21-point lead on the strength of the third-period run, the Bulls survived a Bullets' rally in the fourth quarter. Orlando W oolridge added 25 points for Chicago. Nets 113, Knicks 100 EA ST R U T H I R F O R D , N .J. - A l­ bert King scored 23 points and Buck W illiam s added 22 while Michael Ray Richardson handed out a sea- son-high 17 assists to spark N ew lersey to a victory over N ew York. For Stan Albeck, the victory was the 300th of his pro coaching career Albeck coached Denver of the A BA , and C leveland and San Antonio in the N B A before coming to N ew Je r­ sey at the start of last season. Sportswire From sta ff and wire reports Longhorn women annihilate lllini I he Texas women's tennis team won all 18 sets W ednesday in a 9M0 romp over Illinois. The third- ranked Longhorns ate now 21-1 on the season \t Nci 4 single-", sophomore Robyn Field did not lose a game as she' beat Sheila Burns 6-0, 6-0. At No. 5, sophomore Heather Eldredge managed almost as well with a 6-1, 6-0 w in over Christy Flesvig. In doubles, the tandem of Gen C.reiwe and Diana Dopson kept their reeord a perfect 19-0, winning 6-2, 6- 3 over Jessie Daw and Kathy Neil. Bevetiv Bowes defeated Sue Anldsen 6-0, 6-2, Mi- i helle Carrier beat Kathv Neil 6-3, 6-3, Dopson defeated Sandra C.oern 6 2 , 6-4, and C.reiwe beat Susie Stout 6-1, 6- 2. I ield-1 ■. I dredge beat Flesvig-Burns 6-1, 6-4, and Car- rier-Jennifer M cGee defeated Arildsen-C.oern 6-4, 6-4. Men’s tennis team to face Rice The No. 9 Texas men's tennis team will meet Rice I hursday at 2 :15 p.m. at the Intramural Courts 1 he Longhorns will face a young team of two seniors and five freshmen, and a strong player at No. I in Scott M elville. A freshman, M elville is ranked 47th national* ly. I ex,is .uttered its first Southwest Conference loss to Arkansas Saturday, 6-3, bringing its S W C record to 1-1 and overall record to 21-4. Texas' three wins over the Razorbacks came from No. 3 Charles Beckman, No. 5 Paul Koscielski and the No. 2 doubles tandem of Koscielski and Fred Thome Augusta provides aura for Masters A U G U S T A , Ga. - The golf season has "officially” opened. It's Masters Tournament week. The azaleas and dogwoods are in bloom at the Augusta National Golf C lub where Jack Nicklaus ar­ rived early, as usual, and where Gene Sarazen, who rode a double-eagle to victory a half century ago, will he holding court on the magnolia-shaded clubhouse porch. there are golf tournaments with bigger purses, stronger fields and more demanding courses. But this is the Masters, the legai v left bv the legendary Bobby Jones. Tournament play begins Thursday, hut many ot the expected 50,(XX) spectators will he on hand for the Mon day-to-Wednesday practice rounds as a M ardi (.r u s spirit prevails throughout the week. Despite efforts bv PC.A Tour Commissioner Deane Beman to gain the title for last week's Tournament Players Cham pionship, the Masters remains the first "m ajor” of the year — the first step to the never-af tained grand slam of golf that include s the U 8. Open in |une, the British Open in July and the P( .A C hampi onship in August Unlike the other three, the Masters has onlv one founded by Jones and home, the Augusta National played by presidents Transportation For years, Austin’s city gov­ ernment has struggled with the problem of making it easier for people to get around the city. But as Aus~ tin has grown, the problem has reached a critical point. and repair beleaguered major traffic artet íes and, most recently, through the agreement of the Texas Department of Highways and Public Transportation to speed up funding for ex In the past two years, how­ ever, the City Council has made significant progress, through establishment and voter approval of a Metro­ politan Transit Authority, successful Capital Improve­ ment Programs to improve pansion of MoPac, U.S. 183 and Ben W hite Boulevard so Austin residents can get home at night without hav­ ing to put their lives in danger. W e re trying to plan ahead for future needs instead of waiting to play “catch up” when problems are out of hand. I look forward to the op­ portunity of continuing the work for a better Austin, for all of us. John Trevino Councilm an Trevino ad for by the Corm.rttee to Re elect John Trewno S10 South Congress Surte 209 Austm, Texas 78701 e r r ¡O lo1 ¡O !°¡o !o | o 12 COMPUTER SUPPLIES AUSTIN'S COMHCTCSUPPLYSTOSC F O R M S — Continuous labels-continous letterhead & stock paper R I B B O N S — Supplies tor the Mac, IBM, C O M P A Q & many more P R I N T W H E EL S - D ia b lo , Qume, NEC. Ricoh B A S F M A G N E T I C M E D I A — Computer tape, disk data cartridges Southwest Ribbon Co. J458-3229 5 5 5 5 N . L a m a r E - l 13 ... xt to N a u t ilu s VACATION COUNTDOWN $1.00 off instant passport photos kinko'r limit one per customer Expires: 4/30/85 ¡O io ¡O jo Io io !o j Q 1 I I I I I I I I SUMMER COURSE M I N SPAIN u N i V E R S I D q 18th SUMMER SESSION IN VALENCIA, SPAIN JULY 2 -AUGUST 15,1985 ^ E a rn 6 cred its o f S p a n ish . Finish y o u r la n g u a g e re q u ire m en ts in S p a m , o r just le a rn £ to sp e a k it like a n a tive : o n the b e a c h a n d u n d e r the sun. R o u n d trip from N Y C , ro o m / b o a rd , tuition: $1,785. V (9 places a v a ila b le to complete group) L Dr, Antonio Torres-Alcalá E Tel: (512) 477-7118 n Dr, Gonzalo Diaz-Migoyo C Tel: (512) 469-9823 I Departm ent o f Spanish a n d Portuguese ** U niversity o f Texas, A ustin, TX 78712 Arts & Entertainment The Daily Texan/Thursday April 4, ^B S /P a g e lS Skunks reunite for one show F choit e ot eith er doing another incar­ nation of that band or trying som e­ thing com pletely different, which is what I w anted to do. But after a while*, I realized that maybe I was missing the point as far as mv tal­ ents and nature go, whi< h is more toward guitar-oriented music. I’m sort of feeling out what I do best now, and the S k u n k s reunion is part of that. Afterwards, I'm gonna start a new band, hut I'm not sure in what direc tie i n ' And of course*, there's alwavs his caree*r as a detective novelist to fall hack cm, chronicling the exploits of Martin Fender, P. I I'm just st ar t ing on my second novel. 1 d Ward is my agent and editor, and the plan is for me to get the second on e pretty mu< tí underw ay and then shop the two to g e th e r." But for now, the Skun ks reunion is a time for m emories. "A p a rt from being successful in terms of making a million dollars, I wanted respect; for a rock-and-roll hand to be co n ­ sidered a part of Austin. And we went a good way towards doing that. But we were on the road 150 days the last year we were together, and we had a lot of intense times living on potatoes together. Like and cheap whiskey in the dead of winter in a W inneb ag o in a mobile- hom e parking lot in New York for a couple of m onths. 1 don't miss th a t." T h e S k u n k s with D aD a Curve, and D harm a Bum s and The U rge; 9 p .m . Satu rrd ay; Liberty L unch, 405 W. 2nd St. Jesse Sublett, Billy Blackmon and John Graham revive the Skunks MUSIC rnon Liberty Lunch. will reunite for one show at "I t just seem ed like a good idea, Sublett com m e n ts " W e found tins tape we recorded live at Max's Kan sas C ity in 1980, right off the hoard, and we th ought, man, this is some good stuff, we ou g ht to put it out. I've remastered it and we're hoping to release it later. Anyw ay, I played it and got all sentim ental, so w< thought we'd give it a try. ' Sublett also has reasons of his ow n for wanting a reunion now. S e ­ cret Six was heavily s y n th e s i/e r ori­ ented, and while he feels it served its purpose at time, Sublett wants to get back closer to his roots now. A first step toward s that has the been Hang 'E m High, a pickup soul band he formed with Skyscrapers guitarist C hris Bailey. " I t 's a lot of fun, the kind of thing we d on't get to do enou g h of. With vour career hands, it's just push push push all the time, and you get aw ay from the original fun you had playing in a hand. With Hang 'E m High, we set up, d on't do a sound check, play a lot of rocked-u p R&B, divide up the m onev at the end of the night and go h o m e . " In spite of som e of its successes, Sublett claims he was never really satisfied with Secret Six. " W h e n S e ­ cret Six started, I wanted it to be artsy, but really basic, too, doing som e covers. N one of the other peo­ ple involved were too hip on it, though, and it just did n't work out. At the end of the S ku n k s, I had the Lloyd Cole: sharp hooks, great lyrics By DAVID MENCONI Daily Texan Staff I he way je s s e Sublett set’s it, he's been fighting prevailing Austin m u ­ sic trends for years " The attention that b lues is attracting to Austin right now has been a detrim ent for me, actually, he says. "I 'v e gotten tapes hack from record com panies with Since you're from Texas, we expec ted more of a Stevie Ray-type s o u n d .' I'm not kid­ ding, that's really happened " them saying, Back in the late '70s, he and his band, the Skunks, were up against progressive country. "W h e n we started there was no rock and roll, much less new wave, in Austin, and we were fighting for recognition I felt like we were discriminated against. The people booking clubs were very narrow-min ded, and it was really tough for new bands to get anything g o i n g ." In spite of all that, Sublett hasn't done badly. His last hand, Secret Six, was featured on last year's " I en from Texas" Elektra com pilation, with " N o More W e ek e n d s in War­ s a w . " And as for the Skunks, they helped forge one of the most excit­ ing punk-new wave scenes in the country, gravitating around Raul's on the Drag and preserved for po s­ terity on local-label releases such as "L iv e at R a u l's ." Satu rday night will be one for nostalgia, as the Skunks — bassist Sublett, guitarist John Dee Cifaham (now with the true Be­ lievers) and d rum m er Billv Blaek- By RON MULLER Daily Texan S taff W h e n the Texan music critics published their favorite albums of 1984 last sem ester, an un­ know n, hard-to-get import album by Lloyd C ole and the C o m m o tio n s wound up on four of the eight critics' lists. In general, music critic - are trendy shits w h o don't warrant obnoxious, much attention, but in this case, they were right. But you can find out for yourself just how great Lloyd Cole is Satu rday afternoon w hen they perform at Auditorium Shores with local faves Zeitgeist, True Believers, Van Wilks and the Tail gators. "R a tt le s n a k e s ," the debut album from Lloyd Cole and the C o m m o tio n s, is the one of the I he strongest debuts released in a long time. music is slightly reminiscent of early Dire Straits or early Dylan — it's basically an album influ­ enced by folk-rock but not at all psuedo-'60s nos­ talgia. The True Believers, a wonderful band and great h h u m a n ita ria n s perform with Lloyd Cole Photo by Pat Blashill MUSIC Cireat guitar hooks fill Cole's music, but above all else, "R a tt le s n a k e s " is a lyrical masterpiece "C h e e k b o n e s like geom etry and eyes like sin, s h e 's sexually enlightened by Cosm opolitin." C o m p a riso n s with D ylan's the T ra c k s " are a bit overstated, hut anyon e w h o can rhym e " t a il o r " with "N o rm a n M ailer" is okay in m y book. "B lood on Cole and the C o m m o tio n s com e from Great Britain, hut d on't let that scare you off. They're not one of th ose hokey English hands that wal­ low in their angst. W hat I'm trying to get at is, d o n 't miss this show , go buy the album and I guarantee it will not leave your turntable for a few weeks. A friend and I have a running battle over band in the state. Both should be famous soon, so if you hav en't seen th em yet, you d better do it before they get big-headed and charge $13 for a show* at t h e O pera House. T h e True Believers are a split betw een The W h o and a Sergio Leone spaghetti western lots of loud guitars, soundtrack. T hey have country-ish rhythm s and insightful lyrics. I hey also just got back from a sw ing through the West o p ening for Los Lobos, and should he getting a record deal any time now. Zeitgeist is simply wonderful — with beautiful harm onies, jangly guitars, aggressive d rum min g and pop sensibilities, they are without a doubt the best band in the state. Their debut album will he com ing out on DB Records later this spring. The show starts at noon Satu rday and is pre­ sented by KLBJ for only $2.94. This is the start of the outdoor music season at Auditorium Shores it's shaping up like a great summer. Michael O Keefe is smitten by Rebecca De Morney at a night club Slugger’s Wife succeeds despite music, simple plot By DAVID REYES Daily Texan S taff ( kiirty to a movie written b; Simon can create certain prem negative attitudes — at least f it does. the Ht* write*- plays, and tends to be* too "w o rd v ' fc sc re*e*n. The* while trying desp !v to he real, come off as heir polished, and are never at a k the right words in any situ While this characteristic is p in hi- film " T h e Slu W ife ," it is so controlle*d that positive attribute* rather than ¿ stacle. latest Michael O 'K e e fe plays Palmer, a predic t a b l e h a i l sc ra baseball player who in* smitten by I >ebby, a nightclul er (played by Rehheca De Me and so he devotes him-, If t< ning her over. is You may rem em ber O 'K e e f the "G r e a t Santini" and ais( > promising voung caddy in dyshack He fits his characte being obnoxio us, hut likeable a true brat he wallow's in spoils of his profession (grc m o ney and notoriety), hut als i/e - his mortality and limitati That is until he decides to ir Debbv. in the middle of a cn nightclub, he vows to hit two runs in his next game. If ht she has to go out with Dm tails, he has to donate $1,000 favorite charity. I d tell you what happen too that would he giving away. It all happens in the f minutes so figure it out; there an hour and a half to go (hi m em ber the title) 1 know it all sounds kmd c e\ but it really works Eve scene when Darryl is outside hy's window doing "Sin g in g Rain " while his te am m ates s him with a water hose work antics are so adorable you jus to like it. Well, all these little things CINEMA hetore she Know s w h at s s h e 's Mrs. Palm er )arrvl's career and ado- )ebby begin to sm other ?ls that -h e has given up if herself — mainly her u sic a ! career, music, while it is an im- ect of the store* (D ebbv's also the m ovie's main tlaw It s just plain awful, it consists of mostly covers of songs like Prince's " I ittle Red ( o rv e tte ," and most notably, the worst cover of ‘ H u n g r y B ru c e H eart" imaginable. Its effect is simi­ lar t.» f i n e r , r n a i k «*n a r h a l k h o a r d — S p r i n g s t e e n - I he Slugger - Wife the >oes she com e hack’’ Do the p e n n a n t7 W ho ves win ■s is made that it < an he entertaining v\ ith- having to rely upon predictable >p\ endings But it you really d to know the a nsw er to these it's ’stions go se* the movie " T h e Slu g g e r's W i f e " ; directed by Hal A shby; written by Neil S im o n ; starring Michael O 'K eefe <”.d Rebbeca De M o r n e y ; n o w sh o w in g at the H ighland and West- gate theaters. R ating ★ * L l o y d C o le and band create Commotions. w h e th e r Zeitgeist or f m e Believers ; JOIN OUR JS o o rd u M iiJr THIRSTY THURSDAY Boardwalk Beach Club JK m c A C l u b • 75$ WELL • $125 PREMIUM 9 til dose $2°° cover for women, SS01' for men Come by Friday & Saturday night for dinner: All the Jumbo Fried Shrimp You Can Eat for $8.95 479-8601 215 E. 6th Austin s Premiere Comedy & Magic Theater Night Club presents G A R Y M U L E D E E R APRIL 2-7 with the Magic o f Jo e l B auer and Comedy Juggling of Dan Rosen ____________________________ Showtimes_____________________________ Tues., Wed., Thurs., Sun. — 8:30 Fri. and Sat. — 8:00 and 10:30 PM FOR RESERVATIO NS CALL 467-2333 8120 Research Blvd (at A nderson Square) Jb Cactus* T o n iq lh t Bill O liv er n o c o v e r F r id a y B illy Jo Shaver w ith M a rk Luke D aniels S a tu r d a y S o n gw riter o f the y ea r: Robert K een and Som e O ther G uys C oining S e x t W eek: T u e s . A p r il 9 H e a rt ©# th e M a tte r W e d . A p r il 10 The Ruth St Gail Ensemble T h u rs . A p r il 11 Kart Van Sklde F ri. A p r il 12 Lounge Lizards H a p p y H o u r 4 -7 D a ily C i N D t m V W E s T G a lle ry e x h ib its s o u t h w e s t e r n s p irit By BRA D BEC K M A N Sped a to the Texar u< v • ■ >rush it d hrc :am m> nighlv a¿i A m ÍrSJ!>'gfr% ¿ y limén“ S T — ,| mm I R ñ t S i I .OUTRriGLOCSi § OuiG Reduced *- -‘ 5 5 to 7 30 Doily-5* S T U D E N T S H i /E C R E D I T ) T 1 6 . 6 7 6 U T s t u d e n t s h a v e a m a j o r c r e d i t c o r d 2 5 , 2 4 4 h a / e c a r d s l o r a u t o m a t e d te l l e r m a c h i n e s . Yj ..»•*? s * . c » » s • : » s-""’’ * 0 * ~*t k SC 0-. JO! Vf • V* A Af » A J 5 DA ....AS A *r l ‘L et’s Go: Europe “ The B i of tht fiudgi i I r F R E E < \ $ 10 value* w i t h t h e n e x t .">0 f t R i l l P IS S E S s o l d ( t o n V o y a g e T r a v e l 4 69-5656 D O B I E M A L L 2 N E W M O V I E S W E E K L Y /!D€0 PEEF^S IS 6 CHANNEL L A P G E S E L E C T I O N M A G S A N D T A P E S TAPE SALE AND RENTAL r e , '■>: •'! » 4 O v e r 9,000 S tu d e n ts crt UT o w n *h e d w e l l i n g »n w h i c h t h e y r e s i d e . vftsrrr o* 'ii>: couf-H :<•» «stocLA-R* Dallas awth »** \ u s i r > c £ J-J J T4 ^ i j * s i • — N A S U N D A Y IN THE C O U N T R Y 7:15, 9:15 L A S T N I G H T D I V I N E 1 T A B H U N T E R 1 7;3o, 9:30 LUST IN THE DUST m o n n B A R G A I N P R I C F 00 im m m zi J zd Vf V S K P G - 1 3 12-45, 3 00 5 15, 7 30, 7 45 K r \ f , D A V I D k - 11:30 2 00 4:30. 7 00, 9 30 W I T N E S S fJ 12:00 2 ¡0,5 00, 7 30, 9 5 5 J I T O W T T « I V I R I V H i l l S f O P H 12 30, 2 45, 5 00,7:15, 9 30 R A I ! V pg 1 30, 3 10 5 30, 7 30, 9 30 i /T I I I S I I G O E R ’S W i l l ro-u 17 45,3 00,5 15,7:30,9:45 T h e U n i v e r s it y o f T e x o s D e p a r t m e n t o f M u s ic p ro u d ly presents performances will be given: THE FOLLIES TUESDAY APRIL 9 and WEDNESDAY APRIL 10 6 : 0 0 p m D a t e s R e c i t a l H a ll, M u s ic B u i l d i n g E a s t (23rd and East Campus Drive) Admission $2.00 Tickets A v a i l a b l e at the D o o r Sponsored by the Phi Mu Alpha Scholarship Fund / v j . - • r Vn Young I rk kin/, Ser ki r„ a : ■ c violin Yrfer piano An all Mozart program' ' 8 pm Monday. April 22 RAC Concer' Public $12. $8. $4 CE ^ fnr* tvffiee Y ' i-r ( ! i CEC sales begin April 5: public sales begin April 8 t m lo Theatre and UTr V T cketCer ters Han' ng s (Nort ÍKar'nr Crfif ' (H nr ut i; ' < CrOSS) ar c.) Hanc'/.H dtrahar’ Co seurr h>ar f/areoí r k/" F'ddier s ¿'es-i Ref, Cs-r.!n*r •'/’ Huocí tion, 47’ ‘444 Charge a T cket 4 77 6060 E m m & m m 395-7217 9902 Bmrfson Rd. A D U L T S O N L Y A L E X A N D R A ( X ) J O C '-J_T St 3 I O R j ’y i ; I f ! '~“ T -V " b l u e ” ' STGPM J J E A N S ( X ) O P E N N I G H T L Y S T A R T S DU S K ! | yV 1 IMMIGRATION Permanent Resident or Tempotary Employnent Visa' PA L L P A R S O N S m A t t o r n e y at L a w BOARD CERTIFIED MMlGRATON 4 NATIONALIT7 LAW TXA5 B0AR00F LEGAL SPECIALIZATION ¿CK J. 'ifli T o n ig h t Chicano Night F rid a y The Dishes S a tu rd a y The Killer Bees S u n d a y Closed lor Easter Have a H appy Easter! BICYCLES T?) * - » N I S H I K I Centurion _ 0 Hunt select am & best pru e< on -ill bu v cle a( < essnries ¡r¡( ladina G l o v e s , s h o e s , j e r s e y s & s h o r t s K i r t l a n d bi cy cl e t o u r i n g pack’s S p e c i a l i z e d tires a n d t u b e s IJuahty & Service are the difference 2404 San Gabriel 477-6846 tr c. '■ rst /. TONIGHT! - AoDeorar c© Sir c© f A11 Y P o s s e E a s t 30th Street 2(> 1 1 San Jar into TH ti B E A C H J_____ O V E R 100 IM P O R T I D & DOMESTIC B R A N D S Ctl BEER / /V / VIC/S/C NICHTL Y S O M I OF I H I B f S I Al \ ( )RD \B1 f BANDS IN AUSTIN 474-0605 The exhibit is a collection of some >f Austin s best art. Included are uhn Chri'tian's photographs of the hncbol Indians of the Jalisco and Savant -tat< ' of western Vfexico; nontage' by David Pratt, primitive paintings by Barbara Sturgill; ce- ■amc sculptures by Gayle DiGrego- i; photographs bv David Stark and 3ill Dar .els; and lithograph' bv Pat The photographs by Christian ind Daniels are ver\: good. Daniels jses iavered exposures and a mov- ng camera to achieve avant garde ;wirling and colliding designs. Zhristian s Indian portrait' are soon o be published in a book on the riuichol Indians bv the Texa' A& M ’r e '' Brown's lithos and Stark s photographs have just been pub- ished in a E>c>ok about Enchanted called "View s of a Texas Jatholith," by Duncan Gladstone. Perhaps the most binding princi­ ple of the works, especially in Stur- gill s paintings and even some art­ work bv Foreman's own daughter V ra i- the use of predominantly southwestern colors and themes. ’ the contributors were origi- M o't n fr<>m f • xas or New Mexico . and r v live in this area Their top­ ic' of landscapes, p- pies and odors are southwest­ ern. The vibrant colors of turquoise, scarlet, yellow and orange, so prominent Indian art, shine through. The landscapes are rocky ant* barren. '<>uthwestem in Foreman wants to showcase the best of the Austin area. His job is to provide a viewing and selling ground for the artists, walls on which to hang their work. Foreman succedsand *o do the artists. This is an exceptional exhibit. Bois d'Arc Gallery; open 10 a.m. to 5 p m. Monday through Satur­ day; exhibit runs through April 20. at 803 Red Roer Street. ■ a JU U l TODAY ~ W- 5 0 s 2 rWHITE SHOWS4 MATINEES *0* >JT Al l $M0W$ 8 ’•$' SHOW Mf : *0AV i VLtl $*^CUU FHGAGFNf*T$ m t RETURN OF THE JEDI FG] . 6:00 2 50, -8 45________ ) THE SURE THING pg-13 2:30-5 00 2.501-7:30-9 30 BEVERLY HILLS COP R 2:15 5:15 2.50 -7:30-9:45 THE LAST DRAGON pg-13 2:30 5:99 2.50 7:15-9:30 THE BREAKFAST ( LIB R, 2:15-5:00 2.50 -7:15-9:30 FRIDAY THE 13THV K 2:45-5:30 2.50 7 45 9 55 PURPLE ROSE OF CAIRO H i 2:45-5:30 2.501-7:45-9:45 A Q U A R I U S 4 ISO* S PLEASANT VALLEY 444-3222 THE LAST DRAGON PG-13 5:30 2.501-7 45 AMADEUS [PG 6:00 RETI RN OF THE JEDI PL 5:30 2.50)-8:00 FRIDAY THE 13THV R (6.00 2.50)-8:00 S O U T H W O O D 2 442^2333 14» W BEN WHITE ALL MOVIES mmKMIONIT: ¡HOWS STARMAN Pf'| 7 00-9:30 MISSING IN ACTION II K. 7:30-9:45 Th*lr *lr»l •••tgnmantl P% 2:00-4:00 /> 6:05-8 10-10:15 V/ REVLNGr ^ 1:30-3:30- Z/ 5:30-7:30-9 30 L A K E H I L L 8 A 2426 8£N WHITE • 4440552 Harrison Ford W IT N E S S H KXN I 12:30-2:50- 5:10-7 35-9:55 Ym rm fw % rm v hetinnmq H VX 1:45-3:45- SS 5 45-8:00-10.05SN | P O R K f S R E V E N G P - 6 :0 0 - 8 :0 0 - 1 0: 00 PI.AC F.S IN N H K H E A R T ^ ¡SALLY F IE L D GB ^ 1 R I V E R S I D E 2 1930 RIVERSIDE • 441-5689 „ fans j fim fta -;A * g gy ________ 1^2Q^;?9-fXt0-6:50-9:0a T H E , ri M r A 7 r A b I TvfmiivtsFOAtvtR R c L. U B * -j ;45-3:50- mty owv MfTONCt r «UTlTiMANGiO . j, c . _ obsessed wTth self-portraits and startling relationships, for they ot­ ter figure in ho v >rks fhe lower na f ■ ■ Bucknai! - race vvil ne matted with the top half of a ram s or a field mouse'' head. Perhaps the mo^t moving piece here is h i' g>©f bo\ and African girl so odd . re • it i' 'turnin g It's no wonder that Bucknall had a major exhibit ;ust th:- last week in Houston ; if h> Phillip Trus^'ii, another Austin a rt ' t who studied a: the L'river'-tv has included ->me >rks n kbe exhibit. These 'how how pro foundlv the rieroglvphics of the Masan and A/tec Indian' have ai­ ree fed him Tru'Sell achieve' a depth in the Indian art that seems to bring the hieroglyphics to life and k t their dories be told Frussell a ¡so includes two succes- 'ive image paintings that car be n-ad like a table covered with slide' He ieave> it to the audience to find whatever meaning the’.' might find in them Coming MONDAY, APRIL 8 in T \ / W r t t i i i W ( * e k h I ▼ I I I V I A with G R E A T P R I Z E S U N V E R S ! r / C G O P I s l a m O r i g i n a l C o r r e s p o n d e n c e C o u r s e A seekers of the truth, oró Mus - s who are -*ere$ted - knowing obout a ospects of the reLgior of Islom, now they are ab*e to, P'ease write to C o r r e s p o n d e n c e C o u rs e Is la m O r ig in a l P .O . B o x 730 B la n c o , T e x a s 78606 GENERAL CINEMA LBARGAIN MATINEES- EVERYDAY All SHOWS BEFORE 6 PM P Y D Í Í 1 iijs ) TT W . W l Th« Killing 4:10 Pl»ia. ! S i i? Field* 7 00.9 45 I H | Slagger s Wife 1 20,3 30,5 40 7 x ]0 00 CAPITAL PLAZA l- 3 5 atC A M C ItO N R O i. 4 5 2 - 7046 Desperatehy . Seeking Sttsas 12 50,3 00, 5 10. 7 20,9 30 Police Academy II ft 12 55, 2 45,4:35. 6 25, 8 15, 10 00 Porky * Revenge 1 4 5 , 3 :45, 5 45 , 7 :45, 9 45 R ‘Oshima s masterwork ' from Hia dmector of IN THf 9EALM OF THÍ SfNSfS ond NfRBY CHRISTMAS, MR LAWRENCE NAGISA OSHIMA'S THE CEREMONY What start* nut look in g like one of thus*' long A form al t.im ih •oiga.- snow halls into the horror a n d vio­ lence o f the ripest Jacobean dm JESTER AUD. 7 A 9:15p.m. $2 UT, $2.50 non-UT In Ja p a n e se w ith E n g lis h subtitles ‘A DELICIOUS GAME. SUCH FUN TO PLAY.’ IZxatCM 'h JU LoseU O **. ftUwtfktOaf I k9b9.tr icoN FBqrm ^ I r u A K o e I TRUFFAUT 3 e i,.:: . F r e n c h w it h s u b t i t l e s T O D A Y a t 9 : 0 0 p m H o g g A u d . 2 .0 0 U T Joseph lewis’s G u n C f u z y Today d 5 * TOT pm 3 l f c u T 2.50 N on U.T H o g g Aud- 2 .5 0 N o n - U T l e x * 1 Jncr y Performing Arts Center Q T O D A Y a t 2 k 7 : 3 0 p m U n i o n T h w a tre 2 0 0 U T 2 SO N o n - U T T o d a y a t 4 : 3 0 & 9 :4 0 p m U n i o n T h e a t r e 2 .0 0 U T 2 .5 0 N o n - U T Sally Field in P la c e s in th e H e a r t R f A I CSTATF SA L F S 1 2 0 - H o u s e s 130 — C o n d o s - T o w n h o u se s C lassified Advertising The Daily TexaiVThursday, April 4 198S/Phu< 1 l> V 's o /M a ste rc tir d Accepted For W o rd a d s call 471 -5 2 4 4 /F or D is p la y a d s call 4 7 1 -1 8 6 5 /8 a m 4 J O p m M o n d a y F r i d a y / T S P B u ild in g J 200/2500 Whitts A ve V i s a / M a s t e r c a r d A c ^ e p t e H T R A N S P O R T A T IO N T R A N S P O R T A T IO N T R A N S P O R T A T I O N T R A N S P O R T A T I O N REAL ESTATE S A L E S 3 0 — T r u c k s -V a n s 70 M o to rrycl^ R 80 Bicycles 9 0 V e h i c le s l e a s i n g 130 — C o n d o s - T o w n h o u s e s Cl ftSSIFIED ADVIRTISING Consecutive Day Rates Each w o r d 1 time Fo ch w o r d 3 tim ci f a t h w o r d 5 ttmes Fo cK w o rd K ) time* Fo cH w o r d 15 times Fa cK w o r d 7 0 times 1 col k 1 inch 1 time $ 1 0 0 c h a r g e to c h a n g e c o p y First tw o w o r d s m a y be all capita l letters 2 5 c For e a c h a d d itio n a l w o rd in capital letters M a s te rc a rd a n d V isa a c ce p te d $ 2 6 $ 72 $1 0 9 $1 7 / $ ? 14 $ 2 3 0 $ 6 3 5 2 l D E A D L IN E S C H E D U L E M o n d a y T n x o a I u p y d ay L n x a n Frtd oy H o rn M o n d a y H a m W e d n e s d a y Texan T u e sd a y 11am T h u rsd a y T e x a n W e d n e s d a y 11am E ' d a y T n x a n T h u rsd a y lta m In t h x e v e n t o f e r r o r s m o d e In a n a d v e r t is e m e n t , im m e d ía t e n o tic e m u s t b e g i v e n a s t h e p u b l i s h e r s a r e re s p o n s i b l e fo r o n l y O N I in c o rr e c t in s e r t io n . A ll c la im s fo r a d j u s t m e n t s s h o u l d b e m a d e n o t la te r t h a n 3 0 d a y s a ft e r p u b l i c a t i o n P r e p a i d k ills r e c e iv e c r e d it s lip if r e q u e s t e d a t tim e o f c a n c e lla t io n , a n d if a m o u n t e x c e e d s $ 2 .0 0 S lip m u s t b e p r e s e n t e d r e o r d e r w it h in 9 0 d a y s to b e v a li d f o r a S e r v i c e - R e p a i r P a r t s - A c c e s s o r i e s CLA SS IFIC A T IO N S T R A N SP O R T A T IO N 10 M is c A u t o s S p o r t s F o r e i g n A u t o s 20 3 0 T r u c k s - V a n s 4 0 — V e h ic le s to T r a d e 5 0 6 0 7 0 M o t o r c y c le s B ic y c le s 8 0 9 0 V e h ic le t e a s i n g 100 REAL ESTATE SALES 1 10 120 — H o u s e s 130 140 M o b i l e H o m e s l o t s A c r e a g e t o t s 150 D u p le x e s - 160 A p a r t m e n t s V e h ic le s W a n t e d S e r v ic e s , C o n d o s - T o w n h o u s e s 170 W a n t e d 180 l o a n s M ER C H A N D IS E A p p li a n c e s 190 F u r n it u r e H o u s e h o l d 2 0 0 2 1 0 S t e r e o - T V 2 2 0 - C o m p u t e r s - E q u ip m e n t P h o t o - C a m e r a s 2 3 0 2 4 0 — B o a t s 2 5 0 M u s ic a l In s t r u m e n t s 2 6 0 2 7 0 — M a c h i n e r y - E q u ip m e n t H o b b i e s 2 9 0 2 8 0 - S p o r t i n q - C a m p i n g E q u ip m e n t F u r n it u r e A p p li a n c e R e n t a l G a r a g e - R u m m a g e S a l e s 3 1 0 — T r a d e 3 2 0 — W a n t e d to B u y 3 0 0 o r R e n t M E R C H A N D IS E 3 30 P e ts 3 4 0 M isc . RENTAL 3 5 0 — R e n t a l S e r v c e s 3 6 0 — F u rn . A p t s 3 7 0 - U n f A p t s 3 8 0 — F u r n D u p le x e s 3 9 0 — U n f D u p le x e s 4 0 0 — C o n d o s - T o w n h o u s e s 4 1 0 — F u r n H o u s e s 4 2 0 — U n f H o u s e s 4 2 5 R o o m s 4 3 0 — R o o m - B o a r d C o - o p s 4 3 5 4 4 0 R o o m m a t e s 4 5 0 M o b i l e H o m e s Lo ts 4 6 0 — B u s i n e s s R e n t a ls R e s o r t s 4 7 0 4 8 0 S t o r a g e S p a c e 4 9 0 W a n t e d to R e n t L e a s e 5 0 0 — M is c . A N N O U N C E M E N T S 5 1 0 5 2 0 — P e r s o n a ls 5 3 0 — T r a v e l- E n t e r t a in m e n t T ick e ts T r a n s p o r t a t i o n l i c e n s e d C h i l d C a r e 5 4 0 — t o s t & F o u n d 5 5 0 5 6 0 — P u b lic N o t ic e 5 7 0 — M u s i c - M u s i c i a n s ED UC AT IONAL 5 8 0 — M u s ic a l In s t r u c t io n 5 9 0 — T u t o r in g 6 0 0 - In s t r u c t io n W a n t e d 6 1 0 — M is c In s t r u c t io n SERVICES 6 2 0 — L e g a l S e r v ic e s 6 3 0 — C o m p u t e r S e r v ic e s 6 4 0 — E x t e r m in a t o r s 6 5 0 — M o v i n g - H a u l i n g 6 6 0 — S t o r a g e 6 7 0 — P a i n t i n g SERVICES O ffic e 6 8 0 R e n t a l E q u ip m e n t 6 9 0 F u r n it u r e R e p a i r 7 0 0 A p p li a n c e R e p a i r 7 1 0 S t e r e o - T V R e p a i r 7 2 0 H o m e R e p a ir 7 3 0 7 4 0 B ic y c le R e p a ir 7 5 0 — T y p i n g 7 6 0 M is c S e r v ic e s EM PLO YM E NT 7 7 0 7 8 0 7 9 0 — P a r t tim e 8 0 0 — G e n e r a l H e lp W a n t e d O ffic e C le r ic a l 8 1 0 A c c o u n t i n g 8 2 0 B o o k k e e p i n g E m p l o y m e n t A g e n c i e s E m p l o y m e n t S e r v ic e s 8 3 0 — A d m i n i s t r a t i v e - M a n g e m e n t 8 4 0 — S o le s 8 5 0 — R e t a il 8 6 0 E n g i n e e r in g - T e c h n ic a l 8 7 0 — M e d i c a l 8 8 0 P r o f e s s io n a l 8 9 0 — C l u b s - R e s t o u r a n t s 9 0 0 9 1 0 9 2 0 W o r k W a n t e d B U S IN E S S 9 3 0 — B u s i n e s s D o m e s t ic H o u s e h o l d P o s i t i o n s W o n t e d O p p o r t u n i t i e s 9 4 0 — O p p o r t u n i t i e s W a n t e d TSP Building Roor- 3 2 0 0 2 5 0 0 W hitis M o n d a y th ro u g h Friday 8 a m 4 3 0 p m T R A N S P O R T A T IO N T R A N S P O R T A T IO N T R A N S P O R T A T IO N T R A N S P O R T A T IO N 10 — M isc. A u to s 20 — S p o r ts -F o r e ig n 20 — S p o r ts -F o r e ig n 30 — T r u c k s -V a n s 1 9 7 0 V W B u g Runs g o o d N e w tires battery 7 1 7 0 e v e n in g s 4 8 $ 9 0 0 Firm 4 7 6 3 2 9 4 4 7 6 6 6 C H E V Y S H O R T B E D pick u p with 19 77 V 6 e n g in e straight b o d y N e e d s paint $ 5 0 0 4 7 4 8 4 0 9 4 5 4 - sp eed, R EA L ESTATE S A L E S 130 — C o n d o s -T o w n h o u s e s E X C E L L E N T c on d ition 1 9 7 9 Y special, vi R D 4 0 0 D a t o n o JSt, $!/ 3 7 7 8 A - $ 2 70. 9 2 8 0 6 / 9 8 i N D A C M 2 C k -d $5'/ 1 9 8 4 H O N D A A e r o 8 0 I miles, kept inside G re a t 4 5 4 2 0 5 / 4 5 / A M A H A S E C , / 5 0 r r s, c a se g u a rd s J 7 0 0 miles C o ll D a v e 331 7 6 9 4 4 j 1 9 8 ' Y A M A H A 4 0 0 C $ 6 5 0 or best offer Kell, 8 3 H O N D A V.? 5 X I g o o d condition M u s t see to a p e irecrate* fv e n in q s 4 7 7 3 0 0 8 Hi M o m a S U Z U K I G N 4 0 C ) 1981 In c lu d e s helm et c o v e r n e w re a r tire a n d battery g o o d com m uter b ike *k 8 0 0 4 4 3 7 0 6 9 4 1? M O P E D 1 9 8 4 R o d e 6 d re a m B aske t H elm et $ 3 8 0 4 4 3 - 0 7 7 8 4 10 1 9 8 ’ O A T S U N K I N G C A B 4 x 4 A C , A lp in e stereo excellent conditioi a skm q $ 5 7 0 0 4 7 / 6 1 8 4 8 2 8 - 6 6 5 4 4 9 -i " d i 70 — M o to rc y c le s S I L V E R H o n d o A e r o 1 9 8 4 8 0 W in d sh ie ld a n d b a sk e t Excellent -on di hon $ 6 0 0 P h 4 7 7 9 3 / 3 4 - 5 _________ M U S T SEL I 8 4 H o n d a A 'r a w , g o o d ■ dition, lo w m ile age blue RANGE TREE ’DEnmAr? PROPERTIES iNC. SOUTH/RIVERSIDE 815 Broz< is St • Suite 101 Austin, TX 78701 (512) 479 8958 north/central 8301 MoPac North Expressway Suite 305 A Austin TX 78759 (51 2) 3 4 6 - 3 2 6 6 P R E- L E A SI NG FOR S U M M E R & FAIL FREE FAST LOCATING SERVICE Apartm ents A ll O v e r Austin! We Have It All! - From pools to microwaves, and, everything in between we offer apartment that has what you need I I I A part n|cn( Selector. Free Service! Nort h / h J W/Roundroc k Central/NE/North South/Southwest UT/Riverside 4 5 1 - 2 2 2 3 4 7 4 - 6 3 5 7 4 4 1 - 2 2 7 7 4 4 5 - 0 0 0 5 1 Bedroom apartments furnished and un­ furnished. 2 blocks north of campus. NOW PR€ LEASIN G FOR SU M M ER fit F R ll P rices s t a r t a t $ 2 9 7 /m o «th BftRNDVUJINC, D R llR S , HOUSTON ond UJILSHIRE RPRRTM fNTS CONTACT PHIL 480 9358 2803 HEMPHILL PARK # 1 0 5 O R CALL 477 6675 GUADALUPE SQUARE ;B P G r a n ' p ric e $ 3 9 5 0 0 W ilson and Goldrick jean Franklin 328-0022 (327-1165 nights) THE C O N D O C O N N E C T I O N 1 7 0 — W a n te d O range Tree Condo M E R C H A N D IS E 1 9 0 — A p p lia n c e s 2 00 — F u rn itu re - H o u s e h o fd St David's Hospital Area K i n g 4 5 1 - 5 1 ' 4 2 9 0 ' G e n e S p e n c e onri Quadrangle Condo Assumption vote u p sta m M R P oil eluding W D ^efngerol c o m p a c to r $ 8 9 , 5 0 0 lo a n R o g e r Dre esse n 14 ¿ Gene Spence & Associates 915 W 23rd ot S a n G a b r ie l Large 1 & 2 Bedroom s All a p p lia n c e s • P o o l • S p a • S a u n a • W e igh t room . From $86,000 O P E N H O U S E M o n - F r i 1 2 -5 , S o t - S u n 11 - 5 469-0851 C O N D O M I N I U M S Sales Center open ll a.m. to 5 p.m daily 1840 Burton Drive • Austin Texas • 312 448-2606 • %ti!6i REAL ESTATE S A L E S 130 C o n d o s -T o w n h o u s e s EXHAUST SYSTEMS ARE YOU LOOKING FOR: • A DISCOUNT SUPPLIERS • Q U A L IT Y PARTS? • FAST, FRIENDLY SERVICE? • CONVENIENT LOCATION? IF SO, STOP BY OR CALL SOUTH SIDE MOTORS 2617 South 1st Street Austin, Texas (512) 444-2431 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ SELL W ith a T e x a n W a n t-A d ! IT! 4 7 1 - 5 2 4 4 10% off with this coupon expires April 30, 1985 R EA L ESTATE S A L E S 130 — C o n d o s -T o w n h o u s e s A SENSIBLE CHOICE ■ y y ID EA L L O C A T IO N . W elcome the convenience of being close to professional offices, shopping c en ­ ters, and the University. ID E A L PR IC E . Benefit from rhe value of home ownership at very affordable prices, from the $ 4 0 V ID E A L A M E N IT IE S. A ppreciate the private patios and balconies, the full kitchen appliance package including microwave, ceiling fans, excellent insulation and more. Convenience. Affordability. Appeal. A SENSIBLE CHC )ICE N elkay C O N D O M IN IU M S r— "I— BEDROOM BA U ONY/ T PATIO f r r J a ¿ living 601 Nelray Blvd. (off N. Lamar, South of Koenig) Contact: Beth Peterson or Steven Boyce at 474-0915 Marketed By “A s A Finance Major, I ' l l j Graduate With Honors . And Equity.” I á 8 , ' i l f c ¡ t É T ' . . J p s s i i l l ' My classes in finance taught me all the advantages of home ownership and that it’s never too early to start. Even when you’re in college. So I'm buying a Heritage Condom inium . It’s only four blocks north of cam p u s and within walking distance of my classes, friends, and all my favorite spots. My new home will have a private balcony, Jenn-A ir cooktop and grill. m iniblinds, w asher and diver, w oodbum ing fireplace, built in d esk s and bookshelves and even a ceiling fan. I will enjoy the privacy a home provides, but 1 also like knowing that 1 can take a study break just a few ste p s away by relaxing in t he whirlpool sp a or on t he su n n in g deck. Visit The Heritage Condom inium s soon Own your share of the future startin g right now * CONDOMINIUMS The Heritage C ondom inium s 3111 Tom Green • Marketed h\ Longhorn Properties n< (5 12 )4 79 8174 220 - C o m p u te rs- E q u ip m e n t 240 — B o a t s 250 — M u s ic a l In str u m e n ts 280 — Sportinq- C a m p in g Equip, 330 — Pets 3 4 0 — M isc. PEAk’i ► X Q U l S m Baroque peaHs Sacnhce of $ 3 8 5 4{ 9 6 2 2 after 6prr. 4-4 ioubie 5 ' PAIR O F replica Sam urai w o r d s $1 ar B u n d e sw h e r W e st G e rm a n d agger $ 3 5 * - 4 8 0 3 otter six 4- CHEAP GOLD N o w thro ug h yoturdox Ap ril 6 plo • lo s s rin g i y o u r o rd « *' 'o r v o u r JT the C o - o p A R T C A R V t D C A S S R I N G Í N $ 5 0 d ep o sit req u ire d O n y o u w o n t m one evenin m e e t y o u r fin< tree details ,nc ited tim e o n ly B o x 1 5 4 6 1 A u Pag e 16/The Daily Texan Thursday. April 4 1985 M E R C H A N D IS E RENTAL RENTAL RENTAL RENTAL RENTAL RENTAL RENTAL RENTAL 340 — Misc. 360 — Furn. Apts. 360 — Furn. Apts. 360 — Furn. Apts. 370 — Unf. Apts. 370 — Unf. Apts. 400 C o n d o s - Townhouses 400 C o n d o s- T ow n h ouses C A B BA G E PATCH prem ies look'ng for responsible parents for adoption Call Frank 467 9402 $80 4 8 LARGE EFFICIENCY separate livmq nnd bedreom «as/water p id f shuttle $ ?9 0 30?_Eoil34th 469 0071 4 9___ G E R M A N LUGER 1970 commercial with ammo $375 WaMber P38 $350 8mm military mouser $145 4 78 7481 S Ü B Ü a S É O N E bedroom apartment pool/AC ’’ear UT and ACC campuses $245 • efertaoty M id April to mid summer (negotiable) 474 *1.199, 255 7754 4 5 fum.shed RENTAL 350 — Rental Services F R E E LOCATING A P A R T M K N T S A N D ( ' O N I X ) M I N H M S F O R L K A S F M E S T K R W K S 1 N O R T H \ N | ) C A M P U S S P R I N G S * A R E A S . Beautiful furnished apts Close to c am pus Efficiences, 1 and 2 bedroom apts Starting $310 495 A B P except electricity Swimming pools, laundry facilities Som e apts with firec/oces $ 99 move in speool W in . a color TV or a m oped Coll 458 299 0 4 5 All Bills Paid-$330 N ice efficiency in Hyde Pork p orary furnishings AH built fully corpeled and draped, large walk m closets 400 0 Avenue A 458 ’ontem kitchen, 4511, 451-6533. Central Properties 4-29 SUM M ER LEASIN G 2-1 1 I '9 block off 26 Pool, large closet covered parking, small complex l a Casita 7900 Cole 48? 9154 5-3 W ALK TO UT, ?BR apts available tn May, Summer rates, call 4 76-5249 4 26 O N E BLOCK FROM C A M PU S' Small 1BR and large 1BR 2BR, pool CA CM com pletely furnished summer and fall Call Rio Nueces, 4 74 0971 4 23 SUM M ER RATES Esquire Apartments Just north of campus AC, appliances, suite mate efficiencies $220 plus E 451 8122 Wes* W orld Real Estate 4 29 FLEUR Dt LIS 404 East 30th Larq*» 1 bedroom apartments avail for summer Com pletely fur able rushed less than 5 minutes walk to campus Starting at $ 3 5 0 ■ elector * ty Also 2 and 3 bedroom s available Call Frank 476-2176 If no answer, call Jo h n 443-3037 after 5pm 4 7 6 * 2 6 7 3 r ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ v b u h i f u f b ( j r i f ( * f 7 F R E E LO CA TIN G SERVICE C o nd os • A p artm ents H o u se s • Dup!ew*»s l e a v e the H u n tin g to Us 4 8 2 - 8 6 5 1 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 1 Bedroom-$330 Large apartment in H yde Park M o h og any paneling, large closet, fully carpeted and draped built in kitchen and serving bar N ice courtyard with pool, 4 20 0 A ven ue A 451 6966, 451 6 53 3 Central Properties, Inc F. 4 ?9 $265-285 + E Summer Rates CENTURY S Q U A R E APTS. 3401 RED R IV ER N o w leasing for summer & fall wfi ciencms 1 & 2BR apartments Coil 4 78 9 77 5 between 9 30 & r> 30. M WALK TO CAMPUS DOS RIOS 2818 GUADALUPE NEW 360 — Furn. Apts. f FFICIENCY C lO S f io campus 1515 Pol ma Plaza CA/CH, laundry fo< ilHies $275 * electricity and deposit Mon Fri 397 2576 412 W p ore looking for quie* conscientious, non smoking students in a large efficiency 2 locations Hyde Park or near campus CA/CH, laundry, dead bolt, no pets interested 458 2488 4-29 IBA , covered parking, mi 1BR, individual washer/dryer, crow ave, CA/CH, ceiling fans $450/m o 478 4271 or 474 09/1 o r 454 4621 4-22 RENTAL 360 — Furn. Apts. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ THE LANTERN LANE N O W ACCEPT (all leases for furnished 2BP s Call 4/4 5659, Aydom Interest 4 12 BILEVEL 2BR-2’9BA appliances pool sauna, security, ER shuttle Near la te Austin and recreation center Available June I 454 K J9 M - 5 _____ IUXURY C O N D O , 3 2>9 on IF shuffle W/D, microwave, Fireplace, fireplace, ceiling fans Great for roommates Must see soon 459 0274 4-11 n q t E j t f s w * ! • 2BR2BA • Superb Amenities • Walk toU.T • Lease/Purchase Available • From $895 905 W. 22 Vi St 480-9266 W ALK TO campus Furnished efficiencies and 1BR Appliances, carpet Summer rates $275 295 451 8122 West W odd Real Estate 4-16 SUM M ER LFASIN G 2-1 1-1 9 block off 26 Pool, large closet covered parking, small complex La Cosita 7900 Cole 482-9154 5-3_____________________ HYDE PARK efficiencies, $295 plus elec trie tty Close to UT quiet complex, pool Available now Call 452 3590 4 5^ 4712 DEPEW, efficiency $280 available April 1 3816 Speedway IBR, $295 4 77 2214 452 4516 453 8812. 4-8_ LARGE, EXTRA spacious 4 BR, ' BA within walking distance *o UT 2811 Salado $700 month, summer only 837-5368 or 258 7817 4 9 __________ ___ WEST C A M PUS Small attractively de furnished com plex signed an d Balconies, facilities $305 to $365 summer rates 451 8122 West W orld Real Estate 4 30 laundry patios $100 DEPOSIT, efficiency 1 and 2BR, quiet Clarksville oreo, shuttle, city bus, near pork and downtown -umme* rates available Call 9 5pm, M f 4/7 6199 4-19 ( IN F B FD RO O M Unfurnished $7/5 Good student housing CaH 454 8323 between 9am and 6pm Monday-Friday only 4-15 O N E BR unfurnished apartment $300 month 40/ West 38th Coll 454-2580 4 5 ____________________ ___ 3-2 SU M M ER spacious, walk to campus, one block from W C shuttle, great for 5 4/6 1117 4 ___________ 5 - AVAILABLE N O W ' Large efficiency $ep erote living and bedrooms, 'E shuttle close to Speedway, 458-7096, 454 2016 4 4 Intramural Fields 45th and 2100 Rio H U G f N ICE effvienr y Grande $325 Carpet fun loundry Quiet nonsmokers only 478 8900 4 8 reilmg QUIET COMPLEX covered parking, 5022 4 17 all bills paid, walk fo bus pool 477 390 — Unf. Duplexes NICF 2 1 Excellent north centrallocation on Shoal Creer $500 monthly f de posit Call 472 6100 4 5 FOR RFNT newly renovoted large du- plex 2BR West ?lst, ’? block from campus $800 478 0885 457 4564 4 - 5 _ _____ ___ 3205 GUADALUPE 4 moms on first in­ IBR, stove refrigerator $495 floo* cluding utilities May 1 458-6537 or 266-1664 4-10_________________________ UN FURN ISH ED DUPLEX North Loop, nice 2 1, new oppbances, W /D connections, carport, CA/CH conven­ ient to UT, City bus, $ 4 0 '1 available 5 1- 85 467 9276 4-17 370 — Unf. Apts. 5 ' O STENTATIOUS LARGE IBR ground floor, double walk in closets swimming pool. ABP except E 400 West 35th Se ruritv deposit $150, rent $360/mo till M ay 31 jt 5 3 4991 4 V} NEAR UT, 1107 West 22nd IBP room and study Big kitchen with stove and refridgerator N o AC, no pets All utilities paid One occupant $390 plus deposit 397-2576 4 12 living 4-19 River Hollow Apts. Featuring EFFICIENCIES 1 & 2BRs, storting os low as $28 5 S P E ' IAL, ? off first month's ont O n shuttle bus off Riverside Loundry, pools, and security fence 441 3042 U N FU RN ISH ED EFFICIENCY oportment $2'75 plus electricity located near 111 4 74 6330 4-16 ____________________ NICE OLDER oportment, hardwood foors ceiling fans, fireplace Five minute walk D ' 788 5108 or 4/9 6640 even mgs/weekends. 4-9 No Flossies! Don't hassle with buses or parking. Live close to cam ­ pus. 1 1, $295 summer rate. Call Steve, 480-8560 5-3 2510 Elmont 4-2? W alk to Campus WATERFORD 2401 Leon St reet Sub-lease Available June 1, 1985 with new lease thru July 31,1986 Luxury-Unfurnished Units 9 7 0 sq ft 2 2, 2 ? with loft some with fireplace 477-3143 1 I in quaint complex Lots of trees, pool, nice neighbors Now leasing for summer. $260 Call 478 3518 5-3 2514 Pearl New, 1 BR Apts Ceilng fans, profession­ ally decorated, small complex $350 plus F. Call 477 0 / 0 ? 4-5 RENTAL 3 6 0 — Furn. Apts. W a lk one block UT north by law school and Eastwoods Park la r g e re» modeled 2 story 2 bedroom, 1 bath Large rooms and closets. Complete kitchen, CA/CH, three brass ceiling fans laundry facility, covered porch $59 5 459 9095. 5-6 Beautifully remodeled 2 bed room, 1 bath near UT Intramural Fields CA/CH, 3 brass ceiling fans, laundry facility, covered parking, privacy fenced yard, Dig rooms, complete kitchen. $550. 459 9095 5 6 Beautifully restored 65 year old du plex home 2 bedroom, 1 both refm ished w o o d flop's, tall ceilings, three brass ceilmg fans, fancy stained wain seating, bar counter, leg tub with shower, co vered porch plus addi tionol p nvacy fenced porch with con- vased awning, CA/CH, modern kitch­ en 1 block to shuttle bus near Hancock Center $595 459-9095 5-6 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ W o o d lan d s II Condominiums Affordable luxury living at adordoble pares ! and 2 bedrooms from $37“. AH amenities hot tub, large beautiful pool, ceiling fans mi- - rowoves, near UT shuttle routes Call Ja n e at 443-5451 2 5 0 0 Burleson Road C I Reeves Real Eslate 4 yj ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ NEAR HANCOCK CENTER Centrally located luxury condo­ miniums 1-1, appliances, $355, Arch Properties 467-2377. 4 12 RENTAL 370 — Unf. Apts. ¿T & T 'h '& f* w Y É f í / T & Y * w f l & f v T ' PORTO ESPAÑOL APARTMENTS 5820 Berkm an A P A R T M E N T S A Lifestyle designed to fit the Discriminating Student. * Fully Furnished/Unfurnished Apartments * Elevator Service/Intercom System ^Uniformed Security/Parking Garage * Fu 11 Laundry Fac ilitie^ *Maid Service Every Floor ‘ Large Pool/Rooftop Sundec k *Six Floorplans to Choose From 801 W . 24th Austin, Texas 78705 or c all 476-7636 O nlv í Blot ks I rotn ( jm p u s Call or come by for your lour Today / murtf/i Free maid sorv i • with thi'i ad EFF.&1-2-3-4 BDRM. APARTMENTS PRE-LEASING FOR SUMMER AND FALL FURNISHED & UNFURNISHED STARTING AT $300.00 RIVERSIDE AREA, SHUTTLE BUS, POOL, MODERN, SPACIOUS TREES & GARDENS 11 FLOORPLANS POINT SOUTH APTS. BRIDGEH0LL0W APTS. 4 4 4 -7 5 3 6 2200 W I L L O W C R E E K 4 4 4 -6 7 5 7 1910 W I L L O W C H E E K RENTA L 370 — Unf. Apts. D U V A L V I L L A In Hyde Park Pre-Leasing For Summer & Fall • Spacious Floorplans • L arg e Pool • H ot Tubs and Redwood Decks • Se c u rity Gates • C onvenient to S h u ttle • 1 and 2 bedrooms S p e c ia l S u m m e r R a t e s A v a ila b le A lso P r e - L e a s i n g F o r F all Open Sat. 10-4 4 3 0 5 D u v a l 4 5 1 - 2 3 4 3 •"■"«ITW est C a m p u s Luxury P r e -L e a s in g NOW for S u m m er & Fall • Ex tra Large Pool w ith S u n d e ck S p a c io u s Flo o rp la n s • A ll N e w A p p lia n ces • B a rb e q u e A re a s H ot Tub C onvenient to C am pus Camino Real: Condo style at a pnce you can afford Make an appoint­ ment to see Camino Real soon and find out about our special Summer' Fall rates. Available for a limited time only. Cruttttto Afr&itoieHtA 2810 Salado 472-3816 U.T. A R E A A P A R T M E N T S O N SHUTTLE BUS ROUTE FU R N ISH E D a n d U N F U R N ISH E D l l ’s $325 to $375 4 E V . • PO O L • C E ILIN G FANS • LAUNDRY FA C ILITIES • HEAT AIR C O N D IT IO N IN G • W/W CARPET • WATER/GAS PAID • EA SY A C C ESS TO IH 35 AN D M O PA C • O N SITE M A N A G E M EN T AND M A IN TEN A N C E 3704 S P E E D W A Y E L C ID 472-4893 309 W E S T 39TH E L C A M P O 452-8537 401 W E S T 39TH L A P A Z 451 4255 3501 S P E E D W A Y E L D O R A D O 472-4893 P ro fe s sio n a lly M a n a g e d By JOHNSTON PROPERTIES INC / RENTAL 370 — Unf. Apts. J 4 I A M 1 G G 4 5 0 5 D U V A L 4 5 4 - 4 7 9 9 NOW PRELEASING FOR SUMMER AND FALL • Reduced Sum m er Rates • Newly Remodeled • Pool • Gym • Recreation Room • On CR/IF Shuttles • EfT., One, Two Bedrooms and Townhouse Units Call or Come By Today! f • Unfurnished • Quiet atmosphere • Near CR shuttle and shopping • 1 bedroom, $300 + electricity • 2 bedrooms, $395 4- electricity • Gas cooking, heating and hot water Call: 453-2652 Dellwood Area Starr Property Management - t e * . G A R D EN G ATE APARTMENTS NOW ACCEPTING LEASE APPLICATIONS FOR SUMMER & FALL A JV - O * c> e * • V • ¿ C T L uxu ry IB R F u rn ish e d 2222 Rio Grande 476-4992 Irongate Apartments 1225 Westheimer Dr. Austin, Texas 78752 From $360 Gas Appliance • Gas Heating • Dead Bolt Locks • Cable Access • Gas Fireplace • Private Patio • Gas Paid • Delayed Deposit • Front Door Parking • Townhomes Nancy & Paul Richburg Managers 454-2636 • Now Leasing for Summer & Fall Lease Now! Estrada Apartments offers the best of all worlds — Convenience— the first stop on the NR shuttle route gives you the pleasure of first in first out service Floorplans for every lifestyle — ch o o se from studios, lofts, one, tw o, and three1 b ed ro o m s This and more on a Student Budget - loc ated ac ross from to w n I ake, wc also offer jogging trails, sw im m ing Amenities — lots of extras c ome with every apartment, large spacious rooms, walk-in closets, dishwasher, disposal, & fireplace available in one and two bedroom units A sk A b out our O n e Year Special! pools and sailing GET AHEAD OF THE CROWD! CALL NOW TO RESERVE YOUR APARTMENT. 442-6668 /Afk ESTRADA 1 8 0 1 S L . i k r t s h o i e B'./< l 2100 SA N G A B RIEL 2-l’9 3 brass ceil tag fans brass plumbing fixtures, mi crowave. fireplace Walk to campus $625/mo 32/ 5 '6 7 nights and weekends 5 2 T W O BED R O O M one bath condo close to campus available for lease summer 1985 Coll 495 9529 4-22____________ THF POINTE Huge 2 2 condo accom dates four On shuttle Security Poo1 lacuz/i Laundry Microwave Available summer faH 250 0076 4 22 LUXURY C O N D O for summer lease > 2 secunty parking microwave, W /D pool, spa Walking distance from tamp is Call 495 2346 or 495 5244 4 4 LUXURY C O N D O M IN U M 4 blocks west of UT 2 bedrooms, fireplace, deck, mi crowave, ceiliog fan, W /D 255 1956 4 2 5 _________________________________ SUM M ER SC H O O L? lease now 2 2 lux ury condo brand new, west campus All amenities $200 off FaH price 495 3587 495 2931_ 4 11 _________ 3 2, 1600 soft, 2-story condo South club pool, fans $595 • deposit Call 445 8195 1-237 4967 after 5 4 5 S PACIO US 2 2 condo for summe- com pletely furnished and all appliances 28th and Nueces Pool, |ocuzzi two cov ered parking spaces $700 Rick 4 76 3124 4J>____ __ _______________ ___ W AN T RESPONSIBLF girls to share hit mshed 2BR 1BA condo at 281(1 Nueces #203 for summer Rent $675 plus bills Secunty deposit required 480 8149 345 4817 4-5 FEMALE RO O M M ATES wonted (or sum mer, furnished W /D microwave *8 and Speedway 467 7771 4 8 FURNISHED HYDF Park Oaks condo IBR Microwave balcony Availoble for 85 86 schor*' year and/or summer 85. 479 0 140 4 8 fireploce mmiblinds FURNISHED C O N D O , mid M ay move m. 2BR 1BA, holds three pool, security Law School locale 47? 2468 4 5 LARGE 2 2 C O N D O on shuttle near campus Large closets mirrow a v “ security gates pool! Great price! Coll 4/2 4805 4 9 2605 ENFIELD 2BR, 1 year old Five mm utes to Lake Austin 10 minutes to UT $725 472 2267, 478 4265 4-9 18th AN D LAVACA 2 extra large bed rooms 1 BA, large living room, good view of Tower Kitchen, all appliances dining area, covered parking, partially furnished, pool, hot tub, ovailable (or Summer Elevator. $700 include* all bills including AC 345-2375 4 8 FREE RENT, month Luxury tonda on Riverside $450 339 9492, 45? 0111, leave message, Ken/Cookie 4 9 CROIX 3BR/3BA condo for lease Sum mer only. Larry Roden 477-1312, 345- 8977 4-10 N UEC ES CO RN ER cando, microwave, jacuzzi, new paint and carpet 1-1 close cgmpl” I Call 47/ 8 6 /8 4 1/ PARAPET C O N D O summer lease. 2 2 furnished near campus/shuttle Washer/ Dryer, ceiling fan, balconies. 476-2710. 4-8 DUVAL VILLA • In Hyde Park Area • 2 B R . 2 B A • Spacious Floe«rpi in- • IvtriJe Pool • Hot Tub- • fiecurity Gates • Convenient to Shuttle Special Sommer Rates Available Pre-Leasing For Fall 4305 Dtrval Street 451-2343 Pre lease for fall Luxurious 2BR, 2BA, Enfield Rd condo with wetbar, W /D , ceiling fans, m icrowave, 2 patios Com plex amenities include hot tub, sauna, pool, weight room, secured underground parking & televideo »n try system $ 98 0 o month 2BR, IB A availab le for $ 6 9 0 Investor's Realty. 472-3686, 450-1014 435 — C o -o p s FRENCH H O U SE Co-op welcomes new Extremely ow members (or summer rents Food included Contact Tina 2ie gle- n o West 21st. 478 6586 4 10 440 — Room m ates NEED A compatible roommate? Sove time and effort *nfh professional assist nncr* For North South, coll Alnon, Apart ment Selector, 451-2495. Application fee 4 8 RO O M M ATE "EXC H A N G E Need a roommate and/or housing? Attend the RO O M M ATE EX CH AN G E Texas Union Ballroom, April 9, 7 9 30pm 4 9 FEMALE UT student needs some to share 2 2 mobile home (14 X 6 5 1 $180 pe- month plus 2 Exits Details, 459-2211. 4-5 FFM A IF W AN TED to share 2BR condo jwith three Other girls CR shuttle Securi ty Pool $250/month - *» utilities Coil 47*’ 1357.4-4 _______________________ T W O SORORITY girts need two room mates for first or both summer terms 2BR 2BA west campus $175 per month and 4 utilities 478-4248 4 4 LO O K IN G FOR single parent, children prefered to shore living expenses 477- 1107 after 7-30pm. 4-4 FEMALE RO O M M A TE needed Fill/ Spring W est Campus condo $250 • 7} bills Koty, 478-5137 M r'oung. fun, and grad» consc ous FEM ALE N O N S M O K E R roommate needed for summer West compus 28R 2BA, furnished, $270 * Vi F Frances, 476 5049 4 4 4 BLO CKS FRO M campus! W C *>i/tfle stop $162 50 ; Vi bills Non smoking female. 4/2 4085 Mor i j 4 4_______ N O N S M O K IN G FEMALE graduate stu dent, share newly painted carpeted 2 I beginning 6-1-85 or 7-1-85 house, _ 467 8878 4-5 _ _ _ _ _ TIRED O F surprises? Quality person being sought to share furnished 3 2 ; Tarrytown house Private room, pool, jocuMi, security system, other amenities Available 4 1 $450 ALL bills poid 472- 1240 4-4__________________ _ FEMALE RO O M M A TE needed for 2 1 apartment On CR route $233/mo Call after 9pm. 454 3901.4-5 AVAILABLE N O W 111 Need nonsmoking roommate for summer in nice 2-1 house on bills; garage, mi­ crowave. air fenced yard Discount tor April and M ay, 459-928 7 4 5 IE, $164 t F EM A lFisi W A N T ED to shore 2RR 2 BA, west campus, $260/130 month Summer only Call 476-4021 4-5 FEMALE RO O M M ATE to share duplex near campus. Hardwood floors, porch swing, fireplace and other amenities $200/month plus VS utilities. Prefer graduate student, non-smoker. 478- 7 02 ? 4 5______________________________ RO O M M ATE W A N T ED (or spacious 7 / condo Includes aft appliances, pool, lacuzzi fireplace $350 * '-9 biHs Rick 476-3124. 4-5 _____ J145/M O all bills po*d awn bedroom fully furnished VCR Call before 5 00, Robert 445-7408 4-8 HO USEM ATE W ANTED , 3BR iViBA, fur mshed, no smokers, very quiet neighborhood near /ilker Pork $300/ mo ABP 443-5505 after 5pm 4-8 RO OMMATE, professional/ FEMALE grad, 3-2 near Zitker Pork, $210 plus !-3 bills 443 0275 4 5 ____________ N EED G O O D person for great 28R I l i B A Furnished spacious, SR RC $450 total throughjune 440 8460 4 8 THREE W O M E N looking for non-smok tng responsible female housemate to share large house in West campus areo Rent $200 plus ’/4 bills Available now, call 478-1340 4-8. _ T W O N O N S M O K IN G females needed to shore 2-2 condo for summer and/or fall/spring Washer dryer, microwcive fireplace. On IF shuttle Cyndie, 459- 3920 4-17_____________________________ RESPON SIBLE LIBERA! Mmole needed immedately 3BR/7BA house, $245/ mo. + Vi utilities. $150 deposit. Ave C, call 4 j ! 6305 4 8 MALE G RA D student to share great 2 1 duplex 3 blocks north of Low School $300/mo. t Vi utilities 478 8568, 480- 8513. Open May-End. 4-5 furnished 2-1 duplex FEMALE N O N S M O K E R to share beaufl ful, location May-end. 478-8568 after 6pm. 4-12 Excellent $300/mo - 9 utilities Open F o r R e n t: F u rn is h e d 2/1 St T h o m a s C o n d o m in iu m W / D , mi c r o w a v e , p o o l, h o t tub, se cu rity, a n d c o v e r e d p a r k in g F o r le a s e su m m e r o r fall. S u m m e r rates $ 6 0 0 / m o n t h . C o ll Jim 4 7 4 8 5 9 9 . 4-9 le a s e in the best location next Fall S E T O N AVE N U E C E S P L A C E • PAR APET B U E N A VISTA S T O N E S T H R O W Call 474-5659 today. 4-23 PO O M ATE N EED ED for summer River side townhome, $225 month. Pool, jacuzzi. Mark, 385-6766. 4-5 MATURE N O N S M O K E R for summer to share large 2BR, 2BA on If shuttle $165/ month + V i bills Ed. 452-1715. 4-5 RO O M ATE W A N T ED to shore 2-1 house in TRavis Hieghts. $225 - Util. 443 2695. N o tobacco please 4-9 FEMALE G RA D preferred for large 2-2 apartment Available now, Apnl, or M ay $212 50 * ’9 E 442-1230 4-10 C O O L FEMALE roommate needed Sum­ mer and Fall semesters 2-1 duplex, floors, great location on CR hardwood shuttle $300/mo Call 476-7472. 4 10 H U R R Y N O W F O R S U M M E R 4-12 Fun fem ale roommate needed for lux ury condo on W C . $300/mo. Don t miss out—call 713-688 0 65 5 ext 70 4 1 0 — Furn. H o u se s collect Julie 4-22 W ALK TO UT Hemphill Park Professor's beautiful old home, fully furnished, May 1 1985 to mid Aug 1986 4BR, 2 studies huge garden, sportcourt $1000 Foruity or very responsible graduate students 474 7412. 4-5 ► 420 — Unf. H ou se s HYDE PARK Neor shuttle 2-1, freshly pointed, appliances, ceiling fans $465 plus utilities N o dogs West World Real Estate 451 812? 4 16__________________ HYDE PARK 2-1, range, refridgerator, dishwasher. Ceiling fons, AC, fireploce, tile carpet, hardwood floors N o dogs $590 451-8122, West W odd Real Es­ tate 4-16 NEAR CROCKETT H.gh School, 3-1 stove, carport, fenced yard, w/d hookups $500 month, $300 deposit 288-0233 4-25 __ _ YUPPIES/GRAD students summer rates $650 North of 183 off Burnet Wells Branch, 2 BR. 2BA, separate master suites, draperies, 2 car garage electnc opener, fenced yard, fireplace, fans, community tennis court and pool. 345 _ 2375 4 8 _ 425 — Rooms HYDE PARK, largo private room Big house 2 BA, 2 kitchens Ceiling fans, hardwood floors, newly remodeled 2 blocks to shuttle $295 Linda, 836- 7881 339-1177 4-5_________________ FEMALE SHARE furnished duplex $300, oil utilities p °'d Neor Barton Springs Summer lease 445-7549 after 5 30 4 ________________________ 26 435 — Co-ops room GRADUATE NON-smoker Your own huge in comfortable house Unbelievably close Nme people No pels 472-5646, 474-2002 4-25 N E W GUILD CO-OP has male/iemaie vacancies for summer Close to campus all bills paid Come by 510 West 23rd or call 472-0352 (or information 4 16 Laurel House Co-op for sum­ mer/fall, coed, 2 blocks from campus, student managed, low rates include all of utilities (A/C), 19 great meals per week and access to pool and sundeck Stop by 1905 Nueces for appli­ cation and tour 478-0470, 476-5678 4-4 Taos Co-op Looking for great housing? Taos is a fnendly coed community across from campus AC, 19 meals a week, full se cunty, sundeck, and mtramurol teams Tours availab le anytime Come by and apply! Summer rates single, $329/m o double, $249/m o 2612 G u adalup e 474-6905, 476-5678 BUY, SELL, RENT, TRADE... WANT ADS... 471-5244 5 0 0 — Misc. SHARE-A-Home Satisfy your housing needs 282-0364 4-5 A N N O U N C E M E N T S 510 Entertainment- Tickets H A ll AN D O ATES tickets 1st row $45 each Call Tom at 495-3913 Afternoon or night 4-4 EDDIE MURPHY, front floor rows 6 17 sections 1, 2, 3. $50-70 Gary, 472- 8312 4 5 [ ★ ★ * ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ TICKETS ★ A IL CONCERTS 472-7896 CRAIG 540 — Lost & Found LOST gold bracelet REW ARD inches, three serpentine strands braided together Please coll Chnsn 495 5645 4-5____________________________________ Five LOST SMALL black cat with brown collar Rio Grande and 26th Coll Libbi 474- 2214 or 451-9321 4-5__________________ 560 — Public Notice N O T IC E O F IN T E N T IO N T O IN C O R P O R A T E Notice is hereby given that Ja p a n In­ formation Service, whose principal p lace of business is at 3013 Yellow Pine Terrace, Austin Travis C o Tx , intends, on or before M arch 26 1985, to becom e incorporated with­ out a change of name Dated- M arch 20,1985 T. Satoh ow n er 4-4 Lose Weight Without Willpower! Call 452-3302 From 9 :0 0 a.m. til 3:0 0 p m. M o n d a y Thru Friday You W ill Love This! 4-17 EDUCATIONAL 580 Musical Instruction 4-5 PRIVATE MUSIC instruction n voice, pi­ ano and music theory -beginning thru advanced 328-2822 4-23 GUITAR LESSO N S blues, rock, R & B country teacher fairest rates Andy Bullmgton 452-6181 4-30 Expensnced |azz W A N T A D S . . . 471-5244 Í EDUCATIONAL EDUCATIONAL SERVICES SERVICES SERVICES SERVlf FS EMPLOYMENT 590 — Tutoring 590 — Tutoring 7 5 0 - T y p in g 750 T y p in g 750 — Typing 760 — Misc. Services 790 Par» Time 790 PoH Time 790 Part Time / í e /a r i / ' 1' jrv J a y .A p r 4 1985/Page 1 ^ EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT M A T H T U T O R 504 W. 24th St. Office 477-7003 Over 9 years of prates tional service helping students make fHE URADE Struggling^’ frustrated on CaW or come by for ap­ pointment tests” i t COMP SCIENCE ENGIN EM306 EM311 EM306S EM314 6 M319 EE316 EE411 EE318 EE212 EE323 ENGLISH MATH M30R302 w TERMS CS304PF M303F CS206 M403K.L CS315 M316K/L CS410 M305G CS410 M407 M808A/B CS328 M 608FA8 CS336 CS345 M318K CS352 M427KL CS372 M311 CHEMISTRY ENG603 PHYSICS PHY301 CHEM301 302ENG307 PHY302K/L CH6M610A B ENG 308 PHY303K/L CHEM618AR ENG310 PHY327K/L 9USINFSS ASTRON DATA PRO ACC311312 AST301 ACC326'327 AST302 OP A310 AST 303 D P A Z W * ACC364 AST30/ STAT309 ECO FRENCH PSY317 ECO302 GERMAN ECO303 SCX-317 ECO320K1 SPANISH EC0324 Don’t put tNa atf until tt$e rig h t before an exam I s too tele then * 1 Stock to ITT •Free Parking • Vary reaaonabie ra ta* Atao high achoof couraaa in the above su bject* and SAT A ORF Review *Lotw o f patience »ln a language you can understand Next door to Mad Dog & Beans B iu e b o n n e t > <¡n 1 Plaza , 1 5 [xl ! ■ ORE PREP P elieve o n x ie ty R eview a r a d e m irs l e o r r BURGER KING 2707 HEMPHILL PARK At 27th & Guadalupe Plenty of Parking 4 7 2 - 3 2 1 0 4 7 2 - 7 6 7 7 'M TUTORING SERVICE SOUTH UICST SERVICES WORD PROCESSING 4 5 1 0 5 2 3 f a s t A f k c w r o t * M d w p / f t o H v c r v X W O R D 'S W O R T H w h e n it --os to d o n e c o rre c tly Rush |obs a spe cia lity 2 01A Tr, T owers 4 7 8 1126 4 9 a m r a m t L A , 6* j a * c, TU T O R IN G N E E D h e lp w ith English P a­ pers, R esearch p a p e rs o r resum e com p o s itio n Techniques ta u g h t C all 4 7 8 - 8 3 3 5 M E, 8a m 6 pm 4 8 Q U A L IT Y E N G LIS H tu to r PhD A tu to r w ith b ra in s re a lly m akes a d ifW e n c e 1 A n y English assignm ent 4 6 / 2 3 8 3 4 34 M A T H , PHYSICS tu to rin g Ten years e« p e n e n c e as TA A l 9 9 4 5 4 5 2 3 6 1 8 b e fo re 5 0 0 4 18 tu to r G re g , 4 5 4 C O M P U T E R TU TO R a n d C O N S U L r A N T , 14 C o b o l, $ 8 / h r A l K ram er, 4 / 7 - 3 9 2 2 F o rtra n e x p e rie n c e y e a rs Basic 4 3 0 RESUMES • COVER LETTERS FREE STORAGE 7 D a ys ^ W e e k . | “Vexa Hee & 454-1532 REAL ESTATE SALES 130 — Condos-Townhouses c C r * V * J 00 P9 iettet Q uoF . 5 ;' t ñg Word Sror or Word MARC 5CX pg rk xi ft Deliver, oriío m o u s ♦ FREE * SPEEDWAY TYPING 3701 Speedway O'Nighf/SuperRush 472-4039 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ A TYPIN G , IN C LU D E S rmh, spelling, a tio n PR THESIS EXPFRT Pat a m o r/ rson. R /- 4 6 7 - 0 1 6 7 le n d e rs o r ,5th) 4 9 ATT A m o C all 185 paper- 5 0 8 0 r M E L IN D A S PR O F FSSIO N AL D is s e r ta tio n s , U n lim ite d sionals O p e n until m id n ig h t UT 4 / 8 7184 4 2 9 th e s e s , PRs service fo r student- s p e llin g , T Y P IN G /P R O O F IN G N O N P A R Ell sh o r in g , h o n o rs p ro v e peenessness Joe (h onors) M Ed 4 77 3 6 8 4 4 2 9 la n g u a g e , thesis, TY P IN G SERVICE ports, etc $1 p e r p a q e C a ll H elen 5 4 1 5 , 12 ye a rs p ro fe s s io n a l e x p e 4_5 ____________ resum í ' p a p e rs resum es East, > T Y P IN G R ESEARCH d issertations, re a s o n a b le o n e d a y ' a v a ila b le C o rre c t m g S electric 4 4 1 - 1 8 9 3 .5 -3 A N Y T H IN G TYPED S outh F rom $1 2 0 / p a g e , a c c u ra te a n d p ro fe s s io n a l 4 4 4 5 9 2 8 p m., o r le a ve m essage a n y tim e 4 2 9 In t e l l i g e n t p r o f e s s i o n a l co m p u te riz e d te x t p rocessing English assistance (spelling, p u n c tu a tio n g ra m m a r) Beauti fu l results g e t h ig h e r g ra d e s C re a tive Services, 2 4 2 0 G u a d a lu p e 4 78 3 6 3 3 5 - 3 _______ ____________________ W O R D PR O C E S S IN G b y U T se cre ta ry A n y size p ro je c t w e lc o m e U m versity/R iv ers id e a re a s From $1 5 0 /p o g e V irg in ia , 4 4 2 7 5 8 0 4 10 EXPERIENCED TYPIST proce ssin g Fast a n d L o c a te d N o rth Austin N a n c y 5 3 y p m g /W o r d to s o n a b le rates C a ll 2 5 5 7 4 2 0 . 760 — Misc. Services TEC H N IC AL W R IT IN G fo r p ro fe ssio n a l rep o rts. C oll 4 5 8 - 1 7 4 0 4 4 PHOTOS for PASSPORTS APPLICATIONS RESUMES 3 minute service M O N -F R I9 -6 SAT 1 0 -2 4 7 7 -5 5 5 5 k . 2532 Guadalupe i-. A il A p p lic a n ts e lifp b le fo r n $50 d ra w in g to be held on A p r il 15, 1985. No matter what type of work you prefer, Capitoi Temporar íes ha» the job for you! Work when you want, where you want. APPLY NOW FOR SPRIXD BREAK Sr SUMMER JOBS 328-4700 3355 Bee Cave Road, Suite 404 7 9 0 P a r t T im e RUNNER N ttD E D In d o w n t o w n r e a l e s ta te o ffic e E n e rg e tic , d e p e n d a b le , p r o a n d n e a t a p p e a r a n c e ; 3 0 h o u rs •veek 12 3 0 6 , 3 0 p .m Call 472-4171 A Luxury Condom inium W ith Everything, including 103 Years O f History. Twenty-six exclusive condom inum residences w ith a prestigious w est cam pus address, heated pool, w hirlpool spa and m onitored security sys­ tems. F eaturing fireplace h earth s w hich have been painstakingly crafted using bricks from I he U niversity of Texas' first M ain Building. In the new Old Main C ondom inium s, no detail has been overlooked. W e've even built-in a "past" on w hich you can build a future. O L D M A I N 8()7 W. 2 5 th A u s tin , Texas 787()5 (512) 472-861 )5 Available A ugu st 15, 1985. .■.■■— ■i RESERVED for the top .072% of your class. OFF MS SHUTTLE AT ACC STOP ON 12th and Nueces R E S U M E S • W o rd Processing • Pick Up/Delivery • Free Edit Copy • Disk Storage • Computer Spelling Check Please call for hours dunng weekends ond evenings 479 8027 NETWORK ENT. 2813 Rio G ro n d e <*204 ' V e t a l e e a 20 V K M tS O F I M .-VI t - V P I - K l t M t WORD PROCESSING XEROX 8 6 0 « S T O R A G Í ETC 4 5 4 - 1 5 3 2 W it h I s. ^ m i re # I 51 2 £ 3 8 ’ q ( O ft O u y iill . 7 D a y * * W » « k ¡ WOODS TYPINGS I (W ORD PROCESSING ! 4 7 2 -6 3 0 2 . • 2200 Guadalupe (side) j j IV hf»n Y o u W o n t It D o n e R ig h r * I _______________________ ____________ EXPERIENCE C O U N T S ! Thesis disserto •ions p ro fe ssir.n o l re p o rts etc lypecl G r a d u ó te school q u a lity g u a ra n te e d N o r th B a rb a ra Tullos, 4 5 3 512» 4-1T W O R D $ 1 5 0 / I'R O C E S S IN G /ty p m q p a g e Rushes w e lco m e . C a n d ic e 451- P R O F E S S IO N A L TY P IN G p a p e r , etr $ 4 0 p e r p a g e C ull K ay 4 4 5 - 0 1 0 8 4 -1 7 ________________ re p o rts t e r n K AT H E'S W O R D p rocessing Legal, p r o ­ fessional, thesis, d issertation, etc Rea so n a b le otes p ro m p t s e rv í e / 8 Í 6 1 3 9 __ ______ _______ 4 -1 9 PATTY'S W O R D P rocessing. Term p a p e rs p ro fe ssio n a l re p o rt! dissertations Pick u p rush service u n til 11pm 3 4 5 - 4 2 6 9 5 -3 . Ask about our $10 tutoring special! opposite I hl I 908 W, 23rd TYPING ★ RESUMES * COPYING SATISFACTION ★ EXPERIENCE lE M A R K FTFR S N E E D E D to take que st fo r irte ra tu re w ritte n b y C h ittlw r i rn ych o lo Q ist $ 4 5 0 /h r CaW Je n n ife r fro m 8 5 o r Teresa b o m 5 9 a» 4 5 0 - 0 5 8 ? 4 J O K S E Y ELECTED M A Y O R a n d m a k e $ 4 2 5 /h r P aid i l l F rankim 4 8 2 0 8 3 3 4 4 BA S C p ro g ra m e o n PCs S 6 /h r mg, m in a >8 0 9 9 5 $ 3 50> m 4 4 le to ty p e u n snum e ous m o r 6 irm y 4 8 ■nmedrate o p e n in g fo r a & w o rk w e ll w ith oth e rs ■os** a p p ly a t A tla s W est hale A/esf' 4 2 3 1 A ir p o r t w eek 4 8 $ 4 / \ M ! M o n te s ►culum & o f A u g u st $ 4 / 3e r to g a lio j 3 4 1 4 e a d y t tate 4 .a rg e d o w n to w r e tia b le c o r & be E m o rn in g , S horv 4 7 6 d e p e n d a b le h a n n e r W e a re lo o k in g to* w o rk e r. Please opp*v 8e<~ W h ite EO F 4 2 4 800 G e n era l Help W anted iSESF ¡beon V H IR IN G , S *6 S 3 0 .0 0 0 1 H o w o n , W o r ld C o ll f o r to ry , n e w sle tte r 9 1 6 - 9 4 4 4 4 4 4 X t TEXAU S N C RUISE 4 3 0 a i r l i n e ? $ 4 $ 3 9 0 0 0 * H IR IN G Reserv g u id e c 4 4 4 4 X I W o r ld w id e 1 ■Rectory, •“vew sletter JTEXAUS1flN A lR 4 - 3 0 >doble p e f iio r to d e a r : n d a y do y tim e o n ly o w n p e r w e e k Rotse* Dd w o He M u st n ove rlOVk ' A ustin S vendors Storf 4 4 0 - 8 7 7 7 4 A P A R T M E N T Hon b e g in s > a p o rtm e rrt m T-y $ 7 5 O A ustin, 7 8 7 6 C A FETER AIA the 178-17; 1th B o o tilltc vest * catw H E L P W A N T E D fo in g a n d c a te n n g preferred, tram to es, d e p e n d a b ility 5 2 8 9 4 -8 fiq h k m d V illo q e 4 ' ulaW e ^ o g e < A n to n ,r%. rie e d e o ímmedKJtedy a fte rn o o n • 4 4 2 -6 1 6 5 4 10 o v o iio b le ¿ H E L L O * S r r T J I > E N T S ’ P U B tIC R E L A T iO N S a p a r t i m e E V E N IN G S J L $ 5 . 0 0 H R 4 5 0 0 3 2 1 q A P P L Y C O M M E R C E PK 5 5 5 5 N L A M A R B l O G C, SUITE 1 0 9 M AC PROGRAMMERS Need you yo u r program s Dennis Toprac 4 8 2 -0 3 8 4 M AC PROGRAMMERS CLERK " .m e d ia te p o s itio n iv a 'lo b le fo r a d a ta e n tr y c le rk . W ill w o r k o n a c o m ­ p u te r iz e d m e n u syste m H S c o m p ie - tio n s o n ly r e q u ir e m e n t W o r k in g n n a r e M o n d a y 9 o m 6 p m a n d W e d n e s d a y 9 a m 8 p m S a la r y $ 4 4 5 / h r In te r e s te d 2 C o m e in t o se e J u d y a t th e T e x a s U n io n o n c a m p u s , r o o m 4 124 The J m v e rs ity o f r e x o ' o ' A u s tin is a n E q u al O p p o rtu n ity A ffirm a tiv e A ction E m p lo y e r Hofiy Cross Hospital C linical & o ffice positions I V N V - T o w o r k in th e n e w ly e s ta b ­ lis h e d H o ly C ro ss H o s p ita l Im m e d ia te C a r e C e n te r W ill b e a s s is tin g w ith th e fu ll r a n g e o f o u t- p a tie n t im m e d ia te c a r e tre a tm e n t 3 5 h r ./w e e k p o s itio n , to w o r k 5 : 3 0 p m - 1 2 3 0 a m , M *F , o r 2 4 h r ./w e e k p o s itio n , t o w o r k 12 3 0 p m - 1 2 :3 0 a m o n S a t & S un. T e x a s L V N lic e n s u re r e q u ir e d & r a d io lo g y e x p e ­ r ie n c e p r e fe r r e d espo ¿iblp o f the H o ly Cross C o re C e nte r 3 5 'o rk fro m 5 :3 0 p m - ?4 h r./w e e k posi Receptionist— To b the cle rica l aspects H o spita l m m ediate h r./w e e k p osition, v 12 3 0 a m M*F, o r tion, to w o rk 12 3 0 p m -12 3C om on Sat & Sun H igh S cho o l e d u ca tio n ty p in g -4 0 w p m o n d a b ility to d e a l e fe ctive ly w ith pub lic re q u ire d M e d i­ co! te rm in o lo g y p re fe rre d 2600 E. MLK Austin, Tx 787 0 2 477-9811, ext. 157 R f c c s * - H u t . DELIVERY DRIVERS $10-12 per hour potential In c is s e e k in g P iz z o H u t delive ry drivers fo r o ur 1811 G uadalupe lo­ c a t i o n . A p p lic a n t' -nust o w n o uto a n d have p r o o f o f E x c e lle n t e a rn in g pote ntia l o nd b e n ­ n s u r a n c e efit*, A p p l y i n p e r s o n at: T 8 1 1 G u o d o l u p o B e t w e e n 2 - 5 i 4 7 6 - 0 6 3 1 An 49p n e a tly dressed & like to m e e t p e o p le P erfe ct to r students N o selfing in v o lv e d S 5 /h i plus bo n u ses C o ll b e tw e e n 2 & 3 * 3 0 p m 9 2 9 3 7 8 0 ask to r D a v id o r G re g . 4 5 4 -9 Furniture Store Cashier t a r g e v o lu m e ‘ u m itu re store etait nee d* a fu ll o r p o rt tim e cas h ie r to h e lp aur .pstomers a t o u r *r o n t desk r* evtous . a shier e x p e r ie n c e iie lp tu , b u t w e ¿ a n w o rk w ith a n y o n e w h o s hee rfu i w>sitive p e rs o n A fte rn o o n S e v e n .n q m u rs a v a ila b le plus S atu r- do> 'ffe r a ¿ vn petitive storting w a g e snd -non, nice Oenehts A p p li catio n s b e in g to k e n a t *Ve W e b e rg Furniture 5 6 3 9 A irp o rt Blvd. 4 5 The best company on campus comes home to St. Thomas. Located adjacent to Croix in the heart of the west campus community, St. Thomas offers unsurpassed condominium liv­ ing exclusively limited to a prestigious 36 units. Spacious one and two-bedroom floorpians fea­ ture a full range of luxury appointments. Add to that richly landscaped grounds, a courtyard fountain, heated pool and spa, secured covered parking and private balcony decks. Availability is limited and early interest is advised. First student homes will be available in August. 1984. For exceptional student living in a class by itself come discover St. Thomas. 0 W d x m i S S u rp a ssin g th e trad itio n th at began w ith C roix. 807 West 25th S t . A ustin, Texas 472-8605 A n o th e r fin e s tu d e n t community fro m B I Turlington and Associates, !ru developers of Croix Condominiums, Graham Plat* Condominums, Nueces Corner Condominiums Centennial Condominiums and Chelsea L ondominiums A M O N - T H U 7 a m - M i . PRt J SAT ▼ S U N 7 am -5 10am -3 5 p m - M i d FREE P A R K IN G 4 SERVICES 750 — Typing RENTAL 400 — Condos-Townhouses T W E L V E OAKS N E W C O N D O M I N I U M S F O R R E N T M O V E IN NOW!! A QUALITY LIFESTYLE 3 BLOCKS WEST OF CAMPUS 12 OAKS « TJ1 A W e s t 21 st L i t t l e f i e l d F o u n ta in U T 21st O o b i e NEED YOUR RESUME FAST? Call us fo r an a p p o in tm e n t and w e 'll 0 type it w h ile vou w ait. m 454-6874 5417 North Lamar 0 1 1 1 0 7 $ a J * THESES, DISSERATIONS & P.R.’s W e guarantee o u r graduate school re q u ire m e n ts. typ in g w ill m eet 454-6874 5417 North Lamar n í l H I V S ü # SERVICES 760 — Misc. Services C O N D O M I N I U M S FRE-LEASING FOR SUMMER & FALL E ighteen beau tifu lly furnished two bedroom, two b ath u n its will be av ailab le for IM M EDIATE occupancy F eatu res include pool jacuzzi. w asher & dryer, security and all o th er new condom inium am enties C all today, only a few are available. 704 W est 21 st street 495-9704 454-6633 THE RENTAL ADDRESS FOR SUCCESS EMPLOYMENT PREPARATION LEARN BARTENDING • 1 O r 2 W eek Course • D ay O r Evening • !ob Placement Assistance ... CALL N O W ! 458-6000 SPECIAL STUDENT DISCOUNTS Legai Serving Age 18 yrs o!d PROFESSIONAL BARTENDERS SCHOOL INSTANT CASH ANDBONUS f you te e d ash to h e lp yo u o u t w h ite a tte n d in g o ile q e w h y n o t d o n a te b lo o d p la s m a ? Y o u con d a y p e rio d d o n a te tw ic e n a to i the st d o n a tio n e c e iv e $ 1 0 'o r th e 2 n d d o n a tio n m o 7 tos p e rio d re c e iv e $ 1 2 Plus witk this a d yo u 'I re c e iv e o S'.1 bonus on your first visit A lso ask a b o u t bonus p ro g ra m s So H elp others w h ile h e lp in g yo u rs e lf M u st h ove v a lid ID a n d so m e p r o o f o f Aus tin re s id e n c e D r a w in g h e ld or,c€ a m o nth to r tw o $ 2 5 b o nuses C o ll 4 / 4 7 9 4 1 Austin Pfalmo Cenlw 7 8 0 0 Guodotupe Page 18/The Daily Texan Thursday. April 4. 1985 EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT BATTING Texas Baseball Statistics thru 43 games (35-8) 800 G e n era l Help W anted 800 G e n era l Help W anted 810 — Office- Clerical 810 — Office- Clerical 8 5 0 - R e t a i l 850 - Retail IN S T H U C T O * N E E D FO fo r children^ classes in soccer gymnastics, mouses Th tiz e an d b allet Afternoons Tue ^ 7 6 - 2 3 8 9 4 4 BLUE C H IP Cookfes, 6tb St needs enthu «•ostic person to lain our staff Im medfote openings, p art hme evening or full time d ay A d van cem ent possible Contact Tom 4 7 4 4 3 1 3 4 5 RENTAL A G E N T S & service agents need ed for car mental com pany Beg pay $ 4 S 5 hour For m orning &* evening shifts 4 7 6 3 5 1 9 4 1 2 W E E K E N D E M P L O Y M E N T now full hme during summer Looking fo r dep en d ab le self starter C anine Hilton, 9 2 6 8 9 0 5 4 LIFEGU A R DS B A LC O N E S W o ods p ool m N W Austin seeks exp erien ced full hme including part hme guards for summer work M a y Sept Send qualifications to Ernest W o o d 11200 S onta Cruz, Austin 7 8 7 5 9 4 10 810 — Office- Clerical N F W C A M P U S Flexible 2 0 plus hours/ week TYPIST 6 0 plus W P M W P e x p e rience p re fe rre d BOOKKEEPERS — 10 key accounting hours a n d /o r expert ence R U N N E R S must have insured reliable car, excellent driving record $ 3 5 0 $ 5 5 0 hr M ultip le skills a plus 4 7 4 2 0 0 2 5-1 PART TIM E secretarial work, som e mi C oprocessing A pply T E W ile y Co, 1 5 0 6 W est 6th b etw e e n 8 3 0 9 3 0 a m o r 4 3 0 5 3 0 p m 4 5 N E E D P ER SO N to wodc part h m e/tem p o rary posrhon M-nim um 2 0 hours with flexible schedule Duhes filing, m atching P O s and g en e ra l office w o r t For m ore inform ation call 4 5 3 3 9 1 3 N ash Copus Inc 4 5 include O FFICE A SSISTA N T need ed for state wide m ag a zin e 6 hrs w eek flexible Typing skills, some office experience helpful G r e a t learning opportunity 4 77 4164 ask for H ann o Beek 4 -8 CALL 4 7 1 - 5 2 4 4 T O PLACE A C L A SS IF IE D A D ALLIED BA NK N o rth Austin Part time tellers n eeded E xp e' pref but not neces sary Please call 3 4 6 0 6 6 0 4 15 840 — Sales TELEM ARKETING REPS M time & pm* hme, 2 weeks trainm q solary & commis sion Must have g o o n phone v o ire f r e ­ p a irin g 4 5 3 -9 6 1 3 4 10 8 5 0 — Retail FULL TIME cashiers, M F, no nights Fash ion conscious Ability to meet people See store m anager 2 -5pm , Y a n n g s UT, 2 4 0 6 G u ad a lu p e 4 24 SALES PEOPLE, ladies a p p a re l salary * g o o d opportunity for commission Dts count on purchases Good medical plan a v a ila b le A p ply in parson to store m an ag e r 2 5pm Y an n g s UT 2 4 0 6 G u o d a lu p e 4 2 4 TUESDAY ^ ñ T u ^ tíb ^ ^ T ó p m SALES some Saturdays Salary S an fo rd s Shoes 4 7 7 842 1 4 5 commission EX P E R IE N C E D ^ PART hme soles help n e e d e d for better ladies re a d y to w e a r Please call for appointm ent C razy Joe's 451 2 7 8 3 4 5 CALL 4 7 1 -5 2 4 4 TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD SAFEWAY STORES INC. Hoi immediate openings for the fol lowing positions full hme and part time ( ourtesv < lerfts (stickers), produce and plant clerks To opply for these positions please come to the Safeway Employment O fhte durmg one of the following times Mon Apfil I 3 5pm Tues April 2 9 Ham or 2 5pm W ed April 3, 9 1 lom or 2 5pm Thu*s April 4 9 Horn or 2 5pm N o appointment net*- tary Part time checker posihons are also available A pre employment tes* is required For testing interview come to the Safeway Employment Office during one of the following times Mon April 1, 10am or Ipm Tues. April 2, 4:30pm Thurs. April 4, 4 30pm N o appointment necessary Appli cants must arrive on time for testing For additional information, call 837 4228 Safeway Employment Office 8 6 '0 N Lamar #112 (In I anier Village behind Wine hell's Donuts) E O E /M /F /H V SAFEWAY STORES INC Has immediate openings for expen enced meat wrappers and meat Cutters Applicants must have own transportation tie able to work vaned shifts including weekends and “ver* ings Some travel, rate of pay based on previous experience To apply please come to the Safeway Employ men) Office during one of the follow ing times Monday April 1, 3-5pm Tuesday April 2, 9-U am or 2 5pm Wednesday April 3 9-11 or 2 5 Whursday April 4 9-11 or 2 5 N o appointments necessary Call 8 3 7 -4 2 2 8 for additional information Safeway Employment Office 8610 North Lamar #112 (In Lanier Village behind Wine hell's I lonuts) E O E /M /F/H /V 4 4 8 8 0 — P ro fe s s io n a l Í1ME preschool teaching positions FULL available, a b o v e a v e ra g e p ay scale professional environm ent A pply in per son Creative W o rld 20 2 0 D enton 8 3 7 - 8 8 2 2 4 2 9 GMSTEAKH0USE ‘908 Guadalupe Need part-time student help, 11-5 or 5-10 Free meal per shift 10-15 hrsV week is fine. Apply between 1 & 4 N o phone calls please 4-9 BANKER'S HOURS Ideal fo r students with a fte rn o o n classes Pelican's W harf is now accepting ap plications for morning food preppers Apply m person only, M F, 9-11 am. Sat. & Sun. 10am-noon Simon it Byers a Cook -i Ray rf'tf tt LSennsch R* th Bates 2b ; >enny 3b it if «ertin ss Jotinsor 3b/lf'dt W'/esmski U Vondemkamp If/d 25 24 Hodo if'dh 28 R hards O rth c 27 1*1 prg* lb AB 68 52 7 7 69 80 13 7 156 107 86 121 76 64 82 62 99 a 23 13 23 12 26 52 36 45 25 28 18 16 20 9 30 Bl 2B 38 HR 8 8 SO SB CS SAC AVG 368 36 5 364 362 3.38 3 3 6 3 2 7 3 9 8 60 «1 16 6 17 * 1 14 0 12 3 2 0 1 10 8 11 0 15 15 11 46 20 1 19 19 7 64 1 19 26 14 8 14 9 4 14 6 14 6 32 7 9 17 72 A E P O 24 2 1 164 0 11 36 2 2 ! 0 28 143 0 5 9 5 7 104 60 It 24 37 100 8 5 67 19 6 213 162 60 117 3 0 8 307 2 9 8 276 266 756 177 263 per 926 1.000 9 5 0 966 t 000 966 884 945 9 2 3 1 000 952 857 987 977 957 968 955 rotate Opponents 1336 376 1306 142 412 270 336 76 122 49 24 27 328 203 53 20 9 15 167 350 28 10 53 26 308 207 1092 439 50 1011 434 68 "Those with fewer than 25 al-bats heftfng statistics indude pitchers statistics DOUBLE PLAYS - Texas 28 Odp 35 LEFT ON F3ASF Texas 349 Odd 257 GAME WINNING RBI Richards Denny(7t 8ates{4) Wrzesinski(3) Vondernkamp(2) Uehnsch Byers. Cook Hodo Johnson, Kerim, PITCHING fV «, ivsek ■a- * tell •lengst Poehi Cook Knppner Pr- a Ruffin Phillips Harris V r: in Totals 1 5 a 2 G ST W L 0 i 1 i i 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 5 9 10 * 1 8 10 9 8 5 3 2 1 n 3 8 2 * 7 3 2 0 0 -i 6 6 7 1 0 0 IP • 1 -,‘i 63 18 v9 33 VS 50>*S 35 50 5 3*Vl 26 VS 11 •, 439 3 H 8 39 15 26 34 23 30 49 17 18 10 1 R ER 2 10 11 16 4 5 8 10 14 15 13 18 19 15 14 7 0 16 •8 12 1 ? 6 0 BB 9 1 * 3 12 26 31 23 26 19 5 1 1 1 SO CG SV SHO HR WP BK HB 1 0 ■1 0 0 0 ' 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 81 11 29 45 46 50 40 29 ¡3 2 2 i 0 2 3 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 2 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 ! 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 i 4 2 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 2 7 3 2 0 4 0 1 1 0 ERA 1 23 1 57 1 96 2 16 2 50 2 83 2 88 3 02 4 10 9 25 11.56 0 00 43 U i » D > Z 1 c n K > 4 * 0 tn 8 9 0 — C lubs- R estau ra nts PLAY TV T R IV IA IN ■ \ J H iltC Jl ■ v Weekly fro m C O - O P CAMERAS l>j JI' I XI KII MAJORING IN s n v i c i SINCE U N A Starting MONDAY April 8 in T % / W atch ■ ▼ Weekly Every Monday Morning in the Texan SIGMA PHI EPSILON OMAR AND THE HOWLERS presents and JAVELIN BOOT Street Party THURS., APRIL 4th PEARL ST. BETWEEN25th and 26th 3 pm 7 pm ALL PROCEEDS GO TO AUSTIN ASSOCIATION OF RETARDED CITIZENS Around Cam pus Burglary suspect killed by police during chase The Daily Texan/Thursday Apr 4 1985/Page 19 Around C ampus is a datty column listing Untversi ty related activities sponsored by academic depart­ ments student services and registered student or ganizattons To appear in the Around Campus column organizations must be registered with the Office of Student Activities Announcements must he submitted on the correct form by noon the day before publication to The Daity Texan office No e* ceptions wiH be made Department of Anthropology w ill present "Ayacu- <’hn Rincon de los Muertos, a video on human rights in Avat u(ho, Peru, at 1 p m Thursday in I ndergrad uate I ibrary and A i ademic C enter V) i in Texas Union 4 224 In (he meeting is open to the pub Senior < abinet w ill meet at 6 p m in Old Music Building 4 102 Please N 1 nn time, as there is a tot of Work ti' be done Division of Biological Sciences w ill present two free films at / 4) p m Thursday in I S Painter Half 3 02 This week s films are "A cid R am ," the umtrover sial film the U S. government tried to ban, and Spi dors Aggression and Mating University Chess t lu b w ill meet at 7 p.m Ihurs flail I 214 All student*, dav in Ernest I Cotkrell, !< are welcome ti > i otnc play Steve Riko I onimittee w ill hold an urgent meeting from 6 to 7 p m. Ihursdav in Texas t'nion Afro Amer ican < ulture >«im Christian Science Organization w ill meet at 6:40 p m Thursday in lexas Union Governors Room for more information iall < ,len C ope at 471 4602 International students, Iheir families and f r i e n d s are invited to a *.pe, tal show tng of "Jesus" at 7 p m Friday in Robert A Welch Mall I ww This film is sponsored by several iampus ( hrrsti.in groups Association of Astronomy Students w ill sponsor a colloquium bv Neil Tv son entitled Reflections on I ive Years of Graduate School" at 4 p m Thursday in Robert 1 ee Moore Mall 15.216A All are welcome Institute for Geophysics w ill sponsor a lecture by Hiroo Kanamori of the Seistndogual I ah of the Cali forma Institute of Technology entitled Use of Global Seismological Methods for theStudv of Volcanoes at 4:30 p m. Thursday at 4920 \ If I 4s Fransportabon will be* provided at 4 p m from O o lo g y Building 114 and return to campus at the conclusion of the seminar National C enter for Paralegal Training w ill be in­ terviewing April 11 in the Career Center. Beauford H Jester Center A1 IS. s,gn up now for an appointment Career Center w ill present a workshop, "Connect­ at I 30 p.m Thursday in ing Your Map>r with a |oh Beauford H lestet Center A223 Student Mealth Center w ill present a Methods of Contraception" class for women onlv from 2 30 to f p.m Thursday in Student Health Center 344 Over the counter and prescription methods will be dis cussed. Baptist Student ( enter invites all international stu­ dents to conversational English classes at 3 p m Thursday at 2204 S in Antonm St Delta Phi Alpha w ill meet at 7 p m in Waggoner Mall 420 All current and prospective members must itterid this meeting or call one of the of lie ers Due to a sudden outbreak of I e Corel* franca is will not hold its weekly meeting Thursday flemmingite.' Christians United for Freedom w ill show the sec- on,) halt of the videocassette on the New \ge move­ ment at 7 p rn Ihursdav iri University leaching t en ter I I 40 Witness for Peace-Gampus w ill present "D a w n of the People,'' a him about the 1080 Nicaraguan literacy crusade, at 7 4:* p.m Thursday iri Robert A Welch Hal! 2 246 A disc us sum will tollow Institute of 1 atin American Studies Students' Asso- ciation will sponsor its tilth annual conference on I at in Americ an Friday The* morning session on develop merit which will begin at 8 40 a rn., will be held in lexas I mon Board of Directors Room The afternoon session on demography and the < hurch will he held from 1 to 3 p m in Sid Richardson Mall 1 420 Baptist Student ( enter invites all students to a luncheon at 11 40 a m. Thursday at 2204 S in Antonio St Cost is one dollar and everyone is welcome Roval Order of Pythons w ill not meet Thursday since the officers turned into Scotsmen I lowever, due to the photogenic nature of the group, more ( .icfi/s photos will be taken at 6 43 p rn April 10 on the steps of the Main Building Pi Sigma Pi w ill sponsor free tutoring in lower- I’hurs division engineering classes from 7 to 10 p m day in Beauford M Jester Center A315A Iexans for I ife w ill show the film "S ile n t Scream" at 7:30 p m Thursday in lexas Union Stahrles Room Join us Pardinek, John Pendergrass and Steven ( >rme answered the burglary call at the Ac adernv Surplus Store at 603 E Ben W hite Blvd. at 1:22 a.m. Wednesdav Austin police* I t Jim Baker said an employee of a service station across the street from the Academy store called police to report he saw someone entc ring the store W hen office rs arrived, they s iw a man run from the front door of the store toward Ferrv-O l ane. Orm e attempted to stop the man bv pull­ ing his patrol car in front of him, an Austin police release stated Baker said one of the o f fic e r s shoute d for the* mart to stop, but the suspec f continued to flee-. The man then fired hi*- 45-caliber pistol at Orme from approximately 20 feet, but missed the officer. Anderson fired once at the sus­ pect from approximate!/ 75 feet with his shotgun. As the suspect raised his weapon again, Anderson fired a second time and the suspect fell to the ground. i me'gene y Medical Services pro Mounted Allen dead at the scene at I ?2 a m W ednesday. Police traced the suspect's w eap ­ o n t o th< M a r c h 13 b u r g l a r y o f I c*k Guns, 5330 Mane haca Road. Norm ( armat k, adm inistrative assistant to the í ravis 1 ounty m edi­ cal examiner, said Allen died of gunshot wounds to the head, neck, bac k and right arm Anderson has been placed on re­ stricted duty pending an investiga- tion c J ffm* shooting Strips Bloom County a CHIEF MV‘ 607 a mecm with OUR PERSONALS" EPIT0R. NÉ1 p H h iJrU . V i e r r rtoR J \ by Berke Breathed WOMAN 31 SEEKS SINCERE--'' TAKE ME 7\ j ONP 1 FRAP THAT HIS JOURNALISTIC OBJECTIVITY IS SUFFERm JUST A TAP,. / p SíM Jru C L Y \ T V 7 ' 5020 Emerald Forest ( ir< le, was fa tally shot after four Austin Police Department officers answered a in progress call eariv burglary W ednesday morning. Officers Allen Anderson, ( >rl P o lic e R eport Between 3 p.m. Tuesday and 3 p m Wednesday the University Police De partment reported the following inci­ dents: Theft: /* 1 •' *f kL" r* rf< it 7 i ' Tuesday the theft of his bicycle from the 200 block of E ast Jester Circle The bicy cfe was stolen between midnight and 7 p m. The bicycle was valued at $200 There are no suspects A UT student reported at 7 42 p.m. Tuesday the theft of another bicyc le frorr the 200 block of East Jester Circle The theft also occurred sometime between midnight and 7 p m The bicycle was val­ ued at $ 150 There are no suspects 11 Assist outside agency A Wednesday a non student was stopped in lot 67 on campus A warrant check re­ vealed that he had outstanding Depart ment of Public Safety warrants He was booked in Travis Cour ty Jail Burglary: A J 8 50 a.m Wednesday that the passenger door window of his car had been broken in lot 85 A radar detector valued at $151 was taken. The burglary occurred be­ tween 10 30 p.m Tuesday and 8 30 p m Wednesday There are no suspects Earth First! w ill hold a general meeting at 4 p.m. Thursday in Texas Union Eastwoods Room Discus sions will include the upc oming Earth I )av ac tivities University International Students Association w ill spon-ur a panel on Puerto Rico and Cuba and Their Population Impact on the U S " noon Thursday in Texas Union Building 4 224. Phi Beta ( hi w ill meet at 6:30 p.m. Thursday in University Teaching Center 3.104 The Career C enter will give tips on writing resumes Premedical Predental Association w ill meet at 7 p.m Thursday in t iniversitv Tea, hing ( enter 4 142 The Assistant Dean of Student Affairs at UT san Anto nio Medical School will speak All interested students are urged to attend. Outside 29 7 7flOW, < 1 0 0 30 24 TON C ollage C ) l o o k G u / s , <^y G iR l - \ FKIEND IG C o m iN & O V ER MERE AH'/ rr\iNVTE AND 1 tOAKT y©U To ftEHflVC. ONF 1*V4NG ~mti6ki me i s r e v o l t i n g u x y s r a d sexual-vt/ ^ N o u & H ....50 8 € c o o l , o K l vBO 8 0 ^ U P I W E A T H E R F O T O C A S T r— LEGEND ---------------- R A M [ M V d SN O W CZ3S H O W E R S ^ F LO W The forecast for Austin and vicinity Thursday calls for a sunny after­ noon with a high in the upper 80s. Southerly winds will blow at 15 to 20 Eyebeam m p h . The national forecast calls for snow in portions of the north Atlantic Coast region. Elsewhere, weather will be fair in general. IM9U - I'D LIKE W U TO M EET H AN K HE'S A HALIUCINWON OF M IN E -E V E N THOUGH HE THINK,? HE? SOME KIND OF DELW. . 00V ' F T . A H A L L U C IN A T IO N A MANIFESTATION OF A BIOLOGICAL c, \ MALFUNCTION-THEREFORE A IMMUNE. THANK G00DNE5A1 I’M Overeaters Anonymous meets at I p.m every Thursday at the C atholic Student C enter this week a special panel presentation will review the O A retreat held last weekend. Everyone is welcome M inority Student Services invites you to meet and talk with Mexican-American faculty and staff during "T he Brown Bag I unt h H our" at noon Thursday in Texas Union Afro American ( ulture Room Department of Music w ill present the Salzedo I larp Centennial < elebration, honoring the late < arlos Salzedo French harpist-teacher-composer, Thursday through Saturday. For more information call 471 7704 Innervisions of Blackness w ill rehearse at 6:30 p.m. Thursday -if University Presbyterian ( hurch Atten­ dance is mandatory m preparation of the spring con cert START will hold its weekly meeting at 5 p m. Ihursdav in the Career ( enter Be there Aloha. Women's Studies Research Seminars w ill present Jean Quataert of the University of Houston speaking on "Integrating W om en into History: A N e w Took at Industrial I tevefopment at 3 40 p m. Thursday in Batts Hall 201. Golden Key National Honor So< iety w ill meet at 1 p m. Thursday in Texas Union Building 4 224 Officer elec tions and upcoming events will be dis