Vol. 84, No. 89______________________________________ The student newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin________ 25c *)a il y T exa n increase proposal garners support Friday, February 1 1985 T uition By PAULA BLESENER Daily Texan Staff UT President Peter Flawn and UT System officials Thursday endorsed Lt. Gov. Bill H obby's proposal to triple tuition by 1987 in an effort to help decrease a projected state defi­ cit. Flawn, C hancellor Hans Mark and Board of R egents Chairm an Jon N ew ton held a p ress conference to pledge general su pp ort for the m ea­ su re, but expressed dissatisfaction with a clause that would cut into the P erm anent University Fund. U nder Hobby's proposal, tuition w ould increase to $8 per credit hour in 1986 and to $12 per credit hour in the 1987. C urrently, students at University pay $4 per credit hour. Texas is ranked low est in the cou n ­ try for resident tuition costs. Only 3 p ercent of the total cost of educating students is covered by tu ­ ition revenues, Flaw n said. If a bill following H obby's guidelines p ass­ es, it would increase the increm ent to 6 p ercen t in 1986 and 9 percent in 1987. T h e proposed increase m ay not to ad eq u ately offset b e en ou gh b u d get sh ortfalls, Flawn said. "W e (Texas) m ay n ot be able to this p o lic y ," Flaw n said. afford "T h e p roposed increases tuition m ay n ot be en o u g h b ecau se T exas sh ou ld , in m y o p in ion , also increase financial aid to n eed y s tu d e n ts ." Flaw n said settin g asid e 15 to 18 p ercen t o f the reven u e gen erated by an y tu ition hike would be ad equate to aid U n iv ersity stu d en ts. H obby said W ed n esd ay that w h ile n o sp ecific plan earm arking a p ortion o f the new ly raised revenue for financial aid has been form u lat­ ed , on e will be included in the co m ­ pleted proposal. H ob b y's m easu re also calls for h ig h er ed u cation to tighten th eir belts and op erate on 94 p ercen t o f the 1985 allocations. institu tions " T h e q u estio n is not how im port­ a n t fu n d in g is to the U niversity, but how im p ortan t the U niversity is to the s ta te ," Flawn said. W hile services and the ad m in is­ tration would be the first to feel any shortfall, the en tire U niversity will su ffer if allocations do not reach the 1985 level, Flaw n said. "I d o n 't su b scrib e to the view that you can cut the ad m inistration and supp ort program s and not hurt aca­ dem ic program s and research pro­ g ra m s," Flawn said. "1 am w orried about the sim plistic view th at aca­ dem ic program s will be untouched by cuts (in th o se p ro g ra m s)." M ark said that w hile System offi- cals su p p ort the overall proposal, they will take issu e w ith individual clauses " a s they com e u p ." O n e item exp ected to be heavily debated is the proposal to use PUF m oney for capital p u rch ases and to acquire library m aterials — areas usually covered by state app rop ria­ tions. The P erm an en t U n iv ersity Fund was expanded through P roposition 2 to cov er all UT System and Texas A& M System schools. Bond pro­ ceed s from the PUF generally are used for construction and acquiring property. U nder H ob b y's proposal, the p roceed s also would be used for library acq u isitions and sm all capital eq u ip m en t, said Gerald Hill, UT Sy stem d irector of g ov ern m ental re­ lations. W ith fu nd s for th o se areas evapo­ rated , h ig h er edu cation institu tions w ould be forced to use bond pro­ ceed s to pick up the slack, Mark said. "T h e issu e is w h eth er we ought to issu e b on d s to buy books for a lib ra ry ," M ark said. "B asically , our p osition now is that it is unw ise You sh o u ld n 't use 20-year bond s to b uy b ook s that w o n 't last 20 y e a rs ." T h e rem aining Texas public col­ leges and u n iversities b en efitin g from th e H igher Education Fund w hich is an end ow ed fund created by P roposition 2 — would be un der the sam e con strain ts. Tom S co tt, H obby's research di­ rector, said a 10-percent in crease in b on d in g capacity, w hich also wa< part of th e proposition approved in N o v e m b e r, th e s h o u ld schools enou gh revenue for capital outlays and library m aterials. a llo w "W h en looking at the base of ex­ penses in in stitutions, we m ade the judgem ent that with the impact o f the PUF, that there are item s we were paving before that m aybe we don't have to pay n o w ," Scott said. Scott said the state could save about $30 million through exp an d ­ ing the PU F's use. Flawn estim ates the U niversity could lose as much as $20 million if the PUF is expan ded, Hill said Fig­ ures for the entire L T System w ere unavailable since a formula to d eten mine each institution's share in the PUF has yet to be worked out, he said Mark said that while the proposal to be the subject of was certain much d ebate, the System would "d o w hat it ca n " to assure its pas­ sage as an appropriations bill Flawn ... supports plan to raise tuition. Bryan jury convicts ex-cadet By ROBBIE TESTER D aily Texan Staff found a form er Texas Á & M U niv er si tv Corp*- of < adets personnel offi cer guilty >f destroying evidence needed tor the investigation of the Aug. 50 hazing death of a cadet re cruit Gabriel ( uadra was gi\ en a pro bated $500 tine and a probated sen te nce ( o u n h ( ourt at ! .on Judge ( arolvn Ruffi no to decide the length of proba tion. asked Ih«• ;ur\ R u ffin o said the probation will tx d eterm ined after a p re -se n te n d n j inv estigation T he j u r <>♦ -ix w om en <:onvicte< Cuadra d eso ite o . um en ts b\ hi d efense attorney that his lient de stroved th e list, not to hide evidenc» from an investigation, hut to protec tb* reputation of die c or ps. C u ad ra, 21, from H ou ston , de stroved a d mote, ltio n a l" e x e r­ cises performed by A & M cadet re­ cruit Bruce G oo d rich , w h o died ol heatstroke after performing the e v orrises D uring cro ss-exam in atio n , C u a­ dra conced ed he destroyed the d o c­ um ent about on e hou r after an A&M police d etective asked him to produ ce the list W hile his m other sobbed and held a ro sa n in her hands ( uadra unexpectedly took the stand, testi­ fying fit destroyed the exercise list the to protect corps 'loved with all (his) heart a group he said he the reputation of Cuadra told a courtroom full o f cadets he did not destroy th e evi­ d e n c e to keep it irom l e v a s A&\1 police but only wanted to prevent falling into the the d ocu m ent from I I he state bad to prove Cuadra dt s t r o k 'd ib* lis: with IG inten tio n < impairing an i n \ estigation 1 d id n t feel th re a te n e d m te rm of what mav happen to me, ( ua dra said At tin- tim e tbt n e w - p a pers w ere c o m in g out with a thou stories, non e a sand different which w ere iru« in rm e s tim a tio n IVopU would use the list an< m -inte rp ret it ami u s e ,t to hurt th< C o r p s of Cadets " ( uadra said. Cuadra said ls-t containe< the slang language that m igh t he inter preted incorrectly if se en b\ thosi outside the corps County Viorr*e\ told Tv ¡uror- not in deliberating the verdict. Jim k u t x n i a l u-e em otion N o line savs :t ”s a d e fe n s e to , u i m e beca u - e vou w a n te d to pro tect yoi unit K u b o \ia k -aid Th< t r\ was n t tor . bout t\xo h o u rs guilts w as Alvn Mays the jury f o re m an , -aic rinding C ua dr, "th« most difficult thing 1 e v e r had to do It iii-t ‘ >rt me up Ha vs -aid A. w e n s u p p o -ed to m a k e th e d e \ how w« la - m >t tin i m :n felt IVton the Hank asked tht bated h a v e here trial Kuboviak ’m m tht put ¡shm ent p h a s e o a long witf uira - atto rn ey <■ > ge» C u a d ra a p r o be* m -e w e di y o u n g mar salvageable ■' sentenc* fo rm e r \w-M c a d e t - \nthom D Alle-sandro and !ase>n M i l e s both 21-vear-oid tumors tre*m Hous ton, and l.oui- Fancher 111, 2 0 . trorr San Antonio conducted the Aug exercises uni! will undergo a pre trial hearing at 2 50 p m Friday. The three former students in charged with criminally negligen homicide and hazing, both Class t m isdem eanors Members of the November 29th coalition appeal for solidarity with Palestinians Thursday afternoon. The group opposed Jehan Sadat’s speech, calling it an illusion Sadat appeals for peace, endures hecklers S tephen Reed. D aily Texan S taff By MICHAEL SUTTER Daily Texan Staff As w inter w ind s bit through the p ro -P a le s tin ia n d e m o n s tra to rs ou tsid e H ogg M em orial A uditori­ um Thu rsd ay, fo rm er Egyptian first lady Jeh an Sad at asked the aud ience insid e to “ forget about the p a s t." "W h a t is b etter? To live in the past? To live w ith the slogans? O r to sit to gether and solve the prob­ lem s?" Sad at said in her ad d ress as the Liz Su th erlan d C arp en ter D istingu ished V isiting L ecturer in the H u m anities and Scien ces. S a ­ d at directed her co m m en ts toward P alestinian su p p orters clustered in the balcony. S ad at's a d d ress, "T h e Road to P e a c e ," w as said by m em bers of tw o protest g ro u p s, the N ovem ber 29th C oalitiion for Palestine and the G eneral U n ion o f Palestinian Stu d en ts, to p erp etu ate the "illu ­ s io n " of peace in th e M iddle East created by the C am p David ac­ cord. T h e accord , d esigned to bring p eace b etw een Egypt and Israel, w as signed in 1979 by Presid ent Jim m y C arter, Israeli Prim e M in is­ ter M en ach em Begin and Egyptian P resid en t A n w ar Sad at Sad at was assassin ate d in 1981. A side from un intelligible shou ts from the balcon y w h ere m any o f the p ro testers sat after S ad at's co m m e n ts on P alestin e, the E gyp­ tian sch olar and w o m en 's rights su p p o rter received a w arm w el­ com e. "P re s id e n t Sad at's vision o f peace lives on through y o u ," G ov. M ark W hite said, introd u cing Sa­ dat. "Y o u are, and con tin u e to be, a great insp iration to the w om en o f T e x a s ." Sad at, sp eakin g in slow , heavily said w om en accen ted E nglish, should not throw aw ay their roles as p eacem ak ers. "O u r lives as m o th ers, w ives and sisters have Lxi often been d arkened by w ar and v io le n ce," she said. W om en speak with voic­ es o f g e n tlen e ss and reason which are being "m o re and m ore listened t o ," Sadat said. Elizabeth F e m e a , UT lecturer and p resid en t-elect of the M iddle Eastern Stu d ies A ssociation of N orth A m erica, said Sadat is ad­ m ired in Egypt for her role in fam i­ ly p la n n in g for m aking and ch an g es in the fam ily law. Sadat en cou rag ed stu d en ts to spend at least tw o hours a w eek h elp ing the hand icapped. D espite saying she w anted to stay aw ay from politics, Sad at ad­ d ressed the issu e of a Palestinian hom eland. "I'd love for the P alestin ians to hav e their ow n hom eland . It is their r ig h t," Sad at said. "B u t it is also the right o f the Israelis to feel s e c u re ." Sad at said the Palestini­ an s had ch o sen not to participate in the peace m ovem ent initiated by the C am p David accord. Jehan Sadat addresses students a t H o g g A uditorium Stephen R eed D aily Texan Staff Austin shivers as front rolls through By ROGER GRAPE Daily Texan Staff Material for m aking snow m en started falling on Austin on ce again T hursday, and m ore can be expected Friday. The National W eath er Service in Austin has predicted a 100-p ercen t chance for up to 2 inches of snow Friday in Austin and the surrounding area, but little is expected to accum ulate. UT officials say they will take w hatever action is n ecessary, but do not w ant to close the University unless they have to. C ontrary to som e m edia reports, no deci­ sion w as m ade T hursday night to close the University or delay classes until noon. G Charles Franklin, vice president of business affairs, said at 10:30 p .m . T hu rs­ day that a decision to close the University would not be m ad e until about 7 a.m . Friday. "If people wake up in the m orn­ ing and see snow on the ground, they need to turn on their rad io s," Franklin said. A w in ter storm w arning w as issued for the A u stin area W ed n esd ay night and is expected to con tin u e throu g h o u t Friday. Freezing drizzle fell on the city T hu rsd ay aftern o o n , light snow as follow ed by tem p eratu res fell as low as 15 d egrees. T h e w inter storm is ab ou t 50 m iles w ide, and officials at the E m ergency O p ­ e ratio n s C en ter said th ey expected snow to fall in the area for three to four hours. C h u ck H arrison, director of the city O ffice o f E m ergen cy M anagem ent, said roads w ould not be closed u n less ab so ­ lutely n ecessary . "W e caution everybody to be very carefu l and not take any ch an c­ e s ," H arrison said. M ike Erd m ann, m anager of con su m er services for the A ustin W ater and W aste­ w ater D ep artm en t, said people should leave a slight drip in the faucets closest to their w ater m eters to avoid freezing pipes if they have had a problem with their pip es in the past. "Ju s t a tn ck le will prevent ice from fo rm in g ," E rd m ann said. "W e encou rage to p eop le in single-fam ily resid en ces know w h ere their w ater cu toff valve is, next to their w ater m eter gist in case they have a p ro b lem ,” he said S tu d e n ts in cond om in iu m s and apart­ m ents should contact com plex m anagers or m ain ten an ce personnel to find out how they can shut off w ater to individual u n its if they exp erien ce any problem s. T h e A ustin Electric D epartm ent al­ ready w as exp erien cin g problem s Thu rs­ day night from the sub-freezing tem p era­ tures. M ore than 1,500 hom es were w ithout for several hours Thursday electricity night as Electric D epartm ent work crew s stru ggled to repair equipm ent failures and ov ercom e pow er overloads. A ny snow fell Thursday night only increased the record set in the previ­ ous tw o snow falls. that A ustin already had received 7Vr inches of snow in Janu ary. The previous January snow fall record w as 7 inches, set in 1943 and 1944. T h e record for a single m onth is 9 .7 in ch es, set in N ovem ber 1937. At a Glance Today Correction — Through an editinq error The Vr v Texan's Thursday edition identified Robert Buckman a a j outline as a Fort Worth Star- Telegram reporter Buckman j is actually a reporter for the Fort Worth N ews-Tnbune The Texan regrets the error Correction — The Daily Texan reported in the Thurs day edition that G eorge Thorogood was to play Friday at ¡ the Austin O p era House Thorogood will actually be play- ; mg at the Austin City Coliseum T he Texan regrets the error Index Around C am p us B usiness Classified Ads Com ics Crossword Editorials 1 0 Sports 9 14 State & Local University 16 13 W orld & Nation 2 11 7 6 4 Editorials Page 2/The Daily Texan/Friday, February 1, 1985 O pinions expressed in The D a ily Texan are those of the editor or the author of the article and are not necessarily those of the U niversity a d m in istra tio n the Board of R egents or the Texas Student Publications Board of O perating Trustees Viewpoint Equal education hasn’t arrived yet I t's been 31 years since the Su prem e C ourt o u t­ law ed seg regation in our public schools. W hen four black children w ere guaranteed their co n stitu ­ tional right to attend an all-w hite school in Little Rock, Ark. (with th e help o f a lot of federal troops), it w as a dram atic statem en t about this cou n try 's d eterm ination to end racial d iscrim ination. In retrosp ect, the fact that federal troops w ere n ec­ essary to p rotect th o se children seem s absurd. Even m ore absu rd , how ever, is that 31 years later, state and local school au th o rities continu e to find it im possible to follow th e Su p rem e C ou rt's decision to abolish “ sep arate bu t eq u al" schools for m inorities. A study released this w eek by the N ational C oali­ tion of A d vocates for Stu d en ts found that the m ajority of A m erica's schools still are racially im balanced. W o rse yet, inequity in funding keep s the schools from m aking any progress tow ard racial equality T h e study, “ B arriers to E xcellence: O ur C hildren at R is k ," called the unequal state and local financing of A m erica's schools "a co n sp ira cy ." In Texas, for exam ­ ple, th e study found that th e top 100 school districts are sp en d in g $5,500 per stu d en t com pared to $1,800 in the bottom 100 districts. It sh o u ld n 't take a school board presid ent to figure out th at if you spend $3,700 less on Juan than on Jodv and M uffy, an extrem e case of inequity exists. N ever­ th e le ss, school board presid ents and state law m akers co n tin u e to find the problem insoluble. T h e ed u cation of this co u n try 's children is too im ­ p o rtan t to be com prom ised by the color of a stu d en t's skin or the relative w ealth of the region his parents h ap p en to live in. C hildren living in poor rural d is­ tricts should have access to the sam e resources as their richer cou n terp arts. W e should be taking the sam e kind o f dram atic stand that w e took 31 years ago — y et the sign s com ing from the Reagan ad m inistra­ tion are not too prom ising. P resid en t R eag an's ch oice of W illiam B ennett for ed ­ u cation secretarv sh ow s n othing m ore than ind iffer­ en ce to th e issu e of equality. B en nett — an oiitspoken ad vocate of the d estru ction of the very d epartm ent he is to head — has been criticized for his stands on af­ firm ative action policies. As head of the N ational E n­ d o w m en t for the H u m anities, B enn ett caused a furor w h en , am o n g other th in gs, he refused to set num eri­ cal goals for the hiring of m inorities and w om en in his ag ency as required by the Equal Em ploym ent O p p o r­ tunity C om m ission. Though th e study released by the N ational C oalition of A d vocates for Stu d en ts m ade m ore than 100 recom ­ m end atio n s for ed u cation al reform , it appears that we w o n 't see m uch progress in our public schools over the next four vears. This adm inistration is too busy trying to destroy the D epartm en t of Education to do an y th in g co n stru ctiv e with it. — Eric Johnson Prepare for peace Still crazy after all th ese years, President Reagan h as sp e n t two days m eeting w ith key H ouse lead ­ ers to keep that m oney flow ing for a full set of 100 M X m issiles and research for his "s ta r w ars" program . In a sp eech b efo re m em bers of the H ouse Arm ed Ser­ vice C o m m ittee T h u rsd ay, R eagan said the United S tate s m ust have the w eap o n s to show its "re so lv e " so the So v iets will have a reason to reach an arm s reduc­ tion accord in G eneva. " R e s o lv e ." It's a beautiful w ord. In politics, it can m ean alm ost an yth in g you w ant it to. For Reagan, " re s o lv e " ap p aren tly m eans the will to keep the U nit­ ed S ta tes strong and in vincible at all costs, literally. By this arg u m en t, w e're never going to be able to have real w eap o n s redu ctions u nless w e build m ore w eap­ ons. N ot that Reagan is alone in this view. Secretary of State G eorge Shu ltz told the Sen ate Foreign R elations C om m ittee T h u rsd ay that the MX is "vital to avoid u nd ercu tting our n eg otiators just as they begin the quest for real redu ctions in nuclear a rm s." And Secre­ tary o f W ar C aspar W ein berg er said cancelling the MX "w ill prolong neg otiation s, not facilitate them , and will reduce o u r ability to ach ieve arm s re d u ctio n s." N eith er th e leaders of the United States nor the lead ers of the Soviet Union seem to understand that it takes little "re s o lv e " to keep building w eapons. True resolve is having the cou rage to stop. — David Nat her Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau 6GTA CASUALTY COUNT SACK J THERE, VINNIE7 / OFFICE*, J 0 0 YOU THINK ÍÁJE'LL 0 5 ON TEL­ EVISION^ FUJE'RE A FEUJ BRUISES, me SAKGE. POESNT cunden 60/N6WBE LOOK LIKE ANY- m ON TV., I ONE dJAS H U / I iw x fiH i GOTTA CALL HOMF / f e ANYONE KNOUT HOU) MANY SHOTS UJERB FIREP? MAYBE 40. i SO, TOPS SO SHOTS % jpN0 ONE m s WERE ALL ANIMALS, F I/T ? WARNING YOU KNOUT WETfe not ( 3 3 The American Senator and Liberal Media Bias L iberal Media Bias. Scott Durfee Texan C olum nist Like the way that term just rolls off the tip of one's tongue? Nixon believed in it; Hoover believed in it; Hitler worried about it for a while. Not that I'm comparing Nixon and Hoover to Hitler. After all, that would be ... Liberal Media Bias. I've heard of it before. Jerry Lewis, for example, has said that the liberal media is just too thick to understand the profound implications of his work. He used to assert that his space epic "W ay, Way, O ut" was an allusion to the conservative ideals of isolationism and zero-gravity sex with large-breast­ ed women. But, of course, the nation­ al press just thought it was an embar­ rassing example of ham comedy because of ... Liberal Media Bias. I w asn't aware of this problem until recently. I came into the Texan office, the home base of serious liberalism on cam pus, and was given a letter from Jesse Helms. friend, my personal Helms' credentials are impeccable. Fa­ ther of the New Right. Master of the filibuster as a legislative tool. Ardent anti-abortionist, anti-taxationist, anti- anti-tobacconist. An uncanny resem­ blance to Larry "B u d " Melman of "L ate Night with David Letterm an." And the leading foe of the second- most threatening specter in America today ... Liberal Media Bias. Jesse "B u d " Helms has the solution to this problem. He has started a coali­ tion called Fairness in Media (FIM), dedicated to the takeover of CBS, Inc. Suggests Jesse: "If you have an IRA account or KEOGH plan ... switch a portion of your IRA or KEOGH to stock in C B S ." He goes on to suggest that you can buy one share or two shares or 10 shares or several thou­ sand shares of CBS. Piece o' cake. If all one million supporters of Helms and Reagan who get this letter buy 20 shares, then at the next CBS stock­ holders' meeting, FIM will have enough clout to put an eternal end to ... Liberal Media Bias. It's a viable I suppose. It idea, would lead to an interesting alterna­ tive to ABC's and NBC's slanted ver­ sion of the news. Events would get coverage from both sides of the fence. NBC: Senator Jesse Helms of North Carolina tied up business on Capitol Hill today by filibustering to prevent the pas­ sage of a bill declaring the tomato as the national fruit. In an eight-hour speech, Helms declared: "We need a national fruit like I need another hole in my head. It's those beatnik liberals from the North who are always eating at those salad bars and espresso bars and granola bars who have sponsored the Commu­ nist edict fruit. Gakkk!" Mr. Helms fainted shortly after the speech and regular business re- tomatoes are that aFTer an enensive mvssTioaTion, i now Have a aie" ; - i i L ' ^ ' %™ W H E A T S V IL L E H A S IT A L L . T° kVn KO°9 • : : > H; Open 9 a.m .-l 1 p.m. 7 days a week 3101 Guadalupe Austin, Texas (512) 478-2667 1904 Guadalupe F ree Parking An exciting offer from ESTEE LAUDER The Dolished Performers a 4 0 .00 value. Yours for 8.50 with any Estee Lauder purchase. Includes Renutriv Lipstick, Maximum Care Eye Creme, Swiss Performing Extract, Swiss Daily Shampoo, Tender Creme Cleanser, hair comb, and cosmetic bag. ACUI GAMES Association of College Unions — International U.T. Campus Tournament Events & Dates Hacky S a c k — Feb. 1, 5pm C h e s s — Feb. 2-3. 1pm Table Tennis — Feb. 2. 1 pm Racquetball — Feb. 2, 1pm Darts — Feb. 2, 1pm Bowling — Feb. 3. 1pm Sign Up at Rec Center $3.50 per person per event. Winners go to regionals in Denton» TX, Feb. 15-17. For more info, call 471-1944. Ask for Bob, Bill or Matt. Texas U n e nu 'HILLEL !HILLEL! beyond the Me Finding the Right B I L L N O V A K w i l l t a l k a b o u t J e w i s h & s i n g l e - F r i . F e b . 1 -- f o l l o w i n g s e r v i c e s . $ 4 . 0 0 w / c a r d - F e b . 2 L O X & B A G E L S w / o . A L S O s e r v i c e s - 1 0 a m . $ 3 . 5 0 w / c a r d $ 4 . 5 0 H I L L E L 2105 S A N A N T O N I O U « U « U 4 4 U « L * « -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------G SENSATIONAL BOOT SALE ZODIAC BOOTS NOW $4990 (Values up to $145) 9WEST BOOTS NOW $29’ ° (Values up to $110) OTHER BOOTS H 690 (Values up to $50) 2406 GUADALUPE • ON-THE-DRAG Barton Creek Sq Travis Sq • N Loop Plaza • UT at 2406 G uadalupe fac/uiitjk (A FEW BOOTS ARE NO T INCLUDED! World & Nation Page 4/The Daily Texan/Friday, February 1, 1985 c H a rv e s M im e l % ?> \ '« Reagan urges MX approval President says more U.S. missiles will increase chances for reductions United Press International W A S H I N G T O N — P resid ent Reagan met with House m em bers T hu rsday for the second straight day to press for approval of 100 MX missiles, which he believes will in­ crease chances for an arms agree­ m e n t with the Soviet Union. At the sam e time, Secretary of State G e org e Shu ltz and Secretary of D efen se C a spar W einberger m ad e the sam e pitch to the Senate Foreign Relations C om m ittee in a coordinated administrativ e effort to win approval of the missiles. W einb erger told the committee: "I m u st tell you, frankly, that can ­ cellation of key programs, such as MX, will prolong negotiations, not facilitate them , and will reduce our ability to achieve arms red uctions." Shultz said the MX was "vital to avoid undercutting our negotiators just as they begin the quest for real reductions in nuclear a r m s ." Reagan met Thursday with m e m ­ bers of the H ouse Armed Services Com m ittee to argue that the United States m u st show " r e s o lv e " by building the new w eapons to give the Soviet Union an incentive to reach an arm s reduction accord in G eneva. Reagan made the same pitch to m e m b ers of the H ouse A p ­ propriations Com m ittee W e d n e s ­ day. T h e H ou se repeatedly has d e ­ layed final approval of the multiple- warhead missile and a series of two votes in the S enate and House are scheduled in March before produc­ tion of the first wave of missiles can begin. The president "g a v e a virtuoso p erfo rm ance" in knocking down allegations that he does not know the details of strategic weapons, said Rep. Samuel Stratton, D -N.Y., Services Committee an Armed m em b er and a MX supporter. the House Stratton predicted would pass the "w h e n the MX crunch com es b ecause everybody is aware they (the Soviets) have got a heck of a lot more of these things than w e d o ." White H ou se spokesm an I arrv S peakes said Reagan told the House m em bers, "I believe we have an op portunity for getting an arms co n ­ trol agreem ent that actually reduces fo rces ." " T h e president indicated we're returning to Geneva in large mea sure because the strength of our re­ solve and the unity of our allies over the last four years has gotten Soviet a tte n tio n ," Speakes said. Speakes I he president, said, strongly believes rejection of the 1V1X would "seriously weaken our po sition ." Rep. I os Aspin, D-Wis., chair­ man ot the House Armed Services Com m ittee, who the missile last year, said he had not made up his mind on how he will vote this year. supported Rep. Ronald Heliums, D-Calif., a com m ittee member, called the ad ­ ministration's link betw een the MX and ta lk s s u c c e s s f u l G e n e v a "flaw ed logic." Heliums and Rep. Charles Ben­ the MX nett, H-Fla , predicted would lose again in the House, par­ ticularly because of the cost. Weinberger warns Senate committee Kremlin seeks to extend rule by force United Press International W A S H IN G T O N — Defense S e c­ retary C aspar W einberger warned T hu rsday that the Kremlin is am bi­ tiously arm ing and seeking to ex­ tend its rule by force, while Secre­ tary of State G e org e Shultz said a resurgent United States has blunted Soviet aggression. T h e key Cabinet officers offered a sober view of the Soviet political, econom ic and military system in separate appearances before the Se n a te Foreign Relations C om m ittee in the start of a series of hearings on Am erican foreign policy called by new com m ittee Chairm an Richard Lugar, R-Ind. T here were no fundamental dif­ fe rences betw een the two former business colleagues who are know n to have sharp d isagreem ents over som e aspects of how the ad m inis­ tration should conduct foreign poli­ cy. the Instead, Shultz stressed the strengthened good n e w s — W estern alliance — while W e in ­ berger em phasized the bad. The Soviets will use "force direct­ ly or indirectly through proxies, and use it m ercilessly " to d om inate East­ ern Europe and to spread their sys- Shultz and W einberger urged t h a t Congress continue support of the MX missile and research on Presi dent R eagan's strategic defense ini tiative, a space-based anti-ballistic missile defense system known as "s ta r w a r s ." " W e are in the 12th year of debate over the MX missile and while we debate, the Soviets d e p lo y ," W ein­ berger said. " T h e y continue to test and field new and more accurate missiles and to improve oil theii strategic nuclear fo rc es ." W einberger said the strategic d e­ fense initiataive offers the West the chance to defend against ballistic missiles. O ther research is going on to defend against subsonic cruise missiles and the Soviets are pursu­ ing it too, W einb erg er said "T h e y shot d ow n one of their own cruise missiles that got away from them and was starting to work its way across Norway and [ in­ la n d ," W einberger said in the first official Am erican com m ent on the stray missile. to uching on worldwide Shultz, in his wide-ranging troublespots "ap artheid must statement, g o " in South Africa but not through a pullout of U.S. investm ent. said Shultz also said the administra­ tion will continue to seek "peaceful solutions" in the Middle Fast and confirmed it is bolding off on a new sale* of advanced weapons to Saudi Arabia. Shultz called his t a lk s with Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Grom yko earlier this month that set the stage for three sets of nuclear arms c o n ­ trol talks to resume in Geneva, "a constructive beginning of what the United State's hopes will be a fruitful negotiation." l i e admired the veteran Soviet diplomat for show ing "continuity, the ability to fashion a patience, long-term strategy and stick to it" over the years and noted the W est has "lo n g had difficulty maintaining the same consistency, coherence, discipline and sense of strategy." " I oday the supreme irony — it is the C o m m u n i s t system that looks bankrupt, morally as well as eco­ nomically. 1 he West is resilient and resurg ent," Shultz said. Shultz also said while the United States will "n o t be the a g g re sso r," it will not forswear the first use of nu­ clear weapons to keep the Soviets "off b alance." Shultz speaks before Senate For­ eign Relations Committee. tern around the w o rld ," W einberger said. Shultz said the United States is restoring its military strength, has regained its confidence and has a strong e con om y to support its for­ eign policies. a in contrast, " T h e Soviets, face profound structural econom ic diffi­ culties, succession contin uin g problem and restless allies," Shultz said. "Its diplom acy and its clients are on the defensive in many parts of the w o rld ." Top ethics official testifies for Meese in third day of confirmation hearings United Press International W A S H IN G T O N — The g ov ern­ m e n t's top ethics official, testifying in the final confirmation hearing for Edwin M eese, told senators T h u rs ­ day the attorney general-designate never violated " a n y ethical stand ­ a rd s" despite a staff report to the contrary. The Se n ate Judiciary Com m ittee, which held three days of hearings on M e e se , will vote T u esd a y w h eth er to recom m end him to the full Senate. No floor vote is expect­ ed before the S enate returns from recess Feb. 18. David Martin, director of the O ff­ ice of G o v ern m e n t Ethics, told the com m ittee he was not pressured to kill a staff report that said M eese did violate ethical standards. He acknow led ged that two m e m ­ bers of his staff had determined M eese appeared to have skirted e th ­ to a ical requirem ents $60,000 loan at favorable rates a r­ r a n g e d J o h n M cKean, who was later appointed a c c o u n t a n t in regard b y to the U .S Postal Board of G o v er­ nors. But Martin declared M eese violat­ ed no code of ethics. " I 'm certain he d id n 't,” Martin told the Senate Ju d i­ ciary C o m m ittee on the final day of hearings on M e e se 's confirmation as head of the Justice Departm ent. Martin and the two staff lawyers, Nancy Feathers and Gary Davis, were su m m on e d to testify about the report, in which the lawyers d eter­ mined financial tw o of M eese's deals violated federal conflict-of-in­ terest standards. The three lawyers spent several hours explaining their conclusions and how they reached a "m utu al d ecision" that there had been no ethical lapses. T hey said there was an "appearance" problem involving the M cKean loan, and the problem was pointed out to Meese and White H ou se officials. A n ew spaper report earlier this that Martin dis­ week disclosed the report with cussed M eese's lawyers and with White House counsel Fred Fielding before internal overruling its conclusion. But Martin, director of the Office of G ov ernm ent Ethics, said those talks played no role in his decision. "B ased on my examination 1 decid ed (M eese) did not violate anv ethi­ cal standard s and he acted with p ro p riety," he said. Following the ethics lawyers' a p ­ pearance, former Watergate special prosecutor Archibald C ox fired in the famous by Richard Nixon "Saturd ay Night M a ssa cre" told the Senate hearing, " N o t just the confirmation of Edwin Meese, but the moral code of the Senate is at sta k e ." Cox, head of the citizen's lobby Com m on Cause, which is leading the opposition to M eese, declared, " F o r the Senate to repudiate the moral standard by treating freedom of criminality as sufficient for confir­ mation as attorney general would hav e c o n s e q u e n c e s throughout the g o v e r n m e n t." d is a s t r o u s Meese was cleared of criminal wrongdoing by a special prosecutor last year, but his critics maintain his ethical standards still are an issue th< issue which prompted the lengthy questioning of Martin anc his staff lawyers. In his testimony, Martin assurec the com m ittee there was " n o pres sure from anyon e to overule th< preliminary findings. I he internal m em o said "o u r ex animation reveals three ethics viola tions" that involved two of Meese': financial deals. I he lawyers, basing their conclu sions on the special prosecutor's re port on Meese, questioned Meese': relationship with McKean and alsc with I liornas Barrack, who ar ranged the sale of M eese's Califor nia hom e and later got a govern ment job. the in each case, lawyers saic tliev were raising questions because of the appearance of a conflict whic h under governm ent regula­ tions officials a re directed to avoid. I )avis and I eat hers both testifiec they agreed with Martin's assess ment that Meese did not violate eth ical standards. " I he dignity and bodies of w om en should not be commercialized while the Holy Father is in the co u n ­ try'," M o n sign o r Ricard D urand, bishop of the n eigh­ boring port of El Callao, told reporters m asking the brothels close temporarily. The w arehouse-like brothels in Lima, a city of about 6 million, are legal and em ploy about 50,000 prostitutes. In preparation for the visit-of the pope, who arrives from Ecuador Friday, Lima police arrested nearly 5,000 people W edn esd ay night and early Thursday to rid the capital of "u n d e s ira b le s ," a police spok esm an said. At the sam e time, city officials outlawed the sale of beer and liquor during the p ope's visit, but many Lima residents m anaged to buy alcohol clandestinely. Most of the nearly 5,000 detained W ednesday and T hu rsday were without proper identification papers, and were vagrants, prostitutes and homosexuals. Europeans accept offer to join NASA R O M E — Th e European Space Agency Thursday provisionally accepted President R eagan's invitation to join in the N A SA program to build the first perm anent space station for d ep loym ent in 1992. T he 14-nation agency said it also intends "to expand E uro pe's au tonom ou s capability and Europe's com peti­ tiveness in all sectors of space activity" over the next decade. I he plans include putting men in space, operating an independent space shuttle and orbiting space platforms with an annual budget of $1.3 billion by 1990 — a 70 percent increase over 1984, the agency council said in a resolution. The council, m eeting at the ministerial level wound up a harm onious two-day session a half day early with a French cham p agne toast in the 17th ce n tu ­ ry Villa Madam a on a hillside above Rome. "We have ended the meeting before it was scheduled (to e n d ) ," Dutch Minister of Econom ic Affairs G .M .V . Van Aardenne told reporters. "I think that will give an impression of the positive way in which it w e n t." The "political will exists" to make Western Europe on e of the "w o rld 's space p o w e rs ," h e said. Supplies flown to stranded Indians W IN D O W R O C K , Ariz. — Rescue helicopters ferried more em erg ency food and medical supplies Thursday to 2,000 trapped Indians, given new hope from bitter cold that froze the muddied roads on their storm- battered reservations. O vernight temperatu res dropped as low as 10 d e­ grees below zero, opening the possibility of road travel for the first time since the desolate routes were turned into im passable mud bogs by melting snow last w eek­ end. If the cold continu es long e n ou g h , it could freeze the roads and permit the stranded northern Arizona Indi­ ans to drive to trading posts for supplies, Maj. Paul Wallace of the Armv National ( iuard said He said Hopi police reported overnight temperatures of 8 to 10 degrees below zero. Navajo tribal spokesman Dicky Bain said the mercury was 1 above zero at W in­ dow Rock. "It froze pretty well last n ig h t," Bain said. "B u t how d eep it went, I w ouldn't have any idea. If it stays as cold as it is now, the surface won't thaw out very much. And tonight, if it freezes again, it would help a ls o ." Flu virus spreads across nation AT LANTA A flu virus historically associated with worldwide outb reaks and severe illness is spreading across the nation w i t h 18 sta te s reporting cases, federcd health officials said I hursday. The national Centers for Disease C ontrol said there were 790 influen/a and pneumonia deaths reported in the nation's rhajor cities for the week ending Jan. 26, compared to 778 for the previous week and 517 for the final week of December The C DC said the im rease is doc umented by state health department virus i s o l a t i o n s , patient visits to family physicians f o r i n f l u e n z a like illnesses, and pn e u ­ monia and influenza death statistics f r o m 121 major U.S. cities. A migrant worker carries a bushel of tomatoes in Princeton, Fla., where drip irrigation saved most of the crops during a recent freeze. United Press International Leading index drops, registers fifth setback in past seven months United Press International W A S H IN G T O N — The index of leading indicators, a sensitive eco­ n om ic barom eter, dropped 0.2 per­ cent in D ecem b er, the gov ern m e n t reported T h u rsday , but a White H ou se sp o k e s m a n said the e c o n o ­ my rem ains "e x ceptio nally s tr o n g ." It was the fifth setback in seven m o n th s for the index, the kind of trend that often points to a n e w re­ cession. A n o th e r report Thu rsd ay sh ow ed new factory orders d ow n 0 .7 percent, suggestin g the e c o n o ­ my still has a long way to go to re­ gain strength lost in the second half of last year. T he leading index end ed 1984 only 0 .9 percent ahead of w h ere it was a year earlier. In sharp contrast, the index gained 16 percent in 1983. a But third report T hu rsday s how ed sales of new h o u ses surg ­ ing 3.1 percent in D ecem ber, a healthy re s p o n s e to lower interest rates that e co n o m ists hope will be duplicated in the auto and appli­ ance industries. T he average price of a new house slipped back by $800 to $9 9,000 in D ece m b e r and was $97,600 for all of last year — 8 .7 percent above 1983. Auto plants are in the midst of heavier production schedules al­ ready. That and a boost in stock prices could be enou g h to bring the leading index back up in the next report. "T h is d oes not cause us any c o n ­ cern at a ll," W hite H ou se sp o k e s ­ man Larry S p e ak es said of the m o n th 's decline in the leading in­ dex, "b e c a u s e w e know the e c o n o ­ my rem ains exceptionally strong. T he grow th is there and will co n tin ­ u e . " "I sup p osed I would have pre­ ferred the leading indicators series to be u p , " said econom ist William N iskanen, acting head of the C oun- This does not cause us any concern at all be­ cause we know the econ­ omy remains exceptional­ ly strong.’ — Larry Speakes cil o f E conom ics Advisers. "B u t 1 d o n 't w o rry o n e -m o n th c h a n g e s ." ab ou t January's N isk anen said figure also will be hard to interpret w hen it com es ou t b ecause bad w eather is offsetting s o m e of the strength in auto production. T h e C o m m e rce D ep artm ent also m ad e a big d ow nw ard revision in N o v em b e r's increase, to a gain of only 0 .6 percent from the previously reported 1.3 percent jump. The in­ dex was also dow n in Ju ne, July, August and O ctober. The leading index is a unique ef­ fort within g o v ernm ent to anticipate ch an g e s in the e co n o m y by g ro up­ ing together a nu m ber of hints c o n ­ tained in several very sensitive indi­ cators. T h e in the index peaked early year only to slide backwards most of the the second half, slump that slowed the e co n o m y af­ ter July. forecasting Although the gross national pro d ­ uct accelerated back to a respectable 3.9 percent growth rate in the fourth quarter from the third quarter's 1.6 percent, m uch of the im provem ent was only on paper reflecting less deterioration in international trade. is " W h a t we haven't made up those strong declines in the s u m ­ m e r ," a d ep artm ent analyst said. The 3.1 percent increase in single- family h o u se sales was part of a 2.6 percent ad vance for all of 1984, to a to ta l of 639,000. i n d u s t r y p r o d u c t i o n News in Brief From Texan news services : Arson fire sweeps through forest j N A P L E S , Fla. — Weary firefighters struggled Thurs- • day to hold the line against an arson fire that roared • over 15 s qu are miles of freeze-dried forest, killing a ranger and forcin g 200 people to evacuate their hom es. At least six h o u ses were destroyed in the blaze that killed state forestry ranger Marco Miranda, 24. Officials ' said the blaze ju st "rolled o v e r " Miranda W edn esd ay • as he tried to dig a fire line with a tractor. ! Gov. Bob Graham ordered the National G u ara and state transportation dep artm ent to support state forest­ ry workers fighting the blaze. He said this would e n ­ able the Guard to provide helicopters and other fire­ fighting equipment and assistance. that blustery winds The big w orry w as that ; hampered firefighters W e d n esd a y would return to the Golden Gate Estates subdivision, eight miles east of Naples. Liquor sales banned for papal visit LIMA, Peru — The C atholic Ch urch asked Lim a's brothels Thursday to close d uring Pope John Paul II's five-day visit, and authorities b anned liquor sales and • rounded up thousands of "undesirables" on the eve of i his arrival. Former UT faculty member to tackle Capitol restoration By TODD PRATT Daily Texan Staff I he state has hired a former UT associate professor of architecture to restore the Capitol to its former grandeur, G ov. Mark W hite said Thursday. W hite said Roy Graham, w h o is noted for his historical preservation work, has signed a four-year con ­ tract to restore the Capitol as near as possib le to its original condition. W hite, chairman of the six-m em ­ ber Capitol Preservation Board overseein g the effort, said Graham will direct the renovation efforts, w hich he said probably will con tin ­ ue into the next century. "We are the custodians of the state Capitol and w e cannot afford to let its deterioration go on," W hite said. Graham said he has been touring the Capitol for the past three w eeks, noting specific areas that need the m ost work. He said the building ap­ pears to have som e structural defi­ ciencies, but said he w ould have to S ue-Sue see X-rays of the w alls before d eter­ m ining the am oun t of work n eed ed . "I can't say it (the condition of the Capitol) is desperate, but it's in bad sh ap e," Graham said. Graham said he w ill prepare a m aster plan in u pcom ing m onths for renovating the Capitol. N o con ­ struction work on the building, ex­ cept for special projects, will begin until he has finished the report, w hich Graham estim ated w ould take 2Vi years. The appearance of the Capitol has b een ch an ging constantly since the building w as built in 1888. R oom s have b een su bd ivid ed to provide additional legislators, m o d em con ven ien ces such as air con d itionin g and elevators have installed and m any of the been b uilding's original features have been d estroyed or w alled over. space for Graham said he plans to restore m any features of the Capitol to their original con d ition, including the 16- foot g o d d e ss of liberty statue, w hich adorns the C apitol d om e. Graham said the zinc statue has b e g u n to crack a n d so m e of the fea­ tu re s are d isin tegratin g. H e said the sta tu e probably will h a v e to be re­ m o v e d a n d recast in b ro n ze . " It's certainly n o t in d a n g e r of falling o v e r with th e next w ind, but it d o es h a v e su bstantial cracks in it," G r a h a m said. A the restored section b e h in d S e n ate ch a m b e r is a g o o d exam ple of h o w m uc h of th e reconstruction w ill c o m p l e t e d , G r a h a m said. a p p e a r w h e n T he Legislature s p e n t $3 million in ren ova tion a n d restoratio n costs after a F ebruary 1983 fire killed o n e p e rso n a n d d e s tro y e d m u c h of the e a s t wing. While G ra h a m h o p e s to restore th e Capitol as closely as possible to its original c o ndition, he said he realizes it is still being utilized by h u n d r e d s of state e m p lo y e e s. H e said he will try to p re p a re a " c o m p r e h e n s iv e sc h e m e m atched w ith h o w the build in g w as used th e n a n d h o w it's used n o w ." IMMIGRATION Asylum Naturalizations Permanent Visas Labor Certifications Adjustment of Status Consular Processing Professional Work Visas Paul Parsons PC A ttorney at Law B o a r d C e r t i f i e d I m m i g r a t i o n £ N a t i o n a l i t y L a w I e r a s B o a r d o f Ix -g a l S p e c i a l i z a t i o n 2200 Guadalupe, Suite 216 477-7887 The Dai'y Texan Friday February 1, 1985/Page 5 CELEBRATE Segundo de Febrero with a Chicano Student and Faculty Reception Friday, Feb. 1 I - 3 p m Quadrangle Room, Texas Union Sponsored bv Texas I nion ( hicano Culture (o m m itte e 7 / M a n . BUY IT! Read the Sm art S h o p p ers Texan W ant-Ads! 24th & San Antonio Open ivory Night Until 1.30 Open at 11:00 a.m. 7 days a week Happy Hour Mon.-Fri. 5-7 UT STUDENTS HAVE CREDIT. 36,676 UT students have a major credit card. 25,244 have cards f or automated teller machines. S O U R C E: U NIVERSITY O f TEXAS CO LLEG E N EW SPAPER STUDY. 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(South of Andarson Ln.) • come in early for best selection SUNBURST F i\E (EWELRY d l l H W J 4 l h I f t - t i m e r s s t r e e t ! eve! -Mil MINI; III u * p e n s i o n p l e d g e s h i p a n d i n i t ia t i o n " if it is a p ­ p r o v e d , said Kirk M i c h a u x , a m e m ­ b e r of the c o m m i t t e e H e said , b e ­ sid es p o s sib le lim itatio n^ o n social activ itie s, the fra te rn ity w o u ld fu n c ­ tion b u s i n e s s as u s u a l . " K e ith Farrell, p r e s i d e n t o f th e U T c h a p t e r , said the idea w a s a p p r o v e d u n a n i m o u s l y by c h a p t e r m e m b e r s Farrell said the c o m m i t t e e w ould h a v e c lo s e c o n t a c t w ith t h e fra te rn i­ I'm g o i n g to be in c o n t a c t with ty t h e m t h e w e e k a n d , o n c e a w e e k or so, t h e v will c o m e b\ for d i n n e r , " he said . t h r o u g h o u t Farrell said he did n o t fo r e s e e anv th e s itu a ­ d ifficu ltie s a n s i n g fro m tion " N o , no p r o b l e m s at a l l , " he said. T h e v (the c o m m i t t e e ) are a h i g h ly re s p e c t a b le g r o u p of m e n an d t h e v h av e th e r e s p e c t of all of us ( c h a p t e r m e m b e r s ) , " S A E w a s s u s p e n d e d bv its n a t i o n ­ al o rg a n i z a ti o n b e c a u s e a p le d g e su ffe re d an m )u rv a fte r a p hy sical e x e rc is e p ro g ra m . T h e p le d g e s u s ­ tained m u sc le tissu e b r e a k d o w n a n d w a s h o s p ita lize d C r e a t i o n o f the a lu m n i c o m m i t t e e is o n l v the first s tep t o w ard S A E re ­ g a i n i n g its c h a rte r A lt h o u g h the UT c h a p t e r h a s a p p r o v e d th e c o m m i t ­ tee, t h e n a tio n al o r g a n iz a tio n m u st also a p p r o v e it. Eric W e b b e r , th e d ir e c to r o f the I n t e r f r a t e m i t y C o u n c il the c o m m i t t e e m u s t " s u b m i t a s u b s t a n ­ tial p la n of a c t i o n " to th e national the o r g a n i z a ti o n for a p p r o v a l said If is a p p r o v e d a n d the c h a p te r c reated , s t ip u la t i o n s its full ch arte r plan fo llo w s S A E cou ld r e c e iv e b a c k as earlv as J u n e . the M ic h a u x w a s o p tim istic that the p ro p o s a l w o u ld be a p p r o v e d bv the n a tio n a l o r g a n iz a tio n . T h e (h a z in g ) in c id e n t w as the o n ly t h in g th e c h a p t e r did w h ic h did no t c o m p l y with the p olic ies of the natio nal o r g a n i z a t i o n , " he said. M ic h a u x said the i n c id e n t w as a f r e a k " a n d a d d e d that, a l t h o u g h the alu m n i did n o t c o n d o n e the actio n , he t h o u g h t th e p e n a lt y w as " v e r y h arsh , but w e u n d e r s t a n d the n a ­ tional o r g a n i z a t i o n 's c u t-a n d -d r ie d attitu d e t o w a rd h a z i n g ' PEACE CORPS P ut your degree to w ork where it can do a w orld of good. Apply now fo r S pring and Sum m er positions NATURAL SCIENCE and MATH MAJORS Contact Mike Burke, SRH 3.206 471-4962 * I s f ! N RISIS REGÑANCY ENTER Fret- Pr< vn.mc\ Test •\!S S erv ice* C o n fid en tial \ e a r H o s p ita l * NEED HTLPb CALL US • WE CARE 10 M*r.cal Parsvray Suite 203 24 Hour Hotline 454-262 2 3 CAPITOL | SADDLERY i EQUESTRIAN HEADQUARTERS FOR AUSTIN * t ENGLISH ; Boot 8c Shoe Repair ¡ ♦ H a n d to o le d B elts & C h a p s* WESTERN J ♦ H a n d m a d e B o o t*.* ¡ ♦ Sterling S ilver Belt B u c k le r* Í 1*14 LAVACA 47U m y JAMES E. KREISLE, JR., M.O. PSYCHIATRY GEORGE WILLEFORD ill, M.D. G ASTR O EN TERO LO G Y P. CAREN PHELAN, Ph.D. CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY ALANA DAVIS WEBB. R.D., L.D. DIETITIAN Announce the opening of the JEDC AUSTIN EATING DISORDERS CLINIC For com prehensive evaluation and treatm ent of bulim«a anorexia nervosa, and re!ated disorders 720 W est 34th Street Austin. Texas 78705 Appointm ents (512) 454-7741 State & Local The Daily Texan/Friday, February 1, 1985/Page 7 Texas Guard joins task force in Honduras By MATTHEW GEIGER Daily Texan Staff M em bers of the Texas National G uard will be sent to H onduras to participate in military m aneuvers designed to prepare the soldiers for international mobilization. Troops from A ustin, M cAllen, Edinburg and Edna are scheduled to participate in a training exercise in H onduras from Feb. 11 to M ay 3. The personnel will form a 450-m em ­ "Task ber contingent tagged as Force T exas" by G uard. the National is G ov. Mark W hite the com - m ander-in-chief of the Texas N a­ tional Guard and received a briefing on the intent of th e training mis­ sion. But W hite said T hu rsd ay he has not been consulted by the state ad­ jutant general. "I h aven't discu ssed it with h im ," W hite said. "O b viou sly, a federal decision w as m ade. They assigned the tro o p s." A s a m atter of p roced u re, joint m an eu vers such as this exercise re­ quire the adjutant general's ap prov­ al and notification of the governor, said A nn A rnold, W hite's press sec­ retary. W hite will receive a classified briefing from the U.S. Defense De­ p artm ent on the political climate and security of H onduras. Arnold said W hite's rem aining con cern was the safety of the area, given C entral A m erica's volatile po­ litical history. "I am trying to get absolute assu r­ ance, to the exten t possible, that those troops will be safe in their training mission and there will be no opportunity for hostile actio n ," W hite said. The operation is the third in a se­ ries of "B ig P in e" joint exercises in H onduras, and the Texas National G uard should be honored to partici­ pate, said Maj. David C ottom , a Texas National G uard spokesm an at C am p Mabry. Big Pine III is the first joint ex­ ercise in which the Guard is invited to participate, said C ottom . The Cal­ ifornia National Guard also was in­ vited to participate in the op eration , but G ov. G eorge D eukm ejian d e­ clined , leaving Texas as the only Guard con tin g en t to attend Cottom said the op portu nity to gain exp erien ce overseas would be invaluable in the contem p orary m il­ itary en v ironm en t. "W e have to be able to m obilize in d a y s ," he said. "T h is gives us the ch an ce to practice our equ ipm ent tran sp o rtatio n ." The D efen se D ep artm ent has pre­ pared a special briefing session with military and political experts on H onduras to an sw er the gov ern or's q u estio n s, C ottom said. The troops will be draw n from Texas units that o th erw ise would train at Fort H ood o r one of the oth er local bases, C ottom said. In the past, the National Guard has conducted sim ilar exercises in overseas locations, such as Korea But this is the first mission to place the National G uard in a Central Am erican cou ntry, C ottom said. O n ly a handful of troops from the Austin unit of gu ard sm en will at­ th o se will be mainly ten d , and equ ip m en t specialists, Cottom said. Bad winds embolden early day shop fire G u stin g w inds and a su b -zero wind chill index m ade fighting a store fire T h u rsd ay m o rn in g d iffi­ cult for the A ustin Fire D ep artm ent Sixteen Fire D ep artm en t units a n ­ sw ered the call at the Sailb oat S h o p at 604 H ighland Mall Blvd said Fire Capt. D annv Stam p er. Stam p er said firefigh ters respon d ed to the first call at 9:50 a.m . T h u rsd ay , and that the fire was con trolled bv about 11:10 a.m . T h e rem ains of th e store w ere still late T h u rsd ay after­ sm old ering noon. A space h eater located to o close to a sailboat caused the blaze, w hich caused no inju ries, Sta m p er said. T he building w as heavily d am ­ aged and 35 sailboats w ere d e­ stroyed. MHMR abuse confronted in health report By JIM WARREN Daily Texan Staff A legislative ov ersight com m ittee has com pleted the first part o f a report that should bring the D ep artm ent of M ental Health and M ental R etard ation into com pli­ an ce w ith a federal cou rt order stem m in g from reports of ab u se, neglect and m ism an ag em en t in M H M R. O sw in C h rism an , chairm an of the L egislative O v e r­ sig h t C om m ittee on M ental H ealth and M ental R etar­ d atio n , said Thu rsd ay the rep ort is the first of a tw o- part resp on se to the M H M R p roblem s addressed by U .S. D istrict Ju d ge T h o m as B arefoot S an d ers. The m en ­ tal health report is sch ed u led for release during G ov. M ark W h ite's w eekly p ress co n feren ce Thu rsday. T h e first section of the rep ort calls for 24-h o u r "e m e r­ g en cy crises in terven tion c e n te rs " at all 31 m ental health cen ters in Texas. C h rism an said th ey would be sim iliar to "p y sch iatric em ergen cy ro o m s ," w here pa­ tien ts can get service on a w alk-in basis. The second section will su ggest a statew id e case m an a g em en t sy stem to en su re that m ental patients w h o are n ot hospitalized have supervision in their com ­ m u nities. Su p erv iso rs w ould m onitor the p atients' m ed ication, hou sing co n cern s and em p loy m en t. T h is shou ld serve as a safeguard for p atien ts w ho are released p rem atu rely or w h o have relap ses, C hrism an said. T h e third section w ould add about 9,000 new beds in m en tal hospitals, w ith a goal of 60 b ed s in hospitals for ev ery 100,000 people in the state. K aren H ale, associate d irector of the M ental H ealth into A sso cia tio n , said the rep ort will be translated g u id elin es for M H M R that would allow the dep artm ent to d ev elo p its ow n "lo n g -te rm strategic p ro g ram ." C h rism an said the state will "n o t ju st put m oney into the sy stem , but m ake the system com e up with their ow n strateg ic plan by A u gu st 3 1 ." C h rism an said th e proposal w ould sim plify the bu­ reaucracy by putting m ore pow er in the hand s of local ad m in istrators of m ental health facilities. A lth o u gh C h rism an said it w as too early " to talk d ol­ la r s ," m o st of the new allocations w ould be spent to com p ly w ith the cou rt orders. "W e 'll be m oving from a grant-in-aid program to a p erfo rm an ce c o n tra c t," C h rism an said. H e said the L egislatu re should n ot give any m ore m o ney to M H M R until the en tire stu d y — including M H M R 's ow n long­ term plan — is com p lete. -c¿> TIAt Restaurant & Bar Sunday Breakfast on 6th Street 9am-3pm Huevos Rancheros or Migas Both served with refried beans, potatoes, and corn or flour tortillas $1.99 Mimosas, Screwdrivers & Bloody Mary’s all $1.00 Alcoholic beverages not served until noon Sunday Two Austin firemen battle a two-alarm blaze at the Sailboat Shop at 604 Highland Mall Blvd. Thursday morning. Stephen Reed, Daily Texan Staff Austin works to prevent possible chemical spill By ANDREA BEEBE Daily Texan Staff A larm ingly high birth d efect and m is­ carriage rates that could be related to tox­ ic chem ical spills in C alifo rn ia's silicon valley have prom pted city and state o ffi­ cials to try to p rev en t a sim ilar situation from d ev elop in g in A u stin. In 1981, Fairchild C am era and In stru ­ m e n t C o. officials d iscov ered that about 5 0 ,0 0 0 gallon s of ch em icals had leaked from an u n d ergro u nd storage tank in S a n Jo se , Calif. R esu lts of a th ree -y e ar investigation, w h ich conclu ded last w eek, show ed tw o w id ely used d eg reasin g so lv en ts, trichlo- .ro e th a n e and d ich lo ro eth y len e, w ere found in w ells in co n cen tratio n s of about 800 tim es the levels perm itted in d rink­ ing w ater. T h e d egreasin g solven ts are used in the produ ction of circuit board s to en su re good con n ectio n s. Investigators also found the incid ence of seriou s heart abnorm alities, m iscar­ riages and o th er birth d efects w as tw o to three tim es h igh er in that area than in the rest of Santa Clara C ounty. Last w eek, A ustin Fire C h ief Bill R ob­ erts visited Santa Clara C oun ty to review the co u n ty 's m onitoring plan, w hich w as enacted in resp on se to the spill. A ustin officials m odeled the H azardous W aste O rd in an ce, approved in D ecem ber, after the Santa Clara plan. T h e H azard ou s W aste O rd in an ce, w hich will go into effect in M ay, will re­ quire any p ersons or org an ization 1' stor­ ing hazard ou s m aterials in th e city to ac­ quire a perm it sp ecify ing what m aterials will be stored . A m an agem en t plan also m ust be su bm itted , as well as a co n ­ tingency plan in case of leakage "1 d id n 't see an y th in g to keep us from being as good as they are, after about a y e a r,” R oberts s a i d . The Texas D ep artm ent of W ater Re­ sou rces requires exten sive m o nitoring of hazard ou s w astes, particularly those in underground storage "T h e d ifferen ce (betw een rhe San Jose situation an d the on e in A u stin ) i- the fact that th o se w astes w ere stored u n d er­ said John ground and ov er an aquifer, Y ou n g, district su p erv isor with the Texas D ep artm ent of W ater R esources "T h e last underground tanks over an aquifer that we even know o f (in A ustin) w ere rem oved in N ovem ber from M otorola he -aid As far as we know th ere are no m o re ." Wate h azard ou s w aste storage regula­ tion*- have m ade it ch eap er tor com p a­ nies to -to re w aste ab ove ground Young said. M ike Dick unit head o f the solid w aste said. W e have d ep artm ent at TD W R had) -hallow -w ater aq u ifer- but not the d eep underground aquifer- contam inated In m ost ca se- anv contam ination is i-olated he said YOU MEAN YOU HAVEN'T FOUND THE ONLY BEACH IN AUSTIN YET? N O W SERVING D A ILY SPECIALS, SA N D W IC H E S A N D SNACKS 1 1A M - 1 2 M ID N IG H T DA ILY START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT Total Hair Restoration M TONIGHT AT 9! SATURDAY at 9 A 11pm 320 E. 6 479-0054 2911 San Jacinto 474-0605 B EA C H NORTH POINT DODGE, INC. OFFERS CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR GRADUATION NORTH POINT DODGE, INC. has helped develop rhe D odge College 0 3 5 5 E D 3 Gold Key Lease Plan. Take delivery of a n e w D odge w ith no d o w n p a ym e n t, lo w , low m onthly paym ents, no credit required. (Help establish cre d it.) O ver 2 0 0 n e w cars and trucks to choose from ! DODGE '65 DAYTONA '65 DODGE D100 OVER 100 IMPORTED & DOMESTIC BRANDS OF BEER LIVE M USIC N IG H TLY SOME OF THE BEST AFFORDABLE BANDS IN AUSTIN Before M K D IC A T IO V P h y sica l Super' ised H air Progression Step-bv - step D erm a- X acuum The ultímate -r: < ........... Select your own program with health professional' dedk ated i meeting y ou r needs i! s Patent N. V70 I A fte r > P R O F E S S IO N M \TH I F T E S use cur system in active sports more than aro a her method Call Medical Hair Center 472-6777 _____________ •’ try S t. P a v a P r-iT e’r S 'o r a 1 Bipg 3 0 0 E 3 0 t h S u it e 2 1 0 — 7 6 7 0 ¿ Want to teach? Pre-Professional Skills Test Must Be Passed By All Prospective Teachers Before They Can Take Education Courses. If you want to teach, you should take the P P ST as soon as possible, preferably in your freshman year. If you need to register for education courses this fall, you must pass the test in March or Ju n e, 1985. $197.”/mo. Payments based on 46-monrh close-enci lease. 15,000 annual miles. 7309 N. IH-35 C A R S 430*6040 HWY. 1 A3 NORTH POINT DODGE APPLICATION DEADLINE: FOR MARCH TEST FEBRUARY 2,1985 Test applications and information available in Room 216, Education Building 471-3223 Page 8 /T h e Daily Texan/Friday, February 1, 1985 SERVING THE UT COMMUNITY WITH Mattox orders investigation of state funds on commercial bribery charges. Earle is scheduled to prosecute the case in state district court beginning Feb. 11. Elna Christopher, spokeswoman for Mattox's office, said the alleged improprieties turned up during a routine investigation spurred by a the state's in under tip "whistle-blower” program. She said the tipster requested anonymity un­ der the act. turned Christopher said the attorney general's office simply was channel­ ing the complaint to the proper agency and said there were no polit­ ical overtones to the charges. "We turned over these allegations as soon as we got them ," Christo­ pher said. "They're not something we've been for six m onths." sitting on Steve McCleery, Earle's chief as­ sistant, called the allegations "ridic­ ulous." "W e'd heard the attorney gener­ al's office has been looking for any­ thing to create a diversion prior to the bribery trial," McCleery said. House Speaker Gib Lewis con­ firmed that Mattox's executive as­ sistant, David Richards, sent a letter to the audit committee asking it to investigate Earle. Lewis said he had reservations about Mattox's intentions and the committee members simply passed the letter on to the state auditor for review. "I've got some reservations when the attorney general is asking us to audit someone who is fixing to pros­ ecute him ," Lewis said. "Frankly, it smelled a little bit of politics." I H E P A R A M O I N I T II 1: A I R L State Auditor George McNiel said he got the letter Thursday after­ noon. "I don't know what I'm going to do with it yet," McNiel said. "I don't see where I have the authority (to carry out this investigation)." McNiel said the funds in question had to be tunneled through a state agency first, because the county is a subdivision of the state. He said first responsibility for investigating misuse of those funds lies with the agency appropriating the funds. The district attorney's office re­ ceives state funds to conduct inves­ tigations and prosecute state office­ holders and officials state agencies. in McNiel said because the public in­ tegrity unit previously had investi­ gated the auditor's office, he doubt­ ed the independence of his agency in such an investigation. "For that reason alone, I would prefer to defer the investigation to someone else," McNiel said. McNiel said letter alleged the misapplication of both equipm ent and personnel. "It doesn't imply personal use (of state resources), the assignm ent of but w hether those resources was proper," he said. The district attorney received $205,670 from the state in the 1984- 85 budget. McCleery said the money is used to pay the salaries of two attorneys, two investigators and a secretary, as well as some travel expenses. Neither Lewis nor McNiel would release the letter, because the indi­ vidual making the charge asked to remain anonymous. Mattox was indicted in September 1983 on a charge of threatening to withhold approval of bonds issued by firms through Fulbright & Jawor- ski, a major Houston law firm. PRESENTS T E X A S O) P E R A T H E A T E R \Trdis swatch + Q U A R T Z MANY NEW DESIGNS from *25.00 “COME EXPERIENCE THE PASSION, THE DRAMA, AND THE WONDERFUL MUSIC.” February 3 at 7:30 p.m. $4, $12, $16, $21 D ISCO UNTS: 2 for 1— Students & Senior Citizens He-KH TS: ALI I I ÍM (.Turk t' or cull 477-6060 t<> chunjc INf-ORMAT ION 472-5411 M.kL- pi>v»tl’ k in i irt K i ur.int from tin K a . M >>n tlu- \rr¡. .inJ tin N .iti 'ii.il I iiJowtiH-nt lor flu- \ r t - . .1 tcJi r.il m i'iu \ l i C P N l i K L S S A Y h N l ’ l: A I' S I I N, I 1 \ AS 7 ' 7 0 I THF. S H F.FTAI.I. CO. J E W E L E R S GF M O L O G I S T S iCMt . y ;S ) GFM 1 ABORATORY > - n r CERTIFIED GEMOL.OGIST ON THE DRAG 2236 GUADALUPE NEAR THE CO-OP W estgate Mall H ighland Mall North Star Mall in San A ntonio x viAWkr t F r i e n d l y Se r v i ce » * E x p e r * 5 t a H » i 0 v e t n i g h * B W A C n lo r PfOCPSV^q * Custom Fnlorqernprtr<; • * O r,“ M n 11' F - 6 Sl i de P r O(PSSi ng • is to » 1 P h o to g ra p h ic ' L a b s r , l M l X m d N u » c m 4 7 4 i | 7 7 How to beat the compulsory insurance deadline...and save money, too! From staff and wire reports Attorney General Jim Mattox's office has asked the state auditor to investigate alleged misapplication of state funds by the Travis County district attorney — the same office prosecuting Mattox on bribery charges this month. Mattox's executive assistant sent a letter to the state audit committee asking for an investigation into the possible misuse of state funds by Travis County District Attorney Ronnie Earle. The district attorney's public in­ tegrity unit conducted the investiga­ tion that led to Mattox's indictment If you’ve got to have motorcycle insurance, and the law says you do, why not a cycle insurance plan that can save you money? We represent Dairyland, offering: ■ Affordable rates ■ Easy Payment Plans ■ Discounts for Safe Riding ■ Savings on Annual Policies ■ Flexible Coverage Options Ask us about Dairyland! Call: Roger Torres Bus: (512) 451-6471 Home: (512) 282-1654 Dairyland County Mutual Insurance Company of Texas Best Sauce Best Cheese Best Pizza Pie the sauce We use the finest crushed tomatoes to make our sauce chunky and tomatoey. Then we lightly season it with our special blend of Italian spices. At Fratelli’s you can taste the tomatoes in our tomato sauce. fratelli’s pizzeria slice & whole E a t in o r c a l l f o r f r e e d e l i v e r y 4 8 0 -9 9 3 3 2270 G uadalupe (Next to the Co-op) NOW SERVING BREAKFAST 7:00 AM coupon $2.50 off any 2 or more item large pizza coupon $1.00 off any pizza or whole stromboli name name good thru 2-28-85 fratelli’s good thru 2-28-85 fratelli's Chela ea street GRAND OPENING THURSDAY JANUARY 31 7301 BURNET RD. CENTENNIAL CENTER ^ Hot O ff the Grill —Chelsea now has Fajitas, BBQue Ribs, and Burgers, plus your old Favorites . . . Giant Chef Salads, OverstufTed Sandwiches, & Chelsea Nachos! All of our Specialties are still here plus Munch, M unch More!! ^ L i v e E n t e r t a i n m e n t M onday Saturday, Starting at 9 PM Opening-"BILLY PRITCHARD j thru (Grand / H HAPPY HOUR-M o n d a y thru Friday 4-8 PM. Buy 1st Drink regular price, buy 2nd Drink for a Nickel!! a Street Pub 6 feataurant Hub 6 NEW EXPAN DED M E N U AVAILABLE AT B A R T O N CREEK CHELSEA1 B i b MDE THE WAVE OF " THE FUTURE. In t h e n u e l e a r Na vy , y o u l e a r n M e d i t e r r a n e a n , t h e P a c i f i c or You Tv d e e p u n d e r t h e s e a . T h e r e a r e 1600 t o n s of n u c l c a r - p o w e r e d s u b m a r i n e a r o u n d y o u . Y o u r m i s s i o n - t o p r e s e r v e t h e p e a c e . Y o u r j o b - t o c o o r d i n a t e a p r a c t i c e m i s s i l e l a u n c h . E v e n t h i n g a b o u t t h e s u b is s t a t e of t h e a r t . i n c l u d i n g y o u . I h e e x e r c i s e - a s u c c e s s . You Y» p a r t of t h a t s u c c e s s a n d n ow y o u ’r e r i d i n g h i g h . q u i c k l y , f h e r h a l f o f A m e r i c a ’s n u c l e a r r e a c t o r s a r e in t h e N a \ s. A n d t h a t m e a n s y o u get h a n d s - o n e x p c r i e m e last. Von get r e w a r d e d fast, t o o Wi th «i g r e a t s t a r t i n g s a l a r y o f *122.000 t h a t r a n b u i l d to a s m u c h a s SI },(MX) a f t e r f h r y e a r s . A n d w ifh t r a i n i n g . a n d s k i l l s \ o u ’ll u s e f o r a l i f e t i m e I h e n , w h e t h e r y o u r e iri t h e t h e A t l a n t i c , w h e r e v e r y o u m o v e a r o u n d t h e w o r l d , y o u ’ll b e m o v i n g u p in y o u r c a r e e r a n d in t h e Na vy. -- rind o u t m o r e a b o u t a n e x c i t i n g f u t u r e fFiaf y o u r a n s t a r t t o d a y . S e e . y o u r N a v y R e c r u i t e r o r CALL 8 0 0 -3 2 7 -N A V Y . NAVY OFFICERS GET RESPONSIBILITY FAST. B u sin ess Tracor reports banner year in sales, income The Daily Texan/Friday, February 1, 1985/Page 9 By DEBRA MULLER Daily Texan Staff Austin's only h om e-g row n Fortune 500 com p an y exceeded one-half billion dollars in sales in 1984, creating a b anner year for the corporation. Tracor, Inc. recorded year-end increases of 21 percent in sales and 35 percent in net incom e from 1983. 1984 was the 11th consecutive year of in­ creased sales and profits for Tracor. Tracor presented the corporation's un au­ dited fourth quarter and year-end financial reports to investors Tuesday. Tracor, fo unded in 1955, is an interna­ tional technological products and services co m p a n y that produces diverse electronic c o m p o n e n ts. It has operations in Belgium, England, France, Mexico, the N etherlands, and Sw itzerland. Subdivisions are also located in 16 states. Austin Inc., is headquarters for Tracor, while op eration s also occupy Fort Worth, Houston and Laredo. As a result o f its success, Tracor began expan ding personnel in July. T h e com pany now em p loy s 1,900, com pared with 1,500 at the end of 1983, Judith N ew by, Tracor sp o k e sw o m an , said. Tracor will continu e to increase p e rs o n ­ nel in 1985 and currently has 250 openings, primarily in engineerin g, she said. N ew b y said the com p an y 's success will have a positive effect on Austin's econom y by providing more jobs and wages, insert­ ing more m oney into the econom y. "A n y tim e a com pany d oes well in a com ­ munity, it insures jobs of people working for the c o m p a n y ," Newby said. " I t causes them to live here rather than som ew h ere e l s e . " Angelos Angelou, chief econom ist for the Austin C h am b e r o f Com m erce, said that Tracer's expan sion could have disadvan­ tages, however, by taking labor from other local industries. " O u r situation is tight in terms o f avail­ ability of labor in A u s tin ," he said. An increase in jobs could create higher wages, but is more likely to cause a higher turnover rate, Angelou said Angelou stressed the significance of Tra ­ cer, however. "T ra cor is our only h o m e ­ grown F o rtu n e 500 com pany. What they do is very important to A u s tin ," he said. "I t is a very successful and well-managed c o m ­ p a n y ." Texas Randall Keeling, assistant chief of the econom ics research analysis dep artm ent of E m p lo y m e n t C o m m is s io n , the doubts Tracor could significantly impact the Austin jo b market unless it provided 6,(XX) to 7 ,(XX) additional openings at one time. Tracor sales reached 5512.9 million for 1984, while net income rose to $33.2 mil­ lion, up from $24.5 million in 1983. Net incom e per share increased 34 p e r­ cent from 1983 year end , from $ 1.60 to $2.15. The Tracor Board of Directors also d e ­ clared an 8 .5 cent per share quarterly cash dividend on c o m m o n stock, payable April 5 to shareholders of record on March 18. Th e com pany has an estim ated 13,500 share­ holders. Defense electronics, o n e of the three Tra­ cor financial s eg m en ts, produced more than 50 percent of total sales. G row th was primarily from the acquisition of new c o n ­ tracts. Tracor reported a year-end backlog of $323 million, which represents a 28 percent increase from 1983. Stocks finish mixed after active trading United Press International N E W Y O R K — After a daylong struggle against profit-taking, the stock market finished with mixed results Thursday, with oil issues re­ maining firm for the second day and technology stocks com ing under pressure. T h e Dow Jo n e s industrial average fell 1.11 to 1,286.77. T h e Dow had been down nearly 10 points in late afternoon befo re recovering m ost of the loss. For the entire m onth of January, the blue-chip barometer gained 75.20. T h e New York Stock Exchange in­ dex rose 0 .10 to 103.75, to ppin g an all-time high reached in the previ­ ou s session. T h e price of an average share increased 3 cents. Standard & Poor's 500-stock index gained 0.24 to 179.63, also an all-time high. Advances topped declines 835- 803 am ong the 2,062 issues traded. It was the 19th consecutive session in which ad vances have led dec­ lines, extend ing a m odern record. B ig B o a r d v o l u m e shares, dow n t o t a l e d 132.470.000 from 170.020.000 shares traded W e d n e s ­ day. After the stock market closed, the Federal R eserve reported that the basic m o n e y s u p p ly m e a s u re , know n as M l , increased $4.7 billion in the w eek e n d e d Jan. 21. "P e o p le are looking for the next group that's g oing to ra lly ," said Jon G ro vem a n of Ladenburg, Thalm ann & Co. Inc., explaining the move in the oil stocks. He said firmer crude oil prices had som e investors that the oil c om p a nies for­ tunes would take a turn for the bet­ ter. convin ced G rovem an said the recent rally started w hen the yield difference "b e tw e e n stocks and short term m o n ey rates got to such a point that stocks were irresistible." the near He said the market looks "v er y term, al­ str o n g " over though it might have reached "a crescend o of o p tim is m ." He expects the stock m arket to fluctuate in a narrow range b etw ee n 1,260 and 1,310 on the D ow for the next week or two. After that, he said, there could be s o m e consolidation and then an oth er big advance. " T h e mixed finish am o u n te d to early signs of s o m e sort of p a u s e ," said Charles C o m e r of O p p e n - heim er & Co. H ow ever, he said he was looking for a "s id e w a y s p a u se " rather than a " m a jo r co rrectio n ." C o m e r said the force behind the Bruce Springsteen Dow Jones Average 30 Industrials January 3 1.1985 1300 1280 1260 1240 1 2 2 0 1200 1180 High: 1 293.40 ■ ■ ■ fT IT i n i ■ l ■ l l i i i ■ ■ i i i ■ ■ hi 7 9 1114 16 28 30 United Press International market rise in January has been a in perception rather than a shift drastic ch an g e fundamentals. in C o n ce rn s about a recession, he said, " a r e rapidly losing cu rre n cy " while "e q u itie s s ud d en ly look c h e a p " as interest rates fall. C o m p o site volum e of N YSE is­ su es listed on all U.S. exch an g e s over and 157,888,900 197,481,360 W ednesday- the shares, down c o u n te r totaled from O n the trading floor, AT&T was the most active NYSE-listed issue, off 'A to 20% . Unocal was second, ju m ping 4 to 4 2 Vt. Southern Co. was third, un changed at 18‘A. Austin CableVision expands channel capacity, service By KELLY FRANKENY Daily Texan Staff Although Austin CableVision has closed its north location in Highland Mall, the com pany has been making expansions in its pay m ent locations, advertising, channel capacity and areas serviced. "Essentially the reason (the c o m ­ pany closed the Highland Mall off­ ice) was that we w eren't getting the new business as we w ere getting the first year we were o p e n , " said Phil Knudsen, vice presid ent of new busin ess developm ent " T h e traffic we were getting was mainlv people paying their bills — not getting new service." Cu stom ers can pay bills at any of seven H .E .B. stores in Austin and at te ll e r m a c h i n e s 17 through First City National Bank of Austin, Knudsen said. a u t o m a t i c He said the administrativ e office in South Austin at 2191 W oodward St. would serve as the retail outlet where custom ers can co m e in and see what channels and equ ipm ent they offer. He said the co m p a n y has no immediate plans to op en another north location. In addition to new paym ent loca­ tions, Austin CableV ision has be­ com e the second cable com p a n y in the United States to establish The Ad C h an n el, a channel for classified advertising. It airs real estate and motor vehicle advertising 24 hours a day on C h an n el 28 and from 6 to 8 p.m. on C h annel 15 K nu d sen said Austinites who have the 24-hour channel are those with an expan ded channel capacity. "I t was started at the first of D e ­ cem ber and we have done terrific," Knu d sen said. "E a ch com mercial is 15 to 20 seco nd s in duration and can be run o n e week for $25 or two w eeks for $40. Th e ads are run e v e ­ ry other h o u r ." A potential advertiser, Knu d sen said, can drive up to The Ad C h a n ­ nel office at Burnet Road and R ut­ land Drive and a video camera will take a picture of the vehicle being sold. " T h e v then can create their ad on a video screen, choo sing the tvpe and what thev want the ad to s a y , ” he said. "I t is then stored digitally and can be put on the air within m in u te s ." " T h e channel makes it easier for those selling and those b u y in g ," h e said. "I t cuts out a lot of p h o n e traf­ the questions fic and eliminates about how things look which h a p ­ pens frequently in the print me di ­ u m ." L O W E AEROSMITHS GREATEST HITS including: Dream On Walk This Way S w e e t Emotion C o m e T o g e th e r B ack In The Saddle l i l i l í including: Growin Up/Blinded By The Light Spirit InThe Night/For You It’s Hard To Be A Saint InThe City SONGS IN THE ATTIC including: Say Goodbye To Hollywood I've Loved These Days/Captain Jack Summer, Highland Falls/Miami 2017 The Romantics including: Tell It To Carrie/When I Loof In Your Eyes What I Like About You/Keep In Touch RECORD EXCHANGE 21st & G uadalupe call47-MUSIC 10-11 nightly Page 10/The Daily Texan/Friday, February 1,1985 OVERWEIGHT? CAN’T STOP EATING? I CAN HELP!! DON PETTY, M.D. 331-0452 THETACHI FRATERNITY Theta Chi Fraternity, a national, non-hazing, so­ cial fraternity is starting a chapter here at U.T. Interested male undergraduates call John Fri- dholm (471-6171; Rm. 312), Larry Burgess (454- 5560), or Eric W eber (476-8616) for further infor­ m ation. STRENGTH THROUGH BROTHERHOOD; 8UB8TAJTCB, NOT IMAGB1 presents * Slice and Soda $ 1.75 LChicago S t y i e \ D eep Pan Offer expires May 31,1985 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • • • e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • » « • • • • • • • • • • • • The best munch and guzzle in town. Get a sUce and a soda for just $1.75 with this coupon any weekday firon 11am-2pm. Gnod a t all locations Stubb’s Bar-B-Q 1st Major Rib Eating Contest February 2 E n tr y fee $25 C on test w ill be lim ite d — E n ter E a rly 1st Prize. $100. Cash and Trophy 2nd Prize: BBQ Turkey and 2 Gal. of Stubb’s Famous BBQ Sauce 3rd Prize: BBQ Ham & 2 Gal. of Stubb’s Famous BBQ Sauce This is your chance to eat and enjoy cooking from the World’s G reatest Cook, judging by Mr. John Lee Hooker and other celebrities Ladies & Gentlemen — I t ’s Legendary Right Here in Austin Entry Form s A vailable At; Inner Sanctum , H ut’s Drive-In, Steam boat A A n tone’s UT Class Ring Special $450including diamond * The Sheftall Co. presents a first- class special. The 10K solid gold customized class ring is offered at a very special price. This class ring is available with many design options. Your ring is custom ordered for you with any year you designate and your full name is engraved inside. Plus tax t h e S h e f t a l l CO. J EW EL E R S GEMOLOGISTS MEM BER A M E R IC A N GEM SOC IETY WESTGATE MALL • HIGHLAND MALL • O N THE DRAG Mondav. Feb. 4 3:30pm AC Auditorium Tuesday. Feb. 5 6:00pm Ballroom (Texas Union) “ C h a ttin g w ith th e C h a n c e lo r” Hans Mark. Chancelor of UT System s “It's your Money—Put In Your 24 Worth On The Tuition Increases" * L - c L i f jjp jg , < v 7 ' Jfv'$, ’' , ■* % * * - J jf* Michael Novak. Director of Financial Aid (UT) George Torres. Texas House of Representatives Clerk for Higher Education Representative from Texas Student Lobby f; ■ « t o . ~ L ’i* G á-U1 • * • 3 > ,»“ í- * '" i: ?' s i , . : - ^ ‘ % ' » í . . . * ..... Wednesday. Feb. 6 4:00pm AC Auditorium "Reading. Riting. Rithmetic, and Reform" - Education Reforms, a D eb ate Moderator: Dale Rice. Reporter for D allas T im es H e ra ld Representative Bill Haley Senator Carl Parker Lee Laws. AISD Director of the Dep t of Federal and State Applications and Compliance Representative from Texas State Teachers Association Thursday, Feb. 7 3:30pm Eastwoods Room (Texas Union) “Current Status for Teacher Education Curriculum” Assistant Dean of Education Sponsored by the T exas Union Ideas and Interactions C om m ittee and the Education Council Around Campus A round C am pus is a daily colu m n a c tiv itie s lis tin g U n iv e r sity -re la te d sp onsored by academ ic departm ents, stu dent services and registered stu dent organizations. To appear in the A round C am pus colu m n, organ ization s m ust be registered w ith the O ffice o f Stu dent A ctivities. A n n ou n cem en ts m ust be su bm itted on the correct form b y noon the day before p u b lication to T he D a ily Texan office. N o excep tion s w ill be m ade. Explorer Post 360 w ill not go camping this w eekend. We'll go next w eekend H ar­ dy souls we may be — fools we are not. College of Fine Arts w ill present two perform ances by the Paul Taylor Dance C om pany at 8 p.m . Saturday and Sunday in the Perform ing A rts C enter Concert Hall. For m ore inform ation call 471-1444. Department of Astronomy w ill hold an astrophysics lunch at noon Friday in W alter W ebb Hall Faculty C enter Oak Room. Arnold Air Society w ill hold a TGIF at 4 p.m . Friday at Scholz Bier G arten. Caribbean Social Club w ill have an elec­ tion m eeting at 6 p.m . Friday in the Texas Im portant m atters will be dis­ Union. cussed, so all m em bers please attend. AXLE w ill sponsor an educational forum on Cuba arrd N icaragua, including slides and first-hand accounts, at 7 p.m . Friday in Academ ic C enter A uditorium . Gay and Lesbian Student Association will have a "h a p p y h our get-together" at 4:30 p.m . Friday in Texas Union Cactus Cafe. For m ore inform ation call 472-9193. Everyone is welcome. Texas Lacrosse w ill play Texas Tech at noon Saturday at the Intram ural Fields. Com e out and experience this fast-paced, exciting sport. N ew players are alw ays w el­ come. Chinese Bible Study will have its w eek­ ly fellowship at 6:30 p.m . Friday in the fourth floor lobby of the University Teach­ ing Center. C harles Perkins of the D epart­ m ent of Mechanical Engineering will d is­ cuss the third chapter of the G ospel of John. Everyone is welcome. Ever thought about studying abroad and never did anything about it? Here is your chance. NORDIC FINDS will conduct a presentation on study program s in Scandi navia at 4 p.m . W ednesday in Batts Hall Tobin Room. United Campuses to Prevent Nuclear War will m eet at 4 p.m . Friday in Texas Union Building 4.108. All interested stu ­ d ents and faculty are welcome The Hooper Society is proud to an­ nounce the sw earing-in of Steve "H oop Foistad as president. The cerem onies will take place at 6 p.m . Friday at 603 E. 48th Street. Department of Oriental and African Languages and Literature will present the film "P ather Panchali," w ith English subti ties, at 2 p.m . Saturday in Batts Hall 12. Alpha Phi Omega w ill have its weekly TGIF from 4 to 7 p.m . Friday at Coldy's. Center for Mexican American Studies will show two films from 1 to 2 p.m Friday in Texas Union Building 4.224. "Tos V endi­ d os" and "B rujerías," exam ples of Chicano theater, will be presented free of charge. Students Older Than Average will meet for happy hour from 5 to 7 p.m . in Texas Union Pierce Hall S tudents only, please. D ivision of Biological Sciences will p resent two free lunchtim e movies at noon Friday in T.S. Painter Háll 1.06. This w eek's films are "From Reptiles to Birds" and "L ords of the Air." Chicano Culture Committee will spon­ sor a "S egundo de Febrero," a Mexican- reception student/faculty/staff Am erican from 1 to 3 p.m . Friday in Texas Union Building 3.308. Com e by and get better ac­ quainted with UT personnel. The ACUI Dart Tournament will take place at 2 p.m . Saturday in the Texas Union Texas Tavern. S tudents taking at least sev­ en hours with at least a 2.0 CPA qualify. The gam e is 301 DIDO, the best two out of three, double elim ination. Les Amis de la Langue Francaise will m eet to converse in French at 6 p.m . Friday in Texas Union Building cafeteria near Eeyore's. Alpha Káppa Psi invites all rushes to its final rush function from 4 to 7 p.m . Friday at the first floor lobby of the G raduate Stu­ dent Building. Business attire is requested. D ean C unningham will speak. I n t e r - V a r s i t y Christian Fellowship will m eet from 7 to 9 p m. Friday in T e x a s Un­ ion Eastwoods Room Don Mc( urry, direc­ tor o f Samuel Zw em er Institute, will speak College of Fine Arts will present a facul­ ty piano and violin recital at 8 p.m in Old Music Building lessen Auditorium Admis sion is free UT Symphony Orchestra will present conductor Cornelius Fberhardt at 8 p m Saturday in Music Building B a t e s Recital Hall. Adm ission is free FLECSA will hold a happv hour at 4:30 p.m . Friday at Scholz Bier Garten 160 San Jacinto Boulevard Meet inside in the event of inclem ent w eather University Folk Dance Society will have a PARTY at 8 p.m . Friday in Goldsmith Hall 501. Dances taught recently will he re view ed and request dancing will follow at 9:30. Bring m unchies and wear slick s h o e s N either experience nor partners are re­ quired. AXLE will meet at 1 p.m. Sunday in Iex- as Union Battle Oaks Room. Call 4. /-8061 for more inform ation. Department of Physics w ill have a math- physics colloquium entitled "N ew Monte Carlo M ethod for the Self-Avoiding Ran­ dom W a!k"at 2 p.m . Friday in Robert Lee Moore Hall 9.166. The speaker will be Alan Sokal of the C ourant Institute. FLECSA will present FLEC doctoral can­ didate Tim Robinson on Evaluating For eign S tudent W riting in English" at 2:30 p.m . Friday in Texas Union Stahrles Room College of Fine Arts will have an electro- acoustical recital series at 8 p.m . Friday in Music Building Bates Recital Hall, at 2 p.m. Saturday in the O pera Lab Theater, and at 3 p.m . Sunday in the O pera Lab Theater For m ore inform ation call 471 5401 Association of Students in Business and Economics will have its first party at 9 p.m Saturday at 2826 Salado St. Come out and see w hat w e're all about All are welcome For inform ation contact Julie Courtnev at 467-0285. Police Report B etw een 3 p .m . .W ed n esd ay and 3 p .m . T hursday the U n iversity Police D epartm ent reported the fo llo w in g in ci­ dents: Burglary o f auto: T w o ju v en iles w ere c a u g h t b u rg la riz in g a vehicle in lot 105 at 9:20 p .m . W e d n e sd a y . T he su s p e c ts w e re released to th e ir p a re n ts. T w o n o n -s tu d e n ts w e re a rre ste d at 9:30 p .m . W e d n e sd a y afte r o ff ic e r s saw th e m a tte m p tin g to e n te r a vehicle in lot 93. Both m ad e w ritte n co n fessio n s. A w a rra n t check re v ea le d o n e had an o u t­ s ta n d in g A u stin Police D e p a rtm e n t w a r­ rant. Both w e re tra n s p o rte d to T ravis C o u n ty Jail T h eft: A UT s tu d e n t re p o rte d at 9 p .m . W e d n e sd a y th e th e ft of her w allet from W ag g e n er H all. T he theft re p o rte d ­ ly o c cu rre d at 10:05 a .m . W ed n e sd a y . T he w allet a n d its c o n te n ts w ere valued a t $261. A UT staff m em b e r re p o rte d the theft of his h at from Texas U nion Building room 1.102. T he theft rep o rte d ly oc­ c u rre d b e tw e e n 10:45 a.m . a n d 4 p.m W e d n e sd a y . T he hat w as valued at $5. P ublic Intoxication: A U T stu d e n t w a s fo u n d intoxicated at 10:42 p .m . W ed n e s­ d a y in th e Frank C. F rw in !r. Special E v en ts C e n te r. H e w as tra n sp o rte d to th e T ravis C o u n ty Jail. U.T. FINANCE ASSOCIATION INVESTMENTS BANKING * f . „ & " r ‘ - v : p i l l l l i i l p p . " : / ' ■ : ; - * G i| * fi&A. - ^ vi £3,. w ' ' < — < ■ ' %> P * ** • * * % " A : C ' : * ■ . w cC /- ■- You Can Follow The Crowd, Or Discover Your Own Special Place. V u L ’ - - «lllilllfpialiit — ■ ' v . > 4 á, . he west campus area has always been a haven for those seeking to escape the m onotony of most student housing. Unfortunately, a great many of the condo* miniums here are little more than glorified dormitories. Level upon level of unimagina­ tive, uninspiring dwelling space. You might as well live on campus. Or you can discover W est University Place. A small, unique new com munity that’s big on style and features. m Like a choice o f three two-bedroom floor plans with plenty of room to study, relax or entertain. Fireplaces for cozy evenings at home. A sw imming pool and Jacuzzi spa. Covered parking, individual storage rooms, a convenient location and a style that says you ’re special. T he choice is yours. You can follow the crowd to those other com m unities, or you can discover your own special place. West U niversity Place. From $ 1 3 0 ,0 0 0 . - I 'Si® : f *f - n l m i m -■ ¿ fe : ■ SÜ: ■ H ¡ p 1; : Í W'W- A ú ii'-; * ‘ 29th Street at Pearl • 4 8 0 - 8 4 8 4 * 3 2 7 -9 2 0 2 Marketed by M cIntyre Associates. BANK NIGHT FEB. 6,1985 7:30 p.m. TX UNION BALLROOM BUSINESS ATTIRE Lowest Prices Going. . . Anywhere, 453-TRIP 34th and Guadalupe N.___________ --------------------- ---------- ---------- Sports The Daily Texan/Friday, February 1, 1985/Page 11 Riggins has early bedtime United Press International WASHINGTON — Washington Redskins star John Riggins put on a raucous display at a formal banquet W ednesday night, at one point urg­ ing Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor to "loosen up, San­ dy baby," then passing out on the ballroom floor and snoring through a speech by Vice President George Bush. Riggins, the Most Valuable Player when the Redskins won the Super Bowl two years ago, was a guest of People magazine at the Washington Press Club's annual black tie "Sa­ lute to Congress" dinner. Also at Riggins' table were Justice O'Connor and her husband, John J. O'Connor III. A guest said Riggins loudly to Mrs. repeatedly spoke O'Connor, times saying, "Come on, Sandy baby, loosen up. You're too tight." several Another guest was Virginia Gov. Charles Robb, son-in-law of the late Lyndon Johnson. His spokesman, George Stoddart, said: "The gover­ nor said it was a very memorable evening, and he doesn't feel it's ap­ propriate to comment beyond that." The O'Connors left immediately after dinner, skipping the show emceed by ABC-TV White House correspondent Sam Donaldson, which included a speech by Bush. Mrs. O'Connor's secretary denied they fled Riggins, citing her long­ standing invitation to participate in a Thursday morning prayer break­ fast. The justice's husband said Thurs­ day, "Certainly w e didn't leave ear­ ly because of his (Riggins') b eh av­ ior." The dinner ran until 11:30 p.m . and, "that's kind of late for a work day." H ow ever, the O 'C onnors left w ell before 10 p .m . Riggins w as unavailable for com ­ m ent, and a R edskins' spokesm an said, "W e've had no contact with John and w e have no com m ent " Contacted by UPI, Riggins' w ife Mary Lou d en ied her husband had p assed out. "H e fell asleep is more accurate", she said, ad d in g she believed Mrs O 'C onnor found Riggins "very en ­ tertaining." Riggins, a 6-2, 240-pound 13-year veteran from Kansas, is nicknam ed "The Diesel" for his bull-like ru sh ­ ing style — and som e Redskins fans blow diesel horns at hom e gam es w hen their hero gains yardage. Riggins, 35, m arches to so differ­ ent a drum m er that he sat out a full season in a contract dispute and the next year turned u p at a Super Bowl party in a tux, top hat and cane He led the Redskins to their first Super See Riggins, page 13 Horns destroy Brigham Young Lloyd bests Spaulding, fans get burgers By WILL HAMPTON Daily Texan Staff This game was a lot like this year's Super Bowl. It looked like it might be close in the early going, but the team that was stronger over­ all beat the one-dimensional team. The top-ranked Texas Longhorns did their imitation of the San Fran­ cisco 49ers by whipping Brigham Young, 101-59, Thursday night in the Frank C. Erwin Jr. Special Events Center. Brigham Y oung's 6-7 Tresa Spaulding did her Dan Marino imi­ tation by starting out hot and then getting frustrated by Texas' hound­ ing defense. Spaulding finished the game with 19 points, a figure below her season average. Spaulding was guarded by 6-2 Andrea Lloyd, who played perhaps her best game since last season against Northeast Louisiana in the NCAA M idwest Regional. Lloyd scored a game-high 21 points and led the Longhorns with seven re­ bounds in just 21 minutes. "I thought Andrea's game was the key," Texas Coach Jody Conradt said. Early on, though, it looked like Spaulding's game was going to be the key. Spaulding scored six of Brigham Young's first eight points and knotted the score at eight on an inside basket. The Cougars had a chance to take the lead after Lloyd fouled Kathy Denton, but Denton missed both free throws. Texas' Fran Harris then hit tw o shots in a row and Lloyd banked in a 5-foot jumper to put Texas up, 14-8. The two teams exchanged baskets for the next five minutes before Tex- Women’s Basketball as began to run away from the rap­ idly diminishing Cougars. Judy Hare's fast-break basket with 7:21 left in the half would be Brigham Young's last points before the intermission. The Longhorns then ripped off 25 unanswered points to put them up, 59-23, at the half. Most of the surge came with Spaulding sitting on the bench with just two fouls. Yulonda Wimbish finished the first half with 12 points on a perfect 6-of-6 effort from the field. Beverly Williams, too, was flawless, hitting 3-of-3 from the field and nailing both of her free throws. Texas is 17-2 overall and tests its 8-0 Southwest Conference record against No. 13 Texas Tech at 7:30 p.m . Saturday in the Erwin center. Brigham Young fell to 10-6. The only suspense in the second half was whether Texas would score 100 points and treat the fans to a free hamburger from Wendy's. The 1,762 fans w ho attended were hungry - and let the Long­ horns know it. When Jones banked in a 15-footer to make it 99-56, there was bedlam. And when Michele Eglinger grabbed an offensive re­ bound and sank the shot, you would have thought the Longhorns just w on the national title. Kamie Ethridge did her imperso­ nation of Joe Montana, leading the fast break and handing out a game- high 10 assists in only 21 minutes of playing time. "It was a blitz," Conradt said. "Quarterback fading back and we sent everybody." at the 20% Discount Alternative Cleaners Laundry & 2409 Manor Rd 472-3131 Offer Good thru Feb. 28,1985 SU BY> Brigham Young’s Judy Hare wrestles for bad with Longhorns’ Cara Priddy, Andrea Uoyd and Fran Harris. Jim Sigmon, Daily Texan Staff Texas hopes to find basket after week’s rest By HOWARD DECKER Daily Texan Staff Men’s Basketball Texas' reward for losing three consecutive games was a week's rest. Longhorn coach Bob Weltlich hopes the break will help his play­ ers locate the basket. "Our problem is we're not shoot­ ing the ball," Weltlich said. "It's not a case of us doing things wrong as much as the ball's not going in the basket and there's not much you can do about that except shoot." The Longhorns ended the first half of Southwest Conference play losing to Texas A&M, SMU and TCU. Texas shot well against the Aggies, but fell into a deep shooting slump against SMU Jan. 23, as the Longhorns made only 36.7 percent of their field goal attempts. It got worse. Three days later, Texas traveled to TCU and shot a season-low 32.1 percent while mak­ ing only 17 field goals. Most of the players were just hap­ py to get that game over and looked forward to the week off. "It's the end of the first half of conference and all our guys are tired," guard Alex Broadway said after the loss to TCU. "It'll give Wack (Texas forward Mike Wacker) time to get his knee together and everybody will get a break — it's som ethihg we need." Weltlich was glad to get the break so he could take a look at his pres­ ent lin eu p and find w ays to im prove it. "W e've just got to re-evaluate in term s of h o w w e're d oin g and how w e're p laying offen sively," Weltlich said. "W e had off M onday and cam e back Tuesday and W ed n es­ day, so as much as an yth in g w e've tried to get everyb ody healthy. "W e've w orked on d efen se and concentrated on taking care of the basketball — just little th in gs, n oth ­ ing ou t of the ordinary." But Texas' sh ooting has been an y­ thing but ordinary lately. The Long­ horns will try to end their sh ooting slu m p starting at 1:08 p .m . Satur­ day, w h en they play Texas Tech 1300 and KBVO-TV (KVET-AM channel 42, cable 5) at the Frank C. Erwin Jr. Special Events Center. In Texas' previous gam e with Tech Jan. 2 in Lubbock, the Red Raiders escaped w ith a 67-60 victo- ry- Since that gam e, the Red Raiders defeated then-second-ranked SMU, 64-63, but w ere u pset by TCU W ednesday. Tech is 12-6 overall and 5-3 in conference. Weltlich said Texas, 10-8 overall and 3-5 in the SWC, will try to over­ come a seasoned Tech team. "T hey have an experienced team, they have a lot of people they can play and they start four seniors,' first eight Weltlich said. players have played a lot over the last year or tw o ." "T heir Tech's top tw o players are 6-9 for­ ward Q uentin A nderson and 5-10 guard Bubba Jennings. Jennings, w ho controls the perim ­ eter for th e Red Raiders, leads the team in scoring with just u n d e r 19 points per gam e. A nderson will play a post posi­ leads Texas tion on offense. He Tech reboun ds with 6.5 per gam e, and is second in scoring with 15.2 points per game. in "W e've obviously got to w orry about Jennings outside and Q uentin A nderson inside as far as scoring is co n cerned ," Weltlich said. "A n d e r­ son is probably as underrated a th ­ lete as there is in the league." But for now , Texas Tech is the least of the Longhorns' problem s. The sim ple task of m aking baskets will be their main concern. BICYCLES F ine bicycles assem bled w ith m eticulous care Ctf) Centurion ^ N IS H IK I 0 M IY A T A Huge selection & best prices on all bicycle accessories including: Gloves, shoes, jerseys & shorts Kirtland bicycle touring packs Specialized tires and tubes “Q u a lity & Service are the difference 2404 S a n G abriel 477-6846 - * AlU Tvpos 1.99 , . 750 ML. Riiinirc 1 50 ML. 3.99 1 AJZ’ 1 f t iSOML. < 50 ML. 2.99 3.99 2.99 A N D R E Cold Duck. Extra Dry Champagne 1.99 750 M L WE GLADLY QUOTE PRICES OVER THE PHONE. CHECK OUR EVERY­ DAY PRICE ON ANY BRAND AGAINST THE EVERYDAY PRICE OF YOUR REGULAR STORE! K L R U WINE- TASTING TICKETS A V A I L A B L E HERE $15.00 Conveniently located in the big warehouse ju st north o f Threadgill's Diner & ABC Restaurant Supply. 6500 NO. LAMAR PH. 459-1115 RUN-TEX 472-3254 "The Runner's Store" 908-B West 12th Street (at Lamar) 5.29 19.99 Austin, TX 78705 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a • • • • • • • • • Page 12/The Daily Texan/Friday, February 1, 1985 MORE THAN 10% OF ALL AUSTIN GROCERY PURCHASES LAST YEAR wore mad# by students, faculty and staff of the Unlvorslty of Tex­ as. SOURCE: UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS COLLEGE NEWSPAPER STUDY, BELOEN ASSOCIATES. DALLAS, APRIL 1 * M SALES AND MARKETING MANAGEMENT SURVEY OF RUVINO POWER. JU LY, I W Kentucky defense slows LSU to halt Iowa, Michigan tied for first in Big Ten after victories over Indiana, Northwestern take a 45-27 lead. Michigan made nine of its first 11 shots in the sec­ ond half. that led to the Hawkeyes' Big Ten victory over slumping Indiana. U nited Press International NCAA LEX IN G T O N , Ky. — Kenny W alker scored 21 points and Ken­ tucky, relying on a patient offense and rugged defense, stopped LSU , 53-43, T h u rsd a y night in a Southeastern Conference game. The Tigers, 13-5 overall and 7-4 in the league, dropped to second place in the SEC . Kentucky snapped a three-game losing streak in im prov­ ing to 10-8 and 5-4. The Wildcats used an aggressive man-to-man to limit the Tigers to 36 shots and a season-low 43 points. On offense, Kentucky often waited until the 45-second clock ran down before shooting. Kentucky was up by 10 points in the first half before LSU tied it at 31 with nine minutes left. After the teams traded baskets, Kentucky went on a 7-0 spurt with W alker scoring four points. The Tigers, who went three minutes without scoring during the run, never recov­ ered. Nikita Wilson scored 10 of his 14 points in the second half to pace LSU . Jerry Reynolds was held to seven points and John William s two. Iowa 72, Indiana 59 BLO O M IN G T O N , Ind. — Greg Stokes scored 21 points and com­ bined with freshman Jeff Moe to spark a second-half Iowa charge For the Hoosiers, it was their fou rth co n secu tive loss and dropped their record to 11-7 overall and 3-5 in the Big Ten. Iowa is tied for first in the conference with a 6-2 record and is 17-4 overall. Mich. 76, Northwestern 52 EV A N ST O N , III. — No. 11 M ichi­ gan, getting a balanced scoring at­ tack led by Roy Tarpley's 16 points, breezed past Northwestern in a Big Ten game. The Wolverines are 6-2 in the league and 15-3 overall. Northwest­ ern, led by reserve Shon Morris with 17 points, fell to 1-7 and 5-13. The Wolverines shot 67 percent in the first half in taking a 37-27 lead and blew the game open by hitting their first four of the second half to Ohio St. 76, Minnesota 62 C O L U M B U S , Ohio — Brad Sellers and Clarence McGee each scored 15 points and Ohio State dominated the second half to gain a Big Ten victory over Minnesota. Marc Wilson paced Minnesota with 17 points and John Shasky had 15. The Gophers were without for­ ward Mitchell Lee, who was charged Thursday with raping a 20- year-old woman in a campus dormi­ tory. Coach Jim Dutcher said Lee, 18, would not play until the matter is resolved, although he is still on the team and has not been suspended. CHRIS’S LIQUOR STORE North 5201 Cameron Rd. 451-7391 MNKIL ACKER KEGS $10.99 Product of Germany 5 -Lrt«rs Over 100 imported and domestic b iers to choose from ot: CHRIS'S OPEN 10 tN 9pm L BEER o r TEC ATE CANS 12 o t l -wo)i Product o f M h k o H A M M S LIG HT o r O LY M P IA LIGHT C H IM A Y ALE GRANDE RESERVE 12 o r C o m TO O TH SHEAF STOUT 2 5 6 ox. Avetrafcon Bm t B O H E M IA BEER 12 o f Product o f M onteo HARP LAGER BEER 12 ox. P rod uct o f Irela nd G U IN N E S S STOUT 12 o f BoWk*, Lrvacpool, England ST. PAULI GIRL BEER 12 O f Bo ttlu i . G o rm on y 2 5 .4 o f Bottks, fM g m n t SHINER BOCK 2 4 i o t t k s Plus D opaw t BEAVER LAGER BEER 12 ox B ottks, England SAN M IG UEL BEER 12 o x B o ttk f. PM ippm os RING NES BEER 12 ox Bo*B#» P roduct o f N o rw a y LABATT'S BEER o r ALE 12 o f . 1 w o y C o n ad ton Boor * CARLINGS BLACK LABEL 24-12 ox. Boftto* plus D opcsit DUVELALE 12 o x BotBos Bolgm m Ale FURSTENBERG BEER 12 o x Bottlos, G o m to n Boor PEARL BEER o r FALSTAFF LIGHT CANS 12 ox BotBos to g o r lig h t C O R O N A M EXIC A N BEER 12 o x BotBos Product o f M onteo PEARL BEER 12 ox C o m Bog, o r tig h t _____ 6 fo r 2*99 12 for 3*29 25.6 oz. for 1.89 6 for 3.99 6 for 4.49 6 for 4.99 6 fo r 1 1.19 25.4 oz. for 2.99 caso 10.99 6 for 5.49 6 for i >.29 6 for 3.69 6 for 3.29 caso 5.99 6 for 5.29 6 for 2.49 12 for 3.29 caso of 20 for 13.49 12 for 3.99 PADRE ISLAND W hat's the difference between the Banzai Pipeline and the Sand- D o llar H otLine? They're both fast. But the Pipe­ line is a high-risk surfing spot, w hile the SandD ollar H otLine is a risk­ free rental reservation number. If you're going to vacation on South Padre Island, call our toll free H otLine number to rent a condo­ m inium unit or to order our free Island Rental Inform ation Packet. In Texas, call 1-800-527-0294 and out of Texas 1-800-531-4541. O n the Island, call (512) 943-7857. O r w rite to P.O. Box 2163, South Padre Island, Texas 78597 Banzai. FRIDAY and SATURDAY TOP SIRLOIN 5.74 (DINNERS INCLUDE CHOICE O F POTA­ TO, FRESH SALAD FROM OUR DAILY M A D E SALAD BAR, AND TEXAS TOAST.) BONANZA SIR LO IN P IT 2815 GUADALUPE 478-3560 WORLD FAMED MEADOWLARK LEMON Y O U C A N HEAR THE HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS FORMERLY OF SUNDAY 10:40 AM & 7 PM AT CHRIST MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHURCH 1701 Kramer , We Guarantee You'll Tan r n Call fo r y o u r first FREE tanning session no obligation 8820 BURNET RD. CROSSROADS SHOPPING CENTER 450-0807 * SPECIAL * * ANNUAL Í STUDENT * * MEMBERSHIP* AVAILABLE L^ ULL * * THREE FOR $149 ANNUAL BOOKCASE SALE NOW THROUGH MARCH 2 Look at all the space you get for the money! Save on versatile storage space in your choice of 6 easy-to-clean finishes-oak, teak, walnut, light or dark butcher block or pure white. Besides books, they'll hold toys, audio/ video equipment, dishes, collec­ tions, towels - whatever. Each ready-to-assemble unit is 30" x 72" x 12" deep, reg. 3 for $159. Or choose 16" deep units, reg. 3 for $219. SALE 3 FOR $209. Hurry in and save by the case! ALL YOUTH FROM JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL THROUGH COLLEGE AGE ARE INVITED TO HAVE LUNCH WITH MEADOWLARK AFTER THE MORNING SERVICE IN THE FAMILY LIFE CENTER, THERE IS N O CHARGE. ACCESSORY KITS: Dress up vour bookcases! Small door kit, $23. Large door kit, $28. Glass door kit, $50 Secretary kit, $23. JamesWeaver Ev©ry0ll6 WclCOIH© 837-7725 storehouse oy 2402 Highland Mall, 459-3161 (Mon.-Sat.10-9) Riggins Continued from page 11 Bowl trium ph over the Miami Dol­ phins a few days later, and since has owned the nation's capital. After the filet mignon course at the $65-a-plate dinner attended by 1,300 members of Congress, the Su­ prem e Court, Cabinet members and top new spaper and network execu­ tives, Riggins walked to where the justice's husband was seated and kneeled beside him, his arm on O 'C onnor's shoulder. "Then he squatted and was star­ ing off into space," said Jill Cohen, Sportsrecord a guest seated a few feet away at an adjoining table. "H e was really out of it. Then he dropped to one el­ bow, then he was flat on the floor. I knew he was under my chair when his cowboy boots hit my shoes. I re­ ally felt bad, it was really sad." Marin Allen, another nearby guest, said Riggins' head plunked down at the feet of Hugh O'Brian — Wyatt Earp on the old television se­ ries. "O'Brian told people in a courte­ ous way to 'let the guy sleep.' " Al­ len said. "People checked Riggins a couple of times dunn g the show to make sure he was breathing." Waiters and waitresses clearing tables in the mammoth, glittering ballroom of the Sheraton Washing­ ton Hotel gingerly avoided the occa­ sionally snoring Riggins, who earli­ er this year played Santa Claus when Nancy Reagan unveiled the Christmas decorations at a White House press showing. The dinner event was televised live by C-SPAN, but cameras in the darkened room did not catch Rig­ gins, black bow tie askew, collar un­ buttoned. Cohen said after the entertain­ ment a woman at the People maga­ zine table roused Riggins by "grab­ bing his nose and shaking it back and forth, and grabbing his hair and pulling it." Riggins rose with help and was escorted out, knees rub­ bery, by several guests. Several witnesses said Riggins had been drinking during an hour- long cocktail party before the din­ ner, and the People magazine table liquor for the 12 had wine and guests, which included Robb Men’s Tennis LO U IS V IL L E Ky Results of the ITCA m a tc h b etw een 1?th ran ked Texas an d No 1 U C L A the d e fe n d in g N C A A titlist U C L A 5. T e xas 3 T ed K larp ard a (U C L A ) over T om Fontana (U T ) 6 i M ik e Kures (U C L A ) over C h a rle s B eckm an (U T ) 6 3. 6 2 B ra d P ierce (U C L A ) over R o y c e D e p p e (U T ). 7 5 6-4 D o u g Pielet (U T ) o ver M ark B a s h a m (U C L A ) 6 1 6 ? Paul Koscielski (U T ) over B rett G re e n w o o d (U C L A ) 6 4 / 6 D a v id Livingston (U C L A ) over F red Thom e (U T ) 6 4 6 2 D o u b les B e c k m a n /D e p p e (U T ) over K u res/B ash am (U C L A ) 6 3 6 3 P ie rc e 'K la rp a rd a (U C L A ) nver M ik e B row n'Thom e (U T ) 6 Singles 4 6 7 5 1, 7 5 NBA Standings NATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOC By United Press International (Late games not included) Eastern Conference Atlantic Division N ew J ersey N ew York M ilw au kee Detroit C h ic a g o Atlanta Indiana C le v e la n d D enver Houston D allas San A ntonio Utah K ansas C ity L A L akers Phoenix S eattle Portland L A C lip p e rs G o ld en S tate Central Division 19 15 13 Western Conference Mhhvest Division PacMc Division 21 17 32 28 24 W 2 9 2 6 24 22 20 15 31 22 20 19 19 10 44 7 16'/? 3 6 2 2 0 ' A' 3'/? 8 6 9 6 6 2 2 5 2 2 4 2 2 12'/? 3 2 6 17 2 9 5 18 Pet. GB 6 3 0 5 6 5 5 3 3 5 0 0 4 3 5 3 3 3 13'/? 3 4'4? 6 9 9 6 6 0 4 6 8 4 3 5 1 0 ’/ / 4 2 2 11 404 12 2 2 7 1 9 '// Thursday's Results N ew J ersey 122, L A C lip pers 9 9 D allas at D enver night P ortland at G olden S ta le night San Antonio at S eattle rught Friday's Games (A l Times C8T) Boston Ph ilad elp h ia W ashington W L 9 3 7 36 9 27 2 0 Pet. OB 804 8 0 0 '/? 574 1 0 ’/? K an sas C ity at Boston 6 3 0 p m C h ic a g o at P h iladelphia 6 3 0 p m C le v e la n d at Atlanta 6 30 p m W ashin gton at In d ian a 6 3 0 p m U tah at D allas 7 3 0 p m N e w York at 1 A l akers, 9 3 0 p m San Antonio at P ortland 9 3 0 p m M ilw aukpn a! S eattle 9 3 0 p m Bing Crosby By United P re** tntemahooal *500 000 Bing Crosby Pro-Am At Pobbto Beach. CUM Jan 31 (Par 72) Johnny Miner T C C h e n Willie W oo d G e o rg e A rcher L ee E lder M ike R eid M ark O M e a ra D onriie H am m o n d K en Brown M ark M c C u m b e r Tim Norris Jim Sim ons Brad f axon D o u g Tewe D a v d O g rin Tom m y Arm our Larry Nelson Jr/ey R asseti H u b er! G r e w P ayne ".tewart M ike M e(..ullough Jim Karv- E d S n eed I sao Aoki Kikuo Arai G re g Power-, Tom m y A aron l arry Rinker G e o rg e Burns D avid G ra h a m Skeeter H e a th D A W eib rm g Roger M altb ie Lanny W adkins Steve Caotkm s B ernard Lan ger Ken G re e n 3 5 3 3 68 3 3 3 6 6 9 3 3 -3 6 6 9 33 3 6 6 9 34 3 6 70 3 2 3 8 70 3 5 3 5 70 70 4 3 3 7 35 3 6 71 34 37 71 37 3 5 72 Outside 16 J6 3 / 35 3 3 39 3 3 3 9 tr 36 32 40 4 0 32 37 35 34 <8 3 5 37 4 0 3 3 34 39 V 36 16 37 14 39 16 37 3 5 38 3 5 38 16 37 36 37 37 16 17 36 14 39 16 38 37 36 16 36 B O S T O N 2 9 7 7 The Daily Texan/Friday, February 1, 1985/Page 13 Words ACROSS PREVIOUS PUZZLE SOLVED 1 Garment 5 Filet 9 Trials 14 Absterge 15 Roman god 16 Sphere 1 7 16 Disparage 20 Close watch 22 Rink patron 23 off Look Me Over” 24 — Cross 25 Rural steps 26 "Help!” 27 Govt, agís 28 Rabid 31 Bottle 34 Norwegian composer 35 Hebrew fudge 36 Seek 37 Kingdom 38 Fragment 39 Dated 40 Populous 41 Cigar ends 42 Minute 43 Days before 44 Coxcomb 45 Stadium events 47 Offense 48 Burro 51 NaCI maker 53 Elates 55 One-sided 57 Auto part 58 Lab burners 59 Noble’s title 60 Sharpness 61 Peewee or Della — £ A S_ T A R 1 A T E D S A_ N E T L A S E □ £ U D ID Y D 0 S E A V o W A R E A S R E c E 1 V A B L E T R iTW cl E N T E R T A P_ E D L 1 D T A S S A R E □ J_ S PJ 0 □ N T Ej S A. D U N £ E IR T H E c O JJ GJ T E Rj R j f L A Y E W E R O C E A N F E R E T T A R M U T E □ S T A T O T_ U B C A M O u m £ A G E A_ R 1 E s 1 R A £ P Y R E N O R S E S E £ £ s 1 L A £ P X £ E E 7 T E D E S K 62 Intimidates 63 Canary food DOWN 1 Splash about 2 Cut (a boll) 3 Color 4 Lima’s land 5 Dames 6 Blue-pencil 7 Mimic 8 Miscalculate 9 Hitting 10 Court event 11 Deduction 12 Nibble 13 Silver grade: abbr. 19 High regard 21 Canter 25 Facial look 26 Decline 27 Herbage 29 Settled 30 Short swims 31 Dog 32 Govern 33 Stress 34 Heredity factors 37 Come back 38 Eat late 40 Death 41 Talus 44 W.C. — 46 School text 47 Partake of 48 Sotto voce 49 Rise and fall 50 Velocity 51 Prosecutor 52 Prior pref 53 Boast 54 Hwys 56 Guido’s note THE KAYPR0 BUSINESS PAK: Free Computet: Free Printer Software 30% Off. Don’t mistake this ad for a coupon. . .or a one-time sale. The Kaypro Business Pak is offered at a special price, everyday! The Business Pak includes the powerful Kaypro * ^ 2X computer, a Letter-Quality Printer and $2,600 W | of the best-selling software. All for just $1895. ^ K t-F • See how you can get more for less, with Kaypro. Come in for a free demonstration. ’ Based on suggested re ta il prices o f a ll so ftw a re in clu d e d w ith the K a vp ro Business Pak. COMPUTER SUPPLIES X'LNT DISKETTES — LIFETIME WARRANTY DS/DD—*19.95 SS/DD—*16.95 Computer Paper 1000 Sheets — *15.50 SOFTWARE Framework—$495.00 dBase II-$495.00 Sidekick—$59.00 Microsoft Fortran—$375.00 Accounting Partner—$395.00 Super Project-$395.00 Turbo Pascal -$59.00 Microsoft Raging "C"—$525.00 458-1178 TurnKey BUSINESS S YS TEMS 458-1178 111 W. Anderson Ln. #300 (Behind the Red Lobster) OPEN M O N . - FRI., 9 -5 • SATURDAY, 10-4 DAN’S 5 3 5 3 BURNET RD. 1 60 0 LA V A C A 4 5 9 -8 6 8 9 4 7 8 -5 4 2 3 ALL SPECIALS CASH OR CHECK O N L Y I I 1 JOHNNIE WALKER RED 8 6 Proof Scotch Whisky OLD SMUGGLER PANCHO VILLA TEQUILA 86 Proof Scotch Whisky LEGACY 8 0 Proof Scotch W h iiky PINCH 12YR. 8 6 Proof Scotch W hisky CUTTY SARK 8 6 Proof Scotch w hisky OLD SMUGGLER 8 6 Proof Scotch Whisky 8 0 Proof From M exico SEAGRAMS G IN 8 0 Proof Gin CASTILLO RUM 8 0 Proof P u.rto Rican Rum SKOL VODKA 8 0 Proof Vodka ANCIENT AGE 8 6 Proof Straight Bourbon W h«k»y OLDTAYLOR 8 6 Proof Straight Bourbon W h « k .y JIM BEAM 8 0 Proof Straight Bourbon W hitke y KENTUCKY TAVERN 8 0 Proof Straight Bourbon W hiskey CANADIAN CLUB 8 6 Proof C anadian W hnky BACARDI RUM 8 0 Proof Puerto Rican Rum J.T.S. BROWN 8 6 Proof Straight Bourbon W hnkey MONTEZUMA TEQUILA 8 0 Proof From M exico GILBEYG IN 8 0 Proof G mi MOUTON-CADET French le d o r W h ite W in . MILLER LITE 12 Cara PEARL LIGHT 12 Cara ............... PEARL REG. ONLY 12 N.R. Botkm OCTOBERFEST 6 H R . Bottfra 750 ML. 9.49 7 5 0 ML. 5.49 750 ML. 4.79 750 ML. 1 2.99 1.75LT. 16.99 1.75 LT. 10.45 1.75 LT. 8.69 1.75 LT. 9.79 1.75 LT. 8.99 1.75 LT. 6.99 1.75 LT. 1 0.45 1.75 LT. 10.99 lt 6.99 lt 6.49 LT 9.99 LT 6.69 750 ML. 4.48 750 ML. 4.49 l t . 6.49 750 ML. 4.49 12 Pack 5.1 9 12 Pack 3.99 12 Pack 2.99 6 Pack 3.99 © 1965 United FM tu r* Syndic*!* TEXAN CLASSIFIED ADS WORK — FOR YOURS CALL 471 -5244 UP1 W EATHER FOTOCAST NATIONAL WEATHER FORECAST TO 7 P.M. CST FRIDAY The forecast for Austin and vicinity calls for windy and bitterly cold with a winter storm warning extending though Friday. There is a 60 percent chance of snow with accumulations of 2-3 inches possible The low is expected to be 18 degrees and the high in the lower 20s. Nationally, snow is forecast for portions of the north Pacific Coast and northern intermountain regions. Rain is predicted for portions of the north, middle and south Atlantic Coast and east Gulf Coast regions. Elsewhere, the weather will be fair The F-16 Fighting Falcon W orld’s B est D ogfíghter Fri. & Sat. All Nite 60 oz. Pitcher Rockin’ Ritas 4.50 W a rn in g: The Surgeon G eneral h as determ ined th a t N a sty ’s R itas are h a b it form ing. L a d ie s: G et ready for T hursday n ig h t, Uncle has a ta s ty tr e a t for you. Uncle N asty’s 606 Maiden Lane 38th St. Austin Q yfhgusg Maiden Lane © fo a Q _ C # Angles} 458-5950 I 1 MORE THAN 10% OF ALL AUSTIN GROCERY PURCHASES LAST YEAR were made by stu­ dents, faculty and staff of the University of Texas. S O U tC i: UNIVERSITY OF TIXAS COLLCGi NIW S FAP f ■ STUDY, S ilD C N ASSOCIATCS. DALLAS, A P t l l 19S4 SALIS AND M A IK C TIN G M A N A G f M IN T SURVEY OF BUYING POWER, JULY, 19B4 Experience the Tropics r 30 Minutes—F BUY NOW REDWING BOOTS 2802 SOUTH LAMAR AT M AN C HACA & LAMAR NEXT TO LIGHTS FANTASTIC r a j i M W ; m m FOR WORK SPORT SAFETY SIZES 5VÍ2 TO 15 WIDTHS AAA TO EEE FOR FIT & COMFORT 3 8 years o f experience with Personalized Service RAYMOND'S WEINBRENNER BOOT & SHOE STORE STORE HOURS: M -F 9 -6 SAT 9 -5 Ph: 441-7318 r r e e iro p ic a i la n n in g S e s s io n I T rs rn i ihis rn «>! r ltlw i S u n l.il In ^i unit S h o p It x« uion l< n \o m i r r r it > n > • * < x , )H( 1 |() < X MO * > < x ) S, III irt i, l\ s 1 n >[ >m , il i« n i r i n i (v; t ‘\ ( x n< fi* < o W< Y*k( i. I\ S 4 4 8 4HK4 14r< x 1km )scssk>n.N (w ithin i."> days) on our new I -aimpean I \ \ s iin lx ils gives you ,i m oney-hack. guaranteed. sate iro p u a l tan. You'll tan in total |>ri\a< y Your com plexion w ill glow. yoiTl! fCel relaxed, a m i your friends w ill w o n d er w h ere you found tim e fo r a lYnpkal vacation. Classified Advertising Page 14/The Daily Texan/Friday, February 1,1985 Visa/Mastercard Accepted For Word ads call 471-5244/For Display ads call 471-1865/8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Monday-Friday/TSP Building 3.200/2500 Whitis Ave. Visa/Mastercard Accepted CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Consecutive Day lates 15 w ord minimum $ 26 Each word 1 time $ Each word 3 times S i 0 9 Each word 5 times S I I f Each word 10 times S 2 14 Each word 15 hmes S ? 3 0 Each w ord 20 times 1 c.i * 1 'ric h 1 time $6 35 S ' 0 0 t h arge to change cap/ Etrst two w ords may be alt capital letters 2 5c to» each additional word m capt»al letters M astercard and Visa accepted X 20% DISCOUNT on all classified advertising placed tn person and prepaid (cash or check only no credit cards) TSP Building Room 3 2 0 0 2 5 0 0 Whit.s M o n d a y through Friday 8am 4 30 p m DEADLINE SCHEDULE Fridhy Ham M o n d a y Texan Tuesday Texan M o n d a y Ham Tuesday Ham W e dn e sd ay Texan Thursday Texan W e d n e sd ay Ham Thursday Ham fn d a y Texan In the e ve n * o f e r r o r s m a d e in a n a d v e rtlse m e n * , im m e ­ d ia t e notice m u st b e g iv e n a s th e p u b lis h e r s a re re ­ s p o n s ib le ta r o n ly O N I in ­ correct in se rtio n . A ll cla im s fa r a d iu s tm e n t s s h o u ld b e m a d e n o t la te r t h a n 30 d a y s a lt e r p u b lic a tio n . A d v e r t is ­ in g p r e p a y m e n t n o n - r e - fu n d a b le . CLASSIFICATIONS TRANSPORTATION 10 — M isc. A u to s 20 — S p o r ts -F o r e ig n A u to s 30 — T r u c k s -V a n s 4 0 — V e h ic le s to T ra d e SO — S e rv ic e -R e p a ir 60 — F a rts -A c c e sso r ie s 70 — M o to rc y c le s 80 — Bicycles 90 — V e h icle L e a s in g 100 — V e h icle s W a n te d REAL ESTATE SALES 110 — Se rvic e s 120 — H o u s e s 130 — C o n d o s - T o w n h o u s e s 140 — M o b ile H o m e s -L o t s 1 SO — A c re a g e -L o ts 160 — D u p le ie s - A p o rtm e n ts 1 7 0 - W a n te d 1 8 0 — L o a n s MERCHANDISE 190 — A p p lia n c e s 200 — F u r n itu re -H o u se h o ld 2 1 0 - Ste re o TV 220 — C o m p u te rs- Iq u ip m e n t 2 3 0 — P h o t o -C a m e r a s 240 — B o a t s 250 — M u s ic a l In stru m e n ts 260 — H o b b ie s 2 7 0 — M a c h in e r y - E q u ip m e n t 200 — S p o r t in g - C a m p in g Eq u ip m en t 290 — F u r n itu re -A p p lia n c e B e n ta l 300 — G a r a g e - B u m m a g e S a le s 3 1 0 — T ra d e 320 — W a n te d to B u y o r Bent MERCHANDISE 330 — Pets 3 4 0 — M ist. RENTAL 350 — R e n ta l S e rvic e s 360 — Furn. Apts. 3 7 0 — Unf. Apts. 3 8 0 — Furn. D u p le «e s 3 9 0 — U ni. D u p le x e s 400 — C o n d o s -T o w n h o u s e s 410 — Furn. H o u s e s 420 — U n i. H o u s e s 425 — R o o m s 430 — R o o m - B o a r d 435 — C o -o p s 440 — R o o m m a te s 450 — M o b ile H o m e s -L o ts 460 — B u s in e s s R e n ta ls 470 — R e so rts 480 — S t o r a g e S p a t e 490 — W a n te d to R e n t-L e a se 500 - M isc. AN N O U N CEM EN TS 510 — In te rta in m e n t-T ic k e ts 520 — P e r s o n a ls 530 — T ra v e l- T ra n sp a rta t io n 540 — Lost A F o u n d 550 — Licen se d C h ild C a re 560 — P ublic N o tice 570 — M u s ic - M u s ic ia n s EDUCATIONAL 580 — M u s ic a l In stru ctio n 590 — T u to rin g 600 — In stru ctio n W a n te d 610 — M isc. In stru ctio n SERVICES 620 — L e g a l Se rvic e s 630 — C o m p u te r Se rvic e s 640 — E x te rm in a to rs 650 — M o v i n g - H a u l i n g 660 — S t o r a g e 6 7 0 — P a in tin g SERVICES 680 — Office 690 — R e n ta l E q u ip m e n t 700 — F u rn itu re R e p a ir 710 — A p p lia n c e R e p a ir 720 — S te re o -T V R e p a ir 730 — H o m e R e p a ir 7 4 0 — Bicycle R e p a ir 750 — T y p in g 760 — M isc. S e rv ic e s EMPLOYMENT 770 — E m p lo y m e n t A g e n c ie s 780 — E m p lo y m e n t Se rvices 790 — P a rt tim e 800 — G e n e r a l H e lp W a n te d 810 — O ffic e -C le rica l 820 — A c c o u n tin g - B o o k k e e p in g 830 — A d m in istra tiv e - M a n g e m e n t 840 — S a le s 850 - R e ta il 860 — E n g in e e r in g - T e chn ical 870 — M e d ic a l 880 — P r o fe s s io n a l 890 — C lu b s -R e s t a u r a n t s 900 — D o m e st ic -H o u se b o ld 9 1 0 — P o s it io n s W a n te d 920 — W o rk W a n te d B U SIN ESS 930 — B u s in e s s O p p o rtu n it ie s 940 — O p p o rtu n it ie s W a n te d RIAL ESTATE SALES MERCHANDISE MERCHANDISE RENTAL RENTAL 130 — Condos- Townhouses 200 — Furniture- Household 250 — Musical Instruments 360 — Furn. Apts. 360 — Furn. Apts. BEAUTIFUL LA R G E efficiencies A B P ex cept E Close to compus, Laundry and pool facilities Storting $310 $ 9 9 move in special W in color TV or m oped 4 5 8 2 9 9 0 2 2 0 SPAN ISH O A K S APARTMENTS 407 East 45th Furnished 1BR Central air, central heat, pool, laundry, gas and water paid. O n shuttle and city bus $ 3 2 5 M a n a ge rs phone 4 5 8 -5 7 4 3 , 447 9 8 4 5 N O RTH , N E A R compus Efficiency. $ 2 8 0 O n e bedrooms on IF shuttle, $ 2 8 0 and $ 2 9 5 4 7 7 2214, 4 5 2 4516, 4 5 3 8812 2 7 ____________________________ W A L K TO campus Shuttle and city bus Larqe efficiency, $ 2 9 5 * F M au n n Kai condos 4 0 5 E. 31 4 7 2-21 4/ 2-22 W EST C A M P U S large efficiency All ap pltances, carpet $ 3 2 5 t E Call David M c N e il 4 / 8 - 3 5 3 3 ? 2 5 ........ ............ 2BR 1BA Water, ga s rmid. Laundry room, larqe pool, covered f. .rking, small com plex h block off 2 6 La Cas.ta, 2 9 0 0 Cole, 4 8 ? 9154^2-8_________________ 1-25 1B D R M F U R N IS H E D on W C shuttle $ 3 2 5 t electricity $150 deposit 1007 W 26th, Southernese Apts M an a ger # 2 0 8 4 7 9 - 0 3 6 5 12-5 daily 2 11______ AVAILABLE NOW!! lAIGElHBedrooiii Townhouse apartments with convenient close- location. Starting in $ 3 5 0 . A S K from ABO UT O U R JA N U ­ ARY SPECIALS. Call Now 452-5178 (Steck & Burnet) O N E B E D R O O M apartment, very dose to campus Available Feb 1, through end oT semerter. $340 /m o 4 6 7 -9 9 7 7 , ask for Michelle 2 1 _______ O N E BR apartment, furnished $ 3 6 5 plus E Ceiling fan, pool, laundrymat, garden landscaped. W alking distance UT The Warwick, 2 9 0 7 W est A ve 4 7 4 7426 2-4____________ ______________________ ON LY~$315, nice 1BR. O n ly $365, 2BR Small, quiet complex W alk to CR shuttle, Capital Plaza shopping 1200 E 52 (one block east of Cam eron Rd ) 4 5 3 6083. 2 - 8 ___________ O S T E N T A T IO N S , LARG E efficiencies 1 and 2BR opts. A B P except E Close to campus. Pool o nd laundry facilities $125 move in special W in color tv or moped 4 5 3 4991 2 -2 7 ______________________ 1BR C LO SE T O campus, $ 3 5 0 Baranco Square, 910 W ?6th, 4 7 7 -2 1 6 0 2-8 ★ PRIVACY ★ W ant to live alone and study? Call Jackie for 1-1 at $39,900. Immaculate and quiet. 479 6618 346-6321 The Condo Connection 2-1 Orange Tree Luxury Absolutely the best available condo at this most desired community ?BRs, 2 '7 B A s, 2 -stories, large walk-in closets, sk y lig h ts, fir e p la c e , a n d m o re L O N G H O R N PROPERTIES, IN C 4 7 8 -6 3 1 3 Texas W A T S 1 -8 0 0 -2 5 2 -3 2 3 8 2 -22 140 — Mobile Homes- Lots 14’X 64', 2BR, 2BA, A/C, ceiling fans, storage shed. In adult section of Stone- gote 7 1 3-46 6-3 102 2-4_______________ MERCHANDISE 190 — Appliances W H IR L P O O L REFRIG ERATO R, 19 6 cu ft., fo o d condition $ 2 0 0 or best offer mith C o-O p, 4 9 5 - 4 9 7 7 2-1___________ 2 used sotcn-price negotiable Call 495- 4 9 8 7 for more info 2-1 SOTA, REC LIN ER matching brown ploid, bunkbeds, dinette, and four choirs $ 1 1 5 0 0 4 4 ? 2 7 5 7 2 5________________ 210 — Stereo-TV GUITER A M P LIFIER Musicman 12 0H D 65/130 watts. 10" speaker W o rk 47 3 - 3 2 7 5 home after 6pm 4 5 9 9 3 7 4 $ 2 7 5 2-1_____________________________ 280 — Sporting- Camping Equip. S A N S U I ST E R EO combo, 6 months old, $ 3 9 5 9 inch color TV, 4 months old, $195 Carlos, 469-7191 2-1 C O L O R TV, G E 10" portable, g o o d pic ture, sound $1 00 or best otter Coll 4 4 0 - 8 6 2 4 2 5 G M D E L C O A U T O stereo system Origi from Pontiac Fiero nal equipment Excellent sound, brand new Negoti able 4 6 9 - 5 9 4 5 nights. 2-T 32FT ROLLE trailer 1972 Very nice. $ 5 9 0 0 2 6 3 2 4 2 9 2-1 300 — Garage- Rummage Sales G A R A G E SALE- 1205 Brentwood IH- 3 5 and Airp o rt-So tu rd ay ond S u n d a y - 10am to 5pm--interesting assortment. 2- 220 — Computers» Equipment 330 — Pets V IC 2 0 C O M P U T ER , loystick, datasetta, and four gomes. $ 1 3 0 o r best offer. Call 4 4 0 8 6 2 4 2 5 FO R SALE Purebreed Siamese kitten 6 mos. Includes litter box, carrier, etc. $ 7 5 or best offer, Trish 4 4 0 -7 5 0 3 . 2 -5 K A Y P R O -4: W IT H two disk dnves, Juki daisy wheel printer, software, extras $1 4 5 0 Scott 3 4 6 7 8 6 4 2 -6 340 — Misc. 240 — Boats REPLICA W A TC H . W holesale pnce Call anytime, weekdays and weekends, 451- 1406 2-1 M a n y extras. M ust sell Call 4 6 7 - 8 3 8 4 2-6 RENTAL 250 — Musical Instruments Guitars, Basses Amps, P.A/s Austin's finest selection of equipment in all price ranges. Expertly chosen for those w ho con hear the difference Guitar Ressurection 3 0 0 4 G uadalupe 4 7 8 - 0 0 9 5 2-1 360 — Furn. Apts. E SQ U IR E APTS., just north of compus, A / C, appliances, suitemafe efficiencies. $ 2 4 0 plus E. 451-8122 W est W o rld Real Estate 2 -6 W EST A U STIN , large furnished efficiency near shuttle $310 plus E. See monoger, 1115 W 10 # 2 0 4 , or call 47 7 -3 4 6 1 2-5 EFFICIENCIES, 1 & 2BR on shuttle bus, near downtown. 4 7 2 -6 1 9 9 2-15 G U A D A L U P E SQ U A R E , 11 condo, bol- cony and many extras. 3316 G uadalupe $3 7 5 / mo 2 5 5 - 7 8 7 7 2-6 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION REAL ESTATE SALES REAL ESTATE SALES 10 — Misc. Autos 70 — Motorcycles 130 — Condos - Townhouses 130 — Condos - Townhouses 200 — Furniture- Household DESPERATE! 1982 M onta Codo, e x c i ­ ten* condition, $ 55 95 M oke offer or trade 472 5600, 8 9 2 -30 85 2-8 1982 H O N D A FT Anot. Excellent condi­ tion, only 1000 miles. $1300 negotiable. C o * 469-9398. 2 8 1977 MALIBU, runs great, dependable, 2-door, AT, PS, PB, AC, $1200 or best offer 447 -02 56 or 4 4 4 -50 36 2-1 1978 C H E V Y M o n z a Hatchback. Dark bronze, AT/AC, PS/PB W ide, low profile tires $ 2 1 0 0 o r best offer Pfione 2 8 2 6381 2-5_________________________ 1973 P IN T O U N A T T R A C T IV E but d e ­ p endable G o o d engine, excellent mileage, new transmission, tires. 4 7 8 - 0 0 7 9 or 4 7 6 -7 3 3 0 . 2 -4 ________________ 1975 P IN T O stafionwogon, 4-speed, g o o d tires, dependable transportation, $ 7 50 , O B O , 1 -8 63-6 47 8, evenings. 2 -6 '8 3 R E G A L E XC ELLEN T condition AC, automatic cruise/tilt, vinyl top. Urgent- must sell 6pm 3 3 1-02 86 . 2-1 20 — Sports-Forolgn Autos 7 7 B M W 63 0C Si, white new paint, tan mtenor, excellent condition $15,500 495-9711 2-5 '6 5 M U S T A N G 2 8 9 Pony Int G reat con­ dition N e w tranmission runs g o o d 4 7 2 - 0188, $ 3 5 0 0 Drew 2-1________________ '6 9 CORVETTE-Reconditoned classic 3 5 0 $12 0 0 0 firm 7 1 3 -8 7 0 - 9 8 8 7 C or in Austin 2 -6 1984 T O Y O T A Supra, dark metalic blue, 5-speed, sunroof, 23K, 15,000 49 5 - 5 5 0 2 2-1______________________________ 1981 H O N D A C IV IC 15 0 0 G L 5 speed. A M /F M , new tires. Excellent condition. $ 3 2 0 0 Coll 4 7 6 - 4 4 7 5 evenings. 2-1 1971 V O L K S W A G E N Squareback, very go o d condition, 114,000 miles N e w broke |ob and upholstery $ 1 0 0 0 Coll Ross 4 7 7 -9 4 1 7 weekdays. 453-4118 nights and weekends 2 -1 ! 9 8 0 ~ H O N D A Civic 1500DX, AC, A M - FM, tires/battery, extra clean. Evenings, 2 5 8 - 8 3 9 7 2-t low mileage, new 7 9 H O N D A CIVIC, excellent shape Must see and drive, $1,695 C o * 49 5 -2 2 1 7 2-8_______________________________ '8 2 H O N D A PRELU DE Red, 5 speed, sunroof, excellent condition, original owner. $ 7 6 5 0 So n d y 4 9 9-29 21 , 4 5 2 - 9 0 0 2 . 2-6_____________________________ '7 4 Triumph TR6. Rebuilt motor, new inta- nor, beautiful cor $ 2 4 0 0 . Call Bill 8 3 5 - 6 7 0 6 . 2 - 2 7 _________________________ 7 5 FIAT X l/ 9 AC, A M / F M stereo, pnce: $ 9 5 0 . 444-0011. 2 5___________________ 7 0 V W BUS, needs motor rebuild, $ 2 50 . 4 4 1 -9 8 3 2 2 8_________________________ '7 2 B M W 2 0 0 2 . G o o d looking, g o o d running classic M ust sell $ 2 5 9 5 or rea­ sonable offer. 44 1-40 64 . 2-13 19 80 3 0 0 D M E R C E D E S, low mileage, $13,000. M a rk Roden, 1-820- 3291 2 -7 ______________________________ loaded, 7 9 B M W 3201i. Blue, automatic, sunroof, A M / F M cassette, $ 6 9 0 0 Rick 3 4 5 - 6 3 0 5 2-1______________________________ 19 79 H O N D A Accord LX. 5 3 ,0 0 0 miles. $ 3 7 0 0 Cassette, AC, 5-speed G o o d condition W o rk 8 3 4 -4 4 2 7 , hom e 32 7 - 5 5 3 3 2-4 1980 450 SL Must Sell For $20,000 Mark Roden 1-820-3291 2 - 8 30 — Truck*-Vans 1978 D A T S U N K IN G C A B pick-up, AC, A M - F M . AT, g o o d condition, $ 2 0 0 0 C o * 4 5 8 - 3 7 2 5 be- c a m p e r top, i 9 10pm 2 -1 70 — Motorcycles P U C H M AX I-d elu xe moped, g o o d condi­ tion, 198?, p n c e -$ 2 7 5 negotiable 46 9- 9 3 9 8 2 1______________________________ 1984 H O N D A ELITE motorscooter O n ly 5 2 5 miles Bnght red $ 1 0 0 0 or best ot- fer 3 2 7 - 0 7 4 3 2-1_____________________ 1984 H O N D A ELITE scooter, 6 5 0 miles, red $ 9 2 5 or besl offer 4 5 1 -0 6 5 7 CoR evenings 2-1 IN T E R C E P T O R condition, under warranty $ 2 1 9 5 282- 1217 Ask for Rich after 6 P M 2-5 5 0 0 -1 9 8 4 Excellent 1982 K A W A S A K I 5 5 0 LTD, |u«t toned up D unlop hres. $ 8 0 0 4 7 2 4 5 0 6 Keep trying 2 - 6 __________________ ___ ______ EXCELLEN T C O N D IT IO N 1982 H o n da Express O n ly 2 5 0 miles G reat to g o to school on Coll Joome 8 9 2 - 5 5 4 5 2-4 1982 H O N D A P A SSP O R T Fresh tune-up and sticker $ 4 0 0 . Phone Donn, 4 5 2 7 7 7 6 2 -8 80 — Bicycles S A V E $ $ $ N e w 10 speeds, cruisers mountain bikes. Top quality Shogun, Panasonic, Takara, Dakota, M anguise, GT, bikes for less. W e offer 5 % student discount a n d 12 months free service. W e honestly try to sell you a bicycle that fits your needs and budget. South Austin Bi­ cycles 22 10 South 1st. 4 4 4 0 8 0 5 . 2-1 REAL ESTATE SALES 130— Condos - Townhouses *The Original* fireplace, O ra n g e Tree — 2BR, 2 *7 BA, 2-story wifh laundry, complete kitchen, ceiling fans, security parking a nd more. Pnce and com pare — $12 5 ,0 0 0 D o u g Rosfedt, Realtor, 2 -7 4 5 9 -9 0 9 5 . Q U A D R A N G L E C O N D O Assumption Decorator furnished 1-1 *7 with private upstairs MBR, all appliances including W D , refrigerator, microwave, com ­ pactor $ 89 ,5 0 0 Low payment loan. Roger Dreessen, 451-5141 (440- 1461) G E N E SPENCE & A S SO C IA T E S 2-11 THE POINTE Shuttle, security gates plus a guard and a pool. A go od price! $87,500. 2BR, 2BA. This is a hot one!! Call Jackie at 479-6618 or 346-6321. The Condo Connection 2-1 ST. D A V ID 'S HOSPITAL AREA Downstairs condo, Hancock Place. 1-1 with fireplace, fenced patio. Carol A. King 451-5141 (452-9048). G E N E SPEN C E & A S SO C IA T E S 2-11 _ _ O R A N G E TREE C O N D O $66,000, furnished 1BR wifh fireplace and 1 car garage space. Excellent for 2 students. Carol King 451-5141 or 452- 9048. G E N E SPEN C E & A S SO C IA T E S 2-11 N U EC ES PLACE C O N D O 2206 Nueces #108 2 blocks from campus. 1-1 with patio. $44,500. Carol Williamson, agent. 343- 0800. 2-1 W A LK TO UT Put your car in the garage and walk to school. 2-2 + garage. Best price around. Call Jackie at 479-6618 or 346-6321. The Condo Connection g.i c o n d itio n , K E N M O R E W A S H E R and dryer, excel­ lent cu ft refrigerator, excellent condition, $150 Metal desk, w o o d top, $175. 25 8 -2 1 8 8 2-14 $ 3 0 0 12 RENTAL 350 — Rental Services CALL US! OASI1984 f c e e i a s d m e n t > c x d i*U f m A p a r t m e n t Selector* Open 7 Days a Week South/Riverside, 2219 W Ben White 4 4 1 -2 2 7 7 i u North/NW, 8501-B Burnet Rd 4 5 1 -2 2 2 3 CentralAJT 4 7 4 -6 3 5 7 bn 307 West M LK U T ' s # 1 HOUSING SPECIALIST • Sales t Leasing • Property Management 4 7 9 - 6 6 1 8 SALES & RESALES Priced from $39,950 Owner Financing, Easy Qualifying TWo Level Ibwnhome Ideal for Roommates $49,950 • On U T shuttle route • Clubhouse • Pool and spa • 3 unique floor plans • Ceiling fans • Microwave Ovens • Patios • Washer and dryer included • Dishwasher and disposal Security Alarm • Available for immediate occupancy Come by and see our furnished models CONDOMINIUMS Sales Center open 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily 1840 Burton Drive • Austin, Texas • (512) 448-2606 • (512)328-0166 AVRIIABIC NOW! 1 Bedroom apartments furnished and un­ furnished. 2 blocks north of compus. PftCLCASING FOR SUMMER & FRLL STARTS FEBRUARY 1st BRRNDYUJINE, DALLAS, HOUSTON and UJILSHIRE APARTMENTS CONTACT PHIL 480-9358 2803 HEMPHILL PARK #105 OR CALL 477-6675 J RENTAL 370 — Unf. Apts. FOUR PARK PLACE APARTMENTS 1113 Banister Lane 447-6986 or 445-5550 • WD CONNECTIO NS • POOL. JACUZZI CLUBHOUSE • MICROWAVES. PATIOS • FIREPLACES • ALL ELECTRIC. ALL BILLS PAID EXCEPT ELECTRICITY • BRAND NEW o n e b e d ro o m , 1 b a th $ 3 9 0 & $ 4 4 0 • tw o b e d ro o m . 2 * ^ b a th $ 5 4 0 Office Hours 8:30am>5:30pm NEW AND LUXURIOUS 1-1 S325.-335. Vaulted ceiling & skylight, ceiling fan, carp eted , co m plete kitchen, m irrored closet, parquet entry, private laundry facilities. B R O A D W A Y A P T S. 511 Woodward Located Betw een IH-35 & Congress Directly Across From St. Edwards 443-5734 458-2577 444-4929 Leasing Office Open 9-6 Mon Sat /Sun I 0 0 -5 30 Apartment Locator Co-op C A S Management 4 5 8 257 7 Beautiful 1BR 1BA, ceiling fans, all like new. appliances, $375. Call Carl 459- 9592. 2-19 RENTAL 360 — Furn. Apts. --------------- V. Ü.T. A R EA APARTM ENTS ON SHUTTLE BUS ROUTE FURNISHED a n d UNFURNISHED M ’s $325 to $375 + E • POOL • CEILING FANS • LAUNDRY FACILITIES • HEAT/AIR CONDITIONING • W/W CARPET • WATER/GAS PAID • EASY ACCESS TO IH-35 AND MOPAC • ON-SITE MANAGEMENT AND MAINTENANCE 3 7 0 4 SPEEDWAY EL CID 472-4893 3 0 9 WEST 39TH EL CAMPO 452-8537 401 WEST 39TH LA PAZ 451-4255 3 50 1 SPEEDWAY EL DORADO 472-4893 P r o f e s s i o n a l l y M a n a g e d B y J O H N S T O N P R O P E R T IE S I N C T H E A P A R T M E N T S 2124 Burton Drive • 1 BR Furn. an d Unfurn. $365-400 • 2 BR Furn. $460-510 Large Pool-Patio Luxury Club Room 2 Shuttle Routes M O V E I N T O D A Y 4 4 4 - 7 8 8 0 Davis & Associates M anagement Co. Willow Creek Hills Apartm ents Unfurnished-Furnished Large Apartments 1 Bedroom Furnished $385-$375 2 Bedroom 1 Bath Furnished $470 2 Bedroom 2 Bath Furn. $495-$510 • 2 POOLS • BALCONIES 1911 W illo w c r e e k • VIEW APTS. • SHUTTLE STOP 444-0010 444-0014 Davis & Assoc. M anagement Co. RIAL ESTATE SALES 130 — Condos-Townhouses RENTAL 370 — Unf. Apts. BEST VALUE IN AUSTIN! • On U .T . Shuttle • One and Tw o Bedroom Units Still Available • T w o Swim m ing Pools • Priced From the Low 4 0 ’s T R A V IS G R E E N C O N D O M I N I U M S SALES OFFICE ON SITE 444-1110 RE/MAX REALTORS 451-2242 UVAL VILLA In Hyde Park Pre-Leasing For Summer & Fall • Spacious Floorplans • Large Pool • Hot Tubs and Redwood Decks • Security Gates • Convenient to Shuttle • 1 and 2 Bedrooms Special Summer Rates Available Also Pre-Leasing For Fall 4305 Duval Street 451-2343 Efficiency Villa Esperanza, 4 3 1 0 Ave. B Pool, laundry room, C C -C H IF shuttle, small quiet com plex Furn/unfurn. $ 3 0 5 +• E. 4 5 4 - 4915. 2 8 HYDE PARK Twelve O a k s Apts Full 1BR, ceil­ ing fan, laundry facilities. A v a il­ ab le immediately, $ 3 3 0 + E. $ 1 0 0 discount 301 E 39th 4 5 ? 7 4 5 4 . 2 12 1 B E D R O O M $ 3 2 0 Secluded small quiet com plex tn H yd e Park. N icely furnished and carpeted. W a te r an d g a s paid. 6 0 9 East 45th. 4 5 3 -1 4 1 8 C e n t r a l P r o p e r t ie s Inc. 4 5 1 - 6 5 3 3 2 - 2 6 $280 Plus E W e are lo ok ing for quiet, consci­ entious, nonsm oking students in­ terested in a large efficiency in H yd e Park. C A -C H , laundry, deadbolts, n o pets. 458-2488 2-19 C A S A D E S A L A D O A P A R T M E N T S Bright, large, furnished 1 BR apartm ent Sw im m ing pool, close to c am p us W a ter, g a s & cab le paid A v a ila b le n o w C all b etw een 9-5 , resident m anager, 4 7 7 - 2 5 3 4 2 2 0 302 W. 38th Eff. 1BR conveniently located — half block to shuttle. All ap­ pliances, pool. Gas and water paid. 453-4002 3-19 ALL BILLS PAID Large 1-1, w alk o r shuttle to UT. $ 3 9 5 -$ 4 5 0 /m o . 2212 SAN GABRIEL 2 - 6 DESIRABLE CAMPUS LOCATION! F antastic 1 Bed­ room A p artm en t on Shuttle. Fully furnished $3 3 5 w/ $100 Deposit. Call for ap p o in tm en t and move in today. 452-5178 305 W. 35th Apartments MOVE IN TODAY!! • “ Large” Efficiencies • $340 + E • Small Friendly Complex • Near Shuttle Corner 4 5 9 -4 9 7 7 Circle Villa Apts. MOVE IN TODAY!! — - o 1BR Unfum. $330 t 1BR Furn. $360 • Water & G as Paid • Shuttle Bus 2323 Town Lake Circle 445-0661 f W T A i RINTAL RENTAL RENTAL RENTAL RENTAL RENTAL RENTAL SERVICES 360 — Fum. Apts. 3 7 0 — Unf. Apts. 370 — Unf. Apts. 370 — Unf. Apfs. 400 — Condos* 410 — Fum. Houses 440 — Roommates 540 — Lost A Found 750 — Typing The Daily Texan/Friday, February 1, 1985/Page 15 LOST G O L D E N Retriever O k te r mote ID LgM ton, block spo* on tongue Tattoo H ow ard 4 5 3 3 3 1 8 2 1 F O U N D B O X o l c a u rtto topas m Iron» of A rtB w W m y 1 -2 9 -8 5 4 9 5 9 1 5 ? 2 -5 EDUCATIONAL 580 — Musical Instruction P IA N O L ESSO NS B eginner through od- vonced E*pen«fK» 5 4 5 G ro a t O o k . 2 9 0 0 4 7 7 3 3 8 8 , o r 4 7 8 - 5 7 3 9 2 2 8 1 BEDROOM $360 C Io m t o Z M w r Po H l S p a c io u s ro o m s , l o r g * d o s o ts , c o v e r e d p a r k in g , lo n d s c a p o d c o u rty a rd w ilh p o o l. G a s o n d w a t e r p a id . 1 2 2 1 B a rto n Hills 0 m s . 4 4 5 - 5 0 1 6 . Central Properties, Inc. 451-6533 2 - 2 6 3 7 0 — Unf. Apts. 1 B E D R O O M U N F U R N IS H E D from $ 3 0 0 , plus uditws 4 0 7 W est 3 8 lti 4 5 4 2 5 8 0 o r 8 3 6 -9 1 5 4 2 -7 RENTAL 3 7 0 - U n f.A p ts . THE ARCHW AY Efficiency Apartment e Central Heat & AC e Carpet e Full Kitchen & Bath e 3 Blocks to UT Shuttle e $250 mo. 2506 Manor Rd. 478-3622 ARCHITECT'S C O M P tE )T S p l< t level ita" dios, $ 3 5 0 o m onth 28R $ 4 7 5 o m onth 513 South P a rt D o v e 4 4 4 5 2 2 2 , 4 4 4 8 8 5 1 2 11 ______ LARGE 3-2V? studio 3 balconies, ceiling Ions O verlooks p o o l, Town Lake loco tion W a te r ond g a rb a g e p aid $ 7 5 0 4 5 1 -8 9 6 4 , Eltkrt System 2 -4 1BR, 1BA, on M S route, laundrom at, pool, ro o m y G as ond w a te r po»d M s Brey 3 2 7 - 8 8 9 4 , $ 3 0 0 / m onth 2-1 EFFICIENCY FOR rent, near shuttle route C o l 4 4 7 -1 4 6 1 2 4 I * * * * * * * * * * * * Half Montti Free Rent N o w 1 A 2 6R townhouses from $ 4 3 0 thru $ 4 9 5 All appliances ond wash#r/ dryer Kook ups Covered porlting, oc cess to CR Shuttle Smofl pets allowed Pleose coE 4 6 7 -6 7 7 6 , or visit C algary Square 1604 NMteless Lone just off Cameron Rood, neor 2 90 T C X A S F R O R I V T f l S 1 3 5 - 0 9 0 3 PERFECT R O O M M A T E plan 2BR, 2BA, ceiling fans, mimbknds, bookshelves, 8 / 10 mile i h u rte stairstep rental Start $ 3 5 0 9 2 8 - 2 5 8 1 ,4 5 1 5 317 2-19 tv^BA tow nhouse G as on d w ater 16R p aid on N R a n d SR shuttle $ 3 6 5 /m o Steve 4 4 7 - 9 1 6 4 2 - 6 HYDE PARK efficiency to sublet 4 4th and A ven u e A $ 2 9 9 m o $ 1 7 5 deposit Colt 454-1116 leave messoge 1-30 W 22M? AT S A N G a b rie l ST B /an d new 2BR 2BA, 2BR 2 ’/ iB A M icrow aves, ceiling fans, hreploces, w asher/dryers H o w e ll Properties 4 7 7 9 9 2 5 2 18 CcinUtta 7 feU W est CaEnpus Luxury P re -L e a sin g NOW fo r S u m m e r & Fall e Spacious Floorplans e Extra Large Pool with Sundeck e Hot Tub e All New Appliances e Convenient to Campus • Barbeque Areas Camino Real: Condo style at a price you can afford. Make an appoint­ ment to see Camino Real soon and find out about our special Summer/ Fall rates. Available for a limited time only. C c u H c tu y ; tc U A ftti/U m e H fo 2810 Salado 472-3816 ■ Racquet Club/Creekhaus Apartments Townhouses EFFICIENCY C O N V E N IE N T L Y to UT or d o w n to w n Austin Pools, tennis courts, co vered parking $ 3 6 0 /m o 451 8 5 7 7 2 1__________________ ____________ located TA R R Y T O W N C O N D O for leas* O n e y ear o ld on U T & city bus route 2BR, w as h e r/ fans, covered parking, aK appliances, $ 7 5 0 C all 4 7 2 2 2 6 7 , 4 7 8 4 2 6 5 a lter 5pm 2 II dryer, ceiling .S IX T H STREET, 1-1 condo with fireploce ond all opplionces A real steal at $ 4 5 0 M a n y others to choose from also CoH Ellen, 8 3 7 - 7 8 8 0 or 2 5 8 2 4 7 5 2 I O N E B E D R O O M condo for lease Cen trol location O n Town Lake Riverside Condominiums a t 5 0 0 E Riverside neor Congress $ 3 7 5 /m o CaH 4 4 3 - 4 0 3 7 2- 6 TIM B ERIDGE SQU ARE 2BR 2 BA go courts, ra g e Pool, 3 0 0 0 clubhouse Parker lo n e 4 4 3 - 3 5 5 6 IPS, Inc 2 22 Starting $ 6 0 0 /m o condos tennis DUVAL VILLA • In Hyde Park Area • 2 BR, 2 BA • Spacious Floorplans • Large Pool • Hot Tubs • Security G ates • C onvenient to Shuttle Special Summer Rates Available Pre-Leasing For Fall 4305 Dwal Street 451-2343 FREE WEEKLY M A ID SERVICE N o w leasing brand new 2 -2 con­ dos 3 blocks from campus O n e block from central business district Amenities leoses, w asher dryer, weekly m aid service, jacuzzi, swimming pool and se­ cured entrance. Executive living at a reasonable price Coll 4 8 0 - 0 0 9 7 include flexible ★ WEST CAMPUS ★ 70 6 West 22nd. Luxury 2-2 with microwcrve, fireplace, WD, con­ trolled entry and jacuzzi $750 Call Claudia 4 9 5 -6 5 8 7 or 442- 2-1 04 06. y2 OFF FIRST MONTH'S RENT 3 0 0 0 Guadalupe, 1BR, 1BA, ceil­ ing fans, patio, furnished. $375 + E. Harrison-Pearson 472-6201 2-1 2100 SAN GABRIEL Newly constructed 2BR lVzBA condo­ miniums West of ond within walking distance of the campus Each with a fireplace, conventional and mi­ crowave oven. Refng/freeze with icemaker, private porch, 3 ceiling fans, and mimblmds $ 5 7 5 per mo 2-1 Bailey Builders, Inc 4 7 8 -6 4 7 3 WALK TO CAMPUS 2-2 available now across from Law School. Perfect roommate floor plan. $ 5 6 0 all bills paid. Call 476-5631 or 451-8964. El­ 2-21 liott System. Directly across street from UT. Apt. B in four-plex. Newly reno­ vated, 1 bedroom, bath, kitchen, dinette, living room. $410 mo. all utilities paid. Call 44 3-3 6 7 3 . If no answer, leave name and number on recording. 2-1 1 & 2 BEDROOM $ 3 2 5 -5 3 8 5 Great central location. Large apart­ ment with plenty of closets ond all ap­ pliances. W ater and gas paid. 1501 West Northloop. 451-5992 Central Properties, Inc. 451-6533 2-26 TRY SOMETHING NEW! ideal We have b e a u tifu l, a p a r t ­ re m o d e le d m e n ts and to w n - homes fo r lease. O ur spacious one bed­ rooms w ith large clo­ sets are for room m ates and cou­ ples. SP R IN G leases s t ill ava ila ble. Pre­ lease now fo r S U M ­ M E R and save $ w ith reduced sum ­ m er rates. Stop by today and see ou r models. M i A m ig o 4505 Duval 4 5 4 -4 7 9 9 380 — Fum. Duplexes ENFIELD AREA 11 duplex, one block shuttle, city bus $ 3 6 0 , 4 5 9 9 5 9 8 2-1 390 — Unf. Duplexes N E W L Y R E M O D E LE D one, tw o and three b edroom duplexs in the H yd e Park from $ 3 9 5 . C A /C H , opplionces a re a , included.M etsler Realty 4 4 3 2 2 1 2 3-1 N E W DUPLEX 2 -2 , opplionces, fenced backyard, g a ra g e , $ 5 0 0 /m o W ork 4 7 4 6 5 2 1 , hom e 4 5 3 -1 7 4 8 ask for Rod 2-1_______________________________ CENTRAL SHUTTLE M o v e today, pri­ vate, charming, fresh, 1-1, b e a m e d living, pine appliances S 3 9 5 E Since 198 ? 3 2 7 1 8 7 8 2 1 kitchen, big yard, CLOSE IN d o w n to w n ond UT, g re a t unit, com pletely rem o d eled 2-1, large living a re a with fireplace, all appliances and d rapes $ 6 5 0 monthly, references, no pets 3 2 0 8 B D uval 4 5 4 - 2 7 1 3 or even mgs an d w eekends 3 4 5 - 0 1 7 5 2-1 M O V E T O D A Y $ 3 4 5 Central, shuttle, 1- 1, private, charm ing, exceptionally mam tam ed N e w appliances Big yard 3 2 7 1 8 7 8 2-1_______________________________ M U S T RENT nice 2BR near shuttle Re duced to $ 4 7 5 C all John 4 7 6 -7 4 4 1 (leave messoge) 2-1 3 West University 28 32 San Gabriel, large 2-1, newly renovated. Hardwoods, appliances, 3 ceiling fans, deck, garage, $ 6 25 a month. 472 3581 Responsible tenants only. 2-26 WALK TO CAMPUS HEMPHILL PARK LUXURY l a r g e 2-1, com pletely renovoted, h ard ­ w o o d floors, C A -C H , mmiblinds, deck in front, large yard to bock, ceiling fans, over 1100 sq ft., no pets! $ 8 0 0 a month, 1 month deposit O n e y ear lease A vailable (|ust off im m ediately 3 2 n d /G u a d a lu p e ) R odney 4 7 8 - 6 0 4 1 3 1 0 9 W h e e le r 20 400 — Condos* Townhouses UNBELIEVABLE 2 -2 condo, all amentias, most see, close to compos, 8 3 4 -1 6 0 1 2- 13____________________________ __________ W EST C A M P U S formshed large 2 -2 , ga? cooking. M o v e Hunters 4 8 2 8 6 5 1 o r 4 5 9 7 2 5 5 2 -5 to d ay C all Habitat HYDE PARK, 1-1 Beaotrfol, N e w , Qoiet, O n Shuffle Seconty. Bookshelves, C o v­ ered Parking H o b itat Honters 4 8 2 8651 2 5 4 3 0 — Room-Board Z I V L E V S THE COMPLETE PROFESSIONAL FULLTIME TYPING SERVICE PRINTING, BINDING ZIVLEY’S ■URGIR KIN G □ / PUI H 0U M □ 2707 HEMPHILL PARK At 27lh I Gvodalup* Ptonty of Parking 472-3210 472-7677 PERSUASIVE RESUMES w#h flo»H W a t ir>g, consuhat»on, w ord processing Stñrtty highest quakty to protect your best assets Appointm ents C reokve Services. 2 4 2 0 G u o d o iupe 4 7 8 3 6 3 3 2 7 TEXT P R O C E S S IN G Fngtish assistance speHmg punctuation grom m or by p ro fessKioah C om puterized services Stndty highest quality Appointments Creative Services 2 4 2 0 G u o d o k jp a 4 7 8 3 6 3 3 2 14 Sure, we type FRESHMAN THEMES Why Not Start Out With Good Gradas? 472-3210 472-7677 T YPIN G $1 0 0 / p g wo n a l e x p e rie n c e d typist le g a l $1 2 5 Pra fe s IBM Seiectnc N e o r UT cam pus RUSHERS W E I C O M E * 4 7 7 - 5 4 5 6 2 2 8 ________________ rhem e to thesis RUSH SERVICE FR O M $ 1 1 5 o o g e p ro fe s s io n a l q u a k ty IB M o v e rn ig h t som e d a y o r w h ile yo u w a tt L o ca te d south 9 9 e v e ry d a y D o n n a 4 4 3 5 613 2 2 6 AZTEC W O R D P rocessing R iverside are a S ch o o l p a p e rs theses p ro o fin g , etc CaH 3 8 5 5 0 8 0 2-15 ★ RESUMES ★ • B u l k M a i l i n g • T y p e s e t t i n g P o r t o ' s W o x ti) 478-1126 2 0 1 A T n - T o w e r s 8 1 1 W 2 4 t t i ★ RESUMES ★ Th e ~ Professional S ervice MASTER TYPIST for y o u r RESUME Same Day I 1 -Day Service Theses, Dissertoboro 8 TermBopers [ K ) B I E M A L L a 3 6 4 7 2 - 0 2 9 3 RESUMES • COVER LETTERS 7 D a y s A W e e k ^ e ra 7ee '> O w 9 sto ris S tu d o n ts a B A D E F '-jst’-attxj Gat1 O ' corr%e oy f poiQtiT'e r'f M ATH M 3 0 ’ 302 on MATH TUTOR 504 W. 24th S t Office 477-7003 J k r t r c b M40^K. . MfViFif A B M 305G M 40 • S N o m F M 306 EM 3 ‘ FM 306S r M v j f M 3 • 9 E E 316 f f 4 * ' EE3T8 EE212 EE 323 E N G U S H C O M P SCIENCE CS3G4P F CS206 C S 3 t5 CS4 • CS410 CS328 CS336 C S345 U427X , C S352 M 3' 1 C S372 CHEWWSTRY EMG4G3 PHYSICS PWV301 C H F M 3 0* '« 2 E N G 3 U - P H Y302K [ C H FM 61 ‘*A.B EMG 306 PHY3T¡3K, C H f M 6 ’ 8 A P F M G 3*: PWV327X c B U SIN ESS DATA PRO ACC3* ‘ 3 ’ ? AS ” 3 0 ' D P 4 3 ' D AST302 S T * r 309 FIN3S4 357 A S T303 AST 30^ C S A S T R O * K ECO FCO30? EC O303 ECO320K I E C D 322 FRENCH D o n 't pu» thw oW unW tha Tight a r #xom * 1 B k rc * to L/T ♦Ena# Pprtnng • V a ry rm m ao rw b * It » ioo im p th p r GERWIAH SPAN ISH »Lo*a a * p m tm nc* *tn § tmrrgumgrn ro v c a r um d a ra ta n d Aámo h ig h acftooi c o u ro a a x> thm abo va m jbyoet* a n d S A T A O R E Rpvtípw Next door to Mad Dog S Beans B to e b o rn rt - j pt e n ! x ! ? 4 if EMPLOYMENT 800 — General Help Wanted DRIVERS WANTED Potential earnings $8-$10 hr. Full time & part time posi­ tions available. Must have own car — Apply in person: 404 W. 26th St. or nearest location. TUTORING SERVICE BC It S t Starttte weRDMASTEfLi 6 1 0 — Misc. In structio n e a rn e d n tw o dovs S*mpift»ed TAKE N O TE S easier 50- e tte r system- con be shapes Kelp reduce w n te ' s : r o n p For c o m p le te e x p la n a tio n send $ 2 0 0 o n d SASE to Sc n o t Box 4 2 3 Y e llo w S pnngs O H 4 5 3 8 7 2-18 TYPE CITY T Y P IN G a W O R D P R O C E S S IN G WST.mnCTOEMi F R E E R IC K U R 8 D E L IV E R Y 8 3 4 - 0 1 7 2 SERVICES 6 5 0 — M o v in g - H a u lin g TW O BROTHERS M o v tn g H om es ^p o rt m enty office s an tiq u e s p to n o s insured O p e n seven d a y s w eek 4 5 0 - 0 5 3 0 3 -8 7 5 0 — T y p in g TYPIN G N my N o rtt- Austin h o m e co rre c tin g Seiectnc star? $1 2 5 p o g e CoH P a t 8 3 4 0 7 '8 c 5 pnces ft** a t IE A N N E S T Y P IN G S ervice N o rth Austin Hom e W o rd proce ssin g g e n e ra l N p m g Fast a to s o n o b ie accu rate 8 3 6 4 3 0 3 2 2 0 fronsenbm g 4 ? /* " ' ■ v í 4 7 2 2 6 8 4 2404 Rio Grande xm uaassjBOi C lassifieds C ontinued on N ext P age M AKE A DIFFERENCE! the c o m m i t m e n t to J e n o u r t e a c h in g st.itt that has on*- s p e e a i d if f e r e n c e : ng w h a t s r . j h ' < >• n dre- We are D a y D n d g e L e a m i n q C e n te r a n a t io n a ll y r e c o q n iz e d c h ild ca re a n d early e d u c a t io n o rg a n iz a t io n , a nd we re lo o k in g for b rig h t a n d e n t n u s ia s tic in d v id u a ls to te a ch o u r a f t e r n o o n p ro g ra m C o m e to D a y h r i d g e a n c m a k e that spec ai d if f e r e n c e in a c h ild s e a rly e d u ­ c a tio n and d e v e lo p m e n t For m o r e in f o rm a tio n ple ase c o n t a c t o u r c e n t e r d ir e c t o r at o n e of the f o l l o w i n g lo c a t io n s 7130 Chimney Corners at Far West 346-6160 12001 Oak Knoll Dr. Highway 183 at T.l. 250-1669 6434 S. Congress at Wm. Cannon 443-7765 iggS*3 fiPA I n r » T ® f o m p u n v setvices Eguci. O p p o rtu n ity Empioyei E qual O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo v sr, m /f/v /h EM PLO YM ENT 8 8 0 - P ro fessio n al ATTENTION STUDENTS Stop Complaining About the High Prices of Meals LET DOBIE CATER TO YOUR BUDGET Dobie semester meal plans start at $520.00*. That’s less than $2.00 per meal. You can purchase Dobie Meal Plans by the month or by the semester. Call or come by soon for details. * 14 meals per week DOBIE CENTER 472-8411 Limited delivery area. © 198 4 Domino's Pizza Inc on Town Lake 1720 S. Lakeshore Blvd. 444-2882 OPEN SATURDAYS Lakefront Apartments • Tennis Court • 2 Pools • Sundeck • Clubroom with Fireplace & Bar Boat Dock Shuttle Route 6 month lease Volleyball Court RENTAL 430 — Room-Board D O B I E FEBRUARY MEAL PLANS N O W O N SALE Full Plan 19 meals per w eek $ 1 8 5 .0 0 Partial Plan 14 meats per w eek (M on. breakfast-Fri. lunch NO WEEKEND MEALS) $ 1 3 5 .0 0 Cashi, Money Order, or Bank Check Only. —STUDENT DISCOUNTS— SERVICES 7 6 0 — Misc. Services Page 16/The Daily Texan/Friday, February 1,1985 S IR V IC IS SIIIV IC IS E M P L O Y M C N T EM PLOYMENT 7 5 0 — Typing 760— Misc. Services 790 — Part Time PHOTOS for PASSPORTS APPLICATIONS RESUMES 3 minute $orvic4 MON-FBi 10-6 SAT 10-2 477-3555 THE THIRD EYE 2530GUA0AIUW 1MP1QYM1NT 790 — Port Tlm« W A N T E D FRIENDLY soles oriented peo­ ple for port time evenings Apply in per son at any location Sunglosses Etc , Highland. Barton Creek, Northcross Mads. N o phone cols please ? 4 GOURMET STORE Salesperson part time. A g g r e s ­ sive, articulate, enthusiastic, sales oriented. in coffee, Interested tea, candy, cookw are A pply P e c a n E x c h a n g e , C o f f e e Square, 1202 W . 6th, 47 4- 5300. 2-1 surY fire PHONE WORK $4.50 hour plus bonuses and incentives. Call 442- 5942,10am-5pm. 2-1 INSTANT CASH ANDBONUS If you need cash to help you out while attending college, why not don ate b lo o d p lo*m a ? You can don ate twice in a 7 d a y period — for the 1ft do n atio n receive $10, for the 2nd do natio n in a 7 d a y period, receive $12 Plus with thu o d yo u ’ll receive o $2 bonus on your first visit A lso ask about bonus program s. S o help others while he lping yourself M u st have valid ID a n d som e p ro o f of Aus tin residence D r a w in g held once o m onth for two $ 2 5 bonuses Coll 4 7 4 7941 Austin Ploima Center 2800 Goodolupe Back m a Flash now taking appli­ cations for salespersons to work in Fast Stop booth in Highland Mall and Lake HHIs area Part time morning positions available Stu­ dents may study on |ob Contact Cindy Spurgeon 477-4316 or a p ­ ply at 2901 N IH 3 5 Suite 100 Nonsmokers, please D R IVER/BAIYSITTER. 2 3 0 to 5 30pm, M o n d a y to Friday, $ 4 50/hr plus gas money re quired Call K aren Miller, 4 7 8 2581 2-1 N o n smoker references L O C K UP P E R S O N , U N IV ERSITY C HRIS- T IA N C H U R C H , 8 30am 12 30pm, Sun doys. O p e n up. monitor parking lot, locks up alter church Rev Mullins, 47 7 - ____ _______ ______________ 6104 2 -5 M A IL CLERK, perfect lor student, 1 5pm, M o n -F n Response for outgoing mail processing orders, and running erronds C ok Francis at 4 7 6 -6 2 8 1 2 5 L A W N M A 1 N 1 E N A N C E landscaping Flexible hours $ 4 to $ 5 pei Hour start, depending on experience Call Ben 4 / 9 0 2 3 3 2 5______________ ______________ W A N T E D HO USEKEEPER/tutor lor 12 year old Mon., W e d , S o t . 5 to 9 PM, 8 3 4 1199 or 9 2 8 -0 5 5 0 , leave messoge 2-7 _________________________ FULL-TIME, port time seasonal positions avoilable at the Austin Y M C A Expert ente with youth program m ing Helpful Coll 4 7 6 - 6 7 0 5 2-13______________ IF Y O L/V E got it. we wont to flaunt Hit Preppy, all American, out-going people needed for weekend product sampling Call in today!! Evins North, 2 0 0 / W A nderson Ln 4 5 4 -9 5 6 1 Evins South 4 0 3 A E Ben White 4 4 3 5 0 0 0 2 5 C L E A N CU T professional person needed to deliver airline tickets to Austin bust nesses M ust be able to work 8 3 0 A M to 12 3 0 P M M o n thru Fn Transportation provided $4/hr Send resume to 12180-B Burnett Rd Austin, Tx 7 8 7 5 8 7 13 C U C K O O 'S B A R now hiring waitpersons and bartender A p ply in person after 4pm. 317E 6th Sand y 2-1 W A N T E D A N M B A candidate with a strong interest in real estate industry for port time work 2 0 4 0 hrs/week Spread sheet experience a must. Full time err ployment available otter graduation Call 4 5 4 -6 6 8 1 for information 2-13 B ABYSIT IN my home for 2 small chil­ dren, for occasional evenings out Must hove ow n transportation and references. $3/hr 4 5 2 30 31 2 -4 ______________ O N SHUTTLE route, housekeeper need­ ed Flexible hours Duties include d ean tng, loundry, child care for 2 boys, 3 and 4 years old 4 7 2 - 8 8 6 7 between 5 and 9pm 2 -5 _ G R O U N D S P E R S O N needed, five hours a d a y -- m o r n in g s 9 to 2 W a n t dependable hord worker Call 44 3 - 17 38 2 8______________________________ P/T runner needed for law firm, M o n W e d a nd Fn mornings Send resume to D o ra V aldez at 4 0 0 W 15th, Suite 1419, or coH 4 7 2-80 21 . 2 8__________________ 15-20 hr week, computer data entry word processing prefered General office duties, filing etc $5 -5 .5 0 per hour Se nd resume assistant accounting manager, M S F 816 C ongress Suite 600, Austin, 7 8 7 5 8 . 2 -6 2 0 H O U R S A W e ek thru Dec '8 5 Secre­ tary/receptionist $5/hr Heavy phone and 6 0 W P M . Call for an appointment 474-1144 N e a r compos 2 -6 PART TIM E sharp secretary Afternoons Flexible hours. Handwriting and gram ­ mar skills must be supenor English motor preferred Real Estate onented com pa ny Call befween 12 and 1, 45 1-0304. 2 2 8 ____________________________________ A F T E R N O O N P O S IT IO N S availoble to work with preschool or school a ge children A b o v e a verage p ay scale, p ro ­ fessional w orking envnonment Apply in person with Creative W orld, 2 0 7 0 Den- ______________ ton, 8 3 7 - 8 8 2 2 2 -2 8 Babysitter wonted for 2 small children, M o n a n d Thurs, 2 to 8 3 0 N W Austin Transportation necessary $3/hr 2 5 8 4 3 6 5 , 3 4 5 3 5 9 3 . 2 6 2-4 Bock in a Flash h as immediate open- ing for part time secretary/reception- 8 0 0 ' ist a l the co rp orate headquarters lo­ cated on east side of I 3 5 across from ______ UT Perform s sw itchboard, reception ist, a n d secretarial duties involving public contact. H o u rs 1pm -6pm C o n tact C in d y Sp u rge o n 4 7 7 -4 3 1 6 or ap ply at 2901 N 1-35, Suite 100 2 4 N onsm okers, please - I General Help Wanfed Instructor for elementary a ge children, $ 4 5 0 / h r, 25 0-51 17 Northwest area of Austin A lso 2 5 8 90 3 8 . 2-4 800 — General Help Wanted A IR L IN E S H IR IN G . $14 $3 9,00 0* Stew ordesies, Reservatiomst! W orld w id e! Ca# for guide, directory, newsletter 1- 916 9 4 4 - 4 4 4 4 X U T EX A U ST IN A IR 4 -3 0 R E SID E N T M A N A G E R for smol! com plex. UT student a must Experience preferred but not necessary References required Call faith, 4 9 9 0 7 2 5 2-5 N E E D P EO PLE with reliable transporta Hon for port time jobs Random hours 4 7 7 1971 A n n 2 6 ATTENTIO N GUYS A N D GALS D u e to expansion, our N otion a l Che m ical firm has im mediate o p e n ­ ings with the y o u n g business gro u p os a career dem onstrator M u st be free to travel N o experience necessary, w e provide a 2 -week oil expense, gu a ra n te e d training p ro gra m All transportation furnished. H igh earn mgs, plus bonuses an d casual w orking conditions m oke this ideal for the y o u n g set. All applicants must be 18 ye ars or older an d be able lo start im m ediately fo r interview, call Joe C h a p m a n at 4 5 9 4251, Friday only, 10am to 5pm 2-4 N e e d g a ra g e attendant. Clean, courteous, honest a must For the 3 p m -llp m shift. App ly in person, United Bank parking g a r a g e off­ ice, 4 0 0 W est 15th between 10:30am -2 30 p m P o lygrap h required. See Cliff. 2-5 810 Office- Clerical SE CR ETARY Answ er phones. W o rd processing skills helpful, fwo blocks from compus 4 7 2 - 3 9 0 0 2-1 50w pm TYPE SECRETARY, U N IV ERSITY C H R IST IA N C H U R C H W o r d p rocessing, fype 5 0 W P M , general secretarial skills, refer­ ences Salary • benefits $12.000 per year M a k e application at 2 0 0 7 Univer sity Ave, M -F, 9-11am, or 2 4pm. 2-7 840 — Sales O IL C O M P A N Y seeks aggressive, reli telephone marketing personnel oble Top commission and benefits, evening P ho n e h o u rs G re a t o p p o rtu n ity Barbara, 4 5 8 3919 for appointment 2- ______ 1 A n opportunity to represent a ma|or prestigious international publisher in co lle ge texts in zip co de areas, 759, 768, 7 7 0 - 7 8 9 Educatio n al sales b a c k g ro u n d helpful Please send re­ sum e be fore 2/11 to: C Rostatn, L o n g ­ m an Inc., 156 0 B ro odw ay, N Y, N Y 1 0036. 2 -6 870 — Medical R N ’S, L V N ’S and student nurses Por- tamedic Health C are has P R N positions ovailable. Private duty or staff relief. Call 4 5 9 - 5 4 7 0 or stop by at 1912 A nderson Lane. 2-1 880 — Professional PRIVATE H IG H school immediately hinng math teacher B A or BS Coll 45 4 -6 6 6 1 between 8 3 0 -2 3 0 2 1 890 Clubs- Restaurants C R U IS E S H IP S H IR IN G , $16 $30,0001 for Carribean. Hawaii, W odd. Cali guide, directory, newsletter 1-916 9 4 4 4 4 4 4 X U T E X A U ST IN C R U IS E 4 3 0 $ 3 75 $ 5 0 0 D'lites of Am erica is now hiring enthusiastic, hard working people to join our teom 8 4 4 0 Burnett Rd 4 5 9 0701 Equal Opportunity Employer 2 1 RESUMES 2707 Hemphill Park hnl North of 2?1h a* Guadatup» 472-3210 472-7677 O A S TY PIN G **TV1Ct I M . VI t X P t - K t t M t WORD PROCESSING X E R O X 9 8 0 • S T O R A G E ETC 4 5 4 -1 5 3 2 W ith I s. b H i 'r t » I > 1 1 1 . M h | O t t D v n l | 7 D a y * A W e e k } WOODS TYPING Cm I WORD PROCESSING} ¡ 4 7 2 - 6 0 0 2 } J 2200 Guadalupe (side) > IV he o Y o u W orn It D o n e f ig h t ^ I 760 — Misc. Services WE MAKE SMALL LOANS F R O M S 5 - S 2 9 0 CASH PAWN LOAN 5134 BURNET ROAD 454-0450 Címannó* Paw * & fat* Money Available For Loans Excellent Selection • stereos • tewebv • (fins • rameras • • western goods • 336 A 1 East Ben White Blvd. 440-7717 VM Ll D O oltaraliom C o# 9 2 6 -1 6 3 6 2-1 F IN A N C IA L A ID from the private sector n shit available Freshmen and sop ho mores ehgible Information S F S., P O BO X 8 6 0 5 , Austin, 78 71 3 2-19 ___ B E E N G A IN I N G weight lately? Lose 10 2 9 pounds in one month G uaranteed C o l 4 7 7 - 9 8 2 3 2 1 W A N T T O get A t in school? Send |ust $ 5 for study tips and tesl-tokmg tech ñi­ ques to Grades, P O Box 21164, W aco, _______________ Tx. 7 6 7 0 2 . 2 5 F IN A N C IA L A ID Inlorm ohon for «allege freshman o nd sophom ores C o# 8 9 2 517). 2 6 Needed. 10 Amateur Photographers P hototech is n o w a cc e p tin g applied tions fo r c a n d id party p ho tog ra p he rs, n o e x p e n e n c e n ecessary, w e train M u st h a v e car, 3 5 m m SLR, be clean cut a n d p e rs o n a b le Excellent part time w o rk with g o o d p a y C all from 10 am -4 pm , 4 7 4 - 4 8 9 1 2 8 ST U D E N T R E SID E N T m anagers needed responsible and M ost be motare, motivated G raduate students preferred Com plexes close to campus Free rent plus salary. Send resume to 1802 West A v enue A p t # 223, 7870 1 2-18 _ PART TIME secretanol, mild bookkeeping position open. Contact liso, 34 6 -7 8 1 2 2 19___________________________________ PART TIM E TELLER, immediate openir» experience necessary Mon., Tue an Fn., 12-7, three Saturdays o month 3 4 6 ______________________ ____ 0 6 6 0 2 -7 THE S O U T H P A R K Cinem a III is now htr mg floorstaff W e are looking tor neot, d ependable hard workers Please apply in person, 1921 E Ben White Pay $ 3 35/hr E O E 2 -6 _ CLERK/CASH IER, downtown, pari time 8am 2pm M o n d a y Friday, dependable, honest, energetic person to handle money o nd people Coll 476- 3 9 4 9 2 -1 ___ ___________ _______ ___ required S H E R ID A N IN C has part time positions avoilable in their packagin g and distri button deportment Som e anvm g neces sary Afternoon ond evening hrs avail able Call 4 8 0 8501 between Horn and 3pm. 2-11 EXPERIEN CED, M A T U R E maintenance person for 4 0 unit complex Very quiet atmosphere Part time, w age plus apart ment 4 5 3 2 6 5 ? Ask for Pam 2-1 L O O K IN G TOR studenlfs) willing to wort oppox 8hrs/week Bus tables, serve Eood. wash dishes, etc , at girl s residence hall close to campus G et G REA T meal plon in exchange M ust tie relioEile neat in appearance, ond willing lo foltow rules Co# Kip Eietwenn 5 6 3 0 pm Eor appointment, 4 7 2 6717 2 1 THE C H E RRY Street Cleaning Com pany needs fn*nc#y, hardworking people to d ea n residences in Austin Part time hours flexible, transportation necessary 45 3 1339 2 6 _ A S S IS T A N T P O S IT IO N S in A M I M onies son school Classroom cumculum ond after school assistants needed Excellent preparation for w o rt in education, psy choiogy, philosophy Part time positions in mornings and afternoons available $4/hr 4 4 2 3152 2 4 ________ P R O G R A M M IN G A N D training with a consulting and applications firm Duties will include program m ing in BASIC, d BA SE III, P A SC A L, and A S S E M B L Y as we# as training firms to use various sofi ware pockoges. M o ll resume to K A M S, 4 6 0 5 Lantano Ho#ow, Austin, Tx 78731 2 5 COLORADO CAMP COUNSELORS S p e n d Q r e w a r d in g su m m e r in th e m o u n t a in s R c o m p for m e d ic a lly b u t not h a n d lc o p p e d p h y s ic a lly child ren. S t r e s s i n g a w il­ d e r n e s s e x p e r ie n c e b a c k ­ p a c k in g h o t s e b a c k riding, c a m p o u t s a n d m o re Sophomore* or older. Coll for oppllcotlon: A P P O IN T M E N T SETTERS Will train, leads provid­ ed. $5 hour plus bonus. Call Bill after 11am, 459- 2 5 3852. HELP W A N T E D All positions, flexible hours $ 3 7 5 $4/hr to start Apply in person Show biz Pizzo, 5 0 2 W Ben White 2-6 TROPICAL FEVER Pelican’s W h a rf is n o w accept­ ing applications for part time a s ­ sistant waitpersons, hostesses/ hosts. A p p ly M -F, 9 11am, Satur­ d a y a n d S u n d a y 10-12pm N o p h o n e calls please. EO E. 2 5 F A N D A N G O 'S R E S T A U R A N I N o w hiring d a y waitpersons, eve nin g hostesses, bussers, and cooks. G o o d p a y in a great at­ m osphere. A p p ly in person, A n ­ d erson an d Burnet between 2- 4pm. 2 - 6 AU ST IN MARRIOTT HOTEL Pori time o p e n in g s for ro o m service servers. D a y a n d e v e n in g h ou rs avail a b le M u st h a ve g o o d a p p e ra n c e a n d ability to com m u nica te well with hotel guests A p p ly p e rson n e l office M o n - lo o k i n g fo r a self starter, a p e rso n Fn 9 4 3 0 w h o c a n b e told to h a n d le a certain situation o n d p erfo rm in the m ost ex- p e d io u s o n d efficient m a nn er I d o n t w a n t to h e a r the pain, I |ust w ant to see the results O u r g r o u p is invo lve d m entertainm ent, real estate, a n d oil b usin e ss This is o v e ry exciting a n d d ive rse c h a lle n g e for the n ght m divid ual ( M o r F) B usiness b a c k g r o u n d ve ry helpful, a p p e a r a n c e im portant O n ly m o tivate d ind ivid uals n ee d a p ply C oll 4 / 8 /6 V 7 for a n a p p o in t ­ m ent 2 - 8 M H M R A ID E S Travis State School is currently interviewing M .H M R Aides for full time employment Shifts availoble are 6 0 0 a m to 2 30pm and 2 00pm to 10 30 p m Solary $ 8 9 3 per month pro moteo to M H M R Services Assistant at $ 1 00 8 per month after 6 months probo tion and successful completion of pre ser vi N , I W ISH T H E V E R V B E S T O f L O C K U E 'V E BOTH B E E N E N R C H E D B Y H A V IN G KNO W N EACH O T H E R Peanuts by Charles M. Shultz S LEE P 15 5 0 YOU W ON'T LIE AWAKE ALL NIGHT WORRYING ABOUT TOMORROW... TO BE BEAUTIFUL, YOU 5M0ULP 6 0 TO BEP EARLY, ANP NOT STAY UP ALL NI6UT WATCH!N6 PUMB PROGRAMS Squib © / U W n / s e e in g tu f Flat GUICKlV r e p a ir e d , mm REALIZES THAT LREb is hot uusr a m WBb. by Miles Mathis The Daily Texan Entertainment Magazine Friday, February t , 1985 K ris ti Woodward M artian Illustration by Martian Punk art and the Xerox machine A utonom y. To the punks, it m eans survival. to ju st take a m om ent look around. C h eck out the record labels or the distributors; check out the m agazines. The punks aren't d e­ pending on the big bovs — they're doing it them selves. And th at's w hy to d ay's m usic u n ­ derground is still around. T h at’s why it's so stubbornly persisted — the punks, you see, d on 't depend on anybod y. They d o n 't need big m oney or big organizations to su r­ vive. And that, 1 guess, is w here the story really begins. . . . Mike Nott is, by profession, a graphic artist. He graduated from the U niversity in 1980, w ent to work for A u stin 's Sagebrush studios, and began doing graphic w ork for the likes of Texas Monthly. Third Coast and rock band, Z ZTop. Now h e's associate art di­ rector of Houston H om es and Gar­ den s and m aking m ore m oney than you or I will ever see. the S o u th ern work is that it's not the slick studio stuff vou m ight expect. M ike, you see, began his career by m aking posters for punk bands around A us­ tin, graduated to fanzines and art booklets and eventually designed an album cover for the Big Bovs The Dicks Live at Raul's album . And he did it all with his own m oney, or with m oney from local, sm all-tim e independ ent record la­ bels. The art w as m ade with the Xerox m achine, or occasionally, w ith sprav paint. It was, as Mike ex­ plained it, "d irect-action a rt.” "X e ro x and spray paint are direct a ctio n ," he said. "It's so direct you d on 't have a problem with galler­ ie s ." And Bill Barm inski, another loca' artist w h o's d one work for The Aus­ tin Chronicle and The Daily Texan, agreed. "I w ouldn't be doing what I'm doing w ithout the X ero x,” Bar­ minski said. "N o w it's so cheap to use Xerox m achine — you can do anything vou w ant with it.” But w h at's interesting about his And th a t's wrhere au ton om y com es in. The Xerox m eans no pub­ lishers to please, no deadlines to It m eans total artistic free­ m eet. dom . And for better or w orse, it also m eans that many of the artists today, since they work in that bub­ ble of autonom y, d o n ’t really have a grasp of their ow n history. John Clarke, a UT associate pro­ fessor of art history, said the legacy left from the '60s w as of "non-figu r- In contrast, ative, cerebral" art. Clarke called today's art "n eo -ex ­ pressionism ” or a "forced use of col­ or and fig u re," to convey a m es­ sage. "S e x , death and violence, it's the sam e com bination over and oyer. It's intended to s h o ck ,” Clarke ex­ plained. "A lot of the artists . . (have gone) into the punk bands. In that w ay, the artists divide them ­ selves betw een m usic and paint- in g ." . And while Clarke insists that to­ d ay's undergound artists are part of a bigger trend — w h ether they ad­ mit it or not, Barm inski em phatical­ that w hat he does ly denies is " A r t." " I hate that word (Art). A lot of people call them selves artists, but thev d on't deserve it.” And so the autonom y is com ­ plete. The art is personal; it's for the artist, with the artist's own equip­ m ent and for the artist's own publi­ cations. And, by God, the people doing it don t call them selves art­ ists, and the work they're doing, they don't call art. So, take a m om ent out, next time you're walking down the Drag, and look up at a sign or a poster or a piece of grafiitti. Think about pure creativity its own sake, and think about som ething Mike Nott told me. for "N o w , more than ever, art and the fashion are m usic and s tre e ts," he said. "T h a t’s w here it's a t." from — R ick Dyer See story page 14 BACK TO NATURE # YAMAHA YAMAHA K-2QOO NATURAL SOUND DIRECT DRIVE CASSETTE DECK Linear EM Transduction 2 -motor direct drive transport mechanism a ORBiT (Optimum Record Bias Tuning) 4-digit Linear Counter, with minus figure display 16-segm ent 2 -color LED bar graph level m eters, with dbx range indication Auto Rec Return Zero Stop, Memory Repeat, and Full Repeat functions Full logic, light-touch transport control panel and function controls Rec Mute function • Timer rec / play capability Remote control compatibility (RS-10 unit, optional) E1A rack mount adaptors (option) • “Monitoring Erase” Function • Wide-Range ± 15% Pitch Control • a ORBiT (Optimum Record Bias Tuning) 3 Head Reproduction System (Triple-Laminated Sendust R & P Heads) ON SALE 4951 00 SAVE $300.00 YAMAHA A-4QO NATURAL SOUND STEREO INTEGRATED AMPLIFIER (BLACK FINISH ONLY) $22000 The A 4 0 0 h a s the following f e a t u r e s: • Direct MC Cartridge Input • Continuously Variable Loudness Control • DAD Input Selector a Muting Switch Minimum RMS Output Power per Channel: 40 Watts (8 ohms, 20 to 20,000 Hz, 0.02% Total Harmonic Distortion) CENTRAL DOBIE AAALL 2021 GUADALUPE 470-7421 AUDIO CONCEPTS NORTH CREEKSIDE SQUARE 3010 N. ANDERSON LN. 459-3321 • FINANCING AVAILABLE • MASTERCHARGE, VISA, A M IR IX . SUPER SAVINGS just for juniors Lee® London Riders 25% off the ticketed price reg. *33 These are the new Lee' jeans for juniors There's a single pleat in front so they fit a little looser at the hip then taper down to a trim ankle in petite and average lengths. Indigo cotton. Junior sizes 3 to 13. JUNIOR DENIM AT THIHEARTOF TEXAS SHOP ALL FOLEY S STORES MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 10 TO 9:30 HQ USiUIM A K t/V . . p a s a DENA -SAN JACINTO -SHARPSTOWN -WEST OAKS -W IU O W B R O O K -D O W N TO W N -A LM EDA -DEERBROOK -GBEENSPOINT -M EM O RIAL -NORTHWES’ A H E A AUSTIN -BARTON CREEK SQUARE -HIGHLAND M A ! SAN ANTONIO..K jG R A M p a r k M AL • N O » ' * S ' A S M A L l b p y a n / c o lle g e STATION. : (DOWNTOWN HOUSTON MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 9:30 TO 6. SATURDAY TIL 5:30). ____________ page 4/Im ages Friday, Open Mon.-Sot. 0 Evening 0 Convenient Locotions One Neor You!! Reagan Squore 451-0066 Oak Hill Plazo 266-1612 Riverside Plozo 444-0470 GEORGE THOROGOOD] ■ & THE DELAWARE DESTROYERS J 1 FEB. 1 - CITY COLISEUM I if® w/Omar and the Howlers ■11 GRANT FOSTER & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1801 Lavaca #105 477-3757 GRANT FOSTER INTRODUCING A NEW CONCEPT IN PERSONAL & BUSINESS INSURANCE PLANNING - “UNIVERSAL LIFE” The plan features: (1) sensitive interest rates — currently 13.4% (2) disappearing premium after the 6th ye ar (3) future tax advantages. Ask your Fidelity Union Associate about Uni­ versal Life and our competitive term rates that can help you take the "it's" out of uncer­ tain situations. * Sheila Biederm ann Gaynell Eppler Renee Reed M argaret Myers Ronald Styron Susan Torres Glen Garnish UF€ NEVER TASTED SO GOOD! Celebrate life with a big Texas breakfast Monday m orning all the way to live jazz Sunday n ight— great Texas fare served am idst brass & class. Breakfast Luncheon eggs, sausage, hash browns, Texas toast just $1.99 Mon.-Fri. 7-11, Sat. & Sun. 9-11 perfect atmosphere for business or play (banquet room available) Happy Hour Mon.-Fri. 4-7, doubles, finger snacks, piano bar Dinner Texas traditions: mesquite- grilled seafood & chicken fried steak & more Late Might 10-midnite doubles & finger foods Sunday Texas champagne brunch 11 -3, live jazz 9 pm.-midnite %1907 Guadalupe 476 Plenty of free parking 4 ( 7 7 fwwetal u> ito Mtokn ü •« » furnilv bhhiIT I h u r IA* I.. ...-I" ,* ’ "** •»»«*• >«4 f.«« *" T lto n t h e it u li i i d i m il m u .I K (r o u tin g ih .n i im « o i i i I Ui HtliMm« iiKut, II * ni i M imm* Doug Layton, Daily Texan Staff Compositional freedom: M oore's reclining figures Art review By Anthony D orsa ' I he R e c lin in g F i g u r e / an e x h ib ­ it at th e H u m a n itie s R e search C e n ­ ter, d o c u m e n t s H e n ry M o o r e 's 60- y e a r o b s e s s i o n w ith ho rizo ntally b a s e d scu lp tu re . M o o re , 86, first b e ­ c a m e well k n o w n in the 1930s. t o ­ day, he is o n e of the w o rld 's m o s t re n o w n e d living scu lpto rs. A lt h o u g h M o o r e is fa m o u s for his e n o r m o u s w o rk s, th e largest in the exh ibit is four feet lo ng. T h e s c u lp ­ tures o n d is p la y are m a d e from a v ariety o f m aterials in c lu d in g c o n ­ crete, b r o n z e a n d terra cotta. M a n y of th e w o rk s are small M a q u e t t e s that h a v e serv e d as p re p a r a to r y m o d e ls for larger final scu lp tu re s. S in c e th e e x h ib itio n fo cu se s on in M o o r e 's c h a n g e s t h e m e , o n e style are a m p lified . Fhe 78 s c u lp ­ tu res and 38 d r a w in g s are arra nged in c h ro n o lo g ica l o rd e r, so that \ isi- tors m a y easily s e e the d e v e l o p m e n t of M o o r e 's te c h n iq u e . M o o r e says he p refers re c lin in g figures to tho se in a s e a te d or s t a n d i n g p o sitio n b e ­ ca u s e " t h e re c lin in g figure giv es the most fr e e d o m , c o m p o sitio nally and s p a t ia lly ." " R e c l i n i n g W o m a n " l h e earlie st w o rk in the exh ibitio n is th e m o s t traditional. M o o re c o n ­ structed in 1927 in ro u n d e d g e o m e tr ic form . It is as solid as a p y ram id . From this po int o n , stylistic in n o v a t io n s to ok th e artist e v e r farther a w a y fro m v is­ ual literalism . M o o r e b e g a n to o p e n up s p a c e insid e the scu lp tu re s by the fitting limbs g r o u n d a n d d e t a c h in g the from c o m p l e te co n ta ct with less solidly on t h e m the body l o c o n t in u e this pro cess, the artist actually carved ho le s through his s cu lp tu re s. I h c s e ho le s e x p a n d ­ ed until a ro u n d 1938, w h e n m a n y of the reclining figures w ere flow in g, visceral fram es, still in u n m ista k a b le h u m a n p ro p o r tio n s . in S in ce 1939, M o o re ha s created m a n y reclining figures t w o or m o re p ie c e s d e t a c h e d from o n e an othe r. 1 h e s e w o r k s are the m o st a b ­ stract of th e s h o w . M a n y s e r v e as m e t a p h o r s to natu re . M o o re has said , "1 realize w h a t an a d v a n t a g e a sep arate d c o m p o s itio n cou ld h a v e in relatin g figures to l a n d sc a p e . . . K n e e s and breasts art' tw o - p ie c e m o u n t a in s . . . . T h e exh ibit also b o asts 36 of M o o r e 's d ra w in g s that parallel his scu lptu ral d e v e l o p m e n t , but are in ­ th e m - te re stin g as artw o rk s by fh.. riri»»A/ir»tm .ire i. ves M an y o f the d ra w in g s are colored with wax c ra y o n , watercol- or or both T h e coloration and linear detail give the illustrations an a e s ­ thetic life o f their o w n. No o n e w h o giv es the scu lptu res c u rso ry g la n c e s will be able to a p ­ preciate the art. But visitors to the exh ib itio n are assisted in their u n ­ d e r s t a n d in g of M o o r e by placards on the wall with q u o t e s from the artist. O n e of th e m states: " I n fact, all art should have s o m e m o re m y s ­ tery and m e a n in g to it than is a p ­ parent to a quick o b se rv e r. In my scu lp tu re , exp la n a tio n s o ften c o m e a f t e r w a r d s ." M o o r e 's c h o s e n task as a scu lpto r has not b e e n to carve literal repre­ s e n ta tio n s o f the h u m a n figure. H e tr a n s fo rm s the h u m a n sh a p e into el­ that e x p r e s s his personal e m e n t s the subject and Each has said, u n d e rs t a n d in g of u n d e rs ta n d in g ot the sub|ect the m e d iu m . He particular ca rv in g I m a k e takes on in tnv mind a h u m a n , or occasio nally anim al, perso nality that c ontrols its d esign a nd formal qualities, and m ak e s m e satisfied or dissatisfied with the w ork as it d ev elo ps If to the visitor the exhibition the sculp tures, looks carefully at and pays a tte n tion to the indiv idu­ ality of each o n e , he should be re w ard ed . An o b se rv an t visitor would notice the d e v e lo p m e n t of throu gh M o o re 's o rg a n ic form s their o w n inne r logic. "T h e R eclin in g F ig u re ," on d isp lay u ntil Feb ru ary 13 at the H u m an ities R esearch C e n te r, UT cam p u s. A d ­ m issio n is free. • T H I M O ST P O P ! I N N O V A T IV E A US TI N SIN< 1» MON. & TUES., FIB. 4th & 5th! uftHVniKSl LOS BOBOSI plus special guest | ... o.3ol t h e t a j l g a t o r s m A 8.30 S h o w p p e n o ^ 50oanu THE TRUE BEUEVERS ■ O p en 8:30 Show 9:30 h ^dgg| $8.00 adm. VIDEO BYTILE- GENICS OFN.Y.C.! 1 SUNDAY,KB. 3rd v; ' EVERY WEDNESDAY Tequila Poppers at M BOBBY MACKTT e x t r e m e h e a t I THE WINDOWS : • * b a n d plus S p e c ia l guest LADIES FREE G EN TS $3 „ ^-|h b h S 2 .5 0 adm. r f T H U R S . , FEB. 7 LIVE RADIO BROADCAST! L E R O I B R O S . plus WATCHOUn French R o c k a b illy II] [ 9 pm-11 pm H KTXZ-AM . HOST: E. SKY $2.50 adm . FEB. 21st LET'S A< w H h 1 H I D . » . ' * | Now in stock BAUSCH & LOMB, HYDROCURVE II, OCULAR SCIENCE, PERMALENS, DAILY WEAR, A N D EXTENDED WEAR SOFT CONTACT LENSES E y e e x a m in a t io n s a v a ila b le 1 h o u r service o n single vision e ye g la ss prescriptions ALPHA OMEGA OPTICAL 451-2020 23rd & Rio Grande (in G a rd e n G a t* ) Three books from UT Frontier' presents forgotten heroes Book review By Shelley Emling Everyone has heard of Davy Crockett and I am sure you are fa­ miliar w ith the likes of Sam H ous­ ton. Such are the heroes w ho m ade the state of Texas great. We owe it all to them , right? This is not neces­ sarily so. A recently published book by the U niversity of Texas Press "The O ther Texas Frontier" ex­ plains the w hys, w hats, and w hos of this and can enlighten anyone w ho thought they knew all there w as to know on the history of the state and the University. The autho r of this highly readable collection of essays is Harry H untt Ransom. If this nam e rings a bell, it might be because there is a UT building on 21st Street nam ed in his honor. Serving as professor, dean, president and chancellor of the Uni­ versity of Texas, Harry Ransom played an integral part in the educa­ tional and literary grow th of the University for over 40 years. He was the founder of the H um anities Re­ search C enter and upon his death in 1976, his wife Hazel H. Ransom, compiled and edited his essays into tw o volum es, "The O ther Texas Frontier" and "The Conscience of the University and O ther Essays," also published by the University Press. ble, quiet and behind the scenes day, the U niversity of Texas ranked as one of the top-notch u versities in the nation. This and the prosperity of Texas can be largely credited to the years of work per­ formed by these individuals. these early Texans There is an enduring myth that Texas in the 19th century was a se­ ries of Indian raids and rude or vio­ lent pleasures. C ountering this illustrates m yth, Ransom clearly that thought more about us than we consider the next century's denizens. D uring the 1800s, there was a counter-frontier, "The O ther Texas Frontier," an atti­ tude people had tow ard the future, tow ard accom plishm ent, tow ard ed ­ ucation. This book supplies one with a look at the serious, thoughtful side of early Texas seldom referred to. It makes you think twice about the im­ portance placed on the battle heroes and legendary figures of Texas past. The first three of the six essays in the book are Ransom 's views of the early counter-frontier, the spirit of our forefathers and those that ac­ com panied the historical heroes. He speaks of the prom ises that enticed settlers to o ur land and the aspira­ tions that held them here. Ransom 's Y & D ' c ¥ Q. $ O J § * h E H T ^ • ; 1 R a L * B V X •Ü Edited by Hazel H. Ransom s ® W 5 G "T h e O th e r Texas F ro n tie r," draws a p o rtra it o f Texan heroes. final three essays outline the lives of three uncelebrated notables, those he com m only refers to as Texans w ithout guns. Take for instance, Mr. Ashbel Smith, w ho w orked tow ard better­ ing Texas until his death in 1886. He was a doctor, appointed surgeon general of the Army of the Republic of Texas and was a prosperous land­ ow ner. His treatise on yellow fever is still widely recognized. He partic­ ipated in peace negotiations with Mexico and the U.S. His main con­ cern, how ever, was education. He was active in planning the Texas Medical College and Hospital and was appointed president of the Uni­ versity Board of Regents. He guided the University through its formative years and did m uch to expand the social and economic prosperity of this cam pus. Sherm an G oodw in, another 19th- century hero, was also a doctor and a developer of drugs and early su r­ gical equipm ent. He w orked to ad ­ vance the study of psychiatry and the effects of thinking on one's well entries anecdo tes, being. Ransom has supplied us with m any from G oodw in's journal, that could still today. apply Sherwin G oodw in, being the grand ­ father of Harrv Ransom, holds a special place in his writings. the world of to Last am ong the celebrated in Ran­ som 's book of mini-biographies, is Sw ante Palm, w ho contributed over 10,000 volum es to the U niversity li­ brary in 1897. He assisted foreigners starting a new life in Texas and fa­ m ous politicians and scholars in need of facts and literature. The pages of quotations by Palm provid­ ed by Ransom m akes for the most interesting reading in the book and the m ost enjoyable. Harry Ransom 's essays provide an insightful interpretation to classi­ cal Texas history, show ing alterna­ tives to the stereotypical pioneers w e've grown accustom ed to. "The O ther Texas Frontier" m akes one prideful and very much in awe of that those Texans w ithout guns ■ looked out for all of us. CHIPPED FRONT TOOTH teeth with too-wide spaces between them, teeth turned dark by a dead nerve, or those greyed out by fluorides or an­ tibiotics. It's done with a composite to material which adheres flawed teeth to make them look new and perfect again. Another big plus: this process can usually be completed in just one office visit. It is inex­ pensive, and will usually hold up for at least 3 to 5 years, perhaps longer. Brought to you as a community service by Dr. Ralph \. Branch, D.D.S., P.C. 2907 Duval Office Phone 472-5611 24 Hr. Emergency 44Í-1861 A POSITIVE SMILE by Dr. Ralph Branch Q. Can a chipped front tooth be repaired? A. The tooth CAN be repaired, and without any filing or cap­ ping, either. technique A relatively new called "bonding" can restore teeth, chipped or broken ¡mm-- /w nv-’ — •- ' ■ Essays distiguish new American cities \ v it\ probably vou get an image of a place like New York ot t hicago smoggv congested and dark place of newsstand - subways and livery kind ot person doing taxis I he hog butch every kind of thing er rubbing shoulders with the stock brokei Now think of Houston 01 I’hoe Ihe mental picture is quite dif nix it 1 But Houston or ferent, Phoenix are still cities, even it they seem somehow less v itvlike isn't l liis issue of C enter, then, is an attempt to discover what makes these new American cities different, how they developed and what di rections they might take in the tu ture. Hie issue is divided into two parts: the first part is a series of es s a \ s on these cities, the second is a survey of urban projects provided by architectural firms throughout the South and Southwest 1 he essays cover a lot of ground Ihe first, by |ournal editor Law rence W. Speck, provides a histori­ cal overview on the development of American urbanism. Another arti cle, by Denise Scott Brown, was written as a study of the downtown- Austin warehouse district tor a local developer. (Brown is a member of the architectural firm that has de­ signed the new Laguna Gloria Art Museum proposed for downtown.) Brown first provides a brief sur­ vey of Austin architectural s ty le s and symbols, then details her f ir m 's proposals to turn the warehouse (roughly between Sixth district it reef and the riv e i) into a multi u .irea « ombining retail, offuo and re idential .pace ■ B l o w n s h o w s p.u til ulai interest in draw mg on Atis tin's architectural past in designing structures that would fit harmoni ously into the environment build mgs that would serve .is a link be tween Austin's past and future Ihe second part of the book, de ta ilin g arc lutei turul p rojei ts planned, underway, or already con strutted is interesting tor both the yariety of the projects' purposes their designs An 80-acre and p ro tect planned for the southern bank ot I own Lake is of special in terest This massive complex woul include housing, shops, offices, ho­ every thing, really Accord tels ing to the drawing, it would be con­ structed of light stone, with red tile roofs, in keeping with the style e s ­ tablished years ago at the Universi­ ty But it w o u ld be a huge complex, and whether the people of Austin would want this city-within-a-city to be built on such beautiful prime land is doubtful. The other Austin project con­ tained in the journal is, appropriate­ ly enough, a condominium But it's a handsome condominium. t enter is a beautifully designed publication, with numerous photo­ graphs, sketches and diagrams. Anyone with an interest in architec­ ture, urban design and the growth of American cities should find it • useful and informative. Stearle, had become very interested in the journal and worked hard to get it published. Stearle, a market­ ing major, is now the journal's edi­ tor. W ith money secured from Dean Robert D. King of liberal arts, some from donations, and some from past sales and pre-paid subscrip­ tions, Stearle and his assistant edi­ tors and editorial staff produced this year's version of Wellspring in No­ vember. To promote sales and in­ crease submissions, Wellspring held a promotional show last year in­ cluding poetry readings and art and photo viewings. Stearle said the re­ sult was a substantial growth in submissions of work. Stearle is very proud of Wellspr­ ing and its purpose and looks for­ ward to its improvement. He sees the publication of these works as an investment in their authors futures. He says there is a possibility of the publication of traditional works, but he prefers experimental writing. ly outstanding. He looks to Wellspr­ ing to fill that position. A first-time reader of Wellspring may have a tough time; all the writ­ ing is experimental- This means the reader has to think and feel, and has to bring something of himself to the works he is readmg. M odem Americans have become used to being spoon-fed everything — stories, poems, songs — they tell the reader in precise words what the writer is feeling. For the longest time, art has shown pictures of things exactly as viewers would ex­ pect to find them, and they haven t had to interpret suggested mean­ ings or draw on their own experi­ ences to gain insight into the artists' minds. The lack of appreciation for abstract art or experimental writing doesn't necessarily stem from lazi­ ness; more likely, viewers are fright­ ened to com­ prehend when suddenly left on their own to determine what they feel, rather than to comprehend what they are supposed to feel. into an inability Photographs and art are also in­ cluded in the journal. They are not chosen specifically to go with the writing, but after everything has been chosen, the literature and pic­ tures are laid out to complement each other effectively. Stearle be­ lieves that a university as outstand­ ing as the University of Texas should have a literary journal equal­ M uch of the writing in Wellspring is quite morose, with many pieces dealing with sadness or death. "Young people are writing about morbid things n o w ," Stearle said. He thinks published works should reflect the general mood, even if it isn't a pleasant one, at least it's a true one. " I look at this as a very modem journal," he added. “ Center' illustrates now urbanism. Book review By Brian Jacobsmeyer I ho University's School of Archi­ tecture lias just published the first issue of a new annual architecture journal Ihe journal, titled Center, is published under the school s C enter for the Study of American Architecture. Ihe journal is designed as a fo­ rum for discussing architecture and related topics as they relate to this part of the country, an area often neglected by design and publishing centers of the East and W est coasts. The first issue of Center focuses on the "emerging American city," specifically those cities in the South and Southwest that are developing in ways different from their more established eastern counterparts. Think of an urban environment Wellspring showcases UT writers. Book review By Kimberly Adams The dictionary defines a wellspr­ ing as "a source of supply" and gives as an example "a wellspring of ideas." Wellspring, a literary jour­ nal produced by a group of U T stu­ dents each fall, could not have a more appropriate name. Wellspring was originally the idea of Diane Castleberry and Suzanne Brown, both U T students, and was a collection of works that won awards in an U T English depart­ ment contest. Because the journal was not sponsored by any campus organization, money was short and production almost didn't occur. Jo h n H o w e v e r, one stu dent, Wei ¡spring: "a very modern journal ff . Look for the Fork in the Road BAR&GRILL 4206 Duval 458-3168 • • # • • • • page fclmages Friday, February 1,1985 CROSSROADS SHOPPING CENTER JEFFERSON SQUARE 38th & Jefferson 452-0930 451-1213 S a n ta Fc O ptical Go. (UNUSUAL EYE WHAM) LENSES DUPLICATED OR YOUR DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION ACCURATELY FILLED Amsttm’s original eyewear boutique Taylor dance group to perform Dance preview By Whitney Milam Is it Baryshnikov on acid or H unt­ er S. Thompson in tights? No, it is the Paul Taylor dance troupe, and its style knows no bounds. Paul Taylor is an American phe­ nomenon. Born in Pennsylvania and raised in Washington, D C., he was awarded a swimming scholar­ ship and studied art at Syracuse University. He was happy and con­ tent with his lot. But when the Ballet Russe came through town, his life and the world of modern dance were changed for­ ever. After learning everything he could get his hands on at the college library, he set off for New York to training he could. get whatever Blessed with a natural ability, he progressed rapidly in the dance the arenas of Antony Tudor, the Graham studio, Juliard and Cunningham studio. By 1955 he had joined Martha Graham's troupe and formed a company of his own. Thirty years later, he has become something of a legend in the world of modern dance. Paying little at­ technique, he has tention to intertw ine and w arp stretched the boundaries of dance in a direction extrem ely m odern and purely American. Clowns, vaude­ lighting, ballet, and ville, mime, theater the standby 19th-century genres. And the result is a blinding m ontage of m uscular, hum an forms that bend and contort to the beat and feel of the music. It is a basic hum an in­ stinct born out of the blazing cam p­ fires and prim itive rituals of ancient m an — a bizarre and beautiful scene. Taylor has choreographed over 80 dances for his company including two new works, "Equinox" and "Byzantium," that were introduced during the past season. His work has appeared in the Royal Danish Ballet, the Paris Opera Ballet, the London Contemporary Dance The­ atre, Ballet Rambert and the Bat Dor Dance Company of Israel. The Company includes 16 mem­ bers from all over the world, with representatives from Tuakau, New Zealand, Boston, Berkeley, Long Is­ land and Beirut that provide a truly cosmopolitan flavor. Touring almost continuously, the troupe has traveled from Ancho­ rage, Alaska, to Pans, France. Last season took them to Lyon, M adrid, and Barcelona and then returned them to New York City for their an­ nual self-produced season at the City C enter Theatre. Taylor was named "Dancer of the Year" in 1965 by London's own "Dance and Dancers." He was awarded the Brandéis University Creative Arts Award gold medal in 1978 and has received the Festival of Nations' International Award for Choreography. He is also a three­ time recipient of the Guggenheim Fellowship for Choreography. The Paul Taylor Dance Company will perform at the University this weekend and will feature seven of its more bizarre numbers to date, in­ cluding "D ust," the Austin prem­ iere of "Lost, Found and Lost," the neo-classic "Aureole" and "3 Epi­ taphs." Taylor's two programs w ill ap­ pear at the Performing Arts Center Concert Hall on Saturday and Sun­ ■ day. Tickets are $12, $8 and $4. blinding montage of muscular human forms bends and contorts in Paul Taylor s Dance Company.______ — ' Record Reviews t h i s is state-of-the-art pop that will in all probability sound a s dated in 1 0 years as t h e A n h i e s d o n o w But it m a k e s an awfully nice aural m ilkshake tor the time be in g David Menconi c o n cr ete l hildren of be m ean in gful, *>>> in the ( ihetto thev e n d up as a noth m g m o r e than a strin g of clicM's liki ru n n in g S o m e songs like wild and free 'W alk in g on the C lunese Wall in vol\ e nice imagery, but still have no real s u b s t a iu e to th e m ju n g k and But ev e n it the albu m d o es n 1 1 on tain m u ch in the w a v of lyrics o n e w ould expect such a talented group ot m u sician s to i n s t i l l a t l e a s t som e I h e s e n s e ot m u sician s, ho w e v e r, d o n o th in g special; t h e \ all put in solid efforts, but b e sid e s svn t h e s i/ e d voice o r d ru m blast, the al b um is p e rfo rm e d straig ht with n o into the pieces a n o ccasio nal life p ersonality So all t h e p ro b le m s with I’lulip to B ailey's new solo album s eem c o m e d o w n to o n e questio n V\ h e re 's Philip Bailev — Tim McDougall Philip Bailey "C hinese W all” Colum bia for th e Call it musical backscratching . W h e n Phil C o llins m a d e " F a c e V a l u e " a c o u p le ot years back, the album w o n its biggest critical a c ­ it d id n't fact claim s ou n d like a G e n e s i s solo alb um . O n e of the m ain re a s o n s for t h i s w as that Philip Bailey, o n e o f the lead sin ge rs for Earth, W ind and Fire, and p a r t s of the E W F h o rn s e c ­ tion he lp e d Collins out. that N o w Philip Bailee has his o w n solo alb u m , " C h i n e s e W a l l, " and Collin s p la e s d ru m s, sin gs a little, and g e n era lly helps Bailey out. T he album has b e e n selling well recently o n the s tre n g th o f its only single, " E a s e L o v e r , " w h ic h B ailee and C ollin s w ro te (alon g with b a s sm a n N a th a n East) and p e rfo rm e d as a duet. N o w , " E a s e L o v e r " is c erta in ly no t h e a e v w e ig h t material, but it's not a bad little s o n g eith er; d o n e in Collin s' " s t r i p " style, it s h o w c a s e s the w idely d iffe re n t v oices of the tw o sin gers and is, after all, the only thing C o llin s ha s d o n e in ov er a year. Bailee and Collins are eery talent­ ed artists — in fact, with Daryl Steurmer playing guitar and East on bass, "C hinese Wall” features an extrem ele strong collection of pop musicians. But the problem with the album is that this core group seems to have almost no input on the con­ tent; outside of "E asy L o v er," Bai­ ley co-w rote only two of the album's nine other songs, the rest being written bv a gam ut of miscellaneous artists none of whom can be called household names. songs have There is nothing wrong with us­ ing no-nam e artists. But the prob­ lem is that they are usually no-name artists for a reason, and a long list of bad to be waded through in order to get to any good ones. And although the songs are not terrible, they are by no means anything special. Too often they drift into triteness, for example, the throw away opening for "G o " - "I thought I'd never see the day When you'd up and walk aw ayT h ough t you'd it out/Now you're leaving there's no doubt." try and stick A n d e v en w h e n the s o n g s try to AD "T im elin e" CBS T im e lin e is the new album from Kerrv I ivg ren's n ew gro up A D R e ­ m e m b e r Kerrv L iv gren? He w as the fo u n d e r, gu itarist, keyboardist and so n g w r ite r for the gro up Kansas. K a n s a s is no m ore (a real blessin g after their last album , Drastic M e a ­ sures), and A D is a real d ep arture from that sou nd . O n first listen the s o u n d s m o re com m ercial alb um than g ro u n d breakin g. After the sec o n d or third listen 1 b e gan to a p ­ preciate the creativity that Kerry is k n o w n for. T h e first cut is typical radio-airplay stuff. is a catchy tun e, but the w e a k e s t cut on the al­ b um . T h e rest o f the s on gs are m o d e ra te ly fast; with the exceptio n of o n e beautiful ballad called " B e ­ yon d the P a le ." It A D is a d e p artu re from K ansas, but there are a few similarities: dual the vocalists, h a r m o n ie s a m o n g keybpard h a r m o n ie s and solo trade­ offs, plus that un iq u e brand of p e r­ c ussio n that Kerrv likes to create. T h e lyrics that o n c e c o n v ey e d for m e a n in g now K e rry 's search c o n v e y the subtle, yet clear, a n s w e r to that search: The word you call a weapon is the sword that w ill divide A nd the war goes on within your heart til vou finally take a side and p u t to death your pride . . . — Welcome to the War A mild fuss was raised at CBS over the lyrics Kerry writes. It even caused dissension within Kansas, resulting in Steve Walsh leaving. This is a shame because the music and lyrics are presented in such an intelligent and artistic way. H ave you looked at yourself, is the image true? Will it look the same when it all comes down on y o u ? Is meant to be? Do you still prefer a twisted reality? — Slow' Motion Suicide the altered state what you're With a little publicity, this album would surely go gold. Oh! The woes of a true artist! — Doug Vanpelt Culture Club "W ak in g up with the House on Fire" Colum bia Yes, Boy George may be one of talented pop this decade's most singers, but that's all he is; m ore­ over, with the sorry state pop has fallen into these days, that isn't say­ ing much. I've never been particu­ larly impressed with his songwrit- ing, nor have I ever understood the fascination people have with his personal habits, grooming, sexual and otherwise. A friend put it well when he said the mystique ended for him when George admitted that one reason he wears dresses is to hide his weight problem. Personal­ ly, I've always thought he should be heard and not seen. Anyway, there's nothing on "W aking up with the House on Fire" to sway that judgment one way or the other, although it does show case some of the Boy's stupid­ est songwriting to date. Case in point: "T h e W ar S on g ," a snappy little jingle with a hum-along chorus of "W ar Is stu p id ." Then there's "T h e Medal S on g," which props up that old warhorse of comparing love affairs to W ars of the Soul and so (you forth. O r "M istake No. 3 " know, falling in you-know-what). You get the picture. track Every features generous helpings of killer hooks, sparkling production and first-rate crooning from the Boy. The fact that it's all strictly no-risk is beside the point; MICHAEL’S HAIRCUTTERS ARE YOU ‘'WINTER ', “SPRING ”, “SUMMER" o r “FALL"? See us on Thursdays M AKEOVER (Skin analysis ! i to tit your se a so n ¡ :■ r COMPLIMENTARY i a.srr.etic EXCELLENCE MEANS PERFECT PERFORMANCE EVERY TIME We at M i c h a e l s Ha ire u t t e r s h jv»* ru i ie t h i s s u r STANDARD tor 20 year s Visit our super statt lor your COMPLETE Hair Skin and Nail C are. 476-2214 1701 West Avenue DRINK SPECIALS M ondoy & Tuesday— Ladies Night— Free Pool for Ladies W ednesday — 25C Draft Beer 7- 10pm Thursday— 25C Well Hi-Balls 7 -10pm Friday — $1.75 Frozen Margaritas 8-11pm Saturday — Doubles a t Singles Prices 7-11pm We re not only the most eleg an t p oo l hall in Austin — we re also a g reat p la c e to have your favorite b e e r or m ixed drink. Find out for yourself. WAREHOUSE 443-8799 509 E. Ben White Across from Truck City There’s no place like • Vintage and Contemporary MOVIE POSTERS Broadway theatre posters and showcards Celebrity postcards Standees All VHS movie rentals $ 2 .5 0 One FREE Movie Rental (with deposit) with any poster purchase M M N IY N M O N M X - T O * E W IU Monday-Saturday 1 lam - 7pm MovieArt • 812W. 12th, Austin 476-8362 page 1(Vlmages ft^day^ February 1, 1% 3 _______________ ________________________ ALL YOU CAN EAT SUNDAY, MONDAY & TUESDAY NITES $750 U Li 473-8675 1400 Barton Springs Rd. (By the M obile station) Open 11:00 am to 10:00 pm Frailty, thy name is 'Hamlet' By Gouri Bhat In Since rehearsals began in the mid­ dle of October, the Utopia Theater has been the site of an uncommon the final weeks before force. opening, the cast assembles almost n i g h t l y : a fry cook, an accountant, a mechanic, a businessman, a hand­ ful of students and one aspiring ac­ tor are among the ensemble. Each is drawn to the theater by sheer love of Shakespeare at his most sublime. The director calls it "th e mystique of H am let." You'd almost expect the building to glow. Actually, the theater appears des­ olate in the last week of dress re­ hearsal for the Arundel Group's production of H am let. Inside, as the cast filters in, it is only slightly more livelv. This is a decidedly low-key production. It's also low budget, low personnel and, unfortunately, low energy. Yet, there is something achingly admirable about the whole effort. D irector Ernest G am ble, who hovers between undergraduate and graduate degrees in studio art, ad­ mits that attempting H am let is "bit­ ing off something big." After all, he asked, "w hat average non-drama major gets to do Shakespeare?" This kind of opportunity is, in fact, the greatest value of this pro- ductiion and others like it. "The Drama Department runs sort of a closed shop ," said jam es Loehlin (Laertes), a Plan II junior. "There are a lot of people and stu­ dents in English and liberal arts who are interested in doing plays and who want stage experience.” To fill the void, organizations such as the Arundel Group are cre­ ated. "W e have no bake sales or hayrides,” said Gamble; the group exists primarily to reserve theater space as a student organization. "O utside involvement is pas­ sive," said Gamble. "W e have total control." It's hard to see exactly where that control is exercised, however. The production is a "straight" interpre­ tation of H am let. "W e didn't put it on Mars or do it on ice skates," said Gamble. For that, we can be thankful, but even the most faithful interpretation of Shakespeare needs direction. What may have been intended as a minimalist production comes off in­ stead as a litter of shortcuts under a neglecting director. The out-of-p eriod costum ing (Claudius wears a three-piece suit and Gertrude a supremely irritating purple dress) makes no statement like "Shakespeare is timeless and transcends physical appearance. Its real m essage is closer to "W e have no budget, so we'll wear what- ever's clean." Lighting is also a problem. Too of­ ten, speaking characters are in dark­ ness, or eves are shadowed. (gaping)." Truly, Monumental blocking problems abound. One cast member said, "W e do a lot of standing around and there are times when you want to uproot Rosencrantz and Guildenstem forci­ bly and move to another square meter of the stage. them Apparently, sub­ scribes to the laissez fa ire school of directing. the director "It is very much up to the actors to bring their own interpretations to the roles and to rely on other actors to bring their help and comments to the roles, as well as the director's," said Tracy Stone (Ophelia). Still, one can't help thinking that Gamble could have made a note to tell Gertrude her slip was showing. On principle, costumes and set should not make or break a show. "I don't particularly like to see big, overblown productions, said Neil could Riemer probably do (Shakespeare) in chick­ en suits and not lose force." (Claudius). "You "W'e have nothing to work with except words, except people, except em otions," said Brian Foster (Hora­ . tio). , In which case the people and emotions must be utterly convinc­ ing, but this is just not the case. In all fairness, the production has its moments. Ophelia's descent into madness is affecting, and the final duel between Hamlet and Laertes is exciting and well-staged. But on the whole, the perfor­ mances are uneven: Hamlet (Peter Conover) is best when he is en­ raged, but he has trouble conveying the spectrum of emotions from guilt to tenderness to introspection. It is a tribute to the cast and crew (they are one in the same) that they them selves, without committed pay, over such a long period to what they must have known to be a second-rate production. An ama­ teur's love of the theater and the majesty of H am let seem the only ex­ planations. "(H am let) asks a lot of good ques­ tions about the nature of playing, being, of struggle. It's a very full ex­ perience,” said Foster. If only it were. H am let, at 7:30 p.m. Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays through Feb­ ruary 23, at the Utopia Theater, Ed­ ucation Building Annex. Donations ■ accepted at the door. SATURDAY, FEB. 9,1985 CITY COLISEUM MUSIC BY BATUCAJÉ Tickets available at Waterloo Records. Oat Willies' Record Exchange. Bookstop North & South, Atomic City, Cale Brasil, Las Manilas The Arundel Group produces 'Ham let' with a minimum of money and non-drama majors for performers. John Hiatt looks for success CHINESE RESTAURANT JADE FO UN TA IN Mary Lam. a satisfied customer, says "when we heard this newiy re­ modeled A shaped townhouse restaurant de s< ribcd as the best S/ei huan restaurant in town, we thought that there was little competí tion After a bite of the tastefully gingerish HUNAN BEEF stii fried with their own chefs sauce — we knew the hearsay was not unreal. The large portion of the CRISPY CHICKEN ORIENTAL kept us in dinners for the next two days. Talking to the waiter, we found out the chef is from mainland China and has performed both in New York & Houston. This is his first appearance in Austin Open daily. Bar. Highly recommended." to moderate. Inexpensive 3704 N. 1H-35 (exit 38 '/, St.). 459-6001. LUNCH SPECIAL $ 2” Lunch Margarita $ 1°° 2 entrees, soup, fried rice, hot or iced tea & cookies Available to Go 459-6001 3704 N. IH-35 (Exit 38V, St.) Monday thru Friday 11 - 2:30 5-10 Open all day Sat & Sun 11-10 David Menconi SLUGLINE 'Still don t u n d e rsta n d that th e y w ere p ackaging a m a d m an But that's fine, p u t m e on the slu gline P unch a prettx hole in m y m ind, sh o w m e w h ere to sign, a n d p u t m e on the s lu g lin e . . . ” loh n H iatt from ",S lu g lin e " Why, oh why, isn't John Hiatt rich and fam ous yet? And w hy is he still exiled to a small, rabidly loyal cult following, w hen everybody savs he deserves more? Beats me. in te n s e O ver the course of a 10-year ca­ reer, critics of all stripes have com­ posed w rite-up after w rite-up prais­ ing H ia tt's ta le s of hum anity's sordid side. And seeing that none of H iatt's seven excellent album s have cracked the 30,000 mark in sales, most have concluded that his continued lack of com m er­ cial success is a persuasive argu­ m ent for the non-existence of God. Possessed as 1 am of an insatiable fascination w ith cynical, quirkily sarcastic songw riters, I've always been an ardent adm irer of Hiatt; you've got to like som eone w ho lists John Cheever, W alker Percey, Flan­ nery O 'C onnor and Mark Twain am ong his songw riting influences. 1 even nam ed this colum n after one of his songs (which is also the place on the side of a record jacket where the title is printed). And as a card- the Hiatt carrying m em ber of Youth, I've always hoped that he'll break out som eday. The Hiatt Youth is, of course, a select group that had its shadow y, m ystic beginnings five years ago in H ouston. A friend of mine saw Hi­ att play at a club there for the first time, and was instantly converted. He said the highpoint of the show came w hen Hiatt stopped in the m iddle of a song called "Face the N ation" and snapped the audience a salute. It brought dow n the house. The next time my friend saw Hi­ att, he stood up for most of the show, saluting. He even got to talk to him briefly after the show, and the first thing Hiatt asked him was, "Are you from the Hitler Youth or what?" He apparently hadn't re­ membered saluting before, but nev­ ertheless friend founder of the Hiatt Youth. You can tell who w e are by seeing who salutes Hiatt at his shows. If he sees us, he'll usually salute back. christened my It may not be much, but it's indic­ ative of the man and his career. In a business where quantity (of sales and fans) counts for more than qual­ ity (of music and dedication of those fans), Hiatt has had to be content with the enthusiastic adulation of a fanatical few. And if nothing else, Hiatt will leave a legacy of respect between himself and his audience. — Courtesy How ard Hosenoerg Cynical so n g w rite r )ohn Hiatt is looking for success. So tar, no luck. N ot that he's satisfied with his cult status. "N o, I've never accepted it," he says. "If I had, I'd probably quit m aking records. If justice pre­ vails, it'll change. W ho knows? It's a crapshoot, for C hrissakes." His latest shot at enlarging his fol­ lowing is "W arm ing up to the Ice Age," his third Geffen LP. It's also the last album on his current con­ tract with the label, making the dice-throw ing analogy even more accurate. "Yeah, this is it. As far as I know, unless record does this som ething, I'll probably have to go som ew here else," he says with a laugh. Hopefully, it will enjoy a better commercial fate than his last album, 1983's "R iding w ith the King," which Hiatt lists as his personal fa­ vorite from his catalog. "I'm pretty fond of that one. It had some of my best w riting, but it still didn t sell. We even did a video for it, of She Loves the Jerk,' and it w as in rota­ tion for maybe a week. That's about all anything lasts on MTV, unless it's Ratt or som ething." His previous album, 1982's "All of a Sudden," was another inscrut­ able effort, embellished with Tony Visconti's typically Wagnerian pro­ duction effects. "That was a very honest record, in terms of what the band I had then sounded like and the type of songs I was writing. But it wasn't any big attempt to be com­ mercial . . . and indeed it was prov­ en to be not commercial at all," Hi­ att says now, with a trace of irony. "Warming up to the Ice Age" had its origins with a track Hiatt cut in Nashville in 1976 with Muscle Sho­ als house-bassist Norbert Putnam producing. "I guess that track is for­ ever doomed to the John Hiatt Ar­ chives," he sighs. But the song, "Baby You Got It," provided the blueprint for " . . . Ice Age": shrap- nel-edged, cutting guitar, slickly funky rhythm s, soulful horns and H iatt's raspy, menacing vocals. A few of its tracks would sound great on the radio, and Hiatt is keeping his fingers crossed. "Radio, it's just w hatever they w ant to play. I do n 't put bad songs on a record, so I'm not offended if they take one particular track over another. My personal favorite is 'She Said the Same Things to M e,' for no particu­ lar that we hooked a groove I really liked." Elvis Costello also sits in for a duet of the Spinners' "Living a Little, Laughing a Little," and that might help the album 's radio fate as well. reason other than Something in conspicuous ab­ sence are some of Hiatt's pointed barbs at the music industry, such as "Slugline" or "Falling up" ("Well I used to think that I had some duty, now I only want the booty. . . ."). "I have less of a tendency to be a smar­ tass now," Hiatt says with an air of diplomatic crispness. "The music industry no longer requires my in­ sights on it." Of course, part of it is accepting one's lot, even if it's to be generally misunderstood and unappreciated in favor of a bunch of illiterate, power-chording goons. "I make good music and good records, and if they never sell accordingly, well, that's life. I can live with that. If I can just keep makin' 'em, I'm hap- p y ” Hiatt should come through Aus­ tin sometime later this spring, and if you get a chance to see him, don't pass it up. And while you're at it, become one of the few, the proud, the brave; join the Hiatt Youth. All ■ you have to do is salute. Order Flowers by February 7, and receive a 10% discount. *?íon¿U 2912 Guadalupe 472-0730 Save 25% on self-serve copies until Valentine's Day! It's like buying three copies and getting a fourth one tree1 Hurry— sale ends Valentine's Day 198"). COPYINC. s e r v ic e 2021 Guadalupe # 4 4 (Dobie M all) • 476-9171 s al e a t this l o c a t i o n only Two-for-one sale on self-service binding! Make your copies at Ginny's and half your self-service bindings are tree. H urry— sale ends Valentine's Day 1985. v ________ .♦ C O P Y IN G SERVICE 2021 Guadalupe # 4 4 (Dobie M all) • 476-9171 sal e at thi s l o c a t i o n only page 12/Images Friday, F eb ru ary 1,1965 COMO WORKSHOP Friday, Saturday & Sunday February 1-3 YAKOV SMIRNOFF from "M o sco w on the H u d so n " PLUS KARL FAULKENBERRY and M A R K K ISH EG O Two Show s Fri. and Sat. 8:30 A l l :00 p.m. Sun. 9:00 p.m. 1415 Lavaca (at 15th) 473-2300 Austin's m usicians now have friends in the radio business. So maybe these guys will let you sleep nights. Local artists air their creations By Penn Rabb In downtown Austin, develop­ ment has terminated what used to be a vital central art scene. In this economic boom, places where live music could be performed have dwindled so much that only a hand­ ful of clubs remain, and of these, only a few feature local acts. For­ tunately, three Austin radio stations have incorporated local music into their formats. Phillippe La Vere's "Trendsetters" show on KUT is probably the oldest and longest of its kind. It features local progressive music as well as known and unknown national art­ ists. What started out 15 years ago as a biweekly one-hour program called "Rock of A ges" evolved into a six-hour show that spanned from 11 p.m. Saturday to 5 a.m. Sunday. Professor Jerry Grigadean (origi­ nator of the University's history of rock and roll class) was the original host of the show. La Vere, who at the time was pursuing a radio-tele- vision-film degree at the University, took Grigadean's class, and by sit­ ting in on Grigadean's show, soon was announcing and playing short sets of music. Eventually, La Vere was left hosting 'T rend setters" by himself. In the time before La Vere gained exclusive control of the pro­ gram, "Trendsetters" was expand­ ed from two hours to six. "T he show doesn't have one style of music or direction," La Vere said. "There's about six styles of music that 1 try to hit on in a given night. I try to play some psychedelic music, new and old, some funk . . . some hardcore, some guitar-oriented bands, some synthesizer bands, and a smattering of bands which fall into no classification." La Vere al­ ways accepts tapes from local acts and said he listens to every tape submitted. P hillippe LaVere KTXZ-AM's Kerry Dawson has been involved in Austin radio since 1969. Dawson started his "Austin After Hours" show shortly after he joined KTXZ in July of last year. The program's target audience is those people involved in the Austin music scene, and airs every Saturday and Sunday night from 2 to 4 a.m. The show features local music and live interviews with Austin art­ ists. Those featured on "Austin Af­ ter Hours" include Dino Lee, Van Wilks, Skank and Omar and the Howlers among many others. Daw­ son accepts most air-quality tapes, all of which are subject to approval of the station's program manager. Jody Denberg of KLBJ may be thought of as the new vanguard of the Austin music scene. A music critic recognized across the nation, Denberg hosts two shows on KLBJ. "C ritic's C hoice," a new music pro­ gram of local and national artists, which airs Sundays from 10 p.m. to midnight; and "Local Licks," a biweekly show that airs every other Tuesday from 10 to 11 pun. and fo­ cuses entirely on local artists. Denberg first became involved with KLBJ in 1981, after writing an opinionated column denouncing the station's format change. He was invited by KLBJ to host a new one- free-form hour show , "Critic's C hoice," that aired early Sunday mornings and was alternately host­ ed by other Austin music writers. A few months later, Denberg acquired exclusive "Critic's control over C hoice." Later, "C ritic's Choice" was moved from Sunday morning to Sunday night and expanded to two hours. The show also started to include interviews with local and national artists. "Local L icks," a local music show, was an idea spawned by that KLBJ Denberg's suggestion support its community and the mu­ sic produced within it. Denberg or­ ganized the format, which consisted of about 40 minutes of live recorded music, an interview, a selection from of a demo and an old song produced in Austin in the past. The first shows were seven recorded at Riverside Sound Stu­ dios, which also became a sponsor of the show. The show soon moved to Steamboat and featured acts with large local followings. "T he initial reason for the show, says D enberg,"w as to contribute to the Austin music scene. The crust of the biscuit is that the bands receive a high-quality demo tape — which can cost hundreds of dollars — and that's something a lot of bands can t afford. Bands can use the demo to solicit record deals, and can even have them pressed to sell if they wish. That and the exposure on the radio is the heart of the m atter." Denberg emphasizes that he is still accepting tapes for the show, which is not likely to end soon. The live show at Steamboat is not likely to be continued — due to KTXZ and Ernie Sky's new show being broad­ cast from there — and may be taken back to Riverside Sound. In this time of diminishing re­ turns from the Austin club scene, there are still some who work to keep the scene alive. K N O W gives stereo but few can receive By Bob Mosley III as well KNOW m ay have the an sw e r to the static-filled w orld of AM radio lo r years, AM radio tran sm is­ sions have been subject to in terfer­ ence from lightning or solar flares, w hich at tim es could cause o n e ra­ dio station to w ip e o u t a n o th e r's signals There w'as also a con stan t am o u n t of Matic presen t on the AM band especially an n o y in g to those in the reco rding industry' — their ef­ forts at rep ro d u cin g m usic w ithout b ackgrou n d noise w ere effectively neutralized . So the Federal C om m unications C om m ission sav\ fit in the late 1950s to create a q uieter, m ore efficient band. This b and w as b etter than AM because not onlv w as the static virtually elim i­ nated, but the signals could m m be broadcast in stereo. the FM band At first, m ost peo p le ignored FM radio. T here w ere several factors in ­ volved in this, first of w hich w as the cost. The receivers n eed ed to h ear FM in stereo w ere extrem ely ex p en ­ sive, even co m pared to to d a v 's pric­ es. A nd because the receivers w ere so expensive, m ost FM stations focused their prog ram m in g on tho se w ho could afford them , and m ost of th ese peo p le listened to M u ­ zak. "It 's phenomenal! It's so clean that you'd swear it's not AM. But it is, and in the future it'll be even cleaner because we plan to start using digitally p r o c e s s e d p r o g r a m m i n g , which will have almost no tape hiss or 'record pops' pres­ ent." — Ken Rush In tim e, th o u g h , FM stereo began to catch on, an d w ithin a few years had stolen m ost of the audience aw av from th e AM stations. The AM statio n s w ere now forced to thin k of so m eth in g drastic in o rd er to regain their listeners. The natu ral course of action w as to intro duce AM stereo. The necessary' techn olo ­ gy w as availiable, a n d th e FCC h ad ap p ro v e d its use, so w hy not go stereo? So m any statio n s began tran sm it­ ting in AM stereo. But there w as a catch; m ost existing AM receivers can n o t receive signals in stereo, and it is d o ub tful if they can be cheaply conv erted to do so. I he only w ay to receive AM in stereo is to buy a new receiver that has AM stereo capabili­ ty, an d as w ith FM in the begim ng, they te n d o t be rath er expensive. This m ean t th at the AM stations had to convince not only th e listen­ ers in AM w as w o rth w h ile, b u t the m anufactu rers in vesting th at H ow ever, it vou m anage ti» find e n o u g h cash to b u \ an AM stereo, p th ere is only one local AM station i that currentK broadcasts in stereo KNOW . I KNOW , w hich tran sm its at 149(1 kHz on the AM dial, has been ster eo for th e past 14 m o n th s Prior to Dec 31, the station s p rogram m ing w as prim arily orien ted tow ard Aus- ^ tin 's bl.uk p o p u latio n , but w as chan g ed to an “oldies" form at be­ cause of w h at p rogram director Ken Rush said w ere "executive and fi­ nancial reasons. since 1979, Rush, w h o has been em ployed w ith K N O W said, “ W hen w e w e n t to the black-orient­ ed form at in 1982, w e realized from the b eg in n in g that w e w ere onlv going to gain a certain sh a re of the listening aud ience. So w e decided to pro m o te o u r pro g ram m in g so as to get as m uch of that share as p o s­ sible. To this e n d , w e w ere highly successful." the station received Still, the form at w as chan g ed to oldies. Rush explained that d espite the the fact high est sh a re of the in te n d ed a u d i­ ence, "th e problem w as that this sh are co u ld n 't be tu rn e d into a d v e r­ tising dollars, w-hich is w hat the sta­ tion n ee d s to o perate. So we ch anged to an oldies form at, w hich su rv eys indicated w as an area of pro g ram m in g th at a large share of unclaim ed listeners w ere being d e ­ n ie d ." “T his particular au d ien c e," Rush said, "is w’h a t you could call the '60s baby-boom ' group. T hese people are in the 25-40 age bracket. They grew u p w ith this m usic, and th e y 're th e ones do in g m ost of the bu ying n o w ad ays. T h ey ’re w'hat the ad v ertisers are aim ing for." K N O W 's chief engineer Gil G ar­ cia said the statio n en c o u n tered sev­ eral prob lem s w h en it sw itched to AM stereo. to "W h en w e w e n t to stereo in 1983, w e discovered th at there w ere three different w ays transm it and to receive in stereo. The problem w as choosing w hich one transm it w ith. W e chose a system pro d u ced by H arris C om m unications th at can be received by all of th e p rese n t AM stereo receiver designs. The receiver th a t is the m ost readily available is th e o n e p ro d u ced by M otorola, w hich can in te rp re t th e signals from all th ree types of tra n sm itte rs.” like G arcia also com m ented ab o u t the quality of th e new stereo signals, “ I've h ea rd th e so u n d of AM stereo th ro u g h o n e of the M otorola sys­ tem s, an d I'll tell you this: it so u n d s It's n o th in g cleaner an d th e stereo is great. A lot of the garbage a n d static th at m akes AM m ono unacceptable to a lot of peo p le the receivers an d the tran sm itters relay th e signal so well th a t it's m any ■ tim es cleaner th a n norm al. isn 't there. Both sta n d ard AM. just A! 1 ( )E O U R 1 ISH IS B A M D IN IINSAL TED l« 'HER FRESH GARLIC CH< )PPED PARSU Y G FRESH I E M O N ME ALS RED SNAPPER HOUNDER ft oz S oz 8 oz PACIFIC SNAPPER SHRIMP SCAMPI (10 Whole Shrimp on Ri< e) SMOTHERED CHICKEN BREAST (Smothered in Butter Mushrooms, G Onions MEALS INCLUDE CHOICE Of 2 Vf GET ABIES OR SALAD 'Carrots Broccoli Potatoes RiceGBean# Black Eyed Peas) VEGE PLATE ANY 3 ALL DRIVERS W ORK OFT OF TIPS ’\ 1 S ' 6 ’ 1 ^ ^ ' U r t n lU O O 7 DAYS A SANDWICHES BAKED SNAPPER CHICKEN QBE AST TURKEY BREAST SOUPS (12 oz ) CHEESE . VEGETABLE AUTHENTIC N ORLFANS SEAFOOD GUMBO 3" 3” 3 ” 300 300 J * 2 V TOSSED SALAD Solod Dressing Thousand Island) POTATO CHIPS 40J DRINKS Ranch Italian Bleu Cheese COKF SPRITE DR PEPPER DIET DR PEPPER TEA G LEMONADE 16 oz 1c HERE S THE DEAL 1 CALL IN 14 7 7 -7 0 4 4 ) a Lunch ( 10-4) Call Early b Dinner (4 -1 0 ) Call Anytime 2 PI ACE Y O U R O R D E R — WE LL TELL YOU EXACT AMOUNT OF PURCHA5E 3 DELIVERY — AS SO O N AS POSSIBLE 4 PAYMENT a Cash b Check ( Driver s License Required) c Visa or Mosfercord Number (W hen Driver Arrives Driver s License G Credit Card Required TRADE THIS AD FOR A MENU bGET S 1 OFF 4 7 7 - 7 0 4 4 1 5 w - " , v> * I Q l / ~ Q * X C l l V C , s t o c k i s t / in America WELCOME BACK STUDENTS Les L. Crane, DDS Inc Kelly Keith, DDS General Dentistry UT STUDENTS & FACULTY • Insurance a ssign m en ts after first visit • Paym ent by parent accepted • Audio-visual relaxation technique SURGERY — Implants, transplants, impacted wisdom teeth ORTHODONTIC Services Available 3800 Speedw ay 452-6405 T y t W W HOURS M-F 8-8 Special Student Offer: Free cleaning with exam (with this ad, expires March 1,1985) v_______________ For an appointment or more info call 452^405_______ page 14/Images Friday, February 1 1985 The Fastest Way to Curb an Appetite. Deep Pan Pizza Good'n Hot an d ^ dwiPh^ . Loaded to the Bran From our Door Joe Bob's Academy Awards Negro Dancing and nekkid bimbos top list WE DELIVER ÜS 603 W. 29th 478-5712 L T. Area 2018 W. Stassney 441 6754 South 2438 W. Anderson 459 3221 North 1913 Riverside 442-6373 East Town Lake Limited Delivery Area Joe Bob Briggs BUYING POWER: $513,622,200.00 The University of Texas is Austin's largest single employer. Faculty and staff en­ joy a per household income of $29,900 per year. SOURCE: UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS COLLEGE NEWSPAPER STUDY, BELDEN ASSOCIATES, DALLAS, APRIL 1984 Do any of the following state­ G ross-out scene in "ju n g le W arriors," w hich, strangely, isn't nominated. There's been a little confusion about just who is eligible to vote for the Drive-in Academy Awards. In past years a lot of sick and disturbed individuals have called up the paper or come by the trailer park, expect­ ing they could cast a vote for the Hubbies, and so I had to make a list of eligibility rules. Here's how to tell whether you can vote or not. ments apply to you? 1. I have been a permanent resi­ dent of a home for the feeble-mind­ ed for at least eight of the past 10 years. 2. I am in favor of the Handguns- for-People-on-Welfare Act. 3. I live in a stolen portable toilet. 4. When I watch a Jerry Lewis movie, I completely identify with Jerrv when he dances like a duck and hits himself in the head with a broom handle. like 5. I to hang around the Greyhound station and make new friends. If the answer to any one of the above questions was "y es,'' you are definitely eligible to vote. Now answer these. 1. I own a Police album. 2. 1 watch Empty-V until "Like a Virgin" comes on, then I get up and dance on my thumbs. 3. I can name every cereal manu­ factured by Kellogg's. 4. 1 drive a Z. 5. 1 refer to my car as a Z. You people are Communist agents and 1 don't want you send­ ing in any letters to Joe Bob's Mail- bag. Okay, may I have the envelope, please? (Winners will be announced at gala ceremonies in El Lay this year, on the same night as the fake Academy Awards.) And the nomi­ nees are: BEST FLICK "T he Term inator," with Arnold the Barbarian dropping buck-nekkid out of the sky, turning into a Na­ tional Guard Armory with legs, and wasting half of El Lay. "B o Lero," where Bo finally proves she's the Oral Roberts of the drive-in. "Friday the 13th, Part 4: The Final C hapter," best sequel with a stupid title of the year. Also Red Meat Champion. "Ice Pirates," the flick about jive robots, midget bikers, and herpes in outer space. "B reakin '," the one that made Negro dancing history. "Children of the C orn," about a bunch of kids in Nebraska that like to carve up their parents and make gasohol. BEST ACTOR Big Chuck Bronson, wasting brown scum in "T he Evil That Men D o." Arnold Sch w arzen eg ger, for doing "C onan the Destroyer" with 10 words of dialogue, "The Termi­ nator" with five, and for continuing to wear all his muscles on the out­ side of his body. Robert Powell, the guy with a Mac Davis haircut who was the J- Man in "Jesu s of Nazareth" but fi­ nally got a drive-in job in "Dark Forces," where he runs around levi­ tating people and making kids puke up blood. Andrew Occhipinti, a double threat, for wandering all over the desert in "C onq u est," then wander­ ing all over Bo Derek in "Bolero. " Courtney Gains, the hippie Alfal­ fa in "Children of the C orn,” and the obnoxious kid that just fell out of a Camaro "H ardbodies," in winner of the 1984 Ugly Rama Com­ petition. George Kennedy, for making "Chattanooga Choo Choo" and "B olero" and forgetting he was in the cast of both of 'em. BEST ACTRESS Tanya Roberts, the first bimbo to take off all her clothes and still get a PG, in "Sheena, Queen of the Jun- 8 l e ” . . Bo Derek, who says "Is it time to in "Bo get nekkid again, John?" Lero." Lucinda Dickey, who wanted to be a Negro in "Breakin " and broke all bimbo-fu records in "N inja III: The D om ination." Sabrina Siani, the bloodsucking cannibal queen in "C onquest" who likes to get nekkid and let long, thick snakes slide all over her body while she wiggles her thighs like a Calvin Klein commercial. Donna Wilkes, the 15-year-old brunette porkchop in "A ngel" who works Hollywood Boulevard when she's not studying tor her algebra Dorothy Malone, who snivels a lot in "T he Being" while her mon­ ster son is eating half of Idaho. Olivia d'Abo, who looks like she got lost on her way to the Doobie Brothers concert and ended up in "C onan the D estroyer." BEST BEAST The groundhog mushroom-cloud monster in "Children of the Corn. The Space Herpy in "Ice Pirates." The killer Great’Dane in "Human A nim als." Giant lizard rhinoceros with flippers in "C onan the D estroyer." BEST GROSS-OUT SCENE Hand in the autom atic roast-beef slicer in "Children of the C orn.” Y ellow -w ater-in-the-pool scene in "Stuck on You . " Sophia Loren trying to sing in "Sex Pot.” "Friday the 13th Part 4: The Final C hapter,” when Jason's head gets turned into a box of melted Milk Duds. The bear-claw conveyor belt that turns virile men into gay hair­ dressers in spaghetti-strap T-shirts, in "Ice Pirates." P a in t-th e -to w n -b ro w n scene in "Caged Women. bedpan When the guy puts safety pins through his nipples in "C heech and Chong as the Corsican Brothers." When the wimp boyfriend says "H ow much I love you, Sheena, so much it busts my heart," in "Sh ee­ na, Queen of the Jungle.' When the little monsters in "Red D aw n" drink deer blood out of Dix­ ie Cups. When the Sheik pours a jar of honey all over Bo's body in "B o Lero." When the Nazi doctor starts rip­ ping out intestines in "T h e Evil 1 hat Men D o ." When Arnold carves his eyeball out and throws it in the sink, in "T h e Term inator." Send in your ballots and I might even open some of em 1985 Dallas Times Herald PRESEHT1HS Tl}£ ELECTROLYSIS I HI ONI> I S I A B I I S H I P M I D K M h I D \ XPPROVfcl) Ml THODiM PFRVUNFYl HAIRRKMOVAI DENTISTRY 2915 Guadalupe Dennis Krender, D D S 507 V\ est 15th Ph: 47H-4411 OJfit e Hours H\ Appointment U.T. M LK o 15th cro C/3 im ■■ * ( )nt met hot I s insure U"in tom fort CALL FOR CO M PU M ESTAR\ COKSl LTAT10S 345-5507 C e l i a S c o t t . C . C . REGISTERED 11 HCTROl OGIST □ EYEBROW □ BIKINI U S E □ U P S□ LEGS□ CHIN□ ABDOMEN □ BREAST □ UNDERARMS □ BEARD THINNING OFF M O P A C FREE PARKING am 4 Blocks South of Campus Sipjufjoj-j a Im M M S )/ A u á tú t d Off t4 e tttu iA Fri. & Sat. Nites CklCAy* “S h u t Sluuv St TStMCC tvctA BUDDY GUY 4md ApecCeU fu e tt 4/4*4 Friday H.H. with KAZ JAZZ 5-9pm M onday, Feb. 4 SUPER BLUES PARTY SPECIAL Tuesday, Feb. 5 THE VAN G U ARDS Wednesday, Feb. 6 ffiLfdtm & “Blue* ‘ReuMt ANGELA STREHU PAUL RAY Thursday, Feb. 7 O M A R & THE HOWLERS Friday A Saturday. Feb. 8 & 9 "The Twist" "Let Go, Let's Go, Let's Go" H A N K B i 1 L A ID and the M IDN IG H TERS Sunday, Feb. 10 LOUNGE LIZARDS RECORD RjUjSl PARTY B e S t m b o d y . Austan gives you the tan you’ve always wanted— and your first visit’s FREE! S P E C I A L S © s c s g a n a s g s s s ® ggxsras® S S S S S S S á l ? r im e n > w i\g ^ u i TH ‘t ® 3 ? s g oní^-v 9 ¿4 SEc*). kr ' l a r M a t F l a | t r I l k » ^ G O fu ¿ ¿ c C We¿. ' á - tep is to grid his can­ vas into little tiny squares, which he then uses to replicate a photograph alm ost exactly. As he paints over this grid, he first uses only black- and-w hite acrylic paints. Then Jukebox breathes life into the crea­ ture by dancing thm layers of vivid colors across the canvas. is fram e The resulting portraits are a little unnerving. J.B .'s portrait of Helen McDonald from like a som eone's psilocybin-soaked night­ m are about prohibition and beauti­ ful flapper girls. His huge painting of Buxf Parrott and Gary Floyd per­ forming with The Dicks is a raw nightclub scene in your own living room. Supernatural, baby. But Jukebox has some other pokers in the fire. He leans forward in his chair, his spurs jingling as he shifts his feet. "W hat I'm really waiting for is a foggy night,” he confides, "s o I can paint a mural on this blank wall d ow n tow n ." So next time you see a new mu­ ral, just act normal. Hurry up and wait a few days, then go back and look at that thing real close. ^ . ■ ! . ■■ 1 ■ Byron Scott, musician and painter, created this wacky piece of art. You might see som e little squares underneath the colors. — Pat Blashill Martian just Martian d oesn't like hard­ core. He eats, breathes and sleeps hardcore. He is hardcore, and his art reflects the fact. Paul C essum s is his real nam e, and although he is only 16 and a ju nior at Austin High School, his art inspires jealousy from professional illustrators. Besides being a artist, Martian is also a musician who performs in the thrash band Criminal Crew, along with another local artist, Richard Mather. His lifestyle has brought his art into new circles, such as doing artwork for upcoming under­ ground events and concerts and de­ signing advertising for the Atomic City /Rude Boys novelty and cloth­ ing store. Martian first showed his interest in art when he was six years old, when his m other, professional artist Roberta C essum s, taught him acryl­ ic and watercolor painting. Mar­ tian's artwork combines a variety of harsh, hallucinative symbols with seemingly comedic situations. Most of the work comprises lots of skulls, fangs and raging m onsters. The fe­ rocity of the art makes one wonder what's pent-up this guy. Maybe an exorcism is in order. inside Martian has a comic strip called "The World of the W an d erer." The strip is about a big-eyed creature, the W ayward W anderer, and his adventures. The dialogue the strip is mostly obscenities, miracu­ lously translated into Russian. in M artian's poster art is as odd as his pen art. He has done posters for the Big Boys, Poison 13, Crybabies and Fang as well as his own band. If advertising is supposed to be aimed at a specific audience, the people who attend these shows must be ei­ ther dead or mutated survivors of the Nagasaki blast. It's all odd, harsh and som etim es offensive, but extrem ely well drawn. And Martian definitely knows w atercolor painting. His style is very much like the rest of his stuff, and can only be described as bi­ zarre. One painting depicts an evil baby in diapers, about to throw a forlom-looking puppy into a pair of jaws. Another, uh, giant-fanged masterwork, looks "S w am p ster,” like a pink person with the head of a cat. But a m ost moving painting was a self-portrait of Martian after his cat died. This was one work that com ­ pletely contrasted all the others: it was serene, not violent. M artian's sculptures are incredi­ bly strange. Like one he did of a head — made of a cat skull — with som e large tiger eyes and clay. An­ other clay sculpture was "M onster This scream in g w o m an a p p e a re d in a poster draw n by Jukebox. It was fo r his co w -p u n k band, the H ickoids. in a liquid- E m b ryo ," displayed filled jar for that srience-lab effect. The work M artian's doing is amazing, even m ore so when you rem em ber h e's only 16 years old. As artistic style goes, the kid has defi­ nitely got it down. — Penn Rabb Richard Mather Reading an issue of Buttlikker Comix is like putting mescaline in your breakfast. Your sense of reali­ for a second, gets ty, if only cracked, fried and scram bled. And that's how' Richard M ather likes it — incoherent and entertaining. M ather, 19, is one of the so-called underground artists in Austin. He and his partner W hitney Ayers printed B uttlikker C ofnix, an irre­ verent look at not-so-everyday life. M ather is a largely self-taught artist. He began draw ing early w hen his father, an architect, gave him books on anatom y. He also took art classes in high school and has been doing com ic art ever since. M ather operates as an under­ ground artist to avoid being cen ­ sored. Also, he d oesn't like to work bv a schedule. He gets in moods w hen he w ants to draw, and that's w hen he produces his best work. O riginally B uttlikker was com ­ posed of one-page draw ings he did to pass the time while he w as w ast­ ed. Sou nd s funnv, but that orienta­ tion may be the strongest thread throughout his m agazine. "W h en 1 do com ics 1 draw shit and it d oesn't m ake any sen se we put it in the m ag azin e," M ather says. "T h e draw ing is w h at's im portant, what goes on it (the caption) is n 't." if M ather also w rites songs and Martian and Richard M a th e r (center and right) play in Criminal C re w . — C ourtesy Pat B lashill in plays the Austin punk band Crim inal Crew . He says he enjoys p lacing m usic and likes the music m ore than the lyrics, partly because most people can't hear the lyrics. And it's not surprising that words aren 't as im portant to M ather — be thev captions or lyrics; after all, he to m ake sen se, he's isn 't trying (and succeeding) to entertain people. And that makes more sense than the words. trving — Mark Rutledge Kristi Woodward Kristi Woodw-ard is a difficult per­ son to interview . It isn't that she's not friendly, it's just that she's. . . reserved. That also reflects the dif­ ference betw een her work and the w ork of other artists featured in this series — her art is more restrained and disciplined, reflecting more on her formal training. Kristi has been doing art since about the age of two. She graduated from Austin High School in 1984, w here she concentrated on art stud­ ies. It was while attending high school that she subm itted a port­ folio of her work that won first prize in the Pecan Street Festival. She has also d esig n e d for P eew ee's Restaurant and sold a T- shirt design to her former em ploy­ ers, Lefthanders. th e m enu Although Kristi w orks well with pen and ink, she savs she likes us­ ing acrylic the most. She does al­ most all of her work on paper, not canvas. Not only is this less expen­ sive, but it also is less intim idating. The last vear hasn't seen much productivity in Kristi's art. She has been spreading herself thin, but she hopes this will change in the future. Now she has to face the problem of m aking a living and also, but not necessarily, keeping up with the happenings of local music scene. Kristi has yet to becom e a in­ "p u n k a rtist," volved in Austin music. This sets her apart despite her lack of preten­ sion, and m akes her art — if less im m ediate — more sensitive and more universal. like so many the — Jon Pearson Jukebox, w ho plans to deface a wall soon, brings realism to his art. Four more artists — Courtesy P at Blashill Byron Scott first began displaying his work while attending high school in El Paso. He was then com ­ issioned to paint m urals at both the YM CA and YW CA in town. Byron w ent on to attend the art school at the U niversity of Texas at El Paso for three years before m oving to A ustin. It w as then that an interest in m usic overtook his interest in art. Since 1980 Byron has played in several local bands the first of which were the Felons, followed by the Trouble Boys, Tw istyze, and cur­ rently Pez. O ddly enough, in a way he has adapted his artistic abilities to his current preoccupation with music. He designed the logo for the d efunct Texas Blues Society, of w hich he was vice president five years ago, and he continues to make som e of the m ost striking m usic posters around. Lately, he has been working on cartoons. His first cartoon book was "S a fety M anual for G enerals" and deals broadlv with the dangers in­ volved with our current d ep end ­ ence on a nuclear arsenal. This was followed just recently by "K naves, Bum pkins, Village .," which seem s to be as much an in­ dictm ent of our society, as anything else. Idiots . . — Jon Pearson David Yow says that "A rt's this guv who used to work down at the filling station he had Indian corn te eth ." W hoa! But who is David Yow ? A friend of Art's m aybe? Since 1980, Yow has been a local poster producer and poet. He w ent to school at Soutw est Texas State for 2 1/: years, going to art classes and skipping his academ ic classes. He now sings for Scratch Acid and does advertising for Rabid Cat records. layout His posters are occasionally put up around town for pedestrians to enjoy: a cartoonlike devil, scurrying naked, a dexterous dude decapitat­ ed plus bloated or cryptic lettering. "T h e stuff (poster art) that I do now is tedious, it's not fun. You draw the picture and then the letters and then you fill in the background. It's just like coloring in a coloring book. "It seem s the general idea of art for people in Texas is bluebonnets and windm ills." Yow explained. "I think it's pretty funny when people look at art and say, 'That's not art. This is art.' and hold up a picture of a bluebonnet. That's craftsmanship. That's . . . um . . . repetition. So, again, what is art? David is uncertain of the answer. — Nic Maffei Tim Kerr, painter and guitar player (for Austin's Big Boys and Poison 13), is no ordinary' artist. Paintings, photographs, poster art and stained glass cover m ost of the walls of Kerr's home. And although his older paintings are abstract, his more recent work suggests that he is moving into a more precise style. Kerr, a 1978 UT fine arts gradu­ ate, is most noted for his poster art done for himself and the promotion of the Big Boys. He likes to create poster art that "g ets a reaction right off," and has used some posters to subject the Austin masses to his opinion. He calls this "guerilla tac­ tics" and his favorite targets are the fraternities and sororities and the lush life they enjoy. — Penn Rabb Biskit, like other underground” artists in Austin, shows his work — mostly flyers, Xerox art and the odd magazine clipping — on the store­ fronts and light poles along Sixth Street, Congress Avenue and the Drag. He considers these places open-air art galleries, forums for a retaliation against sort of visual those who harass his friends and him. The most successful and contro­ versial piece he can rem ember was an ad for an early-1980 Big Boys show at Raul's. It pictured a "big- dicked, nekkid man wearing a cow-* boy hat and b oo ts," and told of "h o t and bothered men appearing at Raul's. Now , Raul's is long gone and the crow ds who spilled out onto Gua­ dalupe Street remain only, as shad­ ows in the collective punk mind, but Biskit carries on. — J. Kiest tl/lnugei Friday, February 1 ,1%S “A major orchestra by the highest international standards." -The Sen York Tim\ PR4GUE SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Vladimir Valek, conductor featuring Miroslav Petras, al¡<- Program G linka Ruslan ami Ludmilla Overture Dvorak Concerto m B Minor, Op. 104, for Cello and Orchestra Prokofiev Romeo and fuhet. O p 64 (excerpts) 8pm Tuesday, February 12 PAC Concert Hall Tickets on safe now! "The world has never seen a more powerful expression of sheer joy!" Thi Seu' York Post \ i . \ i n v i i n i m i V M K I I K \ N I I V M K I MF VI I K Three perfomnces! Three different program! 8pm February 25-27 PAC Concert Hall CEC fee holder sales begin Feb. 1; public sales begin Feb. 4 “ A prince among guitarists! -San Francisco ( hronule C H R I S T O P H E R MRKENING 8pm Sunday, February 17 PAC Concert Hall CEC fee holder sales begin Feb. 1; Public sales begin Feb. 4 iC h rtstop h ei P a r k e n m g is c o-sfx m sored h\ the P M a n d Texas I m an C u ltu r a l F n terta in m en t C om m ittee. ) Keith Brion in S-T-A-ItS STRIPES. & SOUSA! An incredible re-creation of those fabulous Sousa concerts of the 1920s! The perfect evening for the entire family' Featuring the UT Wind Ensemble, the UT Symphony Band and members of the Longhorn Band . 8pm W ednesday, Feb ru ary 6 PAC C oncert H all Adults $6; children under twelve $4 Discounts for groups of 20 or more. Call 471-ARTS Tickets at the PAC, Erwin Center and all UTTM TicketCenters Inform ation, 471-1444. C harge-a-Ticket, 477-6060. 0 D e p a rtm e n t o f M usic C ollege o f F in e A rts, T he U niversity of T ex as at A ustin A ustin Opera House Robin Trower Feb-8 ^ at#443-8885 cídt^e«tejut443-2722 Coming in February 1 4 & ou IRuteeM 15 16 Suite 19 Suite 1 7 'D o h q v & k 2 2 23 0DetAe%t THcClUttou 'ou 'Z faviib Tickets for each of the above performances: Public $12, $8, $4 CEC fee holders and senior citizens 1/3 off top price! Tickets at the PAC, Erwin Center and UTTM TicketCenters: Paramount Theatre, Hasting's (Northcross), Joske's (Highland), Sears (Barton Creek and Hancock), Strahan Coliseum (San Marcos) and Fiddler's Green Rec Center (Fort Hood;. B Information, 471-1444. Charge-a-Ticket, 477-6060. Performing Arts Center, College of Fine Arts, The University of Texas at Austin AUSTIN ,r u)r:s*:*>TA The Paul Taylor Dance Company: The suspense of a classic mystery novel, The thrill of an Olympic competition, The artistry of a master choreographer at the height of his creative powers. YES... BUT IS IT AK1 . Joe/ H/aldons “Austin" poster is as close as it comes. It measures 22"x 29", is in full color, and is only a measly 5 bucks. (Thats cheaper than a tattooed fat lady) Send check or money order to= $ 5 Q Q AFTER LAUGHTER (please add S.QQ ,o, postage & handling) AUSTIH Tx 7874) OAK. HEIGHTS Quantity limited LUXURIES YOU CAN AFFORD WELCOME BACK STUDENTS! Jeweler & Graduate Gemologist on Premises Guadalupe & 21st Street 2nd Floor Dobie 473-2068 _ 11:00 7:00 8pm Saturday and Sunday, February 2 & 3 PAC Concert Hall Saturday Program: Aureole 3 Epitaphs Lost. Found & Lost (Austin Premiere) Dust Sunday Program: Mercuric Tidings (Austin Premiere) Private Domain (Austin Premiere) Le Sacre du Printemps (The Rehearsal) (Austin Premiere) Tickets for each performance: $12, $8, $4 CEC fee holders and senior citizens 1/3 oft top price! CEC sales begin Friday, Jan. 18; Public sales begin Monday, Jan. 21 Tickets at the PAC, Erwin Center and all UTTM TicketCenters: Paramount Theatre, Hasting’s (Northcross), Joske's (Highland), Sears (Barton Creek and Hancock), Strahan Coliseum (San Marcos) and Fiddler's Green Rec Center (Fort Hood). Information, 471 1444 Charge-a-Ticket, 477-6060 Presented by the PAC and the Texas Union Cultural Entertainment Committee In i Performing Arts Center College of Fine Arts The University of Texas at Austin . 9» I I <•'»•«■«♦*** ti »*» ^ J M f ? ÍQdmages Friday, February 1,1985 zimc S 9 £ TMUTt MVSiMTNEES Wm m m xtm m m m * m w inga «*, A M E R I C A N A (S:3*<' $1.S0)-7:4S-4:S5 («) NORTHCROSS 6 JOHNNY DANGEROUSLY (9G o> (1:43-S:34 $2.50) 7:30 9:30 •EVENLY HILLS COP i») H i: (2:13-4:9$ SJJ6-74M 15-1145 Hi (US*5:3$ 5J-50-846-101J H SHOWING ON 2 SCMINS! THE RIVER (PC O ) (2t 15-4:45 $2.50)-7:15-9:45 ¿i(*a TUFE TURF <«> (2:45-5:15 $2J0)-7:4S- 10s 1S THE FALCON A THE SNOWMAN («' ■ (2^0-4:20' $2.50)-7:15-9:45 I H A Q U A R IU S 4 (5:45 $2.50)-7.-45-9:55 <«> («» (5:20 $2.50)-7:20-9:20 THE FALCON A THE SNOWMAN "i (5:20-' $2J0)-0.*00-10:15 ¡ ü H SOUTH WOOD 2 ALL MOVIES « TERMINATOR ("> 4.*45-7.-00-9^5 j M RUNAWAY (WO) 5:15-7:20-9:55 8 9 8 . . £ V n C ----- . i'» s>. S >. M 'dniQ h! S B e yo na »• yy.t- » . »■ a k$HCMSsnmaE'.veEN‘ » c - ’ poucc acaowr w w u aaw •«» MCXV NOMMW SMON<* THE WALL «« IHNM1 MUS COT i» TX CHAMSAW MASSACW « ■ 1 H I DAWN OF TNI MAO l«i CHVtESE KUNGFU 12:20 AJA K R .V I K G » M ü B fit'liliH l ’*23m mm**** »vvc «2 JT J CALL 471 -5244 TO PLACI A CLASSIFIED AD t i o n r v r b a AOa i n p r iC e I I L w m AIL shows BfFORf 6 PM 1 IF Í 0 MON TH8U FRi SATUftQAY I SLISOAV tiRST ShQ* (M Y 454-2711 ?&3»| 3T5? AIRPORT StV ."¿f S t a n i A H Ü M 2:00 4:30 7:00. * 3 0 ¡I P asM ft t o Im iU a 12:00, 3:00, 6:00,9:00 P r o t o c o l 1 .*00.3:00,5:00,7:00.9:00 Beverly H ills Cop 12:30,2:45,5:00,7:15,9:30 C ity H e at 1:45,3:45,5:45,7:45,9:45 M ic k i mmé M aaáe” & H 12:45,3:00,5:15, 7:30,9:45 GRAND OPENING! NEW STAGE 1000 sq. ft. Dance Floor “ The Club with Good N ew s” THURSDAY: JAM SCAM FRIDAY A N D SATURDAY: FANATICS M * DRAFT 7 -# M E T NMWT PAPERS And Now at WIN $200°° CASH SSS 1 * F R I D A Y & S A T U R D A Y * ★ D R A W I N G A T M I D N I G H T * SSs SPECIAL D0UBLES-F0R-1 2 3 r & P e a r l ¡«owouo«purchasenicissaiyi 4 7 9 - 8 8 8 8 I 1 m ✓ it I SAVE 20% ! Place Your Texan Want-Ad at the TSP Business Office, 25th & Whitis; Pay Cash and Save 20%! The Correct Answers mm / H E W L E T T P A C K A R D THE OUNOCONMASTER tPCO (4.-0O $2.50)-0:00-9:S5 m o V A D S l T y “ “. a s r ” > "A jewel a blend of musical and cinematic imagination." movie of the year." Oa-4 CWrt*. L A MINALO EXAIMKR ft « ta r NAam L A HMLS "The best made American RECOMMENDED” 'A musical masterpiece.” I f EXAMtMR ,V JONATHAN A Kin T A L K I N G y DEMME AIMU HEADS BROTHER’ IS JOHN SAYLES’ BEST FILM YET.” It’s ‘Mars On The Hudson’, ‘Cheers Goes Tb Harlem’, and ‘E.T. Rides The Underground Railroad’ rolled into one.” —Carrie Rickey, Boston Herald & HILARIOUS-W illia m Wolf, Gannett News Services ★ ★ ★ ★ “ RECOMMENDED” — A u s tin C h r o n ic le ammmJZTm.Z Cinecom Powerful and Sophisticated Calculators for All Your Needs HP-11C HP-12C HP-15C NOW ONLY 6595 NOW ONLY 105°° NOW ONLY 105°° see them NOW get one soon — while supplies last — Arts & Engineering e Main Level WEEKDAYS: 7:00,9:30 SAT/SUN: (2:00,4:30) 7:00,9:30 MAJORING IN SERVICE SINCE 1896 V ISA M A S T E R C H A R G C Accepted 2246 G uadalu pe Free Parking 23rd & San A n tonio \\ $3 purchase Phone 475-7211 REBEL DRIVE IN ‘ PH. 3 8 5 - 7 2 1 7 6 9 0 2 Burleson Rd. t OPEN NIGHTLY STARTS 7 0 0 1 - * ■ ¿ v (r ‘|TTi -t. a ■++ PH . 3 8 5 - 5 3 2 8 2« we. a d u l t t h e a t r e | SEXBUSTERS CXI TREASURE HOX CXI ★ VIDEO TAPE RENT - SELL ★ 9 MAGAZINES - NOVELTIES | IPEEPS...IN 6 CHANNEL VIDEO H* ALL MALE AUDITORIUM * I D IS . C O U P L E S - S T U D E N T S - S E N I O R S Andrei Tarkovsky's The Mirror Russian with subtitles Austin Premier FRIJATJUN Hogg Aud. 9:30pm 150 UT 3.00 Non-UT "A TANTAUZINC TEASE... •I LuisBunuels That Obscure oVtect Ot JJesire ( O»0í«cuf06pidüD»r ' j | - ^ ingysf Suowies \ F.,*| ttrtmc FRIJAT JU N at 7:30pm 100 UT 150 Non-UT Burdine Aud. V: ■' niv-Vi-Vji X* 3-D The House of Wax Starring Vincent Price FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY 2.00 UT Hogg Aud. 150 Non-UT 7:3 » le x * 1 Jnof u FRIA SAT at 4:45 A 7:45pm Union Thootre * ° ° H I li [ FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY at 9:35pm 2J0 Non-UT i | gunfc^Aud.___________ 100UT 2 JO Non-UT that one’s a crowd. FRIDAY A SATURDAY 2,6 A 9:50pm 2.00 UT Union Theatre 2-50 Non-UT | * ’*' * : ——- , . 1 T “ K u ro saw a has brought man s physical existence in com bat to a pitch of expressiveness equalled only by Shakespeare s use of language and B eeth oven s of tone *v u m i i r a y w . I.$ E y E N | Caddyshack * • * ! LATE SHOW FRIDAY A SATURDAY Union Theatre 11:30pm 100 UT 2 JO Non-UT 11:35pm LATE SHOW FRIDAY A SATURDAY 2.00 UT 2.50 Non-UT Burdine Aud. SUNDAY at 2 A 7:00pm 100 UT 2 JO Non-UT Union Theatre Live at Radio City Musk Han LATE SHOW FRIDAY A SATURDAY Hogg Aud.______________ 11:35pm 100 UT 2-50 Non-UT P R E S I D I O T H E A T R E S AUSTIN PROTOCOL 2:05- 4:05- t:O S - 8 H )*- 1 0 i1 0 Music A aehovlM 503-A S. Sixth St. 474-6602 Pri Duck Soup Sat Duck Soup Mon Vanguard Tue KGB Wed Alter Ego Thu Duck Soup A n ton e’s 2915 Guadalupe St. 474-5314 Pri Buddy Guy Sat Buddy Guy Mon Super Blues Party with Lou Ann Barton Tue Vanguards Wed Angela Strehli and Paul Ray Thu Omar and the Howlers A ir tin O ptra Hon— 200 Academy Road 443-7037 A u stin O uthouse 3510 Guadalupe St. 451-2266 Pri W.C. Clark Sat Jo h n Emery Band Sun Michael H am Blues Band Mon ECLPZ Tue Mark Capps Wed White Walls -Thu Indoor Sports la e k lo o m 2015 E. Riverside Dr. 441-4677 Pri Jam Scam Sat Jam Scam Sun WC Clarke Mon PP Blues Tue Sneaks Wed Coup de Ville Thu Ian Ripper Batea B eclta l H all UT campus 471-5401 Sat UT Symphony Orchestra la x te r ’i 416 E. Sixth St. 482-0665 Pri No Compromise . Sat No Compromise Tue No Compromise Wed No Compromise Thu No Compromise 2911 San Jacinto Blvd. 474-0606 Pri Peter Beck, Zone and Hand Sat Technicolor Yawns and Zeitgeist SunMoJeaux Mon Michael Lawson Tue Cultural Void and Up Peri- soope Wed Glass Eye, Tombo Unica and Everything Happens Thu Steve Wilson and the Ra- quet Club, Dizzy Hearts Cactus Gafe UT campus 471-4747 Pri Robert Keen and Some Other Guys Sat Doug and Pranke Tue Classic Jazz Films Wed Ruth and Gail Ensemble Thu Pearly Gates and Emily Kaitz J e sse n A uditorium UT campus 471-5401 Fri Vincent Fritelli and Dan­ ielle Martin Thu Jeff Shumway C helsea S treet Pub Barton Creek Square Mall 327-7794 Sat The Avengers Mon The Appels Tue The Appels Wed The Appels Thu The Appels C helsea S treet Pub Highland Mall 459-9986 Fri Steve Call if Sat Steve Callif Sun Steve Callif Mon Steve Callif Tue Steve Callif Wed Steve Callif Thu Steve Callif Comedy W orkshop 1415 Lavaca St. 473-2300 Fri Yacov Smirnoff and Carl Falconberiy Sat Yacov Smirnoff and Carl Falconberry Sun Carl Falconberry Mon Amateur Night Tue Steve Odekerk and Shamus M’Cool Wed Steve Odekerk and Shamus M’Cool Thu Steve Odekerk and Shamus M’Cool C on tinental Club 1315 S. Congress Ave. 443-7141 Fri Meat Puppets Sat Dishes ■dge Of Town 8611 MoPac Blvd. N. 346-6168 P illin g S tation 801 Barton Springs Rd. 477-1022 Fri Hope Morgan Sat Hope Morgan Tue Special Concensus Wed Special Concensus Thu Special Concensus P lyin g Circus 1025 Barton Springs Rd. 478-4585 Fri Toby Anderson Sat Bobby Mack and Night Train Sun Doc Sully Tue Open Mike with Mark Luke Daniels Wed WC Clark Thu Mark Luke Daniels and the Rhythm Rats B o le in th e W ell 2528 Guadalupe St. 472-5599 Sat Timbuk 3 Sun Don and Charlotte Mon Darden Smith Tue Rhythm Rats Wed Frank Zigel H ut's D rlve-ln 807 W. Sixth St. 472-0693 Sun Tex Thomas Thu Angela Strehli L iberty Lunch 405 W. 2nd St. 477-0461 M lchael-M lchael 2531 W. Anderson Ln.. 451-0947 Fri McColl and Tracey Sat Susan Gandy Wed Michael Ballew Thu McColl and Tracey M id-City Roadhouse 70 E. Sixth St. 473-8383 Fri John Emery Band Sat Rhythm Rats Sun Slick Clark Palm er A uditorium S. First Street and Riverside Drive 476-8231 Sat Rodney Dangerfield P erform in g A rts C enter C oncert H ell UT campus 471-5401 Wed Stars, Stripes and Sousa R agtim e 311 E. Sixth St. 472-9245 Fri Cul-de-Sac Rita Theatre 320 E. Sixth St. 479-0054 Fri Esther’s Follies Sat Esther’s Follies Mon Jo h n Cale Soap C reek Saloon 1201 S. Congress Ave. 443-1966 Fri Leroi Parnell and Kerrie Pryor Sat Omar and the Howlers Sun Jo h n Emery Mon Open Mike with Mark Luke Daniels Tue Ed Vizard Wed Ed Vizard Thu Blues Night Extravaganza w ith Kurt Van Sickle and Butch Hancock Steam boat 403 E. Sixth St. 478-2912 Fri Van Wilks Sat Van Wilks Mon Los Lobos, Tailgators and True Believers Tue Los Lobos, Tailgators and True Believers Wed Extreme Heat Thu KTXZ show T exas Tavern Texas Union, UT campus 471-4747 Fri Shake Russel Sat Commandos Tue Samba Night Wed Belly dancing Thu Chicano Night A rcher M. H untington Art G allery Harry Ransom Center, UT cam­ pus, 471-7324 “Henry Moore, the Reclining Figure, 1928-1982”; 100 small-scale sculptures and drawings by the British sculp­ tor; through February 17; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday, 1 to 5 p.m. Sunday The A rcher M. H untington A rt B uilding Art Building, UT campus 471- 7324 “Sculpture from Germany"; major works of contemporary West German artists never be­ fore shown outside Europe; through February 17. Toignrm G loria A rt M useum 3809 W. 35th St., 458-8191 Black-and-white photographs by Gordon Parks, through February 10. M atrix 912 W. 12th St., 479-0068 Stephen Day and Paulo Dufour exhibit glass works; through February 28. O 'Brien's Cafe 624 W. 34th St., 478-6286 Now showing an art exhibit by Annis Allen; through February 16. P atrick G allery 721 E. Sixth St., 472-4741 “Enigmas in Pattern”; featur­ ing work by Carol Rabel, Steve Swagerle, Connie M orrison and Lynn Wolf; through February 9. W Ulinghart G allery 615-A E. Sixth St., 473-8926 stoneware baskets by Marian Haigh-Neal and large-scale tapestries by Hanes Tayor through March 1. ««Masters o f M odern Sculp­ tu re, Part I”; a three-part documentary including footage of well-known artists 2 p.m. Sunday; Harry Ransom Center. «‘M asters o f M odern Sculp­ tu re, Part IT*, noon Tuesday; H arry Ransom Center. B ronse Pouring D em onstra­ tion; Noon Wednesday. Demonstra­ tion in Sculpture Yard; meet in the lobby of Art Building. Film Tke T exas U n ion T heatre “All of Me”; 2, 6 and 9:50 pm . Friday and Saturday “Red Dawn”; 4:45 and 7:45 p.m. Friday and Saturday “Caddyshack”; 11:30 p.m. Fri day and Saturday “The Seven Samurai”; 2 and 7 p.m. Sunday “East of Eden”; 2 and 7 p.m. Monday “Enter the Dragon”, 4:30 and 9:15 p.m. Tuesday “Barbarella”; 11:15 p.m. Mon­ day “All About Eve”, 2 and 7 p.m. Tuesday “His Girl Friday"; 4:45 and 9:30 p.m. Tuesday “Barbarella”; 11:18 p.m. Tues­ day “Malcolm X”; 2 and 7 p.m. Wednesday “All About Eve”; 4 and 8:45 p.m. Wednesday “ B a rb a re lla ”; Wednesday “48 Hours”; 2, 6 and 10 p.m. Thursday “Rules of the Game”; 4 and 8 p.m. Thursday “A Boy and His Dog”; 11:45 p.m. Thursday 11:15 p.m. Bur dine H all A uditorium “The Obscure Object of Desire”; 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday “Veronica Voss”; 9:35 p.m. Fri­ day and Saturday “The Loved One”; 11:35 p.m. Friday and Saturday “The Obscure Object of Desire”; 7:30 p.m. Sunday “Veronica Voss”; 9:30 p.m. Sunday Editor Rick Dyer A ssociate E ditors Lisa Baker Michael Q. Smith T.< ■ t ir t g l E ditor Mindy Fagin C ontributors Kimberly Adams, Bill Barm inski, Gouri Bhat, Pat Blashill, Ned Charles, Anthony Dorsa, Shelley Emling, Brian Jacobsmeyer, J. Kiest, Nic Maffei, Richard Mather, Tim McDougall, David Menconi, Whitney Milam, Bob Mosley III, Jon Pearson, Manju Punjab, Penn Rabb, Mark Rutledge Cover Logo Richard Mather Cover photos Pat Blashill The Lake H ighland T riath­ lo n will be held April 27; For an application send a self-addressed stamped envelope to the Lake Travis Triathlon 8737 Capital of Texas Highway Box 3074 Austin, Texas 78759 or call Mark Beers at 343-1278 aytime TV 9:00 O D O NAHUE 0 O © GOOD MORNING AUSTIN f f l ® TIME MACHINE © COLLEGE BASKETBALL (MON. THU, FRI) © P G A GOLF (TUE) 2:00 O © ® SANTA BARBARA O O © CD GUIDING LIGHT o © f f l © GENERAL HOSPITAL 3D MARKETWATCH 3D YOU CAN BE A STAR 32) HEARTLIGHT CITY 31 LASSIE ® 700 CLUB © 3D CHISPITA @ BUGS BUNNY AND FRIENDS 2:05 2:30 3D FANDANGO 31 BELLE AND SEBASTIAN © AUTO RACING: 1984 DASHES AND SMASHES (R) (MON) © POCKET BILLIARDS (TUE) © SPORTSPAGE '84 (R) (WED) 2:35 © HECKLE AND JECKLE © EL TESORO DEL SABER 2:45 3:00 O LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE 0 ALICE © f f l SCOOBY DOO o LOVING o © WALTONS © BODY LANGUAGE © LA VERNE & SHIRLEY 3D FNN: MONEYTALK 3D NASHVILLE NOW 52) ROOM 222 5® YOU CAN’T DO THAT ON TELEVISION © VIDEO DISC JOCKEYS © BLOCKBUSTERS f f l © TRAPPER JOHN, M.D. (MON, TUE, THU. FRI) f f l © ABC AFTERSCHOOL (WED) © ® CARTOONS ® 3D LOS CIEN DIAS DE ANA _ COLLEGE BASKETBALL (THU) © TOP RANK BOXING (FRI) © FLINTSTONES © YOLANDA LUJAN 3:05 3:15 3:30 O WOODY WOODPECKER AND FRIENDS © f f l FLINTSTONES O HE-MAN AND THE MASTERS OF THE UNI­ VERSE © © DIFFRENT STROKES 32) CANDID CAMERA 31 DANGERMOUSE © FACE THE MUSIC © COLLEGE BASKETBALL (MON, TUE) © FLINTSTONES O BENSON 3:35 4:00 rvv - * __ 0 SANFORD AND SON © © BUGS BUNNY Q LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE (MON, TUE. THU. FRI) © C I ABC AFTERSCHOOL (WED) O © DUKES OF HAZZARD © ANDY GRIFFITH B DUKES OF HAZZARD (MON. TUE, THU, FRI) 3D WALL STREET FINAL 32) GOOD MORNING WORLD © © MISTER ROGERS (R) 3® THIRD EYE © TIC TAC DOUGH © MOVIE (MON. TUE, THU) © ENTRE AMIGOS (WED) © MADAME BOVARY (FRI) © © S T A R TREK © ® ONE DAY AT A TIME 0 © LA FIERA © WORLD CLASS WOMEN (WED) v <Ñ ? ^ - í» í» [» í» í» í» í» !» C » í» C > & - í> ^ D - » - D > M » C » C » í» í» í» í» E » e » C » C » C > O O © CD PRESS YOUR LUCK © f f l DICK VAN DYKE ® NEW COUNTRY f f l © DONAHUE © ® SALE OF THE CENTURY 9*30 9:35 © WOMANWATCH (WED) 10:00 O LOVE BOAT G O © CD PRICE IS RIGHT © f f l I DREAM OF JEANNIE O © TRIVIA TRAP 3D MARKETWATCH 3 D FANDANGO 37) TALES OF THE UNEXPECTED f f l ® WHEEL OF FORTUNE © CATLINS 10:05 10:30 © f f l WHAT'S HAPPENING!! O f f l © FAMILY FEUD © LOVING 3D YOU CAN BE A STAR 3?) PEYTON PLACE ® ANOTHER LIFE © ® SCRABBLE © 3D HOY MISMO ) LUCY SHOW 10:35 11:00 O THE WALTONS O © YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS © f f i CHARLIE’S ANGELS O © © RYAN’S HOPE O © BOB NEWHART © ALL MY CHILDREN 31 1-40 PARADISE 32) MOVIE © VIDEO DISC JOCKEYS © BEN CASEY © ® SUPER PASSWORD © AEROBICS: BODIES IN MOTION © PERRY MASON 11:05 11:30 O MIDDAY O © YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS 31 PICKIN’ AT THE PARADISE © © LOVING f f l ® NEWS © TENNIS (MON, TUE) © COLLEGE BASEBALL (WED) © PKA FULL CONTACT KARATE (THU) © HORSE RACING WEEKLY (R) (FRI) 12:00 O f f l ® DAYS OF OUR LIVES 0 © NEWS © f f l ANYTHING FOR MONEY O f f l © ALL MY CHILDREN © NEWS MAGAZINE 3D MARKETWATCH 31 YESTERYEAR IN NASHVILLE © ® EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING © FOUR INTO ZERO (MON) © GREEN FELT JUNGLE (TUE) © WON’T IT EVER BE MORNING? (WED) © JUNGLE OF FEAR (THU) © THE EASTER BREACH (FRI) ffl 31 MUNDO LATINO © TENNIS (FRI) {© MOVIE O O © 0 AS THE WORLD TURNS © f f l ODD COUPLE © RYAN’S HOPE 31 PORTER WAGONER AT OPRYLAND 12:05 12:30 1:00 O © ® ANOTHER WORLD © f f l MOVIE O © f f l © ONE LIFE TO LIVE 31 1-40 PARADISE 32) ALIVE & WELL 31 TODAY’S SPECIAL I S VIDEO DISC JOCKEYS © PAT BOONE, USA (MON-THU) © AMERICAN BABY (FRI) a 31 EL CHAVO (MON. WED, FRI) a 31 EL CHAPULIN COLORADO (TUE, THU) © COLLEGE BASKETBALL (THU) 1:30 O O ® © CAPITOL 31 DANCIN’ U.S.A. 31 ADVENTURES OF BLACK BEAUTY © CELEBRITY CHEFS (FRI) a 31 LO QUE EL CIELO NO PERDONA v 9 9 V 9 V 9 V 9 V 9 V 9 V 9 V 9 9 9 9 V 9 9 9 V 9 9 9 9 % 9 9 V 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 V 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 V 9 9 It’s easy to m ake som ebody's V alentine’s Day extra special. Clip the coupon at right and mail or bring by TSP. Classified Word Ads M in im u m 20 w o rd s: $3.25 e a c h a d d it io n a l w o r d $ .1 5 Classified Display Ads Per C o lu m n Inch: $5.00 10% Off on your Valentine Ad Valid thru 2 4 85 Phone Number-----------------------------------—-------------- — -------- Please pnnl each word of your message m the boxes below attach vour check and bring or man to The Daily Texan Ads must be mailed by Friday February 5 to insure acceptance Ad copy and checks received alter the deadline will be destroyed Your Name Your Address 1 13 17 V 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 ORDER BY MONDAY, FEB. 4 & SAVE 10% 10 14 18 15 1 19 12 16 20 CLIP AND MAIL. WITH YOUR REMITTANCE, TO: THE DAILY TEXAN, P.O. Box D. Austin. TX 78712 (or bring ad to TSP Business Office, 3.200, 25th and Whitis. Open 8am to 4:30pm M-F. F rid a y T V DAYTIME SPORTS *8 0 f ) WORLD CUP SKIING Men s Giant Slalom from Todtnau. Germany (R) 11:30 f ) COLLEGE BASKETBALL Washington at A r­ izona (R) 1:30 9 POCKET BILLIARDS Trick Shots from the Annual Legendary Pocket Billiards Stars Tour­ nament (R) 2:00 POCKET BILLIARDS Buddy Hall vs Jim Rempe m Caesar s Tahoe Classic champion­ ship match (R) 3.-00 © GOLF Bing Crosby National Pro-Am (from Pebble Beach. C a lif) & TOP RANK BOXING Troy Wortham vs Ken Butler in a welterweight bout scheduled tor eight rounds, from Atlantic City N J (R) DAYTIME MOVIES 8.-06 © eron, Claude Rains "This Love Of Ours (1945) Merle Ob- © W # James Mason. Jennifer O Neill The Flower In His Mouth (1976) Q ) * ’ > "It s A Bikini W orld WaHev. Tommy Kirk (1967) Deborah 0 CD * * Yellowstone Kelly Walker Edd Byrnes (1959) Clint 11.-00 12:05 1.00 EVENING MO ® YOU CAN'T DO THAT ON TELEVISION the National Jealousy Jealousy Perhaps Foundation can help you 9 CD GOOD TIMES J J presides over a most unusual wake 6:06 9 LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE The In­ galls try to restore the peace when the Olesons split following an argument 6:30 O ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT Featured Cheryl Ladd Q (J) WILD AMERICA A survey of the landscapes and wildlife of Monument Valley, the Grand Canyon and Utah's sandstone arches Q 0 THREE'S COMPANY Janet brings a date home and finds Jack and Chnssy in the bed­ room 0 P.M. MAGAZINE Greal white sharks actor Elya Baskin |S ® DIFFRENT STROKES A rnold's dream to meet his hero Muhammad Alt comes true 9$ DANCtN’ U.S.A. On location at the High Sierra Casino Hotel in Lake Tahoe. Nevada ® DANGERMOUSE The Baron has a formula for breeding an army of giant chickens & WINNING GOLF Guests Billy Casper. Jerry Barber (R) Chicken Run 7:00 O Q ( D ALL-TIME TVS GREATEST CEN­ SORED BLOOPERS Tim Conway. Dick Martin and Bob Keeshan join host Dick Clark for a look at some of the more memorable gaffes from the world of television 0 0 d ) ( D DUKES OF HAZZARD Bo and Luke race after a pair of crooks who have framed Enos for a bank robbery Q 0 B 3 ) BENSON On an official visit to Las Vegas. Benson meets the Smothers Broth­ ers and appears in a song-and-dance number while hypnotized © GOLF "B ing Crosby National Pro-Am " (from Pebble Beach, Calif.) (R) S LONE RANGER "The Tenderfeet" MOVIE "A Toda El Golfo” (No Date) Rapha­ el. Shirley Jones 0 CD HAWAII FIVE-0 McGarrett attempts to solve the riddle of a series of apparently motiveless slayings that occur at six-week in- torvdls & COLLEGE BASKETBALL Villanova at Syracuse 7:06 © MOVIE * * * Where Angels Go, Trouble Follows' (1968) Stella Stevens, Rosalind Rus­ sell. 7:30 0 0 0 3 ) WEBSTER Webster makes plans to have Diahann Carroll sing at his school's fund-raising activity, g ® FANDANGO Featured an interview with Tennessee Ernie Ford. <9 GREAT ADVENTURE “ Just Another Stupid Kid" A fourth-grader has trouble in school and is labelled stupid by his teachers who are una­ ware that he has dyslexia. FRIDAY AFTERNOON 1:00 Turns Cont d 1:30 2:00 Guiding Light s i © JT Educational Proigramming Cont a Capitol © X One Lite To Live © * Another World ÜD El Chavo Cielo Chispita 2:30 3:00 Waltons 4:30 4:00 3:30 ' i _ Dukes Of Hazzard . . 1Mister Rogers Sesame Street ....... ............... .. ...... .. General Hospital Trapper John. M D Star Trek Santa Barbara Cartoons Day At A Time Love Conn 5:00 All Family 5:30 CBS News I 6:00 News 6 :3 0 Wheel Fortune 3-2-1 Contact Electric Co Wild America News - -------------------- People s C ourt; NBC News ABC News News_______ M’ A ’ S 'H News Diff Strokes Marketwatch FNN Moneytalk Wall Street Final Los Cien Dias De Ana La Fiera Mundo Latino Noticiero SIN Marisela ......... Scooby Doo Flmtstones Bugs Bunny He-Man 1 i CHiPs -------------- — — i Good Times Family Feud Wall Street FmaI------------------— 4— ----------------- Danctn U S A Can Be A Star Fandango Nashville Now New Country The Paradise P Wagoner 1-40 Paradise Dancin U S A Heartlight City ......... Lassie Belle Golf Bing Crosby National Pro-Am ... Can t Do That Dangermouse Third Eye The Odds Video Disc Jockeys Cartoons Out Of Control --------------------- NICK Rocks .... Video Disc Jockeys ------------ - Dragnet Radio 1990 Can t Do That Dangermouse 700 Club Blockbusters Face Music Tic Tac Dough Card Sharks Hot Potato Rifleman Here Come The Brides Del Saber Yolanda Lujan Anillos De Oro Lola Beltran Papa Mi Heroe ---------------- — XETU Bugs Bunny Heck & Jeck Flmtstones Flmtstones Beaver Andy Griffith Down To Earth Gomer Pyle Little House On The Prairie - ...- --- -----------r---------- -..... - ' SportsCenter Winning Golf SportsLook Billiards Hall v« Rempe Boxing Troy Wortham vs Ken Butler Special Marketwatch Cont d S O D Movie "Yellowstone Kelly ... fif) cn 1-40 Paradise IT7) Aiive 4 Well (If) (ft (31) Am Baby © © It s A Bikini World Cont d — — (53 ---------------------- Video Disc Jockeys Basketball Billiards Chefs Black Beauty MacNeil / Lehrer Newshour Wash Week Wall St. Wk Jacques Cousteau FRTDAY EVENING 7:30 8:00 8:30 Dallas 700 O X Dukes Of Hazzard © ® ©ÜT Benson © JT GD Chiauilladas -------------- L. Censored Bloopers & CD Hawaii Five-0 Webster Street Hawk •________ i---------- ;------- No Empujen V h--------- ------ El Maleficio 9:00 Falcon Crest Matt Houston Miami Vice 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 News Taxi Movie Superdome . Business Rpt Doctor Who Austin City Limits News News Nightline Tonight i Barney Miller Movie: "Death Wish Friday Night Videos ¡ SIN Presenta 24 Horas --------------------------— -------- Movie: Jovenes Y Rebeldes Furia Movie Checkered Flag Or Crash Archie Bunker Rockford Files Fantasy Island j i . . . . . ( New Country in Can Be A Star ITT) Golf Bino Crosby National Pro-Am Fandango ----------------1................... ........................ | Nashville Now i New Country Can Be A Star J Yesteryear Chase Night Flight Nashville Now _i--------------------- | Night Flight i Night Flight i Night Flight International Piano Competitior Beethoven A Night At Asti s Stalky & Co 1 International Piano Competition Stalky & Co Video Disc Jockevs S D © Lone Ranoer Gr Adventure 700 Club Movie "A Toda El Golfo (31 Movie Where Angels Go. Trouble Follows" (53 College Basketball Villanova at Syracuse Friday Night Video Fights | Top 20 Video Countdown ¡ Video Disc Jockeys Jack Benny 1 Bill Cosby : Groucho i ...... Burns & Allen | Love That Bob | 1 Married Joan 1 Dobie Giltis Video Exitos Movie Demonios De La Mente Movie: "Mi Primera Novia -*-----------------------— ------------ — Movie: "The 27th Day ! Night Tracks Night Tracks I Night Tracks Lucha Libre Pro Skiing Sport sCenter College Basketball: UCLA at Southern Cal SportsLook j Auto Racing 8:00 O CD GD V While the scattered rebels battle for survival m war-torn Los Angeles. Charles forces Diana to marry him B O C S i DALLAS Jamie and Cliff sue the Ewing clan for their share of Ewing Oil; Bobby and J R have a fist fight. Sue Ellen rallies around her husband s battle to save Ewing Oil ó B © CD STREET HAWK A professional killer stalks a popular rock singer in an attem pt to locate an incriminating videotape g ® VAN CLIBURN INTERNATIONAL PIANO COMPETITION Six finalists com pete in the final this world-renowned com petition. round of (Part 3 of 3) ® 700 CLUB Scheduled parents dealing with suicidal children, a program for feeding C alifor­ nia's needy. 0 CD MOVIE * A "Checkered Flag Or C rash" (1977) Joe Don Baker, Larry Hagman 8:30 @ GD WALL STREET WEEK Guest Stan Weinstein, editor and publisher, The Profes­ sional Tape Reader ® © SIN PRESENTA El Rafa" *0 0 o 0 CD MIAMI VICE C rockett and Tubbs pose as cocaine importers in Colombia to dis­ cover who s stealing drugs from the smugglers. O O (D B FALCON CREST Gustav Reib- mann's true identity is revealed; Angela is the victim of a vicious fight between Chase and Richard; Emma's in love with Reibmann. O B D T MATT HOUSTON M att helps C.J. deal with a murderous extortionist who has shattered her relaxing weekend at a beach club, g 0 ® UNDERSEA WORLD OF JACQUES COUSTEAU "Whales' Finback, sperm and killer whales are fair game for the photographic tensmen of the Calypso. 3$ BEETHOVEN Pianist Israeia Margalit performs and explains the beauty and power of Beethoven's music / historian 9:05 s i MOVIE * 4 The 27th Day" (1957) Gene Barry. Valerie French 9:30 ® NEW COUNTRY Guest Chris Hillman ® JACK BENNY Jack rides to the airport with a weepy cab driver © MOVIE Demonios De La Mente" (No Date) Patrick Magee. Yvonne Mitchell. 10:00 © NIGHT FLIGHT Take Off To Rock And Cult Classics ® A NIGHT AT ASTI’S American soprano Ashley Putnam hosts a visit to Asti's, the New Italian restaurant, where guest artists, York waiters, maitre d and the owner join custom ­ ers to sing opera favorites © COLLEGE BASKETBALL UCLA at South­ ern Cal 10:30 O © CD TONIGHT Guest host Joan Rivers. Scheduled N Y Mayor Ed Koch. Cheryl Ladd, Bill Cosby. O JEFFERSONS The Willises formula for an improved marriage almost ruins the Jeffer- sons' g B CD ta x i Elaine s boyfriend Arnie takes some extraordinary steps to win her kids' af­ fection. ® YESTERYEAR IN NASHVILLE Featured an interview with Tandy Rice. ® BEST OF GROUCHO Guests: Liberace; Desmond Slattery, an early Robin Hood on TV. 0 ® ROCKFORD FILES A Vietnamese w om ­ an hires Rockford to find her missing brother who failed to meet her at the bus station. 10:35 0 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT Featured Cheryl Ladd 11:00 O DALLAS Cliff falls into J.R. s trap, Afton tells J R. that Clayton Farlow is his real rival, and Bobby is blackmailed by Jeff Farraday. O MOVIE * * * Richard Jordan, Anthony Perkins "Les M iserables" (1978) O CD MOVIE * * Superdome ' (1978) David Janssen Donna Mills © ® AUSTIN CITY LIMITS Nei! Young s per­ formance includes renditions of Helpless. "Down by the River and Are You Ready for the C ountry7 © (D BARNEY MILLER Wojo arrests a judge who beat a lawyer with his gavel, and a woman charges that her neighbor is involved in a drug ring © NIGHT FLIGHT Hit Parader Heavy Metal Heroes ® BURNS AND ALLEN Unaware they're robbers. Gracie offers lodging to two young men © MOVIE "M i Primera Novia Ortega, Evangelina Salazar (No Date) Palito from recognizing 11:05 © CHARLIE'S ANGELS Although she w it­ nessed a murder. Kris s memory loss may pre­ vent her the threat when she's stalked by the killer 11:30 © ® MOVIE A A A "Death W ish" (1974) Charles Bronson, Hope Lange © ® FRIDAY NIGHT VIDEOS Interview with David Lee Roth, videos by Prince ("Take Me With U"), Pat Benatar ( "Ooh Ooh Song"), Sur­ vivor ("H igh On You"), Steve Miller Band ("B ongo Bongo ) © NIGHT FLIGHT Reggae Sun Splash I" 0 (Q) MOVIE "Jovenes Y Rebeldes" (No Date) Resortes And Lorena Valazquez 1*00 0 QUINCY Quincy investigates a child's death in a group care center © NIGHT FLIGHT Breaking Glass ® VI VAN CLIBURN INTERNATIONAL PIANO COMPETITION Six finalists com pete in the final round of this world-renowned com petition. (Part 3 of 3) ® I MARRIED JOAN H oneymoon" Feature Presentation” 12:30 O FRIDAY NIGHT VIDEOS Interview with Da­ vid Lee Roth, videos by Prince ("Take Me With U"). Pat Benatar ( Ooh Ooh Song"). Survivor ( High On You"), Steve Miller Band (“ Bongc Bongo") ® NEW COUNTRY Guest Chris Hillman 1:00 O NEW YORK HOT TRACKS Videos by Chaka Khan. George Benson. Wham'. Slave. Ollie and Jerry Carlos de Jesus hosts from Justine's © SOLID GOLD Host Rick Dees Guests Ray Parker Jr Dan Hartman. John Cafferty and The Beaver Brown Band, New Edition, Joe Cocker. Lorenzo Lamas. Steve Perry (video) ® OFFSTAGE Featured an Stephanie Winslow ® BEETHOVEN Pianist Israeia Margalit performs and explains the beauty and power of Beethoven's music. interview with / historian (R) 1'30 ® YESTERYEAR IN NASHVILLE Featured an interview with Tandy Rice 2:00 O MOVIE A A '/2 "N ext Stop, Greenwich Vil­ lage (1976) Lenny Baker. Shelley Winters. © NIGHT FLIGHT "Take Off To Rock And Cult Classics ® A NIGHT AT ASTI'S American soprano Ashley Putnam hosts a visit to Asti's, the New York Italian restaurant, where guest artists, waiters, maitre d and the owner join custom ­ ers to sing opera favorites. ® 700 CLUB Scheduled parents dealing with suicidal children, a program for feeding Califor­ nia's needy © COLLEGE BASKETBALL UCLA at South­ ern Cal (R) 2:30 © MOVIE Con La Muerte En Ancas” (No Date) Fernando Allende, Jaime Moreno. 3:00 © NIGHT FLIGHT "H it Parader Heavy Metal Heroes (R) 3:30 © NIGHT FLIGHT Reggae Sun Splash I" (R) Saturday TV SATURDAY AFTERNOON NBA Basketball: Philadelphia 76ers at New Jersey Nets Behavior Behavior Motorweek Old House ‘Butch And Sundance: The Early Days1' Cont d Country College Basketball __________ _______________ __ Fútbol Internacional College Basketball: Texas Tech at Texas PGA Golf: Bing Crosby Pro-Am Woodwright Women Presente Sportsworld Las Americas Movie: "The War Of The Worlds' Ernest Tubb The Mountain Car Care American Sports Cavalcade "Blood Of Nostradams" Cont'd Movie: "Captain Kronos: Vampire Hunter''_______ Special Delivery ______ Special Delivery______________ Saturday Concert Video Disc Jockeys Top 20 Video Countdown Cartoons Livewire Matinee At The Bijou Eyes Of Texas ABC News Rio Grande” I Bob Uecker Fantástico Internacional Marisela Church St. Countryclips Ernest Tubb Mr. Wizard Video Disc Jockeys Monroes Laramie Dangermouse Wrestling High Chaparral College Basketball: Michigan at Wisconsin SATURDAY EVENING Q ® Otherworld Country Express T.J. Hooker Airwolf Austin City Limits Movie: "The Inspector General' Diff. Strokes Doub. Trouble Gimme Break Movie: "Operación 67’ Berrenger's El Mundo Del Box Movie: "Family Plot' Jeffersons Movie: "The Shootist’ Saturday Night Live Wrestling Mejor Del Show Del Mediodia Movie: "Locos Peligroso' Movie: "Crucible Of Horror' Amer. Sports Cont'd_________ Ole OPO* Movie: "Captain Kronos: Vampire Hunter" On The Arts Movie: “ Wilfred And Eileen Video Disc Jockeys_______ Movie: "The Restless Breed Movie: "M aridos En Vacaciones" Movie: "Captain Horatio Hornblower' Church St. Countryclips Ernest Tubb The Mountain Bobby Bare And Friends Movie: "Songs And Bullets' Alfred Hitchcock Hour_________Night F lig h t_________ [ Movie: "Virginia Fly Is Drowning" Night Flight Movie: "Wilfred And Eileen' Video Disc Jockeys _ MTV Presents Sheila E. Video Disc Jockeys Jerusalem J. Ankerberg Africa: Crisis Of The Century Famine: Emergency Alert Movie: "Juicio De Faldas Daniela Romo En Concierto Boxeo Desde Mexico page 26/Images Friday, February 1 1%5 Sunday TV 1:30 0®T AMATEUR BOXING U S vs Ireland from Atlantic City, N J ® PERFORMANCE PLUS Segments include a look at h o * the Ford Mustang SVO was de­ signed 1:58 © 24 HOURS OF DAYTONA Live coverage of the conclusion of this 24 hour endurance test 2:00 O MOVIE * * The Other Side Of Midnight (1977) Marte-France Pisier. John Beck © © CD PGA GOLF Bing Crosby National Pro-Am final round, live from Pebble Beach Caht 6 CD BEARDEN PLAYS BEARDEN A profile of black American artist Romare Bearden © © © COLLEGE BASKETBALL Rice at Southern Methodist • UCLA ® GREAT DRIVERS Guest Ned Jarrett © MOVIE * * Flesh And Blood (1951) Richard Todd, Glyms Johns ® COLLEGE BASKETBALL Notre Dame at {Part 2 of 2) 2:30 © GD GRANT WOOO’S AMERICA A profile of lowa-born artist Grant Wood, famous for his painting American Gothic ® PETER STARR MOTORCYCLE SHOW Fea­ tured Freddie Spencer , the youngest person to ever wm the W orld Championship of m o tor­ cycle road racing 3.-00 O © ® CD WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Scheduled Men s W orld Downhill Ski Champi­ onship. same-day coverage from Bormio Italy U S Figure Skating Championships, Men s Program and Ice-Dancing com petitions, Kan­ sas City. Mo ® GD FIRING LINE The Mysterious William Shakespeare' Guests author Charlton Ogburn ("T he Mysterious W illiam Shakespeare the Myth and the Reality ). Rutgers University Pro­ fessor of English Maurice Charney (9) BOBBY BARE ANO FRIENDS Guests Mac G a y d e n John Loudermilk, Tony Joe White ® STANDBY... LIGHTS! CAMERA! ACTION! "Special Effects A look behind the scenes of "E T The Extra-Terrestrial, "Conan The B ar­ barian" and "G andhi shows the importance of special effects © MOVIE La Canción De Los N inos" (No Date) Nita Cerezo, Antonio Gamero o 53) MOVIE "El Asesino Estar Entre Los Trece (1974) Patty Shepard. Ramiro Oliveros Ó POCKET BILLIARDS Nick Varner vs Jim Rempe m Caesar s Tahoe Classic semifinal match (R) Q9 MOVIE A * ’ » My Old M an" (1979) Kristy McNichof. Warren Oates 4:00 ® HOLLYWOOO: THE GIFT OF LAUGHTER Ckps of the best moments in film comedy from Charlie Chaplin to Woody Alien; hosted by Carol Burnett, Dom DeLuise. Jack Lemmon. W aiter Matthau, Richard Pryor and Burt Rey- © KENNY LOGGINS Singer / songwriter Ken­ ny Loggms performs many of his greatest hits - - including Whenever I Call You Friend and "Keep The Fire in this concert taped at the Santa Barbara County Bowl © UVEWIRE "Going O ut" Guests Carroll Righter, astrologer for the stars; teen actors Jennifer Catti and Cain DeVora. ® MOVIE P A "Bells Of San A ngelo" (1947) Roy Rogers, Dale Evans o CD MOVIE p p Murphy s W ar" (1971) Pe­ ter O Toole, Sian Phillips £ 1 TRACK AND FIELD Dallas Times-Herald In­ door Meet, from Dallas. (R) 4:30 © ( D A HOUSE FOR ALL SEASONS Installing sunspace windows, a look at high-tech window systems 5 $ TOMMY HUNTER Guests: Alabama, Janie Fricke, Tim Qamels. Yvonne Murray. Pickin & Grinmn ® LA SEÑORITA DE TRAVELEZ Entretenida com edia de Carlos A rniches, adaptada espe­ cialmente para la television; con José Bodalo y Luís Varela 5:00 © GD MUPPETS Guest Jean Stapleton. © MR WIZARD’S WORLD "E lectric P otato" You can run a clock with a potato or turn water into a microscope. © YOUNG PEOPLE’ S SPECIAL "The SeWn’ Of Jamie Thomas ' A slave family is separated by an auction and their onty hope to remain together is a desperate run to freedom in the North. (Part 1) 5.-06 © PORTRAIT OF AMERICA "M aryland" sao © GOSPEL COUNTRY Guest: Cynthia Claw- ® YOUNG PEO PIFS SPECIAL "The Setlin Of Jamie Thomas A runaway slave family tries to bund a new Mfe tn a Quaker tow n m Perfnsyf- vanie. (Part 2) - *0 0 O © GD SILVER SPOONS Edward's m ar­ riage proposal to Kate, com plete with marching bands and maiorettes, upsets Ricky (Part 1 of O © ® ® RIPLEY’S BELIEVE IT OR NOTI A deaf and blind woman plays classical piano music, girls in Nepal are married to spiritual husbands, a man operates a com puter terminal with his eyes g © (D WONDERWORKS "Run Rebecca, Run!" A young girl hetd captive on a desert island by an illegal immigrant helps her captor gain Aus­ tralian citizenship. g ® COUNTRY SPORTSMAN Host Bobby Lord goes fishing for marlin with R C. Bannon in the Virgin Islands. © COVER STORY Guest Peter Allen (R) ® REGGIE JACKSON'S WORLD OF SPORTS Ice Hockey Boys com pete for the chance to play in the 1982 Bantam National Tournament. ® MOTHER / DAUGHTER PAGEANT Mothers and daughters team up to com pete in areas of poise and appearance, personal and com m uni­ ty achievement and verbal expression Host Bert Parks is joined by entertainers Frankie Avalon. Cyndi Lauper and The Judds. © (D BUCK ROGERS Buck battles a ruthless dictator who vanquishes his opponents with tethal bolts of electricity 8:30 © © ® PUNKY BREWSTER Believing her presence may prevent Henry from marrying Maggie. Punky runs away. (Part 2 of 2) ® PERFORMANCE PLUS Segments include a look at how the Ford Mustang SVO was de­ signed © MOVIE "V idita Negra" (No Date) Mauricio G arces. Robert ha. 7:00 © © ® KNIGHT RIDER KITT is forced into an acid pit during M ichaels investigation of a com mercial dum psite suspected of polluting the area. ' • © ( D O MURDER, SHE WROTE White tn New Orleans to appear on a TV talk show, Jes­ ___ sica investigates the murder of a jazz musician © © © GD MOVIE H ’ l "F ire fo x " (1982) Clint Eastwood, Freddie Jones. © (D NATURE A survey of birds that cannot fly. some of which have evolved highly efficient means of travel on land or water, g 5 $ GREAT DRIVERS Guest Ned Jarrett £ 3 NFL'S GREATEST MOMENTS A profile of the late Vince Lombardi (R) 7:05 © NBA BASKETBALL Seattle S uperS onirs at Phoenix Suns 7:30 ® PETER STARR MOTORCYCLE SHOW Fea­ tured Freddie Spencer, the youngest person to ever win the "W orld C ham pionship" of m o tor­ cycle road racing © © TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT Bothered by constant distractions at home, Henry de­ cides to find a studio in which to work 8.-00 © © ® MOVIE * * * ' 1 "T he V erdict” (1982) Paul Newman, Charlotte Rampling © © ® © CRAZY LIKE A FOX A nun hires Harry to clear the name of a priest who died leaving a large sum of money to a beautiful call girl ® GOSPEL COUNTRY Guest Cynthia Claw­ son. © (D MOVIE A A A '- i "G eorgy G irl" (1966) Lynn Redgrave, Alan Bates © SUPERBOUTS OF THE '70S M atthew Saad Muhammad vs. Marvin Johnson (April 1979 in Indianapolis). (R) 5:30 ® BOBBY BARE AND FRIENDS Guests. Mac Gayden. John Loudermilk, Tony Joe White. *0 0 © • ( D O TRAPPER JOHN, M .p. A fter Glo­ ria meets her next-door neighbor, a news pho­ tographer recently returned from El Salvador, a series of mishaps leads to romance. © CD MASTERPIECE THEATRE "T he Jewel In T he C ro w rf' On her way fo Pankot, Sarah meets Bronowsky traveling with the Nawab’s secretary Susan gives birth but loses her grip on sanity (Part 8 of 14) g £ 3 SUPERBOUTS OF THE '70S Matthew Saad Muhammad vs John Conteh (August 1979 in Atlantic City, N J ) (R) * 3 0 5® WOMEN IN JAZZ The Vocalists: From Bessie To Billie' The jazz tradition is traced from its earliest roots - the black spiritual mu­ sic of a gospel choir to Billie Holiday and the merging of the big band style and the blues © MOVIE Que Te Ha Dado Esa M ujer-’ " (No Date) Pedro Infante. Luis Aguilar 10:00 © f f i BUTTERFLIES An old school friend helps Ria come to a decision about Leonard. ® TOMMY HUNTER Guests Alabama, Janie Fricke, Tim Daniels. Yvonne Murray. Pickin' & Grinmn ® THE TUBE Britain s top rock and roll show, with live performances from England's hottest artists 10:30 © MOVIE * * ’? "Seven Seas To Calais" (1963) Rod Taylor, Keith Michell. © JEFFERSONS George learns he can im­ press a banker by getting involved, g © THIS WEEK IN COUNTRY MUSIC Featured: Oak Ridge Boys. T.G. Sheppard. Mel Tillis, Charlie Daniels © (D SOLID GOLD Host: Rick Dees Guests. David Hasselhoff, Julian Lennon, Barry Mani- low. Madonna, Survivor, Lee Greenwood, Stephanie Mills. Pointer Sisters (video). © © JULIUS WECHTER ANO THE BAJA MARIMBA BAND The Baja Marim ba Band, a zany group of musicians with a South-ot-the- Border flavor, plays a variety of selections. © (D WASHINGTON: BEHIND CLOSED DOORS CIA director M artin (Cliff Robertson) presents President M onckton (Jason Robards) with evidence against him and offers his silence in exchange for the destruction of the Primula Report; M onckton s reelection campaign stra t­ egy includes bugging and burglary. (Pari 6 of 6) finally choosing 11:00 © MOVIE A A A Three G odfathers" (1949) John Wayne. Ward Bond © ® GREAT PERFORMANCES Bndeshead Revisited Sebastian Against The World Sebastian continues on his path of self-de­ struction, leave Oxford rather than submit to strict supervision (Part 4 o f1 1 ) g © MOVIE Bixby, Sandra Dee © ® MOVIE a a a (1958) Glenn Ford. Red Buttons. ® MOVIE Songs And Bullets" (1938) Fred Scott. Fuzzy Knight "Im itation General' Fantasy Island (1976) Bill to 11:30 Q (D DANCE FEVER Celebrity judges Alex Trebek. Wil Shriner. Charlene Tilton Perform ­ ance by Charlene Tilton £ 3 WORLD CUP SKIING Men s Downhill from 'W engen. Switzerland (R) 12:00 © MOVIE Arriba Hazaña Alteno. Fernando Fernan-Gomez © 5® MOVIE El Asesino Estar Entre Los Trece (1974) Patty Shepard. Ramiro Oliveros (No Date) Hector 12:20 © MOVIE A A ’ ? "H ell's Half A cre" (1953) Wendell Corey. Evelyn Keyes 12:30 © ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK Featured: Jameson Parker ® MOVIE A ’ ? "Scared To Death” (1947) Bela Lugosi, Joyce Compton. 1:30 ® WOMEN IN JAZZ "The Vocalists: From Bessie To Billie The jazz tradition is traced from its earliest roots — the black spiritual mu­ sic of a gospel choir to Billie Holiday and the merging of the big band style and the blues © MOVIE "A m or Perdónam e" (No Date) Julio Aleman. Kitty De Hoyos. MONDAY EVENING 7:00 1 ,,wv j 7:30 0 ( 7 ) Scarecrow And Mrs. King TTD X rrtng ***** C CAFA LOTT R e e l P e o p l e 9:20 © MOVIE * * * * Casablanca ' (1942) Hum­ phrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman to.30 ® NEW COUNTRY Guest Bandana 3 f! CELEBRITY CHEFS Guests Marilyn Micha­ els and Sergio Franchi © MOVIE El Heroe Desconocido (No Date) Rataei Inclan, Diana Bracho & WORLD CUP SKIING Men's Downhill from Wengen. Switzerland (R) 10:00 ® THE CITADEL Andrew takes action against fee-splitting and is sorety tested at the site of a mine accident (Part 5 of 10) 10:30 O © 3? TONIGHT Host Johnny Carson Scheduled Glen Campbell, animal experts De­ lia and Mark Owens © JEFFERSONS Lionel and Jenny are at odds over the question of whether or not she should Sto England g (3) TAXI The hilarious escapades of the Sunshine Cab Co are relived in scenes from classic shows © HART TO HART Jonathan and Jennifer travet to South America to rescue a kidnapped husband and wife ® YESTERYEAR IN NASHVILLE Featured an interview with Sam Phillips (Part 2 of 2) © 3D ROCKFORD RLES A zealous U.S attor­ ney causes Rockford to be cited for contempt and jailed for refusing to disclose privileged in­ formation to a grand jury Q) © MOVIE Honorables Sinvergüenzas' (No Date) Carmen De Lino. Felix Da Fauce 10:35 © ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT Featured SportsCenter j College Basketball Syracuse at Boston College profiles of top models, past and present, and an interview with agent Nina Blanchard 11:00 Q DALLAS The police question Bobby about his involvement with Farraday, and Cliff faces ruin at the hands of J R O MOVIE * * '* Jennifer A Woman's Story (1979) Elizabeth Montgomery, Bradford Dill- mano (3) FALL GUY Colt tracks a man paroled after serving time for stealing a $5 million Navy payroll that was never recovered (R) © ® SEEING THINGS During a high school reunion, Louie's interview with a multimillio­ naire turns into a vicious confrontation © (1) BARNEY MILLER Complaints flood the precinct when a dentist is accused of molesting female patients while they're anaesthetized 0 COLLEGE BASKETBALL Syracuse at Bos- ton College (R) 11:05 © FALL GUY Colt's efforts to save the life ot a bail-jumping murder suspect are complicated by a reckle ss coun try m usic star (R) 11:30 O © ® LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTER- MAN Scheduled Jim Belushi. Ellen Foley © MOVIE * * "Machine Gun Kelly Charles Bronson, Susan Cabot © BARNEY MILLER While a flu epidemic in­ vades the city, a man claims to be a werewolf and drops a few warnings at the precinct © ® RHOOA Rhoda goes out with Joe for the first time since their separation. © AUTO RACING Warner Hogdgon 200 (R> (1958) WIN THE FARE WAR RIAN YOUR SUMMER TRAVEL NOW Airline flights are filling up fast and early booking may qualify you for dis­ counted airfare. Call today for details CAPITAL TRAVEL 26 Doors Shopping Center 1206 West 38th St. Austin, Texas 78705 458-8231 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Mon.-Fri. TONIGHT Robert Keen & Seme Other Guys Saturday The Finest in Acoustical Music: Deug and Franke no cover Com ing N ext Week: Tues. 5th A Showing of Classic Jazz Films 8:00pm Wed. 6th Ruth A G ail Enseal ble no cover SILVER JEWELRY NOW 50% OFF (•B handcrafted, ongtnal designs) T A T p H t j p Q r l V V t / U J L l t / o L L c i y JL 1 7 ’ 1 1 1 \ / B H Í W E D N E S D A Y A F T E R N O O N 1 : 0 0 1 : 3 0 2 : 0 0 2 : 3 0 3 : 0 0 3 : 3 0 4 : 0 0 4 : 3 0 5 : 0 0 5 : 3 0 6 : 0 0 6 : 3 0 D AYTIM E C H ILD R E N ’S SH O W S f f l CT) Turns Cont'd ! Capitol Guiding Light Waltons © $ Educational Programming Cont d f f l 3 One Life To Live 03 4 Another World General Hospital Santa Barbara El Chavo Cielo Chispita |CB 5 Movie The Shuttered Room" (Í5 ) Marketwatch Cont’d Marketwatch ------------------------ 1-40 Paradise 1 Dancin' U S A ----------------------- J------------------------ Can Be A Star Fandango ----------- (Í7 ) Alive & Well Heartlight City t--------------------- FNN: Moneytalk Nashville Now Dukes Of Hazzard All Family CBS News News Wheel Fortune Mister Rogers Sesame Street 3-2-1 Contact Electric Co Art Beat Trapper John. M.D. Star Trek -------- --------------- — — News ABC News News Cartoons Day At A Time Love Conn. People's Court NBC News News M’ A *S‘ H ------------------------ Diff Strokes Los Cien Dias De Ana La Fiera Mundo Latino Noticiero SIN Marisela Scooby Doo Flmtstones Bugs Bunny He-Man —------------------- CHiPs Wall Street Final Wall Street Fin il Good Times Family Feud Room 222 C Camera Good Morning Gong Show Cartoons Radio 1990 ; Dragnet New Country —------------------— The Paradise P. Wagoner I-40 Paradise --------------------- j Dancin' U.S.A --------------------- Special Black Beauty Lassie Belle Can't Do That ! Dangermouse Third Eye Powerhouse . Mr. Wizard NICK Rocks Can't Do That j Dangermouse — j Video Disc Jockeys Pat Boone. USA 700 Club Blockbusters Face Music Tic Tac Dough Card Sharks Hot Potato ; Rifleman Here Come The Brides Video Disc Jockeys Movie Cont'd Bugs Bunny | Heck. & Jeck. j Flmtstones Flintstones Beaver Andy Griffith Hillbillies Basketball Track And Fielid: Dallas Times-kferald Indoor Meet Women SportsLook Fishin’ Hole j SportsCenter College Basketball Yolanda Lujan | Damela Romo En Concierto Espectáculo i-------------- Papa Mi Heroe i XETU : Gomer Pyle Little House On The Prairie Video Disc Jockeys !-------- I ! ¡ Del Saber L DAYTIME SPORTS Fall Guy State Of The Union Address ; Dynasty Highway To Heaven State Of The Union Address WEDNESDAY EVENING 8:00 7:30 7:00 Charles E /R State Of The Union Address MacNeil / Lehrer Newshour Discover: The World Of Science Gold Lust 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 Alice News Taxi Magnum. P.I. Movie: "Covert Action' Business Rpt 1 Doctor Who Don’t Knock The Rock Barney Miller Rhoda I Spy News News Nightline i Tonight David letterm an Hit City Movie: "En Un Mundo Nuevo' Muy Especial Oscar Athie State Of The Union Address I El Maleficio j Trampa Para Un Sonador [ 24 Horas College Basketball: Southern Methodist at Arkansas Archie Bunker Rockford Files Fantasy Island GB® Hawaii Five-0 i State Of The Union ( 0 Can Be A Star | Fandango j Nashville Now (|Z ) College Basketball Pittsburgh at Providence DAYTIME MOVIES Get Out The French Freud 8:05 2 3 ★ ★ ★ "M iss Sadie Thom pson" (1954) Jose Ferrer Rita Hayworth : Video Disc Jockeys Flipper Flipper ¡ 700 Club New Country I Can Be A Star j Yesteryear | Nashville Now New Country College Basketball. Southern Methodist at Arkansas ! Radio 1990 Seeing Stars It Microwave Japan Today ! At The Met ! Romantic Spirit Get Out The French Freud Video Disc Jockeys Video Disc Jockeys Little Margie ■ Bill Cosby j Groucho Burns & Allen j Love That Bob j I Married Joan ; Dobie Gillis : Video Exitos : Movie "La Canción De Los Ninos Movie: Juicio De Faldas (181 (20) S 3 ) (ZD 'C L 5 ' (ZD © O ® C D ® f f l® f f l ® lins. Buzz Aldrin and Scott Carpenter guest star in a story about a film project set up as a cover for the theft of a $10 million computer com ponent Q © COLLEGE BASKETBALL Pittsburgh at Providence 3 3 MOVIE "C leopatra Jones" (Spanish) (1973) Tamara Dobson. Shelley Winters f f i © HAWAII FIVE-O, A peculiar pattern of arson sends M cGarrett searching for clues to the identity of a "to rc h " who strikes on week­ ends 7:05 3 3 COLLEGE BASKETBALL Mississippi at Tennessee Volunteers 7:30 © Q © © E / R D r S heinfelds latest g irl­ friend meets his two ex-wives; Nurse Thor real­ izes she has a serious disease (Part 2 of 2) ® FANDANGO Featured: an interview with Bil­ lie Jo Spears. 8:00 O O © ffl ® © ® STATE OF THE UN­ ION ADDRESS President Reagan delivers the annual State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress. Telecast live Q O O ® CD STATE OF THE UNION AD­ DRESS President Reagan delivers the annual State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress. Telecast live. © ® DISCOVER: THE WORLD OF SCIENCE Peter Graves hosts this science magazine Fea­ tured: NASA's search for a space sickness cure; giant sea turtles; an engineering design class at M.l.T ; high-tech police work, leukemia r6S63rch q ® STATE OF THE UNION Local programming may be mterupted so we can bring you ex­ cerpts of the State Of The Union Address 2 3 700 CLUB Scheduled beach music pioneer Chuck Girard, a thief who became a clergyman ( ! ) COLLEGE BASKETBALL Southern Q Methodist at Arkansas £ 3 COLLEGE BASKETBALL Dayton at DePaul 9:00 © ® GOLD LUST Orson Welles narrates this account of a modern gold rush in Brazil, where thousands of workers battle to become m illio­ naires f f l © DYNASTY The rich and famous at­ tend Lady Ashley's celebrity ball in Acapulco, leases, where everyone's after Blake s oil meanwhile, Krystle and Reece spend time alone at a Denver picnic Q © COLLEGE BASKETBALL Southern Meth­ odist at Arkansas 9:05 © MOVIE (1978) Ernest Borgnme, Kim Basinger "The Ghost Of Flight 401 9:30 0 0 ( 3 0 ALICE Elliot and Vera regret ad­ vertising a room to let when their crusty ex­ landlady shows up and makes their lives m iser­ able. CJ ® NEW COUNTRY Guest Hank Wilson (Leon Russell). , ,. ® AT THE MET "O lm sted And Central Park New York's Central Park and its designer are celebrated through drawings and paintings from past to present (53 MY LITTLE MARGIE Freddie s Formula © MOVIE “ La Canción De Los Ninos Date) Nita Cerezo. Antonio Gamero , _ (No „ 10:30 O f f l ® TONIGHT Host Johnny Carson Scheduled Cajun chef Justin Wilson 0 JEFFERSONS George s sudden generosity looks like just a ploy to beat out a com petitor for an award CJ 0 ® TAXI The cabbies frantically drive from New York to Miami so Alex can spend 20 m in­ utes between planes with his long-lost daugh­ ter © HART TO HART Jonathan and Jennifer be­ come involved in parapsychology and a bizarre murder ® YESTERYEAR IN NASHVILLE Featured an interview with Wesley Rose and Jo W alker- Meador __ 10:35 © ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT Featured Tyne Daly; the modeling profession's seamy side 11:00 0 DALLAS C liffs mother asks him to resign, Bobby contacts Farraday's underworld con­ nections, and Miss Elite accepts Jock's death. O MOVIE * * "F irepow er" (1979) Sophia Loren, James Coburn. O ® MAGNUM, P.l. A down-and-out wrestler hires Magnum to locate his long-lost son. (R) © ® DON'T KNOCK THE ROCK A nostalgic look at rock and roll stars includes Jerry Lee Lewis and Bill Haley and the Comets f f l ( D BARNEY MILLER Barney and Dietrich investigate a robbery case in which deadly DNA cultures were inadvertently stolen © MOVIE ' J u ic io De Faldas chita Velasco Manolo Escobar © COLLEGE BASKETBALL M innesota at Iowa (No Date) Con­ 11:05 © MAGNUM. P.l. After an apparent freak fencing accident, Higgins is jailed for murder and Magnum tries to find the real murderer. (R) 11:10 © MOVIE * * "The Hanged M an” (1965) Ed­ mond O Brien, Vera Miles. 11:30 O f f l ® LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTER­ MAN Scheduled performance artist Pearl Ber- nett © BARNEY MILLER The driver, passengers and the suspect wind up in the 12th precinct when a hijacked bus crashes in the neighbor­ hood f f l (D RHODA Right after her separation from Joe, a swinging bachelor makes a play for Rho­ da f f l © MOVIE "E n Un M undo Nuevo” (1970) Karina, Jose Rubio. 1240 o QUINCY Quincy tries to uncover a conspir­ acy surrounding the deaths of some City Hall t I ‘ * Z J / t * V ‘ employees 2 3 1 MARRIED JOAN " First Lie" 12:10 o ® MOVIE * a "C overt A ction" (1978) Da­ vid Janssen. Arthur Kennedy. 12:15 © MOVIE Earl Holliman. Carrie Snodgress "T he Solitary M an" (1979) 12:30 ® NEW COUNTRY Guest: Hank Wilson (Leon Russell) 1 4 0 ® OFFSTAGE Featured: an interview with the Kendalls © COLLEGE BASKETBALL Pittsburgh at Providence (R) ® MOVIE "Gue Te Ha Dado Esa M ujer?” (No Date) Pedro Infante, Luis Aguilar © MOVIE (1963) Laurence Harvey, France Nuyen. 1:10 "A Girl Named Tamiko" 1.30 O ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT Featured Tyne Daly; the modeling profession's seamy side. ® YESTERYEAR IN NASHVILLE Featured: an interview with Wesley Rose and Jo Walker- Meador ® AT THE MET "Olmsted And Central Park" New York's Central Park and its designer are celebrated through drawings and paintings from past to present. 2 4 0 © 700 CLUB Scheduled , beach music pioneer Chuck Girard; a thief who became a clergyman. 2 4 0 & COLLEGE BA8KETBALL Dayton at DePaul (R) 2:46 © MOVIE “Cleopatra Jones” (Spanish) (1973) Tamara Dobson, Shelley Winters. to o © COLLEGE BASKETBALL Southern Meth­ odist at Arkansas (R) 6:00 11 AD VENTUR ES OF B L A C K BEAUTY Out Of The Night' Jenny and Ned think they have seen a ghost T f A D VEN TU R E S OF B L A C K BEAU TY Out Of The Night' Jenny and Ned think they have seen a ghost 2:45 © EL TE SO R O DEL SABER Un programa especial para nm os con los m uñecos Televiopeds 3:00 ® YOU CAN’T DO THAT ON TELEVISION , "L ite ra tu re " Who wrote all those classics that bore kids today? 3:30 ® DANGERMOUSE "A lping Is'now Laughing M a tter” Greenback wants to flood the world because he has cornered the m arket in rubber dinghies. 4 4 0 ® THIRD EYE "U nder The M ountain" Twins Rachel and Theo learn to use their mystical powers to reclaim the earth from a race of slug­ like creatures. 4:30 (JD POWERHOUSE "H elp W anted" With the help of com munity services, a frightened teen­ ager wins back the rights to her own baby. 5:00 ® MR. WIZARD'S WORLD “ R ollercoaster" Why do you stay on your seat when the roller­ coaster is upside down? 10:00 £ 3 WORLD CUP SKIING Men's Downhill from Wenaen, Switzerland. (R) 11:30 £ 3 COLLEGE BASKETBALL Syracuse at Bos­ ton College (R) 1:30 £ 3 TRACK AND FIELD Dallas Times-Herald In­ door Meet, from Dallas. (R) 11:00 12:05 © Curt Jurgens. “ The Blue A ngel" (1959) May Britt. © Die" (1968) Alex Cord. Arthur Kennedy. "A Minute To Pray, A Second To 1:00 © (5) ★ ★ ’/? "T he Shuttered Room " (1967) Gig Young, Carol Lynley EVENING 6:00 @ YOU CAN'T DO THAT ON TELEVISION "L ite ra tu re " Who wrote all those classics that bore kids today? £ 3 COLLEGE BASKETBALL LaSalle at Notre Dame 6:05 3 3 LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE Ma and Pa disagree on how to deal with a drunken, child-beating father. 6:30 O ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT Featured: Tyne Daly; the modeling profession's seamy side. © ® ART BEAT Featured British sculptor Henry Moore. © THREE'S COMPANY Stanley plans to sell the apartm ent house as an anniversary surprise for Helen. © P.M. MAGAZINE "S p o rts swimsuit-issue cover girl, Joan Van Ark © ( I ) M *A *S *H Col Potter is told that new m ilitary money is being issued in hopes of confusing the counterfeiters ® DAI N' U.S.A. On location at the Grand Ole Opry. ® DANGERMOUSE "A lping Is'now Laughing M a tter” Greenback wants to flood the world because he has cornered the market in rubber dinghies. lllustra ted's" 7:00 O f f l ® HIGHWAY TO HEAVEN Mark and Jonathan try to convince a stubborn minister to forgive his daughter for giving birth to a child out of wedlock, q 0 Q ® CD CHARLES IN CHARGE A vicious the Pembroke snowstorm strands Charles, kids, and a group of Lila's cackling girlfriends in the house w ith no heat or food. O ( 0 © (J) FALL GUY Astronauts M ike Col- Thursday TV i i i t M u n i DAYTIME CHILDREN'S SHOWS *0 0 O ADVENTURES OF BLACK BEAUTY Good Neighbors Albert s Uncle Briggs tights evic­ tion from his cottage 1:30 ® ADVENTURES OF BLACK BEAUTY Good Neighbors Albert's Uncle Briggs fights evtc tion from hts cottage 2:45 O CL TESORO DEL SABER Un programa especial para nmos con los muñecos Televiopeds 3:00 ® YOU CAN'T 0 0 THAT ON TELEVISION Why does it seem like business as usual when weird phenomena invade the set7 ESP. Magic. Astrology 3:30 39 DANGERMOUSE Dream Machine DM and Penfold learn the danger of having their heads in the clouds 4:00 39 THIRD EYE Under The Mountain Twins Rachel and Theo learn to use their mystical powers to reclaim the earth from a race of slug- tike creatures 4:30 ( 9 AGAINST THE OOOS Kenyata and Villa domo Kenyatta and Pancho ViHa both strug­ gled for their people s freedom and became national heroes 5.00 39 OUT OF CONTROL Comedy Computer The cast maintains a byte-ing sense of humor DAYTIME SPORTS M B 9 COLLEGE BASKETBALL Minnesota at lowa (R) 12:30 0 COLLEGE BASKETBALL LaSalle at Notre Dame (R) 2:30 0 TOR RANK BOXING Troy Wortham vs Ken Butler m a welterweight bout scheduled for eight rounds, from Atlantic City. N J (R) 500 9 FITNESS MAGAZINE Hosts Tom and Nan- cv Sea ver DAYTIME MOVIES •0 5 © * * Richard Boone 'Kangaroo'' (1952) Peter Lawford. Without Reservations" (1946) Clau­ dette Colbert, John Wayne 1100 1206 100 B C D ♦ trick O'Neal, Joan Hackett "Assignment To K ill" (1969) Pa­ 4 00 0 "Esclava Te Doy" (No Date) Alfredo Landa Maria Luisa San Jose. EVENING 6 0 0 © YOU CANT DO THAT ON TELEVISION "ESP. Magic. Astrology Why does it seem like business as usual when weird phenomena invade the set? •O S 0 LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE A young farmer convinces Charles that he should re­ place wheat with a special corn hybrid M O B ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT Featured Anne Bancroft, a day in the life of a model B THREE’S COMPANY Stanley sells the apartment building and Helen wants to move into the "swinging" development next door B P.M. MAGAZINE "The Cosby Show” co- star Keshia Knight Pulliam; a gorilla compound at the Columbus, Ohio Zoo. B CD M*A*S*H The funk man makes a much- needed surgical damp for the 4077th and Klinger throws out Hot Lips' wedding ring 39 DANON* U.8JL On location at the Grand OleOpry. B DANGERMOUSE "Dream Machine" DM and Penfold team the danger of having their heads in the douds. M B B 8 (D COBBY SHOW Cktf's disturbed when he finds some marijuana in Theo’s bed­ room. 9 8 3 ) 0 MAGNUM. PX After Magnum. Higgins and their friend are rescued from im­ prisonment on the Cambodian border, the real purpose of the mission is revealed (Part 2 of 2) 8 6 8 CD MOVIE “The Bad Seed" (Prem­ iere) Blaw Brown. Lynn Redgrave. © COLLEGE BASKETBALL Kentucky at Van­ derbilt 0 PERFORMERS’ SHOWCASE " The London Prom Concerts" Sir Charles Groves conducts the BBC Northern Symphony, accompanied by 5:00 All Family 5 30 j 6:00 CBS News I —---------------------1------- -------------- J News 3-2-1 Contact j Elec tric Co --------------- ------- -j--------- - News --------------- _ _ 4 ABC News News ________ —— 6:30 Wheel Fortune Desert People M ’ A ’ S ’ H Diff. Strokes THURSDAY AFTERNOON 2:00 1:30 1 00 O '5 Turns Cont d Capitol Guiding Light Waltons 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 I 4:30 Dukes Of Hazzard Mister Rogers Sesame Street © or» Educational Prooramming Cont d --------------------------------— ----------- r B O D I One Lite To Live ------------------------------- — ----------- j- General Hospital ................... ................................ .... j Trapper John. M D Star T rek _ Cartoons Day At A Time j Love Conn. | People s Court NBC News News ----------------------- ---------------------- - Another World ---------------------—L Santa Barbara ... .................... FI Chaoulm Cielo Chtspita ------------------------------------------ Los Cien Dias De Ana La Fiera ----------------------- - Scooby Doo Fiintstones Bugs Bunny I | He-Man -------f [ -------------------------—— ---------------- Marketwatch FNN Moneytalk Wall Street Final □BOP Movie Assignment To Kill SD 1Marketwatch Conl d ----------------------- 1 1-40 Paradise Danctn U S A Can Be A Star Fandango ------------------------ Nashville Now Alive & Well r— —--------------- - Heartiiqht City —--------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------F Room 222 C Camera } j Black Beauty Lassie Belle Can t Do That Danger mouse Third Eye The Odds Mundo Latino | Noticiero SIN j Marisela rw iP s Good Times Family Feud ------------------------------ — -4---------------------- ^ ------------------- --- Wall Street Fina I I ----------------------------------------------- ------------— ------ I Dancin U S A I 40 Paradise P Wagonei New Country The Paradise Good Morning Gong Show Cartoons Radio 1990 Dragnet Out Of Control NICK Rocks Can t Do That Dangermouse 700 Club Blockbusters Face Music Tic Tac Dough Card Sharks Hot Potato Rifleman Here Come The Brides Video Disc Jockeys Video Disc Jockeys dD Without Reservations Cont d Bugs Bunny — ----------------- —_—.........— Heck & Jeck Fiintstones *■■■■ ...... .......... (S 3 College Basketball Cont d Boxing Troy Wortham vs Ken Butler Del Saber Yolanda Luían Movie Esclava Te Doy XETU________ Papa Mi Heroe Fiintstones Beaver Andy Griffith Hillbillies Gomer Pyle Little House On The Prairie Fitness Mag Horse Wk SportsCenter SpeedWeek f f i ® (S) © — - = = - \ ( P (T O Snenal — i V'deo Disc Jockeys .....— .... Pal Boone, USA THURSDAY EVENING 700 7:30 8:00 --------------------- - j 8:30 O 1 Maanum, P 1 Simon & Simon ----------------- MacNeii Lehrer Newshour ---------------------------— ----------- y Mnvio The Rad Seed 9:00 9:30 10:00 I 10:30 Knots Landing 1 News j Taxi 11:00 Night Heat ------------------------ 1------------------------ 11:30 12:00 12:30 The Great Bank Hoax Am Film Inst S Previews Arctic Window Business Rpt j Doctor Who Ascent Of Man ! 20 / 20 Democrats News ABC Viewpoint Barney Miller SB ® Cosby Show Family Ties : Cheers Night Court Hill Street Blues News ■ Tonight David Letterman (5D Noche De Gala EB 3D © ♦--------------------------- Hawaii Five-0 ------------- Can Be A Star Fandango ' ----------- El Maleficio ------------- Movie Dirty h arry' De Fiesta Nashville Now Colleoe Basketball Kentucky at Vanderbilt ).......... Performers Showcase Cruel Garden j— ------ ------------------------------------ (29 Video Disc Jockeys 24 Horas Movie El Ultimo Rey Inca Archie Bunker Rockford Files Fantasy Island New Country Can Be A Star Yesteryear Sports Seeing Stars i Gong Show i Laugh Nashville Now 4---------------------- Radio 1990 Classically Cuban ¡ Adam And Eve Performers Showcase Sports Tennis Mag -------------------1----------------------- Cruel Garden Video Disc Jockeys Video Disc Jockeys " g -> —-------- -----------------------_L_---- —------ *------------- Espectáculo I Video Exitos NBA Basketball Detroit Pistons at Washington Bullets ............ . College Basketball Virginia at North Carolina —— Jerusalem DC Groucho i Burns & Allen _ i_ _ ----------------- Movie Crónica De Un Amor ; Movie: El Go fo " i Love That Bob 1 i Married Joan ; Dobie Gillis Movie Our Man Flint | Movie T h e Cossacks" j SportsLook SportsCenter College Basketball UCLA at Washington State Fishtn' Hole SpeedWeek dD © (52) (22 £3 .... . .... .. ....... - : Rhoda I Hot Tracks ...- — ■ j El Maleficio 1 j New Country j Basketball soloist Iona Brown, in Mendelssohn s Violin Concerto and Hindemith s Nobtllissima Vi- sione f f i CD HAWAII FtVE-0 The assassination of one of Honolulu's most active flesh peddlers threatens an all-out war between two compet­ ing vice empires ¿3 COLLEGE BASKETBALL Virginia at North Carolina 7:05 0 NBA BASKETBALL Detroit Pistons at Washington Bullets 7:30 O © ® FAMILY TIES Members of the family overcompensate while trying to help Jennifer get over her teatousy of Andrew. 39 FANDANGO Featured: an interview with Vern Gosdin. 8:00 B © ® CHEERS While Cliff nurses a cold. Norm’s effort to finish the deliveries for him leads to his arrest tor mail tampering. B B 3 ) G SIMON • SIMON A.J. and Rick try to hetp a high school student who has quit drugs and then runs away after being framed by her former clique. 39 CRUEL GARDEN Christopher Bruce stars in this haunting dance drama inspired by the life and work of Spanish poet and visionary, Feder­ ico Garcia Lorca. 0 TOO CLUB Scheduled topic: suicide. B GD MOVIE * * * “Dirty Harry” (1972) Clint Eastwood, Harry Guardino. 8 © ® NIGHT COURT A promoter en­ courages Bull to enter wrestling, but the bail­ iffs friends try to talk him out of it. *0 0 O © ® HILL STREET BLUES Bates goes undercover to find a psychopath who’s killing prostitutes; Furillo tries to settle a dispute be­ tween the spurned Chief Daniels and Mayo. B 8 ® © KNOTS LANDING Abby gives Gary an ultimatum when he brings Val home; Galveston threatens to reveal the truth to Gary about Val's babies; Ben discovers that Empire Valley is being used for covert military activity. □ © CD ARCTIC WINOOW This documentary chronicles an expedition to Iceland to capture puffins, a species of seabird, and traces their adjustment to life in Chicago's Lincoln Park Zoo 9:20 (1966) 0 MOVIE * * * ’ ? Our Man Flint James Coburn, Gila Golan. 9:25 39 CLASSICALLY CUBAN A documentary on Alicia Alonso, prima ballerina choreographer. Broadway star, and founder of the Cuban Na­ tional Ballet 9:30 © © ® STATE OF THE UNION: DEMO­ CRATIC RESPONSE The Democratic Party re­ sponds to President Reagan’s State of the Un­ ion Address Q 39 NEW COUNTRY Guest: Mel Tillis. ® JERUSALEM DC This documentary exam­ ines the prophetic significance of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and traces the republic's on-going conflicts with its Arab neighbors. 0 MOVIE “Crónica De Un Amor” (No Date) Jacqueline Andere, Ricardo Cortes. KMX) @ COLLEGE BASKETBALL UCLA at Wash­ ington State 1030 0 8 ® TONIGHT Host: Johnny Carson. Scheduled: cellist Yo Yo Ma; animal expert Jim B JEFFERSONS Louise s sudden depression threatens to ruin a surprise party George has planned for her. cp O f f i ® ABC VIEWPOINT "What's Ailing Medical News?” From Louisville, Ky.: Ted Kop- pel hosts a panel discussion on the current state of medical affairs. Guests: Dr. William DeVries; Dr. Tim Johnson; George Strait; Dr Lawrence Altman; Ellen Goodman; Dr. Arnold Reiman. B ® TAXI Intrigued with the voice on Bob­ by’s answering service, Alex asks the girl out to dinner 0 HART TO HART The Harts uncover a plot to blackmail wealthy patrons of an exclusive beauty salon. 39 YESTERYEAR IN NASHVILLE Featured an interview with Goldie Hill f f i (D ROCKFORD FILES An old Army buddy inveigles Rockford into accepting a client who says she is looking tor her missing sister Q) © MOVIE "El Ultimo Rey Inca" (1973) Francisco Rabal. Fernando Rey 10:35 © ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT Featured Anne Bancroft; a day in the life of a model 3® ADAM AND EVE Rudolf Nureyev and Dan- ieia Malusardi star as Adam and Eve in this ballet set in the Garden of Eden “The Medusa Touch” (1978) 11:00 o DALLAS Sue Ellen accepts J R s proposal of marriage, Miss Ellie vows to remove J.R from Ewing Oil, and a despondent Cliff enacts a desperate scheme Q MOVIE Richard Burton, Lee Remick. O ® NIGHT HEAT Giambone's shooting of a hoodlum on the run prompts an Internal Affairs investigation. © ® ASCENT OF MAN "The Hidden Struc­ ture" The Shang bronze craftsmen of China and the Samurai swordsmiths of Japan illus­ trate this look at the history of chemistry. 39 PERFORMERS’ SHOWCASE The London Prom Concerts” Sir Charles Groves conducts the BBC Northern Symphony, accompanied by soloist Iona Brown, in Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto and Hindemith’s NobHlissima Vi­ sions. ® MOVIE "El Golfo" (No Date) Raphael, Shir­ ley Jones. ____ 11:30 o f f i ® LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTER- MAN Scheduled: Johnny Cash, Leon Spinks. 0 MOVIE A A “The Cossacks” (1960) Ed­ mund Purdom, John Drew Barrymore. © BARNEY MILLER The detectives must ar­ rest a 70-year-old recluse who refuses jury duty assignment. 12:00 © ABC VIEWPOINT "What’s Ailing Medical News?" From Louisville. Ky.: Ted Koppel hosts a panel discussion on the current state of med­ ical affairs. Guests Dr William DeVries; Dr. Tim Johnson. George Strait; Dr. Lawrence Alt­ man Ellen Goodman; Dr Arnold Reiman f f i (33 BARNEY MILLER The detectives arrest a crazed census taker, and deal with a group of people who set up their own legal system © TENNIS MAGAZINE Up-To-Date news, pre­ views of upcoming tournaments, instructional tips and personality profiles 3® CRUEL GARDEN Christopher Bruce stars in this haunting dance drama inspired by the life and work of Spanish poet and visionary, Feder­ ico Garcia Lorca. (55 Change" I MARRIED JOAN "Furniture Quick- 12:10 o ® MOVIE (1979) Burgess Meredith. Richard Basehart "The Great Bank Hoax" 12:30 f f i ® RHODA Rhoda tries to lose her separa­ tion blues by going away for a singles weekend with Brenda 59 MEW COUNTRY Guest Mel Tillis. © COLLEGE BASKETBALL Kentucky at Van­ derbilt (R) 1:00 39 OFFSTAGE Featured an interview with John Conlee. 0 LA SEÑORITA DE TRAVELEZ Entretenida comedia de Carlos Arniches, adaptada espe­ cialmente para la television; con Jose Bodalo y Luís Vareta. 1:25 39 CLASSICALLY CUBAN A documentary on Alicia Alonso, prima ballerina, choreographer, Broadway star, and founder of the Cuban Na­ tional Ballet. 1:30 O ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT Featured Anne Bancroft; a day in the life of a model 59 YESTERYEAR IN NASHVILLE Featured: an interview with Goldie Hill. 1:55 “Strangers In 7A” (1972) 0 MOVIE ★ Andy Griffith, Ida Lupino. 2:00 (35 700 CLUB Scheduled topic suicide © FITNESS MAGAZINE 0 Ingnd Bergman, Anthony Quinn "A Walk In The Spring Ram' (1970) Circus Circus 700 Club ! The Kronikle King of the Pre-Fab H E L L O . K ■ D D 'E S ' M V v jA H * . is T M C k M i X O M A s A H O B B Y I y t S P E N T 4 r c N i y f « s w O F j " ^ 6 a c o u r s e I N V E 5 T I6 A T IO M t h a t H A S L E D f t o O K j E U N O e N i iA B L F C O N C LU SIO N s x i c N n y j y o u ^ a v ^ e S C E P T I C A L , Q y r THE E V ‘DENCE !S O V&CvAM ELM IN B E X A M P L E ; i r r T F A S AND B t AN A M A Z H J * C O IN C ID E N C E JO H N NT c a s h HAS ’ E y i E S l f i C H C iS T WAS J - L E V E N . P R E T T y S T P A U 6 6 1 i 0 0 VC A T T H I S BO T H John Cale is good John Cale is good. He is some­ thing tough and tensile, some­ thing hard and insightful, some­ thing right and som ething different. He is an extraordinary performer, a tasteful band lead­ er, a brilliant lyricist, a master tunesm ith and one of the few genuine deserving legends of contem porary music. Cale was a founding member and crucial contributor to the Velvet Underground (a band's whose genius and importance becomes more pronounced every year). He has produced a scary number of seminal rock albums including the stunning debut performances by Patti Sm ith and Jonathan Richm an and the M od­ ern Lovers. His solo albums range from the esoteric-to the ex­ quisite, including L P master­ pieces like "Paris 1918," "G u ts," (an album com piling material from several others) and "Sabo- tage." Images contest #2 The best news is that he w ill be perfom ing a solo concert at the Ritz Theater on Sixth Street on Feb. 4. Good news not only be­ cause he is something special in it perform ance but because means he w ill do a rich selection of the best of all his work, rather than just playing his recent mate­ rial (the man is capable of turn­ ing out songs at an alarm ing rate), which is usually w hat hap­ pens when he plays w ith a band. An evening can be hoped for that w ill range from the lyrical to the insane, the passionate to the tor­ tured, and maybe if w e're lucky he'll perform "E v e n Cowgirls Get the Blu es," in which he matches the most inspirationally delicate keyboard work with the percussive sounds of banging on a helmet worn on his head. "Yo u add it up, it brings you d ow n ," but historv is made of moments like that. — Ned Charles Remember that little helicopter head who used to buz/ in on television set Saturday vour mornings, screeching " Q U IS I” QU1SP!" as though he were flaked on acid or mescaline? The Quisp beast may be forev­ er gone from our lives, but the legend lives on. He had a rival from a cereal marketed by the same companv, who did battle with him on the commercials. After much head-scratching and reader phone calls, we fi- nallv found the ri­ val's name. Now it's your turn The first to bring that charac­ ter's name v\ ritten on a sheet of pa­ per to the Images o ffic e F rid a y morning will get two tickets to an upcoming show at the Varsitv Theater. ■ hü-Pm / ** ¡-vy Richard Mather Bill Barminski Get bonus fries for the price of Large Fries when you buy any Large Sandwich Available at McDonald’s® 2021 Guadalupe (Dobie Mall) For a limited time only. •Approximate by volume /V\ ■ M cD o n a ld s Remember, look for your picture in the M cDonald’s Find Your Face Photo Place. If you can identify yourself, you could win a free meal — your choice of sandwich, fry, and drink.