rHorns to Gore, Hogs to Snort at 2 p.m. By HOYT PURVIS Associate Sports Editor Two proud football teams, Arkansas and Texas, hurtle themselves at one another in Memorial Stadium Saturday at 2 p.m. This hurtling should produce some head-ons th at will be heard and seen by every one of the 45,000 or so Hog Callers and ‘Horn Hookers in attendance at the key South­ west Conference tussle. Both teams are 3-1 for the year, after terrific seasons last time around. Texas pride is at a near peak after a 24-0 drubbing of ancient rival Oklahoma last week. Ar­ kansans had to remain quiet last week, as Baylor handled the Piggies surprisingly easily (28-14) at Fayetteville, but it is with the odds against them th at the Razorbacks usually show best. Texas mentor Darrell Royal has said that the Razor- back will rank as the toughest Longhorn test yet, and he’s getting no arguments. Arkansas was ranked ninth nationally after beating TCU 7-0 two weeks ago, but fell from the top twenty after last week’s loss. Texas climbed to ninth and eleventh in the two national polls after the OU victory. The winner of Saturday’s contest wall be taking a big step in the SWC title run. A regional television audience will be looking in on the game, and the TV viewers will be just as anxious and eager as on-the-spot fans to see if Arkansas star Lance Alworth is ready to go. Sir Lancelot, one of the nation’s greatest halfbacks, and a rival of Texan Jack Collins for a berth on pre-season all-America squads, is a questionable participant because of a knee injury. N aturally Arkansas rooters are hoping th at the Lancer can return to action, after playing only a half against Baylor. Chances are th at Frank Broyles will use Alworth, but only in vital offensive situations. The Porkchops are one of four Southwest teams who have never beaten Darrell Royal since his Texas dynasty began in 1957. Texas has taken 17-0, 24-6, and 13-12 wins. The 13-12 battle last year was one of those real head- knockers, th at kept the fans rocking and reeling. The two squads went on to share league honors with TCX!, and win bowl berths. It has been said that “Texas has the longest non-stop rooters in the country.’’ Arkansas pig-callers are every bit as bad and those making the Texas trek should be easily heard. The Texas-Arkansas series has been one of ups and downs for both sides, though the ‘Horns hold a decided 32-9 advantage. The Texas team won 15 straight between 1895 and 1932, then the Pigs took over with six wins between 1933 and 1938. The Longhorns reeled off a dozen more before Arkansas took four of six in 1951-56. Then Texas got its Royal streak. The money men are favoring Texas to make it four straight over Arkansas as well as for the season. The big factor in Texas drawing the favoritle’s role is the team’* depth. In the OU smashing last week Royal used three teams, working the number one unit for 20 minutes; number two for 21; and number three for 19. Few' teams can boast of such overall balance. Both teams depend strongly on sophomores, with the Orange using 15 or 16 in the first three teams. The Porks list 12 rookies in their three-deep. Once again the heavy load of the Texas offense, which has clicked with assembly-line efficiency, will be shoul­ dered by Mike Cotton, a stoic type, who calls plays, blocks, runs, and passes with consistency that makes him great. Though Texas has done considerable damage by the (See ’Horns, Page 4) G o o d Reading: U of A History See Page 2 The T exan Weather: Sunny and Warm Low 65; High 85 “First C olle ge Daily In the South'' Vol. 60 Price Five Cents AUSTIN, TEXAS, SATURDAY, O CTO BER ll, I960 Four Pages Today No. 44 WAYNE HARRIS . . . Por k e r s1 st a r c e n te r This pig is finding out what a real pigskin sine s lire. I he pig, which was given to the champion hog-caiier at the p ep rally Friday night, made a to u r of both practice sessions in the after- noon. it was also Taren on a tout or m e campus, luuay n w n the gam e with its new owner, Jim Byrnes, who was the cham pion ca er. M O N T E LEE . . 'Horns' All-American candidate Tulia Yell W ins Hog for Byrnes A fter talking w ith J e rr y H erring, the head ch eerlead er, Tom B ayne, who h ad judged the calls by the applause they receiv ed , p resented B yrnes w ith the squealing, kicking pig. He also g av e Q uerner and th e ir prizes. Second and P e rry th ird prizes consisted of a book, " I 'll Tell You a T a le ,” donated by the Co-Op and a cig arette light­ e r d o nated by H em phill's. Do pigs respond to such fancy calling? M aybe not. E. L. P e r ry said, "W e don’t call them like this on the b u ck et.” the farm , we ju st ra ttle By CLAUDE GRUENER T exan Staff “Ooooooooh, oooooooh, pig, pig, p ig!” A fter yelling th ese choice pig-calling words and a few m ore, J im B yrnes from T ulia becam e the proud p ossessor of the title, "B est H og-Caller on the C am p u s,” a t the pep ra lly F rid a y night. B yrnes plans to tak e his prize to the g am e today. With th e title w ent a fat w hite p o rk er donated by F . C. Roan, an A ustin fa rm e r. I B yrnes w as u n ce rtain w hether th e 100-pound pig w as a country' or city one. So he tried his best T ulia yell. With em pty slop bucket in hand (he explained th a t tim es h ad been h a rd on his farm ) he let out his blood - freezing yell th a t p robably b rought all the hogs w ithin a five-m ile rad iu s to Austin. A fter w inning th e pig, he said he w as u n ce rtain about w h at he w as going to do w ith it. " I d id n 't jthink it would be this b ig ,” he said as he trie d to keep it from running aw ay. Tile contest, sponsored by The D aily T exan and T exas Union, brought a crowd of people to the step s of C aro th ers D orm . The night w as quiet, cool, and blue until the sc re am s of "P ig , pig. pig - sooooey, soooooey, soooooey!” filled the air. the judge, opened th e contest by letting th e onlook­ e rs h ea r how pigs a re called up A rlington w ay. Tom B ayne, Then E . L. P e r ry of M ertens, th e first co n testan t, showed how he had som etim es called pigs on h is farm . The pig seem ed u naf­ fected by his sc re a m s and w ent th e o th er w ay. In fact, he looked q u ite bored tim e being the the whole even in g 's ex cite­ w ith m ent. He seem ed m ore in terested in w h at food m ight be u n d er the stones of C a ro th ers’ front porch. P e r ry won th ird prize. for the band b u rst The football team a rriv e d on the scene and into "T e x as F ig h t." A fter a few b lasts from Sm okey th a t sc ared ev ery ­ one, who d idn’t expect them the contest continued. N ext H arold Q u ern er from San Antonio show ed his skill in calling pigs. “ E eeeeeeeey ah , pig, pig, pig — Piggggggg, pig, pig ” He won second place. —Photo by Collum J IM BYRNES Champion Hog-calltr W H A T ’S IN S ID E Razorbacks’ History, P-2 Campus Choices, P-2 David Kristvnik, P-4 Danny Brabham, P-2 A g g ie s Edge Longhorns In Cross-Country Race COLLEGE STATION (ft- Texas A&M b ea t T exas in a cross-coun­ try m eet 26-31 F rid ay . tim e over A&M’s E . L. E n er and M al­ finished one-two. colm H ardee E n e r ’s winning the three-m ile c o u r s e w as 15.03.3 John E schle, T ex a s’ top finish­ er, placed third. Steve Strickland of the Ixinghorns w as fourth fol­ lowed by T hom as Johnson, A&M. A Pig in UT Land Has His Troubles By BILL HAMPTON It all began as any F rid a y would around seven this m orning. I in­ haled a cup of black, m uddy w ater, pointed m y c a r for the Tow er, turned it on au to m atic and slept the re st of the w ay in. The n ex t thing I knew I was a t this farm getting a pig rea d y to be brought back to cam pus. Yes- sir, and th a t’s w hat we did. We first took him to The D aily Tex .n (well, I m ean w here else do you tak e an o rphan pig*. He was not receiv ed w ith any g reat en­ th u siasm . B ut then if K hrusht hev it there, w'ere w ouldn’t g et a rise out of a lot of people. to w alk in o v er N ext I h ad to feed him. TI. it seem ed sim ple enough. But 1! e Chuck W agon w as coffee. So obviously I went then to B lanton D orm itory. T sim ply la d y for a bucket of askexl servm just the slop. I then cleaned up. changed to trie d to clothes her, "W ell, you see, m a ’am , we have this pig. . .” explain and a fte r Then th e cam p u s police m ade m e blow up this balloon, I sta rte d to w alk him around cam ­ pus But he doesn’t like to walk. Then we got into a c a r and drove over to tin* Stadium , ii w as heat ir w nlkL He w atch ed A r­ ifter then w ent kom a s w ork out and ova r and talk ed to Coach B royles. He w atched T ex as w ork out, too. But w hen he got his pencil and p ap er out and s ta rte d d ia g ra m ­ ming plays, Coach R oyal thought it wise ho should leave. A T exan re p o rte r trie d to talk J I him, but couldn’t u n d ersta n d a word. So tile pig bit his foot. Af­ ter the re p o rte r left, he just so rt of I iv around laughing seren ely at all the people gaping a t him . But then as S h ak esp eare once said, ‘‘P igs is p ig s.” Today s Lineup LE—Tommy Lucas 80 LT—Don Talbert 72 LG—Monte Lee 86 C—Bill Laughlin 67 RO—David Kristynik 64 RT—Dick Jones 70 R E—Larry Cooper 85 QB—Mike Cotton 12 LH—Jack Collins 49 FR— Ray Poage 33 RH—Bobby Gurwitz 24 Wildcats Texas Bob Moses 88 Jim Bob Moffett 76 Johnny Treadwell OO Perry McWilliams 61 Marvin Kubin 55 Ed Padgett 74 Buddy Faits SI Johnny Genung 14 David Russell 40 IO Jam es Saxton Ray Barton 13 Pat Culpepper 31, B J>hy Arkansas Tommy York 84 Dan Petty 75 John Seals 62 Howard Jackson 53 I!. (,. Anderson 68 Scott Mann TS I >eene Got! 87 John Ed Smith 19 Jerry Cook 38 I )rew Morris 20 John Allen Cook 34 Cliver IT LE—Steve Butler 81 LT—Marlin Epp 70 IJJ— Dean G arrett 66 C —Wayne H arris 55 RG— Johnny Fields 63 RT— Paul Henderson RF— Jimmy Collier 80 QB—George McKinney LG—Hance Alworth 23 RH—Darrell Williams 43 KB—Joe Paul Alberty 45 l l Jam es Gaston 81 Jerry Mazzanti 76 Billy Clay 77 Billy Gramlich 54 Danny Brabham 64 John Childress 71 I/'slie Letsinger 88 Billie Moore Harold Horton 41 Jarrell Williams 26 Curtis Cox 31 IO Tim Langston 85 . j e r r y Moore 53 Ray Trail 78 Jerry IJneberger 51 Tommy Polk 69 Ronny Blakely 72 Hoover Evans 87 Bubba F erg u so n 15 .lim Worthington 42 Jesse Branch 21 Billy Joe Moody 37 Hog Footballers Arrive by Plane By CONNIE TR IMMELL Two plane loads of A rkansas R a­ zorbacks sw ept into Austin F rid ay a t 2:45 p m . ‘‘S cared. T h at s The R azorbacks. who left F ay ­ etteville a t 11:30 a rn., a re stay­ ing a t th e Stephen F . A ustin Hotel. the only word for it.” w as the w ay R azorback Head Coach F ra n k B royles felt about S a tu rd a y ’s 2 p.m . slugfest with The U niversity of T exas a t M em orial Stadium . The squad hopped onto buses and w ent d irectly to the p ra c tic e field w here they w en t through a brief w orkout session. F rid a y night t.>am saw a the movie, ‘‘The M agnificent S even,” at the P aram ount T h eater. A fter a brief m eeting S atu rd ay m orning, the boys from the O zarks will board a bus to the stad iu m , arv o mg at 12 J 3 p.m . Im tried: rely after the gam e, th e sq md will go to the airport, a rr iv ­ ing back rn I - ive*tea ..e at 8:45 p m , IV h t ms have a 3-1 won-lost , 0^ , j Ark r.s - hast to L ay io r, •_s.n at I I' xa< -t to N ebraska, 14-13. in its opener. HERE THEY CO M E O n e, two, th ree . Here i exes sol is A rki step on S tan d in g d irectly behind A worth is die Porkers Broyles. The Razorbacks re a c h e d Austin by p ____ Friday. Ole Miss Pressed for Lead By The Asst**lated Pre** Iow a, Ohio S tate and Syracuse, each vowing to knock M ississippi out of its No. I spot am ong the n atio n 's college football t e a rn s a r r going to be hard-pressed t r m ak e the p ro m ise so ck S aturday. E v en Ole Miss, ran k ed t u s ? n The A ssociated P re ss weekly f ! >t- ball poll, Is going to have a t nigh tim e staying up th e re as the f xd- ball p ictu re shifts from the Ti intersectio n al p a tte rn of cap last four S atu rd ay s ence and sectional struggles. M ississippi, u ndefeated the into c infer­ in four gam es also trie s to sta y on top in t h e S outheastern Conference w hile Ohio S tate and Iowa buttle for the lead in tho Big Ion. Syra­ cuse im prove a shaky rep u tatio n as the E a s t’s top inde­ pendent. * Ole Miss. which has scored LO looks to points u n d er q u a rte rb a c k J a k e G i b b s and Co., m eets Tulane, w h i c h has allow ed th ree oppo­ nents only 20 in com piling a 1-1-1 re* >rd. M ississippi is 2-0 in SEC pwrseud by A la­ closely play, a n i F lo rid a, b am a, 2-0-1. 1-0. 'Burna m eets rugged T ennessee and F lorida plays V anderbilt. The Big Ten still is in an up­ roar a fte r last w eek's debacle the fav o rites. S e c o n d - am ong ranked Iow a, w ith a su rp risin g 3-0 m ark and 2-0 in conference play, m eets W isconsin. 1-0 league com petition W isconsin upset P u r­ due a week ago. but will have to face the loop's fastest te am this tim e. The g am e is televised tAEC­ IA 2 la p rn EST rn the Mid- w e s t. O klahom a and D a k o t a st itt s arca. in Third ranked Ohio S tate faces P urdue a fte r dem olishing Illinois’ budding title hopes a w eek ago, * 34-7. The Ulm! put 10th ranked ** s .bd defense to Mimic:- ta the to -' Chi» State and the Go­ pher:- a1- > are 1-0 in Big Ten play, t inked S_\ ra ra - - fo u rth a fte r its .15-6 squc iker ag lin st H o I y Cro>s last week. is try in g to dis­ pel invincibility ig a in s t another strong P enn State team that has lost only to Missou­ ri in th ree outings. th ea hts its of the N avy, ran k e d fifth, m eets Air F o rce for the fisrt tim e, in B a ltim o re , This one also is on TY, going to p arts of tho South, New E ngland, Middle A tlantic, P a ­ cific Coast and M ountain states I (ABC-TY. 12:15 p .rn , EST.) the The Big Eight puts the test to O klahom a, w hich has w o n o r title for the p ast 14 sh a re d the Sooners m e e t years when K ansas (No. 9L M issouri, ran k e d sixth, goes afte r its second con­ ference victory’, a g a in st K ansa* t B y HOYT PU R V IS A ssociate S p o rts E d ito r F ran k Broyles was happy. The 1958 football season had ended with his A rkansas R azrobacks copping four straight wins. T hrough th e sp rin g and s u m m e r head co aches w ork as h a rd a s e v e r, and B royles is the ty p e w ho n e v e r lets up. He is a g ro a t r e c r u ite r and it w as In th a t o c c u p a tio n th a t he and his c a p a b le sta ff w ere spending m a n y of th e ir d a y s. When B royles took o v e r a t Ar- j kansas he w as p le a se d b e c a u se of the lack of lim ita tio n on re c ru it- i ing. At M issouri he h ad b een h a m ­ p ered by th e “ M isso ru i P la n ,’* w hich w as a im e d a t re c r u itin g only h om e sta te boys. A rk a n sa s w a n te d all n^es, p lu s a n y o th e rs com e up w ith. its n a tiv e it c o u l d LSC w as a t the h e ig h t of So Broyles and C o m p a n y r o a m e d fa r in s e a r c h of to p -g rad e talent. its glory and L o u isia n a s e e m e d an un­ to look, h u t B ro y le s likely pla< c did. tow n In an out-of-the-way of G re e n sb u rg , I-a . th*' R a z o rb a c k s c a m e a c ro s s a m o s t a m a z in g p h y ­ sic a l sp ecim en . to His n a m e w as D a n n y B r a b h a m . B ut th*' A rk a n s a s c o a c h e s he w as a LG I A bn er who k ne w how to play football. to u te d B ra b h a m had been fo r T u la n e, but A rk a n sa s w en t to w ork h a rd , and It w a s n ’t long u n til one Hog a s s is ta n t J im M acK en zie w as h av in g a chi- ken d in n e r w ith the fa m ily on the B ra b h a m fa r m . D an n y b e c a m e the o b je c t of A r­ k a n sa s affections. And it w a s no w onder. In high school he h ad fu llb ack ed G re e n sb u rg to th e C la ss sc o rin g on B s ta te b re a k a w a y t h e s ta te 's M ost V aluable P la y e r in a d ­ dition to being A ll-State. H is b e st gam e h ad p roduced a 50-point b a r­ rag e . ru n s. H e w a s title, often In addition to O u tsta n d in g Ath­ lete in his cia?*, he w as saluatnr- ian. An o u tsta n d in g weight, p ro s­ pect in track, he was th e s t a t e shot put c h a m p . A rkansas b o o sters w ere e la te d when th e new s w as in — B ra b h a m w as F a y e tte v ille bound. As an A rkansas Shoat he kept up his sensational work. F r o s h Coach Steed White w orked him at end, taking adv an tag e of t h o s e Saturday, October IS, I960 THE DAILY TEXAN Fag® 2 Brabham, the Silent Type Excites the Razorbacks ’Horn Band to Arkansas Enters New Era Hail Symphony After M any Years of Drought m o n s tro u s h a n d s w h ich h a d m ilk ed tw ice a d a y a t a dozen cows G re e n s b u rg . White sa id D a n n y “ took c a re of half the d e fe n s e ” for h is f r e s h m a n te a m . L a e t D e c e m b e r M a c K en zie, ex- B e a r B r y a n t aid, who h e a d s A r k a n s a s ’ defense, shifted D a n n y to g u a rd . By now his 6-4 f r a m e w as c a r r y in g a lm o st 220 pounds. He w ork ed a g a in in the sp r in g an d lin eb a ck er, r l g h t-g u a r d a t th ere h e's stayed . “ He goes a fte r the ball r e a l good ," say s M acK enzie, who w o rk ­ in re c r u itin g D an ny , ed so h a rd ra n g e help “ and his heigh? and so h im on p a s s defen se m u c h b ig g e r an d s t ro n g e r t h a n an y o n e w e 'v e h ad ’ H e ’s He d id n 't let up in the b o o k s e ith e r. An agr ic ulture m a (or. D an ­ ny p u t on his sp e c s am! w orked e n o u g h rn A- to co m e out with m in u s f r e s h m a n y ear. loss T h is fall D a n n y m a d e his v a r ­ fearing the to Baylor B r a b h a m sity bow, and h e 's been ’e m up. L a s t w eek, d e s p r e P o r k e r w a s n a m e d “ L in e m a n of the Week by the D a l l a s M orning News A m o n g o t h e r th ing s D a n e , m a d e eig h t ta c k le s , and b a tt e d dow n two B a y lo r p a ss e s. of too, a n d re tu rn e d th e P o rk s depone, cen B ut su d d en ly M itc h e ll p ulled his h u stle title s. T h ey b eat ' T his y e a r a fine R a z o rb a c k te a m O le M iss an d SM U tw ice is c a rr y in g on th e tra d itio n or its y e a rs , b u t no T e x a s a p ie c e , a n d lost only 7-6 to AAM p re d e c e s so rs re c e n t y e a rs . in 1957, on a w eek e n d w hen th e L ig h te r th an an y c o n fe re n c e te a m , fig h t an d Ag* h a d b een ra te d n u m b e r one. to m a k e u p fo r it. T h re e luding a 7-0 vic- \ o rth a t s ta k e s n a tiv e K a n sa s, w h e re h e h a s b uilt to ry o v e r th e J a y h a w k e rs in to a stro n g f o o t- ! e la te d A rk a n sa s fansg I>ast w eek | B a y lo r d ro p p e d th e P o rk e r s 28-14 b a li m a c h in e . af F a y e tte v ille , b u t th e y a r e n t d is c o u ra g e d , an d hope to s t a r t a new s tre a k a t M e m o ria l S ta d iu m S a tu r d a y . p e rm a n e n t fa n a tic s , w e re d is g u st­ to hold a ed. W hat did it c o a c h ? A rk a n sa s fan s, b y now b ec o m in g | to his s tra ig h t w ins, inc ta k e r< rt i ( I GET YOUR Conductor Rachlin To be Guest Today Color a n d m u s ic will fill T e x a s M e m o ria l S tad iu m d u rin g the p r e ­ ga m e an d half-tim e e x e r c i s e s at th e T ex as-A r k a n s a s g a m e . T he L on g h o rn a n d A r k a n s a s bands will p ro v id e the m u s ic fo r the g a m e . The l o n g h o r n B a n d will salu te the o p enin g of th*1 s y m ­ its p r e - g a m e phony season w ith p ro g ra m . Guest c o n d u c to r will be K z ra P a h'.n. p r e s e n t con due liar of the Austin S y m ph on y O r c h e s t r a . He will lead the band in the " N a ti o n a l A n th e m " and a W a g n e r i a n m a r c h . The S y m ph on y Je w e ls , a g ro u p of beaut es re p r e s e n ti n g the v a r i o u s sym phonies in T e x a s , will be p re- a c c o m p a n i ­ s e n l“d w th m u s ic a l m en t. For i!s h alf-tim e p r o g r a m , th e th e b n ! will th r o e ROTO .;r ups on c a m p u s . T he p r o g r a m will open with a p re c is io n drill, to Vinc ent DiN ino, d i­ ie< ougla*, w h o h ad b rie f coach- M i k A N S A K tt r I '< i do: "The Porkers w ill look good at tim es, but you can b e t , inK experience. the ’H orns w on ’t let them hag the score W e’ll o u t l a s t t h e m ! D o u g la i, w hose c h a rm w ow ed A rk a n sa s, b ro u g h t te rrific ta le n t to F a y e tte v ille , a n d in sta lle d A R K A N S A S 7 I Ti A A S so m e I t * N A N C Y SU L L IV A N , sophom ore business m a j o r from a pro attack- H o w e v e r his p la n s Centerville: " A lter such an ex citin g g a m . last w eek a n d such good playing b y the Longhorns, this gam e a g a in st th e o n ly n in e w in s. D o u g l a s H ogs couldn't be an yth in g but a win for the ’H orns.” T F V A S ” 1 i i i i / I • - B l IK iL MARKA, “N o o n e crosses our senior accounting m ajor from A lice: ing p ro tr a in in g g ro u n d . goal through our th ree lines.” in 4052, b u t he s e n t se v e n fine play - , D L . . _ TO . c n e r s in to th e p ro r a n k s a s A rk a n sa s A R K A N S A S 0 j e s ta b lis h e d itse lf a s a n o u tsta n d - ™ ~ .te d le ft Next Arkansas w ooed B ow den W y a tt, a T e n n e sse e a ll-A m e ric a A R K A N S A S 13 of th e 1930‘s a w a y fro m W yom ing. th a t c o a c h in g prob- w a s h o re . P E N N Y PL ARCL, sophom ore E nglish ed u cation m ajor from Rosenberg: “A lthough A rkansas has a lread y b e e n i knocked out of the top ten, the L onghorns w a n t to low er one a s them even more and put them selves on top. T E X A S 17 j , j • . le™s toams ca™e tf? ! s ta y , a n e 19o3 se a s o n w a s a d is m a l th e sin g le-w in g c a m e to S o u th w e st o n ce a g a in . O nly «m f «* n 7XJU, A&M, a n d T u lsa fell v ic tim , A R K A N S A S 0; d e s p ite h e ro ic e ffo rts of L a m a r ................... W ALTER GEYER, senior m usic ed u cation m ajor from Mullan. San Antonio: “With our great ‘3-D ’ defense, T ex a s sh ou ld n ’t Hut .1[>54 was a different story, and andprella couldn 1 have done have trouble blanking A cw o rth and C om p an y.” b etter. T his w as the fam ed “ 25 little p ig s,” a n ever-say die team T E X A S 20 A R K A N S A S 14 N I L A FISCHER, freshm an m usic m ajor from G iddings: t o I . T E X A S 14 The D aily Texan, a stu d en t n ew spaper o f T h e t ’n lverilt In Austin T exas, daily ex cep t Monday and Saturdav a tem ber through May md nonthly in A uru t bv 'bixa Inc. S eco n d c la ss p ostage paid at Austin. T exas. n l hoiTd'aTriTioXftashe? "T h? L on^horris ar? going al! the w a y this y e a r — A rk a n sa s is Student Publications, won t Stop t h e m . ” stop T E X A S 17 ASSOCIATED PRESS W IKE SERVICE T he A ssociated P ress is ex clu siv ely en titled to the use for republication "ll news dispatcl-.es cred ited to it or not oth erw ise credited In this newspaper and local Item s of sp on tan eou s origin published herein. R igh ts of publication o f all other m atter herein a lso reserved L A R Y W O O D , sophomore pre-law major Bet): “Porkers aren't as tough outside their B. C. R O G E R S Ophthalmic Dispenser W ithin easy w ellin g d sksnc# of ’ n camp 1501 G ad. GR 7-1422 A R K A N S A S 7 from Burkbur- ‘pig pen’.” D elivered M ailed M ailed out of in A ustin In A ustin t o w n SUBSCRIPTIO N RATES .. (th ree m onths m inim u m ) . . ............. ............................................. ............................................................... T R U S T US rnth : n t h min N ew s con trib u tion s w ill be accepted b y telep h on e (GR 2-2473* or at ed ito ria l office, Journalism B u ild in g 103. or at 302 T h e circu lation office Is J . B. 107, off .ee is J. B. I l l , GR 2-2750). the Neu s I-a bor a tory (GB 2-2473), and the J n the advertising A ssociated t o lleg U t* Ere** MEMBER Southwestern Journalism Congress University Press Service SII-American Pacemaker P E R M A N E N T ST A M I)0V ................................................................ ED ITO R J O EICKMANN f K s MANAGING e d i t o r N ew s E d it o r .......................................................................................... P a l R usch ........................................................................ D a v e Hr>iton A m u s e m e n ts E d ito r A ssociate A m u s e m e n ts E d i t o r .................................................... K i r o n I ev\ s S p o rts Editor .................................................................................. C h i r l , , Sm ith Associate Sports E dito r ........................................................ Hoyt Purv!S Editorial P a g e E d ito r ..................................... Hvatt ...................................................... Sue M ueck A ssociate C a m p u s Life E d ito r .................................. Loon G r a h a m , B ettye Swales, E d ito ria l A ssistants S a m Kinch, J r ., J o a n n e W illiam s S T A F F FO K TH IS ISSU E * 'I)IT 0 R a s s i s t a n t ISSU E EDITO R .................................................... N ight R e p o r te r s .......................................................................... H OYT P l RUIS , D K N O CK E .......................... B e tty Leatherw a d , '" c o n n i e T r a m m e l l Jopyreadtrs C laude G r u e n e r . . . . . . . . Bob Boyd, Challie Smith, Susar Campbell t, ttt) *, vr c ir , . . A H A M C H U H I U , I 19th & Rio Grande service co. C itll (IR 6-3414 Business Opportunity For College Students SELL FIREWORKS O N C O N S IG N M E N T and work your way through college C A L L G L 3-2753 T O DAY! t CRAWFORDS SHRIMP NET S P EC IA L IZ IN G IN: LOBSTER TAIL STUFFED FLOUNDER TROUT A L M O D IN E SH RIM P TEMPURA SH RIM P PLATTER CLUB— SIR LO IN — FILET STEAKS SHRIM P POLYNESIAN O P E N 7 D A Y S A W EEK 5408 BURNET RD. laturday, October 15, I960 THE DAILY TEXAN Page mm Delwood Cafeteria Cutler Motors "W h e re food ii et its Best ' Genera! Service of All M alle i 3829 East Avenue 2015 G u adalupe G R 8-281 One-Hour "Martinizing1 Laundry Service WELCOME F R O M Martin Hum Bak 510 W e s t 19th 2808 G uadalupe G R 8-0413 •a HEm Horns T R A N S -T E X A S T H E A T E R S, IN C . CAPITOL iiw m um az University Boot Shop 413 W . 24th H A N D M A D E B O O T S Expert Shoe Repair— Key! M a d e W hile You W a it Pik • Nik Restaurant 3023 G U A D A L U P E G R 2-1996 Always A G o o d Place To E a t ' El Charro M E X I C A N F O O D S . . . FREE D E L IV E R Y B A N K T H E A M E R I C A N W A Y American National Bank 6th at C olorad o G R 2-540 10th 4 Red River G R 8-7735 M em ber of F.D.I.C. B U R T O N ' S Monroe's L A U N D R Y 4 C L E A N E R S M E X I C A N F O O D T O T A K E H O M E 615 W . 19th G R 8-4621 500 East Avenue G R 7-8744 FREE F O O T B A L L S T R E A M E R S W IT H $i G A S Rome Inn ' Delicious Italian Food El Toro M E X I C A N F O O D S Studtman Photo Service 19th and Lavaca and A t Cam eron Village 2900 Rio G rand e G R 6-61 I I . . . A ir Conditioned 1601 G u ad alupe G R 8-432 Auitin, Texas R & S Sinclair 2900 San Jacinto 409 W . 24th G R 7-0290 Jim Henery Body & Paint Shop 2 4 -H O U R W R E C K E R Lacquer or Enamel Paint H o o d Louverfng 18th 4 Lavaca G R 6-5341 After the G am e — G e t Your BIG BOY H am burger! at Sunset Grill O pen Til M id nigh t Longhorn Cleaners For One-Hour Cleaning and Laundry Service 2538 Guadalupe G R 6-3847 De Francisco Salon El Matamoros Harrison-Wilson-Pearson “The Italian Stylist 1 Mexican Foods Steaks and Fried Chicken 812 W . 12th G R 7-0762 504 East Avenue G R 7-7023 9IO'/2 Brazos G R 2-3542 A U S T IN ’S M O S T C O M P L E T E A G E N C Y for R E A L EST AT E SA L E S, R E N T A LS, IN S U R A N C E 305 W . 6th G R 2-6201 G O O D LUCK L O N G H O R N S F A ST S E R V IC E A L W A Y S Economy Engravers Hank's Grill Mooreburger Griner's Texaco Service Varsity Grill Tasty and Delicious "Specializing in brake lining and motor tune-ups" ‘ Specializing in Southern Fried Chicken" Austin Motorcycle Co. Starting O ur 40th Year Harley Scooter — New Lightweight Single The Largest, M o st Beautiful Miniature G o lf Course in Texas Green Acres 2701 Guadalupe G R 7-1068 3201 Red River G R 6-5424 H I E . 21st G R 6-5173 1611 Guadalupe G R 2 8788 871 I Burnet Rd. G L 2-1233 Skeeters Barber Shops University Typewriter Exchange N o. I Shop 2013 Guadalupe Typewriters— A d d in g Machines Sales— Rentals No. 2 Shop 705 W . 24th Free estimates on repair work "F R E E P IC K U P A N D D E L IV E R Y " 2542 G uadalupe G R 8-4360 Compliments of Evelyn's Feminine Fashions Dale Baker Barbecue Party Catering Service G e t Your Barbecue Before the G a m a 2904 G u ad alupe G R 6-51 IO G R 7-8961 3003 Lake Austin Blvd. Hash Karry Grocery Belotte Humble Burk & Fuller Barber Shops Courteous Service Always Tarrytown Campus TODDLE HOUSE " O P E N 24 H O U R S A D A Y " 4 Locations to Serve You 19th 4 G uadalupe 2-0978 3112 W in dsor 2420 G u adalupe S H W r i t I TMH G R ? O M A 51? S W U 2 9 tK « , K ? « < M I ? HTR N o . L a m a r ( . t i 7 *2 5 3 5 5 3 6 B u r n e t B d . « .l 3 W e 're Behind You, Longhorns Everette Kelly Prescription Service H a ve Your Doctor Phone Your Prescription C ity -W id e Delivery Service 15th 4 G u ad alupe Drive-In Service G R 8-6455 Fine Foods P « t Service PLANTATION 503 W . 19th G R 8-8340 Sifurday, October IB, I960 THE DAILY TEXAN Page 4 'Horns to Try H ogs . (Continued From Page 3) / Razorback backfield will h a v e ! operatives In the Southwest. Tex- three starters from the same high ss has gotten fine work from all aerial route the ’Horns have five school Fort Smith. Twin brothers three of its units, with sophs do- men who have already rolled up Ja rrell and Darrell W illiam s of ing unbelievably well. . .. ~ J r . IK) yards rushing B y no means a gigantic group, linemen still hold a over more R a y Poagc heads the class j arrejj hi, a l t e r n a t e With Alworth good weight advantage over the injured however, Ja rre ll has been with 137 yards on 41 < arries. Half- moved to left. backs Bobby Gurwitz Je rry Cook, Jam es Collins, and Fort Smith had both been right I)arrpU starting and the Texas light, but spirited Hogs. - ha]f WJth jitterbuggin’ Wayne Harris, all-SWC center Hog quarterbacking is shared by l**t season, heads the Porker de- G e o r g e McKinney, a junior vet- fens*. anfl since B ilJY Gramlich, cran, and cocky B illy Moore, a the usual offensive center, is in- mature sophomore. McKinney is jured, Harris may go nearly full the steady type, who keeps his lime. mates moving, and shows well de- fensively. linebacking duties Johnny Fields, a He shares t o u g h , with end Steve Butler are line stand­ outs. Right end Jim m y Collier is the best Arkansas snarer of pas­ ses. Fullback Curtis Cox, a 192- is Arkansas’ mon- pound junior, ster-man, so designated because job of moving onto he has the the indicated power of the opponent’s forma­ tion. Alberty and B illy Joe Moody also can capably play the part. line to meet the Tackle Danny Brabham, a 214- pound demon, heads the Arkan­ sas second unit, and is a poten­ tial great. The Texas defense hasn’t allowed three straight continually touchdown and in looks Moore is a gutty 175-pound Little ' two-year letterman Tackles Mar- Rock Central-ex, who is used to Un Epp, and guard Paul Hender- wir.ning this high school won 33 son, Dean ‘ Mr. Ma goo Garrett, s t r a ig h t ! and does his best to keep a contact-lens advertisement, and I tougher. the opposition off balance with his passing and nervy option plays. nu mm; rniw rn ms jmiuwffi • * tm'.-p'"'iii';-"' ‘itsmiiibn nIm"f‘ ?nfTTfnt 171 tnwmjWlffftfli ■ a games, Saturday’s also bring out some of the better line contest will UT s Guard David Kristynik Is Spark Plug of Longhorns an ce ZJonight a t ti RENDEZVOUS formerly Pioneer D in n e r C lu b to t i c W i t S ic o f T h e l i l l y I I i m i o l e s Featuring Ruth a n d Her S w in g O r g a n Burnet Highway 183 — Phone G L 3*9001 Free Matinee - Sunday, October 16-4 p.m. Till THE UNIVERSITY’S ONLY EXCLUSIVE RADIO AND HI-FI SALES AND SERVICE CENTER 2010 Speedway Serving the University area for TO years ^ 8-660t C ^ j P E E D W A Y " H IS H FIDELITY AT REASONABLE PRICES" SAN JACINTO CAFE SPECIALIZING IN DELICIOUS MEXICAN AND AM ERICAN FOODS REGULAR LUNCHES EVERY DAY AT REASONABLE PRICES Visit Our Rainbow Dining Room OPEN 7 DAYS A W EEK 16 yrs. Experience on Same Corner I6TH AND SAN JA C IN T O GR 8-3984 CHARTER BUSES Football Games — Retreats — Picnics — etc. A ir-conditioned — A ir Ride Rest Room s Equipped Kerrville Bus Company, Inc “Friendly Service Phone GR 8-9361 Saxton arc not far' back. Arkansas rushing i« headed by Alworth with 43 carries for 149 yards. Joe Paul Alberty, a bruise- rendering fullback, has gained 112 in two games, starting late be­ cause of a broken jaw, Alberty, who weighs only 178, w ill probably carry the big load for the Cardinal and White squad. He is a senior from Fort Smith who wha< ks out yardage four or five yards per time If Alworth is unable to go, the The left end gathered In the pass without breaking stride. "H ey, that would* been a touch- flown pass,” came a shrill voice from a chunky lineman who raced back as The University Of Texas L o n g h o r n s regrouped to run through another play. He stood out like a Crosley in a Cadillac factory. "Sounds like a disenchanted Ca­ sey Stengel,” a sideline spectator commented. “Haw, ifs just Kristynik,” re­ vealed another. David Kristynik is the type of football player every winning team needs. He’s the glue that h o l d s a team together Kristynik, squat 200-pound jun­ ior from Bay City, has been the f're-guy, always clapping and yell­ ing. who has beep so valuable to Coach Darrell Royal, In Texas’ 24-0 victory o v e r Oklahoma, fans and writers alike g a p e d when a sto< kv youngster toed up five balls for kickoffs, then toed them - with only a sock adorning his kicking foot, " I saw that freshman ( T o n y Crosby, also a shoeless kicker! boot ’em,” Kristynik says, "so I thought they might let me kick I'v e been fooling around a few. kicking a1] along. During t h a t drill (F rid a y before the OU garnet they needed someone to k i c k , so I booted a few. I guess I kick­ ed 'em pretty good because they Mc M U J W t n l H lO U EH IT if/f A G N E S L A U R E N T I? rn:...- * nj w 7 i —Photo bv Collum B A R E F O O T E D K I C K E R David K style of started week bf game ac the te e ­ the bai! toe I. tyr < shows off his >©hrq, Kf sty nile first ring bare-footed the the Oklahoma ;re ha' now ‘ alien over f c h o r e s . He kicks r!th tee end of b's R y ( l l A R L I E S M I T H T e x a n S p o r t s E d i t o r Pop! n;: of the blocking dummies resounded across the field as block­ ers poured across the scrimmage line. The quarterback spun and flipped the h>otball far downfield. a3s N O W S H O W IN G . . , r . A - n Austin s Fine Arts L heatre Feat: 2:15, 4:10, 6:05, 8, 9:50 *** msmmrn URIE, RABELAISIAN ...EXCITING!'. .. Ingmar Bergman s T H E I f t W J B l i i l C * a \ F i l l M I M KFS MV VI, P B I -’ I N I VT'ION I X S B X I I i i I. S I ’ \ < K M V F O R K I D S SN \< K IL \ Ii o n VS ii:15 < H I L D I Ii KH A D I LT S coe THE MOST AMAZING OF ALL P O S S IB L E W O R LD S! n e - K riPi ' >JIfc r .rn, coloh t>/or.luxe ’ . . ' AS ' f J - !:«* ft MAEL RENNIE • JILL ST. JOHN • DAVID HEDISON • CLAUDE RAIN: Plus! The Com edy Team of the Year! N oom an & M a rsh all: “ The Rookies” I S N A C K B A R O P E N S 6:15 S H O W T IM E S : 7:00 & 9:57 BUBS! MBBMHiB' MMB'BAI Bran UwcasmJeah Shamghs TMI SOSIN MAS Nms KMOWN A MAN UXI HIM I Nab* Prim w NCLAIR LE W IS fm rfiw m t IN EA ST M A N COLOR A IM I T I S T I KT V IS MI NT Plus! COLOR CA RTO O N ■NI AT INTERSTATEEBgiiii P A R A M O U N T NOW ! 12:00 told me I could do it Saturday,” ” I use the end of my toe,” the jovial physical-education student "Sometimes I kick it with says. my middle toes. T h e n sometimes it hits the top of my toe. But it hasn’t hurt yet.” three At any rate, Kristynik boomed five kickoffs of Oklahoma, o n l y two of which were returned past the Bonner 20-yard line. " I can't kick ’em far with a shoe at all,’ he explains. " I think it’s because I have such a high arch.” Although a guard, the t o u g h Bay City youngster moved to tack­ le in Royal’s five-man defensive line scheme this year. Kristynik, who stands only 5-9- answers to "Squatty Body” among his teammates. He plans either to enter high school coaching or dental school upon graduation. Green Pastures "gracious southern atmosphere ti lth a continental flator" Luncheon 11:30-2:30 Dinner 5:30 9:30 S A T U R D A Y and S U N D A Y only C L O S E D T U E S D A Y for reservations, call: HI 2-2343 81 I W . Live Oak I Blocks west of th# Austin Theater DELWOOD 3931 lo s t Avenue ADMISSION MIC • OPENS fi P M. ELMER GANTRY R n rt I.ancaater, -lean Simmons Stat t« 7 :15 OUTLAW' STALLION P h il t art'v lf!: l l Stnrta SOUTHAUSTIN tftOO s o C O N G R E S S A D M I S S I O N tU)r • O P E N S * P M POLLYANNA •fan* VV \ m a n . R i c h a r d E d i t Starts 7:15 •— P l u s — THEY RODE WEST Robert Francis, Donna Recd Starts 9:45 Welcome Students! KEN JACKSO N’S DRIVE-IN A79 BARTON SPR IN G S RD. Man Sized Sirloin* . . . . 1.25 Jumbo Fried Shrimp ....1 .2 5 M E X IC A N F O O D S V X D W I C H E S Dining Room, C a rb Service Outdoor Garde® Colored Combo in Garden ferry Thursday Night NO C O V E R C H A R G E IO a.rn.-I? M id n ig h t D a ily G R 7-0550 F E A T U R E S A T 12:15 - 2:38 - 5:01 7:24 - 9:47 BA RN EY BEAR "Little Wise Quocker" Eat Mexican Food Once A Day ■Vim . " I i * I rn EL MAT NO W SHOWING 504 East Ave. G R 7-7023 EL TORO 1601 Guadalupe G R 8-4321 EL CHARRO ' Mexican Food to Take Home" G R 7-8744 MONROE'S STARTS T O D A Y ! FIRST S H O W 2 P.M. aouad VARSITY i \ WALT DfSNEYS _ WYMAN-FPiAN-MAI [EN HWCV AOOUetC QONNJ> (ISON-MENJ0U'CRISP ten MOOREHEAD-CORCORAN-MILLS h*»\cy Kevin A U S T IN LAST DAY FIRST S H O W 2 P.M . — EXTRA — i f Sylvester Cartoon i f * £ S IN T O T H E F A N T A S T I C F U T U R E I v I Ai? wens’ T H I T IM P _ MQCHiite , _ rMiTRCCOlOHI OOO TAYLOR _ ALAN VOLINO ' ; ire M W.FU* -i-- U rn. w ai KTun EVERYONE'S IN THE 1960-61 OFFICIAL STUDENT DIRECTORY BOYS, GIRLS, GRADS • ADDRESSES • PHONE NUMBERS • CLASSIFICATION • SORORITIES • FRATERNITIES • ETC. GOES ON SALE MONDAY, OCT. 17 75c 912 Red River G R 8-7735 Delivery Service 7 Days Austin s “3ig Four” in Authentic M e x ica n Food PUBLISHED BY TEXAS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS, INC rHorns to Gore, Hogs to Snort at 2 p.m. By HOYT PURVIS Associate Sports Editor Two proud football teams, Arkansas and Texas, hurtle themselves at one another in Memorial Stadium Saturday at 2 p.m. This hurtling should produce some head-ons that will be heard and seen by every one of the 45,000 or so Hog Callers and ‘Horn Hookers in attendance at the key South­ west Conference tussle. Both teams are 3-1 for the year, after terrific seasons last time around. Texas pride is at a near peak after a 24-0 drubbing of ancient rival Oklahoma last week. Ar­ kansans had to remain quiet last week, as Baylor handled the Piggies surprisingly easily (28-14) at Fayetteville, but it is with the odds against them that the Razorbacks usually show best. Texas mentor Darrell Royal has said that the Razor- back will rank as the toughest Longhorn test yet, and h e’s getting no arguments. Arkansas was ranked ninth nationally after beating TCU 7-0 two weeks ago, but fell from the top twenty after last week’s loss. Texas climbed to ninth and eleventh in the two national polls after the OU victory. The winner of Saturday’s contest will be taking a big step in the SWC title run. A regional television audience will be looking in on the game, and the TV viewers will be just as anxious and eager as on-the-spot fans to see if Arkansas star Lance Ahvorth is ready to go. Sir Lancelot, one of the nation’s greatest halfbacks, and a rival of Texan Jack Collins for a berth on pre-season all-America squads, is a questionable participant because of a knee injury. Naturally Arkansas rooters are hoping that the lan cer can return to action, after playing only a half against Baylor. Chances are that Frank Broyles will use Ahvorth, but only in vital offensive situations. The Porkchops are one of four Southwest teams who have never beaten Darrell Royal since his Texas dynasty began in 1957. Texas has taken 17-0, 24-6, and 13-12 w ins. The 13-12 battle last year was one of those real head- knoekers, that kept the fans rocking and reeling. The two squads went on to share league honors with TCU, and win bowl berths. It has been said that “Texas has the longest non-stop rooters in the country.” Arkansas pig-callers are every bit as bad and those making the Texas trek should be easily heard. The Texas-Arkansas series has been one of ups and downs for both sides, though the ‘Horns hold a decided 32-9 advantage. The Texas team won 15 straight between 1895 and 1932, then the Pigs took over with six wins between 1933 and 1938. The Longhorns reeled off a dozen more before Arkansas took four of six in 1951-56. Then Texas got its Royal streak. The money men are favoring Texas to make it four straight over Arkansas as well as for the season. The b i g factor in Texas drawing the favoritle’s role is the team’s depth. In the OU smashing last week Royal used three teams, working the number one unit for 20 minutes; number two for 21; and number three for 19. Few' teams can boast of such overall balance. Both teams depend strongly on sophomores, with the Orange using 15 or 16 in the first three teams. The Porks list 12 rookies in their three-deep. Once again the heavy load of the Texas offense, which has clicked with assembly-line efficiency, will be shoul­ dered by Mike Cotton, a stoic type, who calls plays, blocks, runs, and passes with consistency that makes him great. Though Texas has done considerable damage by the (See ’Horns, Page 4) G ood Reading: U of A History See Page 2 The T exan Weather: Sunny and Warm Low 65; High 85 “First Co liege Daily In the South" Vol. 60 Price Five Cents AUSTIN, TEXAS, SA T U RD A Y, O C T O B E R 15, I960 Four Pages Today No. 44 W A Y N E HARRIS • Porkers' star center This p ig is finding oui wha! a rea! pigskin sme'ls like. The pig, which was given to the cham pion hog-cai er at the p e p rally F riday night, m ade a tour of both practice sessions in the after­ noon. It was also taken on a to u r o f th e campus. T o d a y it will see th e gam e w ith its new owner, Jim Byrnes, who was the cham pion caller. M O N T E LEE • . . 'Horns' All-Am erican candidate SNIFFIN' THE PIGSKIN —Photo by lly a tt Tulia Yell W in s Hog for Byrnes After talking w ith J e rr y Herring, the head c h e e rle a d e r, Tom Bayne, who had ju d g e d the calls by the applause they receiv ed , presented Byrnes w ith th e squealing, kicking pig. He also g a v e Q uerner and Perry th e ir prizes. Second and third prizes co n sisted of a book, “ ITI Tell You a T a le ,” donated by the Co-Op an d a cigarette light­ er donated by H em phill's. Po pigs resp o n d to such fancy calling? M aybe not. E. L. P erry said, “ We d o n ’t call them like this ju st rattle the on the fa rm , w e bucket.” By CLAUDE G R IE N E R Texan Staff “ Ooooooooh, oooooooh, pig, pig, th e se choice p ig !’* After yelling pig-calling words and a few m ore, J im Byrnes from T u lia b ecam e the proud possessor of th e title, “ Best Hog-Caller on the C a m p u s,” , at the pep rally F rid a y night. B yrnes plans to ta k e his prize to the gam e today. W'ith the title w ent a fat w hite I p o rk er donated by F . C. R oan, an A ustin farm er. B yrnes was u n c e rta in w hether the I OO-pound pig w as a country o r city one, So he trie d his best T ulia yell. With em pty slop bucket in hand (he explained th a t tim es had been hard on his f a rm ) he let out his blood - freezing yell that th e hogs probably brought all w ithin a five-mile ra d iu s to Austin. A fter winning the pig, he said he w as uncertain ab o u t w h at he w as going to do with it. “ I d id n ’t th is b ig ,” he jfhink said a s he tried to k eep it from running away. it would be The contest, sponsored by The D aily Texan and T e x a s Union, brought a crowd of people to the steps of C a ro lle rs D orm . The night w as quiet, cool, and blu e until the sc re a m s of "P ig, pig, pig sooooey, soooooey, soooooey!” filled the air. the ju d g e , opened the contest by letting th e onlook­ ers h e a r how pigs a r e called up A rlington way. Tom Bayne, T hen E. L. P e rry of M ortons, th e first contestant, show ed how he had som etim es c a lle d pigs on his farm . The pig se e m e d unaf­ fected by his sc re a m s and went the o th er way. In fac t, he looked quite bored tim e being the the whole e v e n in g ’s excite­ w ith m ent. He seem ed m o re interested in w hat food m ight be u n d er the stones of C nrothers’ fro n t porch. P e rry won third prize for the hand b u rst The football team a rriv e d on the ■cene and into “ T exas F ight," A fter a few blasts from Smokey th at s c a re d ev ery ­ one, who didn’t expect th em , the contest continued. N ext Harold Q u ern er from San Antonio showed his skill in t ailing pigs. “ Eeeeeeeeeyah, pig, pig, pig —piggggggg, pig, pig ” He won second place. — Photo by Collum J I M B Y R N E S Champion Hog-callsr W H A T'S INSIDE Razorbacks’ History, P-2 Campus Choices, P-2 David Kristynik, P-4 Danny Brabham, P-2 A g g ie s Edge Longhorns In Cross-Country Race CO LLEG E STATTON i.¥» T exas AAM beat T exas in a cross-coun­ tr y m eet 26-31 F riday. tim e over A&M’s E . L. E n er and M al­ finished one-two. colm H ardee the E n e r ’s w inning th ree-m ile c o u r s e w as 15:03.3 John E schle, T exas' top finish­ er, placed third Steve Strickland of the lo n g h o rn s w as fourth fol­ lowed by T hom as Johnson, A&M. A Pig in UT Land Has His Troubles By BILL HAMPTON It all began as any F rid a y would around seven this m orning. in­ haled a cup of black, m uddy w ater, pointed m y c a r for th e Tow er, turned it on autom atic and slept the re s t of the way in. I The next thing I knew I w as a t this farm getting a pig rea d y to be b rought back to cam pus. Yes- sir, and th a t's w hat we di d. We first took him to The D aily T exan (well, I m ean w here else do you ta k e an orphan pig). He was not received with any g rea t en­ th u siasm . B ut then if K hrushchev w'ere it w ouldn't get a rise out of a lot of people. to w alk in over t h e r e , N ext I had to feed him . T hat the seem ed sim ple enough. Feat Chuck W agon w as serving I coffee. So obviously I went then to B lanton D orm itory. s i m p l y lady f« >r a b u c k e t of I ask ed .just the I I then cleaned up, changed slop. clothes and to her, ‘‘Well, you see, m a ’am , we have this pig. , .” to explain trie d Then a fte r th e cam pus police m ade m e blow up this balloon, I sta rted to w alk him around c a m ­ pus But he d o e sn 't like to w alk. Then we got into a c a r and drove over to the S tadium . (I w as beat after our w alk). He w atched A r­ kansas w ork o u t and then w ent over and ta lk e d to Coach B royles. He w atched T ex as work out, too. But when he go t his pencil and paper out and s ta rte d d ia g ra m ­ ming plays, Coach Royal thought 1 it wise he should leave. A T exan re p o rte r tried to talk to him, but co u ld n 't understan d a word. So th e pig bit his foot. Af­ ter the re p o rte r left, he ju st so rt of lay around laughing seren ely at all the people gaping at him . But then as S h akespeare once said, "F ig s is p ig s.” Today s Lineup LE—Tommy Lucas HU LT—Don Talbert 72 LG- Monte Lee 86 C—Bill Laughlin 67 RO—David Kristynik 64 RT—Dick Jones 70 RP]—Larry Cooper 85 QB— Mike Cotton 12 LH—Jack Collins 49 FB— Ray Poage 33 RH Bobby Gurwitz 21 Wildoats Texas Bob Most's 88 Jim Bob Moffett 76 Johnny Treadwell OO Perry McWilliams 61 Marvin Kubin 55 PM Padgett 74 Buddy Fulls 81 Johnny Genung David Russell 40 James Saxton IO Ray Barton 43 Pat Culpepper 31, Bobbv I I Arkansas Tommy York S I Dan Petty 75 John Seals 62 Howard Jackson 53 ll. (i. Anderson 68 Scott Mann 78 Leone Gott ST John Ed Smith Jerry Cook 38 I )row Morris 20 John Allen Cook 31 19 ('liver IT LE— Steve Butler Hi LT—Marlin Epp 70 LG— Dean Garrett 66 C — Wayne Harris 55 HG—Johnny Fields 63 RT— Paul Henderson R PI—J i rn rn y Col I ie r 80 QB— George McKinney LG—Lance Alworth 23 RH—Darrell Williams 43 FB—Joe Paul Albcrty 45 l l James Gaston 81 Jerry Mazzanti 76 Billy Clay 77 Billy Gramlich 54 Danny Brabham 61 John Childress 71 Leslie Letsingor SH Billie Moore Harold Horton Jarrell Williams 26 Curtis Cox 31 IO ll Tim Kingston 85 Jerry Moore 53 Ray Trail 78 Jerry Lineberger 51 Tommy Polk 69 Ronny Blakely 72 Hoover Pavans 87 Bubba P'ergusson 15 Jim Worthington 42 Jesse Branch 21 Billy Joe Moody 37 Hog Footballers Arrive by Plane By CONNIE TRAMMELL Two plane loads of A rkansas R a­ zorbacks sw ept into Austin F rid ay a t 2 :45 p m . “ S cared T h at s Tile R azorbacks, who left F ay­ etteville a t l l .30 a rn., a re stay­ ing a t the Stephen F. A ustin Hotel. the only word for it,” w as the w ay R azorback felt Head Coach F ran k Broyles about S a tu rd a y 's 2 p.m . slugfest wath The U niversity of T exas a t M em orial Stadium . The squad hopped onto buses arui w ent directly to the p ra c tic e field w here they w ent through a brief w orkout session. F rid a y night te a m saw a the movie. “ The M agnificent S even,” at the P aram o u n t T h eater. A fter a brief m eeting S atu rd ay m orning, the boys from the Ozark* will board a bus to the stad iu m , arriv in g at 12:15 p m. Im m ediately after the gam e, the squad will go to the airport, a r r iv ­ in F ayetteville a t 8:45 ing back have a 3-1 won-lost to B aylor, n i*. lost ^t to N eb rask a, : \.>s in: I in its opener. HERE THEY C O M E Ole Miss Pressed for Lead By The A ssociated I'r#'** l a s * to be hard -p ressed E ven Ole M iss, ran k ed Iowa, Ohio S tate and Syracuse, each vowing to knock M ississippi out of its No. I sjxit am ong the n ation’s college football t r a rn s are going to m ake the prom ise stick Saturday. in The A ssociated P re ss weekly f ' >*- ball poll, is going to have a tough tim e staying up th e re as tile foot­ ball picture shifts from the m ad­ intersectional p a tte rn of cap tile into confer­ four S atu rd ay s last ence and sectional struggles. M ississippi, u n defeated in four to stay on top g am es, also trie s in t h e S o u theastern Conference while Ohio State and Iow a battle for tile lead in tile Big Ten. Syra­ cuse im prove a shaky reputation as the E a s t's top inde­ pendent. looks to 1 Ole Miss, which has scored LO points un d er q u a rte rb a c k J a k e IJ i b ii s and Co., m eets Tulane, w b i c h h as allow ed th ree oppo- nents only 20 in com piling a I-I-I re< -rd. M ississippi is 2-0 in SEC purseud by A la­ s . iv d o s . :>• and F lorida, 1-0. bam a, 2-0-1. B ania m eets rugged Tennessee and F lorida pin vs V anderbilt. is The Big Ten still in an up­ last w eek's debacle roar a fte r the favorites, S t eon d- am ong ranked Iow a, w ith a su rprising 3-0 m ark and 2-0 in conference play, m e e ts W isconsin, 1-0 league com petition Wisconsin upset Fur- due a week ago, but will have to face tin* I.nip’s faste st team this tim e. The gam e is televised (ABC- T V ', 2 15 p m KST in the Mid­ w e s t , O klahom a and D a k o t a states are a. in Third, ranked Ohio State faces P urdue a fte r dem olishing Illinois' title hopes a week ago. budding , U .7 . T h e m i n i n u t 10th I a im e d M imics.ga m . its s lid defense to the t o Ohi o State and the Go­ phers als » are 1-0 in Big Ten play. Syracuse, fourth a fte r tanked its 15-6 squeaker against H o l y Cross last week, is trying to dis­ pel invincibility against another strmig Tenn State team that has lost only to M issou­ ri in three outings. doubts its of the fisrt Navy, ranked fifth, m eets the Air Force for in B altim ore. This one also is on TAL going to p arts of tho South, New P a ­ E ngland, Middle A tlantic, cific Coast and M ountain sta te s , (ABC-TV. 12:15 p.m ., EST.) tim e, the The Big Eight puts the test to O klahom a, which has w o n o r title for the p ast 14 sh a re d y ea rs when the Sooners m e e t K ansas (No. O'. M issouri, ran k e d sixth, goes after its second con­ ference victory, a g a in st K ansas I Stat*. Arkansas Enters New Era After M any Years of Drought Saturday, October 15, I960 THE DAILY TEXAN Page 2 Brabham, the Silent Type Excites the Razorbacks B y H O IT P U R V IS Associate Sports E d ito r ! monstrous hands which had m ilked ! him on pass defense. He s so twice a day at 1 much bigger and stronger t h a n a dozen cows The Greensburg. W hite said Danny anyone w e’ve had.” F ra n k Broyles was happy. 1958 football season had ended with his Arkansas Razrobacks copping four straight wins ‘’took care of half the defense” for his freshman team. He didn’t let up in the b o o k s cither. An agriculture major. Dan- Laet December, M acKenzie, ex- ny put on his specs and worked B e a r Bryant aid, who h e a d s enough to come out with an A- Through the spring and sum m er Arkansas’ defense, shifted Danny minus freshman year to guard. B y now his 6-4 fram e was carrying almost 220 pounds. He worked again in the spring and linebacker, right-guard at there he's stayed. “ He goes after the ball r e a l good,” says M acKenzie, who work- e in recruiting Danny, and range cl so hard and his height «. _____________ _Among Other "things help B a y lo r passes. This fall Danny made his v a r­ sity bow, and be s bren tearing 'em up. L a s t week, despite the P o rk e r loss to B a ylo r Brabham was named “ Linem an of the W eek” by the D a l l a s Morning News. 'Horn Band to Hail Symphony Conductor Rachlin To be Guest Today Color and music w ill fill Texas Mem orial Stadium during the pre­ game and half-time exercises at the Texas-Arkanaas game. The longhorn and Arkansas bands w ill provide the music for the game. The Ixinghorn B a n d will salute the opening of the sym ­ phony season with its pre-game program. B y H O Y T P U R V I S Ass'xdate Sports Ed ito r D oorm at of Southwest Confer­ ence football almost from the con­ ception of the league, w ith one or two brief exceptions, w ere the A r ­ kansas Razorbacks. W e re it is because the also-ran label no longer applies to the A r ­ kansas team. Since 1951 the P o rk ­ ers have compiled the second best record in loop play, and that’s a m ark that comes easy for no one. I l ° ar* Guest condur tor will tie E z r a Danny made Rachlin. present conductor of the eight tackles, and batted down two Austin Symphony Orchestra. He the Razorbacks band in the National Anthem ” and a W agnerian m arch. w asn 't easy, and hasn't been a The Sym phony Jew els, a group of smooth uphill push, but rather a beaut.cs representing the various do-or-die type struggle. There have symphonies rn Texas, w ill he pre- bern setbac ks, like last w eek’s 28- sented wi*h musical accom pany 14 loss to B a y lo r on D a d ’s D a y at Fayette ville. But the Pig s appear ment. F o r its half-time program , the at last ready to establish them- b nd w ill salute the three R O T O j selves as a year-in, year-cut foot- groups on campus. The program hall power. will open with a precision drill, Although to Vincent DiNino, di­ iccordin, longhorn Band. rector of the to rise of success Tire The band w ill m arch the •I - of the A rm y, N a vy, and A ir the branches of the Arm ed Fon Fo rtes at tile U n iversity. the string re a lly didn't begin until 1954, the foundation w as laid w a y back in 1946. It should he pointed out that b ark in the mid-thirties Arkansas did cop two S W C crowns under Fred Thomsen, when the Pig s w ere called the passingest team in the country. And nearly alw ays th e yj carried the label of a scrappy, but head coaches work as hard as ever, and Broyles is the type who never lets up.’ He is a great recruiter and it was in that occupation that he and his capable staff were spending m any of their days. When Broyles took over at Ar- j kansas he was pleased because of the lack of limitation on recruit- J ing. At Missouri he had been ham ­ pered by the "M isso ru i P la n ,” which was aimed at recruiting only home state boys. Arkansas wanted all its native nees. plus any others it c o u l d come up with. So Broyles and Company roam ed fa r in search of top-grade talent. its L S I! was at the height of glory and Louisiana seemed an un­ likely place to look, but Broyles did. town In an out-of-the-way of Greensburg. I-a , the Razorbacks came across a most amazing phy­ sical specimen. His name was Danny Brab h a m . But to the Arkansas coaches he was a L 'il Abner who knew how to play football. Brabham had been touted for Tulane, but Arkansas went to work hard, and it wasn’t long until one Hog assistant Jim M acKenzie was having a chicken dinner w ith the fam ily on the Brabham farm . Danny became the object of A r­ kansas affections. And it was no wonder. In high school he had fullbacked Greensburg to the Class title, often scoring on B state t h e breakaw ay runs. He w as state's Most Valuable P la y e r in ad­ dition to being All-State. His hest game had produced a 50-point bar­ rage. In addition to Outstanding Ath­ lete in his class, he was saluator- ian. An outstanding weight pros­ pect in track, he was the s t a t e shot put champ. Arkansas boosters were elated when the news was in — Brab ham was F a yette ville bound. As an Arkansas Shoat he kept up his sensational work. F r o s h Coach Steed W hite worked him at end, taking advantage of t h o s e BILLY M O O R E sophomore quarterback The hand w ill then spell out “ R O T C ” on the field. Next, it w ill form an orange and white United States shield and play God Bless often losing team. Am erica. A fter m aking a big block “ T ” Tennessee star who had compiled capitalized on the m istakes O nly S M U and I25U were able to stop the Hogs, “ Texas F ig h t,” the a great roaching record, went to and both those losses came in No­ football j vember. Georgia Tech eked out a But in 1946 John B a rn h ill, form er i of the opposition. Fayette ville team and a high-quality athletic Cotton Bo w l w in over U A. to build a and playing band will m arch off the field. The Texas Stars w ill tw irl dur- The flash card section will paint ing the half. They are P a t Aston, program. It took more than a little J Arkansas fans had packed W a r R ita M im s, Pen ny P ea rce, N a n cy while, but B a rn h ill’s dream cam e Mem orial Stadium to see Arkansas I stun Ole Miss 6-0, and two weeks Sullivan, and Carolyn Schroeter. R ice later to beat defending champ the stands with color during the kansans found their man in Bam - 28-15. W yatt w as more popular J e r r y Coffey and B r u c e hill. In that first y e a r his single- than O rval Faubus and the over- half. I Llpshy, co-chairmen of the flash w inK squad fought to a S W C title, I joyed fans raised a 522,000 appre- i card committee, said the section an(* a Cotton B o w l title, A y e a r J elation fund for his staff and him, later the Hogs played W illia m and out of which W ya tt received a new M a ry ia the Dixie Bow l. Desperate for a w inner the Ar- j Cadillac. true. w ill form a pig, a U S flag, a United Fund campus rhest, a block “ T ,” and a map of Texas. B e r r y W h it­ aker, the form er Intram ural sports director, w ill also be saluted. Miami Blasts Gamecocks M IA M I, r ia . rn — M I a rn i ’s f a v o r e d H urricanes B y 1948 all-Am erican Clyde Scott friends helped dedicate \ short time later he jumped in the new Caddy and drove a fa r— and his in Little all the w ay to Knoxville, where he W a r M em orial Stadium Rock, which w as one of B a rn h ill's ! took over as head coach of his big projects. Skeptics said it would alm a mater. never be filled but 40.000 watched in a last y e a r ’s Arkansas-Texas clash, sharp young coach, Ja c k M itchell, (o riginally 31,000) Oklahom a's “ G eneral J a c k ” of Su- and capacity Again Arkansas brought strongly ground out a twotouchdown lead has been reached m any times. At par Bow l fame. He was at W ichita in the first half underdog South them work all earning a 21-6 football victo ry in the Orange Bow l. F r id a y night but least 65,000 Carolina m a d e for the w ay before this ye a r if seats w ere available. “ pigeon-toed .a w urea potent,a 1 at j , pllt.T .. bum on speed and arere.- the Ole Miss-Arkansas game Kansas, tickets could be sold U niversity I He brought t, B a in ie in his native state of In a , , Arkansas He pulled the state to- sjvene«,s gether, kept Arkansas boys at home in droves. The Razorback Club and scholarships w ere his big projects. Arkansas in­ residences and cluding athletic training equipment, a re as good as anyone's. And the number of scholarships has tripled. facilities, Southwest Conference victories for He gave the Hogs three winning Goodyear Shoe Shop 0 Expart Sh o a R e p a ir 0 M o d ern Eq u ip m en t 0 Kays D u p lic a te d W E I # You W a t c h 405 W . 23rd Street years, but no titles. They b e a t } This year a fine R azorb ack team is carrying on the tradition of its Texas Ole M iss and S M U tw ice apiece, and lost only 7-6 to A & M p r e d e c e s s o r s years. lig h te r than any conference team, in 1957, on a weekend when the fight and Ags had been rated number one. the Porks depend on B u t suddenly M itchell pulled his hustle to m ake up for it. Three recent of stakes too, and returned to his straight wins n ative Kansas, where he has built tory over , It the Ja y h a w k e rs into a strong toot-: elated Arkansas f a n r L a s t week B a ylo r dropped the Po rk ers 28-14 ball m achine. they aren t at Fayetteville, but , Arkansas fans by now beearn,ng djsrou; aKcdi snd hope to „ , rt , streak at M emorial Stadium inchidmg a *' v or c a , . Saturday. GET TOUR AMPL1FIER-TUNERS AT ( H i ‘ H E IO W A Y YOUR HI-FI CENTER 2010 Speedway G R 8-6609 perm anent fanatics, cd. W h at did coa ch ? . - . t i . . . Wpre u .s s u s . It take to hold a T he Arkansas folks looked for the best, and someone they could hold on to. An outstanding candi­ date w as young F ra n k Bro yles who had coached Missouri one year, a fte r long service at Georgia Tech. B u t it w as this tie to alm a m ater Tech that w orried the Hog rooters. H o w e ve r Bobby Dodd looked good for m any more years at Tech. and he had a top assistant in R a y G ra v e s (who has since taken over at F lo rid a ) so the Hogs called B ro yle s , IO years. fifth coach the in In 1958 the Arkansas fans were expecting a lot from a team that had speed to burn B u t it didn't seem to have much else and lost six straight. Broyles and crew had to dig deep, and adjustments in the ; system w ere made. “ fly-m an” G a m e - by - game im provem ent w as obvious, and in late October A rkansas nearly upset Ole Miss as Jim Mooty cam e to life. Since that tim e Arkansas and Bro yles have won 16 of 19 gam es, including a 14-7 victory o ver Georgia Tech in the G ator Bow l. Bro yles was the first coach to defeat Dodd in a bowl appear­ ance, and the Razorback fans were hopeful that it wouldn't mean good­ bye to Broyles. WEST AUSTIN PHARMACY 1012 W . 6th Discount on to Students for 24 hr. Prescription Sen ice CALL GR 2-5477 PARTY EQUIPMENT # D a n e * Floor 0 C a r d T a b la ! 0 P o la r T a b !* ! 0 H u rric a n e Lam p ! 0 G u e i t Beds A. Aard Rents S Salts • G L 3-9292 • D A N N Y B R A B H A M . . . the silent Razorback. UT's Medical Setup Is Tops Says Medina ' W e h a ve one of the finest m ed-1 themselves. T h e y w ant the farc­ ty provided by the equipment, but when it comes right down to it, ic a l and therapy set-ups available . ,. ,, . ____ Trip Ivonghoms will stage a repeat performance of last cam e harder B a n d e , and although he never had j a losing season, he decided after the 1949 season it w as tim e for a younger m an to step in and turned to adminis- his entire attention | than three-touchdown victory for Texas, but all agree that trative responsibilities. and harder vr.n v > rank M edina, head trainer of he Texas Longhorns. trainer of the! ^ wil! sacrlfice ,ho s ,f<>,y t o * week's gam e— this time for T V — according to U niversity predictions range from a one-point to a more lightweight equipment which w ill s t u d e n ts allow them easier and greater mo- biiity.” Ha hastened to add, however, the Tower will he orange for the fourth consecutive Satur- to*dazzle^'1 that this is not the rase at Texas, day. The equipment, which he conser- T E X A S 0 7 vatively estimated cost 5175 for parh man “ The first, and most im portant job ia to keep the players f r o m becoming injured,” said Medina. E a c h p la ye r w e a n a great deal of expensive and carefully de­ “ E a c h back signed equipment. w'ears about 19 pounds of protec­ When injuries do occur in spite (*0: “T he P orkers will look good at tim es, but you can b e t J tive equipm ent and each linem an w ears about 23 pounds. ’Die actual 0f an the protective gear, Medina the ’H orns w on ’t le t them b a g th e score W e’ll ou tlast t h e m I I*)U g las, whose charm wowed i v c . u - A rkan,;as’ brought some terrific w eight is determined by the type an A Y a T INTERSTATS E M M p a r a m o u n t N O W ! I I KST S IK BV ' The left end gathered In the pass without breaking stride. "H e y , that woulda been a touch­ down pass,” came a shrill voice from a chunky lineman who raced back as The U niversity of Texas L o n g h o r n s regrouped to run through another play. He strxxl out like a Crosley In a Cadillac factory. "Sounds like a disenchanted C a­ sey Stengel," a sideline spectator commented. "N a w , it’s just K ris ty n ik ," re­ vealed another. D avid K ristyn ik is the type of football p layer every w inning team needs. H e’s the glue that h o l d s a team together K ristyn ik , squat 200-pound jun­ ior from B a y City, has been the f're-guy, alw ays clapping and ye ll­ ing, who has been so valuable to Coach D a rre ll Royal. them In Texas’ 24-0 victory o v e r Oklahoma, fans and w riters alike gaped when a stocky youngster feed up five balls for kickoffs, then toed with only a sock adorning his kicking foot. " I saw that freshman I T n n y Crosby, also a shoeless kicker! boot ’e m ," K ristyn ik says, "s o I thought they might let me kick a few. I'v e been failing around kicking all along. During t h a t drill (F r id a y before the OU gam e! they needed someone to k i r k , so I booted a few. I guess I kick­ ed ’em pretty good because they tnt nim 'WtniH iouihitun AGNES NT SEX TAKES A HOLIDAY rn GOM IO P A R I S ! H e r nm in end.* d For A K I I . T S • Ai MAbi fart, Ma* N O W S H O W IN G m j i m told me I could do It S a tu rd a y ." " I use the end of m y to e ," the jovial physlcal-edueation student "Som etim es I kick it with says. toes. T h e n m y middle sometimes it hits the top of m y toe. But it hasn't hurt y e t." three At any rate, K risty n ik boomed five kickoffs of Oklahom a, o n l y two of which were returned past the Sonner 20-yard line. ’em " I ca n ’t kick fa r w ith a shoe at a ll,’ he explains. " I think it’s because I have such a high a rc h ." Although a guard, the t o u g h B a y C ity youngster moved to tack­ le in R o y a l’s five-man defensive line scheme this vear. K ristyn ik , who stands only 5-9- answers to "S q u a tty B o d y " among his team m ates. He plans either to enter high school coaching or dental school upon graduation. Green Pastures "gracinu r southern atm o sp h ere u ith a continental flat o r ” Luncheon 11:30-2:30 Dinner 5:30 9 30 SATURDAY end SU N D AY only C LO SED TUESDAY for reservations, call: H I 2-2343 81 I W . Live O ak I b lo c k * w e l t o f t h e A u i t i n T h e a t e r DELWOOD 3931 t o s t A v e n i n A D M I S S I O N M i r • O P E N S fi P . M . ELMER G A N T R Y Rnrt I.anraater. Jean Rlmmnna S t u n * T : 15 —p i na— O U TLAW STALLION Phil Carey IO - IO S t u r t * S O U T H A U S T I N MWO S O G O N G K E S S A D M I S S I O N Min • O P E N S « P M P O L L Y A N N A J a n e W y m a n , K l r h a r d F u n S t a r t * 7 : 1 5 — P l u a — THEY RO DE W EST H obart F r a n r le , D o n n a Reed S t a r t * 9:15 Welcome Students! KEN J A C K S O N ’S D R IV E-IN HTS HARTON SPRIN G S RD. M an Sized Sirloins . . . . 1.25 Jum bo Fried Shrim p . . . . 1 . 2 5 M E X I C A N F O O D S A N D W I C H E S D l n l n c R o o m . t ' a r b S e r v i c e O u td o o r G a r d e * Colored Combo rn Carden Etery Thursday Ki%ht N O C O V E R C H A R G E IS a rn.-It M ld a ix h t D a lly G R 7- 0550 FEATURES AT 12:15 - 2:38 - 5:01 7:24 - 9:47 PLUS B A R N E Y B E A R STARTS TODAY! FIRST S H O W 2 P.M. V A R S I T Y * I WAIF DISNER trim ■ [GAN • WUN OLSON-MENJOU-CRISP MOOREHEAD •COOTN-MILLS acjultv* bonnie ■veer ATW'! Rf VG* HAV-yr A U ST IN LAST DAY FIRST S H O W 2 P.M. — EXTRA — ★ Sylvester Cartoon if INTO T H E F A N T A S T I C F U T U R E I Ha wens- HOO TAYLO* ALAN YOUNG v v e r r t MiMirux K ’ vll - - - - Eat M exican Food O n ce A D a y ! EL M A T 504 East Ave. G R 7-7023 EL T O R O 1601 Guadalupe G R 8-4321 EL C H A R R O ’ Mexican Food to Take H om e" GR 7-8744 M O N R O E 'S 912 Red River G R 8-7735 Delivery Service 7 Days A istSti e\. n m g i T ^ ~ ^ V rn m — rn — 4 j| l X / :jf ^ Austin's “B ig Four" in Authentic M exican Food STUDENT DIRECTORY B O Y S , G IR L S , G R A D S • A D D R E S S E S e P H O N E N U M B E R S • C L A S S IF IC A T IO N • S O R O R IT IE S e F R A T E R N IT IE S • ETC. GOES ON SALE MONDAY, OCT. 17 75c PUBLISHED BY TEXAS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS, INC